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近二十年来,各种DNA标记技术及相关生物技术的发展和完善为高密度、覆盖面广的连锁图谱的构建及QTL的定位奠定了基础,本文就目前世界上建立的几个较有影响的资源家系、各种DNA标记技术、家禽中定位的QTL及存在问题等方面作一综述。 Abstract:The development of all kinds of DNA markers and relative biotechnologies trait loci(QTL) In the paper the world-known resource families of chicken,different techniques of genotyping and strategies for mapping QTL are reviewed,and the current status for QTL mapping in oultry are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

数量性状基因座位及其在家禽中的定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来随着现代分子生物学的发展 ,一些高效的分子遗传标记将各种畜禽的遗传图谱研究推向深入。为高密度、覆盖面广的连锁图谱的构建及QTL的定位奠定了基础。有关QTL的基本理论、QTL定位的步骤、QTL的检测方法以及家禽中定位的QTL已经展开了深入的研究 ,但目前QTL定位中存在诸多问题的问题  相似文献   

水稻加工品质数量性状基因座 (QTLs)分子定位研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
检测了Lemont/特青RI群体212个株系的糙米率(BR),精米率(MR)和整精米率(HR)等3项加工品质性状,利用RFLP连锁图和线性模型的复合区间作图方法(QTLMapperV1.0)进行QTL定位研究。群体呈边境分布,双向超亲现象明显,HR较BR,MR变异范围更大并偏向低值方向;分别检测到1个MR,4个HR主效QTL,其中QHr6和QHr7等2个基因座具有较大遗传效应;分别检测到12对影响BR、5对影响MR,16对影响HR的上位性基因座,上位性效应的影响大于主效QTLs,不同性状或同一性状上位性效应通过共同的区间形成复杂的互相联系。  相似文献   

植物数量性状基因定位研究概述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
植物重要的性状多为数量性状。长期以来,人类一直寻求解释植物数量性状的遗传规律以便对其进行遗传操纵。现代分子生物技术的发展为植物数量性状基因的定位、分离等研究提供了条件。本文从数量性状基因座(QTL)作图群体类型及其特点,QTL定位方法,植物QTL研究现状,以及QTL精细定位、克隆、利用等方面进行了综述,并对今后植物QTL研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

水稻幼苗活力性状的低温反应数量性状基因座检测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以籼粳交“密阳23/吉冷1号”的F2:3代200个家系作为作图群体,在12℃冷水胁迫下,进行苗高、苗鲜重和苗干重等水稻幼苗活力性状的低温反应鉴定,并利用由SSR标记构建的分子连锁图谱为基础,对冷水胁迫下苗高、苗鲜重和苗干重以及它们的低温反应指数进行了数量性状基因座(QTLs)检测。研究结果表明,低温胁迫下上述幼苗活力性状在F3家系群中均表现为接近正态的连续分布,表现为由多基因控制的数量性状;在第1、2、7、8和12染色体上,检测到与幼苗活力性状的低温反应相关的QTL共12个,对表型变异的贡献率范围为5.2%-17.9%,其中位于第2染色体RM262-RM263区间和第12染色体RM270-RM17区间的与低温下苗高相关的qCSH2和qCSH12,以及位于第12染色体RM19-RM270区间和第1染色体RM129-RM9区间的分别控制低温下苗干重及其低温反应指数的qSDW12和qCSDW1对表型变异的贡献率较大,分别为16.6%、17.9%、15.9%和16.2%。其增效等位基因均来自吉冷1号,前两者均表现为加性效应,后两者分别表现为显性和超显性。  相似文献   

Pink 1基因编码定位于线粒体上的丝/苏氨酸激酶(即PARK6),为常染色体隐性遗传性帕金森病(Parkinsons disease, PD)连锁的基因.该基因在遗传性和散发性PD的发病中起重要作用,但其发病机理尚未明确.本研究以近交系C57BL/6J (B6) 和DBA/2J (D2)小鼠制作MPTP诱导的PD鼠为模型,借助基因表达数量性状基因座(eQTL),结合分子生物学方法,分析Pink1的表达调控.结果显示,Pink 1基因在PD模型组中表达显著升高.区间连锁分析检测显示,引起Pink 1基因表达水平差异的染色体区域,定位于4号染色体上,距Pink 1基因自身5 Mb范围之类,属于顺式调节eQTL.Pearson相关分析表明,在BXD 基因重组近交系(recombinant inbred,RI)小鼠脑中,Camk2n等30个基因的表达与Pink 1基因高度相关,相互间可能存在一定的协同作用.Pink 1基因在行使特定生物学功能时,很可能协同这些基因一起发挥相应的作用,这部分基因是深入研究Pink 1基因在PD发病中分子机制的重要靶点.  相似文献   

植物数量性状基因定位研究概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物重要的性状多为数量性状。长期以来,人类一直寻求解释植物数量性状的遗传规律以便对其进行遗传操纵。现代分子生物技术的发展为植物数量性状基因的定位、分离等研究提供了条件。本文从数量性状基因座(QTL)作图群体类型及其特点,QTL定位方法,植物QTL研究现状,以及QTL精细定位、克隆、利用等方面进行了综述,并对今后植物QTL研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

遗传图谱的发展为寻找和定位影响重要数量性状变异的基因提供了便利。迄今为止,育种学家已经在肉牛的1、2、5、6、14、15、17、18、19、21、23、27、和29号常染色体上发现了QTL的踪迹。候选基因的研分显示肌肉生长抑制素基因等可能就是生长和屠宰重性状的QTL,基困组统计定位则揭示最有可能的QTL区域在2、5、6、15、19、27、29号染色体上。进一步的定位仍需遗传学家、分子生物学家及育种学家的共同努力。  相似文献   

质量性状和数量性状含义的辨析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
植物或动物的性状一般分为质量性状和数量性状,而实际上,许多性状并不是绝对的质量性状或数量性状,而是同时受到一个或少数几个主基因和或数量性状多基因的控制.因此,在遗传学教学中,有必要对此类性状进行分析.为加深学生对此类性状的遗传及这两个概念的理解,通过性状次数分布图分析,结合最新的遗传学研究成果,对之进行了分析和讨论.  相似文献   

猪的基因图谱及数量性状位点定位   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在人类基因组计划的带动下,猪的遗传连锁图谱和细胞遗传学图谱有了较大的进步,利用目前猪基因组图谱的研究成果,通过基因组扫描法和候选基因法,可以对猪重要经济性状的主效基因位点进行区域定位,进而图位克隆,找到主效基因,为现代遗传育种奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

对植物抗病遗传育种中QTL定位与克隆研究进行综述。主要阐述了数量抗性的遗传学基础、作物抗病性QTL的定位作图、QTL作图的可靠性及应对措施、QTLs候选基因的证实和定位克隆等,并对植物抗病遗传育种未来的研究方向予以讨论。  相似文献   

玉米5个农艺性状的QTL定位   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
利用“豫玉22”构建的266个玉米F2:3家系为材料,通过一年两点的随机区组田间试验和分子标记分析,研究了玉米穗位高、雄穗分支数、茎粗、抽雄期、吐丝期5个重要农艺性状。相关分析表明,穗位高、雄穗分支数、茎粗与单株产量显著正相关,抽雄期与吐丝期高度正相关,雄穗分支数与茎粗显著正相关。采用复合区间作图法,通过500次排列测验分别确定各性状的LOD阈值,在武汉和襄樊两地共定位了7个穗位高QTL、9个雄穗分支数QTL、8个茎粗QTL、9个抽雄期QTL和7个吐丝期QTL;这些QTL在染色体上分布不均匀,具有集中分布的特点。研究表明,数量性状间的表型相关可能源于控制数量性状的QTL位点间的相关。  相似文献   

基于元分析的抗玉米丝黑穗病QTL比较定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以玉米遗传连锁图谱IBM2 2005 Neighbors为参考图谱,通过映射整合不同试验中的抗玉米丝黑穗病QTL,构建QTL综合图谱。在国内外种质中,共发现22个抗病QTL,分布在除第7染色体外的9条玉米染色体上。采用元分析技术,获得2个“一致性”抗病QTL,图距分别为8.79 cM和18.92cM。从MaizeGDB网站下载“一致性”QTL区间内基因和标记的原始序列;采用NCBI网站在线软件BLASTx通过同源比对在2个“一致性”QTL区间内初步获得4个抗病位置候选基因。借助比较基因电子定位策略,将69个水稻和玉米抗性基因定位于玉米IBM2图谱上,在2个“一致性”QTL区间内分别发现1个水稻抗性基因,初步推断为抗病位置候选基因。本文结果为抗玉米丝黑穗病QTL精细定位和分子育种提供了基础。  相似文献   

The QTL mapping results were compared with the genotypically selected and random samples of the same size on the base of a RIL population. The results demonstrated that there were no obvious differences in the trait distribution and marker segregation distortion between the genotypically selected and random samples with the same population size. However, a significant increase in QTL detection power, sensitivity, specificity, and QTL resolution in the genotypically selected samples were observed. Moreover, the highly significant effect was detected in small size of genotypically selected samples. In QTL mapping, phenotyping is a more sensitive limiting factor than genotyping so that the selection of samples could be an attractive strategy for increasing genome-wide QTL mapping resolution. The efficient selection of samples should be more helpful for QTL maker assistant selection, fine mapping, and QTL cloning.  相似文献   

An RFLP map constructed from 99 doubled haploid lines of a cross between two spring barley varieties (Blenheim × Kym) was used to localize quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling grain yield and yield components by marker regression and single-marker analysis. Trials were conducted over three years. Genotype-by-year interaction was detected for plant grain weight and ear grain weight so they were analysed separately for each year. None was detected for thousand-grain weight and ear grain number so data were pooled over years. A total of eleven QTL were detected for plant grain weight over two years and fourteen for ear grain weight over three years. Seven QTL were detected for plot yield. The locus with the largest effect was on chromosome 2(2H)L and accounted for 19% of the variation in the progeny. Eight QTL were detected for thousand-grain weight and five for ear grain number. Many of the QTL detected were in comparable positions in each year. Yield and yield components were only partly correlated. Comparisons based on common RFLP markers showed that some QTL were found in positions similar to those identified in other studies. For a number of QTL the identification of linked markers provided suitable opportunities for marker-assisted selection and improvement of barley and reference markers with which to analyse the homoeologous chromosome regions of wheat and other cereals.  相似文献   

As part of a whole genome scan undertaken to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting milk yield and composition, we have genotyped a granddaughter design comprising 1152 sons for six microsatellite markers spanning bovine chromosome 20. An analysis performed across families provided strong evidence (experiment-wise P -values < 0·01) for the presence of a QTL affecting primarily protein percentage towards the telomeric end of the chromosome. A founder sire, shown in a previous study to segregate for a similar QTL in the corresponding chromosome region, was characterized by 29 and 57 sons and maternal grandsons, respectively, in the present design. Sorting corresponding sons and grandsons by paternal or grandpaternal allele provided significant evidence for the segregation of a QTL on chromosome 20. Altogether these results confirm the location of a QTL affecting milk production on bovine chromosome 20.  相似文献   

Agricultural environments deteriorate due to excess nitrogen application.Breeding for low nitrogen responsive genotypes can reduce soil nitrogen input.Rice genotypes respond variably to soil available nitrogen.The present study attempted quantification of genotype x nitrogen level interaction and mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and other associated agronomic traits.Twelve parameters were observed across a set of 82 double haploid (DH) lines derived from IR64/Azucena.Three nitrogen regimes namely,native (0 kg/ha; no nitrogen applied),optimum (100 kg/ha) and high (200 kg/ha) replicated thrice were the environments.The parents and DH lines were significantly varying for all traits under different nitrogen regimes.All traits except plant height recorded significant genotype x environment interaction.Individual plant yield was positively correlated with nitrogen use efficiency and nitrogen uptake.Sixteen QTLs were detected by composite interval mapping.Eleven QTLs showed significant QTL x environment interactions.On chromosome 3,seven QTLs were detected associated with nitrogen use,plant yield and associated traits.A QTL region between markers RZ678,RZ574 and RZ284 was associated with nitrogen use and yield.This chromosomal region was enriched with expressed gene sequences of known key nitrogen assimilation genes.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate quantitative trait loci (QTL) in previously identified regions of chicken chromosomes 1, 4 and 5 relating to 40-day body weights and conformation scores. Half-sib (HS) and variance component analyses were implemented and compared using QTL Express software. Data were from a two-generation design and consisted of 100 dam families nested in 46 sire families with trait values for 2,708 offspring. Chicken chromosome 4 showed nominal significance for QTL affecting body weight and conformation, and linkage was confirmed for both traits on chromosome 5. Results varied according to method of analysis and with common parent in the HS method.  相似文献   

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