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Although the examination of large subunit ribosomal RNA genes (LSU rDNA) is advanced in phylogenetic studies, no corresponding sequence data from trebouxiophytes have been published, with the exception of ‘Chlorellaellipsoidea Gerneck. We determined the LSU rDNA sequence of Chlorella vulgaris Beijerinck and of the symbiotic alga of green paramecium, Chlorella sp. NC64A. A total of 59 nucleotide substitutions were found in the LSU rDNA of the two species, which are disproportionately distributed. Primarily, 65% of the substitutions were encountered in the first 800 bp of the alignment. This segment apparently has evolved eight times faster than the complete SSU rDNA sequence, making it a good candidate for a phylogenetic marker and giving a resolution level intermediate between small subunit (SSU) rDNA and internal transcribed spacers. Green algae are known as a group I intron‐rich group along with rhodophytes and fungi. NC64A is particularly rich in the introns; five introns were newly identified from the LSU rDNA sequence, which we named Cnc.L200, Cnc.L1688, Cnc.L1926, Cnc.L2184 and Cnc.L2437, following the insertion positions. In the present study we analyzed these introns with three others (Cnc.S943, Cnc.S1367 and Cnc.S1512) that had already been found in NC64A SSU rDNA. Secondary structure modeling placed these introns in the group I intron family, with four introns belonging to subgroup C1 and the other four introns belonging to subgroup E. Five of the intron insertion positions are unique to the paramecian symbiont, which may indicate relatively recent events of intron infections that includes transpositions. Intron phylogeny showed unprecedented relationships; four Cnc. IC1 introns made a clade with some green algal introns with insertions at nine different positions, whereas four Cnc. IE introns made a clade with the S651 intron (Chlorella sp. AN 1–3), which lay as a sister to the S516 insertion position subfamily.  相似文献   

A previous study of the North American biogeography of the red algal genus Hildenbrandia noted the presence of group I introns in the nuclear small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene of the marine species H. rubra (Sommerf.) Menegh. Group IC1 introns have been previously reported at positions 516 and 1506 in the nuclear SSU RNA genes in the Bangiales and Hildenbrandiales. However, the presence of an unclassified intron at position 989 in a collection of H. rubra from British Columbia was noted. This intron is a member of the IE subclass and is the first report of this intron type in the red algae. Phylogenetic analyses of the intron sequences revealed a close relationship between this IE intron inserted at position 989 and similar fungal IE introns in positions 989 and 1199. The 989 IE introns formed a moderately to well‐supported clade, whereas the 1199 IE introns are weakly supported. Unique structural helices in the P13 domain of the 989 and 1199 IE introns also point to a close relationship between these two clades and provide further evidence for the value of secondary structural characteristics in identifying homologous introns in evolutionarily divergent organisms. The absence of the 989 IE intron in all other red algal nuclear SSU rRNA genes suggests that it is unlikely that this intron was vertically inherited from the common ancestor of the red algal and fungal lineages but rather is the result of lateral transfer between fungal and red algal nuclear SSU rRNA genes.  相似文献   

In a recent study of the North American biogeography of the red algae genus Hildenbrandia , the presence of group I introns were noted in the nuclear SSU rRNA gene of the marine species H. rubra (Hildenbrandiales). Group I introns in the nuclear encoded rRNAs have been previously reported in the Hildenbrandiales as well as the Bangiales. All reported introns within the red algae have been identified as belonging to the IC1 subclass and occur at two insertion sites in the nuclear small subunit rRNA (516 and 1506). However, an unclassified intron was discovered at position 989 in the nuclear SSU rRNA gene of a collection of H. rubra from British Columbia, Canada. We have determined that the intron is a member of the IE subclass and this is the first report of an IE intron and an intron in position 989 in the red algae. Phylogenetic analyses of the intron sequences reveal a close relationship between this group IE intron and similar ascomycete and basidiomycete fungal IE introns in the nuclear SSU rRNA genes at positions 989 and 1199. In addition, a common unique helix (structural signature) in the P13 domain of the Hildenbrandia intron and those of the fungi at the 989 and 1199 IE positions in the nuclear SSU rRNA gene also indicates a close relationship. Hence, this study provides evidence for a possible lateral transfer of the IE intron in position 989 between fungal and red algal nuclear SSU rRNA genes.  相似文献   

In a recent study of the North American biogeography of the red algae genus Hildenbrandia, the presence of group I introns were noted in the nuclear SSU rRNA gene of the marine species H. rubra (Hildenbrandiales). Group I introns in the nuclear encoded rRNAs have been previously reported in the Hildenbrandiales as well as the Bangiales. All reported introns within the red algae have been identified as belonging to the IC1 subclass and occur at two insertion sites in the nuclear small subunit rRNA (516 and 1506). However, an unclassified intron was discovered at position 989 in the nuclear SSU rRNA gene of a collection of H. rubra from British Columbia, Canada. We have determined that the intron is a member of the IE subclass and this is the first report of an IE intron and an intron in position 989 in the red algae. Phylogenetic analyses of the intron sequences reveal a close relationship between this group IE intron and similar ascomycete and basidiomycete fungal IE introns in the nuclear SSU rRNA genes at positions 989 and 1199. In addition, a common unique helix (structural signature) in the P13 domain of the Hildenbrandia intron and those of the fungi at the 989 and 1199 IE positions in the nuclear SSU rRNA gene also indicates a close relationship. Hence, this study provides evidence for a possible lateral transfer of the IE intron in position 989 between fungal and red algal nuclear SSU rRNA genes.  相似文献   

A large number of group I introns were discovered in coding regions of small and large subunits of nuclear ribosomal RNA genes (SSU rDNA and LSU rDNA) in ascomycetous fungi of the genus CORDYCEPS: From 28 representatives of the genus, we identified in total 69 group I introns which were inserted at any of four specific sites in SSU rDNA and four specific sites in LSU rDNA. These group I introns reached sizes of up to 510 bp, occurred in up to eight sites in the same organism, and belonged to either subgroup IB3 or subgroup IC1 based on their sequence and structure. Introns inserted at the same site were closely related to each other among Cordyceps fungi, whereas introns inserted at different sites were phylogenetically distinct even in the same species. Mapped on the host phylogeny, the group I introns were generally not restricted to a particular lineage, but, rather, widely and sporadically distributed among distinct lineages. When the phylogenetic relationships of introns inserted at the same site were compared with the phylogeny of their hosts, the topologies were generally significantly congruent to each other. From these results, the evolutionary dynamics of multiple group I introns in Cordyceps fungi was inferred as follows: (1) most of the group I introns were already present at the eight sites in SSU and LSU rDNAs of the ancestor of the genus Cordyceps; (2) the introns have principally been immobile and vertically transmitted throughout speciation and diversification of Cordyceps fungi, which resulted in the phylogenetic congruence between the introns at the same site and their hosts; (3) in the course of vertical transmission, the introns have repeatedly been lost in a number of lineages independently, which has led to the present sporadic phylogenetic distribution of the introns; and (4) a few acquisitions of new introns, presumably through horizontal transmission, were identified in the evolutionary history of the genus Cordyceps, while no transpositions were detected. Losses of group I introns in SSU rDNA have occurred at least 27 times in the evolutionary course of the 28 Cordyceps members.  相似文献   

One family within the Euascomycetes (Ascomycota), the lichen-forming Physciaceae, is particularly rich in nuclear ribosomal [r]DNA group I introns. We used phylogenetic analyses of group I introns and lichen-fungal host cells to address four questions about group I intron evolution in lichens, and generally in all eukaryotes: 1) Is intron spread in the lichens associated with the intimate association of the fungal and photosynthetic cells that make up the lichen thallus? 2) Are the multiple group I introns in the lichen-fungi of independent origins, or have existing introns spread into novel sites in the rDNA? 3) If introns have moved to novel sites, then does the exon context of these sites provide insights into the mechanism of intron spread? and 4) What is the pattern of intron loss in the small subunit rDNA gene of lichen-fungi? Our analyses show that group I introns in the lichen-fungi and in the lichen-algae (and lichenized cyanobacteria) do not share a close evolutionary relationship, suggesting that these introns do not move between the symbionts. Many group I introns appear to have originated in the common ancestor of the Lecanorales, whereas others have spread within this lineage (particularly in the Physciaceae) putatively through reverse-splicing into novel rRNA sites. We suggest that the evolutionary history of most lichen-fungal group I introns is characterized by rare gains followed by extensive losses in descendants, resulting in a sporadic intron distribution. Detailed phylogenetic analyses of the introns and host cells are required, therefore, to distinguish this scenario from the alternative hypothesis of widespread and independent intron gains in the different lichen-fungal lineages.  相似文献   

During a recent phylogenetic study, group I introns were noted that interrupt the nuclear small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rDNA) gene in species of Ceratocystiopsis. Group I introns were found to be inserted at the following rDNA positions: S943, S989, and S1199. The introns have been characterized and phylogenetic analysis of the host gene and the corresponding intron data suggest that for S943 vertical transfer and frequent loss appear to be the most parsimonious explanation for the distribution of nuclear SSU rDNA introns among species of Ceratocystiopsis. The SSU rDNA data do suggest that a recent proposal of segregating the genus Ophiostoma sensu lato into Ophiostoma sensu stricto, Grosmannia, and Ceratocystiopsis has some merit but may need further amendments, as the SSU rDNA suggests that Ophiostoma s. str. may now represent a paraphyletic grouping.  相似文献   

We have characterized structural features and the distribution pattern of nuclear group I introns found in ribosomal DNA (rDNA) of closely related plant pathogenic fungi of the family Sclerotiniaceae. Sixteen introns, at two distinct positions in the small-subunit (SSU) and large-subunit (LSU) rDNA, were sequenced and analyzed among the 29 taxa included in the initial screening. Genera found to contain introns were Botrytis, Dumontinia, Encoelia, Grovesinia, Myriosclerotinia, and Sclerotinia. Secondary-structure analyses of the group I introns concluded that all belong to the common IC1 subclass. Interestingly, the SSU rDNA intron from Myriosclerotinia caricisampullacea contains an insertion-like sequence extension which may be a relic of an open reading frame. Incongruent branching patterns of intron-based and rDNA-based (internal transcribed spacer) phylogenetic trees suggest that the fungal host genomes and the group I introns do not share a common evolutionary history. A model to explain how horizontal intron transfers may have occurred among the closely related fungal taxa is proposed.  相似文献   

Group I introns are widespread in eukaryotic organelles and nuclear- encoded ribosomal DNAs (rDNAs). The green algae are particularly rich in rDNA group I introns. To better understand the origins and phylogenetic relationships of green algal nuclear-encoded small subunit rDNA group I introns, a secondary structure-based alignment was constructed with available intron sequences and 11 new subgroup ICI and three new subgroup IB3 intron sequences determined from members of the Trebouxiophyceae (common phycobiont components of lichen) and the Ulvophyceae. Phylogenetic analyses using a weighted maximum-parsimony method showed that most group I introns form distinct lineages defined by insertion sites within the SSU rDNA. The comparison of topologies defining the phylogenetic relationships of 12 members of the 1512 group I intron insertion site lineage (position relative to the E. coli SSU rDNA coding region) with that of the host cells (i.e., SSU rDNAs) that contain these introns provided insights into the possible origin, stability, loss, and lateral transfer of ICI group I introns. The phylogenetic data were consistent with a viral origin of the 1512 group I intron in the green algae. This intron appears to have originated, minimally, within the SSU rDNA of the common ancestor of the trebouxiophytes and has subsequently been vertically inherited within this algal lineage with loss of the intron in some taxa. The phylogenetic analyses also suggested that the 1512 intron was laterally transferred among later-diverging trebouxiophytes; these algal taxa may have coexisted in a developing lichen thallus, thus facilitating cell- to-cell contact and the lateral transfer. Comparison of available group I intron sequences from the nuclear-encoded SSU rDNA of phycobiont and mycobiont components of lichens demonstrated that these sequences have independent origins and are not the result of lateral transfer from one component to the other.   相似文献   

Evolutionary trees were constructed, by distance methods, from an alignment of 225 complete large subunit (LSU) rRNA sequences, representing Eucarya, Archaea, Bacteria, plastids, and mitochondria. A comparison was made with trees based on sets of small subunit (SSU) rRNA sequences. Trees constructed on the set of 172 species and organelles for which the sequences of both molecules are known had a very similar topology, at least with respect to the divergence order of large taxa such as the eukaryotic kingdoms and the bacterial divisions. However, since there are more than ten times as many SSU as LSU rRNA sequences, it is possible to select many SSU rRNA sequence sets of equivalent size but different species composition. The topologies of these trees showed considerable differences according to the particular species set selected.The effect of the dataset and of different distance correction methods on tree topology was tested for both LSU and SSU rRNA by repetitive random sampling of a single species from each large taxon. The impact of the species set on the topology of the resulting consensus trees is much lower using LSU than using SSU rRNA. This might imply that LSU rRNA is a better molecule for studying wide-range relationships. The mitochondria behave clearly as a monophyletic group, clustering with the Proteobacteria. Gram-positive bacteria appear as two distinct groups, which are found clustered together in very few cases. Archaea behave as if monophyletic in most cases, but with a low confidence.Abbreviations LSU rRNA large subunit ribosomal RNA - SSU rRNA small subunit ribosomal RNA - JC Jukes and Cantor - JN Jin and Nei Correspondence to: R. De Wachter  相似文献   

Group I and group II introns are unrelated classes of introns that each encode proteins that facilitate intron splicing and intron mobility. Here we describe a new subfamily of nine introns in fungi that are group II introns but encode LAGLIDADG ORFs typical of group I introns. The introns have fairly standard group IIB1 RNA structures and are inserted into three different sites in SSU and LSU rRNA genes. Therefore, introns should not be assumed to be group I introns based solely on the presence of a LAGLIDADG ORF.  相似文献   

Improving the analysis of dinoflagellate phylogeny based on rDNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Phylogenetic studies of dinoflagellates are often conducted using rDNA sequences. In analyses to date, the monophyly of some of the major lineages of dinoflagellates remain to be demonstrated. There are several reasons for this uncertainty, one of which may be the use of models of evolution that may not closely fit the data. We constructed and examined alignments of SSU and partial LSU rRNA along with a concatenated alignment of the two molecules. The alignments showed several characteristics that may confound phylogeny reconstruction: paired helix (stem) regions that contain non-independently evolving sites, high levels of compositional heterogeneity among some of the sequences, high levels of incompatibility (homoplasy), and rate heterogeneity among sites. Taking into account these confounding factors, we analysed the data and found that the Gonyaulacales, a well-supported clade, may be the most recently diverged order. Other supported orders were, in the analysis based on SSU, the Suessiales and the Dinophysiales; however, the Gymnodiniales and Prorocentrales appeared to be polyphyletic. The Peridiniales without Heterocapsa species appeared as a monophyletic group in the analysis based on LSU; however, the support was low. The concatenated alignment did not provide a better phylogenetic resolution than the single gene alignments.  相似文献   

The recent transfer of a homing endonuclease gene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The myxomycete Didymium iridis (isolate Panama 2) contains a mobile group I intron named Dir.S956-1 after position 956 in the nuclear small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene. The intron is efficiently spread through homing by the intron-encoded homing endonuclease I-DirI. Homing endonuclease genes (HEGs) usually spread with their associated introns as a unit, but infrequently also spread independent of introns (or inteins). Clear examples of HEG mobility are however sparse. Here, we provide evidence for the transfer of a HEG into a group I intron named Dir.S956-2 that is inserted into the SSU rDNA of the Costa Rica 8 isolate of D.iridis. Similarities between intron sequences that flank the HEG and rDNA sequences that flank the intron (the homing endonuclease recognition sequence) suggest that the HEG invaded the intron during the recent evolution in a homing-like event. Dir.S956-2 is inserted into the same SSU site as Dir.S956-1. Remarkably, the two group I introns encode distantly related splicing ribozymes with phylogenetically related HEGs inserted on the opposite strands of different peripheral loop regions. The HEGs are both interrupted by small spliceosomal introns that must be removed during RNA maturation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Nosema isolates from five lepidopteran forest defoliators, Nosema fumiferanae from spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana ; a Nosema sp. from jack pine budworm, Choristoneura pinus pinus and western spruce budworm, Choristoneura occidentalis ( Nosema sp. CPP and Nosema sp. CO, respectively); Nosema thomsoni from large aspen tortrix, Choristoneura conflictana ; and Nosema disstriae , from the forest tent caterpillar, Malacosoma disstria were compared based on their small subunit (SSU) ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene sequences. Four of the species sequenced, N. fumiferanae , Nosema sp. CPP, Nosema sp. CO, and N . disstriae have a high SSU rDNA sequence identity (0.6%–1.5%) and are members of the "true Nosema " clade. They all showed the reverse arrangement of the (large subunit [LSU]–internal transcribed spacer [ITS]–SSU) of the rRNA gene. The fifth species, N. thomsoni has the usual (SSU–ITS–LSU) arrangement and is not a member of this clade showing only an 82% sequence similarity. We speculate, therefore, that a genetic reversal may have occurred in the common ancestor to the "true Nosema " clade. Although, the mechanism for rearrangement of the rRNA gene subunits is not known we provide a possible explanation for the localization. N. fumiferanae , Nosema sp. CPP, and Nosema sp. CO clustered together on the inferred phylogenetic tree. The high sequence similarities, the reverse arrangement in the rRNA gene subunits, and the phylogenetic clustering suggest that these three species are closely related but separate species.  相似文献   

We studied group I introns in sterile cultures of selected groups of lichen photobionts, focusing on Trebouxia species associated with Xanthoria s. lat. (including Xanthomendoza spp.; lichen‐forming ascomycetes). Group I introns were found inserted after position 798 (Escherichia coli numbering) in the large subunit (LSU) rRNA in representatives of the green algal genera Trebouxia and Asterochloris. The 798 intron was found in about 25% of Xanthoria photobionts including several reference strains obtained from algal culture collections. An alignment of LSU‐encoded rDNA intron sequences revealed high similarity of these sequences allowing their phylogenetic analysis. The 798 group I intron phylogeny was largely congruent with a phylogeny of the internal transcribed spacer region, indicating that the insertion of the intron most likely occurred in the common ancestor of the genera Trebouxia and Asterochloris. The intron was vertically inherited in some taxa, but lost in others. The high‐sequence similarity of this intron to one found in Chlorella angustoellipsoidea suggests that the 798 intron was either present in the common ancestor of Trebouxiophyceae, or that its present distribution results from more recent horizontal transfers, followed by vertical inheritance and loss. Analysis of another group I intron shared by these photobionts at small subunit position 1512 supports the hypothesis of repeated lateral transfers of this intron among some taxa, but loss among others. Our data confirm that the history of group I introns is characterized by repeated horizontal transfers, and suggests that some of these introns have ancient origins within Chlorophyta.  相似文献   

The length of the small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) differs significantly among individuals from natural populations of the ascomycetous lichen complex Cladonia chlorophaea. The sequence of the 3' region of the SSU rDNA from two individuals, chosen to represent the shortest and longest sequences, revealed multiple insertions within a region that otherwise aligned with a 520-nucleotide sequence of the SSU rDNA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The high degree of variability in SSU rDNA size can be accounted for by different numbers of insertions; one individual had two group I introns and the second had five introns, two of which were clearly related to introns at identical positions in the other individual. Yet, introns in different positions, whether within an individual or between individuals, were not similar in sequence. The distribution of introns at three of the positions is consistent with either intron loss or acquisition, and clearly indicates the dynamic variability in this region of the nuclear genome. All seven insertions, which ranged in size from 210 to 228 nucleotides, had the conserved sequence and secondary structural elements of group I introns. The variation in distribution and sequence of group I introns within a short highly conserved region of rDNA presents a unique opportunity for examining the molecular evolution and mobility of group I introns within a systematics framework.  相似文献   

The history of group I introns is characterized by repeated horizontal transfers, even among phylogenetically distant species. The symbiogenetic thalli of lichens are good candidates for the horizontal transfer of genetic material among distantly related organisms, such as fungi and green algae. The main goal of this study was to determine whether there were different trends in intron distribution and properties among Chlorophyte algae based on their phylogenetic relationships and living conditions. Therefore, we investigated the occurrence, distribution and properties of group I introns within the chloroplast LSU rDNA in 87 Chlorophyte algae including lichen and free‐living Trebouxiophyceae compared to free‐living non‐Trebouxiophyceae species. Overall, our findings showed that there was high diversity of group I introns and homing endonucleases (HEs) between Trebouxiophyceae and non‐Trebouxiophyceae Chlorophyte algae, with divergence in their distribution patterns, frequencies and properties. However, the differences between lichen Trebouxiophyceae and free‐living Trebouxiophyceae were smaller. An exception was the cL2449 intron, which was closely related to ω elements in yeasts. Such introns seem to occur more frequently in lichen Trebouxiophyceae compared to free‐living Trebouxiophyceae. Our data suggest that lichenization and maintenance of lichen symbiosis for millions of years of evolution may have facilitated horizontal transfers of specific introns/HEs between symbionts. The data also suggest that sequencing of more chloroplast genes harboring group I introns in diverse algal groups may help us to understand the group I intron/HE transmission process within these organisms.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis of Glomeromycota by partial LSU rDNA sequences   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We analyzed the large subunit ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene [LSU ribosomal DNA (rDNA)] as a phylogenetic marker for arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal taxonomy. Partial LSU rDNA sequences were obtained from ten AM fungal isolates, comprising seven species, with two new primers designed for Glomeromycota LSU rDNA. The sequences, together with 58 sequences available from the databases, represented 31 AM fungal species. Neighbor joining and parsimony analyses were performed with the aim of evaluating the potential of the LSU rDNA for phylogenetic resolution. The resulting trees indicated that Archaeosporaceae are a basal group in Glomeromycota, Acaulosporaceae and Gigasporaceae belong to the same clade, while Glomeraceae are polyphyletic. The results support data obtained with the small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene, demonstrating that the LSU rRNA gene is a useful molecular marker for clarifying taxonomic and phylogenetic relationships in Glomeromycota.  相似文献   

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