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Increasing the throughput and efficiency of cell culture process development has become increasingly important to rapidly screen and optimize cell culture media and process parameters. This study describes the application of a miniaturized bioreactor system as a scaled-down model for cell culture process development using a CHO cell line expressing a recombinant protein. The microbioreactor system (M24) provides non-invasive online monitoring and control capability for process parameters such as pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), and temperature at the individual well level. A systematic evaluation of the M24 for cell culture process applications was successfully completed. Several challenges were initially identified. These included uneven gas distribution in the wells due to system design and lot to lot variability, foaming issues caused by sparging required for active DO control, and pH control limitation under conditions of minimal dissolved CO2. A high degree of variability was found which was addressed by changes in the system design. The foaming issue was resolved by addition of anti-foam, reduction of sparge rate, and elimination of DO control. The pH control limitation was overcome by a single manual liquid base addition. Intra-well reproducibility, as indicated by measurements of process parameters, cell growth, metabolite profiles, protein titer, protein quality, and scale-equivalency between the M24 and 2 L bioreactor cultures were very good. This evaluation has shown feasibility of utilizing the M24 as a scale-down tool for cell culture application development under industrially relevant process conditions.  相似文献   

Without a scale-down model for perfusion, high resource demand makes cell line screening or process development challenging, therefore, potentially successful cell lines or perfusion processes are unrealized and their ability untapped. We present here the refunctioning of a high-capacity microscale system that is typically used in fed-batch process development to allow perfusion operation utilizing in situ gravity settling and automated sampling. In this low resource setting, which involved routine perturbations in mixing, pH and dissolved oxygen concentrations, the specific productivity and the maximum cell concentration were higher than 3.0 × 106 mg/cell/day and 7 × 10 7 cells/ml, respectively, across replicate microscale perfusion runs conducted at one vessel volume exchange per day. A comparative analysis was conducted at bench scale with vessels operated in perfusion mode utilizing a cell retention device. Neither specific productivity nor product quality indicated by product aggregation (6%) was significantly different across scales 19 days after inoculation, thus demonstrating this setup to be a suitable and reliable platform for evaluating the performance of cell lines and the effect of process parameters, relevant to perfusion mode of culturing.  相似文献   

This study describes an advanced version of a two-compartment scale-down bioreactor that simulates inhomogeneities present in large-scale industrial bioreactors on the laboratory scale. The system is made of commercially available parts and is suitable for sterilization with steam. The scale-down bioreactor consists of a usual stirred tank bioreactor (STR) and a plug flow reactor (PFR) equipped with static mixer modules. The PFR module with a working volume of 1.2 L is equipped with five sample ports, and pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) sensors. The concept was applied using the non-sporulating Bacillus subtilis mutant strain AS3, characterized by a SpoIIGA gene knockout. In a fed-batch process with a constant feed rate, it is found that oscillating substrate and DO concentration led to diminished glucose uptake, ethanol formation and an altered amino acid synthesis. Sampling at the PFR module allowed the detection of dynamics at different concentrations of intermediates, such as pyruvic acid, lactic acid and amino acids. Results indicate that the carbon flux at excess glucose and low DO concentrations is shifted towards ethanol formation. As a result, the reduced carbon flux entering the tricarboxylic acid cycle is not sufficient to support amino acid synthesis following the oxaloacetic acid branch point.  相似文献   

The steady‐state operation of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells in perfusion bioreactors requires the equilibration of reactor dynamics and cell metabolism. Accordingly, in this work we investigate the transient cellular response to changes in its environment and their interactions with the bioreactor hydrodynamics. This is done in a benchtop perfusion bioreactor using MALDI‐TOF MS through isotope labeling of complex intracellular nucleotides (ATP, UTP) and nucleotide sugars (UDP‐Hex, UDP‐HexNAc). By switching to a 13C6 glucose containing feed media during constant operation at 20 × 106 cells and a perfusion rate of 1 reactor volume per day, isotopic steady state was studied. A step change to the 13C6 glucose medium in spin tubes allowed the determination of characteristic times for the intracellular turnover of unlabeled metabolites pools, (≤0.56 days), which were confirmed in the bioreactor. On the other hand, it is shown that the reactor residence time (1 day) and characteristic time for glucose uptake (0.33 days), representative of the bioreactor dynamics, delayed the consumption of 13C6 glucose in the bioreactor and thus the intracellular 13C enrichment. The proposed experimental approach allowed the decoupling of bioreactor hydrodynamics and intrinsic dynamics of cell metabolism in response to a change in the cell culture environment. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 33:1630–1639, 2017  相似文献   

A three-parameter mathematical model is developed which describes the available data on cell-kill kinetics during hyperthermia. The sub-exponential behaviour of the kinetics suggests that the cell-kill is not a one-step process.  相似文献   

Host cell protein synthesis continues when cultured cells are infected by Toxoplasma gondii. In order to determine if this host function is necessary for the parasite we used two independent methods that specifically block cellular protein synthesis. In the first, we infected a temperature-sensitive Chinese hamster ovary cell mutant that has a thermolabile leucyl tRNA synthetase. At the restrictive temperature of 40 C, the mutant cells showed only negligible protein synthesis that was probably mitochondrial. At this temperature, the growth and nucleic acid synthesis of T. gondii proceeded normally and [3H]leucine was specifically incorporated into the parasite as demonstrated by autoradiography. A secpnd method for blocking protein synthesis by the host cell employed treatment of uninfected human fibroblast cells with muconomycin A, an inhibitor of initiation. Repeated washing of monolayer cultures reduced the free muconomycin A to an insignificant level while the cells remained incapable of protein synthesis. T. gondii infected and grew normally in the inhibited cells. Autoradiographic localization of the incorporation of [3H]leucine showed that it was almost exclusively in the intracellular parasites in the cells pretreated with muconomycin A. In the untreated control most of the [3H]leucine was incorporated by the host cell rather than the parasite. We conclude that de novo protein synthesis by the host cell is not required to support the growth of intracellular T. gondii.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii, growing exponentially in heavily infected mutant Chinese hamster ovary cells that had a defined defect in purine biosynthesis, did not incorporate [U-14C]glucose or [14C]formate into the guanine or adenine of nucleic acids. Intracellular parasites therefore must be incapable of synthesizing purines and depend on their host cells for them. Extracellular parasites, which are capable of limited DNA and RNA synthesis, efficiently incorporated adenosine nucleotides, adenosine, inosine, and hypoxanthine into their nucleic acids; adenosine 5′-monophosphate was the best utilized precursor. Extracellular parasites incubated with ATP labeled with 3H in the purine base and 32P in the α-phosphate incorporated the purine ring 50-fold more efficiently than they did the α-phosphate. Thus, ATP is largely degraded to adenosine before it can be used by T. gondii for nucleic acid synthesis. Two pathways for the conversion of adenosine to nucleotides appear to exist, one involving adenosine kinase, the other hypoxanthine—guanine phosphoribosyl transferase. In adenosine kinase-less mutant parasites, the efficiency of incorporation of ATP or adenosine was reduced by 75%, which indicates the adenosine kinase pathway was predominant. Extracellular parasites incorporated ATP into both the adenine and the guanine of their nucleic acids, so ATP from the host cell could supply the entire purine requirement of T. gondii. However, ATP generated by oxidative phosphorylation in the host cell is not essential for parasites because they grew normally in a cell mutant that was deficient in aerobic respiration and almost completely dependent upon glycolysis.  相似文献   

We have developed a hematopoietic co-culture system using the hollow fiber bioreactor (HFBR) as a potential in vitro bone marrow model for evaluating leukemia. Supporting stroma using HS-5 cells was established in HFBR system and the current bioprocess configuration yielded an average glucose consumption of 640 mg/day and an average protein concentration of 6.40 mg/mL in the extracapillary space over 28 days. Co-culture with erythroleukemia K562 cells was used as a model for myelo-leukemic cell proliferation and differentiation. Two distinct localizations of K562 cells (loosely adhered and adherent cells) were identified and characterized after 2 weeks. The HFBR co-culture resulted in greater leukemic cell expansion (3,130 fold vs. 43 fold) compared to a standard tissue culture polystyrene (TCP) culture. Majority of expanded cells (68%) in HFBR culture were the adherent population, highlighting the importance of cell-cell contact for myelo-leukemic proliferation. Differentiation tendencies in TCP favored maturation toward monocyte and erythrocyte lineages but maintained a pool of myeloid progenitors. In contrast, HFBR co-culture exhibited greater lineage diversity, stimulating monocytic and megakaryocytic differentiation while inhibiting erythroid maturation. With the extensive stromal expansion capacity on hollow fiber surfaces, the HFBR system is able to achieve high cell densities and 3D cell-cell contacts mimicking the bone marrow microenvironment. The proposed in vitro system represents a dynamic and highly scalable 3D co-culture platform for the study of cell-stroma dependent hematopoietic/leukemic cell functions and ex vivo expansion.  相似文献   

Herein, we described a scale-up strategy focused on the dissolved carbon dioxide concentration (dCO2) during fed-batch cultivation of Chinese hamster ovary cells. A fed-batch culture process for a 2000-L scale stainless steel (SS) bioreactor was scaled-up from similarly shaped 200-L scale bioreactors based on power input per unit volume (P/V). However, during the 2000-L fed-batch culture, the dCO2 was higher compared with the 200-L scale bioreactor. Therefore, we developed an alternative approach by evaluating the kLa values of O2 (kLa[O2]) and CO2 [kLa(CO2)] in the SS bioreactors as a scale-up factor for dCO2 reduction. The kLa ratios [kLa(CO2)/kLa(O2)] were different between the 200-L and 2000-L bioreactors under the same P/V condition. When the agitation conditions were changed, the kLa ratio of the 2000-L scale bioreactor became similar and the P/V value become smaller compared with those of the 200-L SS bioreactor. The dCO2 trends in fed-batch cultures performed in 2000-L scale bioreactors under the modified agitation conditions were similar to the control. This kLa ratio method was used for process development in single-use bioreactors (SUBs) with shapes different from those of the SS bioreactor. The kLa ratios for the SUBs were evaluated and conditions that provided kLa ratios similar to the 200-L scale SS bioreactors were determined. The cell culture performance and product quality at the end of the cultivation process were comparable for all tested SUBs. Therefore, we concluded that the kLa ratio is a powerful scale-up factor useful to control dCO2 during fed-batch cultures.  相似文献   

A two-stage bioreactor scheme was developed for the large-scale production of recombinant proteins using a genetically engineered baculovirus/insect cell system. The first bioreactor was employed for cell growth and the second for cell infection. Silkworm Bm5 cells were infected with a recombinant baculovirus, BmNPV/P5.cat, containing a bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene under the control of the polyhedrin gene promoter of Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus (BmNPV). This recombinant baculovirus has been used as an expression vector for the production of recombinant CAT enzyme. A specific productivity of 82 to 90 mug CAT/(10(6) cells) was obtained using the BmNPV/Bm5 expression system, a yield similar to that achieved using the AcNPV/Sf expression system. Repeated infection of high-density cell cultures did not reduce the specific productivity of the CAT enzyme. Most importantly, the problems associated with the infection of high-density cell cultures were resolved by means of controlled infection conditions and appropriate replenishment of spent culture medium following infection. The glucose uptake rate by the cells following infection was 50% higher than that by the cells before infection. Not only did the infection of high-density cell cultures result in consistent yields of 250 mg/L of CAT enzyme, but also the two-stage bioreactor system was proven to be reliable for a long-term operation beyond 600 h. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Recombinant CHO cells of DG44 origin (CS*13-1.00), expressing a chimeric antibody against the S surface antigen of the Hepatitis B virus, were cultivated in single-stage and two-stage depth filter perfusion systems (DFPS) under varying temperature, pH, and oxygen tension conditions to determine their effects on recombinant antibody production. A long-term culture was carried out in a single-stage depth filter for 81 days, during which an occasional clog interrupted the experiment. However, this problem was solved via trypsin injection. The DFPS showed a steady production of monoclonal antibody at a concentration of 100∼150 mg/L. As the cultivation temperature was increased from 33 to 37°C, the monoclonal antibody (Mab) concentration increased from 80.33 to 133.47 mg/L. Likewise, the glucose uptake rate (GUR) and lactate production rate (LPR) also increased. With an increase in pH from 6.95 to 7.61, the Mab concentration increased from 61.64 to 94.31 mg/L. When the oxygen tension was increased from 60 to 80%, the Mab concentration increased from 93.78 to 128.30 mg/L.  相似文献   

Summary With a view to initiating clinical trials, cell morphology and function for a newly developed artificial liver support system employing highly functional human liver cell line, FLC-7, cultured in a radial flow bioreactor were compared to cells grown in a conventional monolayer culture. The radial flow bioreactor consists of a vertically extended cylindrical matrix comprised of porous glass bead microcarriers through which liquid medium flows from the periphery in toward the central axis generating a beneficial concentration gradient of oxygen and nutrients, while preventing excessive shear stresses or buildup of waste products. The three-dimensional culture system supports high-density (1.1 × 108 cells/ml-matrix), large scale cultures (4.4 × 1010 cells/400 ml-bioreactor) with long-term viability. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) revealed that cells cultured in a monolayer system were flattened and extended with numerous cytoplasmic projections. Cells in the three-dimensional culture were spherical and covered with microvillilike processes resembling liver cells in vivo. The cells were solidly attached on the surfaces and within the pores of the microcarriers in highly dense colonies. The spherical cells remained in close contact with adjacent cells, while circulation of liquid medium flowed freely through spaces between cells. FLC-7 cells produced albumin at a rate of 6.41 μg/24 h/106 cells. Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) production dropped nearly threefold in comparison to monolayer cultures. Results demonstrated that the new artificial liver support systems (ALSS) provides a superior three-dimensional culture environment that allows cells to perform at naturally functioning levels.  相似文献   

We describe a strategy for the selection and amplification of foreign gene expression in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells employing a metallothionein gene-containing expression vector. This report describes an amplification procedure that results in an enrichment of clones exhibiting high levels of recombinant protein production and reduces the labour required for screening recombinant cell lines.  相似文献   

The ryanodine receptor (RyR)/Ca2+ release channel is an essential component of excitation–contraction coupling in striated muscle cells. To study the function and regulation of the Ca2+ release channel, we tested the effect of caffeine on the full-length and carboxyl-terminal portion of skeletal muscle RyR expressed in a Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line. Caffeine induced openings of the full length RyR channels in a concentration-dependent manner, but it had no effect on the carboxyl-terminal RyR channels. CHO cells expressing the carboxyl-terminal RyR proteins displayed spontaneous changes of intracellular [Ca2+]. Unlike the native RyR channels in muscle cells, which display localized Ca2+ release events (i.e., “Ca2+ sparks” in cardiac muscle and “local release events” in skeletal muscle), CHO cells expressing the full length RyR proteins did not exhibit detectable spontaneous or caffeine-induced local Ca2+ release events. Our data suggest that the binding site for caffeine is likely to reside within the amino-terminal portion of RyR, and the localized Ca2+ release events observed in muscle cells may involve gating of a group of Ca2+ release channels and/or interaction of RyR with muscle-specific proteins.  相似文献   

Production of recombinant antibodies against botulinum neurotoxin is necessary for the development of a post-exposure treatment. CHO-DG44 cells were transfected with a plasmid encoding the light and heavy chains of a chimeric monoclonal antibody (S25) against botulism neurotoxin serotype A. Stable cell lines were obtained by dilution cloning and clones were shown to produce nearly equivalent levels of light and heavy chain antibody by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). In suspension culture, cells produced 35 μg/ml of chimeric antibody after 6 days, corresponding to a specific antibody productivity of 3.1 pg/cell/day. A method for the harvest and recovery of an antibody against botulism neurotoxin serotype A was investigated utilizing ethylenediamine-N,N′-tetra(methylphosphonic) acid (EDTPA) modified zirconia and MEP-hypercel, a hydrophobic charge interaction chromatography resin. Purification of the S25 antibody was compared to that achieved using rProtein A–Sepharose Fast Flow resin. After the direct load of culture supernatant, analysis by ELISA and gel electrophoresis showed that S25 antibody could be recovered at purities of 41 and 44%, from the EDTPA modified zirconia and MEP-hypercel columns, respectively. Although the purity obtained from each of these columns was low, the ability to withstand high column pressures and nearly 90% recovery of the antibody makes EDTPA modified zirconia well suited as an initial capture step. Combining the EDTPA modified zirconia and HCIC columns in series resulted in both purity and final product yield of 72%.  相似文献   

To produce erythropoietin (EPO), Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells were first cultured in a medium containing FBS (growth medium) and then in a serum-free medium containing sodium butyrate (production medium). Sodium butyrate increases recombinant protein production, but also induces apoptosis, which reduces cell viability and productivity. In a previous study, we found that silkworm hemolymph (SH), an insect serum, inhibits the apoptosis of insect and mammalian cells. To overcome sodium butyrate-induced apoptosis, we added SH to growth medium. This pretreatment with SH inhibited the sodium butyrate-induced apoptosis of CHO cells and consequently increased their longevity and their ability to produce EPO. As a result, the volumetric productivity of EPO was increased five-fold. SH was found to inhibit cytochrome c release from mitochondria into the cytosol, and prevented the activation of caspase-3 and other subsequent caspase reactions.  相似文献   

Most biotherapeutic drugs are recombinant monoclonal antibodies which are mostly produced in monoclonal cell lines derived from Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Various clones expressing a monoclonal recombinant antibody were analyzed and a correlation of the antibody concentration and the relative mRNA level of calreticulin (CALR), glucose‐regulated protein 78 and 94 kDa (GRP78, GRP94) and spliced X‐box binding protein 1 (XPB1) was observed. By means of these results we were motivated to establish a novel selection system based on endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, which allows the rapid identification and isolation of high‐expressing clones out of a pool mainly consisting of low‐ and medium‐producing cells. Several ER stress responsive elements were tested with the aid of a recombinase mediated cassette exchange (RMCE) procedure. Very surprisingly, only GRP78 reporter constructs were strongly stimulated upon antibody expression. Furthermore we found that GRP78 reporter constructs are very suitable to reflect the level of antibody expression (IgG) in recombinant CHO cells. Based on these results, it is concluded, that the novel ER stress based selection system developed during this study is suitable to identify and isolate clones with a high level of antibody expression. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2012; 109: 2599–2611. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Early analytical clone screening is important during Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line development of biotherapeutic proteins to select a clonally derived cell line with most favorable stability and product quality. Sensitive sequence confirmation methods using mass spectrometry have limitations in throughput and turnaround time. Next‐generation sequencing (NGS) technologies emerged as alternatives for CHO clone analytics. We report an efficient NGS workflow applying the targeted locus amplification (TLA) strategy for genomic screening of antibody expressing CHO clones. In contrast to previously reported RNA sequencing approaches, TLA allows for targeted sequencing of genomic integrated transgenic DNA without prior locus information, robust detection of single‐nucleotide variants (SNVs) and transgenic rearrangements. During clone selection, TLA/NGS revealed CHO clones with high‐level SNVs within the antibody gene and we report in another case the utility of TLA/NGS to identify rearrangements at transgenic DNA level. We also determined detection limits for SNVs calling and the potential to identify clone contaminations by TLA/NGS. TLA/NGS also allows to identify genetically identical clones. In summary, we demonstrate that TLA/NGS is a robust screening method useful for routine clone analytics during cell line development with the potential to process up to 24 CHO clones in less than 7 workdays.  相似文献   

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