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Production biology in the Bothnian Bay is discussed and compared to that of the southern parts of the Baltic. Severe ice-conditions, low water temperatures in spring and early summer and a pronounced water-colouring cause a delay of the spring development of phytoplankton and a low annual production in the Bothnian Bay. This delay makes possible a higher efficiency of the pelagic system as the zooplankton fauna can develop in harmony with the food resources. The downward transport of energy and matter to the bottom communities from an efficient pelagial should be small and temporally unpredictable, which is thought to be an adequate explanation of the observed very low benthic fauna biomasses in the Bothnian Bay.  相似文献   

Until July, post-smolt salmon Salmo salar ( n =337; 129–375 mm L T, mean 225 mm) in the Bothnian Sea relied largely on surface fauna (mainly terrestrial insects). From August onwards, fish was the principal food type. The smallest piscivorous post-smolts were <200 mm, but the main shift to piscivory occurred at sizes of 240–320 mm. Piscivory was promoted by a large smolt size. Almost all one-sea-winter (1-SW) salmon ( n =316; 278–524 mm, mean 397 mm) were piscivorous. Over 70% of the post-smolt and 96% of the 1-SW salmon with identifiable fish species in their stomachs had preyed on herring Clupea harengus. Other fish prey included the ten-spined Pungitius pungitius and three-spined sticklebacks Gasterosteusaculeatus but no sprats Sprattus sprattus. The results support earlier observations of a close relationship between recruitment of herring and production of salmon in the Bothnian Sea, and of the crucial role of smolt size in determining the ability of feeding salmon for utilizing the food resources of the area.  相似文献   

The occurrence of aquatic macrophytes was studied in a northern transition area of the Baltic Sea; the Northern Quark, Gulf of Bothnia. In the area there is a gradual, marked change in environmental conditions, the most prominent of which is a decrease in salinity from 5.0% in the Bothnian Sea to 3.5% in the Bothnian Bay. In all, 40 species of macrophytes were observed; 10 fucophyceans, 10 bangiophyceans, 8 chlorophyceans, 3 charophyceans, 1 tribophycean, 1 nostocophycean, 6 phanerogams and 1 water moss. 26 of the observed species were of marine and 14 of lacustrine origin. There was a clear change in species composition and community structure from south to north over the area. The vegetation at the southernmost localities had a marine character, with belt-forming Fucus vesiculosus and a comparatively diverse flora of macroalgae. Further north, an ephemeral, lacustrine vegetation dominated by benthic diatoms and Cladophora aegagropila prevailed. The ratio marine: lacustrine species decreased from 4.2 to 1 when comparing a southern and a northern sub-area of the Northern Quark. The species observed include 57 % of the marine macrophytes noted in the Aland and Archipelago Seas (N Baltic Proper) during the past two decades. Two marine species, Aglaothamnion roseum and Ahnfeltia plicata , are reported for the first time from the Northern Quark. This comprises a northern extension of their distribution limit with approximately 300 km.  相似文献   

The objective of our study was to isolate and determine the phylogenetic affiliation of culturable estuarine bacteria capable of catabolizing riverine dissolved organic matter (RDOM) under laboratory conditions. Additions of RDOM consistently promoted the growth of estuarine bacteria in carbon-limited dilution cultures, with seasonal variation in growth rates and yields. At least 42 different taxa were culturable on solid agar media and, according to quantitative DNA-DNA hybridizations, constituted 32 to 89% of the total bacterial number in the enriched treatments. Five species in the Cytophaga-Flexibacter-Bacteroides group and one in the γ-proteobacteria phylogenetic group (Marinomonas sp.) were numerically dominant during the stationary phase of the RDOM-enriched dilution cultures but not in the control cultures. Four of the isolates in Cytophaga-Flexibacter-Bacteroides group were putatively affiliated with the genus Flavobacterium. All dominating isolates were determined to be new species based on comparison to the current databases. The same group of species dominated independently of the season investigated, suggesting a low diversity of bacteria catabolizing RDOM in the estuary. It also suggested a broad tolerance of the dominating species to seasonal variation in hydrography, chemistry, and competition with other species. Taken together, our results suggest that a limited group of bacteria, mainly in the Flavobacterium genus, played an important role in introducing new energy and carbon to the marine system in the northern Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

Fish consumption is increasing globally. Overfishing puts pressure on fisheries, but aquaculture provides an alternative to satisfy the growing need for seafood. However, nutrient emissions from aquaculture contribute to eutrophication, and raising fish from the top of the food chain is inefficient. Here we use the approach of industrial ecology and report ImPACT decomposition analysis of the drivers of nutrient emissions to the Baltic Sea from rainbow trout aquaculture in Finland during 1980?2007. During this period, the nitrogen load studied increased markedly and was 522 tonnes in 2007. The phosphorus load quadrupled and then returned to its original level of about 65 tonnes. The Finnish population increased slightly, while the average affluence level increased significantly. Total salmonid consumption increased substantially during the period. The increasing percentage of imported salmonids and improvements in domestic aquaculture technology ended the period of strong growth of emissions in the 1980s. Decreasing the nutrient load through reductions in salmonid consumption in the future is unlikely, due to health benefits and consumer preferences. Replacing domestic production with import of salmonids raises questions regarding outsourcing of the environmental impact, and regarding rural development in Finland. Major improvements in production technology are not in sight. New perspectives on rainbow trout aquaculture may be needed, including using feed from the Baltic Sea, thus closing the nutrient cycle or changing consumption and production to herbivorous fish species.  相似文献   

Small scale spatial patterns of abundance, growth and condition of the mussel Mytilus edulis on sub-littoral boulders (approx. 1–2 m high) were investigated at the island of Askö in the northern Baltic proper. The effect of side (exposed/sheltered with respect to wave action and sunlight) of boulder and position (up/down) on boulder was investigated. A large spatial variability in abundance of M. edulis between boulders and between various sites within boulders were found. The highest numbers of mussels were found on the wave exposed side, near the top of boulders. Shell growth was favoured by a sheltered side and a down position. The body condition (meat weight/shell weight) of mussels was, on the other hand, affected only by position, the condition of mussels being better at the up position. Consequently, there seems to be temporal differences in the condition for growth within a spatial position. The body condition of the mussels was best near the top of boulders in the spring, but long-term shell growth was favoured by a sheltered side and a down position. This may reflect changes in the composition and availability of food during the year with phytoplankton as the major food source during the spring bloom and resuspension of benthic production and detritus as relatively more important during the rest of the year.  相似文献   

The brackish Baltic Sea hosts species of various origins and environmental tolerances. These immigrated to the sea 10,000 to 15,000 years ago or have been introduced to the area over the relatively recent history of the system. The Baltic Sea has only one known endemic species. While information on some abiotic parameters extends back as long as five centuries and first quantitative snapshot data on biota (on exploited fish populations) originate generally from the same time, international coordination of research began in the early twentieth century. Continuous, annual Baltic Sea-wide long-term datasets on several organism groups (plankton, benthos, fish) are generally available since the mid-1950s. Based on a variety of available data sources (published papers, reports, grey literature, unpublished data), the Baltic Sea, incl. Kattegat, hosts altogether at least 6,065 species, including at least 1,700 phytoplankton, 442 phytobenthos, at least 1,199 zooplankton, at least 569 meiozoobenthos, 1,476 macrozoobenthos, at least 380 vertebrate parasites, about 200 fish, 3 seal, and 83 bird species. In general, but not in all organism groups, high sub-regional total species richness is associated with elevated salinity. Although in comparison with fully marine areas the Baltic Sea supports fewer species, several facets of the system''s diversity remain underexplored to this day, such as micro-organisms, foraminiferans, meiobenthos and parasites. In the future, climate change and its interactions with multiple anthropogenic forcings are likely to have major impacts on the Baltic biodiversity.  相似文献   

The sea growth of two whitefish forms, anadromous (Coregonus lavaretus lavaretus) and sea‐spawning (Coregonus lavaretus widegreni), was analysed using samples collected from the commercial sea catch in the Gulf of Bothnia (GoB) in the northern Baltic Sea during 1998–2014. In the GoB area, these two forms are possible to identify because the gill‐raker number and size at maturity vary between forms. The growth rate of the forms is linked to their feeding area. Sea‐spawning whitefish, which has a feeding migration near its home site, was shorter in the northern GoB (66°N–64°N) at the ages of 3–11 than those in the southern GoB (64°N–60°30′N). In the data, most whitefish were caught with gill nets in the GoB. The mesh sizes of gill nets capturing the anadromous form were mostly 35–45 mm, while those capturing the sea‐spawning form were <35 mm in the northern GoB. It is likely that the different growth trends for small and large whitefish were connected with differences in their recruitment for fishing. The length of anadromous females at the age of four sea years increased significantly, but the length of six‐year‐old anadromous female whitefish decreased over the catch years from 1998–2014. In contrast, the length of slow‐growing sea‐spawning whitefish of six years or older increased significantly in relation to the catch year in the gill‐net catch. The increase in the growth of young age groups in both forms was probably associated with the increasing temperature and the low fishing pressure on small fish. The decreasing age at capture for both forms and the depression of the mean size of old anadromous whitefish are signs of high fishing pressure with a high gill‐net effort that selectively removes the largest and oldest individuals of both forms.  相似文献   

Microbial cellulolytic activity was determined by an indirect method (loss of tensile strength in cotton yarn). The activity values were high in late autumn, but low in spring and early summer. The factors responsible for the seasonal variation are discussed.  相似文献   

In late summer, nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria Nodularia spumigena and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae form blooms in the open Baltic Sea. N. spumigena has caused several animal poisonings, but Baltic A. flos-aquae is not known to be toxic. In this laboratory study, performed with batch cultures, the influences of environmental conditions on the biomass and nitrogen fixation rate of N. spumigena and A. flos-aquae were compared and the toxin (nodularin) concentration produced by N. spumigena was measured. Several differences in the biomasses and nitrogen fixation rates of N. spumigena and A. flos-aquae were observed. A. flos-aquae preferred lower irradiances, salinities, and temperatures than N. spumigena. The biomass of both species increased with high phosphate concentrations and with accompanying bacteria and decreased with unnaturally high inorganic nitrogen concentrations. Nodularin concentrations in cells and growth media, as well as nitrogen fixation rates, were generally highest under the conditions that promoted growth. Intracellular nodularin concentrations increased with high temperature, high irradiance, and high phosphate concentration and decreased with low and high salinities and high inorganic nitrogen concentrations. Nodularin concentrations in growth media increased with incubation time, indicating that intracellular nodularin was released when cells lysed. The different responses of A. flos-aquae and N. spumigena to changes in salinity, irradiance, and temperature may explain the different spatial and temporal distribution of these species in the Baltic Sea. According to the results, toxic N. spumigena blooms may be expected in late summer in areas of the Baltic Sea with high phosphorus concentrations and moderate salinity.  相似文献   

Native fauna in species poor communities, such as those of the Baltic Sea, may be particularly vulnerable to the effects of species invasions. However, the interspecific interactions that result in the negative impacts on native species tend to be poorly understood. One contributing factor to this knowledge gap may be that the vulnerability of native species can vary between different life-history stages. For example, the parental care phase is often risky both for the developing offspring and care-giving parents. Accordingly, we investigated the interactions between invasive mud crabs, Rhithropanopeus harrissii, and native nest-building littoral fish, with a special focus on the sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus. Firstly, our field survey demonstrated that while the recently established mud crab and native nest-building fish have different habitat and depth optima, their distributions also have a considerable overlap, with a high potential for interactions between them. Secondly, our laboratory experiments indicate that the crabs are likely to impact the fish negatively, especially by taking over occupied nests, as well as pre-occupying nesting resources that are of very limited supply in the studied population. We did not find evidence for successful predation on eggs guarded by male sand gobies naive to the mud crabs. Collectively, the results suggest that the invasive crabs have high potential to negatively impact native fish. Furthermore, the results support the scenario that the parental phase can be a particularly vulnerable life-history stage in face of novel selection pressures, such as species invasions.  相似文献   

Variations in the thymidine incorporation rate, bacterial abundance, and mean cell volumes in the surface water (0.5 m) of the Baltic Sea in spring and summer were compared in studies with different spatial scales (570 nautical miles [nmi] [ca. 1056 km], 220 nmi [ca. 407 km], 24 nmi [ca. 44 km], 12 nmi [ca. 22 km], and 200 m). The objective of the comparison was to investigate whether a single sample taken at one sampling point is representative enough for researchers to make generalizations about a larger water area. Bacterioplankton variation was connected more to seasonal characteristics than to the spatial scale of sampling. Variation was greater and more random in spring than in summer. The state variables (bacterial abundance and mean cell volume) varied less than the rate variable (thymidine incorporation). The results suggest that the sampling design for bacterioplankton studies in northern temperate seas should be planned primarily according to the season and that more stress should be put on rate variable measurements than on those of state variables.  相似文献   

波罗的海放线菌的多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姜怡  曹艳茹  王茜  靳荣线 《微生物学报》2011,51(11):1461-1467
摘要:【目的】为了探索海洋放线菌的多样性,为发现新的药物先导化合物提供新菌源,我们分析了波罗的海的放线菌多样性及生物活性。【方法】采集100 份底泥样品,用7 种培养基分离放线菌809 株;去掉相同菌株后,选择280 株代表菌进行了初步分类鉴定;采用琼脂扩散法,检测了它们对5 种细菌、真菌的抗菌活性;用API ZYM system 测定了21 种酶的活性。【结果】用海藻糖-脯氨酸培养基和HV 培养基分离的放线菌中,稀有放线菌占60% 和63% ;波罗的海的放线菌有15 个属,其中3 个属是首次从海洋中分离  相似文献   

Autotrophic structure refers to the partitioning of whole-ecosystem primary production between benthic and planktonic primary producers. Autotrophic structure remains poorly understood especially because of the paucity of estimates regarding benthic primary production. We used a conceptual model for numerically exploring the autotrophic structure of 13 hemiboreal lakes situated in the Baltic Sea catchment. We also used diel variations in primary production profiles to graphically evaluate levels of light and/or nutrient limitation in lakes. The input morphometric data, light extinction coefficients and dissolved carbon parameters were mostly obtained from in situ measurements. Results revealed that cross- and within-lake autotrophic structure varied greatly: one lake was clearly dominated by benthic production, and three lakes by phytoplankton production. In the rest, phytoplankton production was generally dominant but switch to benthic dominance was possible. The modelled primary production profiles varied according to lake water clarity and bathymetry. Our results clearly indicate that the relative contribution of benthic primary production to whole-lake primary production should be taken into account in studies about hemiboreal and boreal lakes.  相似文献   

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