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Summary The multivariate techniques of association, factor, and cluster analysis were applied to a set of phytosociological data obtained from an area forming part of the salt desert shrub vegetation in southeastern Utah. Although there were certain advantages to using more objective and quantitative means of synthesizing this vegetation data, the vegetation units obtained were highly similar to those identified by more traditional and subjective approaches involving less effort and expense. The relative simplicity of the vegetation and landscape concerned probably influence these conclusions. Arguments for multivariate analyses are probably stronger where there exists more cryptic and complex interrelationships of vegetation to environment.
Zusammenfassung Auf pflanzensoziologische Daten aus einem Gebiet, das ein Teil der Salzsteppen-Strauchvegetation im südöstlichen Utah ist, wurden die Multifaktoren-Verfahren der Assoziations-, Faktoren-, und Cluster (Häufungs-gruppen)-Analyse angewendet. Zwar war es in manchem vorteilhaften, objektivere und quantitative Mittel für die Synthese diesen Vegetationsdaten zu verwenden. Aber, die so erhaltenen Vegetationseinheiten waren doch jenen weitgehend ähnlich, die mit geringerem Aufwand und billiger durch mehr traditionelle und subjektive Methoden gewonnen wurden. Die relative Einfachheit dieser Vegetation und Landschaft begünstigen wahrscheinlich diese Schlußfolgerung. Im Falle verborgenerer und komplexerer Wechselbeziehungen von Vegetation und Umwelt sind die Argumente für den Einsatz von Multifaktoren-Analysen wahrscheinlich stärker.

This study examined the concentration of organic and inorganicphosphorus in surface soils of a Boutelouagracilis-Bouteloua eriopoda grassland, and a Larreatridentata shrubland, in the northern Chihuahuan Desert, NewMexico, U.S.A. In this desert where the grassland vegetation has auniform spatial distribution and individual shrubs have a patchy spatialdistribution across the landscape, vegetation strongly influences thedistribution of soil nutrients. Most studies of soil phosphorusfractions in desert soils have focused primarily on inorganic Pfractions and have demonstrated the importance of geochemical controlson soil P cycling. The research presented here addressed the question ofwhether organic phosphorus, determined by the presence of differentvegetation types, also contributes to soil P cycling. Within soils ofsimilar age, topography, parent material, and climatic regime, sampleswere collected under and between vegetation and analyzed for P fractionsfollowing a modified sequential fractionation scheme. Most soilinorganic P was found in the HCl- and cHCl-extractable forms in both thegrassland and shrubland soils, indicating CaCO3 control overphosphorus availability. In contrast, most soil organic P was bound toAl and Fe minerals. Labile, plant-available P fractions summed to9.5% of total P in the grassland and 6.1% in theshrubland. Organic P comprised 13.3% of the total phosphorus poolin the grassland and 12.0% in the shrubland. Our results showthat the organic P pool may represent an important, yet oftenoverlooked, source of P in semiarid ecosystems.  相似文献   

Acidity controls on dissolved organic carbon mobility in organic soils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations in surface waters have increased across much of Europe and North America, with implications for the terrestrial carbon balance, aquatic ecosystem functioning, water treatment costs and human health. Over the past decade, many hypotheses have been put forward to explain this phenomenon, from changing climate and land management to eutrophication and acid deposition. Resolution of this debate has been hindered by a reliance on correlative analyses of time series data, and a lack of robust experimental testing of proposed mechanisms. In a 4 year, four‐site replicated field experiment involving both acidifying and deacidifying treatments, we tested the hypothesis that DOC leaching was previously suppressed by high levels of soil acidity in peat and organo‐mineral soils, and therefore that observed DOC increases a consequence of decreasing soil acidity. We observed a consistent, positive relationship between DOC and acidity change at all sites. Responses were described by similar hyperbolic relationships between standardized changes in DOC and hydrogen ion concentrations at all sites, suggesting potentially general applicability. These relationships explained a substantial proportion of observed changes in peak DOC concentrations in nearby monitoring streams, and application to a UK‐wide upland soil pH dataset suggests that recovery from acidification alone could have led to soil solution DOC increases in the range 46–126% by habitat type since 1978. Our findings raise the possibility that changing soil acidity may have wider impacts on ecosystem carbon balances. Decreasing sulphur deposition may be accelerating terrestrial carbon loss, and returning surface waters to a natural, high‐DOC condition.  相似文献   

Proportions of clay and silt increase and those of sand and gravel decrease with depth in fish ponds. Highest concentrations of nitrogen and organic matter and lowest concentrations of phosphorus were found in muds from deeper waters. Cation exchange capacity of muds increased with depth while pH of muds decreased with depth. Relationships between water depth and characteristics of muds should be considered to reduce bias when sampling pond muds.  相似文献   

土壤中积累态磷的化学耗竭   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
积累态P是指肥料P未被植物利用而积累于土壤中的那一部分P素,本文用一次平衡法、流动技术法和阴离子树脂膜等不同方法来研究土壤中积累态P的化学耗竭。研究表明,解吸出的P量随时间的增加而增加,P解吸过程符合二级动力学方程,各处理中P的释放过程快慢程度是PK>NPK>NK,红壤的释放量和释放速度均比潮土的要大且快。解吸P量与土壤速效P和植物吸收P均有显著相关。土壤中积累态P最大表观利用率为总P量的45%左右。  相似文献   

A biotest method with diluted phytoplankton populations was used to determine external concentrations of available phosphorus in water samples with high concentrations of inorganic seston from River Rømua. RP (total molybdate reactive P measured on unfiltered samples) was approximately the P fraction available for Synedra cf. acus, Asterionella formosa and Oscillatoria agardhii. In filtered samples RPF was the available concentration of P.The ratio RP:RPF may give valuable information on the ratio between total available P (including available P in seston) and available P in filtered water. Different filter types may give different RP: RPF ratios. The ratio RP:RPF was often high during spring and autumn in River Rømua and the lakes studied. During the period June–September RP:RPF 1 in most of the lakes and periodically in River Rømua.  相似文献   

Summary Nitrogen and phosphate uptake by young plants was studied in experiments, mainly using artificial aggregates of different sizes. Large impenetrable aggregates brought about coarse rooting, while in the finer substrates dense root growth was possible. Coarse rooting resulted diminished uptake of the mainly immobile stock of phosphate. Nitrate uptake, however, was hardly influenced by rooting density on account of its high mobility and transport along with the extracted water. On the finer substrates the plants absorbed more phosphate and therefore the N/P ratio was lower.Implications of this effect of soil structure on uptake are indicated.  相似文献   

Barren, subgrade serpentine substrates are difficult to revegetate due to N, P, and K deficiencies, low Ca:Mg molar ratios, potentially high levels of heavy metals including Ni, Cr, and Co, low organic matter, low CEC, and poor water holding capacity. Several large, bare roadcuts exist in the North Coast Ranges along the west coast of California, USA. Substrate was collected from a large roadcut that has remained barren for more than a decade despite conventional surface amendment with NPK fertilizer and seeding with a mix including nonserpentine grasses and herbs. Although serpentine plant communities have been studied globally in great detail, very little information exists on how to effectively restore these communities after drastic disturbance (removal of topsoil and loss of biological activity). This rhizotron study examined how surface layering and mixing yard waste compost into serpentine substrate affected biomass production, rooting distribution, and tolerance of native, as well as invasive grass species that grow on serpentine. Roots of less serpentine-tolerant species became necrotic upon contact with the serpentine substrate in the layered compost application treatment. The roots of highly serpentine-tolerant species, however, displayed a superior tolerance to the serpentine substrate and were able to grow through its entire depth. Mixing the compost into the serpentine substrate significantly improved the Ca content of the growing medium, allowing the less serpentine-tolerant species to root through the entire depth. Although the compost surface layer treatment promoted growth of the highly serpentine-tolerant species in the serpentine substrate, mixing the compost amendment into the substrate would also permit additional desirable revegetation species to become established.  相似文献   

Dredging, remediation, and other management of sediment in polluted urban wetlands require the information of environmental risks associated with heavy metals (HMs). In this study, sediment samples collected from three typical wetlands in the urban area of Wenzhou City, China, were analyzed to evaluate their risks posed by five HMs. Sediments from an industrial area stored higher Cr and Cu but lower Cd and Pb than those from the residential and agricultural areas. The assessment by the pollution load index method indicated that all of the three study wetlands were polluted. An ecological risk index approach identified low risk for wetlands in forested and residential areas but high risk for wetlands in an industrial area as well as in mixed residential and agricultural area, which was also confirmed by the geo-accumulation index (Igeo) method. Furthermore, the ratio of the secondary phase and primary phase and risk assessment code methods recognized that Cd poses a high pollution risk. The results indicated that sediment pollution by HMs in urban wetlands is possibly a widespread problem in China and needs great attention.  相似文献   

Kang JS  Tian JH  Pan PY  Zald P  Li C  Deng C  Sheng ZH 《Cell》2008,132(1):137-148
Proper distribution of mitochondria within axons and at synapses is critical for neuronal function. While one-third of axonal mitochondria are mobile, a large proportion remains in a stationary phase. However, the mechanisms controlling mitochondrial docking within axons remain elusive. Here, we report a role for axon-targeted syntaphilin (SNPH) in mitochondrial docking through its interaction with microtubules. Axonal mitochondria that contain exogenously or endogenously expressed SNPH lose mobility. Deletion of the mouse snph gene results in a substantially higher proportion of axonal mitochondria in the mobile state and reduces the density of mitochondria in axons. The snph mutant neurons exhibit enhanced short-term facilitation during prolonged stimulation, probably by affecting calcium signaling at presynaptic boutons. This phenotype is fully rescued by reintroducing the snph gene into the mutant neurons. These findings demonstrate a molecular mechanism for controlling mitochondrial docking in axons that has a physiological impact on synaptic function.  相似文献   

Ulrich  Kai-Uwe 《Hydrobiologia》1997,345(1):21-38
The study of four drinking-water reservoirsdemonstrates how the anthropogenic land use of acatchment may affect binding and mobility ofphosphorus in the sediment. Pdiss concentrationgradients at the sediment–water interface weremeasured to calculate potential diffusive releaserates. P binding forms were determined by sequentialextraction of fresh sediment and settling seston. Mainstudy sites were Saidenbach Reservoir (mesotrophic,densely populated drainage area with 73% agriculturalland use) and Neunzehnhain Reservoir (oligotrophic,unpopulated drainage area forested to 80%) in thesilicate-rich Erzgebirge mountains of eastern Germany.Tot-P concentrations and P binding forms of typicalerosive matter from each catchment were similar to thesediment of both pre-reservoirs and reservoirs' mouth.In Saidenbach Reservoir, diatoms responded to highnutrient loading by incorporating ortho-P. Whilesettling, the org-P was partly transformed toFe(OOH)P. Apart from hypolimnetic O2depletion, this P binding form dominated in thesurface sediment mainly in front of the dam. Withincreasing sediment depth, org-P and Fe(OOH)Pnot only redissolved into the pore water, but alsoadsorbed onto Al compounds. In Neunzehnhain Reservoir,acidification of the low buffered catchment favouredloading of humic compounds and Al3+ ions, whichprecipitated and redox-independently adsorbed ortho-Pdue to a pH increase in the lake. Neunzehnhainsediment was able to immobilize Fe(OOH)P fromSaidenbach sediment in a batch experiment. Comparativesequential P extraction of sediment from SosaReservoir (oligo-mesotrophic, sparsely populateddrainage area forested to 94%) and Kleine KinzigReservoir (nearly unpopulated drainage area forestedto 98%) also demonstrated effective P immobilizationby Al-/humic compounds.It is concluded that the absence of settlements in thecatchment, together with forestry as dominating landuse, favour not only oligotrophic conditions in thereservoir but also confine internal P loading from thesediment. But attention should be paid toacidification problems.  相似文献   

Calmano  W.  Ahlf  W.  Bening  J. -C. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,235(1):605-610
The transfer of metals from contaminated sediments to algal cell walls (Scenedesmus quadricauda) and organisms from various trophic levels (euryhaline osmoconform hydroid Cordylophora caspia and algae Brachiomonas submarina) was studied with a multichamber device. The system consists of a central chamber which contained the mud suspension and six external chambers containing the different biological indicators. The solids in the central and external chambers are separated by 0.45 m-diameter membranes which allow diffusion of the mobilized, dissolved metal compounds. Experiments were performed with dredged sediments at various salinities (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 percent, respectively) and the kinetic of re-adsorption was obtained by taking samples after different time intervals. High enrichment of Cd was found in the living alga Brachiomonas submarina, but on the other side only a weak influence of salinity on re-adsorption could be observed. Model experiments with ionic Cd showed a clear dependency on Cd-sorption on the algae, Cd-concentration in solution, and salinity. These results indicate that the transfer of metals mainly depends on the specific surface properties of the substrates and on the specific chemical form of the dissolved mobilized metal.  相似文献   

A name (Eremogone loisiae) is provided for those plants from northern Utah and southeastern Idaho that have gone under the misapplied name Eremogone kingii subsp. uintahensis. Eremogone loisiae, named in honor of Lois A. Arnow, is distinguished from E. kingii by its longer and narrower, flexuous leaves and its longer sepals, petals, styles, capsules, and seeds.  相似文献   

The capture and use of water are critically important in drylands, which collectively constitute Earth's largest biome. Drylands will likely experience lower and more unreliable rainfall as climatic conditions change over the next century. Dryland soils support a rich community of microphytic organisms (biocrusts), which are critically important because they regulate the delivery and retention of water. Yet despite their hydrological significance, a global synthesis of their effects on hydrology is lacking. We synthesized 2,997 observations from 109 publications to explore how biocrusts affected five hydrological processes (times to ponding and runoff, early [sorptivity] and final [infiltration] stages of water flow into soil, and the rate or volume of runoff) and two hydrological outcomes (moisture storage, sediment production). We found that increasing biocrust cover reduced the time for water to pond on the surface (?40%) and commence runoff (?33%), and reduced infiltration (?34%) and sediment production (?68%). Greater biocrust cover had no significant effect on sorptivity or runoff rate/amount, but increased moisture storage (+14%). Infiltration declined most (?56%) at fine scales, and moisture storage was greatest (+36%) at large scales. Effects of biocrust type (cyanobacteria, lichen, moss, mixed), soil texture (sand, loam, clay), and climatic zone (arid, semiarid, dry subhumid) were nuanced. Our synthesis provides novel insights into the magnitude, processes, and contexts of biocrust effects in drylands. This information is critical to improve our capacity to manage dwindling dryland water supplies as Earth becomes hotter and drier.  相似文献   

Phosphorus availability may shape plant–microorganism–soil interactions in forest ecosystems. Our aim was to quantify the interactions between soil P availability and P nutrition strategies of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) forests. We assumed that plants and microorganisms of P-rich forests carry over mineral-bound P into the biogeochemical P cycle (acquiring strategy). In contrast, P-poor ecosystems establish tight P cycles to sustain their P demand (recycling strategy). We tested if this conceptual model on supply-controlled P nutrition strategies was consistent with data from five European beech forest ecosystems with different parent materials (geosequence), covering a wide range of total soil P stocks (160–900 g P m?2; <1 m depth). We analyzed numerous soil chemical and biological properties. Especially P-rich beech ecosystems accumulated P in topsoil horizons in moderately labile forms. Forest floor turnover rates decreased with decreasing total P stocks (from 1/5 to 1/40 per year) while ratios between organic carbon and organic phosphorus (C:Porg) increased from 110 to 984 (A horizons). High proportions of fine-root biomass in forest floors seemed to favor tight P recycling. Phosphorus in fine-root biomass increased relative to microbial P with decreasing P stocks. Concomitantly, phosphodiesterase activity decreased, which might explain increasing proportions of diester-P remaining in the soil organic matter. With decreasing P supply indicator values for P acquisition decreased and those for recycling increased, implying adjustment of plant–microorganism–soil feedbacks to soil P availability. Intense recycling improves the P use efficiency of beech forests.  相似文献   

Double-crystal high-resolution X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy was applied to the chemical state analysis of sulfur and phosphorus in biological samples of leaves and bones. Both S2− and S6+ states are present in all leaves. In plants infected with the mosaic virus, the abundance of S2− state was found to be less than normal. Furthermore, the total sulfur content of leaves with the mosaic virus was less than that in normal leaves. From these results we have concluded that the mosaic virus is related to the decrease in cysteine sulfur (S2−), which is an essential component in amino acids. Most of the phosphorus in leaves and bones was found to be in P5+ state. A small amount of P3+ state, however, was also detected.  相似文献   

湿地农田土壤磷素的分布、形态与有效性及磷素循环   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
向万胜  童成立  吴金水  李学垣 《生态学报》2001,21(12):2067-2073
对江汉平原四湖地区湿地农田土壤磷素的含量分布、形态、有效性、磷素循环及施肥效应进行了研究.结果表明农田土壤全磷和有效磷含量随着地势的降低呈明显降低趋势,潜育性土壤全磷和有效磷含量均极显著低于非潜育性土壤.水田土壤Ca-P、Al-P、Fe-P和O-P分别占无机磷总量的58.1%、3.7%、10.6%和27.5%,其中Ca-P和Al-P与有效磷呈高度正相关(r分别为0.9286**和0.9038**),说明Ca P和Al-P是该地区水田土壤有效磷的主要来源之一.潜育性土壤Ca-P、Al-P和Fe-P的平均含量分别比非潜育性土壤低84.0、10.2和21.1mg/kg,其差异达显著或极显著水平,证明潜育性土壤磷素降低的主要原因是Ca-P、Al-P和Fe-P的损失.五种耕作制度下潜育性稻田土壤磷素输入输出平衡值为盈余2.3~27.9kg/hm2·a,其输入输出比(1/0)为1.06~1.88.对于土壤速效磷小于5mg/kg的潜育性稻田,早、中、晚稻的最高产量施磷量分别为4.83,4.93和1.78 P2O5kg/666.7m2.  相似文献   

Chloroplast thylakoid protein phosphorylation produces changes in light-harvesting properties and in membrane structure as revealed by freeze-fracture electron microscopy. Protein phosphorylation resulted in an increase in the 77 °K fluorescence signal at 735 nm relative to that at 685 nm. In addition, a decrease in connectivity between Photosystem II centers (PS II) and a dynamic quenching of the room temperature variable fluorescence was observed upon phosphorylation. Accompanying these fluorescence changes was a 23% decrease in the amount of stacked membranes. Microscopic analyses indicated that 8.0-nm particles fracturing on the P-face moved from the stacked into the unstacked regions upon phosphorylation. The movement of the 8.0-nm particles was accompanied by the appearance of chlorophyll b and 25 to 29 kD polypeptides in isolated stroma lamellae fractions. We conclude that phosphorylation of a population of the light-harvesting chlorophyll ab protein complexes (LHC) in grana partitions causes the migration of these pigment proteins from the PS II-rich appressed membranes into the Photosystem I (PS I) enriched unstacked regions. This increases the absorptive cross section of PS I. In addition, we suggest that the mobile population of LHC functions to interconnect PS II centers in grana partitions; removal of this population of LHC upon phosphorylation limits PS II → PS II energy transfer and thereby favors spillover of energy from PS II to PS I.  相似文献   

In drylands of southeastern Utah, USA, the invasive exotic grass Bromus tectorum L. occurs in distinct spatial patterns suggesting soil control of ecosystem susceptibility to invasion. To improve our understanding of these patterns, we examined performance of B. tectorum in relation to additions of water, KCl, MgO, and CaO at seventeen 1600 m2 sites distributed across a calcareous soil gradient in Canyonlands National Park. Water additions resulted in a 57% increase in B. tectorum establishment. Fall establishment was significantly correlated with silt and clay content in wet plots but not in dry plots, suggesting that texture effects on B. tectorum establishment patterns may be greater in wet years than in dry years. Applications of MgO resulted in a 49% decrease in B. tectorum establishment, although MgO had no effect on whole-plot biomass at the end of the growing season. B. tectorum–soil relations were strongest during winter (December–March) when relative growth rates were negatively related to soil acid-neutralizing potential, sand and CaCO3 content, and a measure of bioavailable Mg; and positively related to silt and clay content, total N, measures of bioavailable Mn, P, and K, and a measure of magnetite indicating distributional patterns of eolian dust. As soils were persistently moist during this period, we attribute strong B. tectorum–soil patterns in winter to effects of low temperature on diffusion, microbial activity, and/or production of root exudates important for nutrient mobilization and uptake. In spring, there was a reversal in B. tectorum–soil relations such that loamy soils with higher B. tectorum densities were unfavorable for growth relative to sandy soils with higher warm-season water potentials. We conclude that resource limitations for B. tectorum in this study area shift seasonally, from water limitation of fall establishment, to nutrient limitation of winter growth, and back to water limitation of spring growth. Because study sites generally were arrayed along a hillslope gradient with downslope trends in soil vtexture and nutrient content, close B. tectorum–soil relations documented in this study indicate that a geomorphic framework is useful for understanding and predicting B. tectorum invasion patterns in dryland ecosystems of this region.Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users. Section Editor: T. KalaposThe U.S. Government’s right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty free licence in and to any copyright is acknowledged  相似文献   

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