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Eleven polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated and developed from the black fly, Simulium negativum, a member of the Simulium arcticum sibling species complex. The observed heterozygosity of the 11 loci ranged from 0.03 to 0.83. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 8 to 19. Significant linkage disequilibria were encountered only for the primer pairs BF7-1 with BF7-5 and BF6-32 with BF7-16. Presumably, these microsatellite loci can be used to study genetic structure within the entire S. arcticum complex.  相似文献   

We analysed salivary gland polytene chromosomes of 796 larvae from 17 populations of Simulium siamense in northeastern Thailand. Seventeen floating and two fixed chromosome inversions were recorded. Three cytoforms (A, F and G) were recognised and two of them are new (F and G). Cytoform F is distinguished by a fixed inversion on the long arm of chromosome II (IIL-8) and cytoform G by fixed inversions on the long arm of chromosome II (IIL-8) and short arm of chromosome III (IIIS-2). Significant departures from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium due to heterozygote deficiency in geographically intermediate populations and absence of shared polymorphic inversions of the cytoforms indicate separation of the gene pool. Morphometric analysis of the larvae revealed significant differences in body length (F = 5.00, p =0.007) and head capsule width (F = 4.68, p = 0.010) among cytoforms.  相似文献   

The phylogeography of Simulium siamense complex was inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences. A 586‐bp fragment of the cytochrome oxidase I was sequenced for 92 individuals from 13 populations throughout Thailand, representing five cytoforms (A, B, C, F and G). The cytoforms are not genetically different at the molecular level except for cytoform B, which is genetically distinct from the others. This might indicate that cytoform B is a distinct species. Further morphological and molecular work using other genes is needed to clarify this. Our results also argue for the need of integrated approach, both cytological and molecular studies to understanding biodiversity of black flies. The star‐like shape of the mtDNA genealogy is consistent with the sudden population expansion of the mismatch distribution analysis and large negative values of Fu's Fs and Tajima's D‐tests, indicating a population demographic expansion. The expansion time is estimated to be in the late Pleistocene (about 120 000 years ago). Therefore, the overall low level of genetic structure could be due to sharing a recent history. The ancestral haplotype was found in the mountainous area in northeastern Thailand, suggesting that this area could have been the refugium of the species complex during the Pleistocene glaciations. Our results are consistent with previous findings about population expansion in response to the Pleistocene climatic change, thus revealing the importance of this historical event in shaping the genetic structure and diversity of Southeast Asian mainland species.  相似文献   

Hiroyuki T  Wichai S 《ZooKeys》2011,(89):57-70
Simulium (Nevermannia) maeaiensesp. n. is described on the basis of female, male, pupal and larval specimens collected from Chiang Mai Province, Thailand. This species is assigned to the feuerborni species-group of the subgenus Simulium (Nevermannia), and is distinctive among this species-group in having the female cibarium furnished with numerous dark minute conical processes on the lower part, the female genital fork with a strongly sclerotized horizontal bar on each arm, and six long pupal gill filaments arising nearly at the same level from the common basal stalk and lying in a horizontal plane. Identification keys to seven species of the feuerborni species-group reported from Thailand are provided for females, males, pupae and mature larvae.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among four species of the Simulium multistriatum group (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Thailand were examined based on two mitochondrial genes (COI, COII) and one nuclear gene (18S/ITS1). Simulium takense was found to be genetically divergent (>20.3% for COI) from the other species, consistent with their distinctive morphology. Simulium chainarongi and S. chaliowae were monophyletic but were included in paraphyletic S. fenestratum. Simulium fenestratum was divided into three distinct lineages with high levels of genetic divergence. This suggests that S. fenestratum is a species complex. Neither morphological nor cytological examinations revealed evidence of sibling species. The clades derived from phylogenetic analyses were found to be correlated with the ecological conditions of larval habitat. Therefore, ecological adaptation may have played a role in black fly diversification and evolution. These results suggest the use of integrated, multidisciplinary approaches for fully understanding black fly biodiversity and systematics.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the genetic structure and population history of the high elevation black fly Simulium feuerborni in Thailand at both cytogenetic and molecular genetic levels. Cytological examination revealed two cytoforms differentiated by fixed chromosome inversions. The distributions of the cytoforms were associated with geographic origins. Cytoform A was found in the lower north and northeast, and cytoform B was found in the upper northern region of Thailand. Molecular data based on the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) barcoding sequence supports the separation of the cytoforms. The average sequence divergence between the two cytoforms was 3.75%, which is higher than the threshold value for the species level based on a COI barcoding sequence. Median joining network clearly differentiated the haplotypes of the cytoforms into different lineages. Population pairwise FST and amova analyses reveal significant genetic differentiation between cytoforms. This indicates that the low land areas separating these populations act as a gene flow barrier. No genetic differentiation was detected within cytoforms. This could be due to a recent sharing of population history. Mismatch distribution analysis revealed population expansion in the northern lineage of the cytoform B approximately 220 000 years ago. More recent expansion (32 000 years ago) was found in the lower north and northeast (cytoform A) lineage. The demographic history of S. feuerborni mirrored previous findings in black flies and other insect species in Thailand. This indicates the important role of Pleistocene climatic change on genetic structure and diversity of Southeast Asian mainland species.  相似文献   

A cypovirus from the black fly Simulium ubiquitum (SuCPV) was isolated and examined using biological and molecular techniques. SuCPV produces small (typically 0.25mum), polyhedral shaped inclusion bodies (polyhedra), in which the virus particles become multiply embedded. SuCPV is the third cypovirus isolated from Diptera, but the first from Simuliidae that has been characterized using molecular analyses. SuCPV has a genome composed of 10 segments of dsRNA, with an electrophoretic migration pattern that is different from those of recent UsCPV-17 and CrCPV-17 isolates from the mosquitoes Uranotaenia sapphirina and Culex restuans, respectively. The SuCPV electropherotype appears to show significant differences from those of the previously characterized lepidopteran cypoviruses. Sequence analysis of SuCPV segment 10 shows that it is unrelated to either of the two CPV isolates from Diptera or to the CPV species for which Seg-10 has been previously characterized from Lepidoptera. A comparison of the terminal regions of SuCPV genome segments to those of CPV-1, 2, 4, 5 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19 also revealed only low levels of conservation. We therefore, propose that SuCPV is classified within a new Cypovirus species, which we have tentatively identified as Cypovirus-20. We have therefore referred to this virus isolate as S. ubiquitum CPV-20 (SuCPV-20).  相似文献   

The ecological and medical importance of black flies drives the need for rapid and reliable identification of these minute, structurally uniform insects. We assessed the efficiency of DNA barcoding for species identification of tropical black flies. A total of 351 cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 sequences were obtained from 41 species in six subgenera of the genus Simulium in Thailand. Despite high intraspecific genetic divergence (mean = 2.00%, maximum = 9.27%), DNA barcodes provided 96% correct identification. Barcodes also differentiated cytoforms of selected species complexes, albeit with varying levels of success. Perfect differentiation was achieved for two cytoforms of Simulium feuerborni, and 91% correct identification was obtained for the Simulium angulistylum complex. Low success (33%), however, was obtained for the Simulium siamense complex. The differential efficiency of DNA barcodes to discriminate cytoforms was attributed to different levels of genetic structure and demographic histories of the taxa. DNA barcode trees were largely congruent with phylogenies based on previous molecular, chromosomal and morphological analyses, but revealed inconsistencies that will require further evaluation.  相似文献   

Abstract The melon fruit fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett) (Diptera: Tephritidae), has been the subject of worldwide quarantine and management efforts due to its widespread agricultural impact and potential for rapid range expansion. From its presumed native distribution in India, this species has spread throughout the hot‐humid regions of the world. We provide information that reveals population structure, invasion history and population connectivity from 23 locations covering nine countries based on DNA sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene. Forty‐two polymorphic sites were described among 38 haplotypes. The most common haplotype, H1, was observed in 73% of the samples distributed among all populations. Highest genetic diversity was seen within populations, and no isolation‐by‐distance was detected. The western regions (Nepal, Bangladesh, Thailand, Burma and China‐west) showed higher haplotype diversity than eastern regions (China‐east). China‐Yunnan showed highest levels of genetic diversity in China. Haplotype diversity decreased with longitude from west to east. Together, these analyses suggest that B. cucurbitae has expanded from west to east within a limited geographic scale and recently invaded China through Yunnan Province.  相似文献   

Simulium (Simulium) liubaense, sp. nov. is described based on the female specimens collected from Liuba, Shaanxi Province, China. This species is assigned to the variegotum-group of the subgenus Simulium, and is closely related to S. (S.) jingfui Cai and An, 2008, S. (S.) taiwanicum Takaoka, 1979, S. (S.) hackeri Edwards 1928, S. (S.) chamlongi Takaoka and Suzuki, 1984. However it is clearly differentiated from them by the structure of cibarium, genital fork, genital plate, paraproct and cercus of the female. All the specimens are kept in the Medical Entomology Collection Gallery, Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Beijing.  相似文献   

陈汉彬  张春林 《昆虫学报》2002,45(Z1):70-72
 记述采自贵州雷公山的蚋属一新种, 显著蚋Simulium (Simulium) prominentum, 新种 。根据其蛹和幼虫的特征显著而命名, 对其幼期形态进行描述并与其近缘种作分类讨论。  相似文献   

记述采自贵州雷公山的蚋属一新种, 显著蚋Simulium (Simulium) prominentum, 新种。根据其蛹和幼虫的特征显著而命名, 对其幼期形态进行描述并与其近缘种作分类讨论。  相似文献   

Two new black fly species, Simulium (Simulium) pothigaiense sp. n. and Simulium (Simulium) valparaiense sp. n., are described based on females, males, pupae and larvae. Simulium (Simulium) pothigaiense sp. n. is characterized by a claw simple without subbasal tooth and the base of radial vein with hair tuft in the females, maxillary palp with small sensory vesicle in the males, pupal gill with 10 short slender filaments and very short common basal stalk in the pupae and 5 hypostomal bristles per side lying parallel to lateral margin in the larvae. Simulium (Simulium) valparaiense sp. n. is characterized by hind basitarsus 6.6 times as long as its greatest width and claw with small distinct subbasal tooth in the females, gonostyle in medial view 2.3 times longer than coxite in the males, common basal stalk of pupal gill 0.31 times as long as interspiracular trunk, and larval thoracic and abdominal cuticle with pair of dorsolateral protuberances. Taxonomic notes are given to distinguish these two new species from closely related species. www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:7285F6BC-607D-4F76-B6EE-9CAC67CDE651  相似文献   

Li M  Liu Z  Gou J  Ren B  Pan R  Su Y  Funk SM  Wei F 《American journal of primatology》2007,69(11):1195-1209
The golden monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana) is one of the most endangered primate species due to its dramatically shrinking distribution during the past 400 years. Its populations are restricted to three isolated regions, Qinglin (QL), Sichuan/Gansu (SG), and Shennongjia (SNJ) in China. As with other snub-nosed monkeys in China and Vietnam, the biology and evolution of this species is still poorly known. To assess genetic differentiation and explore the relationships among populations of golden monkeys from different geographic locations, 379 bp of mitochondrial DNA control region (CR) hypervariable segment I (HVI) was studied from 60 individuals. Twelve haplotypes were identified from seven populations within the three regions. Haplotype diversity was high (0.845), whereas nucleotide diversity among all haplotypes was low (0.0331). The most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) among mtDNA haplotypes was estimated to have lived approximately 0.48-0.32 million years ago. None of the haplotypes is shared among any of the three regions. Phylogenetic analysis and AMOVA revealed clear and significant phylogeographic structure between the three regions. However, only SG contained haplotypes of the two main clades, indicating either incomplete random sorting of haplotypes or a complex history with phases of population subdivisions and merging of populations. The phylogeographic structure implies that R. roxellana should be regarded as separate management units (MUs) for each of the three regions. It is likely that recent phylogeographic history has shaped the pattern of genetic differentiation observed in the golden monkey and that its populations have suffered significant demographic fluctuation.  相似文献   

Meng XF  Shi M  Chen XX 《Molecular ecology》2008,17(12):2880-2897
Chilo suppressalis (Walker) displays significant geographical differences in ecological preference that may be congruent with patterns of molecular variation. To test this, we collected and analysed 381 individuals of this species from cultivated rice at 18 localities in China during the rice-growing season of 2005–2006. We used four microsatellite DNA markers and four mitochondrial DNA gene fragments. We found that this species is highly differentiated, coupled with an estimated population expansion date of at least 60 000  bp . Phylogenetic analyses, Bayesian clustering, and phylogeographical analyses of statistical parsimony haplotype network consistently divided the populations into three clades: a central China (CC) clade, a northern plus northeastern China (NN) clade and a southwestern China (SW) clade. Analysis of molecular variance indicated a high level of geographical differentiation at different hierarchical levels [ F ST for microsatellite markers, COI, COII, 16S and ND1 is 0.06004 ( P  < 0.0001), 0.27607 ( P  < 0.0001), 0.22949 ( P  < 0.0001), 0.19485 ( P  < 0.0001) and 0.29285 ( P  < 0.0001), respectively]. Isolation by distance appeared among the samples from within China ( r  = 0.404, P  = 0.0002); Nem values estimated using a coalescent-based method were small (< 2 migrants per generation), suggesting that the observed levels of differentiation are a result of migration–drift equilibrium. Our results imply that the genetic differentiation of this borer, which is approximately in accordance with its observed number of generations per year in different Chinese geographical regions, is probably attributed to climatic and/or geological events (e.g. the last glacial maximum) and subsequently strengthened by the domestication of rice.  相似文献   

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