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An extracellular matrix (ECM) lies between the upper and lower epithelial layers of the wing imaginal discs of moths. Organization and composition of this extracellular matrix, as revealed by staining with ruthenium red, tannic acid, and alcian blue, changes in concert with levels of hormones in the haemolymph. The ECM of the wing imaginal disc is an environment for cellular movements. Reorganization of the matrix and increase in ecdysteroid level is coupled with the proximal----distal migration of tracheal cells as well as the distal----proximal outgrowth of sensory neurons.  相似文献   

The interactions of the extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins (laminin, elastin, fibronectin, type I collagen, thrombospondin and vitronectin) with the fimbriae of Porphyromonas gingivalis were analyzed based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) spectroscopy using a biomolecular interaction analyzing system (BIAcore). The BIAcore profiles demonstrated that fimbriae specifically bound to all of the ECM proteins with significant association constants (Ka). Vitronectin showed the highest affinity to fimbriae (Ka = 3.79 x 10(6) M-1), while the affinity of laminin was lowest (Ka = 2.15 x 10(6) M-1). A synthetic peptide which is a potent inhibitor of fimbrial binding to salivary proteins was not significantly effective on the fimbrial interactions with the ECM proteins. Using polystyrene microtiter plates revealed that P. gingivalis fimbriae bound markedly to immobilized fibronectin and type I collagen, while the interaction of fimbriae with the other ECM proteins was not clearly demonstrated. These results suggest that interactions between fimbriae and the ECM proteins occur with specific affinities which are not mediated by mechanisms identical to those of salivary proteins. It was also shown that SPR spectroscopy is a useful method to analyze these specific interactions.  相似文献   

Summary Early responses of legume roots toRhizobium inoculation include new cell wall synthesis and induction of some putative wall protein genes. Although the predicted amino acid sequences of several early nodulins indicate that they encode proline-rich proteins (PRPs), the proteins have been neither isolated nor has their presence been demonstrated in cell walls. We have used polyclonal antibodies against PRP2 from soybean to identify and localize proline-rich proteins in pea nodules. On immunoblots, several PRPs were detected, ranging from less than 20 kDa to 110 kDa. Immunocytochemistry revealed that tissues of the vascular cylinder contained abundant PRPs, particularly in the secondary cell walls of xylem elements and phloem fibers. PRPs were also found within the primary wall of the nodule endodermis and within Casparian strips of the vascular endodermis. Of symbiotic importance, PRPs were a prominent component of the infection thread matrix in newly infected root cells and in nodules. PRPs were also secreted by cells in the uninfected nodule parenchyma, where they were found occluding intercellular spaces outside the middle lamella. Despite structural conservation among members of this class of cell wall proteins, PRPs were targeted to distinct layers of the extracellular matrix dependent upon cell type, and may thus play separate roles in the biology of plant cells. The putative functions and the potential for interactions between PRPs and other wall polymers are discussed.Abbreviations DTT dithiothreitol - EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetate - GRP glycine-rich protein - PCR polymerase chain reaction - PGA polygalacturonic acid - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride - PRP proline-rich protein - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - Tris tris(hydroxylmethyl) aminomethane - Tween 20 polyoxyethylene sorbitan monolaurate Dedicated to the memory of Professor John G. Torrey  相似文献   

Ultrastructural aspects of the extracellular matrix (ECM) in the midaxial region of dysraphic embryos of the loop-tail (Lp) mutant mouse were analyzed by means of electron microscopy. In 17–23 somite embryos, ultrastructural differences in the ECM occurred with respect to the presence of a pair of long trailing basal laminar strands extending continuously from the ventral notochordal cells to the gut in abnormal (Lp/Lp) embryos, in contrast to short, ragged, discontinuous strands in normal (+ /+;Lpj +) embryos. The ultrastructural localization and configuration of fibronectin (FN) and laminin (L) associated with these strands, however, were similar in normals and abnormals. In addition, FN occurred over interstitial bodies, fibrils, and sporadically along the basal laminae of the neural tube (or folds), notochord, gut, and vessels, whereas L was largely confined to the basal laminae. The results indicate that although the ultrastructural pattern of FN and L reactivity are similar in normal and abnormal embryos, a disturbance in the manner whereby the notochord detaches from the gut in dysraphic embryos may be of causal significance in the etiology of dysraphism in this mutant.  相似文献   

Kallikrein 7 (hK7), a chymostatin-like serine protease, is overexpressed in pancreatic adenocarcinomas as well as other human cancers. Although it has been demonstrated to participate in normal desquamation by facilitating cell shedding at the skin surface, its role in human malignancies remains unclear. To investigate the ability of hK7 to degrade components of the extracellular matrix (ECM), recombinant hK7 was expressed and purified from cultured mammalian cells. Using a three-step chromatographic purification procedure, recombinant hK7 was obtained that displayed robust proteolytic activity against a fluorogenic peptide substrate following activation by thermolysin. We demonstrate that the active protease is able to cleave fibronectin in a time-dependent manner, but not laminin, using an in vitro degradation assay. These findings indicate that the aberrant expression and secretion of hK7 in human tumors may facilitate metastasis by directly degrading components of the extracellular matrix and may thus play an important role in tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

The hair follicle dermal papilla is composed primarily of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins secreted by resident fibroblasts. Dermal papilla is endowed with hair morphogenic properties, yet its composition is poorly characterized. In an attempt to understand its specificity better, we compared the protein composition of ECM secreted by cultured dermal papilla fibroblasts with that of dermal fibroblasts. ECM proteins are generally large, difficult to solubilize, and abundantly post-translationally modified. We thus implemented an original protocol for analyzing them: ECM samples were enzymatically digested directly in the culture flasks and analyzed by LC-MS/MS. Sequencing of proteolytic peptides by MS/MS yielded protein identification. The relative abundance of a given protein in dermal fibroblast versus dermal papilla samples was estimated by comparing proteolytic peptide intensities detected by MS. Using this approach, several matrix proteins were found to be present at markedly different levels in each ECM type; in particular, thrombospondin 1 and fibronectin appeared to be overrepresented in the dermal papilla fibroblast ECM. MS results were supported by Western blot and immunostaining experiments. In addition, peptide intensities were processed in two ways, which proved to favor either the quantification accuracy or the information precision at the sequence level.  相似文献   

Studies of astronauts, experimental animals, and cells have shown that, after spaceflights, the function of the thyroid is altered by low-gravity conditions. The objective of this study was to investigate the cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix (ECM) protein synthesis of papillary thyroid cancer cells grown under zero g. We investigated alterations of ONCO-DG 1 cells exposed to simulated microgravity on a three-dimensional random-positioning machine (clinostat) for 30 min, 24 h, 48 h, 72 h, and 120 h (n=6, each group). ONCO-DG 1 cells grown under microgravity exhibited early alterations of the cytoskeleton and formed multicellular spheroids. The cytoskeleton was disintegrated, and nuclei showed morphological signs of apoptosis after 30 min. At this time, vimentin was increased. Vimentin and cytokeratin were highly disorganized, and microtubules (α–tubulin) did not display their typical radial array. After 48 h, the cytoskeletal changes were nearly reversed. The formation of multicellular spheroids continued. In parallel, the accumulation of ECM components, such as collagen types I and III, fibronectin, chondroitin sulfate, osteopontin, and CD44, increased. The levels of both transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGF-β1) and TGF-β receptor type II proteins were elevated from 24 h until 120 h clinorotation. Gene expression of TGF-β1 was clearly enhanced during culture under zero g. The amount of E-cadherin was enhanced time-dependently. We suggest that simulated weightlessness rapidly affects the cytoskeleton of papillary thyroid carcinoma cells and increases the amount of ECM proteins in a time-dependent manner.The work of Augusto Cogoli was supported by ETH Zurich, Switzerland.  相似文献   

Extracellular matrix plays a critical role in cellular development by providing signaling cues that direct morphogenesis. In order to study both the cues that natural matrix provides and endothelial cell responses to that information, human fetal lung fibroblasts were used to produce a fibrous three-dimensional matrix. Following the removal of the fibroblasts by detergent extraction, protein and proteoglycan constituents of the remaining matrix were identified by immunofluorescence and immunoblotting. Matrix components included fibronectin, tenascin-C, collagen I, collagen IV, collagen VI, versican, and decorin. Colocalization analysis suggested that fibronectin was a uniquely distributed matrix protein. Morphology, three-dimensional matrix adhesions, and integrin-mediated signaling during vasculogenesis were then studied in human endothelial cells seeded onto the fibroblast-derived matrix. Elongated morphology and decreased cell area were noted, as compared with cells on fibronectin-coated coverslips. Cell-matrix adhesions contained vinculin, pY397-FAK, and pY410-p130Cas, and all of these colocalized more with fibronectin than tenascin-C, collagen I, or collagen VI. Additionally, the endothelial cells remodeled the fibroblast-derived matrix and formed networks of tubes with demonstrable lumens. Matrix adhesions in these tubes also predominantly colocalized with fibronectin. The pattern of membrane type 1 matrix metalloprotease expression in the endothelial cells suggested its involvement in the matrix remodeling that occurred during tubulogenesis. These results indicated that information in fibroblast-derived matrix promoted vasculogenic behavior.  相似文献   

PACE4, PC6 and furin are potent subtilisin-like proprotein convertases (SPCs) which are responsible for the activation of transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ)-related factors such as bone morphogenetic proteins. Heparan sulfate proteoglycan within the extracellular matrix (ECM) is known to regulate the biological activity of various differentiation factors including TGFβ-related molecules. PACE4 binds tightly to heparin and its heparin-binding region was found to be a cationic stretch of amino acids between residues 743 and 760. Furthermore, PACE4 was detected in the extracellular material fraction of the HEK293 cells, defined as the material remaining on the culture plate following the removal of the cells from the plate. PACE4 bound to the extracellular fraction was selectively dislodged by heparin into the culture medium. Heparin has no inhibitory activity against PACE4. Similarly, PC6A is also able to bind to heparin, whereas soluble furin does not. In human placenta, PACE4 is mainly present in syncytiotrophoblasts and can be released by heparin. These results suggest that PACE4 and PC6 are unique SPC family proteases that anchor heparan sulfate proteoglycans at the ECM. The interaction between PACE4 and heparan sulfate proteoglycans might play an important role in the delicate spatiotemporal regulation of TGFβ-related factors' biological activity.  相似文献   

Changes in leaf soluble proteome were explored in 3‐month‐old plants of metallicolous (M) and nonmetallicolous (NM) Agrostis capillaris L. populations exposed to increasing Cu concentrations (1–50 μM) to investigate molecular mechanisms underlying plant responses to Cu excess and tolerance of M plants. Plants were cultivated on perlite (CuSO4 spiked‐nutrient solution). Soluble proteins, extracted by the trichloroacetic acid/acetone procedure, were separated with 2‐DE (linear 4–7 pH gradient). Analysis of CCB‐stained gels (PDQuest) reproducibly detected 214 spots, and 64 proteins differentially expressed were identified using LC‐MS/MS. In both populations, Cu excess impacted both light‐dependent (OEE, cytochrome b6‐f complex, and chlorophyll a‐b binding protein), and ‐independent (RuBisCO) photosynthesis reactions, more intensively in NM leaves (ferredoxin‐NADP reductase and metalloprotease FTSH2). In both populations, upregulation of isocitrate dehydrogenase and cysteine/methionine synthases respectively suggested increased isocitrate oxidation and enhanced need for S‐containing amino‐acids, likely for chelation and detoxification. In NM leaves, an increasing need for energetic compounds was indicated by the stimulation of ATPases, glycolysis, pentose phosphate pathway, and Calvin cycle enzymes; impacts on protein metabolism and oxidative stress increase were respectively suggested by the rise of chaperones and redox enzymes. Overexpression of a HSP70 may be pivotal for M Cu tolerance by protecting protein metabolism. All MS data have been deposited in the ProteomeXchange with the dataset identifier PXD001930 ( http//proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org/dataset/PXD001930 ).  相似文献   

A genetic analysis of heat shock protein (HSP) synthesis was performed in seedling leaf tissue of two maize inbred lines, their F1 hybrid and F2 progeny. Protein synthesis following a high temperature treatment was visualized by [35S]-methionine in vivo labelling and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The parental lines' HSP synthesis patterns revealed both qualitative and quantitative polymorphisms implicative of differences in HSP structural genes and regulatory factors. The F1 hybrid HSP profile indicated that synthesis of all parental HSPs conformed to dominant inheritance patterns, including complete dominance, over-dominance and co-dominance. Alleles for six low-molecularweight HSPs in F2 progeny assorted according to typical 31 Mendelian ratios for dominant gene expression. There is evidence for unlinked gene loci of four different HSP gene pairs, but data for three other HSP gene pairs were inconclusive, perhaps reflecting linkage for one pair and complex regulatory factor interactions for the other two pairs of genes. These results clearly indicate the existence of genetic variability in HSP synthesis and emphasize the potential of partitioning their roles in thermal tolerance using genetic and molecular analyses.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer (EMMPRIN) and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 were reported to be expressed at the macrophage-rich area in human coronary atherosclerotic plaque. We examined whether C-reactive protein (CRP) activates macrophages to express EMMPRIN and MMP-9 in vitro and whether statins inhibit it. METHODS AND RESULTS: Rat peritoneal macrophages were collected by peritoneal lavage, and were incubated in the presence or absence of CRP. CRP at 5 microg/ml increased the gene expression of EMMPRIN relative to GAPDH, measured by RT-PCR, by 1.67+/-0.07 fold at 24 h and by 1.85+/-0.49 fold at 48 h (both p<0.05). The gene expression of MMP-9 in the presence of CRP at 5 microg/ml was followed by 1.36+/-0.11 fold increase at 24 h and by 3.95+/-0.81 fold at 48 h (both p<0.05). CRP at 5 microg/ml for 48 h increased by 6 fold MMP-9 activity, measured by zymography, without affecting tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1. Boiled CRP at 5 mug/ml for 48 h unaffected MMP-9 activity. Fluvastatin blocked the CRP-induced increases in EMMPRIN and MMP-9 expression and activity. Diphenylene iodonium, an inhibitor of NADPH oxidase, had a similar effect on MMP-9 activity. Fluvastatin suppressed the CRP-induced increases in 8-epi-prostaglandin F(2alpha) levels in the condition media. CONCLUSIONS: CRP is an activator for macrophages to enhance EMMPRIN and MMP-9 expression. Fluvastatin inhibits them presumably through its antioxidant effect.  相似文献   

Two strains of Streptococcus uberis (UT 888 and UT 366) isolated from cows with clinical mastitis were co-cultured with bovine mammary epithelial cells (MAC-T) with and without laminin, fibrinogen, fibronectin or collagen. Incubation of S. uberis with extracellular matrix proteins (ECMPs) increased adherence to and internalization into MAC-T cells. Both strains of S. uberis exhibited greater adherence when co-cultured in the presence of collagen than with any other ECMP. However, adherence was always higher when strains were co-cultured with ECMP than in medium alone. S. uberis UT 888 adhered better to MAC-T cells than S. uberis UT 366. The influence of ECMPs on bacterial internalization into MAC-T cells was similar to adherence, however, differences among ECMPs were less noticeable. S. uberis UT 888 had a higher internalization index than S. uberis UT 366. It is possible that ECMPs induce or up-regulate proteins that selectively adhere to ECMPs which could serve as a bridge between the eukaryotic cell and the bacterial pathogen that leads to internalization of the ECMP-bound pathogen into the mammary epithelial cell.  相似文献   

Extracellular adenosine 5′‐triphosphate (eATP) is emerging as an important plant signalling compound capable of mobilising intracellular second messengers such as Ca2+, nitric oxide, and reactive oxygen species. However, the downstream molecular targets and the spectrum of physiological processes that eATP regulates are largely unknown. We used exogenous ATP and a non‐hydrolysable analogue as probes to identify the molecular and physiological effects of eATP‐mediated signalling in tobacco. 2‐DE coupled with MS/MS analysis revealed differential protein expression in response to perturbation of eATP signalling. These proteins are in several functional classes that included photosynthesis, mitochondrial ATP synthesis, and defence against oxidative stress, but the biggest response was in the pathogen defence‐related proteins. Consistent with this, impairment of eATP signalling induced resistance against the bacterial pathogen Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora. In addition, disease resistance activated by a fungal pathogen elicitor (xylanase from Trichoderma viride) was concomitant with eATP depletion. These results reveal several previously unknown putative molecular targets of eATP signalling, which pinpoint eATP as an important hub at which regulatory signals of some major primary metabolic pathways and defence responses are integrated.  相似文献   

Cartilage contains numerous noncollagenous proteins in its extracellular matrix, including proteoglycans. At least 40 such molecules have been identified, differing greatly in structure, distribution, and function. Some are present in only selected cartilages or cartilage zones, some vary in their presence with a person's development and age, and others are more universal in their expression. Some may not even be made by the chondrocytes, but may arise by absorption from the synovial fluid. In many cases, the molecules' function is unclear, but the importance of others is illustrated by their involvement in genetic disorders. This review provides a selective survey of these molecules and discusses their structure, function, and involvement in inherited and arthritic disorders.  相似文献   

To elucidate how maturation impacts the structure and mechanics of meniscus extracellular matrix (ECM) at the length scale of collagen fibrils and fibers, we tested the micromechanical properties of fetal and adult bovine menisci via atomic force microscopy (AFM)-nanoindentation. For circumferential fibers, we detected significant increase in the effective indentation modulus, Eind, with age. Such impact is in agreement with the increase in collagen fibril diameter and alignment during maturation, and is more pronounced in the outer zone, where collagen fibrils are more aligned and packed. Meanwhile, maturation also markedly increases the Eind of radial tie fibers, but not those of intact surface or superficial layer. These results provide new insights into the effect of maturation on the assembly of meniscus ECM, and enable the design of new meniscus repair strategies by modulating local ECM structure and mechanical behaviors.  相似文献   

Introduction: The cardiac extracellular matrix (ECM) provides anatomical, biochemical, and physiological support to the left ventricle. ECM proteins are difficult to detect using unbiased proteomic approaches due to solubility issues and a relatively low abundance compared to cytoplasmic and mitochondrial proteins present in highly prevalent cardiomyocytes.

Areas covered: Proteomic capabilities have dramatically improved over the past 20 years, due to enhanced sample preparation protocols and increased capabilities in mass spectrometry (MS), database searching, and bioinformatics analysis. This review summarizes technological advancements made in proteomic applications that make ECM proteomics highly feasible.

Expert commentary: Proteomic analysis of the ECM provides an important contribution to our understanding of the molecular and cellular processes associated with cardiovascular disease. Using results generated from proteomics approaches in basic science applications and integrating proteomics templates into clinical research protocols will aid in efforts to personalize medicine.  相似文献   

Adhesion of Clostridium difficile to Caco-2 was examined as a function of monolayers polarization and differentiation. The number of adherent C. difficile C253 bacteria per cell strongly decreased when postconfluent 15-day-old monolayers were used (1.7 bacteria per cell versus 17.3 with 3-day-old monolayers). Following disruption of intercellular junctions by ethylene glycol-bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N',-tetraacetic acid, a significant rise in the level of bacterial adhesion was observed, above all in postconfluent monolayers. Immunofluorescence studies of bacteria and transferrin receptor, a marker of basolateral pole of polarized monolayers, showed that C. difficile C253 adheres mainly to the basolateral surface of differentiated and undifferentiated polarized Caco-2 cells. Furthermore, binding of C. difficile C253 to several extracellular matrix proteins in vitro was demonstrated by an ELISA-based assay.  相似文献   

Interleukin (IL)-6 is a circulatory, pleiotropic cytokine with multiple roles in the immune system. Both IL-6 and the IL6 -174G>C promoter polymorphism have been linked to various diseases associated with inflammation. However, the mechanism by which the polymorphism influences disease risk is unclear. We postulated that serum proteome analysis of individuals with different IL6 -174G>C genotypes would provide insight on genotype-phenotype associations of this polymorphism and its role in disease susceptibility. Serum from a random sample of control participants in an ongoing population-based case-control study of non-Hodgkin lymphoma was pooled by IL6 genotype and used to screen for the optimal SELDI-TOF MS arrays for analysis. We report differences in serum protein expression of individuals with specific genotypes based on pooled and individual sample analysis. In particular, we report an association of the -174C allele with increased apolipoprotein C-I (ApoC-I). Additionally, we corroborate previous findings of an association of the -174C allele with lower autoantibodies to heat shock protein 60 and confirm the absence of any association between the IL6 -174G>C genotype and serum IL-6 levels. This study illustrates that proteome analysis can enhance our understanding of genotype-phenotype relationships. Additional studies are needed to clarify the interaction between the IL6 -174G>C polymorphism and ApoC-I.  相似文献   

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