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Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) is ideally suited for studies of natural phenotypic variation. This species has also provided an unparalleled experimental system to explore the mechanistic link between genetic and epigenetic variation, especially with regard to cytosine methylation. Using high-throughput sequencing methods, genotype to epigenotype to phenotype observations can now be extended to plant populations. We review the evidence for induced and spontaneous epigenetic variants that have been identified in Arabidopsis in the laboratory and discuss how these experimental observations could explain existing variation in the wild.  相似文献   

Epigenetic variation is frequently observed in plants and direct relationships between differences in DNA methylation and phenotypic responses to changing environments have often been described. The identification of contributing genetic loci, however, was until recently hampered by the lack of suitable genome wide mapping resources that specifically segregate for epigenetic marks. The development of epi-RIL populations in the model species Arabidopsis thaliana has alleviated this obstacle, enabling the accurate genetic analysis of epigenetic variation. Comprehensive morphological phenotyping of a ddm1 derived epi-RIL population in different environments and subsequent epi-QTL mapping revealed a high number of epi-QTLs and pleiotropic effects of several DMRs on numerous traits. For a number of these epi-QTLs epistatic interactions could be observed, further adding to the complexity of epigenetic regulation. Moreover, linkage to epigenetic marks indicated a specific role for DNA-methylation variation, rather than TE transposition, in plastic responses to changing environments. These findings provide supportive evidence for a role of epigenetic regulation in evolutionary and adaptive processes.  相似文献   

Zhai J  Liu J  Liu B  Li P  Meyers BC  Chen X  Cao X 《PLoS genetics》2008,4(4):e1000056
Progress in epigenetics has revealed mechanisms that can heritably regulate gene function independent of genetic alterations. Nevertheless, little is known about the role of epigenetics in evolution. This is due in part to scant data on epigenetic variation among natural populations. In plants, small interfering RNA (siRNA) is involved in both the initiation and maintenance of gene silencing by directing DNA methylation and/or histone methylation. Here, we report that, in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, a cluster of approximately 24 nt siRNAs found at high levels in the ecotype Landsberg erecta (Ler) could direct DNA methylation and heterochromatinization at a hAT element adjacent to the promoter of FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC), a major repressor of flowering, whereas the same hAT element in ecotype Columbia (Col) with almost identical DNA sequence, generates a set of low abundance siRNAs that do not direct these activities. We have called this hAT element MPF for Methylated region near Promoter of FLC, although de novo methylation triggered by an inverted repeat transgene at this region in Col does not alter its FLC expression. DNA methylation of the Ler allele MPF is dependent on genes in known silencing pathways, and such methylation is transmissible to Col by genetic crosses, although with varying degrees of penetrance. A genome-wide comparison of Ler and Col small RNAs identified at least 68 loci matched by a significant level of approximately 24 nt siRNAs present specifically in Ler but not Col, where nearly half of the loci are related to repeat or TE sequences. Methylation analysis revealed that 88% of the examined loci (37 out of 42) were specifically methylated in Ler but not Col, suggesting that small RNA can direct epigenetic differences between two closely related Arabidopsis ecotypes.  相似文献   

The genomics tools available for studying Arabidopsis thaliana are a great resource for researchers trying to characterize and understand the genetic basis of natural variation. Abundant polymorphic markers aid quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping, the fully sequenced genome provides rapid identification of candidate loci, and extensive knockout collections allow those candidate loci to be tested. Combining QTL mapping of classic phenotypic traits with biochemical or expression analysis is providing mechanistic insight into the traits of interest. Conversely, natural variation studies are now being done on genomic traits such as methylation or chiasma frequency.  相似文献   

Information concerning natural variation either in chiasma frequency or in the genetic basis of any such variation is a valuable tool to characterize phenotypic traits and their genetic control. Here meiotic recombination frequencies are analysed in nine geographically and ecologically diverse accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana, and a comparative study was carried out incorporating previous data from another eight accessions. Chiasma frequencies, estimated by counting rod and ring bivalents at metaphase I, varied up to 22% among accessions. However, no differences were found among plants of the same accession. There was a relationship, which does not necessarily imply direct proportionality, between the size of the chromosomes and their mean chiasma frequency. Chiasma frequency and distribution between arms and among chromosomes were not consistent over accessions. These findings indicate the existence of genetic factors controlling meiotic recombination both throughout the whole genome and at the whole chromosome level. The reliability of chiasma scoring as an indicator of reciprocal recombination events is also discussed.  相似文献   

FRIGIDA (FRI) and FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC) are two genes that, unless plants are vernalized, greatly delay flowering time in Arabidopsis thaliana. Natural loss-of-function mutations in FRI cause the early flowering growth habits of many A. thaliana accessions. To quantify the variation among wild accessions due to FRI, and to identify additional genetic loci in wild accessions that influence flowering time, we surveyed the flowering times of 145 accessions in long-day photoperiods, with and without a 30-day vernalization treatment, and genotyped them for two common natural lesions in FRI. FRI is disrupted in at least 84 of the accessions, accounting for only approximately 40% of the flowering-time variation in long days. During efforts to dissect the causes for variation that are independent of known dysfunctional FRI alleles, we found new loss-of-function alleles in FLC, as well as late-flowering alleles that do not map to FRI or FLC. An FLC nonsense mutation was found in the early flowering Van-0 accession, which has otherwise functional FRI. In contrast, Lz-0 flowers late because of high levels of FLC expression, even though it has a deletion in FRI. Finally, eXtreme array mapping identified genomic regions linked to the vernalization-independent, late-flowering habit of Bur-0, which has an alternatively spliced FLC allele that behaves as a null allele.  相似文献   

The epigenetic features of defined chromosomal domains condition their biochemical and functional properties. Therefore, there is considerable interest in studying the epigenetic marks present at relevant chromosomal loci. Telomeric regions, which include telomeres and subtelomeres, have been traditionally considered heterochromatic. However, whereas the heterochromatic nature of subtelomeres has been widely accepted, the epigenetic status of telomeres remains controversial. Here, we studied the epigenetic features of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) telomeres by analyzing multiple genome-wide ChIP-seq experiments. Our analyses revealed that Arabidopsis telomeres are not significantly enriched either in euchromatic marks like H3K4me2, H3K9ac, and H3K27me3 or in heterochromatic marks such as H3K27me1 and H3K9me2. Thus, telomeric regions in Arabidopsis have a bimodal chromatin organization with telomeres lacking significant levels of canonical euchromatic and heterochromatic marks followed by heterochromatic subtelomeres. Since heterochromatin is known to influence telomere function, the heterochromatic modifications present at Arabidopsis subtelomeres could play a relevant role in telomere biology.

Telomeric regions in Arabidopsis have a bimodal chromatin with telomeres lacking substantial levels of canonical euchromatic and heterochromatic marks followed by heterochromatic subtelomeres.  相似文献   

Low temperature represents a form of abiotic stress that varies predictably with latitude and altitude and to which organisms have evolved multiple physiological responses. Plants provide an especially useful experimental system for investigating the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of tolerance to low temperature because of their sessile lifestyle and inability to escape ambient atmospheric conditions. Here, intraspecific variation in freezing tolerance was investigated in Arabidopsis thaliana by conducting freezing tolerance assays on 71 accessions collected from across the native range of the species. Assays were performed at multiple minimum temperatures and on both cold-acclimated and non-cold-acclimated individuals. Considerable variation in freezing tolerance was observed among accessions both with and without a prior cold-acclimation treatment, suggesting that differences among accessions in cold-acclimation capacity as well as differences in intrinsic physiology contribute to variation in this phenotype. A highly significant positive relationship was observed between freezing tolerance and latitude of origin of accessions, consistent with a major role for natural selection in shaping variation in this phenotype. Clinal variation in freezing tolerance in A. thaliana coupled with considerable knowledge of the underlying genetics and physiology of this phenotype should allow evolutionary genetic analysis at multiple levels.  相似文献   

Rowe HC  Kliebenstein DJ 《Genetics》2008,180(4):2237-2250
The genetic architecture of plant defense against microbial pathogens may be influenced by pathogen lifestyle. While plant interactions with biotrophic pathogens are frequently controlled by the action of large-effect resistance genes that follow classic Mendelian inheritance, our study suggests that plant defense against the necrotrophic pathogen Botrytis cinerea is primarily quantitative and genetically complex. Few studies of quantitative resistance to necrotrophic pathogens have used large plant mapping populations to dissect the genetic structure of resistance. Using a large structured mapping population of Arabidopsis thaliana, we identified quantitative trait loci influencing plant response to B. cinerea, measured as expansion of necrotic lesions on leaves and accumulation of the antimicrobial compound camalexin. Testing multiple B. cinerea isolates, we identified 23 separate QTL in this population, ranging in isolate-specificity from being identified with a single isolate to controlling resistance against all isolates tested. We identified a set of QTL controlling accumulation of camalexin in response to pathogen infection that largely colocalized with lesion QTL. The identified resistance QTL appear to function in epistatic networks involving three or more loci. Detection of multilocus connections suggests that natural variation in specific signaling or response networks may control A. thaliana-B. cinerea interaction in this population.  相似文献   

We describe a simple method of measuring spatial variation in fitness using randomly sown seeds. Given a random initial distribution of seeds, any spatial variation in the final distribution of genotypes must be the result of spatial variation in natural selection. Departures from spatial randomness are tested using a modification of join-count statistics, based on the probability that two randomly chosen plants separated by a given distance carry the same genetic marker. Monte Carlo simulations showed that for the randomly sown seeds design the join-count test had higher power to detect spatial variation in fitness than analysis of variance. The power was relatively independent of the number of genotypes used or the number of microsites sampled. The method was tested in the field using three standard lines of Arabidopsis thaliana. At the end of the life cycle, adjacent plants were significantly more likely to be the same line than randomly chosen pairs and the spatial dependence extended to distances of nearly 50 cm. Simple experiments like this may be especially useful for “comparative ecological genetics”, allowing systematic studies of natural selection among many species or habitats.  相似文献   

Nineteen Arabidopsis accessions grown at low (LOW N) and high (HIGH N) nitrate supplies were labelled using (15)N to trace nitrogen remobilization to the seeds. Effects of genotype and nutrition were examined. Nitrate availability affected biomass and yield, and highly modified the nitrogen concentration in the dry remains. Surprisingly, variations of one-seed dry weight (DW(1S)) and harvest index (HI) were poorly affected by nutrition. Nitrogen harvest index (NHI) was highly correlated with HI and showed that nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) was increased at LOW N. Nitrogen remobilization efficiency (NRE), as (15)N partitioning in seeds ((15)NHI), was also higher at LOW N. The relative specific abundance (RSA) in seeds and whole plants indicated that the (14)NO(3) absorbed post-labelling was mainly allocated to the seeds (SEEDS) at LOW N, but to the dry remains (DR) at HIGH N. Nitrogen concentration (N%) in the DR was then 4-fold higher at HIGH N compared with LOW N, whilst N% in seeds was poorly modified. Although NHI and (15)NHI were highly correlated to HI, significant variations in NUE and NRE were identified using normalization to HI. New insights provided in this report are helpful for the comprehension of NUE and NRE concepts in Arabidopsis as well as in crops and especially in Brassica napus.  相似文献   

Circadian clocks are ubiquitous mechanisms that provide an adaptive advantage by predicting subsequent environmental changes. In the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis), our understanding of the complex genetic network among clock components has considerably increased during these past years. Modeling has predicted the possibility of additional component to systematically and functionally complete the clock system. Mutagenesis screens have in the past been successfully employed to detect such novel components. With the advancement in sequencing technologies and improvements in statistical approaches, the extensive natural variation present in Arabidopsis accessions has emerged as a powerful alternative in functional gene discovery. In this review article, we review the previous efforts in mapping natural alleles affecting various clock parameters and will discuss further potentials of such natural-variation studies in physiological and ecological contexts.  相似文献   

Molecular biologists are rapidly characterizing the genetic basis of flowering in model species such as Arabidopsis thaliana. However, it is not clear how the developmental pathways identified in controlled environments contribute to variation in reproductive timing in natural ecological settings. Here we report the first study of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for date of bolting (the transition from vegetative to reproductive growth) in A. thaliana in natural seasonal field environments and compare the results with those obtained under typical growth-chamber conditions. Two QTL specific to long days in the chamber were expressed only in spring-germinating cohorts in the field, and two loci specific to short days in the chamber were expressed only in fall-germinating cohorts, suggesting differential involvement of the photoperiod pathway in different seasonal environments. However, several other photoperiod-specific QTL with large effects in controlled conditions were undetectable in natural environments, indicating that expression of allelic variation at these loci was overridden by environmental factors specific to the field. Moreover, a substantial number of QTL with major effects on bolting date in one or more field environments were undetectable under controlled environment conditions. These novel loci suggest the involvement of additional genes in the transition to flowering under ecologically relevant conditions.  相似文献   

Naturally-occurring variation in K(+) concentrations between plant genotypes is potentially exploitable in a number of ways, including altering the relationship between K(+) accumulation and growth, enhancing salinity resistance, or improving forage quality. However, achieving these requires greater insight into the genetic basis of the variation in tissue K(+) concentrations. To this end, K(+) concentrations were measured in the shoots of 70 Arabidopsis thaliana accessions and a Cape Verdi Island/Landsberg erecta recombinant inbred line (RIL) population. The shoot K(+) concentrations expressed on the basis of fresh matter (KFM) or dry matter (KDM) were both broadly and normally distributed as was the shoot dry matter content per unit fresh weight (DMC). Using the data from the RILs, four quantitative trait loci (QTL) were identified for KFM and three for KDM. These were located on chromosomes 2, 3, 4, and 5. Two of the QTLs for KFM overlapped with those for KDM. None of these QTLs overlapped with those for fresh weight or dry weight, but the QTL for KDM located on chromosome 3 overlapped with one for DMC. In silico analysis was used to identify known or putative K(+) and cation transporter genes whose loci overlapped with the QTLs. In most cases, multiple genes were identified and the possible role of their gene products in determining shoot K(+) concentrations is discussed.  相似文献   

Kato M  Takashima K  Kakutani T 《Genetics》2004,168(2):961-969
Epigenetic mutation, heritable developmental variation not based on a change in nucleotide sequence, is widely reported in plants. However, the developmental and evolutionary significance of such mutations remains enigmatic. On the basis of our studies of the endogenous Arabidopsis transposon CACTA, we propose that the inheritance of epigenetic gene silencing over generations can function as a transgenerational genome defense mechanism against deleterious movement of transposons. We previously reported that silent CACTA1 is mobilized by the DNA hypomethylation mutation ddm1 (decrease in DNA methylation). In this study, we report that CACTA activated by the ddm1 mutation remains mobile in the presence of the wild-type DDM1 gene, suggesting that de novo silencing is not efficient for the defense of the genome against CACTA movement. The defense depends on maintenance of transposon silencing over generations. In addition, we show that the activated CACTA1 element transposes throughout the genome in DDM1 plants, as reported previously for ddm1 backgrounds. Furthermore, the CACTA1 element integrated into both the ddm1-derived and the DDM1-derived chromosomal regions in the DDM1 wild-type plants, demonstrating that this class of transposons does not exhibit targeted integration into heterochromatin, despite its accumulation in the pericentromeric regions in natural populations. The possible contribution of natural selection as a mechanism for the accumulation of transposons and evolution of heterochromatin is discussed.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis accessions differ largely in their seed dormancy behavior. To understand the genetic basis of this intraspecific variation we analyzed two accessions: the laboratory strain Landsberg erecta (Ler) with low dormancy and the strong-dormancy accession Cape Verde Islands (Cvi). We used a quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping approach to identify loci affecting the after-ripening requirement measured as the number of days of seed dry storage required to reach 50% germination. Thus, seven QTL were identified and named delay of germination (DOG) 1-7. To confirm and characterize these loci, we developed 12 near-isogenic lines carrying single and double Cvi introgression fragments in a Ler genetic background. The analysis of these lines for germination in water confirmed four QTL (DOG1, DOG2, DOG3, and DOG6) as showing large additive effects in Ler background. In addition, it was found that DOG1 and DOG3 genetically interact, the strong dormancy determined by DOG1-Cvi alleles depending on DOG3-Ler alleles. These genotypes were further characterized for seed dormancy/germination behavior in five other test conditions, including seed coat removal, gibberellins, and an abscisic acid biosynthesis inhibitor. The role of the Ler/Cvi allelic variation in affecting dormancy is discussed in the context of current knowledge of Arabidopsis germination.  相似文献   

Development of ChiP-chip and ChlP-seq technologies has allowed genome-wide high-resolution profiling of chromatin-associated marks and binding sites for epigenetic regulators. However, signals for directing epigenetic modifiers to their target sites are not understood. In this paper, we tested the hypothesis that genome location can affect the involvement of epigenetic regulators using Chromatin Charting (CC) Lines, which have an identical transgene construct inserted at different locations in the Arabidopsis genome. Four CC lines that showed evidence for epigenetic silencing of the luciferase reporter gene were transformed with RNAi vectors individually targeting epigenetic regulators LHP1, MOM1, CMT3, DRD1, DRM2, SUVH2, CLF, and HD1. Involvement of a particular epigenetic regulator in silencing the transgene locus in a CC line was determined by significant alterations in luciferase expression after suppression of the regulator's expression. Our results suggest that the targeting of epigenetic regulators can be influenced by genome location as well as sequence context. In addition, the relative importance of an epigenetic regulator can be influenced by tissue identity. We also report a novel approach to predict interactions between epigenetic regulators through clustering analysis of the regulators using alterations in gene expression of putative downstream targets, including endogenous loci and transgenes, in epigenetic mutants or RNAi lines. Our data support the existence of a complex and dynamic network of epigenetic regulators that serves to coordinate and control global gene expression in higher plants.  相似文献   

拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)是植物生物学的模式植物, 在分子遗传学方面已经积累了丰富的研究成果, 但目前对拟南芥自然分布的生境特点、表型变化的环境依赖特征等研究很少, 极大地限制了对拟南芥进化动力和机制的理解。为了了解在微环境下拟南芥种群分布和表型性状的变化特点, 对天山北部分布于塔尔巴哈台山、阿尔泰山和天山的10个拟南芥种群的分布特征、表型的变化特点, 以及与综合环境因子的相互关系进行了分析。结果表明: 除分枝数外, 株高、株重、根重、单个果实重量、单株果数、单株果重、果长、果实开裂力度、单株果重/总重9个特征在种群间变化显著, 可塑性能力较强; 但方差分析和变异系数结果显示, 角果长度、果实开裂力度在种群内和种群间的变化相对较小。表型特征在山系间、经纬度和海拔间的变化规律不明显。拟南芥主要分布于pH值和HCO3 -含量低, 有机质丰富, 且有一定坡度的沙土地块上。种群内拟南芥分布频度很低, 在1.56%-10.69%之间, 空间自相关距离在15.4-46.7 cm之间变化较大, 10个种群均呈现极显著集群分布, 分布的集群性受果实开裂力度的影响显著, 而果实开裂力度随环境胁迫而极显著增加。总结认为: 天山北部拟南芥生长和分布主要受微环境的影响, 在干旱环境下, 拟南芥主要通过增加繁殖分配比例, 产生难开裂的果实, 促使种子短距离扩散于母株周围, 确保子代利用原适宜生境来生存繁衍。  相似文献   

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