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Two benthic indices to assess the quality status (the AZTI's Marine Biotic Index (AMBI) and multivariate-AMBI (M-AMBI)) are being used extensively in different habitats worldwide. We try to interpret what is behind these indices making them suitable for different habitats. To demonstrate that, we used best professional judgment (BPJ), applying it to a dataset from southern Chile, to determine the criteria proposed by 12 experts in assessing the status. The experts were provided with raw species abundance data, from 12 stations within a gradient of disturbance, from unaffected to severely affected. There was a very good agreement among experts (kappa values 0.72–0.77), with highly significant (p < 0.001) correlation between BPJ and AMBI and M-AMBI classifications, and an agreement of 76.4% and 81.9%, respectively. When comparing BPJ in Chile with other results in Europe, USA and northern Africa, similar patterns can be identified: (i) the number of criteria identified for classification is very high (range 7–12); (ii) the experts use several criteria together in the BPJ assessment; and (iii) the rank of the most important criteria is indicator species, richness, and diversity/dominance. These criteria are included in indices such as AMBI and M-AMBI. Hence, although experts are classifying samples subjectively when applying BPJ, they are corroborated in their opinions when using such indices. This fact can explain why these indices are so widely used.  相似文献   

The Tolleston Strandplain at the southern end of Lake Michigan offers a unique “dune and swale” topography supporting oak savannas on the dunes and a mosaic of wetland communities in the swales. Following years of human degradation, sites in this area are now being restored. In this effort, assessments of vegetative quality have been necessary for proper management decisions. However, it is poorly understood what indices best reflect the vegetative quality of these oak savannas and wetlands. A potential method for determining the best indices for these community types is to use metric benchmarks that employ expert best professional judgment (BPJ). In order to confirm the viability and consistency of BPJ for creating benchmarks, Kappa analysis was used to determine the level of agreement among seven experts. They placed each of 63 transects from this unique landscape into one of four quality categories: (1) “good to very good,” (2) “medium,” (3) “poor,” and (4) “very poor.” While experts had good agreement about the quality of severely degraded riverine wetlands, they had fair agreement when assessing the swales, and poor agreement when assessing the oak savannas. Using discriminant analysis, follow-up questions, and a comparison of each expert's quality categories with remnant oak savanna metrics, varying perspectives of quality also were discovered which may have influenced the experts’ assessments of the sites. Therefore, BPJ must be used with caution when creating metric benchmarks.  相似文献   

Sample Variability Influences on the Precision of Predictive Bioassessment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The rapid bioassessment technique we investigate (AUSRIVAS) requires a nationally standardized sampling protocol that uses a single collection of macroinvertebrates (without replication) taken from 10 m of specific habitats (e.g. stream edge and/or riffle) and sub-samples of 200 animals. The macroinvertebrate data are run through predictive models that provide an assessment of biological condition based on a comparison of the animals found in the collection (the observed) and those expected to be there given the site-specific characteristics of the stream (the O/E taxa score). The important questions are related to the conclusions regarding river condition that can be drawn from the biological assessment. Rapid bioassessment studies are generally of two types: those for assessment of individual sites and those where many sites are selected to collectively assess the potential impacts of some human activity such as forestry or agriculture. We wanted to identify the effects of sample variability on the outputs of this predictive bioassessment technique. We found that a single collection of benthic macroinvertebrates was sufficient for bioassessment when taken from a site that had a large area of nearly uniform substrate and was in good condition. Also, collections taken from a larger and smaller area of substrate (1.75, 3.5 or 7 m2) gave the same bioassessment. In other sites, not in such good condition, the variability in bioassessment from different collections could result in different interpretations of biological condition. For all sites, regardless of condition, much of the variation in bioassessment was derived from sub-sampling the macroinvertebrates. We develop a statistical sub-sampling and solver algorithm that provides a measure of variability and a statistically valid probability of impairment for a single site, without the need to actually collect the hundreds of replicated collections needed for this study. We found that assessment at impaired sites, where only 1 collection and 1 sub-sample are taken (a common situation in rapid assessment), the 95% confidence level for O/E taxa scores is estimated to be as much as ±0.22. At sites in reference condition, the 95% confidence interval may be much narrower (~±0.1 O/E units). Therefore, assessments of sites at, or near, reference condition will be more precise than for impaired sites. Power analysis revealed that where single sites are being assessed we recommend a sample collected from 3.5 m2 of habitat, but replicate collections should be taken at a site (rather than one only) and we recommend replicate sub-samples of each collection (total of six sub-samples from a site). However, this would remove a ‘rapid’ component of the bioassessment. We recommend the addition of sub-sampling and solver algorithms to the predictive models such as AUSRIVAS to provide a statistical measure of probability of impairment. An adaptive sub-sampling regime could then be used to optimize sampling effort. For example, a single sub-sample may be sufficient for screening or the agency could use the sub-sample and solver algorithms to sub-sample the parent sample for a more precise estimate of the biological condition. Replication should be maximized at the spatial scale required for reporting: site, or regional. But as a general rule, catchment or land-use scale studies should maximize replicate sites, and site-scale assessments should maximize replication within sites.  相似文献   

The AZTI Marine Biotic Index (AMBI) requires less geographically-specific calibration than other benthic indices, but has not performed as well in US coastal waters as it has in the European waters for which it was originally developed. Here we examine the extent of improvement in index performance when the Ecological Group (EG) classifications on which AMBI is based are derived using local expertise. Twenty-three US benthic experts developed EG scores for each of three regions in the United States, as well as for the US as a whole. Index performance was then compared using: (1) EG scores specific to a region, (2) national EG scores, (3) national EG scores supplemented with standard international EG scores for taxa that the US experts were not able to make assignments, and (4) standard international EG scores. Performance of each scheme was evaluated by diagnosis of condition at pre-defined good/bad sites, concordance with existing local benthic indices, and independence from natural environmental gradients. The AMBI performed best when using the national EG assignments augmented with standard international EG values. The AMBI using this hybrid EG scheme performed well in differentiating apriori good and bad sites (>80% correct classification rate) and AMBI scores were both concordant and correlated (rs = 0.4–0.7) with those of existing local indices. Nearly all of the results suggest that assigning the EG values in the framework of local biogeographic conditions produced a better-performing version of AMBI. The improved index performance, however, was tempered with apparent biases in score distribution. The AMBI, regardless of EG scheme, tended to compress ratings away from the extremes and toward the moderate condition and there was a bias with salinity, where high quality sites received increasingly poorer condition scores with decreasing salinity.  相似文献   

Current knowledge regarding the flow preferences of benthic stream invertebrates is mostly based on qualitative data or expert knowledge and literature analysis. These established flow preferences are difficult to use in predictions of the effects of global change on aquatic biota. To complement the existing categories, we performed a large-scale analysis on the distribution of stream invertebrates at stream monitoring sites in order to determine their responses to various hydrological conditions.We used 325 invertebrate surveys from environmental agencies at 238 sites paired to 217 gauges across Germany covering a broad range of hydrological conditions. Based on these data, we modelled the respective probabilities of occurrences for 120 benthic invertebrate taxa within this hydrological range using hierarchical logistic regression models.Our analyses revealed that more than one-third of the taxa (18–40%) can be considered as ubiquitous and having a broad hydrological tolerance. Furthermore, 22–41% of the taxa responded to specific ranges of flow conditions with detectable optima. “Duration high flow event” represented the flow parameter that correlated best with the abundance of individual taxa, followed by “rate of change average event”, with 41 and 38% of the taxa showing a peak in their probability of occurrence at specific ranges of these metrics, respectively. The habitat suitability for these taxa may be potentially affected by global change-induced hydrological changes.Quantified hydrological traits of individual taxa might therefore support stream management and enable the prediction of taxa responses to flow alteration. The hydrological traits of stream benthic invertebrates may be used in forecasting studies in central Europe, and the methods used in this study are suitable for application in other regions with different flow regimes.  相似文献   

Assessing the performance of volunteers in monitoring streams   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1. Citizens are concerned about the quality of water resources and many participate in monitoring activities, though doubts remain about the quality of the data volunteers collect. We trained volunteers to collect benthic macroinvertebrates using professional protocols. Of the seven stream sites sampled by volunteer crews, six sites were also sampled by professional crews.
2. In the laboratory, volunteers used morphological features to identify as many different taxa as possible within the major insect orders; their identification was approximately to family. Volunteers calculated five metrics: total taxon richness, richness of three key groups (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera), and percentage dominance of the three most abundant taxa. All metrics were strongly correlated with (a) the percentage of urbanized area in the catchment and (b) the metrics derived from a more complete taxonomic identification by a professional scientist. Taxon richness metrics declined with urban development, while percent dominance increased.
3. An overall summary multimetric index was used to compare the field and laboratory procedures of volunteers and professionals. Using an ANOVA model, we detected no significant difference between field samples collected by volunteers and professionals. The variance of index values associated with differences between crews was zero. The ability of the index to detect significant differences among sites (statistical power) improved by only 13% for assessments based on professional laboratory identification instead of volunteer laboratory identification.
4. Citizen volunteers, when properly trained, can collect reliable data and make stream assessments that are comparable to those made by professionals. Data collected by volunteers can supplement information used by government agencies to manage and protect rivers and streams.  相似文献   

1. Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fluxes via excretion by benthic invertebrates were quantified in a eutrophic reservoir (Acton Lake, Ohio, U.S.A.). We quantified variation in nutrient fluxes seasonally (June until November 1997), spatially (three sites) and among taxa (chironomids, tubificid oligochaetes and Chaoborus). 2. The three taxa differed in spatial distribution and contribution to nutrient fluxes. Tubificids were the most abundant taxon at two oxic sites (1.5 and 4 m depth), and were exceedingly rare at an anoxic, hypolimnetic site (8 m). Chironomids were abundant only at the shallowest oxic site. Chaoborus was the only abundant taxon at the anoxic site. Total benthic invertebrate biomass was greatest at the shallowest site and lowest at the anoxic, hypolimnetic site. 3. Mass‐specific excretion rate [μmol NH4–N or soluble reactive P (SRP) excreted mg dry mass–1 h–1] varied among experiments and was influenced by temperature. Differences among taxa were not significant. Thus, nutrient flux through benthic invertebrates was affected more by total invertebrate biomass and temperature than by species composition. 4. Fluxes of N and P via benthic invertebrate excretion (μmol NH4–N or SRP m–2 day–1) were greatest at the oxic sites, where fluxes were dominated by the excretion of tubificids and chironomids. The N and P fluxes at the anoxic site were much lower, and were dominated by excretion by Chaoborus. The ratio of N and P excreted by the benthic invertebrate assemblage varied seasonally and was lowest at the anoxic site. 5. Comparison with other measured inputs shows that excretion by benthic invertebrates could be an important source of nutrients, especially of P. However, the relative importance of nutrient excretion by the benthos varies greatly spatially and temporally.  相似文献   

This study assessed benthic macroinvertebrates and periphyton and its responses to managed river-flows, in riffles downstream of three dams on the Cotter River, Australian Capital Territory. Benthic macroinvertebrates and periphyton were also assessed in adjacent tributaries of the river, as well as in a nearby unregulated river and its tributaries. Food sources of four macroinvertebrate taxa (Leptophlebiidae, Elmidae, Glossosomatidae and Orthocladiinae) were determined by stable isotope analysis of the invertebrates and their potential food, in conjunction with examination of the gut contents of individual invertebrates. Components of benthic periphyton were the main food source for the selected taxa. Orthocladiinae consumed primarily amorphous detritus, while Elmidae, Glossosomatidae and Leptophlebiidae consumed diatoms. Enclosed benthic chambers were used to measure the response of benthic metabolism to monthly flow spikes released from one of the dams. The balance of benthic metabolism as measured by the Production/Respiration ratio (P/R) showed a shift towards production after the release of flow spikes. At sites downstream of the dams, there was more periphyton chlorophyll-a in the form of filamentous green algae than at sites in the unregulated river and the tributaries, and macroinvertebrate taxa using periphyton as a food resource were missing or reduced in abundance relative to sites without dams. However, the site downstream of the dam with environmental flow releases had more macroinvertebrate taxa and less periphyton cholorophyll-a content than sites downstream of dams without managed environmental flows, suggesting that a more suitable food supply resulting from environmental flow releases shifted macroinvertebrate communities towards those of unregulated streams.  相似文献   

Biological indicators are being increasingly used to rapidly monitor changing river quality. Among these bioindicators are macroinvertebrates. A short-coming of macroinvertebrate rapid assessments is that they use higher taxa, and therefore lack taxonomic resolution and species-specific responses. One subset of invertebrate taxa is the Odonata, which as adults, are sensitive indicators of both riparian and river conditions. Yet adult Odonata are not necessarily an umbrella taxon for all other taxa. Therefore, we investigated whether the two metrics of aquatic macroinvertebrate higher taxa and adult odonate species might complement each other, and whether together they provide better clarity on river health and integrity than one subset alone. Results indicated that both metrics provide a similar portrait of large-scale, overall river conditions. At the smaller spatial scale of parts of rivers, Odonata were highly sensitive to riparian vegetation, and much more so than macroinvertebrate higher taxa. Odonate species were more sensitive to vegetation structure than they were to vegetation composition. Landscape context is also important, with the odonate assemblages at point localities being affected by the neighbouring dominant habitat type. Overall, benthic macroinvertebrates and adult Odonata species provide a highly complementary pair of metrics which together provide large spatial scale (river system) and small spatial scale (point localities) information on the impact of stressors such as riparian invasive alien trees. As adult Odonata are easy to sample and are sensitive to disturbance at both small and large spatial scales, they are valuable indicators for rapid assessment of river condition and riparian quality.  相似文献   

Relationships between environmental variables and benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages were investigated among several sites that varied in disturbance history in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, an Afromontane site in East Africa. Environmental variables were correlated with the level of past catchment disturbance – logging, agricultural encroachment, and present tourism activity. For example, sites in medium and high disturbance categories had higher values of specific conductance and lower water transparency than low disturbance category sites, these environmental variables may therefore act indicators of ecological quality of rivers. Environmental variables such as conductivity and water transparency were found to be good predictors of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages, with anthropogenically stressed sites having lower diversity than the reference sites. Impacted sites were dominated by tolerant taxa such as chironomid and leeches, while ‘clean water’ taxa such as Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera dominated at minimally impacted sites. Comparison of sites with different disturbance histories provided evidence for differences in benthic macroinvertebrate communities that reflect the state of forest restoration and recovery. We recommend quarterly monitoring of water quality to act as an early warning system of deterioration and tracking ecological recovery of previously impacted sites.  相似文献   

基于B-IBI指数的温榆河生态健康评价   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
杨柳  李泳慧  王俊才  杨玉格  丁振军 《生态学报》2012,32(11):3313-3322
基于温榆河底栖动物和水质采样数据,采用底栖动物完整性指数(B-IBI)方法,进行温榆河生态健康评价,并探求河流水质与B-IBI指数的相关性。通过分布范围、判别能力以及相关性分析等,确定研究区B-IBI指标体系,包括总分类单元数、总生物量、优势分类单元个体相对丰度、敏感类群分类单元数、生物指数和粘附者个体丰度6个指标。根据参照点25%分位数确定温榆河底栖动物完整性评价标准,即B-IBI>1.821为健康,1.366—1.821为亚健康,0.910—1.366为一般,0.455—0.910为较差,0—0.455为极差。结果表明,温榆河27.3%河段处于健康状态,9.1%河段处于亚健康状态,13.6%河段处于一般状态,50%河段处于较差和极差状态。河流水质与B-IBI指数的相关系数为-0.549,表明生物指标作为水体评价的补充指标十分必要。  相似文献   

Ecosystem condition assessments were conducted for 12 mangrove sites in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Nine sites were selected randomly; three were selected a priori based on best professional judgment to represent a poor, intermediate and good environmental condition. During single visits a visual assessment generated numerical scores for each site relative to the reference condition range. Relationships were examined among variables to evaluate relevance of visual observations and empirical data of environmental condition. Sites in poorest visual condition possessed low concentrations of soil contaminants as hydrological attributes that restricted contaminant inflow lowered visual scores. Bacterial abundance related to the greatest number of variables, and was the only indicator that correlated with the visually derived score (0.60, p < 0.05). Soil enzymatic activity ratios within classes provided estimates of microbial nutrient status. Low peptidases/phosphatase and glycosidases/phosphatase ratios supported the conclusion reached from the molar ratios of nutrients, that mangrove soils were phosphorous limited. A positive correlation (0.71, p < 0.05) observed between C:N ratios in leaf tissue and soil from all mangrove sites indicated that relative molar ratios of major nutrients in leaf tissue were reflective of limitations in the soil. Principal components analysis guided a reduction in variables retained for analysis, and provided an ordination of the sites which grouped into three clusters and two outliers. Grouping was primarily influenced by soil C:N. In future studies measuring major nutrients in soil, C:N:P, could possibly function as a single, cost effective indicator to validate rapid visual condition assessments of mangroves.  相似文献   

Shallow lakes have been affected by a variety of human activities profoundly altering their ecological structure and function. Cladocerans have been used to track change resulting from a variety of drivers at a number of time scales. Aquatic macrophytes are well recognised as reflecting the ecological condition of a lake. Here, we compare the plant macrofossils with the sub-fossil cladoceran assemblages from 20 dated sediment cores. Co-correspondence analysis was used to determine the degree of commonality of change in community composition of the two biological groups through time. This analysis revealed very high levels of agreement in the nature and timing of change at all the sites examined with very high correlation coefficients between the axis 1 scores for macrofossils and cladocerans. Furthermore, at all sites a high proportion of the variance (min 20%, max 54%) in the macrofossil data was explained by the change in the cladoceran assemblage. Sub-fossil macrofossil and cladoceran assemblages, from at least from 1700 AD onwards, were examined in more detail at three sites: Ormesby Great Broad, Felbrigg Lake and Lake Søbygaard. There was very good accord in the main shifts of the cladoceran and macrofossil assemblages at all three sites. This may reflect the long-term shift in the principal focus of primary production from the benthic to the pelagic habitat. We suggest that the combination of their central position in the food-web and the presence of both pelagic and benthic taxa make cladocerans a strong candidate as the single best indicator of (palaeo) ecological condition related to changing trophic status and alteration in food-web structure in shallow lakes.  相似文献   

According to the guidelines of the European Water Framework Directive, assessment of the ecological quality of streams and rivers should be based on type-specific reference conditions. Moreover to support biological indicators an hydromorphological analysis is also requested for each river type. The rationale for including an habitat assessment in biomonitoring study is that a biological community can be influenced by habitat quality just as water chemistry.In the present work benthic macroinvertebrates were analysed in a specific river type of Central Italy (small-sized streams, volcanic-siliceous), to identify taxa assemblages at the mesohabitat scale and to test how common measures of benthic community used in biomonitoring differ between riffles and pools in order to evaluate if differences may influence water quality classification.Macroinvertebrates were collected in 10 selected streams, covering the whole quality range present in the geographic area from ‘reference sites’ to human-impacted sites, along a pool–riffle sequence following a multihabitat sampling protocol.We compared assemblage of macroinvertebrates found in different mesohabitats using principal component analysis (PCA). Similar site grouping was obtained in riffle, pool and abiotic analysis.The measures of diversity and abundance were used as replicates in ANOVA analysis to test differences between pools and riffles within the groups of sites. There were no significant differences in terms of taxa richness and total abundance.When we compared the abundance of each taxon we found significant differences only in the group of reference sites with 18 taxa (about 25%) that showed a significant habitat preference.Our findings support that macroinvertebrates assemblages reflected primarily the environmental conditions and differences at mesohabitat scale are strongly correlated to hydromorphological condition and are maximized in reference sites. However such differences do not influence the ecological status assessment in this typology.  相似文献   

Aquatic macroinvertebrates are commonly used biological indicators for assessing the health of freshwater ecosystems. However, counting all the invertebrates in the large samples that are usually collected for rapid site assessment is time-consuming and costly. Therefore, sub-sampling is often done with fixed time or fixed count live-sorting in the field or with preserved material using sample splitters in the laboratory. We investigate the differences between site assessments provided when the two sub-sampling approaches (Live-sort and Lab-sort) were used in conjunction with predictive bioassessment models. The samples showed a method bias. The Live-sort sub-samples tended to have more large, conspicuous invertebrates and often fewer small and, or cryptic animals that were more likely to be found in Lab-sort samples where a microscope was used. The Live-sort method recovered 4–6 more taxa than Lab-sorting in spring, but not in autumn. The magnitude of the significant differences between Live-sort and Lab-sort predictive model outputs, observed to expected (O/E) taxa scores, for the same sites ranged from 0.12 to 0.53. These differences in the methods resulted in different assessments of some sites only and the number of sites that were assessed differently depended on the season, with spring samples showing most disparity. The samples may differ most in spring because many of the invertebrates are larger at that time (and thus are more conspicuous targets for live-sorters). The Live-sort data cannot be run through a predictive model created from Lab-sort data (and vice versa) because of the taxonomic differences in sub-sample composition and the sub-sampling methods must be standardized within and among studies if biological assessment is to provide valid comparisons of site condition. Assessments that rely on the Live-sorting method may indicate that sites are ‘less impaired’ in spring compared to autumn because more taxa are retrieved in spring when they are larger and more visible. Laboratory sub-sampling may return fewer taxa in spring, which may affect assessments relying on taxonomic richness.  相似文献   

A preliminary survey of the benthic fauna of sites on the Nent system affected by elevated zinc levels, acid water and organic enrichment is described. Data on faunal composition are presented for 17 sites. A clustering technique was applied to the taxa/site matrix to demonstrate the degree of association between sites varying in zinc concentration. Chandler biotic scores were found to be lowest at sites affected by high zinc levels and/or dense growths of the alga Stigeoclonium tenue. The role of elevated zinc levels and algal growth in determining the diversity and abundance of benthos is discussed.  相似文献   

Disturbances due to trawling and dredging is a serious threat to assemblages of benthic marine animals. We tested hypotheses about effects of trawling on benthic assemblages in a manipulative field experiment, using gear and intensities relevant to future management of trawling in a Swedish fjord. Three trawled and three control sites were sampled at several times before and after trawling was initiated. This paper describes how conclusions about effects of trawling might differ between experiments involving replicate sites and experiments using only one trawled and one control site, as in several recent studies. Analyses of selected taxa showed that abundances of many species changed differently among control sites. Differences in temporal change between pairs of single trawled and control sites were also frequent. Neither the quantitative nor the qualitative nature of differences between treatments could, however, be coherently interpreted among the different combinations of trawled and control sites. This is consistent with results obtained from analyses using all sites, which showed no consistent effects of trawling on any of these taxa. These results provide empirical evidence that spatial confounding may cause serious problems to formal interpretation of experiments, which use only one control and one trawled area. Such potential problems can best be solved by ensuring that the study incorporates more than one control site.  相似文献   

Megafauna play an important role in benthic ecosystem function and are sensitive indicators of environmental change. Non-invasive monitoring of benthic communities can be accomplished by seafloor imaging. However, manual quantification of megafauna in images is labor-intensive and therefore, this organism size class is often neglected in ecosystem studies. Automated image analysis has been proposed as a possible approach to such analysis, but the heterogeneity of megafaunal communities poses a non-trivial challenge for such automated techniques. Here, the potential of a generalized object detection architecture, referred to as iSIS (intelligent Screening of underwater Image Sequences), for the quantification of a heterogenous group of megafauna taxa is investigated. The iSIS system is tuned for a particular image sequence (i.e. a transect) using a small subset of the images, in which megafauna taxa positions were previously marked by an expert. To investigate the potential of iSIS and compare its results with those obtained from human experts, a group of eight different taxa from one camera transect of seafloor images taken at the Arctic deep-sea observatory HAUSGARTEN is used. The results show that inter- and intra-observer agreements of human experts exhibit considerable variation between the species, with a similar degree of variation apparent in the automatically derived results obtained by iSIS. Whilst some taxa (e. g. Bathycrinus stalks, Kolga hyalina, small white sea anemone) were well detected by iSIS (i. e. overall Sensitivity: 87%, overall Positive Predictive Value: 67%), some taxa such as the small sea cucumber Elpidia heckeri remain challenging, for both human observers and iSIS.  相似文献   

Maul  J.D.  Farris  J.L.  Milam  C.D.  Cooper  C.M.  Testa  S.  Feldman  D.L. 《Hydrobiologia》2004,518(1-3):79-94
Streams in the loess hills of northwest Mississippi have undergone dramatic physical changes since European settlement and both physical and water quality processes may play a role in influencing biotic communities of these stream systems. The objectives of this study were to identify the response of macroinvertebrate taxa to water quality and habitat parameters in streams of northwest Mississippi, examine the efficacy of an a priori classification system of stream channel evolution and condition class using macroinvertebrate communities, and examine short-term (<2 yr) temporal variation of macroinvertebrate communities. Separation of sites based on four condition classifications was not distinct. However, best attainable sites did plot together in an ordination analysis suggesting similarity in macroinvertebrate communities for least disturbed sites. Similarly, for stage of channel evolution, sites characterized by lack of bank failure and sinuous fluvial processes had relatively similar macroinvertebrate communities. Ordination analysis also indicated high temporal variation of macroinvertebrate communities. Reference sites (best attainable and stable sites) had more similar communities between years than unstable and impacted sites. Results of this study: (1) suggest total solids, total phosphorus concentration, percent substrate as sand, ammonia concentration, and conductivity were important variables for structuring stream macroinvertebrate communities in northwest Mississippi, (2) identify potential indicator taxa for assessing such streams based on water quality and physical habitat, (3) provide support for current a priori site classifications at the best attainable (least impacted) category relative to the macroinvertebrate communities, and (4) demonstrate that between-year variation is an important factor when assessing streams of north Mississippi and this variability may be related to the degree of stream degradation.  相似文献   

Monitoring changes in population levels of a wide range of species in biodiversity research and conservation requires practical, easy-to-use and efficient assessment and monitoring methods. Dragonflies (Insecta: Odonata) are a valuable tool for assessing aquatic systems and have been used as indicators of ecological health, ecological integrity, and environmental change, including climatic change, as well as indicators of habitat recovery. We field-tested a freshwater ecological integrity index, the Dragonfly Biotic Index (DBI), based on dragonfly assemblages at the local scale, and compared the DBI to a biodiversity index (average taxonomic distinctness, AvTD) as well as to a standard freshwater benthic macroinvertebrate-based freshwater health index (South African Scoring System, using Average Score Per Taxon, ASPT). We sampled 20 river sites, selected a priori. Adult dragonflies and benthic macroinvertebrates were collected using standardized methods. Environmental variables were collected in situ, and water samples taken. Temperature and pH were the most important physical environmental variables in explaining the assemblage structure, and we found significant abiotic–biotic relationships, as well as biotic–biotic relationships. Overall, dragonflies were more sensitive to changes in river condition than were macroinvertebrates, in part because they were responding at the species rather than higher taxonomic level. AvTD scores did not show any significant relationship with changes in river condition. Furthermore, sites with low biotic scores (indicating disturbance) had high AvTD values. In contrast, DBI site value and ASPT scores were highly significantly correlated. We conclude that dragonfly assemblages in the form of a DBI are an excellent tool for environmental assessment and monitoring freshwater biodiversity, with the potential to replace labour-intensive benthic macroinvertebrate-based freshwater quality assessments, such as SASS.  相似文献   

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