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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the interplay between transforming growth factor (TGF) beta 1, androgen receptors and stromal-epithelial interactions in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), prostate intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) and prostate carcinoma areas of prostate neoplasia. STUDY DESIGN: In this immunohistochemical study we investigated staining patterns and then determined the correlation between TGF-beta 1 expression and androgen receptor status in the epithelium and stroma of 60 paraffin-embedded tissues from radical prostatectomies. RESULTS: Staining patterns differed in the epithelium and stroma of tumor and peritumor prostatic tissue. TGF-beta 1 immunostaining (H-scores) in the epithelium and stroma increased significantly from BPH to PIN and from BPH to prostate carcinoma in the epithelium (P < .05), whereas androgen receptor (AR) immunoreactivity significantly (P < .05) increased from BPH to PIN to prostatic carcinoma in epithelium and stroma. TGF-beta 1 did not correlate with histologic grade of differentiation, whereas AR proteins were more strongly expressed in Gleason score 5 and 6 than score 7 tumors (P < .05). Nonlinear regression showed a significant correlation (P < .01) between TGF-beta 1 and AR expression only in the stromal compartment of PIN. CONCLUSION: These findings argue in favor of an interaction between TGF-beta 1 and AR in the early stages of prostate carcinogenesis and suggest that TGF-beta 1 plays a central role in stromal-epithelial interactions during the early stages of malignant transformation.  相似文献   

The growth of the majority of prostate tumors is androgen-dependent, for which the presence of a functional androgen receptor is a prerequisite. Tumor growth can be inhibited by blockade of androgen receptor action. However, this inhibition is transient. To study the role of the androgen receptor in androgen-dependent and androgen-independent prostate tumor cell growth, androgen receptor mRNA expression was monitored in six different human prostate tumor cell lines and tumors, which were grown either in vitro or by transplantation on (male) nude mice. Androgen receptor mRNA was clearly detectable in three androgen-dependent (sensitive) tumors and absent or low in three androgen-independent tumors. Growth of the LNCaP prostate tumor cell line can be stimulated both by androgens and by fetal calf serum. In the former situation androgen receptor mRNA expression is downregulated, whereas in the latter no effect on androgen receptor mRNA levels can be demonstrated. Sequence analysis showed that the androgen receptor gene from LNCaP cells contains a point mutation in the region encoding the steroid-binding domain, which confers an ACT coVon encoding a threonine residue to GCT, encoding alanine.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed male malignancy. The normal prostate development and prostate cancer progression are mediated by androgen receptor (AR). Recently, the roles of cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) and its activator, p35, in cancer biology are explored one after another. We have previously demonstrated that Cdk5 may regulate proliferation of thyroid cancer cells. In addition, we also identify that Cdk5 overactivation can be triggered by drug treatments and leads to apoptosis of prostate cancer cells. The aim of this study is to investigate how Cdk5 regulates AR activation and growth of prostate cancer cells. At first, the data show that Cdk5 enables phosphorylation of AR at Ser-81 site through direct biochemical interaction and, therefore, results in the stabilization of AR proteins. The Cdk5-dependent AR stabilization causes accumulation of AR proteins and subsequent activation. Besides, the positive regulations of Cdk5-AR on cell growth are also determined in vitro and in vivo. S81A mutant of AR diminishes its interaction with Cdk5, reduces its nuclear localization, fails to stabilize its protein level, and therefore, decreases prostate cancer cell proliferation. Prostate carcinoma specimens collected from 177 AR-positive patients indicate the significant correlations between the protein levels of AR and Cdk5 or p35. These findings demonstrate that Cdk5 is an important modulator of AR and contributes to prostate cancer growth. Therefore, Cdk5-p35 may be suggested as diagnostic and therapeutic targets for prostate cancer in the near future.  相似文献   



Androgens bind to the androgen receptor (AR) in prostate cells and are essential survival factors for healthy prostate epithelium. Most untreated prostate cancers retain some dependence upon the AR and respond, at least transiently, to androgen ablation therapy. However, the relationship between endogenous androgen levels and cancer etiology is unclear. High levels of androgens have traditionally been viewed as driving abnormal proliferation leading to cancer, but it has also been suggested that low levels of androgen could induce selective pressure for abnormal cells. We formulate a mathematical model of androgen regulated prostate growth to study the effects of abnormal androgen levels on selection for pre-malignant phenotypes in early prostate cancer development.  相似文献   

Several publications indicate the dihydrotestosterone content of hyperplastic prostatic tissue from man and dog is increased. There is limited information concerning an abnormality in the androgen receptor content in this disorder. In men, we determined the androgen receptor concentration in cytosol, nuclei, the nuclear matrix, and nuclease solubilized salt extract fractions from benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and normal prostate. Nine BPH cases (age 61 +/- 7, mean +/- SD) and seven controls (age 29 +/- 10.6) were compared. Prostates were obtained during autopsy performed within 12 h after death and frozen at -70 degrees C until analysis. Four grams of tissue were homogenized and centrifuged for separation of nuclei and cytosol. Androgen receptors were estimated with an improved assay procedure. The androgen receptor content per mg of DNA in whole nuclei and in the salt extract fraction (P less than 0.01 and less than 0.05 respectively) was higher in BPH cases than in controls. Cytosol did not show a significant difference. For both groups, receptors were undetectable in the nuclear matrix. We speculate that increased androgen receptor bound to chromatin of hyperplastic tissue may be causally related to the development of BPH in aging man.  相似文献   

The ligand-bound androgen receptor (AR) regulates target genes via a mechanism involving coregulators such as androgen receptor-associated 54 (ARA54). We investigated whether the interruption of the AR coregulator function could lead to down-regulation of AR activity. Using in vitro mutagenesis and a yeast two-hybrid screening assay, we have isolated a mutant ARA54 (mt-ARA54) carrying a point mutation at amino acid 472 changing a glutamic acid to lysine, which acts as a dominant-negative inhibitor of AR transactivation. In transient transfection assays of prostate cancer cell lines, the mt-ARA54 suppressed endogenous mutated AR-mediated and exogenous wild-type AR-mediated transactivation in LNCaP and PC-3 cells, respectively. In DU145 cells, the mt-ARA54 suppressed exogenous ARA54 but not other coregulators, such as ARA55-enhanced or SRC-1-enhanced AR transactivation. In the LNCaP cells stably transfected with the plasmids encoding the mt-ARA54 under the doxycycline inducible system, the overexpression of the mt-ARA54 inhibited cell growth and endogenous expression of prostate-specific antigen. Mammalian two-hybrid assays further demonstrated that the mt-ARA54 can disrupt the interaction between wild-type ARA54 molecules, suggesting that ARA54 dimerization or oligomerization may play an essential role in the enhancement of AR transactivation. Together, our results demonstrate that a dominant-negative AR coregulator can suppress AR transactivation and cell proliferation in prostate cancer cells. Further studies may provide a new therapeutic approach for blocking AR-mediated prostate cancer growth.  相似文献   

Maternal hypercholesterolemia (HC) during pregnancy and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) are associated with disturbance of fetal development which may also modify key features of placental functions. In this study, we evaluated the impact of maternal hypercholesterolemia on placental cholesterol and lipid metabolism in 59 women classified in two groups according to the median concentration of plasma total cholesterol (6.42 mM). The impact of GDM was also evaluated on the metabolism of placentas obtained from 7 insulin-treated GDM and 7 non-GDM women. We showed that high maternal circulating cholesterol is associated with a significant increase in the LDL-cholesterol, ApoB-100 and triglyceride concentrations in the maternal blood. However the level of cholesterol in the venous cord blood and placenta remains unchanged in response to modification in maternal cholesterol profile. The levels of Fatty acid synthase (FAS) and SREBP-2 expressions in placenta are significantly increased in the HC group while expression of both sterol regulatory element-binding proteins-1 (SREBP-1) and HMG-CoA reductase (HMGR) are not modified. GDM is not associated with modification in the maternal lipid profile but it increases the concentration of inflammatory cytokines (IL-1beta and TNF-alpha) in placenta which correlates with a dramatic induction of FAS expression without affecting the expression of mature SREBPs proteins. In conclusion, our study suggests that in placenta, expressions of key proteins involved in de novo lipid synthesis are affected by changes in maternal metabolism (HC and GDM) that may subsequently affect fetal development.  相似文献   

Perinatal exposure to the synthetic estrogen, diethylstilbestrol (DES), affects the structure of both male and female reproductive systems. Changes may also occur in the levels of steroid hormone receptors. Cytosolic and nuclear androgen and estrogen receptor levels (expressed per mg DNA) from the sex accessory glands of male BALB/c mice exposed neonatally to DES were analyzed by exchange assays. Neonatal DES exposure caused significant decreases in: (1) cytosolic androgen and cytosolic and nuclear estrogen receptor levels in the anterior prostate and (2) cytosolic estrogen receptor levels in the ventral prostate. A significant increase was seen in the cytosolic estrogen receptor levels in the seminal vesicle. Significant decreases in cytosolic protein levels occurred in all DES-exposed glands.  相似文献   



Prostate cancer (CaP) is the second leading cause of cancer death in American men. Androgen deprivation therapy is initially effective in CaP treatment, but CaP recurs despite castrate levels of circulating androgen. Continued expression of the androgen receptor (AR) and its ligands has been linked to castration-recurrent CaP growth.

Principal Finding

In this report, the ligand-dependent dominant-negative ARΔ142–337 (ARΔTR) was expressed in castration-recurrent CWR-R1 cell and tumor models to elucidate the role of AR signaling. Expression of ARΔTR decreased CWR-R1 tumor growth in the presence and absence of exogenous testosterone (T) and improved survival in the presence of exogenous T. There was evidence for negative selection of ARΔTR transgene in T-treated mice. Mass spectrometry revealed castration-recurrent CaP dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels sufficient to activate AR and ARΔTR. In the absence of exogenous testosterone, CWR-R1-ARΔTR and control cells exhibited altered androgen profiles that implicated epithelial CaP cells as a source of intratumoral AR ligands.


The study provides in vivo evidence that activation of AR signaling by intratumoral AR ligands is required for castration-recurrent CaP growth and that epithelial CaP cells produce sufficient active androgens for CaP recurrence during androgen deprivation therapy. Targeting intracrine T and DHT synthesis should provide a mechanism to inhibit AR and growth of castration-recurrent CaP.  相似文献   

Cholesterol-lowering treatment has been suggested to delay progression of prostate cancer by decreasing serum LDL. We studied in vitro the effect of extracellular LDL-cholesterol on the number of prostate epithelial cells and on the expression of key regulators of cholesterol metabolism. Two normal prostatic epithelial cell lines (P96E, P97E), two in vitro immortalized epithelial cell lines (PWR-1E, RWPE-1) and two cancer cell lines (LNCaP and VCaP) were grown in cholesterol-deficient conditions. Cells were treated with 1-50 μg/ml LDL-cholesterol and/or 100 nM simvastatin for seven days. Cell number relative to control was measured with crystal violet staining. Changes in mRNA and protein expression of key effectors in cholesterol metabolism (HMGCR, LDLR, SREBP2 and ABCA1) were measured with RT-PCR and immunoblotting, respectively. LDL increased the relative cell number of prostate cancer cell lines, but reduced the number of normal epithelial cells at high concentrations. Treatment with cholesterol-lowering simvastatin induced up to 90% reduction in relative cell number of normal cell lines but a 15-20% reduction in relative number of cancer cells, an effect accompanied by sharp upregulation of HMGCR and LDLR. These effects were prevented by LDL. Compared to the normal cells, prostate cancer cells showed high expression of cholesterol-producing HMGCR but failed to express the major cholesterol exporter ABCA1. LDL increased relative cell number of cancer cell lines, and these cells were less vulnerable than normal cells to cholesterol-lowering simvastatin treatment. Our study supports the importance of LDL for prostate cancer cells, and suggests that cholesterol metabolism in prostate cancer has been reprogrammed to increased production in order to support rapid cell growth.  相似文献   

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