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We describe an ontology for cell types that covers the prokaryotic, fungal, animal and plant worlds. It includes over 680 cell types. These cell types are classified under several generic categories and are organized as a directed acyclic graph. The ontology is available in the formats adopted by the Open Biological Ontologies umbrella and is designed to be used in the context of model organism genome and other biological databases. The ontology is freely available at http://obo.sourceforge.net/ and can be viewed using standard ontology visualization tools such as OBO-Edit and COBrA.  相似文献   

We describe an ontology for cell types that covers the prokaryotic, fungal, animal and plant worlds. It includes over 680 cell types. These cell types are classified under several generic categories and are organized as a directed acyclic graph. The ontology is available in the formats adopted by the Open Biological Ontologies umbrella and is designed to be used in the context of model organism genome and other biological databases. The ontology is freely available at and can be viewed using standard ontology visualization tools such as OBO-Edit and COBrA.  相似文献   

An ontology for bioinformatics applications.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MOTIVATION: An ontology of biological terminology provides a model of biological concepts that can be used to form a semantic framework for many data storage, retrieval and analysis tasks. Such a semantic framework could be used to underpin a range of important bioinformatics tasks, such as the querying of heterogeneous bioinformatics sources or the systematic annotation of experimental results. RESULTS: This paper provides an overview of an ontology [the Transparent Access to Multiple Biological Information Sources (TAMBIS) ontology or TaO] that describes a wide range of bioinformatics concepts. The present paper describes the mechanisms used for delivering the ontology and discusses the ontology's design and organization, which are crucial for maintaining the coherence of a large collection of concepts and their relationships. AVAILABILITY: The TAMBIS system, which uses a subset of the TaO described here, is accessible over the Web via http://img.cs.man.ac.uk/tambis (although in the first instance, we will use a password mechanism to limit the load on our server). The complete model is also available on the Web at the above URL.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: A Robot Scientist is a physically implemented robotic system that can automatically carry out cycles of scientific experimentation. We are commissioning a new Robot Scientist designed to investigate gene function in S. cerevisiae. This Robot Scientist will be capable of initiating >1,000 experiments, and making >200,000 observations a day. Robot Scientists provide a unique test bed for the development of methodologies for the curation and annotation of scientific experiments: because the experiments are conceived and executed automatically by computer, it is possible to completely capture and digitally curate all aspects of the scientific process. This new ability brings with it significant technical challenges. To meet these we apply an ontology driven approach to the representation of all the Robot Scientist's data and metadata. RESULTS: We demonstrate the utility of developing an ontology for our new Robot Scientist. This ontology is based on a general ontology of experiments. The ontology aids the curation and annotating of the experimental data and metadata, and the equipment metadata, and supports the design of database systems to hold the data and metadata. AVAILABILITY: EXPO in XML and OWL formats is at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/expo/. All materials about the Robot Scientist project are available at: http://www.aber.ac.uk/compsci/Research/bio/robotsci/.  相似文献   

An upper-level ontology for the biomedical domain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
At the US National Library of Medicine we have developed the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS), whose goal it is to provide integrated access to a large number of biomedical resources by unifying the vocabularies that are used to access those resources. The UMLS currently interrelates some 60 controlled vocabularies in the biomedical domain. The UMLS coverage is quite extensive, including not only many concepts in clinical medicine, but also a large number of concepts applicable to the broad domain of the life sciences. In order to provide an overarching conceptual framework for all UMLS concepts, we developed an upper-level ontology, called the UMLS semantic network. The semantic network, through its 134 semantic types, provides a consistent categorization of all concepts represented in the UMLS. The 54 links between the semantic types provide the structure for the network and represent important relationships in the biomedical domain. Because of the growing number of information resources that contain genetic information, the UMLS coverage in this area is being expanded. We recently integrated the taxonomy of organisms developed by the NLM's National Center for Biotechnology Information, and we are currently working together with the developers of the Gene Ontology to integrate this resource, as well. As additional, standard, ontologies become publicly available, we expect to integrate these into the UMLS construct.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: As the scientific curiosity in genome studies shifts toward identification of functions of the genomes in large scale, data produced about cellular processes at molecular level has been accumulating with an accelerating rate. In this regard, it is essential to be able to store, integrate, access and analyze this data effectively with the help of software tools. Clearly this requires a strong ontology that is intuitive, comprehensive and uncomplicated. RESULTS: We define an ontology for an intuitive, comprehensive and uncomplicated representation of cellular events. The ontology presented here enables integration of fragmented or incomplete pathway information via collaboration, and supports manipulation of the stored data. In addition, it facilitates concurrent modifications to the data while maintaining its validity and consistency. Furthermore, novel structures for representation of multiple levels of abstraction for pathways and homologies is provided. Lastly, our ontology supports efficient querying of large amounts of data. We have also developed a software tool named pathway analysis tool for integration and knowledge acquisition (PATIKA) providing an integrated, multi-user environment for visualizing and manipulating network of cellular events. PATIKA implements the basics of our ontology.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: An object metamodel based on a standard scientific ontology has been developed and used to generate a CORBA interface, an SQL schema and an XML representation for macromolecular structure (MMS) data. In addition to the interface and schema definitions, the metamodel was also used to generate the core elements of a CORBA reference server and a JDBC database loader. The Java source code which implements this metamodel, the CORBA server, database loader and XML converter along with detailed documentation and code examples are available as part of the OpenMMS toolkit. AVAILABILITY: http://openmms.sdsc.edu CONTACT: dsg@sdsc.edu  相似文献   

Recent years, a large amount of ontology learning algorithms have been applied in different disciplines and engineering. The ontology model is presented as a graph and the key of ontology algorithms is similarity measuring between concepts. In the learning frameworks, the information of each ontology vertex is expressed as a vector, thus the similarity measuring can be determined via the distance of the corresponding vector. In this paper, we study how to get an optimal distance function in the ontology setting. The tricks we presented are divided into two parts: first, the ontology distance learning technology in the setting that the ontology data have no labels; then, the distance learning approaches in the setting that the given ontology data are carrying real numbers as their labels. The result data of the four simulation experiments reveal that our new ontology trick has high efficiency and accuracy in ontology similarity measure and ontology mapping in special engineering applications.  相似文献   

Given the pervasive influence of human induced habitat fragmentation in ecological processes, landscape models are a welcome advance. The development of GIS software has allowed a greater use of these models and of analyses of the relationship between species and habitat variables. Habitat suitability models are thus theoretical concepts that can be used for planning in fragmented landscapes and habitat conservation. The most commonly used models are based on single species and on the assignment of suitability values for some environmental variables. Generally the cartographic basis for modeling suitability are thematic maps produced by a Boolean logic. In this paper we propose a model based on a set of focal species and on maps produced by a fuzzy classification method. Focal species, selected by an expert-based approach, provide a practical way of extending the scope of habitat suitability models to the conservation of biodiversity at landscape scale. The utilisation of a classification method that applies a continuity criterion may allow more consideration of the connectivity of an area because it allows a better detection of ecological gradients within a landscape. We applied this methodology to the Tuscany region focusing on terrestrial mammals. Performing a fuzzy classification we produced five land cover maps and through image processing operations we obtained a suitability model which applies a continuity criterion. The resulting suitability fuzzy model seems better for the study of connectivity and fragmentation, especially in areas with high spatial complexity.  相似文献   

Forest fragmentation constitutes one of the main consequences of land cover change worldwide. Through this process gaps in habitat coverage are created and the ability of populations in the remaining fragments to maintain themselves is put in doubt. Hence, two options need to be considered: conserving the remaining forest fragments, and restoring habitat in some deforested patches with the aim of reestablishing the connections among the fragments. We established a mathematical index (SIR) that describes the suitability of individual habitat patches for restoration within a landscape. The index considers classes of distances among fragments and categories of habitat quality in the areas surrounding the fragments to assess habitat quality in terms of probability of dispersal and survival of propagules (especially seeds and cutting). In the present study, we created detailed maps depicting SIR values for two periods (1988 and 2011) for Sorocaba region (São Paulo State, Brazil). We derived land cover maps from satellite images for the two years of our study, and then surveyed the transition of land cover categories and landscape metrics between years. A model for the SIR was created using a map of distance classes among fragments and also a map of habitat quality established according to each land cover category. For both 1988 and 2011, pasture was the predominant land cover category. The main land cover transitions were from pasture to urban (10.6%) and from pasture to forest fragments (13.4%). Although the land cover class “wood sites” increased, the data of SIR revealed that the areas of habitat categorized as excellent and good both decreased, while habitat classes categorized as poor and very poor increased. Our model has the potential to be applied to other regions where the forest is fragmented. Hence, local policy makers will be able to use this model to determine local patches of high value for conservation and also the most ideal locations for restoration projects.  相似文献   



Patterns that arise from an ecological process can be driven as much from the landscape over which the process is run as it is by some intrinsic properties of the process itself. The disentanglement of these effects is aided if it possible to run models of the process over artificial landscapes with controllable spatial properties. A number of different methods for the generation of so-called ‘neutral landscapes’ have been developed to provide just such a tool. Of these methods, a particular class that simulate fractional Brownian motion have shown particular promise. The existing methods of simulating fractional Brownian motion suffer from a number of problems however: they are often not easily generalisable to an arbitrary number of dimensions and produce outputs that can exhibit some undesirable artefacts.


We describe here an updated algorithm for the generation of neutral landscapes by fractional Brownian motion that do not display such undesirable properties. Using Monte Carlo simulation we assess the anisotropic properties of landscapes generated using the new algorithm described in this paper and compare it against a popular benchmark algorithm.


The results show that the existing algorithm creates landscapes with values strongly correlated in the diagonal direction and that the new algorithm presented here corrects this artefact. A number of extensions of the algorithm described here are also highlighted: we describe how the algorithm can be employed to generate landscapes that display different properties in different dimensions and how they can be combined with an environmental gradient to produce landscapes that combine environmental variation at the local and macro scales.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of some considerations involved in expressing the Gene Ontology (GO) as a machine-processible ontology, reflecting principles of formal ontology. GO is a controlled vocabulary that is intended to facilitate communication between biologists by standardizing usage of terms in database annotations. Making such controlled vocabularies maximally useful in support of bioinformatics applications requires explicating in machine-processible form the implicit background information that enables human users to interpret the meaning of the vocabulary terms. In the case of GO, this process would involve rendering the meanings of GO into a formal (logical) language with the help of domain experts, and adding additional information required to support the chosen formalization. A controlled vocabulary augmented in these ways is commonly called an ontology. In this paper, we make a modest exploration to determine the ontological requirements for this extended version of GO. Using the terms within the three GO hierarchies (molecular function, biological process and cellular component), we investigate the facility with which GO concepts can be ontologized, using available tools from the philosophical and ontological engineering literature.  相似文献   

OBO-Edit--an ontology editor for biologists   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
OBO-Edit is an open source, platform-independent ontology editor developed and maintained by the Gene Ontology Consortium. Implemented in Java, OBO-Edit uses a graph-oriented approach to display and edit ontologies. OBO-Edit is particularly valuable for viewing and editing biomedical ontologies. Availability: https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=36855.  相似文献   



Semantic similarity measures are useful to assess the physiological relevance of protein-protein interactions (PPIs). They quantify similarity between proteins based on their function using annotation systems like the Gene Ontology (GO). Proteins that interact in the cell are likely to be in similar locations or involved in similar biological processes compared to proteins that do not interact. Thus the more semantically similar the gene function annotations are among the interacting proteins, more likely the interaction is physiologically relevant. However, most semantic similarity measures used for PPI confidence assessment do not consider the unequal depth of term hierarchies in different classes of cellular location, molecular function, and biological process ontologies of GO and thus may over-or under-estimate similarity.  相似文献   

A model which defines fitness in terms of the intrinsic rate of increase of phenotypes is used to analyse which life cycles are appropriate to which ecological circumstances. The following predictions are made for asexual animals and those sexual animals producing on average more than one daughter per brood. If there are no behavioural or physiological interactions between variables, then number of offspring per breeding should be maximized, survival until first/next breeding should be maximized, and time to first/next breeding should be minimized. If interactions occur such that altering one life-cycle variable affects another, then there are trade-offs between variables and the optimum trade-off will maximize fitness.Number of offspring per breeding will generally affect adult survivorship until next breeding. Given certain reasonable assumptions about this trade-off, high juvenile survivorship selects towards semelparity (many offspring per brood), low juvenile survivorship selects towards iteroparity (few offspring per brood). If juvenile survival depends on adult feeding, as in altricial birds, then juvenile survivorship declines as clutch size is increased. Optimal clutch size maximizes the number of surviving offspring per brood.Two trade-offs involve parental care. If parents guard their offspring they should take more risks if brood size is larger. The amount that parents feed their offspring should depend on how effective feeding is in enhancing growth. Growth may also be enhanced by taking risks, in juveniles or adults. The extent of risk-taking should depend on how effective risk-taking is in enhancing growth.If the number of offspring per brood is related to growing conditions for offspring, the prediction is that more offspring per brood should be produced if growing conditions for offspring are better. If the adult can protect the offspring, for example by encapsulating them, the amount of protection provided should depend on how effective the protection is in increasing offspring survivorship.  相似文献   

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