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Multinucleate cells of Coelastrum undergo precisely directed cytokinesis, guided by phycoplast microtubules, to form a number of uninucleate daughter cells which subsequently adhere to form characteristically patterned aggregates. As there is no movement of the daughter cells relative to one another before their adhesion, the disposition of cells in daughter colonies reflects the pattern of cytokinesis of parent cells. Centrioles lie at the poles of the mitotic nuclei which are partially enclosed by a perinuclear envelope of endoplasmic reticulum. The centrioles disappear at the time of cytokinesis of the parental cell and apparently reform de novo once the daughter cells have acquired a cell wall following their adhesion. The trilaminar layer of cell wall, often termed the pectic layer, does not stain with ruthenium red and resists acetolysis suggesting that it contains sporopollenin rather than pectin.  相似文献   

Mitosis and cell division have been examined ultrastructurally in the vegetative cells of Hydrurus foetidus (Vill) Trev. and found to resemble that of Ochromonas in two important aspects. First, the rhizoplast acts as the spindle organizing body and second, the spindle elongates considerably during anaphase. It differs from Ochromonas in that there is no movement of the basal bodies and flagella towards the poles. Moreover, the nuclear envelope remains relatively intact throughout early stages of mitosis, with gaps developing at the poles during prophase to permit entry of spindle microtubules. Disruption of the nuclear envelope does not occur in the equatorial plane until late anaphase. The spindle persists into telophase and is bent towards the posterior of the cell by the ingrowing edge of the cleavage furrow. Persistence of the spindle and lack of Ochromoms-type cell elongation may be related to the constricting presence of the sheath during cell division—a completely different strategy to that adopted by the green algae under conditions of similar constraint.  相似文献   

Mitosis and cell division were studied in the green alga Cylindrocapsa geminella Wolle with transmission electron microscopy. Vegetative cells possess a parietal, lobed chloroplast, and a central pyrenoid. Prophase and metaphase nuclei are surrounded by 1–3 layers of perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum. At early prophase a small number of perinuclear microtubules (MTs) are present while at late prophase MTs are concentrated at the presumptive spindle poles. At the same time, MTs begin to appear in the nucleoplasm. Metaphase spindles are diamond-shaped and centric. During telophase, centrioles migrate towards the center of the equatorial zone, presumably guided by a small group of perinuclear MTs. A second system of MTs develops in the equatorial plane, initially consisting of randomly orientated microtubular elements. Later they tend to run in a predominantly radial direction although a common MT focal point or organizing center is not apparent. The two centriole complexes remain at the center of the equatorial plane until well into interphase, facing each other across the newly formed transverse septum. Centrioles are associated with root templates and connecting fibers. The present observations corroborate the view that C. geminella does not form a true filament in the ulotrichalean or chaetophoralean sense, but rather consists of a row of autospores. Its affinity with other “pseudo-filamentous” green algae and the Chlorococcales is discussed. The interpretation of the cytokinetic MTs in C. geminella as a phycoplast appears to be problematic.  相似文献   

Cell division in Scenedesmus is fairly typical of other chlorococcalean genera. The closed spindle has centrioles at polar fenestrae and apparently a series of nuclear divisions precedes cytokinesis. The phycoplast system of cytokinetic microtubules predicts the path of cleavage furrows whose mode of formation is obscure. Before and during cell division, the endoplasmic reticulum invariably accumulates granular material which later, during cytokinesis, appears to he secreted via the golgi bodies. Similar dense granular material then at accumulates outside the forming daughter cells but inside the parental wall, as the latter begins eroding away. By the end of colony formation, the cellulosic parental wall has disappeared, leaving its outer sheath and attached ornamentative features (spines, combs, reticulate or warty layer, etc.) intact as a “ghost.” The spines and combs of new colonies appear to condense out of the extracellular aggregate; their precise mode of formation is obscure. As they form, the daughter cells, having become rearranged within the parental wall, stick to one another apparently at specific sites on their outer surface. A trilaminar (sporopollenin-containing) layer arises first in each cell at these adhesive sites and immediately afterwards, dense material aggregates between the adjacent layers to give rise to the coenobial adhesive. Plaques of the trilaminar layer later appear over the rest of the cell's surface; they grow and fuse so that eventually each cell is enclosed by one continuous Trilaminar Sheath (TLS). While the plaques are forming, another dense layer materializes around the whole coenobium. Depending on the species, this layer turns into either the warty layer, in which instance it is applied directly on to the surface of the TLS except near the coenobial adhesive, or else it becomes the reticulate layer, in which instance it remains entirely separate from the TLS, soon acquiring the complex system of propping spikelets which suspend it from the coenobial surface. When fully farmed, the daughter coenobium is tightly compressed within the parental TLS, with its spines folded lengthwise along the daughter cells. Release of the colony follows a quite explosive rupturing of the parental TLS, and immediately upon release, the daughter colony flattens out and erects its spines.  相似文献   

Cell division in the marine red algae Polysiphonia harveyi Bailey and P. denudata (Dillwyn) Kutzing was studied with the electron microscope. Cells comprising the compact spermatangial branches of male plants were used exclusively because of their small size, large numbers and the ease with which the division planes can be predetermined. Some features characterizing mitosis in Polysiphonia confirm earlier electron microscope observations in Membranoptera, the only other florideophycean algae in which mitosis has been studied in detail. Common to both genera are a closed, fenestrated spindle, perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum, a typical metaphase plate arrangement of chromosomes, conspicuous, layered kinetochores, chromosomal and non-chromosomal microtubules, and nucleus associated organelles (NAOs) known as polar rings (PRs) located singly in large ribosome-free zones of exclusion at division poles in late prophase. However, other features, unreported in Membranoptera, were observed consistently in Polysiphonia. These include the presence of PR pairs in interphase-early prophase cells, the attachment of PRs to the nuclear envelope during all mitotic stages, the migration of a single PR to establish the division axis, a prominent, nuclear envelope protrusion (NEP) at both division poles at late prophase, the prometaphase splitting of PRs into proximal and distal portions, and the reformation of post-mitotic nuclei by the separation of an elongated interzonal nuclear midpiece at telophase. During cytokinesis, cleavage furrows impinge upon a central vacuolar region located between the two nuclei and eventually pit connections are formed in a manner basically similar to that reported for other red algae. Diagrammatic sequences of proposed PR behavior during mitosis are presented which can account for events known to occur during cell division in Polysiphonia. Mitosis is compared with that reported in several other lower plants and it is suggested that features of cell division are useful criteria to aid in the assessment of phylogenetic relationships of red algae.  相似文献   

An ultrastructure study of mitosis and cytokinesis in the sessile sporangium of Trentepohlia aurea (L.) Mart, was made to clarify the phylogenetic position of the alga. Mitosis was closed and centric at late anphase with cytokinesis involving the production of cleavage membranes by dictyasames between the numerous, well-separated daughter nuclei. Neither phycoplast nor phragmoplast microtubules were observed during cytokinesis. The lack of phycoplast microtubules and the presence of multilayered structures in flagellated cells suggest Trentepohlia is phylogenetically related to those green algae thought to have given rise to the land plants. The primitive type of mitosis and the lack of microbodies suggest that the ancestors of Trentepohlia may have branched off from this line relatively early.  相似文献   

The somatic cell flagellar apparatuses of Volvox carteri f. weismannia (Powers) Iyengar and V. rousseletii G. S. West have parallel or nearly parallel basal bodies which are separated at their proximal ends. The four microtubular rootlets alternate between two and four members, and all are associated with a striated microtubular associated component (SMAC) that runs between the basal bodies. In addition, each half of the flagellar apparatus apparently rotates during development and loses the 180° rotational symmetry characteristic of most unicellular chlorophycean motile cells. All of these features appear necessary for efficient motion of a colony composed of numerous radially arranged cells. However, the structural details of the flagellar apparatuses of these two species differ. The distance between flagella is greater in V. rousseletii than in V. carteri. One distal striated fiber and two proximal striated fibers connect the basal bodies in V. carteri, but both types of fibers are absent from V. rousseletii. In the latter species, a striated fiber wraps around each of the basal bodies and attaches to the rootlets and the SMAC. No such fiber is present in V. carteri. Since the similarities in the flagellar apparatuses can be explained as a result of adaptation for efficient colonial motion in organisms with similar colonial morphology, the differences suggest a wider phylogenetic distance than previously believed.  相似文献   

The Chlorophyceae (sensu Mattox and Stewart) is a morphologically diverse class of the Chlorophyta displaying biflagellate and quadriflagellate motile cells with varying configurations of the flagellar apparatus. Phylogenetic analyses of 18S rDNA data and combined 18S and 26S rDNA data from a broad range of chlorophycean taxa uncovered five major monophyletic groups (Chlamydomonadales, Sphaeropleales, Oedogoniales, Chaetophorales, and Chaetopeltidales) but could not resolve their branching order. To gain insight into the interrelationships of these groups, we analyzed multiple genes encoded by the chloroplast genomes of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii P. A. Dang. and Chlamydomonas moewusii Gerloff (Chlamydomonadales), Scenedesmus obliquus (Turpin) Kütz. (Sphaeropleales), Oedogonium cardiacum Wittr. (Oedogoniales), Stigeoclonium helveticum Vischer (Chaetophorales), and Floydiella terrestris (Groover et Hofstetter) Friedl et O’Kelly (Chaetopeltidales). The C. moewusii, Oedogonium, and Floydiella chloroplast DNAs were partly sequenced using a random strategy. Trees were reconstructed from nucleotide and amino acid data sets derived from 44 protein‐coding genes of 11 chlorophytes and nine streptophytes as well as from 57 protein‐coding genes of the six chlorophycean taxa. All best trees identified two robustly supported major lineages within the Chlorophyceae: a clade uniting the Chlamydomonadales and Sphaeropleales, and a clade uniting the Oedogoniales, Chaetophorales, and Chaetopeltidales (OCC clade). This dichotomy is independently supported by molecular signatures in chloroplast genes, such as insertions/deletions and the distribution of trans‐spliced group II introns. Within the OCC clade, the sister relationship observed for the Chaetophorales and Chaetopeltidales is also strengthened by independent data. Character state reconstruction of basal body orientation allowed us to refine hypotheses regarding the evolution of the flagellar apparatus.  相似文献   

The timing of replication and division of the Chlamydomonas Ehrenberg nucleus in the vegetative cell cycle and at gametogenesis was examined, using fluorescence microspectrophotometry with two fluorochromes, mithramycin and 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). Under appropriate conditions, these bind specifically to DNA, and the fluorescence of the DNA fluorochrome complex is a quantitative measure of the DNA content. The alga is a haplont, which produces 2n daughter cells at the time of vegetative reproduction; cytokinesis and daughter cell release lag behind karyokinesis. No nucleus was found to contain more than the 2c quantity of DNA. Hence daughter cell production proceeds by doubling of the nuclear DNA followed by karyokinesis, in a repetitive sequence. As reported previously for C. reinhardtii Dangeard, the gametes of C. moewusii Gerloff contain the 1c amount of nuclear DNA. Several conflicting interpretations of the cell cycle sequence proposed in the literature were resolved.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the flagellar apparatus in pre-inversion and inversion stages of Platydorina resembles that of Chlamydomonas in having 180° rotational symmetry and clockwise absolute orientation. Basal bodies are in a “V” configuration and connected by one distal and two proximal fibers. Alternating two- and four-membered microtubular rootlets are cruciately arranged. During maturation, the basal bodies rotate and separate, and 180° rotational symmetry is lost. Simultaneously, each proximal fiber detaches from one of the functional basal bodies, and the distal fiber detaches from both. The mature apparatus has widely separated and nearly parallel basal bodies. Flagellar orientation in Platydorina is completed just after inversion and a flattening of the colony called intercalation, resulting in the pairs of flagella of neighboring cells extending from the colony in opposite directions in an alternating fashion. Flagellar orientation and separated basal bodies minimize the interference between the flagella of neighboring cells. Basal bodies and rootlets of the two intercalated halves of a colony rotate, resulting in the effective strokes of the flagella of every cell being towards the colonial posterior. The flagella of each cell beat with an effective stroke in the direction of the two inner rootlets. The flagella have an asymmetrical ciliary type beat. The rotated, separated, and parallel basal bodies, together with the nearly parallel rootlets probably are adaptations for movement of this colonial volvocalean alga. The flagellar apparatus in immature stages of Platydorina lends support to the suggestion that the alga has evolved from a Chlamydomonas-like ancestor.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis in the coenocytic green alga Protosiphon botryoides (Kütz.) Klebs was studied with transmission electron microscopy. In vegetative cells, nuclei with associated basal bodies and dictyosomes are scattered throughout the cytoplasm. Mature cells may develop either multinucleate resting spores (coenocysts) or uninucleate zoospores. Cytokinesis may be preceded by contraction of the protoplast due to the disintegration of vacuoles that are present in larger, siphonous cells. The formation of coenocysts in ageing, siphonous cells, is signalled by cleavage of the chloroplast and the development of arrays of phycoplast microtubules in one or more transversely oriented planes through the cell. Nuclei with associated basal apparatuses stay dispersed throughout the cytoplasm; the basal bodies apparently are not involved in organization of the phycoplast. The plasma membrane invaginates, resulting in a centripetal cleavage of the protoplast into two or more multinucleate daughter protoplasts. Simultaneously, wall material is deposited along the outside of the daughter protoplasts by dictyosome-derived vesicles, and finally two or more thick-walled coenocysts are formed. The formation of zoospores, on the other hand, is signalled by clustering of the nuclei in one or more groups depending on the shape of the mother cell. The nuclei become arranged with the associated basal apparatuses facing toward the center of the cluster. Bundles of phycoplast microtubules develop between the nuclei, radiating from the center of a cluster toward the plasma membrane; basal apparatuses or associated structures apparently are involved in organization of the phycoplast. Cleavage furrows grow out centrifugally along these bundles of micro-tubules, fed by dictyosome-derived vesicles. No wall material is deposited. An additional mitotic division occurs during cleavage, and finally numerous uninucleate, wall-less, biflagellate zoospores are formed. The ultrastructural features of the two different types of cytoplasmic cleavage associated with two different types of daughter cells have not previously been reported for chlorophycean algae.  相似文献   

Mitosis and cytokinesis in vegetative cells of the sarcinoid green alga Chlorokybus atmophyticus Geitler were examined with rapid freeze fixation, freeze substitution, and transmission electron microscopy. The taxonomic placement of C. atmophyticus in the class Charophyceae sensu Stewart and Mattox is corroborated by some mitotic and cytokinetic features including development of a microtubular sheath around the prophase nucleus, the almost constant chromosome to pole distance during anaphase, telophase nuclei widely separated by a persistent interzonal spindle, and centripetal plasma membrane invagination. Features, previously unknown in the Charophyceae, include the specific position of the peroxisome lying between the nucleus and adjacent cell wall during interphase and mitosis, the extensive array of microtubules radiating from the centrioles located at the presumptive poles at prophase, involvement of coated vesicles in the furrowing process, and occurrence of transversely aligned cleavage microtubules. Placement of Chlorokybus in the order Klebsormidiales is proposed.  相似文献   

Mitotic PtK1cells were treated both during mid-anaphase and at furrow initiation with the potent microtubule (MT) stabilizing agent, taxol, to determine the role of MTs in the rate of cytokinetic events. Rates of cytokinesis (μm/min) were measured by changes in furrow diameter. Incubation of PtK1cells during mid-anaphase with 5 μg/ml taxol slows the rate of cytokinesis by an average of 43%. Instead of furrow initiation to midbody formation taking an average of 10.7 min (1.6 μm/min), furrowing to midbody formation was completed in an average of 19.0 min (0.9 μm/min), which does not include the 7-min period between taxol application in mid-anaphase and furrow initiation. Application of 5 μg/ml taxol to cells at furrow initiation had a reduced effect on decreasing the rate of cytokinesis and midbody formation; furrowing to midbody formation took an average of 14.6 min (1.2 μm/min). These data suggest that delays in the rate of cytokinesis is dependent on the mitotic stage at which taxol is applied. Ultrastructural analysis shows that taxol treatment of anaphase cells prevents midbody formation during early G1, yet MT number and organization in the furrowed region is not significantly altered from untreated cells. There is little change in the organization and amount of contractile ring microfilaments, yet filaments are also found parallel to midbody MTs. Our results may be explained by the fact that taxol tends to stabilize MTs which probably affects the rate at which they depolymerize in the terminal phases of cytokinesis. Reduction in depolymerization rates of a stable population of MTs could serve to regulate the rate of cytokinesis.  相似文献   

The flagellar apparatus of Pyrobotrys has a number of features that are typical of the Chlorophyceae, but others that are unusual for this class. The two flagella are inserted at the apex, but they extend to the side of the cell toward the outside of the colony, here designated as the ventral side. Four basal bodies are present, two of which extend into flagella. Four microtubular rootlets alternate between the functional and accessory basal bodies. In each cell, the two ventral rootlets are nearly parallel, but the dorsal rootlets are more widely divergent. The rootlets alternate between two and four microtubules each. A striated distal fiber connects the two functional basal bodies in the plane of the flagella. Two additional, apparently nonstriated, fibers connect the basal bodies proximal to the distal fiber. Another striated fiber is associated with each four-membered rootlet near its insertion into the flagellar apparatus. A fine periodic component is associated with each two-membered rootlet. A rhizoplast-like structure extends into the cell from each of the functional basal bodies. The arrangement of these components does not reflect the 180° rotational symmetry that is usually present in the Chlorophyceae, but appears to be derived from a more symmetrical ancestor. It is suggested that the form of the flagellar apparatus is associated with the unusual colony structure of Pyrobotrys.  相似文献   

Cell division and the role of the primary wall in filament formation in the desmid Onychonema laeve Nordst. were investigated by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. In addition, sequential chemical extractions and enzyme treatments were performed, on cell walls of intact filaments. Interphase cells are deeply constricted, consisting of two semicells, each elliptical in front view and circular in side view. In addition to two short lateral spines, each semicell has two apical processes that originate on opposite sides at an angle of about 15° from the central axis and overlap the adjacent cell. Division is initiated as in other desmids by a slight separation of the semicells and development of a girdle of primary wall material at the isthmus. In O. laeve the girdle of primary wall expands to form a spherical vesicle (termed a division vesicle) between the separating semicells. Nuclear division and septum formation occur in this vesicle when it is nearly the full diameter of the filament. Morphogenesis of the apical processes begins with completion of the septum, before the secondary wall appears. At maturity each apical process is surrounded by a thick layer of both secondary and primary wall, except that its capitate tip protrudes through the shroud of primary wall. Sequential treatment with hot ammonium oxalate, 4% NaOH, 17.5% NaOH and 10% chromic acid or various enzyme solutions did not cause filament breakage. SEM and TEM views of O. laeve after these treatments show intact secondary walls and intact primary wall material covering and connecting the apical processes of adjacent cells. It is the persistence of the primary wall between cells and around the apical processes that maintains the long, unbranched filamentous morphology of Onychonema laeve.  相似文献   

H. angulata is a scale-covered, asymmetrical green unicell with two laterally attached, anisokont flagella. In recent years it has been classified in the Prasinophyceae. The flagellar apparatus replicates, and the cell begins to cleave at the side opposite the flagella before the nucleus can be perceived to be in prophase. The flagellar apparatuses separate, and the extra-nuclear development of the spindle occurs from the regions occupied by rhizoplasts. Rhizoplasts or partial rhizoplasts lie at the flat metaphase spindle poles. By metaphase, the cell has already elongated to the extent that it is nearly twice as long as at interphase. The spindle and the cell itself elongate greatly during anaphase with a concomitant further separation of the flagellar pairs. Although the interzonal spindle persists during cytokinesis as in charophycean algae, H. angulata is similar in flagellar scale morphology and other characteristics to the chlorophycean Platymonas, which has a collapsing interzonal spindle at telophase, a phycoplast, and a wall-like theca, which develops by the fusion of small stellate scales. It is hypothesized that the collapsing telophase spindle and phycoplast evolved in green flagellates similar to Platymonas, in which cell and spindle elongation became restricted by a cell wall that evolved from stellate scales similar to those in Heteromastix. Such walled flagellates are then visualized as having eventually given rise to Chlamydomonas and to the entire range of chlorophycean algae with phycoplasts. It is pointed out that the hypothesis has a number of implications by which its validity could be judged when sufficient information becomes available.  相似文献   

This study suggests that the genus Rhodella be restricted to that set of features currently observed only in Rhodella maculata Evans and Rhodella violacea (Korn-mann) Wehrmeyer, that a new genus Dixoniella be established to accommodate the unicellular red alga, Rhodella grisea (Geitler) Fresnel, Billard, Hindák et Pekár-ková, and that Rhodella cyanea Billard et Fresnel be further studied for probable reclassification. These conclusions are based on ultrastructural comparisons of Dixoniella grisea with published information on the genus Rhodella. The presence of thylakoids in the pyrenoid, a peripheral encircling thylakoid in the chloroplast, a dictyosome/nuclear envelope association, and the lack of a specialized pyrenoid/nucleus association in D. grisea separate this alga from the genus Rhodella. Cell division in D. grisea is not demonstrably different from that in Rhodella, although the unusually well-defined material of the presumptive microtubule organizing center (MTOC) made it possible to follow the development and behavior of the MTOC to a greater degree than in previously studied red algal cells. The surprising amount of conformity in cell division characters between D. grisea and the genus Rhodella prompted a comparison of cell division characteristics in all red algal unicells studied to date. All unicells show a remarkable degree of similarity except for differences in interzonal spindle length, dissimilarities in size of the nucleus-associated organelle (NAO), and the unusual NAO of Porphyridium purpureum (Bory) Drew et Ross.  相似文献   

Pseudendoclonium basiliense and Trichosarcina polymorpha are essentially identical with regard to the fine structural details of cell division even though one was previously classified in the Chaetophorales and the other in the Ulvales. Cell division in the 2 genera is also shown to be like that in Ulva, as previously suggested might be the case. The combination of mitotic and cytokinetic characteristics common to the 3 genera is distinctive: (1) precocious development of a thick cleavage furrow, (2) centrioles distinctly lateral to polar fenestrae, (3) collapse of the interzonal spindle at telophase, and. (4) a cleavage furrow not associated with microtubules. It is suggested that features of vegetative cell division presently provide the best, characteristics for defining the Ulvaceae and that the use of growth habit should be abandoned. Despite the fact that a phycoplast is not present, in these algae, it is concluded that their affinities lie with genera that do possess a phycoplast.  相似文献   

Observations on the ultrastructure of Friedmannia israelensis Chantanachat & Bold revealed the presence of a phycoplast and zoospores with cruciate rootlets. During mitosis, the nuclear envelope partially disintegrates and the basal bodies remain at the cell surface on either side of the developing cleavage furrow. The events during mitosis and cleavage in Friedmannia resemble those reported in the other green algae, Platymonas and Pleurastrum.  相似文献   

Three nitrate reductase mutants were independently isolated and characterized in the colonial alga, Eudorina elegans Ehrenberg. nar-1 is a leaky mutant, deficient in the production of nitrate reductase. nar-2 and nar-3 both lack the ability to produce nitrate reductase. However, nar-2 grows and nar-3 does not grow when hypoxanthine is the sole nitrogen source. The specific activity of the next enzyme, in the pathway, nitrite reductase is increased in nar-3 when compared to wild-type, nar-1 and nar-2.  相似文献   

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