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DNA strand specificity for UV-induced mutations in mammalian cells.   总被引:29,自引:9,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
The influence of DNA repair on the molecular nature of mutations induced by UV light (254 nm) was investigated in UV-induced hprt mutants from UV-sensitive Chinese hamster cells (V-H1) and the parental line (V79). The nature of point mutations in hprt exon sequences was determined for 19 hprt mutants of V79 and for 17 hprt mutants of V-H1 cells by sequence analysis of in vitro-amplified hprt cDNA. The mutation spectrum in V79 cells consisted of single- and tandem double-base pair changes, while in V-H1 cells three frameshift mutations were also detected. All base pair changes in V-H1 mutants were due to GC----AT transitions. In contrast, in V79 all possible classes of base pair changes except the GC----CG transversion were present. In this group, 70% of the mutations were transversions. Since all mutations except one did occur at dipyrimidine sites, the assumption was made that they were caused by UV-induced photoproducts at these sites. In V79 cells, 11 out of 17 base pair changes were caused by photoproducts in the nontranscribed strand of the hprt gene. However, in V-H1 cells, which are completely deficient in the removal of pyrimidine dimers from the hprt gene and which show a UV-induced mutation frequency enhanced seven times, 10 out of 11 base pair changes were caused by photoproducts in the transcribed strand of the hprt gene. We hypothesize that this extreme strand specificity in V-H1 cells is due to differences in fidelity of DNA replication of the leading and the lagging strand. Furthermore, we propose that in normal V79 cells two processes determine the strand specificity of UV-induced mutations in the hprt gene, namely preferential repair of the transcribed strand of the hprt gene and a higher fidelity of DNA replication of the nontranscribed strand compared with the transcribed strand.  相似文献   

We have used mathematical modeling and statistical analysis to examine the correlation between UV-induced DNA damage and resulting base-substitution mutations in mammalian cells. The frequency and site specificity of UV-induced photoproducts in the supF gene of the pZ189 shuttle vector plasmid were compared with the frequency and site specificity of base-substitution mutations induced upon passage of the UV-irradiated vector in monkey cells. The hypothesis that the observed mutational spectrum is due to a preferential insertion of adenosine opposite UV photoproducts in the DNA template was found to best explain the mutational data. Models in which it was postulated that only (6-4) photoproducts, and not cyclobutane dimers, are mutagenic, or that the relative frequency of photoproduct formation does not influence mutation frequencies, fit the data much less well. This analysis demonstrates that molecular mechanisms of mutagenesis in mammalian cells can be deduced from mutational data obtained with a shuttle vector system.  相似文献   

Amongst approximately 25,000 mutants recovered from tissues of the lacI mouse and rat transgenic mutation assay, we identified seven mutants that carry changes that are unlike the majority of mutations that are normally recovered in these systems. The recovered mutants feature replacements and insertions of sequences that originate in the animal's genome, in the bacteriophage lambda construct that harbors the lacI gene, and in the genome of the E. coli plating host. These mutants demonstrate that mutations resulting from diverse mechanisms, in addition to the normal point mutations, can be recovered. In addition, the data indicate that such mutations may often not be of animal origin.  相似文献   

The retroposon sequences, their mechanisms of transposition and the occurrence of insertional mutation in the mammalian genome are reviewed. Insertional mutations fall into two broad categories: those due to the disruption of a gene following the physical integration of a foreign DNA sequence result in loss of gene product and would be expected to be associated with a recessive mutation. A second class of insertional mutation is well documented in which upon integration the promoter/enhancer activities inherent in the retroposon genome exert their influence on neighboring genes. This promoter/enhancer activity of integrated retroposons may have effects over relatively long distances and thus limit the possibilities of establishing an association between retroposon integration and mutation. It is emphasized that a systematic search for insertional mutations in the mammalian genome involves an extensive two-dimensional array of possible retroposon sequences and mutant alleles. Present results represent only a small portion of the total array. Future studies promise to be fruitful in efforts to isolate genes through insertional tagging, to characterize the mechanisms of retroposon transposition, as well as to study the stability of the mammalian genome.  相似文献   

Biochemical assays for ras mutations are capable of detecting a mutant allele only if it is present in at least 5% of cells tested. Further, ras mutation assays which utilize the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) are unable to distinguish a ras mutation in a small population of cells from mutations resulting from Taq DNA polymerase base misincorporation. We used a standard restriction fragment length polymorphism assay of PCR-amplified c-Ki-ras to detect codon 12 mutations in tumor cells and found a cumulative error frequency for Taq DNA polymerase of one codon 12 mutation per 2 X 10(4) molecules of total amplification product. The Taq polymerase-induced mutations were found to be multiple base transitions and represented a constant proportion of the amplification product at each step of the PCR. The ability to detect the in vitro generated mutation was dependent on the number of thermal cycles and the sensitivity of the detection assay. With these considerations in mind, we developed a two-step RFLP assay in which the thermal cycle number was kept low and molecules containing mutations at codon 12 were selectively amplified in the second step. We were able to detect a ras mutation occurring in 1 per 1000 cells (a two log improvement over standard RFLP methods) without detecting mutations resulting from Taq DNA polymerase infidelity.  相似文献   

Oxygen insensitivity of cancer cells and oxygen sensitivity of non-cancer cells in the histochemical assay of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) activity enables detection of cancer cells in unfixed cell smears or cryostat sections of biopsies. The assay is based on reduction of the tetrazolium salt neotetrazolium. It is a cheap assay that is easy to perform. It takes only 30 min at the most. The test discriminates between adenomas and carcinomas of colon and rectum with a certainty higher than 80% and is the best prognosticator of survival of colorectal cancer patients. Pancreatic cancer can be discriminated from pancreatitis with 100% certainty. Therefore, the assay is an excellent tool for the pathologist to provide additional information in difficult cases of diagnosis of cancer and for prognosis.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》1987,27(4):395-402
An enzyme assay has been developed for measuring glycolate in natural waters. The assay failed to detect glycolate in seawater from a coral-reef microcosm where it had been found by using the Calkins technique. However, the analysis measured low levels of glycolate (<0.1 μM) in water associated with the growth of a marine macrophyte (Halimeda opuntia (Linnaeus) Lamouroux) and a freshwater phytoplankter (Chlorella ellipsoida Gerneck) that have previously been reported to release the compound.  相似文献   

The simian virus 40 (SV40)-pBR322 recombinant, pSV2, carrying the origin of SV40 replication and the gpt gene of Escherichia coli, has been stably introduced into Chinese hamster ovary hprt- cells. All gpt-transformed cell lines were found to contain one or more insertions of pSV2 sequences exclusively associated with high-molecular-weight DNA. Additional analyses showed that at least one integrated copy in each cell line retained an intact gpt gene and flanking SV40 sequences required for expression of xanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase. Most cell lines contained pSV2 sequences which had integrated with partial sequence duplication. Upon fusion with COS-1 cells, a simian cell line permissive for autonomous pSV2 replication, most gpt-transformed cell lines produced low-molecular-weight DNA molecules related to pSV2. The majority of these replicating DNAs were indistinguishable from the original transfecting plasmid in both size and restriction enzyme cleavage pattern. In addition, the recovered DNA molecules were able to confer ampicillin resistance to E. coli and to transform mouse L cells and Gpt- E. coli to a Gpt+ phenotype. These studies indicate that all of the genetic information carried by this SV40-plasmid recombinant can be introduced into and retrieved from the genome of mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Herein, a detailed protocol for a random mutation capture (RMC) assay to measure nuclear point mutation frequency in mouse tissue is described. This protocol is a simplified version of the original method developed for human tissue that is easier to perform, yet retains a high sensitivity of detection. In contrast to assays relying on phenotypic selection of reporter genes in transgenic mice, the RMC assay allows direct detection of mutations in endogenous genes in any mouse strain. Measuring mutation frequency within an intron of a transcribed gene, we show this assay to be highly reproducible. We analyzed mutation frequencies from the liver tissue of animals with a mutation within the intrinsic exonuclease domains of the two major DNA polymerases, δ and ε. These mice exhibited significantly higher mutation frequencies than did wild-type animals. A comparison with a previous analysis of these genotypes in Big Blue mice revealed the RMC assay to be more sensitive than the Big Blue assay for this application. As RMC does not require analysis of a particular gene, simultaneous analysis of mutation frequency at multiple genetic loci is feasible. This assay provides a versatile alternative to transgenic mouse models for the study of mutagenesis in vivo.  相似文献   

Parasite infections have long been associated with specific types of human cancers. Schistosoma hematobium is an inducer of urinary bladder cancer, Helicobacter pylori is a gastric carcinogen, and hepatitis B virus and Opisthorchis viverrini are causative agents of hepatocellular carcinoma. Another liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica, has also been identified as a neoplastic risk agent, primarily in animals. We used F. hepatica-induced inflammation in mice to determine if the presence of an aggressive liver fluke could induce mutagenic events in mammalian tissue. This provides a perspective on the relationship between chronic inflammation and cancer and may be a model for future studies on this complex association. In previous studies using the Big Blue® transgenic mouse assay, we demonstrated an increase in lacI mutations in liver cells harvested from mice harboring F. hepatica flukes when compared to uninfected control animals. In these studies, we report on the types of mutations associated with this parasite infection. The observed mutational spectrum roughly corresponded to the spectrum of spontaneous mutations in liver cells when compared to control (uninfected) animals. However, the spectrum of mutations from parasitized animals showed a significant increase in complex changes and multiple mutations (18.2%) when compared to what would be expected from control animals (2.8%).  相似文献   

Lin Y  Dion V  Wilson JH 《Mutation research》2005,572(1-2):123-131
CAG.CTG repeat expansions cause more than a dozen neurodegenerative diseases in humans. To define the mechanism of repeat instability in mammalian cells we developed a selectable assay to detect expansions of CAG.CTG triplet repeats in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. We showed previously that long tracts of CAG.CTG repeats, embedded in an intron of the APRT gene, kill expression of the gene, rendering the cells APRT-. By contrast, tracts with fewer than 34 repeats allow sufficient expression to give APRT+ cells. Although it should be possible to use APRT+ cells with short repeats to assay for expansion events by selecting for APRT- cells, we find that APRT+ cells with 31 repeats are not killed by the standard APRT- selection protocol, most likely because they produce too little Aprt to incorporate sufficient 8-azaadenine into their adenine pool. To overcome this problem, we devised a new selection, which increases the proportion of the adenine pool contributed by the salvage pathway by partially inhibiting the de novo pathway. We show that APRT- CHO cells with 61 or 95 CAG.CTG repeats survive this selection, whereas cells with 31 repeats die. Using this selection system, we can select for expansion to as few as 39 repeats. Thus, this assay can monitor expansions across the critical boundary from the longest lengths of normal alleles to the shortest lengths of disease alleles.  相似文献   

Specific recognition of a region of duplex DNA by triplex-forming oligonucleotides (TFOs) provides an attractive strategy for genetic manipulation. Based on this, we have investigated the ability of the triplex-directed approach to induce mutations at a chromosomal locus in living cells. A mouse fibroblast cell line was constructed containing multiple chromosomal copies of the lambdasupFG1 vector carrying the supFG1 mutation-reporter gene. Cells were treated with specific (psoAG30) or control (psoSCR30) psoralen-conjugated TFOs in the presence and absence of UVA irradiation. The results demonstrated a 6- to 10-fold induction of supFG1 mutations in the psoAG30-treated cells as compared with psoSCR30-treated or untreated control cells. Interestingly, UVA irradiation had no effect onthe mutation frequencies induced by the psoralen-conjugated TFOs, suggesting a triplex-mediated but photoproduct-independent process of mutagenesis. Sequencing data were consistent with this finding since the expected T.A-->A.T transversions at the predicted psoralen crosslinking site were not detected. However, insertions and deletions were detected within the triplex binding site, indicating a TFO-specific induction of mutagenesis. This result demonstrates the ability of triplex-forming oligonucleotides to influence mutation frequencies at a specific site in a mammalian chromosome.  相似文献   

Boonacker E  Elferink S  Bardai A  Wormmeester J  Van Noorden CJ 《BioTechniques》2003,35(4):766-8, 770, 772 passim
Proteolysis is a regulatory step in many physiological processes, but which proteases in what cellular sites are involved in activation or degradation of which peptides is not well known. We developed a rapid assay consisting of living cells and fluorogenic protease substrates to determine which bioactive peptides are possible natural substrates of a specific protease with the multifunctional or moonlighting protein CD26/dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV) as a model. CD26/DPPIV catalyzes cleavage of peptides from the amino terminus of peptides with proline at the penultimate position. Many biologically active peptides, such as beta-casomorphin1-5, contain proline in the penultimate position. We incubated living Jurkat cells, which are T cells that lack CD26/DPPIV, and CD26/DPPIV-transfected Jurkat cells in the presence of the fluorogenic substrate [Ala-Pro]2-cresyl violet (Magic Red) and beta-casomorphin1-5. Fluorescent cresyl violet was generated by CD26/DPPIV-transfected Jurkat cells but not by wild-type Jurkat cells with a Km of 3.7 microM. beta-Casomorphin1-5 appeared to be a possible natural substrate of CD26/DPPIV, because it inhibited production of fluorescence competitively (Ki = 60 microM). The assay using living cells and a fluorogenic protease substrate is an efficient system to determine whether specific peptides are possible natural substrates of a particular protease.  相似文献   

Estimates of the capacity of photoreactivation to act specifically on premutational lesions were obtained by conjugational transfer of an F' lac plasmid from a UV-irradiated, photoreactivated donor to a delta (pro-lac) recipient that had been UV irradiated and allowed to induce SOS functions for 30 min. This treatment reduced the frequency of induced lacI mutations by 70 to 80%, indicating that cyclobutane dimers cause most mutations in this system.  相似文献   

Blasticidin S is a microbial antibiotic that inhibits protein synthesis in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The blasticidin S-resistance gene (bsr), isolated from Bacillus cereus K55-S1 strain, was inserted into pSV2 plasmid vector and introduced into cultured mammalian cells by transfection. The bsr gene was integrated into the genome and conferred blasticidin S resistance on HeLa cells. The transfection frequency of the bsr gene was as high as that of the aminoglycoside phosphotransferase gene, the so-called neo gene, which is a representative selectable marker for mammalian cells. Transfectants in which several copies of bsr had been integrated into the genome were highly resistant to blasticidin S. Furthermore, blasticidin S killed the cells more rapidly than G418, which is conventionally used as a selective drug for the neo gene. Thus bsr is concluded to be useful as a drug-resistance marker for mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Mutations controlling the resistance to 6-mercaptopurine (6-M) and the ability to multiply in a medium with a low concentration of glucose (“glucose-independent” mutants) were induced in cultured Chinese hamster cells by N-nitrosomethylurea (NMU), 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR), UV and X-rays. The chemical agents were found to be very active in induction of mutations to 6-M resistance (NMU and BUdR) and mutations of “glucose independence” (NMU). These agents increase the yield of mutations as compared to the spontaneous mutation rate by about two orders of magnitude. The induced rate of 6-M-resistant mutations by X-rays was 2.0 ? 10−7 per viable cell per roentgen. BUdR approximately equally increases the cell's sensitivity to both inactivating and mutagenic action of X-rays. The maximum induction of mutations to 6-M resistance by UV was observed at 100 erg/mm2. This dose leads to 1 16-fold increase of the mutation frequency as compared to the spontaneous rate. Further increase of the UV dose up to 200 erg/mm2 resulted in a lower yield of mutations per dose unit. The highest yield of mutations to 6-M resistance induced by NMU, BUdR and X-rays was observed if cells were plated in selective medium several generations after the mutagenic treatment. The maximum yield of mutations to 6-M resistance induced by UV and of glucose-independence induced by NMU was recorded if cells were transferred to selective media immediately after treatment. The kinetics of expression of mutations and the decline of their number observed after prolonged incubation of treated cells in nonselective conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

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