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ABSTRACT. Sandmanniella terricola n. g., n. sp. was discovered in soil from the Chobe floodplain, Botswana, southern Africa. Its morphology and 18S rDNA gene sequence were studied with standard methods. Sandmanniella terricola is very likely an adversity strategist because it reaches peak abundances 6–12 h after rewetting the soil and maintains trophic food vacuoles with undigested bacteria in the resting cyst, a highly specific feature suggested as an indicator for an adversity life strategy. Possibly, the energy of the stored food vacuoles is used for reproduction and support of the cyst wall. Morphologically, Sandmanniella terricola is inconspicuous, having a size of only 50 × 40 μm and a simple, ellipsoidal shape. The main characteristics of the genus are a colpodid silverline pattern; a perioral cilia condensation; a flat, dish-shaped oral cavity, in the centre of which originates a long, conical oral basket resembling that of certain nassulid ciliates; and a vertically oriented left oral polykinetid composed of brick-shaped adoral organelles. This unique mixture of features and the gene sequence trees, where Sandmanniella shows an isolated position, suggest establishing a new family, the Sandmanniellidae n. fam., possibly related to the families Colpodidae or Bryophryidae. The curious oral basket provides some support for the hypothesis of a common ancestor of colpodid and nassulid ciliates.  相似文献   

The morphology and infraciliature of two soil haptorid ciliates, Clavoplites haranti sp. n. and Enchelys terrenum (Foissner, 1984) comb. n., collected from Malé Karpaty Mts. and Biele Karpaty Mts. (Slovakia), were investigated using live observation and protargol impregnation. Clavoplites haranti is distinguished from its congeners by a combination of characters including: theronts spatulate to slenderly fusiform, trophonts bursiform, size about 60 x 25 microm in vivo; massive oral bulge with broadly clavate to lemon-shaped, 1.5-2 microm long extrusomes arranged in a ring in oral bulge; ellipsoidal macronucleus and one globular micronucleus; on average 13 ciliary rows, 3 anteriorly differentiated to an inconspicuous dorsal brush. Enchelys terrenum is about 85 x 30 microm in size and differs from its congeners by a combination of characters including spatulate shape; massive oral bulge with 4-6 microm long, fusiform extrusomes arranged in a ring in oral bulge; ellipsoidal to reniform macronucleus and one globular micronucleus; usually 19 ciliary rows, 3 anteriorly differentiated to an ordinary dorsal brush. The diagnoses of the family Enchelyidae and the genus Enchelys are improved. The new genus Armatoenchelys differs from the genera Enchelys and Apoenchelys in having both body and oral bulge extrusomes. Enchelys geleii, E. longitricha, and E. vermiformis are transferred to the new genus.  相似文献   

Chitwoodius brasiliensis n.sp. is described from soil around plant roots in Vicosa, MG State, Brazil. It has a body 1.9 mm (1.6-2.5) long, odontostyle and odontophore 33 μm (31-37) and 34 μm (31-36) long, respectively, and males with spicules 59-61 μm long. Chitwoodius rusticulus n.sp. from Colombian rain forest differs from other species of the genus in having a weakly muscular anterior part of the oesophagus, a pore-like vulva, and an unsclerotized vagina. Vanderlindia venata n.sp. from lucerne soil in South Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, differs from the type and only other known species of its genus in having a smaller and less slender body (L = 3.34 mm [3.15-3.71], a = 50 [46-53]), odontostyle 2.3-2.5 times lip region width long, and stylet guiding ring located at 1.2-1.4 times lip region width from anterior end.  相似文献   

Two euplanktonic ciliates, Urotricha psenneri n. sp. (Prostomatida) and Amphileptus piger (Vuxanovici, 1962) n. comb. (Pleurostomatida), were discovered in the surface plankton of the oligotrophic Lake Traunsee in Austria. Their morphology and infraciliature were studied in live cells as well as in specimens impregnated with protargol and silver nitrate. Urotricha psenneri is a small urotrichid, less than 50 microm length and with a single caudal cilium. It is unique in having (i) a massive oral basket projecting as a conspicuous bulge with cylindrical microfibrillar annulus and (ii) a curved brosse row 1 in the broad, barren circumoral area. Amphileptus piger (Vuxanovici, 1962) is about 55 x 13 microm in vivo, has two macronuclear nodules with a single micronucleus in between in the posterior body half, has a single contractile vacuole with a terminal excretory pore, and few, but thick and thus highly conspicuous extrusomes. The amphileptid ciliary pattern (spica) is difficult to recognise due to the widely spaced basal bodies.  相似文献   

Argentinochondria patagonensis n. gen., n. sp. (Copepoda: Chondracanthidae) is described from adult specimens recovered from the smooth kingklip Genypterus brasiliensis Reagan, 1903, from San Jorge Gulf, Patagonia, Argentina. The new genus is placed in the Chondracanthinae. Females of the new genus differ from other members of this subfamily in having 2 pairs of modified legs, a bulbose head, a long neck region, and a trunk devoid of processes. Males have usual chondracanthid form, oral appendages as in female, except a longer paragnath, fewer teeth on maxilla, and 2 pairs of reduced legs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The morphology, infraciliature, and small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequences of two new pleurostomatid ciliates, Epiphyllum shenzhenense n. sp. and Loxophyllum spirellum n. sp., isolated from a mangrove wetland near Shenzhen, South China, were investigated. Epiphyllum shenzhenense n. sp. is morphologically characterized by leaf‐shaped cell about 150 × 35 μm in vivo, usually with four contractile vacuoles, 20–29 right kineties and 10–26 left kineties, ca. four macronuclear nodules, and two types of extrusomes (i.e. short spindle‐shaped and long bar‐shaped). As a new species, L. spirellum n. sp. is distinguished from its congeners by its posterior dorsal margin twisted onto the left side, the distribution of extrusomes (evenly arranged along the oral slit, the posterior end, and clustered to 7–13 warts on dorsal margin), the subterminally positioned contractile vacuole, the number of kineties (8–10 on right side, 4–5 on left side), and its genetic distance from congeners. Phylogenetic trees based on the SSU rRNA gene sequence for both organisms were constructed, which indicate that Epiphyllum is a distinct genus and occupies a basal position in the Pleurostomatida clade; L. spirellum n. sp. falls well into the Loxophyllum clade, which has a close relationship with Litonotus and Spiroloxophyllum.  相似文献   

A new species of Cochliopodium isolated from freshwater at Arabia Lake in Lithonia, GA, USA is described based on light microscopic morphology, fine structure, and molecular genetic evidence. Cochliopodium arabianum n. sp., previously labeled as “isolate Con1” in prior publications, has been shown to group within the genus Cochliopodium in our molecular phylogenetic analysis. Light microscopy and fine structure evidence indicates the new isolate not only shares characters of the genus but also unique distinctive features. Cochliopodium arabianum n. sp. is typically round when stationary; or oval to sometimes broadly flabellate or triangular in shape during locomotion, with average length of 35 μm and breadth of 51 μm. Fine structure evidence indicates C. arabianum n. sp. has tower‐like scales, lacking a terminal spine, sharing high similarity with its closest relative C. actinophorum. However, the scales of C. arabianum n. sp. are unique in height and the breadth of the base plate. Both morphological and molecular data, including SSU‐rDNA and COI, indicate that this new species falls in a clade sufficiently different from other species to suggest that it is a valid new species.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Two new species of chonotrichous ciliates, Oenophorachona ectenolaemus n.g., n.sp. and Spirochona halophila n.sp. were found on Anisogammarus sp. collected from the waters of Humboldt County, California and Argyle Bay, San Juan Island, Washington. This is the 1st reported occurrence of 2 genera of chonotrichous ciliates on a single host species as well as the 1st of the occurrence of Spirochona in marine and brackish water environments.  相似文献   

Cicesetrema unami n. gen., n. sp. (Digenea: Cryptogonimidae) is described from the intestine of the California halibut, Paralichthys californicus, from San Quintin Bay, Baja California, Mexico. The new genus is distinguished from other members of the Cryptogoniminae in having vitellaria that form asymmetric bunches of follicles and extend in lateral fields from the level of the ovary posteriad beyond the testes. In addition, the species in the new genus possess a subterminal, funnel-shaped oral sucker that is prominent when protruded but usually retracted in a fold at the anterior end.  相似文献   

Two marine peritrich ciliates, Vorticella fuscaPrecht (1935) and Vorticella parapulchella n. sp. were discovered in the littoral zone of Qingdao, northern China. Their morphology, infraciliature, and silverline system were described using live observation and silver impregnation. The poorly known species V. fusca is redescribed, adding information about the oral infraciliature and pellicular morphology. Vorticella parapulchella n. sp. is superficially similar to Vorticella pulchellaSommer (1951) but is distinguished from it by being markedly smaller and having much more widely spaced pellicular ridges. The infundibular infraciliature of V. parapulchella is extremely unusual in having infundibular polykinety 3 reduced to two rows, one of which has almost disappeared.  相似文献   

Two species of Parvicapsula were found in the kidney tubules and the urinary bladder of 2 pleuronectid fish from the northern Oresund, Denmark. The coelozoic, spherical, disporic trophozoites of both species are 10 to 12 pm in diameter. The myxospores of both species are elongate, asymmetrical and slightly curved, and have spherical polar capsules. Parvicapsula bicornis n. sp. (6-8 x 5-6 microm, polar capsule 2.5 microm in diameter) occurs in Pleuronectes platessa. The polar capsules of P. bicornis are arranged symmetrically on either side of the longitudinal axis and its spores differ from other species of Parvicapsula in having two 2-3 microm long posterior processes of different length. Parvicapsula limandae n. sp. (8-11 x 4-5 pm, polar capsule 1.6 microm in diameter) is found in Limanda limanda. The polar capsules are arranged along the longitudinal axis. It differs from Parvicapsula unicornis Kabata, 1962, recorded from L. limanda, in the arrangement of the polar capsules and in the absence of a posterior horn-like projection. The phylogenetic relationship between P. bicornis n. sp., P. limandae n. sp. and other Parvicapsula spp. was examined with their partial small subunit rDNA (SSU rDNA) sequences. P. limandae n. sp. and P. asymmetrica appear to be closely related, while P. bicornis n. sp. and P. minibicornis are the most divergent members of the genus.  相似文献   

A new colpodid ciliate, Bresslauides pratensis n. sp., was discovered in soil from a meadow field in Turkey. Its morphology was investigated using live observation, protargol impregnation, silver nitrate impregnation, and scanning electron microscopy. The new species differs from the congeners by the following combination of features: the cell size in vivo is about 135-180 μm × 130-160 μm; the body has an almost circular outline with a conspicuous bulge on the ventral side; the somatic cilia are arranged in about 105 densely spaced, sigmoidal kineties; a diagonal groove extends to the left cell side, terminating in a pronounced postoral sack; one almost globular macronucleus and usually two globular micronuclei; the oral structures occupy almost the anterior half of the cell and comprise a distally elongated right polykinetid and a crescentic left oral polykinetid, both restricted to the vestibulum; on average 12 vestibular, 31 postoral, and 55 left oral kineties. Based on the morphological data, it was concluded that B. pratensis is a well-outlined and distinctive member of the genus Bresslauides. Additionally, the most recent molecular data on the order Colpodida and genera Colpoda, Bresslaua, and Bresslauides are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The morphology, infraciliature, and molecular phylogeny of two novel spirotrich ciliates, Caryotricha rariseta n. sp. and Discocephalus pararotatorius n. sp., isolated from coastal waters of China, were investigated. Caryotricha rariseta n. sp. differs from its congeners mainly in possessing seven sparsely ciliated cirral rows that are conspicuously shortened posteriorly and three transverse cirri aligned in a row. Discocephalus pararotatorius n. sp. is characterized by the conspicuous spine‐like dorsal cilia, one extra (endoral?) membrane, and seven frontal, six ventral, and seven posterolateral marginal cirri. The small subunit rRNA gene was sequenced for both species. Complete SSU rRNA gene sequences of two Caryotricha spp. (including C. rariseta n. sp.) and two Discocephalus spp. (including D. pararotatorius n. sp.), along with those of 40 other ciliates, were used to determine their molecular phylogeny using maximum likelihood, neighbor joining and maximum parsimony analyses. The two Caryotricha species cluster with Kiitricha marina in the well‐supported Protohypotrichia clade that is basal to the main spirotrich assemblage. The two discocephalids form a clade that is sister to the Hypotrichia.  相似文献   

Sauertylenchus labiodiscus n. gem, n. sp. is described and illustrated from soil around Rhagodia sp. in Australia. It can be distinguished from the most closely related genus Tylenchorhynchus Cobb, 1913 by the distinctly set-off, rounded, lip region with a conspicuous labial disc, and long thin stylet. The face view and spicules of Sauertylenchus labiodiscus are illustrated with scanning electron micrographs. The subfamilies Tylenchorhynchinae and Merlininae ale discussed.  相似文献   

Diclidophora embiotocae sp. n. is described from adult specimens obtained from the gills of three species of embiotocid fishes from the central coast of Oregon. It differs from all other members of the genus in hosts, geographic location, and in possessing pre- and para-ovarian, as well as post-ovarian testes. Diagnosis of Diclidophora (Yamaguti 1963) is emended.  相似文献   

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