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The nervous system development of the sea cucumber Stichopus japonicus was investigated to explore the development of the bilateral larval nervous system into the pentaradial adult form typical of echinoderms. The first nerve cells were detected in the apical region of epidermis in the late gastrula. In the auricularia larvae, nerve tracts were seen along the ciliary band. There was a pair of bilateral apical ganglia consisted of serotonergic nerve cells lined along the ciliary bands. During the transition to the doliolaria larvae, the nerve tracts rearranged together with the ciliary bands, but they were not segmented and remained continuous. The doliolaria larvae possessed nerves along the ciliary rings but strongly retained the features of auricularia larvae nerve pattern. The adult nervous system began to develop inside the doliolaria larvae before the larval nervous system disappears. None of the larval nervous system was observed to be incorporated into the adult nervous system with immunohistochemistry. Since S. japonicus are known to possess an ancestral mode of development for echinoderms, these results suggest that the larval nervous system and the adult nervous system were probably formed independently in the last common ancestor of echinoderms.  相似文献   

The anatomy and cellular organization of serotonergic neurons in the echinoderm apical organ exhibits class-specific features in dipleurula-type (auricularia, bipinnaria) and pluteus-type (ophiopluteus, echinopluteus) larvae. The apical organ forms in association with anterior ciliary structures. Apical organs in dipleurula-type larvae are more similar to each other than to those in either of the pluteus forms. In asteroid bipinnaria and holothuroid auricularia the apical organ spans ciliary band sectors that traverse the anterior-most end of the larvae. The asteroid apical organ also has prominent bilateral ganglia that connect with an apical network of neurites. The simple apical organ of the auricularia is similar to that in the hemichordate tornaria larva. Apical organs in pluteus forms differ markedly. The echinopluteus apical organ is a single structure on the oral hood between the larval arms comprised of two groups of cells joined by a commissure and its cell bodies do not reside in the ciliary band. Ophioplutei have a pair of lateral ganglia associated with the ciliary band of larval arms that may be the ophiuroid apical organ. Comparative anatomy of the serotonergic nervous systems in the dipleurula-type larvae of the Ambulacraria (Echinodermata+Hemichordata) suggests that the apical organ of this deuterostome clade originated as a simple bilaterally symmetric nerve plexus spanning ciliary band sectors at the anterior end of the larva. From this structure, the apical organ has been independently modified in association with the evolution of class-specific larval forms.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogenetic analyses of aligned 18S rDNA gene sequences from articulate and inarticulate brachiopods representing all major extant lineages, an enhanced set of phoronids and several unrelated protostome taxa, confirm previous indications that in such data, brachiopod and phoronids form a well-supported clade that (on previous evidence) is unambiguously affiliated with protostomes rather than deuterostomes. Within the brachiopod-phoronid clade, an association between phoronids and inarticulate brachiopods is moderately well supported, whilst a close relationship between phoronids and craniid inarticulates is weakly indicated. Brachiopod-phoronid monophyly is reconciled with the most recent Linnaean classification of brachiopods by abolition of the phylum Phoronida and rediagnosis of the phylum Brachiopoda to include tubiculous, shell-less forms. Recognition that brachiopods and phoronids are close genealogical allies of protostome phyla such as molluscs and annelids, but are much more distantly related to deuterostome phyla such as echinoderms and chordates, implies either (or both) that the morphology and ontogeny of blastopore, mesoderm and coelom formation have been widely misreported or misinterpreted, or that these characters have been subject to extensive homoplasy. This inference, if true, undermines virtually all morphology-based reconstructions of phylogeny made during the past century or more.  相似文献   

Ectoprocts, phoronids and brachiopods are often dealt with underthe heading Tentaculata or Lophophorata, sometimes with entoproctsdiscussed in the same chapter, for example in Ruppert and Barnes(1994). The Lophophorata is purported to be held together bythe presence of a "lophophore," a mesosomal tentacle crown withan upstream-collecting ciliary band. However, the mesosomaltentacle crown of pterobranchs has upstream-collecting ciliarybands with monociliate cells, similar to those of phoronidsand brachiopods, although its ontogeny is not well documented.On the contrary, the ectoproct tentacle crown carries a ciliarysieving system with multiciliate cells and the body does notshow archimery, neither during ontogeny nor during budding,so the tentacles cannot be characterized as mesosomal. The entoproctshave tentacles without coelomic canals and with a downstream-collectingciliary system like that of trochophore larvae and adult rotifersand serpulid and sabellid annelids. Planktotrophic phoronidand brachiopod larvae develop tentacles at an early stage, buttheir ciliary system resembles those of echinoderm and enteropneustlarvae. Ectoproct larvae are generally non-feeding, but theplanktotrophic cyphonautes larvae of certain gymnolaemates havea ciliary band resembling that of the adult tentacles. The entoproctshave typical trochophore larvae and many feed with downstream-collectingciliary bands. Phoronids and brachiopods are thus morphologicallyon the deuterostome line, probably as the sister group of the"Neorenalia" or Deuterostomia sensu stricto. The entoproctsare clearly spiralians, although their more precise positionhas not been determined. The position of the ectoprocts is uncertain,but nothing in their morphology indicates deuterostome affinities."Lophophorata" is thus a polyphyletic assemblage and the wordshould disappear from the zoological vocabulary, just as "Vermes"disappeared many years ago.  相似文献   

Apical organs are a well-known structure in almost all ciliated eumetazoan larvae, although their function is poorly known. A review of the literature indicates that this small ganglion is the "brain" of the early larva, and it seems probable that it represents the brain of the ancestral, holopelagic ancestor of all eumetazoans, the gastraea. This early brain is lost before or at metamorphosis in all groups. Protostomes (excluding phoronids and brachiopods) appear to have brains of dual origin. Their larvae develop a pair of cephalic ganglia at the episphere lateral to the apical organ, and these two ganglia become an important part of the adult brain. The episphere and the cerebral ganglia show Otx expression, whereas Hox gene expression has not been seen in this part of the brain. A ventral nervous system develops around the blastopore, which becomes divided into mouth and anus by fusion of the lateral blastopore lips. The circumblastoporal nerve ring becomes differentiated into a nerve ring around the mouth, becoming part of the adult brain, a pair of ventral nerve cords, in some cases differentiated into a chain of ganglia, and a ring around the anus. This part of the nervous system appears to be homologous with the oral nerve ring of cnidarians. This interpretation is supported by the expression of Hox genes around the cnidarian mouth and in the ventral nervous system of the protostomes. The development of phoronids, brachiopods, echinoderms, and enteropneusts does not lead to the formation of an episphere or to differentiation of cerebral ganglia. In general, a well-defined brain is lacking, and Hox genes are generally not expressed in the larval organs, although this has not been well studied.  相似文献   

Serial and interval electron micrograph series were used to examine the anterior part of the ciliary band system in the bipinnaria larva of Pisaster ochraceus and the auricularia larva of Stichopus californicus for evidence of ganglion‐like organization. The bipinnaria has paired concentrations of Multipolar with Apical Processes (MAP) cells in this region that correspond in position with previously identified clusters of serotonergic and peptidergic neurones. MAP cells located in the centre of the band have well‐developed apical processes, but no cilium. Those at the sides of the band have fewer processes, but some have recumbent cilia that extend under the glycocalyx, suggesting a sensory function. Comparable cell types are not found elsewhere in the band, a clear indication that the apical parts of the ciliary band system are organized in a distinctive fashion. Two neuronal cell types were identified in the apical region of the auricularia larva, a conventional bipolar neurone that corresponds with previously described serotonergic apical cells, and more numerous MAP cells for which there is no previous record and hence, no known transmitter. Previous immunocytochemical studies are summarized and re‐examined in the light of these results. Relevant evolutionary issues are also discussed, but the data fail to provide strong evidence either for or against Garstang’s hypothesis that the chordate brain and spinal cord derive from larval ciliary bands resembling those of modern echinoderms.  相似文献   

Nervous system development in echinoderms has been well documented, especially for sea urchins and starfish. However, that of crinoids, the most basal group of extant echinoderms, has been poorly studied due to difficulties in obtaining their larvae. In this paper, we report nervous system development from two species of crinoids, from hatching to late doliolaria larvae in the sea lily Metacrinus rotundus and from hatching to cystidean stages after settlement in the feather star Oxycomanthus japonicus. The two species showed a similar larval nervous system pattern with an extensive anterior larval ganglion. The ganglion was similar to that in sea urchins which is generally regarded as derived. In contrast with other echinoderm and hemichordate larvae, synaptotagmin antibody 1E11 failed to reveal ciliary band nerve tracts. Basiepithelial nerve cells formed a net-like structure in the M. rotundus doliolaria larvae. In O. japonicus, the larval ganglion was still present 1 day after settlement when the adult nervous system began to appear inside the crown. Stalk nerves originated from the crown and extended down the stalk, but had no connections with the remaining larval ganglion at the base of the stalk. The larval nervous system was not incorporated into the adult nervous system, and the larval ganglion later disappeared. The aboral nerve center, the dominant nervous system in adult crinoids, was formed at the early cystidean stage, considerably earlier than previously suggested. Through comparisons with nervous system development in other ambulacraria, we suggest the possible nervous system development pattern of the echinoderm ancestor and provide new implications on the evolutionary history of echinoderm life cycles.  相似文献   

The embryology of sipunculans, entoprocts, nemertines, platyhelminths (excluding acoelomorphs), rotifers, ectoprocts, phoronids, brachiopods, echinoderms and enteropneusts is reviewed with special emphasis on cell-lineage and differentiation of ectodermal structures. A group Spiralia comprising the four first-mentioned phyla plus annelids and molluscs seems well defined through the presence of spiral cleavage with early blastomere specification, prototroch with characteristic cell-lineage, cerebral ganglia developing from cells of the first micromere quartet (i.e., the episphere) and a ventral nervous system developing from the hyposphere. The planktotrophic trochophore was probably the larval type of the ancestor of this group. Another group comprising phoronids, brachiopods, echinoderms and enteropneusts appears equally well delimited. It is characterized by radial cleavage with late blastomere specification, possibly by the presence of a neotroch consisting of monociliate cells, by the absence of cerebral ganglia and of a well-defined brain and paired longitudinal nerve cords developing in connection with the blastopore, and by coelomic organization. Its ancestral larval type was probably a dipleurula. Several characters link rotifers with the spiralians, although they do not show the spiral pattern in the cleavage. Ectoprocts are still a problematic group, but some characters indicate spiralian affinities.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of the larval and presumptive juvenile neuromuscular systems among actinotroch larvae was performed using confocal laser microscopy with probes for F-actin and serotonin. Currently, there are two main categories of larval nervous systems based on the origin of the nerve fibers that innervate the larval tentacles. Characteristics of the serotonergic cells of the larval apical ganglion and juvenile nervous system have remained relatively conserved, but the structure of the secondary (hood) sense organ and the juvenile tentacles has diversified among species. Differences in larval musculature are mainly associated with differences in hood morphology. The presumptive, juvenile neuromuscular system is either integrated or separated from that of the larva based on the origin of the juvenile tentacles. Among species, the juvenile tentacles are made by remodeling the larval tentacles, developed from a basal tentacular thickening, or developed as a completely separate set in the larva. Differentiation of the neuromuscular structures of the juvenile tentacles is more diverse than their outward morphological characteristics would suggest. Importance of these larval characters is discussed in terms of current problems that exist within phoronid systematics. Evolutionary implications of these morphological characters are discussed among the phoronids, brachiopods, and related bilaterians. Overall, the integration or separation of larval and juvenile neuromuscular characters may yield insights into the evolution of lophotrochozoan body plans.  相似文献   

Swalla BJ 《Heredity》2006,97(3):235-243
Deuterostome animals exhibit widely divergent body plans. Echinoderms have either radial or bilateral symmetry, hemichordates include bilateral enteropneust worms and colonial pterobranchs, and chordates possess a defined dorsal-ventral axis imposed on their anterior-posterior axis. Tunicates are chordates only as larvae, following metamorphosis the adults acquire a body plan unique for the deuterostomes. This paper examines larval and adult body plans in the deuterostomes and discusses two distinct ways of evolving divergent body plans. First, echinoderms and hemichordates have similar feeding larvae, but build a new adult body within or around their larvae. In hemichordates and many direct-developing echinoderms, the adult is built onto the larva, with the larval axes becoming the adult axes and the larval mouth becoming the adult mouth. In contrast, indirect-developing echinoderms undergo radical metamorphosis where adult axes are not the same as larval axes. A second way of evolving a divergent body plan is to become colonial, as seen in hemichordates and tunicates. Early embryonic development and gastrulation are similar in all deuterostomes, but, in chordates, the anterior-posterior axis is established at right angles to the animal-vegetal axis, in contrast to hemichordates and indirect-developing echinoderms. Hox gene sequences and anterior-posterior expression patterns illuminate deuterostome phylogenetic relationships and the evolution of unique adult body plans within monophyletic groups. Many genes that are considered vertebrate 'mesodermal' genes, such as nodal and brachyury T, are likely to ancestrally have been involved in the formation of the mouth and anus, and later were evolutionarily co-opted into mesoderm during vertebrate development.  相似文献   

The apical sensory organ in veliger larvae of a patellogastropod, a basal clade of gastropod molluscs, was studied using ultrastructural and immunohistochemical techniques. Immediately before veligers of Tectura scutum undergo ontogenetic torsion, the apical sensory organ consists of three large cells that generate a very long apical ciliary tuft, two cells that generate a bilateral pair of shorter ciliary tufts, and a neural ganglion (apical ganglion). Putative sensory neurons forming the ganglion give rise to dendrites that extend to the apical surface of the larva and to basal neurites that contribute to a neuropil. The ganglion includes only one ampullary neuron, a distinctive neuronal type found in the apical ganglion of other gastropod veligers. Serotonin immunoreactivity is expressed by a medial and two lateral neurons, all having an apical dendrite, and also by neurites within the neuropil and by peripheral neurites that run beneath the ciliated prototrochal cells that power larval swimming. The three cells generating the long apical ciliary tuft are lost soon after ontogenetic torsion, and the medial serotonergic cell stops expressing serotonin antigenicity in late-stage veligers. The lateral ciliary tuft cells of T. scutum may be homologs of lateral ciliary tuft cells in planktotrophic opisthobranch veligers. A tripartite arrangement of sensory dendrites, as described previously for veligers of other gastropod clades, can be recognized in T. scutum after loss of the apical ciliary tuft cells.  相似文献   

Summary Planktotrophic brachiopod larvae ofGlottidia sp. have been investigated for the occurrence of glyoxylic acid induced fluorescence in catecholamines (CA), and serotonin-like (5-HT) and neuropeptide FMRFamidelike (FMRFamide) immunoreactivity (ir). The location of CA, 5-HT-ir and FMRFamide-ir cells and processes were compared with the location of neurons and nerve processes found by transmission electron microscopy. The apical ganglion contains 5-HT-ir and FMRFamideir cells and processes and CA processes. From the dorsal part of the apical ganglion extend dorsal 5-HT-ir and FMRFamide-ir processes; from the nine pairs of tentacles stage (9. pt) they project to the ventral ganglion. These dorsal lophophore processes follow themusculus lophophoralis and them. brachialis. The 5-HT-ir and some of the FMRFamide-ir processes project along the muscles to the tentacles. From the ventral part of the apical ganglion extend CA, 5-HT-ir and FMRFamide-ir processes which follow the ciliary band of the lophophore and project to the tentacles. An intense band of CA processes was also observed in the lophophore, but the dorsal/ventral location could not be ascertained. The ventral ganglion contains 5-HT-ir and FMRFamide-ir cells which project either caudally on the metasome or rostrally as part of the dorsal lophophore processes. The neuropil of the ventral ganglion contains CA, 5-HT-ir and FMRFamide-ir processes. The nervous system of the planktotrophic brachiopod larvae seems to consist of a ventral lophophore system innervating the ciliary bands and a dorsal lophophore system including the ventral ganglion innervating the body musculature. The latter system develops later in ontogeny and is regarded as a specialization due to the presence of shells and associated musculature. The former system is regarded as homologous with the nervous system of actinotroch larvae (Phoronida) and planktotrophic larvae of the echinoderms.  相似文献   

 Contrary to traditional views, molecular evidence indicates that the protostomian ventral nerve cord plus apical brain is homologous with the vertebrates’ dorsal spinal cord plus brain. The origin of the protostomian central nervous system from a larval apical organ plus longitudinal areas along the fused blastopore lips has been documented in many species. The origin of the chordate central nervous system is more enigmatic. About a century ago, Garstang proposed that the ciliary band of a dipleurula-type larva resembling an echinoderm larva should have moved dorsally and fused to form the neural tube of the ancestral chordate. This idea is in contrast to a number of morphological observations, and it is here proposed that the neural tube evolved through lateral fusion of a ventral, postoral loop of the ciliary band in a dipleurula larva; the stomodaeum should move from the ventral side via the anterior end to the dorsal side, which faces the substratum in cephalo- chordates and vertebrates. This is in accordance with the embryological observations and with the molecular data on the dorsoventral orientation. The molecular observations further indicate that the anterior part of the insect brain is homologous with the anterior parts of the vertebrate brain. This leads to the hypothesis that the two organs evolved from the same area in the latest common bilaterian ancestor, just anterior to the blastopore, with the protostome brain developing from the anterior rim of the blastopore (i.e. in front of the protostome mouth) and the chordate brain from an area in front of the blastopore, but behind the mouth (i.e. behind the deuterostome mouth). Received: 28 August 1998 / Accepted: 14 November 1998  相似文献   

There are several studies of neural development in various echinoderms, but few on ophiuroids, which develop indirectly via the production of pluteus larvae, as do echinoids. To determine the extent of similarity of neuroanatomy and neural development in the ophiuroids with other echinoderm larvae, we investigated the development of the nervous system in the brittle star Amphipholis kochii (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) by immunohistochemistry. Immunoreactive cells first appeared bilaterally in the animal pole at the late gastrula stage, and there was little migration of the neural precursors during A. kochii ontogeny, as is also the case in echinoids and holothuroids. On the other hand, neural specification in the presumptive ciliary band near the base of the arms does occur in ophiuroid larvae and is a feature they share with echinoids and ophiuroids. The ophiopluteus larval nervous system is similar to that of auricularia larvae on the whole, including the lack of a fine network of neurites in the epidermis and the presence of neural connections across the oral epidermis. Ophioplutei possess a pair of bilateral apical organs that differ from those of echinoid echinoplutei in terms of relative position. They also possess coiled cilia, which may possess a sensory function, but in the same location as the serotonergic apical ganglia. These coiled cilia are thought to be a derived structure in pluteus-like larvae. Our results suggest that the neural specification in the animal plate in ophiuroids, holothuroids, and echinoids is a plesiomorphic feature of the Ambulacraria, whereas neural specification at the base of the larval arms may be a more derived state restricted to pluteus-like larvae.  相似文献   

Divergent patterns of neural development in larval echinoids and asteroids   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The development and organization of the nervous systems of echinoderm larvae are incompletely described. We describe the development and organization of the larval nervous systems of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus and Asterina pectinifera using a novel antibody, 1E11, that appears to be neuron specific. In the early pluteus, the antibody reveals all known neural structures: apical ganglion, oral ganglia, lateral ganglia, and an array of neurons and neurites in the ciliary band, the esophagus, and the intestine. The antibody also reveals several novel features, such as neurites that extend to the posterior end of the larva and additional neurons in the apical ganglion. Similarly, in asteroid larvae the antibody binds to all known neural structures and identifies novel features, including large numbers of neurons in the ciliary bands, a network of neurites under the oral epidermis, cell bodies in the esophagus, and a network of neurites in the intestine. The 1E11 antigen is expressed during gastrulation and can be used to trace the ontogenies of the nervous systems. In S. purpuratus, a small number of neuroblasts arise in the oral ectoderm in late gastrulae. The cells are adjacent to the presumptive ciliary bands, where they project neurites with growth cone-like endings that interconnect the neurons. In A. pectinifera, a large number of neuroblasts appear scattered throughout the ectoderm of gastrulae. The cells aggregate in the developing ciliary bands and then project neurites under the oral epidermis. Although there are several shared features of the larval nervous systems of echinoids and asteroids, the patterns of development reveal fundamental differences in neural ontogeny.  相似文献   

Cyphonautes larvae of a bryozoan, Membranipora membranacea, used several ciliary mechanisms to capture algal cells upstream from the lateral band of cilia that produces a feeding current. (1) Lateral cilia changed beat and a backcurrent occurred at the time and place that particles were retained. (2) Algal cells were sieved and held stationary at the upstream (frontal) side of a row of laterofrontal cilia that were not beating. (3) Localized extension of cilia toward the inhalant chamber, coincident with particle captures, indicated that laterofrontal cilia flick toward the inhalant chamber. These flicks may aid transport of captured particles toward the mouth. Thus my earlier report that larvae only sieve, in contrast to the adults (which have an active ciliary response) was in error. The similar ciliary bands in adult and larval bryozoans and in other lophophorates (brachiopods, and phoronids) suggest that these animals share a core repertoire of ciliary behaviours in the capture and concentration of suspended food particles.  相似文献   

The larval development of the Brachiopod Coptothyris grayi (Davidson, 1852) from the Sea of Japan is described for the first time. Ciliated blastula proved to represent the first free-swimming stage. The blastopore is initially formed as a rounded hole stretching later along the anteroposterior axis. The larva is first divided into two lobes (the apical lobe and the trunk); the mantle lobe is formed later as two lateral folds. Two pairs of seta bundles appear in the late stage larvae. The apical larval lobe in brachiopods is supposed to match the pre-oral lobe and anterior part of the trunk with tentacles in phoronids.  相似文献   

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