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M-AMBI is a multimetric index for assessing the ecological quality status of marine and transitional waters. It is based on benthic macroinvertebrates and integrates AMBI, a biotic index based on species sensitivity/tolerance, with diversity and richness, making it compliant with the European Water Framework Directive. The success of AMBI paved the way for the introduction of M-AMBI, which was subsequently incorporated into the regulations of several European countries. The M-AMBI algorithm integrates the metrics by means of factor analysis (FA). In this paper, we first reproduced the algorithm using the open source R software. This enabled us to point out that FA is not functional to M-AMBI, and its omission does not appreciably change the results. We then enhanced the applicability of the index, making it independent of the number of samples. In this way, M-AMBI is closely approximated by the simple mean of the normalised metrics with no need for multivariate techniques. Finally, we further simplified the approach, presenting a bivariate version that is still highly correlated with M-AMBI, in which the constitutive metrics are reduced to a diversity measure and a species sensitivity index. The properties of this bivariate version include simplicity, transparency, robustness, and openness.  相似文献   

In recent years, several benthic biotic indices have been proposed to be used as ecological indicators in estuarine and coastal waters. One such indicator, the AZTI Marine Biotic Index (AMBI), was designed to establish the ecological quality of European coasts. The index examined the response of soft-bottom benthic communities to natural and man-induced disturbances in coastal and estuarine environments. It has been successfully applied to different geographical areas and under different impact sources, with increasing user numbers in European marine waters (Baltic, North Sea, Atlantic and Mediterranean). The AMBI has been used also for the determination of the ecological quality status (EcoQ) within the context of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD).In this contribution, 38 different applications including six new case studies (hypoxia processes, sand extraction, oil platform impacts, engineering works, dredging and fish aquaculture) are presented. The results show the response of the benthic communities to different disturbance sources in a simple way. Those communities act as ecological indicators of the ‘health’ of the system, indicating clearly the gradient associated with the disturbance.  相似文献   

In the context of the requirements of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) numerous benthic indices have been proposed recently to assess the ecological quality of marine and transitional waters. In several studies these metrics were applied to coastal and estuarine environments under diverse anthropogenic pressures. Although currently the dumping of dredged material is one of the most prominent human impacts that modify estuaries, the performance of benthic indices to detect effects of dredged sediment relocation has not yet been tested explicitly. Hence we examined a selection of common metrics (species richness, Shannon diversity, AMBI, M-AMBI, W-value, BO2A) at 11 dumping and 11 nearby reference areas in the highly modified Elbe estuary (Germany), where permanent dredging is necessary to maintain the depth of the navigation channel. In order to cover the entire estuary, the study area spanned over the whole salinity gradient from limnic to euhaline. Additionally, we investigated changes in benthic communities due to dredged material placement. All indices, except the W-value, were suitable to differentiate between dumping and reference areas and showed significantly better index values exclusively at reference areas. The applicability of AMBI and M-AMBI was restricted in the limnic stretch due to the more frequent occurrence of freshwater species there. The W-value and BO2A were non-satisfactory in the case of azoic sediment, and in most cases these two indices indicated much better ecological status classifications than the other indices tested. Furthermore, the BO2A had restricted applicability with increasing salinity. At eight of eleven sites the benthic communities differed significantly between dumping and reference areas. Our findings show that the power of conventional benthic indices to detect physical disturbances like the dumping of dredged sediment varies greatly. Having this in mind, we suggest to choose carefully the benthic indices for ecological quality assessments according to the WFD in estuaries in order to avoid misclassifications. Such errors may lead to unnecessarily expensive remediation activities or, in the opposite case, to inactivity although actions were necessary. Furthermore, in order to better meet the WFD requirements we suggest that, regarding frequency and volume, dumping should be adapted as far as possible to the natural processes of sediment movement.  相似文献   

The Water Framework Directive requires all Member States to achieve good ecological quality status for all waters (e.g., transitional waters). For that purpose, Member States must assess water bodies based on information on the Biological Quality Elements listed for each of them (e.g., benthic macroinvertebrates). However, the production of such a quality status classification (high, good, moderate, poor, bad) requires high reference conditions (associated with the absence of, or very low, human pressure) against which the deviation of the samples to be assessed can be measured. In transitional waters, upper stretches have seldom been included in monitoring activities, resulting in very little knowledge of mesohaline and oligohaline areas, which means further difficulty when defining the required reference conditions for these zones.Regarding the benthic macroinvertebrates, large datasets from the mesohaline and oligohaline stretches of the Mondego estuary (four seasons, five years, environmental parameters, density and biomass data) were used to estimate high reference condition values. In terms of environmental conditions, summer was identified as the most stable season and the most suitable for defining reference conditions for selected ecological indicators. For each indicator, the multivariate linear model expressing the best correlation with measured environmental parameters was selected. These models were used afterwards, by replacing the environmental parameters in those equations with their high reference values, to calculate the reference condition for each ecological indicator.Generally, macrobenthic communities within each stretch changed over the years, being mainly influenced by salinity and sediment organic matter. In both stretches, only a few taxa occurred and two species (the amphipod Corophium multisetosum and the bivalve Corbicula fluminea) were clearly dominant. Diversity values (for Margalef, Shannon and ES50 – Hurlbert indices) were low in both stretches, although higher in the mesohaline, and for the most part the ecological condition was low (AMBI – AZTI Marine Biotic Index, MEDDOC – Mediterranean Occidental index, BENTIX biotic index, BO2A – Benthic Opportunistic Annelida Amphipod index). On the whole, the RC estimated for each index followed the same trend, being different for each stretch and below those found for lower sections of the estuary in other surveys.  相似文献   

The Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires EU Member States to classify the ecological status of surface waters by using multiple biological quality elements (BQEs). According to the WFD Classification Guidance, a ‘one-out-all-out’ (OOAO) rule should be applied when integrating multiple BQEs into an overall biological status of a waterbody, i.e. classification is determined by the lowest status BQE. Using both simulated and monitoring datasets, we analyzed the effects of different combination rules in classification outcome and classification reliability. The OOAO represented the strictest combination rule in terms of increased probabilities of waterbodies being in moderate or worse status in comparison to other rules. The OOAO approach gave acceptable results when different BQEs were complementary, showing the effects of different pressures, and when level of uncertainty in the metrics used in the assessment was not high. Increasing the number of BQEs used in the assessment affected the classification outcome when using the OOAO approach; this was especially problematic if all BQEs address the same pressure. Our study showed that grouping of metrics and metrics uncertainty has a large influence on classification outcomes and that this should be carefully considered to ensure that final classification adequately reflects ecological status.  相似文献   

The derivation, performance, sensitivity and inherent uncertainty of ecological quality indicators have become major topics in developing tools for the management of marine, transitional and coastal waters. In reviewing the advances in these waters, related to an ecological status assessment, we show the future challenges to be addressed within the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). Using new analyses carried out under the research project ‘Water Bodies in Europe: Integrative Systems to Assess Ecological status and Recovery’, we provide a complete set of assessments for the biological quality elements (BQEs) (phytoplankton, macroalgae-seagrasses, macroinvertebrates and fish) to be assessed, as well as the validation of existing indicators and multimetric indices and, in some cases, the development of new assessment indices. We show that these indices respond differently to different human pressures and they each have challenges in defining reference conditions against which future changes are judged. In investigating good ecological potential, as the response to heavily modified water bodies, we show that there are flaws in the Directive, not least in its definitions. Our analyses have also focussed on uncertainty in using the indices and we emphasise the problems of defining ecological class boundaries based on indices which themselves may be combined indices (multimetrics). The analysis shows that some of those multimetrics are redundant and/or are inter-correlated and thus may reduce the sensitivity in defining ecological class boundaries. If this is related to the drivers-pressures-state change-impacts-response approach then there are lessons for management measures aimed at achieving good ecological status and even the potential for legal challenges to decisions based on uncertain indices under the WFD. Hence, we conclude the continued need for advances in assessing pressures and gradients, and defining reference conditions for state change, index development, impact assessment and the validation of indices for each BQE.  相似文献   

Uncertainty is an important factor in ecological assessment, and has important implications for the ecological classification and management of lakes. However, our knowledge of the effects of uncertainty in the assessment of different ecological indicators is limited. Here, we used data from a standardized campaign of aquatic plant surveys, in 28 lakes from 10 European countries, to assess variation in macrophyte metrics across a set of nested spatial scales: countries, lakes, sampling stations, replicate transects, and replicate samples at two depth-zones. Metrics investigated in each transect included taxa richness, maximum depth of colonisation and two indicators of trophic status: Ellenberg’s N and a metric based on phosphorus trophic status. Metrics were found to have a slightly stronger relationship to pressures when they were calculated on abundance data compared to presence/absence data. Eutrophication metrics based on helophytes were found not to be useful in assessing the effects of nutrient pressure. These metrics were also found to vary with the depth of sampling, with shallower taxa representing higher trophic status. This study demonstrates the complex spatial variability in macrophyte communities, the effect of this variability on the metrics, and the implications to water managers, especially in relation to survey design.  相似文献   

Seagrasses are key components of coastal marine ecosystems and many monitoring programmes worldwide assess seagrass health and apply seagrasses as indicators of environmental status. This study aims at identifying the diversity and characteristics of seagrass indicators in use within and across European ecoregions in order to provide an overview of seagrass monitoring effort in Europe. We identified 49 seagrass indicators used in 42 monitoring programmes and including a total of 51 metrics. The seagrass metrics represented 6 broad categories covering different seagrass organizational levels and spatial scales. The large diversity is particularly striking considering that the pan-European Water Framework Directive sets common demands for the presence and abundance of seagrasses and related disturbance-sensitive species. The diversity of indicators reduces the possibility to provide pan-European overviews of the status of seagrass ecosystems. The diversity can be partially justified by differences in species, differences in habitat conditions and associated communities but also seems to be determined by tradition. Within each European region, we strongly encourage the evaluation of seagrass indicator–pressure responses and quantification of the uncertainty of classification associated to the indicator in order to identify the most effective seagrass indicators for assessing ecological quality of coastal and transitional water bodies.  相似文献   

An index CCO (cover, characteristic species, opportunistic species) has been developed for the implementation of the European Water Framework Directory (WFD) in coastal waters, using intertidal macroalgal communities as bio-indicator (Biological Quality Element). CCO is based on the calculation of three metrics corresponding to the global cover of macroalgal communities (metric 1), the number of characteristic species per topographic level/seaweed community (metric 2) and the cover of opportunistic species (metric 3). The final rating is obtained by pooling the scores of the three metrics. Results are given for 32 sites in 29 water bodies, grouped into four biogeographic regions along the Channel–Atlantic coasts of France. Over the six-year study, most of sites were sampled twice each (every three years). CCO index revealed that 25 coastal water bodies of both the Channel and the Bay of Biscay were in good or high ecological quality status (EQS), whereas only 4 of them were moderate and none in poor to bad status. However, significant differences have been found between sites and between geographic regions, water bodies located in Brittany obtaining the best EQS. No significant change occurred between the three-year sampling sets. A significant correlation has been established between a three-component anthropogenic pressure index and CCO ratings, showing the accuracy of CCO to evaluate the impact of anthropic activities on the structure and development of macroalgal communities as indicator of the ecological quality of coastal water bodies.  相似文献   

The EU-funded research project WISER (“Water bodies in Europe: Integrative Systems to assess Ecological status and Recovery”) developed new assessment methods required by the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) for lakes, coastal and transitional waters. WISER also addressed the recovery of biotic assemblages from degradation. The results are summarised in five key messages, supported by papers in this special issue and by WISER results published elsewhere: (1) Response to stress differs between organism groups, water types and stressors; a conceptual model is proposed summarising how the individual organism groups respond to different types of degradation in rivers, lakes, transitional and coastal waters. (2) The sources of uncertainty differ between BQEs and water types, leading to methodological suggestions on how to design WFD sampling programmes. (3) Results from about 300 current assessment methods indicate geographical variations in metrics but assessments are comparable at an aggregated level (“ecological status”). (4) Scale and time matter; restoration requires action at (sub)-basin levels and recovery may require decades. (5) Long-term trends require consideration; the effects of both degradation and restoration at the water body or river basin scales is increasingly superimposed by multiple stressors acting at large scales, in particular by climate change.  相似文献   

An estuarine multi-metric fish index (EMFI) was developed and applied to Irish transitional waters. The index comprised a balanced and complimentary set of 14 metrics that represent four fish community attributes: species diversity and composition, species abundance, estuarine utilisation, and trophic composition. Reference conditions and metric scoring thresholds were developed using a combination of historical records, best available data, and expert judgement. The index was applied using representative and robust fish monitoring data collected using a suite of methods designed to cover a range of habitats and conditions. To ensure consistency and comparability, all systems were considered at the whole estuary level. A sensitivity analysis was carried out to assess the response of the EMFI under various scenarios of metric change; five metrics were consistently among the most influential on the EMFI in all scenarios of metric manipulation. The overall EMFI was significantly correlated with environmental condition as measured by two separate indicators of ecological state. Ecological status classes were also established based on the relationship between the EMFI and an index of human pressure. The EMFI provides a robust, sensitive, and integrated measure of the ecological status of fishes in transitional waters and meets the requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive.  相似文献   

The Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires estimates of the confidence and precision associated with any scheme for assessing and monitoring the ecological status class of any European rivers, lakes, transitional or coastal waters. This is a complex important issue, especially for waterbody assessments based on multiple metrics and/or two or more taxonomic groups. This paper aims to contribute towards improving understanding and providing practical approaches to assessing confidence of class by (i) discussing the various sources and causes of uncertainty, (ii) using UK rivers macroinvertebrate datasets to illustrate the estimation of replicate, temporal and spatial variance components and the implications for water body metric precision, confidence of class and optimal sampling design, (iii) introducing new freely available general software WISER Bioassessment Uncertainty Guidance Software (WISERBUGS) which uses prior sampling uncertainty estimates with user-specified metrics, class limits and metric combination rules to simulate the joint sampling uncertainty in metric EQR values and provide estimates of confidence of class based on individual metrics, (optionally weighted) multi-metric indices and/or multi-metric classification rules (worst case, mean or median class) based on one or more WFD biological quality elements.  相似文献   

Biotic indices based on soft-bottom macrozoobenthic communities are currently used throughout Europe to assess the ecological quality of coastal and transitional water bodies according to the European Water Framework Directive. However, the performance of the currently available biotic indices still has to be tested against a variety of different impact sources. In particular, physical perturbations have received much less attention than other kind of disturbances. This study consisted in testing the capacity of currently available uni- (BOPA, AMBI and BENTIX) and multivariate (M-AMBI) Biotic Indices to assess the ecological impact of the destruction of a Zostera noltii seagrass bed in Arcachon Bay (France) following sediment deposits. Changes of habitat after this physical perturbation were hardly assessed by any of these Biotic Indices whereas analysis of the benthic community showed drastic changes of structure following the perturbation and no recovery after 15 months. This study demonstrates that these Biotic Indices must be integrated into a multimetric approach which describes better the biological integrity of the benthic community by including a complementary set of metrics. A new multimetric approach, named MISS (Macrobenthic Index of Sheltered Systems) is proposed. MISS correctly highlighted the destruction of the seagrass beds, by using 16 metrics describing the biological integrity of the macrofauna.  相似文献   

Identifying and quantifying the factors that contribute to the potential misclassification of the ecological status of water bodies is a major challenge of the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The present study compiles extensive biomonitoring data from a range of macrophyte-based classification methods developed by several European countries. The data reflect spatial and temporal variation as well as inter-observer variation. Uncertainty analysis identified that factors related to the spatial scale of sampling generally contributed most to the uncertainty in classifying water bodies to their ecological status, reflecting the high horizontal and depth-related heterogeneity displayed by macrophyte communities. In contrast, the uncertainty associated with temporal variation was low. In addition, inter-observer variation, where assessed, did not contribute much to overall uncertainty, indicating that these methods are easily transferable and insensitive to observer error. The study, therefore, suggests that macrophyte-based sampling schemes should prioritize large spatial replication over temporal replication to maximize the effectiveness and reliability of water body classification within the WFD. We encourage conducting similar uncertainty analyses for new/additional ecological indicators to optimize sampling schemes and improve the reliability of classification of ecological status.  相似文献   

The Benthic Index of Biotic Integrity (B-IBI) was developed and is currently employed for environmental assessment in Chesapeake Bay. The index consists of a variety of benthic community metrics (e.g. abundance, biomass, diversity, stress tolerance groups, etc.) scored by thresholds applied to seven benthic community habitats (tidal freshwater, oligohaline, low mesohaline, high mesohaline mud, high mesohaline sand, polyhaline mud, and polyhaline sand) This index was verified as being a sensitive and robust tool for summarizing the status of benthic communities. In our study we tested the classification efficiency of the index using new benthic data by characterizing each sample a priori as degraded or undegraded using criteria of sediment contaminant levels, bioassays and bottom dissolved oxygen levels. A primary objective of our study was to test the classification efficiency of the B-IBI in small water bodies connected to larger water bodies of the mainstems of the large rivers of Chesapeake Bay, as well as the efficiency of the index over time (1990 through 2009). The B-IBI was affected by the size of the water body, e.g., index accuracy was higher for water bodies in small watersheds in lower salinity habitats, whereas large water bodies of the mainstem of rivers were better classified by the B-IBI in habitats with higher salinities. Across the seven benthic habitat types overall correct classification was moderate to low and lower for correctly classifying undegraded sites. In general the index metrics showed some deficiencies that suggest improvements could be made by recalibrating existing metric thresholds or selecting new suitable metrics.  相似文献   

Fish-based multi-metric indices are an integral tool in implementing effective water policy initiatives for transitional waters. This study analysed the behaviour of three fish indices (TFCI in the UK, ELFI in France and EFAI in Portugal) developed for monitoring in line with the European Water Framework Directive, by applying a supervised multi-way sensitivity analysis with national monitoring data. The relative variation in the index outcome was analysed under different simulation scenarios by setting metric values at various levels and accounting for the co-variation between metrics. Subsets of key metrics were identified based on their higher influence in determining the index output. Index results under manipulations of metric scores clearly indicated that metric type, number of metrics used and correlations between metrics are important in determining their behaviour. This has implications for implementing management/conservation plans, for example, by prioritising restoration and/or conservation of metrics influencing more the ecological status. Indices including uncorrelated metrics (e.g. EFAI) or metrics with a skewed distribution (e.g. TFCI) are less affected by extreme metric changes, reducing the effectiveness of management actions aimed at improving the ecological status of a water body and thus adjustments may be needed to increase their sensitivity to changes in their metrics.  相似文献   

Cochin estuary, one of the largest tropical estuaries of India, supports high levels of human pressure throughout the year and natural stress during monsoon season. Six stations were monitored between 2002 and 2004 covering the pre-monsoon, monsoon, and post-monsoon seasons. Ecological status of macrobenthos was assessed using the AZTI's Marine Biotic Index (AMBI) and the multivariate-AMBI (M-AMBI). The overall ‘moderate’ disturbance classification (according to AMBI) and ‘moderate-poor’ ecological status (according to M-AMBI) indicate that the macrobenthos in the estuary experiences stress. There was a gradient of increasing quality from the most degraded northern site to the main estuary, downstream. Monsoon caused further reductions in quality of macrobenthos in the main estuary, while the degraded northern station showed improvement in 2003, when the monsoon was strong. The assessment of the Cochin Estuary using AMBI and M-AMBI indicates where this water body stands in comparison to European and other water bodies, which may be useful for developing required protective measures in tropical systems and to design monitoring strategies.  相似文献   

《Ecological Indicators》2007,7(2):455-468
This work presents an assessment of the ecological quality status of two marine coastal areas in the Aegean Sea (Greece, Eastern Mediterranean) based on the benthic macroinvertebrate quality element. S. Evvoikos and Thessaloniki gulfs, two coastal areas subjected to slight and heavier anthropogenic pressures, were selected to test the biotic index Bentix developed for the assessment of the ecological status. Other ecological indicators, such as the Shannon diversity index (H′), the species richness (S) and the AMBI biotic index were also applied and evaluated comparatively. Faunistic data were also used to interpret results. The resulting classification was validated with the use of physicochemical parameters and pressure information. This work also provides an insight into the structure of the Bentix classification scheme within the scope of its use in Water Framework Directive (WFD) implementation.  相似文献   

In the Water Framework Directive (European Union) context, a multimetric fish based index is required to assess the ecological status of French estuarine water bodies. A first indicator called ELFI was developed, however similarly to most indicators, the method to combine the core metrics was rather subjective and this indicator does not provide uncertainty assessment. Recently, a Bayesian method to build indicators was developed and appeared relevant to select metrics sensitive to global anthropogenic pressure, to combine them objectively in an index and to provide a measure of uncertainty around the diagnostic. Moreover, the Bayesian framework is especially well adapted to integrate knowledge and information not included in surveys data. In this context, the present study used this Bayesian method to build a multimetric fish based index of ecological quality accounting for experts knowledge. The first step consisted in elaborating a questionnaire to collect assessments from different experts then in building relevant priors to summarize those assessments for each water body. Then, these priors were combined with surveys data in the index to complement the diagnosis of quality. Finally, a comparison between diagnoses using only fish data and using both information sources underlined experts knowledge contribution. Regarding the results, 68% of the diagnosis matched demonstrating that including experts knowledge thanks to the Bayesian framework confirmed or slightly modified the diagnosis provided by survey data but influenced uncertainty around the diagnostic and appeared especially relevant in terms of risk management.  相似文献   

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