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Myotome formation in the epaxial and hypaxial domains of thoraco-lumbar somites was analyzed using fluorescent vital dye labeling of dermomyotome cells and cell-fate assessment by confocal microscopy. Muscle precursor cells for the epaxial and hypaxial myotomes are predominantly located in the dorsomedial and ventrolateral dermomyotome lips, respectively, and expansion of the dermomyotome is greatest along its mediolateral axis coincident with the dorsalward and ventralward growth directions of the epaxial and hypaxial myotomes. Measurements of the dermomyotome at different stages of development shows that myotome growth begins earlier in the epaxial than in the hypaxial domain, but that after an initial lag phase, both progress at the same rate. A combination of dye injection and/or antibody labeling of early and late-expressed muscle contractile proteins confirms the myotome mediolateral growth directions, and shows that the myotome thickness increases in a superficial (near dermis) to deep (near sclerotome) growth direction. These findings also provide a basis for predicting the following gene expression sequence program for the earliest muscle precursor lineages in mouse embryos: Pax-3 (stem cells), myf-5 (myoblast cells) and myoD (myocytes). The movements and mitotic activity of early muscle precursor cells lead to the conclusion that patterning and growth in the myotome specifically, and in the epaxial and hypaxial domains of the body generally, are governed by morphogenetic cell movements.  相似文献   

The dorsomedial lip (DML) of the somite dermomyotome is the source of cells for the early growth and morphogenesis of the epaxial primary myotome and the overlying dermomyotome epithelium. We have used quail-chick transplantation to investigate the mechanistic basis for DML activity. The ablated DML of chick wing-level somites was replaced with tissue fragments from various mesoderm regions of quail embryos and their capacity to form myotomal tissue assessed by confocal microscopy. Transplanted fragments from the epithelial sheet region of the dermomyotome exhibited full DML growth and morphogenetic capacity. Ventral somite fragments (sclerotome), head paraxial mesoderm or non-paraxial (lateral plate) mesoderm tested in this assay were each able to expand mitotically in concert with the surrounding paraxial mesoderm, although no myogenic potential was evident. When ablated DMLs were replaced with fragments of the dermomyotome ventrolateral lip of wing-level somites or pre-somitic mesoderm (segmental plate), myotome development was evident but was delayed or otherwise limited in some cases. Timed DML ablation-replacement experiments demonstrate that DML activity is progressive throughout the embryonic period (to at least E7) and its continued presence is necessary for the complete patterning of each myotome segment. The results of serial transplantation and BrdU pulse-chase experiments are most consistent with the conclusion that the DML consists of a self-renewing population of progenitor cells that are the primary source of cells driving the growth and morphogenesis of the myotome and dermomyotome in the epaxial domain of the body.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that overall growth of the myotome in the mediolateral direction occurs in a coherent and uniform pattern. We asked whether development of the dermomyotome and resultant dermis follow a similar pattern or are, alternatively, controlled by restricted pools of stem cells driving directional growth. To this end, we studied cellular events that govern dermomyotome development and the regional origin of dermis. Measurements of cell proliferation, nuclear density and cellular rearrangements revealed that the developing dermomyotome can be subdivided in the transverse plane into three distinct and dynamic regions: medial, central and lateral, rather than simply into epaxial and hypaxial domains. To understand how these temporally and spatially restricted changes affect overall dermomyotome growth, lineage tracing with CM-DiI was performed. A proportional pattern of growth was measured along the entire epithelium, suggesting that mediolateral growth of the dermomyotome is coherent. Hence, they contrast with a stem cell view suggesting focal and inversely oriented sources of growth restricted to the medial and lateral edges. Consistent with this uniform mediolateral growth, lineage tracing experiments showed that the dermomyotome-derived dermis originates from progenitors that reside along the medial as well as the lateral halves of somites, and whose contribution to dermis is regionally restricted. Taken together, our results support the view that all derivatives of the dorsal somite (dermomyotome, myotome and dermis) keep a direct topographical relationship with their epithelial ascendants.  相似文献   

Fgf-8 encodes a secreted signaling molecule mediating key roles in embryonic patterning. This study analyzes the expression pattern, regulation, and function of this growth factor in the paraxial mesoderm of the avian embryo. In the mature somite, expression of Fgf-8 is restricted to a subpopulation of myotome cells, comprising most, but not all, epaxial and hypaxial muscle precursors. Following ablation of the notochord and floor plate, Fgf-8 expression is not activated in the somites, in either the epaxial or the hypaxial domain, while ablation of the dorsal neural tube does not affect Fgf-8 expression in paraxial mesoderm. Contrary to the view that hypaxial muscle precursors are independent of regulatory influences from axial structures, these findings provide the first evidence for a regulatory influence of ventral, but not dorsal axial structures on the hypaxial muscle domain. Sonic hedgehog can substitute for the ventral neural tube and notochord in the initiation of Fgf-8 expression in the myotome. It is also shown that Fgf-8 protein leads to an increase in sclerotomal cell proliferation and enhances rib cartilage development in mature somites, whereas inhibition of Fgf signaling by SU 5402 causes deletions in developing ribs. These observations demonstrate: (1) a regulatory influence of the ventral axial organs on the hypaxial muscle compartment; (2) regulation of epaxial and hypaxial expression of Fgf-8 by Sonic hedgehog; and (3) independent regulation of Fgf-8 and MyoD in the hypaxial myotome by ventral axial organs. It is postulated that the notochord and ventral neural tube influence hypaxial expression of Fgf-8 in the myotome and that, in turn, Fgf-8 has a functional role in rib formation.  相似文献   

The epaxial-hypaxial subdivision of the avian somite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In all jaw-bearing vertebrates, three-dimensional mobility relies on segregated, separately innervated epaxial and hypaxial skeletal muscles. In amniotes, these muscles form from the morphologically continuous dermomyotome and myotome, whose epaxial-hypaxial subdivision and hence the formation of distinct epaxial-hypaxial muscles is not understood. Here we show that En1 expression labels a central subdomain of the avian dermomyotome, medially abutting the expression domain of the lead-lateral or hypaxial marker Sim1. En1 expression is maintained when cells from the En1-positive dermomyotome enter the myotome and dermatome, thereby superimposing the En1-Sim1 expression boundary onto the developing musculature and dermis. En1 cells originate from the dorsomedial edge of the somite. Their development is under positive control by notochord and floor plate (Shh), dorsal neural tube (Wnt1) and surface ectoderm (Wnt1-like signalling activity) but negatively regulated by the lateral plate mesoderm (BMP4). This dependence on epaxial signals and suppression by hypaxial signals places En1 into the epaxial somitic programme. Consequently, the En1-Sim1 expression boundary marks the epaxial-hypaxial dermomyotomal or myotomal boundary. In cell aggregation assays, En1- and Sim1-expressing cells sort out, suggesting that the En1-Sim1 expression boundary may represent a true compartment boundary, foreshadowing the epaxial-hypaxial segregation of muscle.  相似文献   

A two-step mechanism for myotome formation in chick   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The study of the morphogenetic cell movements underlying myotome formation in the chick embryo has led to the emergence of highly controversial models. Here we report a real-time cell lineage analysis of myotome development using electroporation of a GFP reporter in newly formed chick somites. Confocal analysis of cell movements demonstrates that myotome formation involves two sequential steps. In a first phase, incremental myotome growth results from a contribution of myocytes derived solely from the medial border of the dermomyotome. In a second phase, myocytes are produced from all four borders of the dermomyotome. The relative distribution of myocytes demonstrates that the medial and the lateral borders of the somite generate exclusively epaxial and hypaxial muscles. This analysis also identified five myotomal regions, characterized by the origin of the myocytes that constitute them. Together, our results provide a comprehensive model describing the morphogenesis of the early myotome in higher vertebrates.  相似文献   

The vertebrate somite is the source of all trunk skeletal muscles. Myogenesis in avian embryos is thought to depend on signals from notochord and neural tube for the epaxial muscles, and signals from lateral mesoderm and surface ectoderm for the hypaxial muscles. However, this hypothesis has to be tested because in mouse mutants lacking a notochord the presence of a fused myotome beneath the neural tube has been reported. We have compared the expression pattern of myogenic markers and markers for the hypaxial muscle precursors in the mutants Brachyury curtailed, truncate, Danforth's short tail and Pintail. In regions lacking notochord and sclerotome, we found small, ventrally located domains of Myf5 and MyoD expression, concomitant with ventrally expanded Pax3 signals and upregulated expression of the hypaxial marker Lbx1, suggesting that only the hypaxial program is active. We therefore hypothesise that in mammals, as in birds, the formation of the epaxial musculature depends on the presence of notochord derived signals.  相似文献   

During vertebrate neural tube formation, the initially lateral borders between the neural and epidermal ectoderm fuse to form the definitive dorsal region of the embryo, while the initially dorsally located notochord-floor plate complex is being internalised. Along the definitive dorso-ventral body axis, one can distinguish an epaxial (dorsal to the notochord) and a hypaxial (ventral to the notochord) body region. The mesodermal somites on both sides of the notochord and neural tube give rise to the trunk skeleton and skeletal muscle. Muscle forms from the somite-derived dermomyotomes and myotomes that elongate dorsally and ventrally. Based on gene expression patterns and comparative embryology, it is proposed here that the epaxial (dermo)myotome region in amniote embryos is subdivided into a dorsalmost and a centrally intercalated subregion. The intercalated subregion abuts to the hypaxial (dermo)myotome region that elongates ventrally via the hypaxial somitic bud. The dorsalmost subregion elongates towards the dorsal neural tube and is proposed to derive from an epaxial somitic bud. The dorsalmost and hypaxial somite derivatives share specific gene expression patterns which are distinct from those of the intercalated somite derivatives. The intercalated somite derivatives develop adaxially, i.e. at the level of the notochord-floor plate complex. Thus, the dorsalmost and intercalated (dermo)myotome subregions may be influenced preferentially by signals from the dorsal neural tube and from the notochord-floor plate complex, respectively. These (dermo)myotome subregions are sharply delimited from each other by molecular boundary markers, including Engrailed and Wnts. It thus appears that the molecular network that polarises borders in Drosophila and vertebrate embryogenesis is redeployed during subregionalisation of the (dermo)myotome. It is proposed here that cells within the amniote (dermo)myotome establish polarised borders with organising capacity, and that the epaxial somitic bud represents a mirror-image duplication of the hypaxial somitic bud along such a border. The resulting epaxial-intercalated/adaxial-hypaxial regionalisation of somite derivatives is conserved in vertebrates although the differentiation of sclerotome and myotome starts heterochronically in embryos of different vertebrate groups.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated (in the early mouse embryo) the clonal properties of precursor cells which contribute to the segmented myotome, a structure derived from the somites. We used the laacZ method of single cell-labelling to visualise clones born before segmentation and bilateralisation. We found that clones which contribute to several segments both unilateral and bilateral were regionalised along the mediolateral axis and that their mediolateral position was maintained in successive adjacent segments. Furthermore, clones contributed to all segments, from their most anterior to their most posterior borders. Therefore, it appears that mediolateral regionalisation of myotomal precursor cells is a property established before bilateralisation of the presomitic mesoderm and that coherent clonal growth accompanies cell dispersion along both the mediolateral and anteroposterior axes. These findings in the mouse correlate well with what is known in the chick, suggesting conservation of the mode of production and distribution of the cells of the presomitic mesoderm. However, in addition, we also found that the mediolateral contribution of a clone is already determined in the pool of self-renewing cells that produces the myotomal precursor cells and thus that this pool is itself regionalised. Finally, we found that bilateral clones exhibit symmetry in right and left sides in the embryo at all levels of the mediolateral axis of the myotome. All these properties indicate synchrony and symmetry of formation of the presomitic mesoderm on both sides of the embryo leading to formation of a static embryonic structure with few cell movements. We suggest that sequential production of groups of cells with an identical clonal origin for both sides of the embryo from a single pool of self-renewing cells, coupled with acquisition of static cell behaviour, could play a role in colinearity of expression of Hox genes and in the segmentation system of higher vertebrates.  相似文献   

The dermomyotome develops into myotome and dermis. We previously showed that overall growth of the dermomyotome and myotome in the mediolateral direction occurs in a uniform pattern. While myofibers arise from all four dermomyotome lips, the dermis derives from both medial and lateral halves of the dermomyotome sheet. Here we mapped the fate of this epithelial sheet by analyzing cell types that arise from its central region. We found that these precursors give rise not only to dermis, as expected, but also to a population of proliferating progenitors in the myotome that maintain expression of PAX7, PAX3 and FREK. Given this dual fate, we asked whether single dermomyotome precursors generate both dermal and mitotic myoblast precursors, or alternatively, whether these cell types derive from distinct epithelial founders. Inovo clonal analysis revealed that single dermomyotome progenitors give rise to both derivatives. This is associated with a sharp change in the plane of cell division from the young epithelium, in which symmetrical divisions occur parallel to the mediolateral plane of the dermomyotome, to the dissociating dermomyotome, in which cell divisions become mostly perpendicular. Taken together with clonal analysis of the dermomyotome sheet, this suggests that a first stage of progenitor self-renewal, accounting for dermomyotomal expansion, is followed by fate segregation, which correlates with the observed shift in mitotic spindle orientation.  相似文献   

The first wave of myoblasts which constitutes the post-mitotic myotome stems from the medial epithelial somite. Whereas medial pioneers extend throughout the entire mediolateral myotome at cervical and limb levels, at flank regions they are complemented laterally by a population of early myoblasts emerging from the lateral epithelial somite. These myoblasts delaminate underneath the nascent dermomyotome and become post-mitotic. They are Myf5-positive but express MyoD and desmin only a day later while differentiating into fibers. Overexpression of Noggin in the lateral somite triggers their premature differentiation suggesting that lateral plate-BMP4 maintains them in an undifferentiated state. Moreover, directly accelerating their differentiation by MyoD overexpression prior to arrival of medial fibers, generates a severely mispatterned lateral myotome. This is in contrast to medial pioneers that have the capacity for self-organization. Furthermore, inhibiting differentiation of medial pioneers with dominant-negative MyoD also disrupts lateral myoblast patterning and differentiation. Thus, we propose that medial pioneers are needed for proper morphogenesis of the lateral population which is kept as undifferentiated mesenchyme by BMP4 until their arrival. In addition, medial pioneers also organize dermomyotome lip-derived fibers suggesting that they have a general role in patterning myotome development.  相似文献   

Somites are transient mesodermal structures giving rise to all skeletal muscles of the body, the axial skeleton and the dermis of the back. Somites arise from successive segmentation of the presomitic mesoderm (PSM). They appear first as epithelial spheres that rapidly differentiate into a ventral mesenchyme, the sclerotome, and a dorsal epithelial dermomyotome. The sclerotome gives rise to vertebrae and ribs while the dermomyotome is the source of all skeletal muscles and the dorsal dermis. Quail-chick fate mapping and diI-labeling experiments have demonstrated that the epithelial somite can be further subdivided into a medial and a lateral moiety. These two subdomains are derived from different regions of the primitive streak and give rise to different sets of muscles. The lateral somitic cells migrate to form the musculature of the limbs and body wall, known as the hypaxial muscles, while the medial somite gives rise to the vertebrae and the associated epaxial muscles. The respective contribution of the medial and lateral somitic compartments to the other somitic derivatives, namely the dermis and the ribs has not been addressed and therefore remains unknown. We have created quail-chick chimeras of either the medial or lateral part of the PSM to examine the origin of the dorsal dermis and the ribs. We demonstrate that the whole dorsal dermis and the proximal ribs exclusively originates from the medial somitic compartment, whereas the distal ribs derive from the lateral compartment.  相似文献   

The morphogenetic cell movements responsible for growth and morphogenesis in vertebrate embryos are poorly understood. Myotome precursor cells undergo myotomal translocation; a key morphogenetic cell movement whereby myotomal precursor cells leave the dermomyotome epithelium and enter the subjacent myotome layer where myogenic differentiation ensues. The precursors to the embryonic epaxial myotome are concentrated in the dorsomedial lip (DML) of the somite dermomyotome (W. F. Denetclaw, B. Christ and C. P. Ordahl (1997) Development 124, 1601-1610), a finding recently substantiated through surgical transplantation studies (C. P. Ordahl, E. Berdougo, S. J. Venters and W. F. Denetclaw, Jr (2001) Development 128, 1731-1744). Confocal microscopy was used here to analyze the location and pattern of myotome cells whose precursors had earlier been labeled by fluorescent dye injection into the middle region of the DML, a site that maximizes the potential to discriminate among experimental outcomes. Double-dye injection experiments conducted at this site demonstrate that cells fated to form myotome do not involute around the recurved epithelium of the DML but rather are displaced laterally where they transiently intermingle with cells fated to enter the central epithelial sheet region of the dermomyotome. Time- and position-dependent labeling experiments demonstrated that myotome precursor cells translocate directly from the middle region of the DML without prior intra-epithelial 'translational' movements of precursor cells to either the cranial or caudal lips of the dermomyotome epithelium, nor were any such translational movements evident in these experiments. The morphogenetic cell movements demonstrated here to be involved in the directional growth and segmental patterning of the myotome and dermomyotome bear interesting similarities with those of other morphogenetic systems.  相似文献   

We have previously found that the myotome is formed by a first wave of pioneer cells generated along the medial epithelial somite and a second wave emanating from the dorsomedial lip (DML), rostral and caudal edges of the dermomyotome (Kahane, N., Cinnamon, Y. and Kalcheim, C. (1998a) Mech. Dev. 74, 59-73; Kahane, N., Cinnamon, Y. and Kalcheim, C. (1998b) Development 125, 4259-4271). In this study, we have addressed the development and precise fate of the ventrolateral lip (VLL) in non-limb regions of the axis. To this end, fluorescent vital dyes were iontophoretically injected in the center of the VLL and the translocation of labeled cells was followed by confocal microscopy. VLL-derived cells colonized the ventrolateral portion of the myotome. This occurred following an early longitudinal cell translocation along the medial boundary until reaching the rostral or caudal dermomyotome lips from which fibers emerged into the myotome. Thus, the behavior of VLL cells parallels that of their DML counterparts which colonize the opposite, dorsomedial portion of the myotome. To precisely understand the way the myotome expands, we addressed the early generation of hypaxial intercostal muscles. We found that intercostal muscles were formed by VLL-derived fibers that intermingled with fibers emerging from the ventrolateral aspect of both rostral and caudal edges of the dermomyotome. Notably, hypaxial intercostal muscles also contained pioneer myofibers (first wave) showing for the first time that lateral myotome-derived muscles contain a fundamental component of fibers generated in the medial domain of the somite. In addition, we show that during myotome growth and evolution into muscle, second-wave myofibers progressively intercalate between the pioneer fibers, suggesting a constant mode of myotomal expansion in its dorsomedial to ventrolateral extent. This further suggests that specific hypaxial muscles develop following a consistent ventral expansion of a 'compound myotome' into the somatopleure.  相似文献   

We show that cells of the dorsal aorta, an early blood vessel, and of the myotome, the first skeletal muscle to form within the somite, derive from a common progenitor in the mouse embryo. This conclusion is based on a retrospective clonal analysis, using a nlaacZ reporter targeted to the alpha-cardiac actin gene. A rare intragenic recombination event results in a functional nlacZ sequence, giving rise to clones of beta-galactosidase-positive cells. Periendothelial and vascular smooth muscle cells of the dorsal aorta are the main cell types labelled, demonstrating that these are clonally related to the paraxial mesoderm-derived cells of skeletal muscle. Rare endothelial cells are also seen in some clones. In younger clones, arising from a recent recombination event, myotomal labelling is predominantly in the hypaxial somite, adjacent to labelled smooth muscle cells in the aorta. Analysis of Pax3(GFP/+) embryos shows that these cells are Pax3 negative but GFP positive, with fluorescent cells in the intervening region between the aorta and the somite. This is consistent with the direct migration of smooth muscle precursor cells that had expressed Pax3. These results are discussed in terms of the paraxial mesoderm contribution to the aorta and of the mesoangioblast stem cells that derive from it.  相似文献   

Myotome differentiation during Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) somitogenesis was analyzed by employing anti-actin and anti-myosin monoclonal antibodies as molecular probes. Myotome differentiation occurs after segmentation and proceeds in the cranial-to-caudal direction along the somite file. Within individual somites myotome differentiation displays distinct polarities. Examination of the somite file at the tailbud stage revealed that soon after segmentation, actin/myosin accumulate predominantly in the anterior and medial region of the myotome initially. Subsequently, cells within the myotome differentiate in an anterior-to-posterior and medial-to-lateral direction. Experimental analysis of presomitic paraxial mesoderm grafts before segmentation revealed that this transient myotome polarity is autonomous. Comparative analyses indicate that this myotome differentiation pattern is urodele specific. Cynops pyrrhogaster undergoes myotome differentiation like the axolotl, while two anurans, Xenopus laevis and Bombina orientalis, do not.  相似文献   

The cellular and molecular mechanisms that govern early muscle patterning in vertebrate development are unknown. The earliest skeletal muscle to organize, the primary myotome of the epaxial domain, is a thin sheet of muscle tissue that expands in each somite segment in a lateral-to-medial direction in concert with the overlying dermomyotome epithelium. Several mutually contradictory models have been proposed to explain how myotome precursor cells, which are known to reside within the dermomyotome, translocate to the subjacent myotome layer to form this first segmented muscle tissue of the body. Using experimental embryology to discriminate among these models, we show here that ablation of the dorsomedial lip (DML) of the dermomyotome epithelium blocks further primary myotome growth while ablation of other dermomyotome regions does not. Myotome growth and morphogenesis can be restored in a DML-ablated somite of a host embryo by transplantation of a second DML from a donor embryo. Chick-quail marking experiments show that new myotome cells in such recombinant somites are derived from the donor DML and that cells from other regions of the somite are neither present nor required. In addition to the myotome, the transplanted DML also gives rise to the dermomyotome epithelium overlying the new myotome growth region and from which the mesenchymal dermatome will later emerge. These results demonstrate that the DML is a cellular growth engine that is both necessary and sufficient to drive the growth and morphogenesis of the primary myotome and simultaneously drive that of the dermomyotome, an epithelium containing muscle, dermis and possibly other potentialities.  相似文献   

Sonic hedgehog (Shh), produced by the notochord and floor plate, is proposed to function as an inductive and trophic signal that controls somite and neural tube patterning and differentiation. To investigate Shh functions during somite myogenesis in the mouse embryo, we have analyzed the expression of the myogenic determination genes, Myf5 and MyoD, and other regulatory genes in somites of Shh null embryos and in explants of presomitic mesoderm from wild-type and Myf5 null embryos. Our findings establish that Shh has an essential inductive function in the early activation of the myogenic determination genes, Myf5 and MyoD, in the epaxial somite cells that give rise to the progenitors of the deep back muscles. Shh is not required for the activation of Myf5 and MyoD at any of the other sites of myogenesis in the mouse embryo, including the hypaxial dermomyotomal cells that give rise to the abdominal and body wall muscles, or the myogenic progenitor cells that form the limb and head muscles. Shh also functions in somites to establish and maintain the medio-lateral boundaries of epaxial and hypaxial gene expression. Myf5, and not MyoD, is the target of Shh signaling in the epaxial dermomyotome, as MyoD activation by recombinant Shh protein in presomitic mesoderm explants is defective in Myf5 null embryos. In further support of the inductive function of Shh in epaxial myogenesis, we show that Shh is not essential for the survival or the proliferation of epaxial myogenic progenitors. However, Shh is required specifically for the survival of sclerotomal cells in the ventral somite as well as for the survival of ventral and dorsal neural tube cells. We conclude, therefore, that Shh has multiple functions in the somite, including inductive functions in the activation of Myf5, leading to the determination of epaxial dermomyotomal cells to myogenesis, as well as trophic functions in the maintenance of cell survival in the sclerotome and adjacent neural tube.  相似文献   

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