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Previous research has suggested that northern populations of the euryhaline killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) are better adapted to freshwater environments than their southern counterparts. In this study, we examined whether this adaptation has come at an ionoregulatory cost in seawater, by comparing published data for northern killifish to newly acquired data on the molecular responses of southern killifish to seawater transfer. After abrupt transfer from brackish water (10 per thousand) to seawater, Na,K-ATPase activity, Na,K-ATPase alpha(1a) mRNA expression, and NKCC1 mRNA expression increased 1 and 4 days after transfer in the gills of southern fish (by 2-3-fold), but increased at 1 day and not 4 days after transfer in northern fish. Small increases in mRNA expression were observed in both populations at 14 days. CFTR expression also increased in southern and northern fish at 1 and 4 days into seawater, and was also elevated at 14 days in northern fish. Because fish from both southern and northern populations maintained plasma Na(+) and Cl(-) balance after seawater transfer, the differences in activity and expression could not have been caused by differences in plasma ion levels. Instead, some other regulatory factor may account for the differences in expression between populations. This study shows that freshwater adaptation in northern populations of killifish has not necessarily come at a significant ionoregulatory cost in seawater, but has altered the molecular responses of their gills to seawater transfer compared to southern killifish.  相似文献   

We recently determined that rapid changes in environmental salinity alter endothelin-1 (EDN1) mRNA levels in the euryhaline killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus, so we hypothesized that EDN1 may be a local regulator of gill ion transport in teleost fishes. The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of changes in environmental salinity on the gill endothelin receptors: EDNRA, EDNRB, and EDNRC. Using quantitative real-time PCR, we determined that after a fresh water (FW) to seawater (SW) transfer, there is a two to threefold increase in gill EDNRA and EDNRB mRNA levels. Likewise, we found a two to three fold increase in gill EDNRA and EDNRB protein concentration. In addition, killifish that have acclimated to FW for 30 days had significantly lower EDNRA mRNA and protein levels than SW killifish. ENDRA were immunolocalized to the mitochondrion-rich cells of the killifish gill, suggesting that EDN1 signaling cascades may affect MRC function. EDNRB were found throughout the gill vasculature and on lamellar pillar cells. We previously immunolocalized EDN1 to the pillar cell suggesting that EDN1 acts as an autocrine signaling molecule and potentially regulates pillar cell tone and lamellar perfusion. We conclude that EDN1 is physiologically active in the teleost gill, and regulated by environmental salinity. Future functional studies examining the physiological role of this system are necessary to completely understand EDN1 in the fish gill.  相似文献   

The current models for branchial acid excretion in fishes include Na(+)/H(+) exchange and the electrogenic excretion of H+ via H+-ATPase. The predominant route of acid excretion in some freshwater fishes is thought to be via the H+-ATPase/Na+ channel system. The euryhaline Fundulus heteroclitus may not fit this profile even when adapted to freshwater (FW). We hypothesize that the Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE) in this species may play a predominant role in acid-base regulation for both marine and FW adapted animals. Acidosis induced by ambient hypercapnia (1% CO2 in air), resulted in an increase in net H+ excretion to the water in F. heteroclitus pre-adapted to FW, brackish (isoosmotic; BW) and seawater (SW). Both FW and SW adapted mummichogs were tested for NHE protein expression using mammalian NHE antibodies, and we identified NHE-like immunoreactive proteins in gill membrane preparations from both groups. Hypercapnia induced a approximately three-fold elevation in gill NHE2-like protein in FW animals but SW adapted fish showed inconsistent NHE3-like protein expression. There was no change in NHE-1 levels in FW fish. In contrast, SW animals demonstrated a significant increase in both NHE1 and NHE3-like proteins following hypercapnia but limited expression of the NHE2 protein. We hypothesize that different isoforms of NHE may be preferentially expressed depending on the salinity to which the animals are adapted. Net H+ transfers during acidosis may be driven, at least in part by the action of these transporters.  相似文献   

Sodium and chloride balance in the killifish Fundulus heteroclitus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

P Weis  J S Weis 《Teratology》1977,16(3):317-325
Exposure of developing eggs of the killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus, to 0.03 or 0.04 mg/l of methylmercuric chloride resulted in a variety of abnormalities. Percentage of axis formation was reduced somewhat, and many embryos developed cyclopia or intermediate conditions leading to cyclopia, reflecting interference with induction of the forebrain. Defects in the cardiovascular system also appeared in the form of failure of the heart to differentiate properly into chambers. The heart was a thin, feebly beating tube, incapable of causing the blood to circulate. Other tissues, however, continued developing fairly normally, and embryos showed spontaneous movement comparable to controls. Embryos with severe cardiovascular or optic defects did not hatch. Upon hatching, some embryos which had previously appeared normal were found to have skeletal malformations in the form of vertebral bends or the inability to uncurl from the position which they had while still inside the chorion. Exposure to the toxicant for shorter periods of time (6, 12, or 24 hours) reduced the incidence of abnormalities. The second day of development was found to be the most sensitive period.  相似文献   

Estuarine fish, such as the Atlantic killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus), are constantly and rapidly exposed to changes in salinity. Although ion transport in killifish gills during acclimation to increased salinity has been studied extensively, no studies have examined the role of aquaglyceroporin 3 (AQP3), a water, glycerol, urea, and ammonia transporter, during acclimation to increased salinity in this sentinel environmental model organism. The goal of this study was to test the hypothesis that transfer from freshwater to seawater decreases AQP3 gene and protein expression in the gill of killifish. Transfer from freshwater to seawater decreased AQP3 mRNA in the gill after 1 day, but had no effect on total gill AQP3 protein abundance as determined by western blot. Quantitative confocal immunocytochemistry confirmed western blot studies that transfer from freshwater to seawater did not change total AQP3 abundance in the gill; however, immunocytochemistry revealed that the amount of AQP3 in pillar cells of secondary lamellae decreased in seawater fish, whereas the amount of AQP3 in mitochondrion rich cells (MRC) in primary filaments of the gill increased in seawater fish. This response of AQP3 expression is unique to killifish compared to other teleosts. Although the role of AQP3 in the gill of killifish has not been completely elucidated, these results suggest that AQP3 may play an important role in the ability of killifish to acclimate to increased salinity.  相似文献   

1. The euryhaline fish Fundulus heteroclitus has an incipient lethal pH between 3.75 and 4.0 in fresh water.2. Fish exposed to pH 3.5 in sea water or fresh water died in about 3 hr, and had greatly elevated or depressed body sodium concentrations, respectively. The direction and degree of change in body sodium level depended on the sodium diffusion gradient between the environment and the fish. This is the first time that the death of fish in sea water at low pH has been shown to be associated with hypernatremia.3. Yet, sodium fluxes during the first hour of exposure to pH 3.5 in water of 3.5 or 35 ppt salinity were not different from controls, and body and plasma sodium concentration did not change during 2hr exposure to pH 3.5. This initial insensitivity of gill sodium regulation to blockage by low pH is quite different from the response of previously studied freshwater fish.4. The degree of acid tolerance displayed by F. heteroclitus is surprising considering its estuarine habits. This paradoxical tolerance appears to be a secondary consequence of its ability to adjust sodium balance in relation to rapid changes in salinity.  相似文献   

We have explored the possible mechanisms by which mineralocorticoid (MR) and glucocorticoid (GR) receptors regulate the response to freshwater transfer in the gills of the euryhaline killifish Fundulus heteroclitus. Killifish were implanted with RU486 (GR antagonist) or spironolactone (MR antagonist) at doses of 0.1–1.0 mg g−1, and subsequently transferred from 10‰ brackish water to freshwater. Compared to brackish water sham fish, mRNA expression of CFTR and NKCC1 decreased in the gills of sham fish transferred to freshwater, whereas Na+,K+–ATPase α1a mRNA expression and α protein abundance, as well as cell proliferation (detected using BrdU) increased. Spironolactone inhibited the normal increase in cell proliferation and Na+,K+-ATPase expression after freshwater transfer. RU486 increased plasma cortisol levels and may have slightly inhibited Na+,K+–ATPase activity, but did not change α 1a expression. RU486 had no effect on cell proliferation in the non-lamellar region of the gills, but increased proliferation in the lamellar region. Neither antagonist inhibited the suppression of CFTR or NKCC1 expression after freshwater transfer. Glucocorticoid receptor expression was reduced in all sham and antagonist treatments compared to untreated controls, but no other consistent differences were observed. The effects of spironolactone suggest that MR is important for regulating ion transport in killifish gills after freshwater transfer.  相似文献   

To examine the role of cortisol in seawater osmoregulation in a euryhaline teleost, adult killifish were acclimated to brackish water (10 per thousand) and RU486 or vehicle was administered orally in peanut oil daily for five days at low (40 mg.kg(-1)) or high dose (200 mg.kg(-1)). Fish were transferred to 1.5 x seawater (45 per thousand) or to brackish water (control) and sampled at 24 h and 48 h after transfer, when Cl- secretion is upregulated. At 24 h, opercular membrane Cl- secretion rate, as Isc, was increased only in the high dose RU486 group. Stimulation of membranes by 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine and cAMP increased Isc in vehicle treated controls but those from RU486-treated animals were unchanged and membranes from brackish water animals showed a decrease in Isc. At 48 h, Isc increased and transepithelial resistance decreased in vehicle and RU486 groups, compared to brackish water controls. Plasma cortisol increased in all groups transferred to high salinity, compared to brackish water controls. RU486 treated animals had higher cortisol levels compared to vehicle controls. Vehicle treated controls had lower cortisol levels than untreated or RU486 treated animals, higher stimulation of Isc, and lower hematocrit at 24 h, beneficial effects attributed to increased caloric intake from the peanut oil vehicle. Chloride cell density was significantly increased in the high dose RU486 group at 48 hours, yet Isc was unchanged, suggesting a decrease in Cl- secretion per cell. Thus cortisol enhances NaCl secretion capacity in chloride cells, likely via glucocorticoid type receptors.  相似文献   

When F. heteroclitus embryos were exposed to inorganic mercury at concentrations of 0.03 or 0.1 mg/1 at the early blastula stage, the percentage of successful axis formation was reduced and a significant proportion of embryos developed cyclopia or intermediate conditions leading to cyclopia. Treatment at the late blastula stage reduced the severity of the defects. Embryos which developed in lead at concentrations of 1 and 10 mg/1 were normal in appearance until hatching, at which time they exhibited lordosis or were unable to uncurl from the position they had while still inside the chorion. No significant effects of cadmium at concentrations up to 10 mg/1 were noted.  相似文献   

1. Two Ca-ATPases in the gill microsomal fraction from the killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) have been characterized. 2. A (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase which has a high affinity for Ca2+, requires Mg2+ for activity and may be stimulated by calmodulin. 3. A (Ca2+ + Na+)-ATPase which has a low affinity for Ca2+ requires Na+ for activity, does not require Mg2+ and is probably not stimulated by calmodulin. 4. These enzymes may play a physiological role in killifish calcium regulation.  相似文献   

The mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus), a common Atlantic coastal killifish, is a model vertebrate species for the study of molecular genetic variation in natural populations and of environmental toxicology. We report the development of a set of 20 microsatellite loci in this species. Average expected heterozygosity across all loci was 0.84 (range: 0.60–0.97), revealing a high level of variability at most loci. A survey of seven additional Fundulus species yielded one or two robust amplification products in over half (63%) of the species–primer combinations tested. Therefore, many of these loci will also prove useful in studies of other members of the genus Fundulus.  相似文献   

Populations of the common killifish Fundulus heteroclitus are found along a latitudinal temperature gradient in habitats with high thermal variability. The objectives of this study were to assess the effects of temperature and population of origin on killifish swimming performance (assessed as critical swimming speed, U(crit)). Acclimated fish from northern and southern killifish populations demonstrated a wide zone (from 7 degrees to 33 degrees C) over which U(crit) showed little change with temperature, with performance declining significantly only at lower temperatures. Although we observed significant differences in swimming performance between a northern and a southern population of killifish in one experiment, with northern fish having an approximately 1.5-fold-greater U(crit) than southern fish across all acclimation temperatures, we were unable to replicate this finding in other populations or collection years, and performance was consistently high across all populations and at both low (7 degrees C) and high (23 degrees C) acclimation temperatures. The poor swimming performance of southern killifish from a single collection year was correlated with low muscle [glycogen] rather than with other indicators of fuel stores or body condition. Killifish acclimated to 18 degrees C and acutely challenged at temperatures of 5 degrees , 18 degrees , 25 degrees , or 34 degrees C showed modest thermal sensitivity of U(crit) between 18 degrees and 34 degrees C, with performance declining substantially at 5 degrees C. Thus, much of the zone of relative thermal insensitivity of swimming performance is intrinsic in this species rather than acquired as a result of acclimation. These data suggest that killifish are broadly tolerant of changing temperatures, whether acute or chronic, and demonstrate little evidence of local adaptation in endurance swimming performance in populations from different thermal habitats.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an investigation concerned with the effects of long-term hypophysectomy on the retinomotor responses of the euryhaline killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus: 1. The eye of hypophysectomised Fundulus heteroclitus responds to light and dark in the same manner as that of intact controls: the retina is not in a state of permanent light-adaptation as claimed by Vilter (1942) for the hypophysectomised eel. 2. There is no evidence of a persistent circadian rhythm during continous darkness. 3. Unilateral illumination of the eye of intact fish results in dispersion of retinal pigment in both illuminated and unilluminated eyes, as in the goldfish (Ali, 1964), but no such contralateral response was evident after hypophysectomy. The cones are unresponsive.  相似文献   

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