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The effects of whole-tree clear-cutting on soil processes and streamwater chemistry were examined in a northern hardwood forest at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire. Soil processes were examined by monitoring soil solution chemistry collected using zero-tension lysimeters from the Oa, Bh and Bs horizons at three sites along an elevational/vegetation gradient. Whole-tree clear-cutting created a severe ecosystem disturbance leading to leaching losses of nutrients from the soil profile, increased acidification, and elevated concentrations of Al-ions in soil solutions and streamwater. The response was driven by the process of nitrification that led to production of nitric acid in both the forest floor and mineral soil horizons. This acidity was largely neutralized by release and leaching of basic cations and inorganic monomeric Al-ions leaching with the NO3-ions. The major source of nutrient loss was from the forest floor. The chemical response to the clear-cut was most intense during the second year following the treatment and declined to near reference concentrations in 4–5 years. High elevation sites showed the greatest response to disturbance and the slowest recovery of soil solution concentrations to pre-cut concentrations. Shallow soils and a slower recovery of vegetation at the upper elevation sites were the primary factors contributing to the enhanced disturbance and delayed recovery (and enhanced response to disturbance in the upper elevation sites).  相似文献   

Soil solution chemistry, soil acidity andcomposition of adsorbed cations were determinedin two soil profiles developed under a mixedspruce (Picea abies and Piceasitchensis) stand and in one soil profiledeveloped under an oak (Quercus robur)stand. Soils under spruce were classified asSpodosols and soils under oak were classifiedas Inceptisols. All profiles were developed inthe same parent material; a Saahlian sandy tillcontaining less than 2% clay. In the mineralsoil, the contribution from mineral surfaces tothe total cation-exchange capacity (CECt)was estimated to be less than 3%. Soilsolution pH and the percent base saturation ofCECt [%BS = 100 (2Ca + 2Mg + Na + K)CECt –1] were substantially lower inthe upper 35–40 cm of the two Spodosols, ascompared to the Inceptisol. The total amount ofsoil adsorbed base cations (BC) did not differamong the three profiles on an area basis downto 1 m soil depth. Thus, soil acidification ofCECt due to net losses of BC could notexplain differences in soil pH and %BS amongthe soil profiles. A weak acid analogue, takingthe pH-effect of metal complexation intoconsideration, combined with soil solutionionic strength as a covariate, could describeboth the pH variation by depth within soilprofiles and pH differences between theInceptisol and the two Spodosol profiles. Ourresults confirm and extend earlier findingsfrom O and E horizons of Spodosols that theextent to which organic acid groups react withAl minerals to form Al-SOM complexes is a majorpH-buffering process in acidic forest soils. Wesuggest that an increasing Al-saturation of SOMis the major reason for the widely observed pHincrease by depth in acidic forest soils with apH less than approximately 4.5. Our resultsstrongly imply that changes in mass of SOM, theionic strength in soil solution and therelative composition of soil adsorbed Al and Hneed to be considered when the causality behindchanges in pH and base saturation isinvestigated.  相似文献   

We measured Al, Fe, and P fractions by horizon in two southern Appalachian forest soil profiles, and compared solution PO4 –1 removal in chloroform-sterilized and non-sterilized soils, to determine whether biological and geochemical P subcycles were vertically stratified in these soils. Because organic matter can inhibit Al and Fe oxide crystallization, we hypothesized that concentrations of non-crystalline (oxalate-extractable) Al (Al0) and Fe (Fe0), and concomitantly P sorption, would be greatest in near-surface mineral (A) horizons of these soils.Al0 and Fe0 reached maximum concentrations in forest floor and near-surface mineral horizons, declined significantly with depth in the mineral soil, and were highly correlated with P sorption capacity. Small pools of readily acid-soluble (AF-extractable) and readily-desorbable P suggested that PO4 3– was tightly bound to Al and Fe hydroxide surfaces. P sorption in CHCl3-sterilized mineral soils did not differ significantly from P sorption in non-sterilized soils, but CHCl3 sterilization reduced P sorption 40–80% in the forest floor. CHCl3 labile (microbial) P also reached maximum concentrations in forest floor and near-surface mineral horizons, comprising 31–35% of forest floor organic P. Combined with previous estimates of plant root distributions, data suggest that biological and geochemical P subcycles are not distinctly vertically stratified in these soils. Plant roots, soil microorganisms, and P sorbing minerals all reach maximum relative concentrations in near-surface mineral horizons, where they are likely to compete strongly for PO4 3– available in solution.  相似文献   

Microscalic heterogeneity of soil chemical properties caused by soil structure has been reported for several soils. We investigated exchange properties and soil solution composition of disturbed and undisturbed samples of an acid forest soil lacking visible structure. Cation concentrations in the soil solution resulting from two extraction procedures and two analytical methods were compared. The effective cation exchange capacity (CECe) of the undisturbed sample represented 56–69% of the bulk soil CECe. Base saturation of undisturbed samples equalled that of disturbed samples for EA, Bhs, and Bsh horizons, and was higher for the Bw horizon. Contradicting the results of other authors, soil pore solution obtained by percolating soil cores under conditions of low water tension offered more favourable conditions for plant roots when compared to the equilibrium soil solution of the bulk soil sample in all except the Bsh horizon. Ca2+/Al3+ molar ratios were higher and fractions of H+ + Al3+ on total cationic charge were lower in the soil pore solution. These results were obtained employing soil: solution ratios of about 1:0.5 during the extraction of soil pore solution, and by determination of free cations. Other authors used a water extraction with soil:solution ratios up to 1:2 and took total metal for ion concentrations. The combination of the latter extraction and analytical method in our study, too, led to unfavourable Ca2+/Al3+ ratios and high tractions of H+ + Al3+. The choice of analytical and extraction method are thus decisive for the valuation of the soil solution composition in view of plant nutrition.  相似文献   

Honeylocust (Gleditsia triancanthos L.) root growth response to varying levels of Al and Ca in soil solutions was examined in two horizons each of two forest soils. With results from all four horizons combined, multiple regression analysis indicated that both Ca and Al were significant (p<0.01) factors affecting root elongation, branching and biomass production. Over a wide range of Al and Ca concentrations in soil solutions from four different soil horizons, the Ca:Al ratio was a significantly better predictor of honeylocust root response to acid soils than Al or Ca alone.  相似文献   

Long-term changes in concentrations of available Ca in soils of redspruce forests have been documented, but remaining questions aboutthe magnitude and regional extent of these changes have precluded anassessment of the current and future status of soil Ca. To addressthis problem, soil samples were collected in 1992—93from 12 sites in New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine toprovide additional data necessary to synthesize all availableresearch results on soil Ca in red spruce forests. Sites werechosen to encompass the range of environmental conditionsexperienced by red spruce. Concentrations of exchangeableCa ranged from 2.13 to 21.6 cmolckg–1 in the Oa horizon, and from 0.11 to 0.68cmolc kg–1 in the upper 10 cm of theB horizon. These measurements expanded the range of exchangeable Ca reported in the literature for both horizons in northeastern redspruce forests. Exchangeable Ca was the largest Ca fraction in theforest floor at most sites (92% ofacid-extractableCa), but mineral Ca was the largest fraction at the three sites that also had the highest mineral-matter concentrations. Theprimary factor causing variability in Ca concentrations among siteswas the mineralogy of parent material, but exchangeable concentrationsin the B horizon of all sites were probably reduced by acidicdeposition. Because the majority of Ca in the forest floor isin a readily leachable form, and Ca inputs to the forest floor from the mineral soil and atmospheric deposition have beendecreasing in recent decades, the previously documented decreasesin Ca concentrations in the forest floor over previous decades mayextend into the future.  相似文献   

Ritter  Eva  Vesterdal  Lars  Gundersen  Per 《Plant and Soil》2003,249(2):319-330
In many European countries, surplus agricultural production and ecological problems due to intensive soil cultivation have increased the interest in afforestation of arable soils. Many environmental consequences which might rise from this alternative land-use are only known from forest establishment on less intensively managed or marginal soils. The present study deals with changes in soil properties following afforestation of nutrient-rich arable soils. A chronosequence study was carried out comprising seven Norway spruce (Picea abies (Karst.) L.) and seven oak (Quercus robur L.) stands established from 1969 to 1997 on former horticultural and agricultural soils in the vicinity of Copenhagen, Denmark. For comparison, a permanent pasture and a ca. 200-year-old mixed deciduous forest were included. This paper reports on changes in pH values, base saturation (BSeff), exchangeable calcium, soil N pools (Nmin contents), and C/N ratios in the Ap-horizon (0–25 cm) and the accumulated forest floor. The results suggest that afforestation slowly modifies soil properties of former arable soils. Land-use history seems to influence soil properties more than the selected tree species. An effect of tree species was only found in the forest floor parameters. Soil acidification was the most apparent change along the chronosequence in terms of a pH decrease from 6 to 4 in the upper 5 cm soil. Forest floor pH varied only slightly around 5. Nitrogen storage in the Ap-horizon remained almost constant at 5.5 Mg N ha–1. This was less than in the mineral soil of the ca. 200-year-old forest. In the permanent pasture, N storage was somewhat higher in 0–15 cm depth than in afforested stands of comparable age. Nitrogen storage in the forest floor of the 0–30-year-old stands increased in connection with the build-up of forest floor mass. The increase was approximately five times greater under spruce than oak. Mineral soil C/N ratios ranged from 10 to 15 in all stands and tended to increase in older stands only in 0–5 cm depth. Forest floor C/N ratios were higher in spruce stands (26.4) as compared to oak stands (22.7). All stands except the youngest within a single tree species had comparable C/N ratios.  相似文献   

Göttlein  A.  Matzner  E. 《Plant and Soil》1997,192(1):95-105
Acid related stress in soils might be caused by high concentrations of H+ and Al3+ in soil solution. Sampling of soil solution so far integrates over a relatively large soil volume, in the range of dm3. In order to study the microscale heterogeneity of acidity related stress-parameters the soil profile of a podzolic cambisol was covered by a 10×6 matrix of micro suction cups with a grid distance of 2 cm. The soil solution collected at 10 sampling events was analyzed for free cations and anions by capillary electrophoresis and for total metal content by a micro injection technique on ICP-OES. pH and UV absorption were also measured.There was a general trend of increasing pH and decreasing UV absorption with increasing soil depth, however without a clear correlation of concentration isolines to soil horizon borders. The latter was also true for total Al (Altot) and Al3+, with the exception of the soil horizon border Ahe/Bh,which was very well reflected by Al3+ and also by the fraction of bound Al. In the Ahe horizon less than 30%, in deeper mineral soil less than 50% of Altot were present as free Al3+. This fact is critical when calculating Ca/Al ratios as a stress parameter, because total metal content measured by ICP clearly overestimates the risk of root damage, even in deeper horizons of acid forest soils, where organic complexation of Al is of minor importance. The heterogeneity of soil solution chemistry and toxicity parameters on the cm-scale was found to be significant, for example with gradients of more than 0,5 pH-units within 2 cm. Because plant roots also experience soil on a microscale, high resolution investigations of soil solution chemistry offer a new approach for looking at the chemical environment relevant for root growth and plant nutrition.  相似文献   

Soil acidification and Al release in forest soils is controlled by a number of factors, like acid deposition, forest type, parent rock, altitude, etc. This paper studies the principal stand factors affecting spatial distribution of the content of KCl-extractable Al (Al(KCl), mainly exchangeable), Na4P2O7-extractable Al (Al(Na4P2O7), mainly organically bound), and other soil characteristics related to acidification in surface organic (O) and subsurface mineral (B) horizons in the Jizera Mountains region. Geostatistical methods were exploited. The highest Al(KCl) contents in the O horizons were related to high S and N content, low pH and low Ca and Mg content in soil. Liming decreased Al(KCl) contents in the O horizons. Al(Na4P2O7) in the O horizons was more abundant under spruce than under beech; in both horizons it was increased on the immission clear-cut areas populated by grass. Surface horizons are more sensitive to external influence (acid deposition, liming) and their spatial variation is stronger. In the mineral horizons, the effect of pedogenetic processes is more important. The effect of stand factors on Al behaviour is complex and often indirect, mediated for example by organic matter or soil reaction. It is difficult to clearly distinguish the effects of the particular factors.  相似文献   

Richter DD  Allen HL  Li J  Markewitz D  Raikes J 《Oecologia》2006,150(2):259-271
Although low solubility and slow cycling control P circulation in a wide range of ecosystems, most studies that evaluate bioavailability of soil P use only indices of short-term supply. The objective here is to quantify changes in P fractions in an Ultisol during the growth of an old-field pine forest from 1957 to 2005, specifically changes with organic P (Po) and with inorganic P (Pi) associated with Fe and Al oxides as well as Ca compounds. Changes in soil P were estimated from archived mineral soil samples collected in 1962 shortly after pine seedlings were planted, and on six subsequent occasions (1968, 1977, 1982, 1990, 1997, and 2005) from eight permanent plots and four mineral soil layers (0–7.5, 7.5–15, 15–35, and 35–60 cm). Despite the net transfer of 82.5 kg ha−1 of P from mineral soil into tree biomass and O horizons, labile soil P was not diminished, as indexed by anion exchange resins, and NaHCO3 and Mehlich III extractants. An absence of depletion in most labile P fractions masks major restructuring of soil P chemistry driven by ecosystem development. During 28 years of forest growth, decreases were significant and substantial in slowly cycling Po and Pi associated with Fe and Al oxides and Ca compounds, and these accounted for most of the P supplied to biomass and O horizons, and for buffering labile soil fractions as well. Changes in soil P are attributed to the P sink strength of the aggrading forest (at 2.9 kg ha−1 year−1 over 28 years); legacies of fertilization, which enriched slowly cycling fractions of Po and Pi; and the changing biogeochemistry of the soil itself.  相似文献   

Watershed- and plot-scale tests of the mobile anion concept   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Anion fluxes from a forest soil are usually correlated with those of base cations (BC). Declines in base cation deposition or long-term depletion from the soil may change these relationships. We used multiple regression to identify biogeochemical variables predicting annual volume-weighted concentrations of BC in streamwater draining a forested watershed, and analysis of variance to compare the effects of Ca and Cl inputs on BC fluxes out of soil horizons in irrigated plots. For the watershed, anion concentrations in streamwater predicted BC export most precisely (R 2=0.84). The best two-variable model (adjustedR 2=0.91) also included BC concentration in bulk deposition. Consistent with predictions from equations governing exchange chemistry, the proportion of charge contributed by Ca2+ increased with increasing total anion concentration, while that of Na+ decreased. At the plot scale, Cl concentrations in treatment solutions had a stronger effect (p=0.06) on BC concentration in Oa-horizon solutions than did Ca2+ concentrations (p=0.33). In individual horizons of individual plots, BC and total ion concentrations were correlated, but cation composition was not consistent within horizons from different plots. This study detected no evidence of longterm cation depletion in the soils controlling streamwater, but did detect extremely base-poor plots. Because acid deposition affects surface horizons first, streamwater chemistry may not be an adequate way to assess nutrient supply of forest soils.Abbreviations AD anion deficit - BC base cations - HBEF Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest  相似文献   

Soil Ca depletion because of acidic deposition-related soil chemistry changes has led to the decline of forest productivity and carbon sequestration in the northeastern USA. In 1999, acidic watershed (WS) 1 at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF), NH, USA was amended with Ca silicate to restore soil Ca pools. In 2006, soil samples were collected from the Ca-amended (WS1) and reference watershed (WS3) for comparison of bacterial community composition between the two watersheds. The sites were about 125?m apart and were known to have similar stream chemistry and tree populations before Ca amendment. Ca-amended soil had higher Ca and P, and lower Al and acidity as compared with the reference soils. Analysis of bacterial populations by PhyloChip revealed that the bacterial community structure in the Ca-amended and the reference soils was significantly different and that the differences were more pronounced in the mineral soils. Overall, the relative abundance of 300 taxa was significantly affected. Numbers of detectable taxa in families such as Acidobacteriaceae, Comamonadaceae, and Pseudomonadaceae were lower in the Ca-amended soils, while Flavobacteriaceae and Geobacteraceae were higher. The other functionally important groups, e.g. ammonia-oxidizing Nitrosomonadaceae, had lower numbers of taxa in the Ca-amended organic soil but higher in the mineral soil.  相似文献   

Clear-cut areas formed after forest decline due to acid deposition, pest attacks, or wind-breaks in temperate mountainous regions are often populated by grass (mainly Calamagrostis villosa). This study focused on the changes of soil chemical characteristics under the grass cover replacing the forest, focusing mainly on aluminium (Al) speciation. Clear-cut area due to strong acid deposition in the Jizera Mountains (Northern Bohemia) was studied. The soils under grass cover exhibit higher pH values and lower exchangeable Al content compared to adjacent surviving forest. Mobile Al species under the grass have larger proportion of non-toxic organic complexes. The content of exchangeable base cations is slightly higher under the grass. The positive effect of grass on soil chemistry was enhanced by liming. The temporary grass cover can therefore improve soil chemical quality for following reforestation. However, the differences are generally limited to surface organic horizons. Similar results were found also on a bark-beetle clear-cut area in the Bohemian Forest (Southern Bohemia) with smaller acid deposition; nevertheless, most differences were not significant there.  相似文献   

Depletion of calcium from forest soils has important implications for forest productivity and health. Ca is available to fine feeder roots from a number of soil organic and mineral sources, but identifying the primary source or changes of sources in response to environmental change is problematic. We used strontium isotope and alkaline earth element concentration ratios of trees and soils to discern the record of Ca sources for red spruce at a base-poor, acid deposition-impacted watershed. We measured 87Sr/86Sr and chemical compositions of cross-sectional stemwood cores of red spruce, other spruce tissues and sequential extracts of co-located soil samples. 87Sr/86Sr and Sr/Ba ratios together provide a tracer of alkaline earth element sources that distinguishes the plant-available fraction of the shallow organic soils from those of deeper organic and mineral soils. Ca/Sr ratios proved less diagnostic, due to within-tree processes that fractionate these elements from each other. Over the growth period from 1870 to 1960, 87Sr/86Sr and Sr/Ba ratios of stemwood samples became progressively more variable and on average trended toward values that considered together are characteristic of the uppermost forest floor. In detail the stemwood chemistry revealed an episode of simultaneous enhanced uptake of all alkaline earth elements during the growth period from 1930 to 1960, coincident with reported local and regional increases in atmospheric inputs of inorganic acidity. We attribute the temporal trends in stemwood chemistry to progressive shallowing of the effective depth of alkaline earth element uptake by fine roots over this growth period, due to preferential concentration of fine roots in the upper forest floor coupled with reduced nutrient uptake by roots in the lower organic and upper mineral soils in response to acid-induced aluminum toxicity. Although both increased atmospheric deposition and selective weathering of Ca-rich minerals such as apatite provide possible alternative explanations of aspects of the observed trends, the chemical buffering capacity of the forest floor-biomass pool limits their effectiveness as causal mechanisms.  相似文献   

Response of soil chemistry to forest dieback after bark beetle infestation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We evaluated changes in the chemistry of the uppermost soil horizons in an unmanaged spruce forest (National Park Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic) for 3 years after dieback caused by a bark beetle infestation, and compared these changes with a similar undisturbed forest area. The soils below the disturbed forest received 2–6 times more elements via litter fall compared to the unaffected plot. The subsequent decomposition of litter and reduced nutrient uptake by trees resulted in a steep increase in soil concentrations of soluble N (NH4-N, organic-bound N) and P forms in the disturbed plot. The average concentrations of NH4-N and soluble reactive P increased from 0.8 to 4.4 mmol kg?1 and from 0.04 to 0.9 mmol kg?1, respectively, in the uppermost soil horizon. Decomposition of litter at the disturbed plot elevated soil concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+, which replaced Al3+ and H+ ions from the soil sorption complex. Consequently, soil concentrations of exchangeable base cations increased from 120 to 200 meq kg?1, while exchangeable Al3+ and H+ decreased 66 and 50 %, respectively, and soil base saturation increased from 40 to 70 %. The Al3+ liberation did not elevate concentrations of ionic Al in the soil solution, because most of the liberated Al3+ was rapidly complexed by dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and transformed to DOC–Al complexes. The chemical parameters investigated at the unaffected plot remained stable during the study.  相似文献   

Although the canopy can play an important role in forest nutrient cycles, canopy‐based processes are often overlooked in studies on nutrient deposition. In areas of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) deposition, canopy soils may retain a significant proportion of atmospheric inputs, and also receive indirect enrichment through root uptake followed by throughfall or recycling of plant litter in the canopy. We measured net and gross rates of N cycling in canopy soils of tropical montane forests along an elevation gradient and assessed indirect effects of elevated nutrient inputs to the forest floor. Net N cycling rates were measured using the buried bag method. Gross N cycling rates were measured using 15N pool dilution techniques. Measurements took place in the field, in the wet and dry season, using intact cores of canopy soil from three elevations (1000, 2000 and 3000 m). The forest floor had been fertilized biannually with moderate amounts of N and P for 4 years; treatments included control, N, P, and N + P. In control plots, gross rates of NH4+ transformations decreased with increasing elevation; gross rates of NO3? transformations did not exhibit a clear elevation trend, but were significantly affected by season. Nutrient‐addition effects were different at each elevation, but combined N + P generally increased N cycling rates at all elevations. Results showed that canopy soils could be a significant N source for epiphytes as well as contributing up to 23% of total (canopy + forest floor) mineral N production in our forests. In contrast to theories that canopy soils are decoupled from nutrient cycling in forest floor soil, N cycling in our canopy soils was sensitive to slight changes in forest floor nutrient availability. Long‐term atmospheric N and P deposition may lead to increased N cycling, but also increased mineral N losses from the canopy soil system.  相似文献   

Acid forest soils in the Bohemian Forest in Central Europe are biogeochemically imbalanced in organic C, N and P processing. We hypothesized that these imbalances can be due to different temperature sensitivities of soil enzyme activities and their affinities to substrate in litter and organic soil horizons. We measured potential activities of five main soil enzymes (β-glucosidase, cellobiohydrolase, Leu-aminopeptidase, Ala-aminopeptidase, and phosphatase) responsible for organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus acquisition. We also modeled potential in situ enzyme activities and nutrient release based on continuous in situ temperature measurements. We determined basic kinetic parameters (Km, Vmax), enzyme efficiencies (kcat) and temperature sensitivities (Ea and Q10) according to Michaelis–Menten kinetic and modified Arrhenius models. Our results showed significant differences in substrate affinities between the litter and organic soil horizons. Higher aminopeptidase affinity (lower Km) in the litter soil horizon can lead to leaching of peptidic compounds to lower soil horizons. β-Glucosidase and phosphatase showed high temperature response following the Arrhenius model. However, both aminopeptidases showed no or even decreased activity with increasing temperature. The aminopeptidase temperature insensitivity means that peptidic compounds are degraded at the same or even lower rate in warmer and colder periods of the year in acid forest soils. This imbalance results in different release of available nutrients from plant litter and soil organic matter which may affect bacterial and fungal community composition and nutrient leaching from these ecosystems.  相似文献   

Glomalin is a soil proteinaceous substance produced by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Most of the information available concerning this protein has been collected in relation to its role in soil aggregation. In this study, we explored the distribution of glomalin across soil horizons, decomposition of glomalin, and relationship with soil C and N in an agricultural field, a native forest, and an afforested system. Glomalin was present in A, B, and C horizons in decreasing concentrations. Land-use type significantly affected glomalin concentrations (mg cm–3), with native forest soils having the highest concentrations of the three land-use types in both A and B horizons. In terms of glomalin stocks (Mg ha–1), calculated based on corrected horizon weights, the agricultural area was significantly lower than both afforested and native forest areas. As measured after a 413 day laboratory soil incubation, glomalin was least persistent in the A horizon of the afforested area.. In agricultural soils and native soils, ca. 50% of glomalin was still remaining after this incubation, indicating that some glomalin may be in the slow or recalcitrant soil C fraction. Comparison of glomalin decomposition with CO2-C respired during incubation indicates that glomalin makes a large contribution to active soil organic C pools. Soil C and N were highly correlated with glomalin across all soils and within each land-use type, indicating that glomalin may be under similar controls as soil C. Our results show that glomalin may be useful as an indicator of land-use change effects on deciduous forest soils.  相似文献   

Changes in vegetation, litter, and soil nutrient content were measured in selected plots on Walker Branch watershed, Tennessee, from 1972–73 to 1982. The watershed has been allowed to revert to forest since 1942, before which it consisted of small subsistence farms and woodland pastures. Changes in Ca status were of particular interest because initial nutrient cycling characterizations indicated that net Ca accumulation in vegetation could have caused large decreases in soil exchangeable Ca2+ within 20 years.Decreases in forest floor and subsoil (45–60 cm) N, exchangeable Ca2+, and Mg2+ content were noted in several plots from 1972 to 1982. Surface soils (0–15 cm) showed either no change or, in some cases (e.g., N and exchangeable K+ in certain plots), increases over the 11-year period. Reductions in forest floor and subsoil exchangeable Ca2+ and exchangeable Mg2+ on cherty, upper slope oak-hickory and chestnut oak forests were most striking. The changes in Ca2+ are thought to be due primarily to high rates of Ca2+ incorporation into woody tissues of oak and hickory species. Reductions in forest floor and subsoil exchangeable Mg2+ could not be accounted for by woody increment; leaching may have played a major role in causing these decreases. Changes in P and exchangeable K+ were variable, with both increases and decreases.There were significant increases in exchangeable Al3+ in both subsoils and surface soils of certain plots, but these were not accompanied by decreases in exchangeable base cations or consistent decreases in pH. Dissolution of interlayer Al from 2:1 clays may be the cause of the exchangeable Al3+ increases.These results suggest a general decline in fertility, especially with regard to Ca and Mg in those forests with low soil Ca and Mg supplies. Monitoring of further changes (if any) in these ecosystems will continue as the currently aggrading forests approach steady state.  相似文献   

Amelioration of acid soil infertility by phosphogypsum   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Amelioration of subsoil acidity requires an increase in Ca status along with a decrease in Al status in subsoil. In this study, effects of phosphogypsum (PG) on the amelioration of subsoil acidity have been evaluated, using cultivated and woodland subsoils representing Cecil, Wedowee (both Typic Hapludult) and Bladen (Typic Albaquult) series. Subsoil (0.6–0.8 m) samples were collected and treated with either PG (approximately 2 Mg ha-1 rate), Ca(NO3)2 or Mg(NO3)2 along with an unamended control treatment. A fertile topsoil amended with NH4NO3 was placed on top of all treated subsoil. Top and root growth of alfalfa [Medicago sativa (L.) cv. Hunter River] and soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Lee] were significantly greater in PG-amended than in unamended pots of the Cecil and Wedowee soils, although most growth was observed with the Ca(NO3)2-amended treatment. In the Bladen soil, however, none of the amendments evoked a significant growth response in either alfalfa or soybean. The concentration of Ca in the displaced soil solution (in soils with no plants) as well as tissue levels of Ca suggest that the growth response was partly due to an improved Ca availability in both PG or Ca(NO3)2-treated soils. Exchangeable Al decreased in PG-amended soils. The self-liming effect of PG, which is a release of OH- due to ligand exchange between SO4 2- and OH-, as well as a decrease in exchangeable Al in PG-amended soil is greater in predominantly kaolinitic Cecil and Wedowee soils than in smectitic Bladen soil. As a result, significant growth response to PG amendment was observed in the Cecil and Wedowee soils, but not in the Bladen soil.  相似文献   

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