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The applicability of some diatom methods to quality assessment of differenttypes of Finnish rivers was compared using dominant taxa of diatomcommunities and nutrient level estimations using Trophic Diatom Index(TDI) and a new Phosphorus Diatom Equation (PDE) [Tot. Pcalc (g l-1) = 39 – 0.278 ol-% – 0.117 olme-% – 0.346me-% – 0.006 meeu-% + 1.193 eu-%; n = 97; r2 = 0.742;SE = 17.4]. The overall quality estimations were done by Index ofPollution Sensitivity (IPS) and by Generic Diatom Index (GDI); limit valuesfor quality classes are proposed.  相似文献   

Field transfer experiments of periphytic diatom assemblages developed on artificial substrates were set up to assess the responses of those communities to environmental disturbances. The glass slides were positioned for colonization at the relatively unpolluted site (Red, in the Red River) and at the heavily polluted site (TL, in the To Lich River) in the beginning of the experiment. After a period of 2?weeks, the colonized glass slides were concomitantly transferred from the unpolluted Red site to the heavily polluted TL site and to the moderate polluted site (NT2, in the Nhue River) and, conversely, from the TL site to the Red site, and then to the NT2 site. The responses and the adapting capacity of periphytic diatom communities to environmental changes were assessed through the cell density, diversity index, species richness, taxonomic composition, and diatom indices after 2 and 4?weeks of transfer periods. For all transfers except for the transfer from the Red to the TL site in which the growth inhibition of diatom cells was found, the diatom density significantly increased until the end of the experiment. Thus, the diatom communities have expressed their pollution tolerance or sensitivities by changing their composition to adapt themselves to environmental changes. Characteristic species of the Red site (Gyrosigma scalproides, Navicula recens) were replaced by Nitzschia palea, Nitzschia umbonata, Aulacoseira granulate typical species of the NT2 site, in the biofilm transferred from the Red site to the NT2 site. The relative abundances of typical diatom species of the Red site proliferated in the biofilm transferred from the TL site to the Red site. The replacement of periphytic diatom communities appeared after the transfer from the second week at the different sites. The slow shift of the species towards the typical species at the TL site could result from the organized structure of diatoms within biofilm before the transfer from the Red site to the TL site. The shifts in values of the Index of Specific Polluosensitivity and Diatom Assemblage Index to organic pollution throughout the experiment indicated the clear sensitivity of these indices to water quality changes.  相似文献   

Biological and chemical data were processed to estimate trophic stage and degree of pollution in several streams and rivers in southern Poland. The majority were eutrophic and some of them heavily polluted; only a few were oligo-mesotrophic. The differences in the water quality of the rivers were reflected by different types of diatom community and also by the values for some diatom indices, which were calculated using the latest version of the 'Omnidia' database software. Except for the Sládeček's index, all diatom indices correlated significantly with organic load (COD), oxygen concentration, conductivity and most of the measured ions. Some indices showed a significant negative correlation with trophic level (expressed by NH4-N and PO4-P). In general, IPS (Specific Pollution Sensitivity Index) and GDI (Generic Diatom Index) indices gave the best results. Among the investigated diatom communities, only a few taxa indicated oligo-mesotrophy and oligo-β-mesosaprobity. Most of the sites were characterised by a greater relative contribution of eutraphent and tolerant ones as well as α-mesosaprobic and polysaprobic diatoms. This study suggests that the structure of benthic diatom communities and diatom indices, especially GDI, can be applied for monitoring rivers in Poland. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A generic index (GI) utilizing epilithic diatom assemblages as abioindicator of water pollution in subtropical rivers in Taiwan was applied toastudy of a tropical river. Seven sites on the River Tsanwun were sampledseasonally from August 1995 to June 1998. Although there is a marked differencein water chemistry between tropical and subtropical rivers in Taiwan, thedominant genera of their diatom assemblages are quite similar. The six generaused for the calculation of GI in the subtropical rivers were also the maincomponents of diatom assemblages in the River Tsanwun. The calculated valuesdisplayed a close correlation with water quality, evaluated on the basis ofphysical and chemical variables. A strong correlation was found between this GIand other diatom-based indices of water quality.  相似文献   

We report on auxospore wall structure and development in the araphid pennate diatom Tabularia fasciculata. Similar to most other pennates, these auxospores showed a typical bidirectional elongation, but unexpectedly bore no transverse perizonium, and with no detectable silicon during much of their expansion. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) analyses segregated auxospores into two types: (1) those containing no detectable silicon and (2) those with measureable amounts. Both types were of similar size. Silica precipitation began throughout the auxospore at or near maximal length, but initially was detectable in isolated regions throughout the structure. Following this initial condition, silicon was consistently detectable throughout auxospores of comparable size and corresponded to deposition of longitudinal perizonium (visible through the thin organic outer layer of the wall in some auxospores), followed by the deposition of the initial valves. Our results raise the question as to how the tubular shape of bidirectionally expanding auxospores up to ∼90 μm long is maintained in the absence of transverse siliceous elements restricting isodiametric expansion of the cell, which are present in all other known pennate auxospores and all but one other diatom. Our study is the first to systematically examine mineral elements of the auxospore wall analytically.  相似文献   

Pollution of rivers is an increasing problem that affects biological diversity and structure of natural ecosystem. The present study reported the results of the preliminary analysis of diatom and macroinvertebrate communities of river Picentino (Italy, Campania) in respect of the WFD/60/2000/EC. Because of the sensitive to a variety of environmental factors the two categories of organism are used as excellent indicators of changes taking place in water ecosystems, especially eutrophication. Sampling of benthic diatoms and macroinvertebrates has been carried out in five stations along the river during April–May 2014 in order to apply the ICMi and the STAR_ICMi and assess river quality. The data showed a diversification in diatomic and macroinvertebrate communities in relation to environmental stresses and level of pollution, with the disappearance of species higher sensitive to eutrophication and organic load in the upper course of the river. River water quality was found to deteriorate from the upperstream to the downstream because of the increasing of human impact and the intensive agriculture activity along the river.We conclude that the monitoring of diatomic and macroinvertebrate communities could give detailed information about the ecological status of rivers. However it is necessary to increase the achieved data by monitoring other biological communities in order to define adequated strategies to save and preserve the rivers habitat.  相似文献   

Monthly species diversity and other components of diversity of diatom samples collected over a period of one year at eight stations in the Linggi River Basin, Malaysia were analysed. Species diversity ranged between 0.52–3.62 bits individua–1. Among the four stations located in the Linggi River (sensu stricto), highest diversity values were recorded at a station polluted by rubber effluent, followed by the stations unpolluted from point sources. Lowest diversity was recorded at a station polluted with urban sewage. At Kundor River, highest diversity was recorded at stations located downstream of rubber and palm oil waste discharges. On the whole, diversity values at unpolluted stations were always lower than at mildly polluted stations. Severe organic loadings caused low diversity by reducing the number of species (species richness) but did not increase the evenness (equitability) as expected when compared with unpolluted or mildly polluted stations. The changes in species diversity can be related to changes in diatom community structure and thereby changes in water quality, but cannot be used as an index of water quality.  相似文献   

Despite their ecological importance, very little is known about the taxonomy and ecology of benthic diatoms in coral-reef ecosystems. Diatom densities and community compositions were investigated in three distinct regions of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR): (a) Wet Tropics (WT), (b) Princess Charlotte Bay (PCB), and (c) the Outer Shelf (OS). About 209 taxa were observed in the GBR sediments studied, with an average abundance of 2.55 × 106 cells ml−1 in the upper 1 cm of sediment. Total diatom abundances were about twice as high in inshore reefs of PCB and WT compared with OS reefs. A redundancy analysis (RDA) of diatom composition clearly grouped the three regions separately but showed little influence of grain size, nitrogen and organic carbon content of the sediments. The only distinct correlates were inorganic carbon and the distance to the mainland associated with OS communities. Analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) of diatom community composition revealed significant differences between all three regions. Indicator values showed that most highly abundant taxa occurred in all regions. However, several taxa were clearly identified as characteristic of particular regions. It is hypothesised that variations in nutrient and light availability are the most likely explanation for the observed differences in community composition.  相似文献   

Diatom assemblages of sediments obtained from three sites on Kushiro Moor were analyzed to investigate the Holocene sedimentary history. The results showed that: 1) The Takkobu site was originally at the bottom of the paleo-Kushiro Bay, and after-wards the paleo-Takkobu Lagoon developed, became sealed off, and changed to a freshwater lake. The succession to peat moor probably began about 2000 yr B.P. at the Takkobu site. 2) The Tsurui site was originally at the bottom of the paleo-Kushiro Bay, then changed to the paleo-Kushiro Lagoon and became peat moor as a result of the first Holocene regression, which finished about 3600 yr B.P. The site then returned to a brackish lake again, probably due to the second Holocene transgression between 3600 and 3000 yr B.P., thereafter passing through brackish lake and freshwater lake stages, and eventually becaming peat moor at about 2000 yr B.P., 3) At the Chuo site, the second paleo-Kushiro Bay developed again as a result of the second Holocene transgression, which finished about 3000 yr B.P. Thereafter, brackish or freshwater lakes, rivers, and then peat moor developed in the central area of Kushiro Moor. 4) The second marine diatom zone (MD2 Zone), which indicates the second Holocene transgression, complete by about 3000 yr B.P., is detected only at the Chuo site in the central area of Kushiro Moor.  相似文献   

Haslea ostrearia, a tychopelagic marine diatom distributed world-wide, characteristically settles in oyster-ponds. This diatom synthesizes and releases into the external medium a blue-green polyphenolic pigment called "marennine" (Mn), which is responsible for oyster greening. During the bloom of H. ostrearia in ponds, mainly occurring in autumn along the French Atlantic coast (Marennes-Oléron), a decrease in the abundance of other microalgae, including several diatom species, is observed. In this article, we investigate in vitro the influence of the intra- and extracellular forms of the pigment (IMn and EMn) on the development of diatoms usually coexisting with H. ostrearia in oyster-ponds: Skeletonema costatum, Nitzschia closterium, Haslea crucigera and Entomoneis pseudoduplex. We show that there is no significant difference between IMn and EMn in their ability to reduce, in a dose-dependent manner, the growth of these benthic diatoms. S. costatum, N. closterium and H. crucigera are significantly more sensitive to the inhibitory effect of marennine than E. pseudoduplex. In comparison, H. ostrearia tolerates much higher concentrations of its pigment and can even be stimulated at low marennine concentration. Using an experimental set-up to study independently the inhibitory effect of marennine due to light attenuation, we demonstrate that all the species tested are also inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by a shading effect, without a significant difference between IMn and EMn. Taken together, these results suggest that S. costatum, N. closterium and H. crucigera are inhibited by a cumulative effect of chemical mediation and light attenuation induced by marennine. E. pseudoduplex is inhibited solely by the shading effect. Finally, H. ostrearia is inhibited by the shading effect and stimulated by chemical mediation. The in vitro experimental data presented herein are discussed in relation to an ecophysiological function of marennine, leading us to assume that the form of the pigment released into the external medium could act as an allelochemical at the level of the pond as a whole. Allelopathy may therefore play an important role in interspecific competition and contribute to H. ostrearia bloom maintenance.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined colonization dynamics of segmented filamentous bacteria (SFB) in intestine of Swiss Webster (SW) mice infected with Helicobacter hepaticus (Hh). At 8 weeks post-inoculation with Hh (WPI), cecal and colonic SFB levels in the control males were significantly lower compared to those at 16 WPI. Hh infection in both genders did not alter SFB levels in the jejunum and ileum, but increased SFB levels in the cecum and colon of males compared to the controls (P < 0.05) at 8 WPI. At 16 WPI, the Hh-infected females contained lower levels of SFB in the jejunum, cecum and colon compared to the female controls. Irrespective of gender, aging and Hh infection, the Il-17A mRNA levels decreased from the small intestine to the cecum and then to the colon, whereas the Foxp3 mRNA levels were comparable in these intestinal regions. There were significant differences in Il-17A mRNA levels in the ileum (P < 0.05, R2 = 0.31), with females having greater Il-17A mRNA levels than males, and higher SFB colonization levels related to more Il-17A mRNA. These results indicate that aging and gender play an important role in colonization dynamics of intestinal SFB and ileal SFB-associated Th17 response.  相似文献   

To infer the phylogeny of both the host and the endosymbiont of Peridinium quinquecorne Abé, the small subunit (SSU) ribosomal DNA (rDNA) from the host and two genes of endosymbiont origin (plastid‐encoded rbcL and nuclear‐encoded SSU rDNA) were determined. The phylogenetic analysis of the host revealed that the marine dinoflagellate P. quinquecorne formed a clade with other diatom‐harbouring dinoflagellates, including Kryptoperidinium foliaceum (Stein) Lindeman, Durinskia baltica (Levander) Carty et Cox and Galeidinium rugatum Tamura et Horiguchi, indicating a single endosymbiotic event for this lineage. Phylogenetic analyses of the endosymbiont in these organisms revealed that the endosymbiont of P. quinquecorne formed a clade with a centric diatom (SSU data indicated it to be closely related to Chaetoceros), whereas the endosymbionts of other three dinoflagellates formed a clade with a pennate diatom. The discrepancy between the host and the endosymbiont phylogenies suggests a secondary replacement of the endosymbiont from a pennate to a centric diatom in P. quinquecorne.  相似文献   

There has been a recent increase in water quality problems in South Africa. The monitoring of water resources is important for the continued management of water resources. The use of artificial mussels (AMs) as passive sampling devices in the monitoring of metals within a freshwater system was evaluated in a recent field study. Correlation testing was conducted between the AMs and Melanoides tuberculata for As, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Pb, Mn, Ni, U, V and Zn. It was found that a positive significant correlation exists between AMs and M. tuberculata with regards to As, U, and Co accumulations. The trend of metal accumulation between AMs and M. tuberculata were found to be similar for all of the metals tested. Site 2 which is located close to a gold mine, was found to have the highest metal concentrations in this study. This study confirms the hypothesis that AMs can be used as a useful tool for monitoring metals in freshwater.  相似文献   

Understanding the physical processes of point source (PS) and nonpoint source (NPS) pollution is critical to evaluate river water quality and identify major pollutant sources in a watershed. In this study, we used the physically-based hydrological/water quality model, Soil and Water Assessment Tool, to investigate the influence of PS and NPS pollution on the water quality of the East River (Dongjiang in Chinese) in southern China. Our results indicate that NPS pollution was the dominant contribution (>94%) to nutrient loads except for mineral phosphorus (50%). A comprehensive Water Quality Index (WQI) computed using eight key water quality variables demonstrates that water quality is better upstream than downstream despite the higher level of ammonium nitrogen found in upstream waters. Also, the temporal (seasonal) and spatial distributions of nutrient loads clearly indicate the critical time period (from late dry season to early wet season) and pollution source areas within the basin (middle and downstream agricultural lands), which resource managers can use to accomplish substantial reduction of NPS pollutant loadings. Overall, this study helps our understanding of the relationship between human activities and pollutant loads and further contributes to decision support for local watershed managers to protect water quality in this region. In particular, the methods presented such as integrating WQI with watershed modeling and identifying the critical time period and pollutions source areas can be valuable for other researchers worldwide.  相似文献   

Diatoms are single-celled microalgae with silica-based cell walls (frustules) that are abundantly present in aquatic habitats, and form the basis of the food chain in many ecosystems. Many benthic diatoms have the remarkable ability to glide on all natural or man-made underwater surfaces using a carbohydrate- and protein-based adhesive to generate traction. Previously, three glycoproteins, termed FACs (F rustule A ssociated C omponents), have been identified from the common fouling diatom Craspedostauros australis and were implicated in surface adhesion through inhibition studies with a glycan-specific antibody. The polypeptide sequences of FACs remained unknown, and it was unresolved whether the FAC glycoproteins are indeed involved in adhesion, or whether this is achieved by different components sharing the same glycan epitope with FACs. Here we have determined the polypeptide sequences of FACs using peptide mapping by LC–MS/MS. Unexpectedly, FACs share the same polypeptide backbone (termed CaFAP1), which has a domain structure of alternating Cys-rich and Pro-Thr/Ser-rich regions reminiscent of the gel-forming mucins. By developing a genetic transformation system for C. australis, we were able to directly investigate the function of CaFAP1-based glycoproteins in vivo. GFP-tagging of CaFAP1 revealed that it constitutes a coat around all parts of the frustule and is not an integral component of the adhesive. CaFAP1-GFP producing transformants exhibited the same properties as wild type cells regarding surface adhesion and motility speed. Our results demonstrate that FAC glycoproteins are not involved in adhesion and motility, but might rather act as a lubricant to prevent fouling of the diatom surface.  相似文献   

Diatoms are broadly present in marine habitats and often dominate seasonal phytoplankton blooms in polar and temperate latitudes. Certain species produce polyunsaturated aldehydes upon mechanical wounding caused by mesozooplankton grazing. Ample evidence is available on toxin-induced reproductive failure in copepods, yet their behavioral effects remain unclear. Here we present results of laboratory experiments in which we investigated the immediate effects of the diatom-derived aldehyde 2-trans, 4-trans decadienal on the three-dimensional swimming behavior of the calanoid copepod Pseudodiaptomus annandalei. Short-term direct exposure to the toxin at 3 μM, 6 μM and 12 μM induced hyperactivity in the three adult states, as evidenced by a marked and dose-dependent increase in the number of trajectories. It also caused a higher proportion of vertical movements. In males and ovigerous females exposed to decadienal at 3 μM and 6 μM, hyperactivity came with an equally specific dose-dependent decrease in swimming speed. Males and ovigerous females swam faster at 12 μM than at 6 μM, suggesting a complex mode of action of the toxin. In non-ovigerous females, decadienal had little effects on swimming speed, supporting the assumption that female copepods are less affected by certain environmental stressors. Multifractal analysis revealed differences in the statistical properties of the swimming behavior between experimental conditions. The moment structure function of the displacement appeared to be moderately multifractal in the three adult states swimming in control water. Ethanol as carrier solvent at 200 ppm caused an increase in swimming speed and a switch toward a more ballistic motion in males and ovigerous females. On the opposite, exposure to the toxin reduced or cancelled the effects of ethanol and resulted in a more Brownian motion for high moment values. Decadienal had little effects on the behavior of non-ovigerous females except at the highest concentration. Our results demonstrate that decadienal, a model diatom aldehyde, impairs the behavior of adult copepods. They provide further information on the interaction between diatoms and their main predator.  相似文献   

Prygiel  J.  Coste  M. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,(1):343-349
The performance of six diatom indices to evaluate water quality has been studied in the Artois-Picardie water basin. Results show that all of them satisfactorily assess organic pollution which is the main phenomenon responsible for the degradation of water quality throughout the year. However, only the Specific Pollution Sensitivity Index (SPI), the Generic Diatom Index (GDI) and the Commission of Economical Community Index (CEC) show significant correlations with the ionic strength (expressed by chlorides, sulphates and conductivity) and eutrophication (expressed by chlorophyll and nitrates). Diatom indices do not integrate chemical parameters in the same way. Best correlations are obtained through simultaneous or average chemical analyses whereas for other parameters, best correlations are noted with chemical analyses carried out just before diatom sampling. Tests performed on different chemical data sets show that it is possible to make a realistic estimation of water quality during the summer in the Artois-Picardie water basin by using SPI in September.  相似文献   

Morphological studies at the light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy levels of selected fragilarioid diatoms occurring in North American streams and lakes are presented herein. The majority of the samples studied were collected by the US Geological Survey's National Water Quality Assessment Program, which concentrates on stream water quality monitoring throughout the continental USA and Hawaii. Two new species (Staurosirella confusa Morales and Punctastriata mimetica Morales) and a new forma (Pseudostaurosiropsis geocollegarum f. triradiatum Morales) are described and two new combinations (Pseudostaurosira subsalina (Hustedt) Morales and Staurosirella olden‐burgiana (Hustedt) Morales) are provided. Morphological details of an additional taxon, Staurosira construens var. binodis (Ehrenberg) Hamilton in Hamilton et al. are also presented. The taxonomic affinities of all these taxa, as well as some evolutionary aspects and ecologic characteristics, are discussed in the light of published material.  相似文献   

Mitochondria and plastids multiply by division in eukaryotic cells. Recently, the eukaryotic homolog of the bacterial cell division protein FtsZ was identified and shown to play an important role in the organelle division process inside the inner membrane. To explore the evolution of FtsZ proteins, and to accumulate data on the protein import system in mitochondria and plastids of the red algal lineage, one mitochondrial and three plastid ftsZ genes were isolated from the diatom Chaetoceros neogracile, whose plastids were acquired by secondary endosymbiotic uptake of a red alga. Protein import into organelles depends on the N‐terminal organelle targeting sequences. N‐terminal bipartite presequences consisting of an endoplasmic reticulum signal peptide and a plastid transit peptide are required for protein import into diatom plastids. To characterize the organelle targeting peptides of C. neogracile, we observed the localization of each green fluorescent protein‐tagged predicted organelle targeting peptide in cultured tobacco cells and diatom cells. Our data suggested that each targeting sequences functioned both in tobacco cultured cells and diatom cells.  相似文献   

Ecological models can act as interesting tools to support decision-making in river restoration management. In particular models which are capable of predicting the habitat requirements of species are of considerable importance to ensure that the planned actions have the desired effects on the aquatic ecosystem. To this end, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models were tested and optimized for the prediction of the habitat suitability for Gammarus pulex, a relevant indicator species in water quality assessment. Although ANN models are in general quite robust with a rather high predictive reliability, the model performance had to be increased with regard to simulations for river restoration management. In particular, it has been shown that spatial and temporal expert-rules could possibly be included. Migration dynamics of downstream drift and upstream migration of the organisms and migration barriers along the river (weirs, culverted river sections,␣...) might indeed deliver important additional information on the effectiveness of the restoration plans, and also on the timing of the expected effects. In this context, an additional in-stream migration model for Gammarus pulex was developed. This migration model, implemented in a Geographical Information System (GIS), has been used to simulate a practical river restoration scenario for a river in Flanders, Belgium. The case study illustrated that the removal of a weir, at a particular site, resulted in the improvement of the habitat suitability for Gammarus pulex. The ANN models predicted that after restoration the habitat was suitable again for Gammarus pulex. The migration model indicated that the restored parts of the river would be recolonized within about 2 months. In this way, decision makers can have an idea whether and when a restoration option will have a desired effect.  相似文献   

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