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A Salmonella typhimurium strain possessing a mutation in the fliF gene (coding for the component protein of the M ring of the flagellar basal body) swarmed poorly on a semisolid plate. However, cells grown in liquid medium swam normally and did not show any differences from wild-type cells in terms of swimming speed or tumbling frequency. When mutant cells were grown in a viscous medium, detached bundles of flagellar filaments as long as 100 microns were formed and the cells had impaired motility. Electron microscopy and immunoelectron microscopy revealed that the filaments released from the cells had the hook and a part of the rod of the flagellar basal body still attached. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis showed that the rod portion of the released structures consisted of the 30-kilodalton FlgG protein. Double mutants containing this fliF mutation and various che mutations were constructed, and their behavior in viscous media was analyzed. When the flagellar rotation of the mutants was strongly biased to either a counterclockwise or a clockwise direction, detached bundles were not formed. The formation of large bundles was most extreme in mutants weakly biased to clockwise rotation.  相似文献   

The Salmonella typhimurium basal body, a part of the flagellar rotary motor, consists of four rings (denoted M, S, P and L) and a coaxial rod. Using low-dose electron microscopy and image averaging methods on negatively stained and frozen-hydrated preparations, we examined whole basal body complexes and subcomplexes obtained by dissociation in acid. Dissociation occurs in steps, allowing us to obtain images of substructures lacking the M ring, lacking the M and S rings, and lacking the M and S rings and the proximal portion of the rod. We obtained images of the L and P ring subcomplex. The existence of a subcomplex missing only the M ring suggests either that the S and M rings derive from two different proteins, or that the M ring is a labile domain of a single protein, which makes up both rings. At the 25 to 30 A resolution of our averaged images, the L, P and S rings appear cylindrically symmetric. Images of the M ring show variability that may be due to differences in angular orientation of the grid, but equally could be due to structural variations. Three-dimensional reconstructions of these structures from the averaged images reveal the internal structure and spatial organization of these components.  相似文献   

The bacterial flagellar export apparatus is required for the construction of the bacterial flagella beyond the cytoplasmic membrane. The membrane‐embedded part of the export apparatus, which consists of FlhA, FlhB, FliO, FliP, FliQ and FliR, is located in the central pore of the MS ring formed by 26 copies of FliF. The C‐terminal cytoplasmic domain of FlhA is located in the centre of the cavity within the C ring made of FliG, FliM and FliN. FlhA interacts with FliF, but its assembly mechanism remains unclear. Here, we fused yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) and cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) to the C‐termini of FliF and FlhA and investigated their subcellular localization by fluorescence microscopy. The punctate pattern of FliF–YFP localization required FliG but neither FliM, FliN, FlhA, FlhB, FliO, FliP, FliQ nor FliR. In contrast, FlhA–CFP localization required FliF, FliG, FliO, FliP, FliQ and FliR. The number of FlhA–YFP molecules associated with the MS ring was estimated to be about nine. We suggest that FlhA assembles into the export gate along with other membrane components during the MS ring complex formation in a co‐ordinated manner.  相似文献   

FliE is a flagellar basal body protein of Salmonella whose detailed location and function have not been established. A mutant allele of fliE, which caused extremely poor flagellation and swarming, generated extragenic suppressors, all of which mapped to flgB, one of four genes encoding the basal body rod; the fliE flgB pseudorevertants were better flagellated and swarmed better than the fliE parent, especially when the temperature was reduced from 37 to 30 degrees C. Motility of the pseudorevertants in liquid culture was markedly better than motility on swarm plates; we interpret this to mean that reduced flagellation is less deleterious at low viscous loads. Overproduction of the mutant FliE protein improved the motility of the parental fliE mutant and its pseudorevertants, though not to wild-type levels. Overproduction of suppressor FlgB (but not wild-type FlgB) in the fliE mutant also resulted in improved motility. The second-site FlgB mutation by itself had no phenotype; cells swarmed as well as wild-type cells. When overproduced, wild-type FliE was dominant over FliE-V99G, but the reverse was not true; that is, overproduced FliE-V99G was not negatively dominant over wild-type FliE. We conclude that the mutant protein has reduced probability of assembly but, if assembled, functions relatively well. Export of the flagellar protein FlgD, which is known to be FliE dependent, was severely impaired by the FliE-V99G mutation but was significantly improved in the suppressor strains. The FliE mutation, V99G, was close to the C terminus of the 104-amino-acid sequence; the suppressing mutations in FlgB were all either G119E or G129D, close to the C terminus of its 138-amino-acid sequence. Affinity blotting experiments between FliE as probe and various basal body proteins as targets and vice versa revealed strong interactions between FliE and FlgB; much weaker interactions between FliE and other rod proteins were observed and probably derive from the known similarities among these proteins. We suggest that FliE subunits constitute a junction zone between the MS ring and the rod and also that the proximal rod structure consists of FlgB subunits.  相似文献   

Image reconstruction of the flagellar basal body of Salmonella typhimurium   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The basal body is thought to be a part of the rotary motor of the bacterial flagellum. It consists of a central rod coaxial with a set of four rings, which are associated with the cell envelope. We used single-particle averaging methods to analyze images of negatively stained basal bodies of Salmonella typhimurium. Several averages were computed, so that the reliability of features could be assessed. We carried out the same analysis on electron micrographs of isolated, negatively stained L-P rings. In order to interpret the averages in terms of a three-dimensional structure, we carried out image reconstruction on them. The resulting three-dimensional map corresponds to the cylindrically averaged structure of the basal body. To show that the reconstruction procedure is legitimate, we demonstrate it on model data. The results of the modelling show that features very near to the axis of the reconstruction are not reliable but that broader, off-axis features are represented faithfully. The L ring is L-shaped, with the long arm of the L parallel to the axis of the rod, and the short arm pointing away from the rod. The P ring, on the other hand, appears to be a ring or disk. The position of the L-P ring complex on the rod seems to vary somewhat, consistent with its putative role as a bushing. The cross-sectional shape of the S ring is that of a frustum rather than a disk. The M ring, which is oval in cross section, sits atop the S ring, making contact with it at an outer radius. The S ring appears to make contact with the rod, whereas the M ring does not. This situation, if true, is difficult to reconcile with the common notion that the S ring is stationary and the M ring rotates. It seems more likely that the S ring and rod rotate as a unit.  相似文献   

The FlgH protein of Salmonella typhimurium, from which the outer membrane L ring of the flagellar basal body is constructed, has a consensus motif (LTG C) for lipoylation and signal peptide cleavage. We have confirmed the previous finding (M. Homma, K. Ohnishi, T. Iino, and R. M. Macnab, J. Bacteriol. 169:3617-3624, 1987) that it is synthesized in precursor form and processed to a mature form with an apparent molecular mass of ca. 25 kDa. flgH alleles with an in-frame deletion or a 3' truncation still permitted processing. The deletion permitted partial restoration of motility in complementation tests, whereas the truncation did not. Globomycin, an antibiotic which inhibits signal peptide cleavage of prolipoproteins, caused accumulation of precursor forms of FlgH. When cells transformed with a plasmid containing the flgH gene were grown in the presence of [3H]palmitate, a 25-kDa protein doublet was found to be radiolabeled; its identity as FlgH was confirmed by shifts in mobility when the internally deleted and truncated alleles of the gene were used. Hook-basal body complexes from cells grown in the presence of [3H]palmitate demonstrated that FlgH incorporated into flagellar structure was also labeled. An in-frame fusion between the leader sequence of the periplasmic protein PeIB and the mature FlgH sequence, with the putative N-terminal cysteine replaced by glycine, resulted in production of a fusion protein that was processed to its mature form. With a low-copy-number plasmid, the ability of this pelB-flgH fusion to complement a flgH mutant was poor, but with a high-copy-number plasmid, it was comparable to that of the wild type. Although lacking the N-terminal cysteine and therefore being incapable of lipoylation via a thioether linkage, the mutant protein still incorporated [3H]palmitate at low levels, perhaps through acylation of the N-terminal alpha-amino group. We conclude that FlgH is a lipoprotein and that under normal physiological conditions the lipoyl modification is necessary for FlgH to function properly as the L-ring protein of the flagellar basal body. We suggest that the N terminus of FlgH is responsible for anchoring the basal body in the outer membrane and that the C terminus may be responsible for binding to the P ring to form the L,P-ring complex.  相似文献   

The MS ring of the flagellar basal body of Salmonella is an integral membrane structure consisting of about 26 subunits of a 61-kDa protein, FliF. Out of many nonflagellate fliF mutants tested, three gave rise to intergenic suppressors in flagellar region II. The pseudorevertants swarmed, though poorly; this partial recovery of motile function was shown to be due to partial recovery of export function and flagellar assembly. The three parental mutants were all found to carry the same mutation, a six-base deletion corresponding to loss of Ala-174 and Ser-175 in the predicted periplasmic domain of the FliF protein. The 19 intergenic suppressors identified all lay in flhA, and they consisted of 10 independent examples at the nucleotide level or 9 at the amino acid level. Since two of the nine corresponded to different substitutions at the same amino acid position, only eight positions in the FlhA protein have given rise to suppressors. Thus, FliF-FlhA intergenic suppression is a fairly rare event. FlhA is a component of the flagellar protein export apparatus, with an integral membrane domain encompassing the N-terminal half of the sequence and a cytoplasmic C-terminal domain. All of the suppressing mutations lay within the integral membrane domain. These mutations, when placed in a wild-type fliF background, had no mutant phenotype. In the fliF mutant background, mutant FlhA was dominant, yielding a pseudorevertant phenotype. Wild-type FlhA did not exert significant negative dominance in the pseudorevertant background, indicating that it does not compete effectively with mutant FlhA for interaction with mutant FliF. Mutant FliF was partially dominant over wild-type FliF in both the wild-type and second-site FlhA backgrounds. Membrane fractionation experiments indicated that the fliF mutation, though preventing export, was mild enough to permit assembly of the MS ring itself, and also assembly of the cytoplasmic C ring onto the MS ring. The data from this study provide genetic support for a model in which at least the FlhA component of the export apparatus physically interacts with the MS ring within which it is housed.  相似文献   

Most of the structural components of the flagellum of Salmonella typhimurium are exported through a flagellum-specific pathway, which is a member of the family of type III secretory pathways. The export apparatus for this process is poorly understood. A previous study has shown that two proteins, about 23 and 26 kDa in size and of unknown genetic origin, are incorporated into the flagellar basal body at a very early stage of flagellar assembly. In the present study, we demonstrate that these basal body proteins are FliP (in its mature form after signal peptide cleavage) and FliR respectively. Both of these proteins have homologues in other type III secretion systems. By placing a FLAG epitope tag on FliR and the MS-ring protein FliF and immunoblotting isolated hook basal body complexes with anti-FLAG monoclonal antibody, we estimate (using the FLAG-tagged FliF as an internal reference) that the stoichiometry of FliR is fewer than three copies per basal body. An independent estimate of stoichiometry was made using data from an earlier quantitative radiolabelling analysis, yielding values of around four or five subunits per basal body for FliP and around one subunit per basal body for FliR. Immunoelectron microscopy using anti-FLAG antibody and gold–protein A suggests that FliR is located near the MS ring. We propose that the flagellar export apparatus contains FliP and FliR and that this apparatus is embedded in a patch of membrane in the central pore of the MS ring.  相似文献   

Because the rod structure of the flagellar basal body crosses the inner membrane, the periplasmic space, and the outer membrane, its formation must involve hydrolysis of the peptidoglycan layer. So far, more than 10 genes have been shown to be required for rod formation in Salmonella typhimurium. Some of them encode the component proteins of the rod structure, and most of the remaining genes are believed to encode proteins involved in the export process of the component proteins. Although FlgJ has also been known to be involved in rod formation, its exact role has not been understood. Recently, it was suggested that the C-terminal half of the FlgJ protein has homology to the active center of some muramidase enzymes from gram-positive bacteria. In this study, we showed that the purified FlgJ protein from S. typhimurium has a peptidoglycan-hydrolyzing activity and that this activity is localized in its C-terminal half. Through oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis, we constructed flgJ mutants with amino acid substitutions in the putative active center of the muramidase. The resulting mutants produced FlgJ proteins with reduced enzymatic activity and showed poor motility. These results indicate that the muramidase activity of FlgJ is essential for flagellar formation. Immunoblotting analysis with the fractionated cell extracts revealed that FlgJ is exported to the periplasmic space, where the peptidoglycan layer is localized. On the basis of these results, we conclude that FlgJ is the flagellum-specific muramidase which hydrolyzes the peptidoglycan layer to assemble the rod structure in the periplasmic space.  相似文献   

The flagellar basal body of Salmonella typhimurium consists of four rings surrounding a rod. The rod, which is believed to transmit motor rotation to the filament, is not well characterized in terms of its structure and composition. FlgG is known to lie within the distal portion of the rod, in the region where it is surrounded by the L and P rings, just before the rod-hook junction. The FlgC and FlgF proteins are also known to be flagellar basal-body components; by comparison of deduced and experimental N-terminal amino acid sequences we show here that FlgB is a basal-body protein. The flgB, flgC, flgF and flgG gene sequences and the deduced protein sequences are presented. The four proteins are clearly related to each other in primary sequence, especially toward the N and C termini, supporting the hypothesis (based on examination of basal-body subfractions) that FlgB, FlgC and FlgF are, like FlgG, rod proteins. From this and other information we suggest that the rod is the cell-proximal part of a segmented axial structure of the flagellum, with FlgB, FlgC and FlgF located (in unknown order) in successive segments of the proximal rod, followed by FlgG located in the distal rod; the axial structure then continues with the hook, HAPs and filament. Although the rod is external to the cell membrane, none of the four rod proteins contains a consensus signal sequence for the primary export pathway; comparison with the experimentally determined N-terminal amino acid sequence indicates that FlgB has had its N-terminal methionine removed, while the other three are not processed at all. This demonstrates that these proteins are not exported by the primary cellular pathway, and suggests that they are exported by the same flagellum-specific pathway as the flagellar filament protein flagellin. The observed sequence similarities among the rod proteins, especially a six-residue consensus motif about 30 residues in from the N terminus, may constitute a recognition signal for this pathway or they may reflect higher-order structural similarities within the rod.  相似文献   

Salmonella typhimurium FliG and FliM are two of three proteins known to be necessary for flagellar morphogenesis as well as energization and switching of flagellar rotation. We have determined FliG and FliM levels in cellular fractions and in extended flagellar basal bodies, using antibodies raised against the purified proteins. Both proteins were found predominantly in the detergent-solubilized particulate fraction containing flagellar structures. Basal flagellar fragments could be separated from partially constructed basal bodies by gel filtration chromatography. FliG and FliM were present in an approximately equimolar ration in all gel-filtered fractions. FliG and FliM copy numbers, estimated relative to that of the hook protein from the early fractions containing long, basal, flagellar fragments, were (means +/- standard errors) 41 +/- 10 and 37 +/- 13 per flagellum, respectively. Extended structures were present in the earliest identifiable basal bodies. Immunoelectron microscopy and immunoblot gel analysis suggested that the FliG and, to a less certain degree, the FliM contents of these structures were the same as those for the complete basal bodies. These facts are consistent with the postulate that FliG and FliM affect flagellar morphogenesis as part of the extended basal structure, formation of which is necessary for assembly of more-distal components of the flagellum. The determined stoichiometries will provide important constraints to modelling energization and switching of flagellar rotation.  相似文献   

M Homma  Y Komeda  T Iino    R M Macnab 《Journal of bacteriology》1987,169(4):1493-1498
flaFIX, the structural gene for the periplasmic P ring of the flagellar basal body of Salmonella typhimurium, was cloned. Two gene products with apparent molecular weights of 38,000 and 40,000 were identified by minicell analysis. Data from pulse-chase and membrane fractionation experiments and data on the inhibitory effect of the proton ionophore carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone all indicated that the 40-kilodalton protein was a precursor form which, after export across the cytoplasmic membrane accompanied by cleavage of a signal peptide, gave rise to the mature protein in the periplasm. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the FlaFIX protein, predicted from the DNA sequence, conformed well to known signal peptide sequences. The results indicate that the P-ring protein of the basal body (unlike flagellin and possible some other external flagellar components) crosses the cytoplasmic membrane in a conventional signal peptide-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The hook-basal body complex of Salmonella typhimurium, a major component of its flagellar apparatus, was subjected to detailed analysis by electron microscopy and gel electrophoresis. The study was facilitated by the development of an improved protocol for isolation of the complexes in high yield and purity. Nine proteins were identified with the structure. These proteins had apparent molecular weights of 65,000 (65K), 60K, 42K, 38K, 32K, 30K, 27K, 16K, and 14K. Small but reproducible shifts in the apparent molecular weights of specific proteins from conditionally nonflagellate mutants indicated the following gene-polypeptide correspondences: flaFV, 42K; flaFVI, 32K; flaFVII, 30K; flaFIX, 38K; flaAII.1, 65K. Several new morphological features of hook-basal body complexes were recognized, including a clawlike structure on the cytoplasm-proximal M ring and additional material at the cytoplasmic face of the M ring. Based on this study and the work of others, we suggest that the morphological features of the hook-basal body complex correspond to the following proteins: hook-filament junction, 60K; hook, 42K; rod, 30K and 32K; L ring and outer cylinder wall, 27K; P ring, 38K; S ring, unknown; M ring 65K.  相似文献   

The flagellar genes flaFV, flaFVII, and flaFVIII of Salmonella typhimurium were cloned, and their presence on a given plasmid was verified by complementation of Escherichia coli mutants defective in the homologous genes. The gene products were identified by radiolabeling in a minicell system as being proteins of the following molecular masses: FlaFV, 42 kilodaltons (kDa); FlaFVI, 32 kDa; FlaFVII, 30 kDA; and FlaFVIII, 27 kDa. These data, together with isoelectric focusing data, confirm gene product assignments of flagellar components made indirectly from mutant studies. Flagellar components are transported by either a signal peptide-dependent or a flagellar-specific pathway. Consistent with its location in the outer membrane ring of the basal body, protein FlaFVIII seems to use the signal peptide-dependent pathway, since it was synthesized in a precursor form and processed, presumably by peptide cleavage, to a mature form; the maturation process was inhibited by addition of a proton ionophore. Proteins synthesized in minicells were localized as follows: FlaFVI was localized to the soluble fraction (cytoplasm); pre-FlaFVIII and FlaFVIII were localized to the particulate fraction (membrane or high-molecular-weight aggregate); FlaFV and FlaFVII were localized to both fractions. The significance of these locations in terms of known or suspected roles in the flagellar apparatus is discussed.  相似文献   

During apical colonization by Salmonella typhimurium, intestinal epithelial cells orchestrate a proinflammatory response that involves secretion of chemoattractants, predominantly interleukin-8, which coordinate neutrophil trans-epithelial migration at the site of infection. This host-pathogen interaction requires several S. typhimurium genes. To identify novel genes that participate in this pathogen-induced proinflammatory response, we created S. typhimurium Tn-10 transposon mutants and identified a single mutant with Tn-10 insertional inactivation within the fliE flagellar locus that was able to adhere to and invade intestinal epithelial cells normally but was unable to induce interleukin-8 secretion in host cells. The fliE-deficient mutant failed to secrete flagellin and lacked any surface assembly of flagellae. Unlike wild-type S. typhimurium, the fliE-deficient mutant did not activate the IkappaBalpha/NF-kappaB signaling pathway or induce the coordinated trans-epithelial migration of isolated human neutrophils. Transcomplementation of the fliE-deficient mutant with a wild-type fliE-harboring plasmid restored all defects and produced a wild-type S. typhimurium phenotype. Furthermore, functional down-regulation of basolateral TLR5 completely inhibited the monolayers' ability to respond to both wild-type S. typhimurium and purified flagellin but had no affect on tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced responses. We therefore conclude that S. typhimurium fliE is essential for flagellin secretion, flagellar assembly, and S. typhimurium-induced proinflammatory responses through basolateral TLR5 and is consistent with the emerging model of S. typhimurium flagellin-induced inflammation.  相似文献   

The flagellar switch of Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli is composed of three proteins, FliG, FliM, and FliN. The switch complex modulates the direction of flagellar motor rotation in response to information about the environment received through the chemotaxis signal transduction pathway. In particular, chemotaxis protein CheY is believed to bind to switch protein FliM, inducing clockwise filament rotation and tumbling. To investigate the function of FliM and its interactions with FliG and FliN, we engineered a series of 34 FliM deletion mutant proteins, each lacking a different 10-amino-acid segment. We have determined the phenotype associated with each mutant protein, the ability of each mutant protein to interfere with the motility of wild-type cells, and the effect of additional FliG and FliN on the function of selected FliM mutant proteins. Overall, deletions at the N terminus produced a counterclockwise switch bias, deletions in the central region of the protein produced poorly motile or nonflagellate cells, and deletions near the C terminus produced only nonflagellate cells. On the basis of this evidence and the results of a previous study of spontaneous FliM mutants (H. Sockett, S. Yamaguchi, M. Kihara, V. M. Irikura, and R. M. Macnab, J. Bacteriol. 174:793-806, 1992), we propose a division of the FliM protein into four functional regions: an N-terminal region primarily involved in switching, an extended N-terminal region involved in switching and assembly, a middle region involved in switching and motor rotation, and a C-terminal region primarily involved in flagellar assembly.  相似文献   

The isopropylmalate isomerase in Salmonella typhimurium is the second enzyme specific for leucine biosynthesis. It is a complex enzyme composed of two subunits which are coded for by two genes of the leucine operon, leuC and leuD. The two polypeptides have been shown to copurify through successive ammonium sulfate fractionations and have been identified on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels as having molecular weights of 51,000 (leuC gene product) and 23,500 (leuD gene product). They have also been shown to be fairly stable, since in vitro complementation of cell-free extracts of leuC and leuD mutant strains was demonstrated, with only a 40% loss of activity 16 h after preparation of the extracts. The native isopropylmalate isomerase was shown to have a Km for its substrate alpha-isopropylmalate of 3 x 10(-4)M.  相似文献   

Defects in the chemotaxis proteins CheY and CheZ of Salmonella typhimurium can be suppressed by mutations in the flagellar switch, such that swarming of a pseudorevertant on semisolid plates is significantly better than that of its parent. cheY suppressors contribute to a clockwise switch bias, and cheZ suppressors contribute to a counterclockwise bias. Among the three known switch genes, fliM contributes most examples of such suppressor mutations. We have investigated the changes in FliM that are responsible for suppression, as well as the changes in CheY or CheZ that are being compensated for. Ten independently isolated parental cheY mutations represented nine distinct mutations, one an amino acid duplication and the rest missense mutations. Several of the altered amino acids lie on one face of the three-dimensional structure of CheY (A. M. Stock, J. M. Mottonen, J. B. Stock, and C. E. Schutt, Nature (London) 337:745-749, 1989; K. Volz and P. Matsumura, J. Biol. Chem. 266:15511-15519, 1991); this face may constitute the binding site for the switch. All 10 cheZ mutations were distinct, with several of them resulting in premature termination. cheY and cheZ suppressors in FliM occurred in clusters, which in general did not overlap. A few cheZ suppressors and one cheY suppressor involved changes near the N terminus of FliM, but neither cheY nor cheZ suppressors involved changes near the C terminus. Among the strongest cheY suppressors were changes from Arg to a neutral amino acid or from Val to Glu, suggesting that electrostatic interactions may play an important role in switching. A given cheY or cheZ mutation could be suppressed by many different fliM mutations; conversely, a given fliM mutation was often encountered as a suppressor of more than one cheY or cheZ mutation. The data suggest that an important factor in suppression is a balancing of the shift in switch bias introduced by alteration of CheY or CheZ with an appropriate opposing shift introduced by alteration of FliM. For strains with a severe parental mutation, such as the cheZ null mutations, adjustment of switch bias is essentially the only factor in suppression, since the attractant L-aspartate caused at most a slight further enhancement of the swarming rate over that occurring in the absence of a chemotactic stimulus. We discuss a model for switching in which there are distinct interactions for the counterclockwise and clockwise states, with suppression occurring by impairment of one of the states and hence by relative enhancement of the other state. FliM can also undergo amino acid changes that result in a paralyzed (Mot-) phenotype; these changes were confined to a very few residues in the protein.  相似文献   

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