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本文报道在中国东北地区发现的新凿姬蜂属4种,其中1新种、2中国新纪录种。所有标本均保存在林业部森林病虫害防治总站。  相似文献   

该文报道在我国发现的杰赞姬蜂属  相似文献   

Abstract  A new species, Sympherta curuivenica , sp. nov. collected in China is described and compared with the similar species Sympherta antilope (Gravenhorst).  相似文献   

本文报道来自中国沈阳的利姬蜂属一新种:弓脉利姬蜂Symphertacurvivenica,sp.nov。本新种与羚利姬蜂S.antilope(Gravenhorst)相近,可通过下列特征与后者区别:腹部第一节背板无背中脊;后小脉在下方0.2处曲折,上段稍微向基方引雌性触角鞭节三色:第1-3节黄白色,第(8)9-12(13)节白色,其余的黑色;翅基片,前足基节,中足的腿节和胫节暗褐色。  相似文献   

盛茂领  王焱 《昆虫学报》1999,42(1):92-95
该文报道在我国发现的杰赞姬蜂属 Jezarotes Uchida 1928 新种:滑杰赞姬蜂 Jezarotes levis Sheng,sp. nov与近似种拓杰赞姬蜂Jtamanukii Uchida 进行了比较。编制了本属世界已知种检索表。模式标本保存在林业部森林病虫害防治总站。  相似文献   

隆侧姬蜂属一新种(膜翅目:姬蜂科)盛茂领,徐公天林业部森林病虫害防治总站,辽宁省沈阳市110034沈阳市绿化管理处,辽宁省沈阳市110015关键词膜翅目,姬蜂科,隆侧姬蜂属,新种,中国隆侧姬蜂属LatibulusGistel是姬蜂科Ichneumon...  相似文献   

Meicai Wei 《Insect Science》1994,1(2):110-123
Abstract  The following new taxa from China are proposed in the Fenusini : Profenusa chrysichlorita sp. nov., Nefusa sinica sp. nov., Nefusa brevis sp. nov., Metallus sichuanensis sp. nov. , Metallus wangi sp. nov. , Metallus mai sp. nov., Nefusa sinica sp. nov. Nefusa bratis sp. nov., Metatlus sichuanensis sp. nov., Birmella discoidalisa sp. nov., Okutanius pekingensis sp. nov. All these genera except for Birmella with Fenusa pusilla (Lepel.), Fenella monilicornis Thomson and Profenusa hirashima Togashi are new records from China. New taxa are described and figured. Keys to genera and species of the tribe Fenusini from China are proposed.  相似文献   

本文记述了中国潜叶蜂族Fenusini 8属14种,其中新种8种:金眼榉潜叶蜂Profenusa chrysichloritasp. nov.、中华拟潜叶蜂Nefusa sinica sp.nov.、短距拟潜叶蜂Nefusa brevis sp.nov.、四川昧潜叶蜂Metallus sichuanensis sp.nov.、王氏昧潜叶蜂Metallus wangi sp.nov.、马氏昧潜叶蜂Metallus mai sp.nov.、大室缅潜叶蜂Birmella discoidalisa sp.nov.、北京舌潜叶蜂Okutanius pekingensis sp.nov.;中国新记录种3种:日本榉潜叶蜂Profenusa hirashima Togashi、榆潜叶蜂Fenusa pusilla(Lepel.)、金露梅小潜叶蜂Fenella monilicornis Thomson。本文所记述各属除缅潜叶蜂属Birmindia Malaise和丝潜叶蜂属Messa Leach以外均为中国新记录属。新种均附有形态特征图,并编制了潜叶蜂族中国已知属检索表和各属中国已知种类或世界种类检索表。模式标本均保存于中国科学院动物研究所昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

本文报道中国的5种短脉姬蜂Brachynervus Uchida,其中有3个新种:截距短脉姬蜂B.truncatus sp.nov.,牯岭短脉姬蜂B.kulingensis sp.nov.和锚斑短脉姬蜂B.anchorimaculus sp.nov.;以及2个已知种;混短脉姬蜂B.confusus Gauld北京短脉姬蜂B.beijingensis Wang。对新种作了描述,并报道寄主为刺蛾科昆虫  相似文献   

本文报道采自我国东北地区的长栉姬蜂属1新种,全黑长栉姬蜂Rhynchobanchus niger sp.nov.,2新纪录种,黄斑长栉姬蜂Rh.flavopictus Heinrich,米长栉姬蜂Rh.minomensis(Uchida),并附中国已知种检索表。  相似文献   

1. After defining social wasps, an outline is given of their classification and possible evolution. The Vespidae probably arose in the Malayan region at about the beginning of the Tertiary period and spread from there all over the world. They are now highly developed in South America and it is suggested that they may have reached that country over the Behring Straits, probably in two waves, the first of an ancestral Polybiine, the second perhaps of Polistes only. 2. A biief account is given of the architecture of wasps' nests which is often specific to the genus. Nevertheless, there are examples of very similar wasps making very different nests and there does not seem any case for putting an overriding value on nest-architecture in classification. While we know sufficiently well what we have to explain, only a very small beginning has been made in describing and analysing the behaviour which produces the elaborate constructions we find. 3. In the familiar Vespinae the concepts of queen and worker are well defined and the two castes are discontinuous. In genera such as Polistes the position is much more fluid, particularly in the tropical species in which it is not necessary to have a queen specialized for hibernation. Some time after nest-production, however, a queen becomes recognizable, though often more by her behaviour than by her structure. In the Polybiini, queens and workers are sometimes well differentiated and sometimes not; but in most genera and species there is more than one queen in a nest. Other types of females not so well defined and of uncertain significance also occur. In temperate climates new colonies are founded by one or a few queens; in the tropics most colonies are founded by swarms of queens and workers. 4. The main differences between queens and workers seem to be determined in the larval stage, perhaps by some secretion administered by the adults, but clearly influenced by other factors as well. The full behavioural differences between the castes are often finally established by social interactions between the adults. 5. Males tend to be produced towards the end of the life of short-lived colonies or towards the end of the reproductive cycles of longer-lived colonies. There is need for more information about in- or out-breeding patterns, particularly in relation to specific differences in the degree of sexual dimorphism. 6. Very few pheromones are recognized with certainty and only one, the queen-substance of Vespa orientalis, has been identified chemically. However, some species produce a substance from the female sixth gastral sternite (Van der Vecht's organ) which at least in one genus is an ant-repellent. Some genera of Polybiines have a somewhat similar gland on the fifth sternite which may be connected with caste-differentiation. Some wasps (Vespula) produce a footstep pheromone concerned with the recognition of the nest entrance and there is less good evidence for the existence of significant substances in the saliva of workers and in their poison glands (alarm substance). 7. Trophallaxis, or the supply of salivary secretion by the larvae to adults more or less in exchange for the food provided from outside by the foragers, seems to be essential to the colonies of Vespa since the adults have no proteases. Trophallaxis also occurs in some Polistinae but its significance there is not known. 8. Social hierarchies of ‘peck orders’ are always established amongst the adults of Polistes and play a part in determining which of several potential queens becomes the acting one. They are also important in establishing the relations of the queen to the workers and of the latter amongst themselves. A similar hierarchy occurs in Belono-gaster. Some sort of hierarchy also exists amongst adult Vespula and is probably important in relation to trophallaxis, but the hierarchies must become less definite in large colonies with hundreds of individuals, especially if there is more than one queen. 9. The principal hurdle in the evolution of social behaviour is the establishment of genes which determine that some females lay most or effectively all of the eggs while others nurse, build and forage. This evolution may only be possible amongst females which are so closely related that their genomes are almost identical. In this connexion we need much more direct field evidence on the dispersal of queens, on mating systems and the incidence of multiple insemination. It appears that, once true social life is established, considerable diversification in nest architecture and social organization may happen relatively rapidly, probably much influenced by various ecological pressures, especially predation. 10. A number of species of Vespula, Vespa and Polistes have become social parasites, in the first and the last cases without a worker caste. This seems like a wrong turning taken in the course of the normal evolution of the queen-worker relationship. 11. A brief account is given of the attempts to provide a theoretical framework for the population dynamics of wasp-colonies. 12. An account is given of the relations of wasps, chiefly as foragers, with plants and with other animals.  相似文献   

本文记述扇脊姬蜂属Alcochera Foerster1新种-白颈扇脊姬蜂Alcochera al-biceruicalis,sp.n.。模式标本保存在林业部森林病虫害防治总结。  相似文献   

人工复合三倍体鲤卵的受精生物学研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文对人工复合三倍体鲤成熟卵的受精生物学进行了研究。结果表明,三倍体卵外壳具有凸凹不平的表面,与正常二倍体卵比较有明显差异。受精生物学观察发现有些卵为多精受精,进入卵的所有精子都能形成雄性原核,排出一个极体,但绝大部分受精卵在发育期间分裂不齐、畸形、直至死亡,只有具有三套完整染色体的卵子的雌核才能发育成为三倍体个体。三倍体鲤的成熟分裂不是完全的均等分裂,有些不等分裂的卵母胞核中只有两套染色体,或一套染色体,甚至是一套半染色体。  相似文献   

本文记述中国昧潜叶蜂属6种,包括4新种:黑附昧潜叶蜂Metallusnigritarsussp.nov.(模式产地:福建、浙江),须瓣昧潜叶蜂Metallusminutussp.nov.(浙江),卜氏味潜叶蜂Metallusbui:sp.nov.(贵州、云南),角突味潜叶蜂Metallusjingfanussp.nov.(贵州)。同时还首次记述了马氏昧潜叶蜂MetallusmaiWei的雄性和王氏昧潜叶蜂MetalluswangiWei的雌性。  相似文献   

本文报道采自辽宁、山西省的我国新记录属:锥唇姬蜂属Caenocryptus Thomson的两个新种:白斑锥唇姬蜂Caenocryptus albimaculatus sp.nov.和柳锥唇姬蜂Caenocryptus salicius sp.nov,标本保存在林业部森林病虫害防治总站。  相似文献   

瓦氏黄颡鱼的繁殖生物学研究   总被引:27,自引:4,他引:27  
研究了长江中游嘉鱼至新滩口江段瓦氏黄颡鱼的繁殖生物学。性腺发育可分为6个时期。4-7月性成熟系数较高,为繁殖季节。雌、雄鱼的肥满度和脂肪系数在繁殖前和繁殖后各出现1个峰值,繁殖期出现最小值。绝对繁殖力为1088-19765(粒),平均7728±4093(粒);相对繁殖力为23-88(粒),平均55±16(粒)。绝对繁殖力与体长、体重和年龄呈显著的正相关,其中体重与绝对繁殖力的关系最密切。群体性比接近1:1。属一次性产卵类型。两性最小性成熟年龄均为2龄。为补充群体占优势的繁殖群体。  相似文献   

报道在河南和宁夏发现的姬蜂科1新纪录种:锯角优姬蜂五Euceros serricornis(Haliday,1838).  相似文献   

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