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In accordance with the Water Framework Directive guidelines (WFD, 2000, European Communities Official Journal L327 2000/60/EC), classification schemes and ecological evaluation tools (based on benthic invertebrate fauna data sets from 1990 to 2002) were applied in the lower Mondego estuary. Two distinct scenarios could be tested due to the implementation of mitigation practices in 1999, following a long eutrophication process, which started by the early 1980s. Some discrepancies in the results were found by the application of the different indices. The AMBI index (accounting for taxonomic composition) and the ABC method (accounting for abundance and biomass k-dominance patterns) classifications often disagreed with those based on species diversity (Margalef and Shannon-Wiener). The ambiguous results made the classification a complex task to achieve, contrary to the Directive’s objective of maintaining it simple and clear. Our results suggest the necessity of adjusting some of the indices and their ranges to estuarine characteristics, namely to account the typical dominance and abundance of some particular species. These aspects are not taken into consideration by some of the indices proposed, which are more adapted to typical marine conditions. Based on our results, these widely applied indices might still improve their efficiency in estuarine systems allowing their use in the resembling types already established within the new Directive agenda.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》1999,20(4):333-342
The suprabenthic fauna of the Mondego river estuary (western Portugal) was sampled monthly between June 1996 and June 1997. Quantitative samples were taken, with a suprabenthic 500-μm mesh size net, at regularly spaced stations covering the entire south arm of the estuary. The diversity of the samples and the distribution of the species were assessed. Suprabenthic communities were identified using a divisive multivariate statistical technique and species composition, density and biomass of the dominant species of each community were compared among communities. Diversity was highest in the mouth of the estuary where density and biomass were lowest. Diversity decreased upstream and was lowest in the mid and inner estuary where density and biomass reached maximal values. Suprabenthic animals, mainly the mysid Mesopodopsis slabberi, reached high densities in inner and upstream stations, whereas the more seaward stations had lower densities but a higher number of species. The spatial patterns dominated over the temporal patterns.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》1999,20(4):259-265
The excessive growth of opportunistic macroalgae in estuaries and other coastal areas, characterised by enormous values of vegetal biomass in the form of dense mats, is a common and widespread picture nowadays. In such conditions, macroalgae completely dominate the nutrient dynamics in the ecosystem and function as high quality food for the microbial, meio- and macrofaunal communities. Due to their important role in the nutrient pathways of the ecosystems, it becomes essential to obtain new information on variables and processes that regulate the bloom formation of these primary producers. The Mondego estuary (west Portugal) is a eutrophic estuary, where usually macroalgae of the genera Enteromorpha seasonally bloom. Nevertheless, in years with high precipitation characterised by a significant increase of the freshwater runoff to the system, no Enteromorpha blooms are observed. Possible explanations for this are related to the reduction of light in the water column, high water speed, high sediment turbulence and low salinity values. Thus, because the decrease in salinity seemed an important feature during such periods, a set of experiments were conducted, to evaluate to what extent the growth of Enteromorpha intestinalis (the most abundant species in the Mondego estuary) is affected by fluctuations in salinity and, particularly, by low salinity values. In the laboratory, the growth rate of E. intestinalis was tested against a range of salinity, from 0 to 32 psu. E. intestinalis showed the lowest growth rates at extreme low salinity values (≤ 3 psu) and for salinity ≤ 1 psu, the algae died. Growth rates at salinity lower than 5 psu and higher than 25 psu were also low, when compared with growth between salinity of 15 and 20 psu, where E. intestinalis showed the highest growth rates. These results agree with the field observations and suggest that, in the Mondego estuary, salinity is an important external parameter to control the growth of E. intestinalis, which has important ecological implications for the system.  相似文献   

The effect of macroalgal blooms and predation by wading on benthic macroinvertebrates was examined in the Mondego estuary, Portugal, during spring 1997. Introduced macroalgal cover and exclusion of predators were used to examine changes in density of macroinvertebrates using univariate and multivariate analyses. There was no evidence of changes in numbers of macroinvertebrates due to predation. Macroalgae were, however, responsible for a decrease in abundance of the worms Amage adspersa (Grube) and Streblospio shrubsolii (Buchanan), and a substantial increase in numbers of Capitella capitata (Fabricius). The density of the worm Hediste diversicolor (O.F. Müller) increased during the first month and decreased after 2 months, associated with macroalgal cover. There were no differences in abundances of macroinvertebrates between different depths. Overall, only polychaete species were affected by macroalgae. Multivariate analysis also showed clear differences in assemblages of macroinvertebrates due to the presence of macroalgae.  相似文献   

We sampled macroinvertebrates at 75 locations in the Mondego river catchment, Central Portugal, and developed a predictive model for water quality assessment of this basin, based on the Reference Condition Approach. Sampling was done from June to September 2001. Fifty-five sites were identified as “Reference sites” and 20 sites were used as “Test sites” to test the model. At each site we also measured 40 habitat variables to characterize water physics and chemistry, habitat type, land use, stream hydrology and geographic location. Macroinvertebrates were generally identified to species or genus level; a total of 207 taxa were found. By Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic mean (UPGMA) clustering and analysis of species contribution to similarities percentage (SIMPER), two groups of reference sites were established. Using Discriminant Analysis (stepwise forward), four variables correctly predicted 78% of the reference sites to the appropriate group: stream order, pool quality, substrate quality and current velocity. Test sites’ environmental quality was established from their relative distance to reference sites, in MDS ordination space, using a series of bands (BEAST methodology). The model performed well at upstream sites, but at downstream sites it was compromised by the lack of reference sites. As with the English RIVPACS predictive model, the Mondego model should be continually improved with the addition of new reference sites. The adaptation of the Mondego model methodology to the Water Framework Directive is possible and would consist mainly of the integration of the WFD typology and increasing the number of ellipses that define quality bands. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》1999,20(4):417-427
The present paper examined the possible impact of macroalgal blooms, among other influential factors, on prey abundance and availability to waders, assessing the consequences for feeding behaviour and for the specific patterns of use of the intertidal areas by these birds when macroalgal mats become dense and contiguous covering large areas of the Mondego estuary (west Portugal). Three representative microhabitats were chosen in intertidal flats to control and evaluate the effects of various factors on waders. This study shows that foraging waders did not seem to be indifferent to the effects of some biological factors, sediment characteristics and epistructures when selecting feeding microhabitats. Overall, the results suggest that the predominant and constant negative effects on specific patterns of use of the intertidal sub-areas by the majority of waders were determined by two main factors: gull perturbation and macroalgal biomass. The macroalgal blooms assumed, by their persistence over a period of several months, a different magnitude of effect when compared with sporadic factors such as gull presence. Contrary to the effects on distribution, macroalgal blooms do not influence negatively the feeding behaviour parameters considered. Moreover, we were unable to prove that the presence of macroalgae on the sediment was pernicious to the wader prey organisms, perhaps because the total amount of the area of the estuary affected by weed during the study period never exceeded 36 % and was surrounded by important algal-free areas that ensured a healthy prey population. Nevertheless, on the long-term, an increase of dense and contiguous macroalgal mats due to the progressive eutrophication of the Mondego estuary, covering large areas of the intertidal flats, may affect directly or indirectly all wader species.  相似文献   

The role of salt marshes in the Mira estuary (Portugal)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Mira estuary is a narrow entrenched pristine estuary of the Ria type, about 30 km long. It comprises an area of 285 ha of salt marsh, of which250 ha have been proposed for reclamation for aquaculture. Dredging, village and recreation development menace the yet undisturbed estuarine ecosystem. To assess the biological importance of this wetland, a multidisciplinary study was conducted in apart of the salt marsh, considered as being representative of the whole area. Halophytic vegetation covering 75% of the total salt marsh site is dominated by Spartina maritima (28% of total vegetation area). Total primary production attains63,766 kg/yr (dw). A net export of 1541 kg/yr of COM to the relatively oligotrophic adjacent waters was also found. Insects and birds are described for the first time in the saltmarsh. Macrobenthic communities are dominated by Hediste diversicolor, Nepthys caeca and Scrobicularia plana. The fiddler crabUca tangeri attains here its north distribution limit. The mud flats and creeks associated with the salt marsh act as a nursery for 40.8% of the fish species present. The food web is dominated by detritivorous species like the grey mullets. The results obtained in this study support the need for an effective conservation of this area. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The Pliocene molluscan assemblage from the Mondego Basin (Portugal, Western Iberia) plays a particularly important role in the understanding of the palaeobiogeography of Neogene–Quaternary molluscs of the Atlantic Frontage of Europe and the western Mediterranean. The importance of these Portuguese molluscan deposits is stressed, as it is the only assemblage representative of the southern portion of the Pliocene French–Iberian biogeographical Province.The Pliocene marine fossiliferous deposits of the Mondego Basin (central-west Portugal) are dated using their nannofossil and molluscan assemblages, as well as Strontium dating. The results suggest a late Zanclean to early Piacenzian age. Chronologically they are equivalent to the Mediterranean Pliocene Molluscan Unit 1 (MPMU1). However, due to the more northern geographical location of the Mondego Basin assemblages, their molluscan content is closer to that of MPMU2 than to that of MPMU1 in the Mediterranean.The presence of a stock of thermophilic taxa in the Mondego assemblage, no longer existent in European waters, enabled us to suggest a palaeoenvironmental reconstruction for mid-Pliocene SSTs in the region. We put forward the hypothesis that the SSTs at the latitude of Mondego, during late Zanclean to early Piacenzian, would be characterized by a yearly SST pattern analogous to that of present-day Cape Blanc (West Africa). Consequently, whilst subtropical conditions existed in the Atlantic Zanclean to mid-Piacenzian at Mondego latitude in the Mediterranean fully tropical conditions prevailed at that time. The Mondego SST estimates correlate with those estimated for MPMU2 in the Mediterranean.The global palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of mid-Pliocene SSTs in the PRISM2 Project suggests, for western Iberia, at Mondego latitude, an August SST of about 23 °C, and a February temperature of about 17 to 18 °C. Our hypothesis suggests similar August SST differing in only half a degree Celsius (23.5 vs. 23 °C) and February SSTs slightly higher (19 vs. 17–18 °C).  相似文献   

Castro  Paula  Freitas  Helena 《Hydrobiologia》2000,428(1):171-177
Spartina maritima (Curtis) Fernald is a dominant species in the Mondego salt marsh on the western coast of Portugal, and it plays a significant role in estuarine productivity. In this work, leaf litter production dynamics and fungal importance for leaf decomposition processes in Spartina maritima were studied. Leaf fall was highly seasonal, being significantly higher during dry months. It ranged from 42 g m-2 in June to less than 6 g m-2 during the winter. Fungal biomass, measured as ergosterol content, did not differ significantly between standing-decaying leaves and naturally detached leaves. Fungal biomass increased in wet months, with a maximum of 614 g g-1 of ergosterol in January in standing-decaying leaves, and 1077 g g-1 in December, in naturally detached leaves, decreasing greatly in summer. Seasonal pattern of fungal colonization was similar in leaves placed in litterbags on the marsh-sediment surface. However, ergosterol concentrations associated with standing-decaying and naturally detached leaves were always much higher than in litterbagged leaves, suggesting that fungal activity was more important before leaf fall. Dry mass of litterbagged leaves declined rapidly after 1 month (about 50%), mostly due to leaching of soluble organic compounds. After 13 months, Spartina leaves had lost 88% of their original dry weight. The decomposition rate constant (k) for Spartina maritima leaves was 0.151 month-1.  相似文献   

The urbanization of watersheds is a highly dynamic global phenomenon that must be monitored. With consequences for the environment, the population, and the economy, accurate products at adequate spatial and temporal resolutions are required and demanded by the science community and stakeholders alike. To address these needs, a new Impervious Surface Area (ISA) product was created for a Portuguese Watershed (Mondego river) from Landsat data (a combination of leaf-on multispectral bands, derived products, and NDVI time series), using Regression Tree Models (RTM). The product provides 30-m spatial resolution ISA estimates (0–100%) with a Mean Average Error (MAE) of 1.6% and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 5.5%.A strategy to update the baseline product was tested in earlier imagery (2001 and 2007) for a subset of the watershed. Instead of updating the baseline product, the strategy seeks to identify stable training samples and remove those where change was detected in a time series of Change Vector Analysis (CVA). The stable samples were then used to create new ISA models using RTM. The updated maps were similar to the original product in terms of accuracy metrics (MAE: 2001: 2.6%; 2007:3.6%).The products and methodology offer a new perspective on the urban development of the watershed, at a scale previously unavailable. It can also be replicated elsewhere at a low cost, leveraging the growing Landsat data archive, and provide timely information on relevant land cover metrics to the scientific community and stakeholders.  相似文献   

The Cabo Mondego outcrops exposed along the cliffs, on the western margin of the Iberian Plate, show an expanded stratigraphic section of Lower Bathonian deposits containing abundant ammonoids. Upper Bajocian deposits correspond to similar facies, of muddy limestones alternating with marlstones, although ammonoids are scarce. A detailed succession of ammonites across the Bajocian/Bathonian boundary has been recognized at Cabo Mondego, which can form a useful bio‐ and chronostratigraphic standard for the Lusitanian Basin. The revision of previous collections from the classical section and new field samplings of two other separate sections allow the recognition through up to twenty metres of thickness, the highest zone of Bajocian (Parkinsoni Zone) and the lowest zone of Bathonian (Zigzag Zone). The Parkinsoni and the Zigzag zones established for NW European areas and belonging to the Northwest European Province, can be identified in the Lusitanian Basin, although the ammonite fossil assemblages are composed of Submediterranean taxa. However, a subdivision of the Parkinsoni Zone is not possible, due to the scarcity of well preserved ammonoids. The Zigzag Zone can be recognized and characterized as composed of two subunits (Parvum and Macrescens subzones) as represented in diverse European basins of the Submediterranean Province. Ammonite fossil assemblages of the Parvum Subzone may be grouped into two successive horizons, which are biochronostratigraphically equivalent to the subdivisions of the Convergens Subzone distinguished in the Digne‐Barrême area (SE France). New biochronostratigraphic data on the Bigotitinae, youngest members of Leptosphinctinae and oldest members of Zigzagiceratinae are relevant in understanding the evolution and faunal turnover of the West Tethyan Perisphinctidae during earliest Bathonian. The ammonite succession at the Bajocian/Bathonian boundary in the Cabo Mondego region (Portugal) represents one of the most complete biostratigraphic records so far recognized on the Iberian Plate.  相似文献   

The study of the diatom ecological preferences was conducted from January 2002 to June 2003 in Canal de Mira, Ria de Aveiro, Western Portugal. Three sampling stations along a salinity gradient were sampled monthly, in new moon, at high and low tide. Salinity, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and nutrient contents were measured for each sampling station; chlorophyll a and diatom diversity and abundance were also evaluated. Canonical correspondence analysis was used to identify the environmental variables governing the composition and structure of diatom assemblage. The variation in the species data among the different reaches was strongly determined by the salinity spatial gradient and by the temperature temporal gradient. The lower reaches were dominated by marine species (e.g. Auliscus sculptus, Chaetoceros densus, Fallacia forcipata,Licmophora flabellata, L. grandis, Surirella comis), while in the most upstream station typical freshwater species dominated (e.g. Caloneis permagna, Cymatopleura solea, Cymbella tumida, Gomphonema longiceps, Pinnularia stommatophora, Stauroneis smithii). Weighted averaging was used to estimate optima and tolerances of some diatom taxa for the most influential variables. It was possible to establish groups oftaxa with defined and distinctive salinity and temperature preferences.  相似文献   

Almeida  P.R.  Quintella  B.R.  Dias  N.M. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,483(1-3):1-8
The available spawning habitat for the anadromous sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus L., population that enters the River Mondego has been drastically reduced in the last 20 years. The installation of a fish passage in the first impassable dam, the Açude-Ponte, would enable sea lamprey to recolonise the 34.6-km river stretch between the Açude-Ponte and Raiva dams. In order to assess the suitability of the upstream river stretches for this species, 10 radio-tagged sea lamprey were released upstream of the Açude-Ponte dam and tracked continuously throughout the entire migratory path. Lamprey were unable to pass over intact weirs that had been built for recreational purposes. Sea lamprey movements were more frequent during dusk and night than other periods. Increased river discharge at night, resulting from the operation of the Raiva power station, stimulated lamprey movements but reduced ground speeds recorded. After reaching a certain location, some of the animals maintained their position for several weeks, before undergoing a new movement. Two of the main tributaries of this river stretch were used by some sea lamprey, indicating that the animals were able to find these historical spawning grounds.  相似文献   

During the last decades the Mondego estuary has been under severe ecological stress mainly caused by eutrophication. In this salt march system, Spartina maritima covers about 10.5 ha of the intertidal areas. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of Spartina maritima marshes on the dynamics of phosphorus (P) binding in the surface sediment. We compare phosphate and oxygen fluxes, P-adsorption capacity, phosphate concentrations and total amount, and the extractable P forms in the upper 20 cm of sediment in vegetated sediment with adjacent mudflats without vegetation. Sediment pore-water profiles followed a clear trend, with lower P concentrations in more superficial layers, and increasing with depth. The vegetated mudflats presented lower concentrations of dissolved inorganic phosphorus than adjacent bare bottom mudflats, lower phosphate total amount, as well as higher P-adsorption capacity. Results from the extraction procedure show that the superficial layers are the most important for estuarine phosphorus dynamics, since maximum concentrations of labile P pools are present here. In contrast, higher proportions of refractory P pool are found in deeper layers. Spartina marsh sediments had less total P, less iron bound P, and less exchangeable P than adjacent bare bottom mudflats. Also the pool of loosely sorbed P is lower in the Spartina marsh. Phosphate regeneration from the sediment to the overlying water was only 11.8 kg ha−1 year−1 in vegetated sediment while 25.8 kg ha−1 year−1 in the bare mud flat. Plant uptake for growth combined with an enhanced P-adsorption capacity of the sediment, may explain these differences. Therefore, Spartina marshes are very important agents in the sedimentary P cycle worldwide, and can be considered a useful management tool in estuarine ecosystem recovery efforts.  相似文献   

Characterizing marine water bodies and defining ecological status, both present and past (pre-impacted), has become an important task for EU's Member States and their associates during the last decade due to the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD). However, none of the methods used to define Ecological Quality Status (EcoQS) are able to accurately define the status for both the present-day and reference conditions at a given site (i.e., in situ). Recent studies have revealed a significant correlation between the diversity of living (stained) fossilizable benthic foraminifera (protists) and associated environmental parameters (e.g., dissolved oxygen concentration). The present study takes this relationship a step further by applying methods used to define present-day EcoQS on fossil benthic foraminiferal assemblages and, thereby, defining past EcoQS (PaleoEcoQS). This is particularly useful for defining reference condition in areas where biological- and instrumental time-series are limited or lacking. Our case study from the Oslofjord, Norway, shows that (1) the “Foraminiferal method” can define temporal developments in in situ EcoQS from reference to present-day conditions, (2) results of the “Foraminiferal method” reflect available historical biological records and hydrographic time series, (3) data (1993 and 2009) on macrofauna (traditional bio-monitoring tool) and benthic foraminifera from the same sites define the same EcoQS, and (4) the changes in foraminiferal diversity through time are due to human activity (pollution), rather than climate change. Using in situ data to define ecological reference conditions is preferable compared to modeling or comparisons with present-day supposedly similar reference conditions.  相似文献   

The paper describes the local, national, European and wider-area framework, statutes, and formal and voluntary mechanisms for managing European estuaries. These aspects are discussed in relation to two large and representative estuarine systems, the Tagus, Portugal, and the Humber, on the English North Sea coast As estuaries are sites of many activities and uses, most of which are encouraged or at least condoned, management has the role of preventing and resolving conflicts between those uses and users. Accepted uses of estuaries include the discharge and dumping of waste materials, fin and shell-fisheries, conservation, land reclamation, natural usage, abstraction by industry, and recreation. Estuarine management is now being carried out within the constraints of local and regional government planning, planning and activities of water pollution control bodies, fisheries control bodies, and navigation and port authorities The Tagus and Humber estuaries support all of the above activities and uses, and have controls within a European legislative framework but have differing histories of management and planning in order to resolve conflicts. In addition the Humber is subject to controls placed on North Sea areas. The paper discusses the relevant national and European legislation (Directives) and accepted practices for management. Furthermore, the paper discusses the formulation and practice of estuarine management plans as used by various bodies (nature conservation, water quality and regional authority). It is of particular note that the lessons from these two estuaries are relevant to many other European estuaries.  相似文献   

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