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The proximity of loop D of 5 S rRNA to two regions of 23 S rRNA, domain II involved in translocation and domain V involved in peptide bond formation, is known from previous cross-linking experiments. Here, we have used site-directed mutagenesis and chemical probing to further define these contacts and possible sites of communication between 5 S and 23 S rRNA. Three different mutants were constructed at position A960, a highly conserved nucleotide in domain II previously crosslinked to 5 S rRNA, and the mutant rRNAs were expressed from plasmids as homogeneous populations of ribosomes in Escherichia coli deficient in all seven chromosomal copies of the rRNA operon. Mutations A960U, A960G and, particularly, A960C caused structural rearrangements in the loop D of 5 S rRNA and in the peptidyltransferase region of domain V, as well as in the 960 loop itself. These observations support the proposal that loop D of 5 S rRNA participates in signal transmission between the ribosome centers responsible for peptide bond formation and translocation.  相似文献   

We have derived a secondary structure model for 16S ribosomal RNA on the basis of comparative sequence analysis, chemical modification studies and nuclease susceptibility data. Nucleotide sequences of the E. coli and B. brevis 16S rRNA chains, and of RNAse T1 oligomer catalogs from 16S rRNAs of over 100 species of eubacteria were used for phylogenetic comparison. Chemical modification of G by glyoxal, A by m-chloroperbenzoic acid and C by bisulfite in naked 16S rRNA, and G by kethoxal in active and inactive 30S ribosomal subunits was taken as an indication of single stranded structure. Further support for the structure was obtained from susceptibility to RNases A and T1. These three approaches are in excellent agreement. The structure contains fifty helical elements organized into four major domains, in which 46 percent of the nucleotides of 16S rRNA are involved in base pairing. Phylogenetic comparison shows that highly conserved sequences are found principally in unpaired regions of the molecule. No knots are created by the structure.  相似文献   

Optical and sedimentational studies of isolated 23S RNA, total proteins and some RNP-complexes of the 50S subunits were carried out. It is shown that the secondary structure content of 23S RNA in the ribosome is lower than in the isolated state. Ribosomal proteins stabilize the 23S RNA structure and make it more compact. At the same time they cause some unwinding effect on the secondary structure of the 23S RNA and possibly fix some segments of the 23S RNA in the conformation necessary for its function. In turn, the 23S RNA increased somewhat the level of the total ordered secondary structure in the ribosomal proteins. There was no considerable change of the ratio between the alpha- and beta-structures in the proteins.  相似文献   

The complete range of published sequences for ribosomal RNA (or rDNA), totalling well over 50,000 bases, has been used to derive refined models for the secondary structures of both 16S and 23S RNA from E. coli. Particular attention has been paid to resolving the differences between the various published secondary structures for these molecules. The structures are described in terms of 133 helical regions (45 for 16S RNA and 88 for 23S RNA). Of these, approximately 20 are still tentative or unconfirmed. A further 20 represent helical regions which definitely exist, but where the detailed base-pairing is still open to discussion. Over 90 of the helical regions are however now precisely established, at least to within one or two base pairs.  相似文献   

A 23S ribosomal RNA gene of Pseudomonas cepacia has been cloned and sequenced. A general higher-order structure model based on earlier published models has been derived from comparative analysis of 23S-like rRNAs of eubacteria, archaebacteria, organelles and eukaryotes. Differences between the previous models were carefully analyzed and controversial regions evaluated. Moderately large insertions and deletions have been found at new points in the secondary structure. The analysis of 50 published as well as unpublished 23S rRNA sequences provide additional proof for six of the seven previously suggested tertiary interactions within the 23S rRNA. P. cepacia is the first representative of the beta subgroup of the Proteobacteria phylum whose 23S rRNA has been sequenced. A tree reflecting evolutionary relationships of prokaryotes was constructed. The topology of this tree is in good agreement with the 16S rRNA tree.  相似文献   

Structural study of ribosomal 23 S RNA from Escherichia coli.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Two recently published but independently derived structures, namely the X-ray crystallographic structure of ribosomal protein S7 and the "binding pocket" for this protein in a three-dimensional model of the 16S rRNA, have been correlated with one another. The known rRNA-protein interactions for S7 include a minimum binding site, a number of footprint sites, and two RNA-protein crosslink sites on the 16S rRNA, all of which form a compact group in the published 16S rRNA model (despite the fact that these interactions were not used as primary modeling constraints in building that model). The amino acids in protein S7 that are involved in the two crosslinks to 16S rRNA have also been determined in previous studies, and here we have used these sites to orient the crystallographic structure of S7 relative to its rRNA binding pocket. Some minor alterations were made to the rRNA model to improve the fit. In the resulting structure, the principal positively charged surface of the protein is in contact with the 16S rRNA, and all of the RNA-protein interaction data are satisfied. The quality of the fit gives added confidence as to the validity of the 16S rRNA model. Protein S7 is furthermore known to be crosslinked both to P site-bound tRNA and to mRNA at positions upstream of the P site codon; the matched S7-16S rRNA structure makes a prediction as to the location of this crosslink site within the protein molecule.  相似文献   

We report the primary structure of 5.8 S rRNA from the crustacean Artemia salina. The preparation shows length heterogeneity at the 5'-terminus, but consists of uninterrupted RNA chains, in contrast to some insect 5.8 S rRNAs, which consist of two chains of unequal length separated in the gene by a short spacer. The sequence was aligned with those of 11 other 5.8 S rRNAs and a general secondary structure model derived. It has four helical regions in common with the model of Nazar et al. (J. Biol. Chem. 250, 8591-8597 (1975)), but for a fifth helix a different base pairing scheme was found preferable, and the terminal sequences are presumed to bind to 28 S rRNA instead of binding to each other. In the case of yeast, where both the 5.8 S and 26 S rRNA sequences are known, the existence of five helices in 5.8 S rRNA is shown to be compatible with a 5.8 S - 26 S rRNA interaction model.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein L2 from Escherichia coli binds to and protects from nuclease digestion a substantial portion of 'domain IV' of 23S rRNA. In particular, oligonucleotides derived from the sequence 1757-1935 were isolated and shown to rebind specifically to protein L2 in vitro. Other L2-protected oligonucleotides, also derived from domain IV (i.e. from residues 1955-2010) did not rebind to protein L2 in vitro nor did others derived from domain I. Given that protein L2 is widely believed to be located in the peptidyl transferase centre of the 50S ribosomal subunit, these data suggest that domain IV of 23S rRNA is also present in that active site of the ribosomal enzyme.  相似文献   

We have used comparative analyses of prokaryotic and eukaryotic small subunit ribosomal RNAs to deduce a secondary structure for the Dictyostelium discoideum 18S rRNA. Most of the duplex regions are evolutionarily conserved in all organisms. We have taken advantage of the variation to the D. discoideum sequence (relative to the yeast and frog 19S rRNAs) to identify additional helical regions which are common to the eukaryotic 18S rRNAs.  相似文献   

Precursor and mature ribosomal RNA molecules from Xenopus laevis were examined by electron microscopy. A reproducible arrangement of hairpin loops was observed in these molecules. Maps based on this secondary structure were used to determine the arrangement of sequences in precursor RNA molecules and to identify the position of mature rRNAs within the precursors. A processing scheme was derived in which the 40 S rRNA is cleaved to 38 S RNA, which then yields 34 S plus 18 S RNA. The 34 S RNA is processed to 30 S, and finally to 28 S rRNA. The pathway is analogous to that of L-cell rRNA but differs from HeLa rRNA in that no 20 S rRNA intermediate was found. X. laevis 40 S rRNA (Mr = 2.7 × 106) is much smaller than HeLa or L-cell 45 8 rRNA (Mr = 4.7 × 106), but the arrangement of mature rRNA sequences in all precursors is very similar. Experiments with ascites cell 3′-exonuclease show that the 28 S region is located at or close to the 5′-end of the 40 S rRNA.Secondary structure maps were obtained also for single-stranded molecules of ribosomal DNA. The region in the DNA coding for the 40 S rRNA could be identified by its regular structure, which closely resembles that of the RNA. Regions corresponding to the 40 S RNA gene alternate with non-transcribed spacer regions along strands of rDNA. The latter have a large amount of irregular secondary structure and vary in length between different repeating units. A detailed map of the rDNA repeating unit was derived from these experiments.Optical melting studies are presented, showing that rRNAs with a high (G + C) content exhibit significant hypochromicity in the formamide/urea-containing solution that was used for spreading.  相似文献   

M F Guérin  D Hayes 《Biochimie》1983,65(6):345-354
Total RNA prepared from E. coli by several extraction procedures behaves as a mixture of covalently continuous heat stable 23S, 16S and 4-5S components. 16S rRNA remains heat stable after isolation from such preparations, whereas isolated 23S rRNA is heat labile but becomes heat stable after EDTA treatment. This and other evidence leads to the conclusion that heat lability of purified 23S rRNA is due, not to nuclease contamination of the type observed in earlier studies of the stability of this RNA, but to polyvalent cation catalyzed temperature-dependent scission of phosphodiester bonds. Heat stability of 23S rRNA in total RNA is due to the presence in these preparations of a contaminant which appears to act as a chelator of polyvalent cations. This material is similar or identical to the pyrogenic E. coli lipopolysaccharide described by Westphal and coll.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic ribosomal RNA genes contain rapidly evolving regions of unknown function termed expansion segments. We present the comparative analysis of the primary and secondary structure of two expansion segments from the large subunit rRNA gene of ten species of Drosophila and the tsetse fly species Glossina morsitans morsitans. At the primary sequence level, most of the differences observed in the sequences obtained are single base substitutions. This is in marked contrast with observations in vertebrate species in which the insertion or deletion of repetitive motifs, probably generated by a DNA-slippage mechanism, is a major factor in the evolution of these regions. The secondary structure of the two regions, supported by multiple compensatory base changes, is highly conserved between the species examined and supports the existence of a general folding pattern for all eukaryotes. Intriguingly, the evolutionary rate of expansion segments is very slow relative to other genic and non-genic regions of the Drosophila genome. These results suggest that the evolution of expansion segments in the rDNA multigene family is a balance between the homogenization of new mutations by unequal crossing over and a combination of selection against some such mutations per se and selection for subsequent compensatory mutations, in order to maintain a particular RNA secondary structure.  相似文献   

The structure of the ribosomal 5 S RNA was examined using Fe(II)-EDTA, a solvent-based reagent that cleaves the phosphodiester backbone of both double- and single-stranded RNA but is restricted by the three-dimensional structure. In the yeast 5 S RNA, cleavages were significantly restricted in six specific regions of the molecule; restrictions in only two of these regions were clearly dependent on a high salt/magnesium ion environment. A comparison of four RNAs of diverse origin revealed strong similarities in the cleavage profiles supporting a highly conserved higher order structure. Taken together with previous studies these data provide a more detailed modeling of the three-dimensional structure.  相似文献   

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