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In this paper, we characterise three sex-specific genes (ZFX/Y, SRY, AMLX/Y) for all eight extant bear species and propose a new, robust and accurate molecular procedure to identify the sex of bears from non-invasive samples and fossil remains. These materials contain tiny amounts of poorly preserved deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), leaving Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) amplification very prone to contamination and difficult to analyse. By taking into account the ancient DNA requirements, the duplex procedures that we developed are efficient not only on DNA extracted from bear faeces but also on ancient DNA extracted from a brown bear fossil 7,500 years old. Defined specifically for ursids, the procedure for faecal samples (co-amplification of ZFX/Y and SRY markers) appears more accurate than other published procedures, as it prevents cross-amplification of potential ingested prey and contamination (19 non-ursid species tested). This system can be applied to threatened bear populations to improve the reliability of sex-ratio and population-size estimates based on non-invasive samples. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorised users.  相似文献   

To answer the question, whether anglers have an intrinsic preference for stocking or a preference for catch outcomes (e.g. catch rates) believed to be maintained by stocking, a discrete choice experiment was conducted among a sample of anglers (n = 1335) in Lower Saxony, Germany. After controlling for catch aspects of the fishing experience, no significant influence of two stocking attributes (stocking frequency and composition of the catch in terms of wild v. hatchery fishes) on the utility gained from fishing was found for any of the freshwater species that were studied. It was concluded that the previously documented large appreciation of fish stocking by anglers may be indicative of an underlying preference for sufficiently high catches rather than reflect an intrinsic preference for stocking or the catching of wild fishes per se.  相似文献   

The widespread use of molecular techniques in studying microbial communities has greatly enhanced our understanding of microbial diversity and function in the natural environment and contributed to an explosion of novel commercially viable enzymes. One of the most promising environments for detecting novel processes, enzymes, and microbial diversity is hot springs. We examined potential biases introduced by DNA preservation and extraction methods by comparing the quality, quantity, and diversity of environmental DNA samples preserved and extracted by commonly used methods. We included samples from sites representing the spectrum of environmental conditions that are found in Yellowstone National Park thermal features. Samples preserved in a non-toxic sucrose lysis buffer (SLB), along with a variation of a standard DNA extraction method using CTAB resulted in higher quality and quantity DNA than the other preservation and extraction methods tested here. Richness determined using DGGE revealed that there was some variation within replicates of a sample, but no statistical difference among the methods. However, the sucrose lysis buffer preserved samples extracted by the CTAB method were 15-43% more diverse than the other treatments.  相似文献   

黄粉虫有效物质的综合提取及提取方法的比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
比较了用石油醚和用环己烷抽提黄粉虫TenebriomolitorL .虫粉中脂肪的提取率 ,以及用碱法和用酶法提取去脂虫渣中蛋白质的提取率。并从 2种去脂、去蛋白质虫渣中和虫蜕中提取壳聚糖。用环己烷和酶法提取为最佳组合 ,可综合提取出占幼虫干重 5 0 .5 %的有效物质。同时 ,讨论了碱法和酶法提取率出现差异的原因。  相似文献   

Strontium was determined in trout scales from a river where it is often difficult to distinguish between sea trout and resident brown trout by coloration or other visual marks. Sr values were compared with values in scales from brown trout caught above the anadromous stretch of the same river and in scales from a river where sea trout coloration is typical. In the first river, the Sr concentration was generally low, and as a mean only 50 ppm higher in scales from individuals classified as sea trout from the anadromous stretch than in brown trout scales from the upper stretch. There was no consistency between fish coloration and Sr concentration in scales from presumed sea trout on the anadromous stretch. Individuals with a typical sea trout coloration could have a lower concentration of Sr than individuals that were classified as uncertain sea trout by coloration. Fish weight did not seem to influence Sr levels. The mean Sr concentration in scales from the typical sea trout colored population in the second river was 2.8 times higher than that of the anadromous part of the first river. The high variability of Sr concentration in sea trout scales may be explained by differences in individual and population life history. The Sr levels reflect differences in saltwater exposure, either expressed by length of stay or concentration of salt in marine habitats. The study has shown that fish coloration is an inadequate mean to distinguish between resident and migratory trout. Nor is Sr determination of scales alone sufficient, because of low inter-group and high intra-group variability in some rivers. However, Sr values can give valuable information on individual and population migration on a large scale.  相似文献   

Ishii S  Loynachan TE 《Mycorrhiza》2004,14(4):271-275
Two improved DNA extraction techniques from trypan-blue-stained root fragments were developed and compared for rapid and reliable analyses. In Method A, 1 cm trypan-blue-stained mycorrhizal root fragments were individually isolated, crushed by bead beating, and purified with Chelex-100 (Bio-Rad). In Method B, DNA extraction was carried out using an UltraClean microbial DNA isolation kit (MoBio Laboratories). DNA was extracted from the mycorrhizal roots of four plant species, quantified by UV absorbance, and PCR-amplified with primers specific to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Although PCR inhibitors might still exist when using Method A, appropriate dilution and employment of nested-PCR overcame this problem. Method B removed PCR inhibitors, but sometimes, depending on the mycorrhizal colonization within the root fragments, it also required nested PCR. In conclusion, both methods enabled us to handle many samples in a short time. Method B provided greater reliability and Method A provided better cost performance. Both techniques can be useful for PCR-based applications to identify species and estimate species composition after measuring mycorrhizal colonization rate with trypan blue staining.  相似文献   

Here we describe a rapid method for extracting DNA from dried brown algae material using a microtitre plate system in conjunction with a milling instrument. The method allows the preparation of nuclear and organelle DNA of quality suitable for polymerase chain reaction amplification. It combines high throughput with low cost per sample: DNA from 192 samples can be extracted in c. 3 h for < €0.40 per sample, nearly tenfold cheaper than commercially available kits. Furthermore, by using microtitre plates, efficient storage and downstream processing is facilitated.  相似文献   

The protocol described in this paper offers a simple and rapid method for PCR analysis of transgenes using a restricted amount of fin tissue from small-sized transgenic fish. A simple preparation of fin lysate using a buffer containing a low concentration of an ionic detergent, SDS (0.01%), followed by neutralization with a second buffer containing higher concentrations of non-ionic detergents NP40 (2%) and Tween 20 (2%) consistently provides a reliable quantity of high-quality DNA template for PCR amplification of transgenes. Based on this protocol, transgenic fish can be clearly distinguished from non-transgenic fish using PCR in a rapid and reproducible manner. Tedious DNA purifications are avoided while fidelity of amplification and efficient identification of transgenic fish are maintained.  相似文献   

Evaluation of three methods for effective extraction of DNA from human hair   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this paper we evaluate three different methods for extracting DNA from human hair i.e. the Chelex method, the QIAamp DNA Mini Kit method and the ISOHAIR method. Analysis of DNA prepared from dyed hairs with the ISOHAIR method suggested that the DNA extracts contained PCR inhibitors. On the other hand, few inhibition was observed when DNA from dyed hairs were extracted using the Chelex method and the QIAamp DNA Mini Kit method. In conclusion, the Chelex method is recommended for PCR experiments in view of its simplicity and cost-effectiveness. To assess the reliability of the Chelex method for the extraction of genomic DNA from both natural and dyed hair samples, minisatellite variant repeat (MVR)-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) patterns of Chelex-extracted DNA were compared using hairs (three natural black hairs and three dyed hairs) with buccal swabs from six individuals. Complete agreement was observed between hair and swab samples in each individual, proving the utility of the Chelex method.  相似文献   

目的:建立简便、快捷、经济的模式小鼠总DNA提取方法,以快速鉴定大批量模式小鼠基因型。方法采用苯酚抽提法、异丙醇沉淀法、鼠耳煮沸法提取同种模式小鼠总DNA,对比DNA纯度、得率、耗费时间,并比较基因型鉴定结果。结果苯酚抽提法得率最高,异丙醇沉淀法最低;而纯度则按照苯酚抽提法、异丙醇沉淀法、鼠耳煮沸法顺序递减;在耗时上鼠耳煮沸法最短。三种方法提取的DNA均可做模版用于基因型鉴定。结论鼠耳煮沸法操作简单、成本最低,快速、基因型鉴定结果可靠,可用于规模化的基因型鉴定实验中。  相似文献   

高温环境样品总DNA直接和间接提取方法的比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
分别采用两种环境总DNA直接提取法和一种间接提取法从6种温泉菌席样品中提取总DNA,以DNA粗产物的纯度、能否用于后续PCR扩增及PCR-DGGE(变性梯度凝胶电泳)所反映的微生物多样性为评价指标对两类方法进行比较和评价。研究发现,虽然间接提取法效率低下,但对于高温极端环境中生物量较小的样品,间接法能得到有研究价值的、纯度较高的环境样品总DNA,而直接法得到的DNA量小且不适于PCR扩增操作。在使用这2类方法都能得到可用于研究操作的DNA的情况下,间接提取法能更好的体现环境样品中微生物的多样性。  相似文献   

三种粪便总DNA提取方法的比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的比较不同粪便总DNA提取方法对肠道菌群多样性研究的影响。方法采用Bead beating法、化学裂解法和QIAamp DNA Stool Mini Kit提取同一份人粪便样品的总DNA,对比3种方法的DNA得率和16S rRNA基因V3区的变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)图谱。结果Bead beating法的DNA得率约是其他2种方法的2倍;3种方法得到的DGGE图谱的Dice相似性为60%~70%,2条优势条带只出现在Bead beating法图谱中。在2~5min的Bead beating法击打时间里,DNA得率随击打时间的延长有一定的增加,但DGGE图谱无显著变化。结论不同的DNA提取方法会影响菌群的多样性分析。比较其他2种方法,Bead beating的裂解效率更高,能够检测到更多种类的细菌,更合适肠道菌群组成的分子研究。  相似文献   

目的比较不同方法提取鸡肠道菌群总DNA的差异,为分子方法分析肠道菌群组成提供质量较高的DNA模板。方法采用反复冻融法、酶裂解法和试剂盒法(E.N.Z.A Stool DNA Kit)来提取鸡肠道菌群的总DNA,并根据DNA浓度及纯度、16S DNA扩增产物和ERIC-PCR产物所反映的片段多态性4个指标,对这3种方法提取的DNA质量进行比较。结果3种方法均能提取DNA,所得DNA都可以用于16S DNA的扩增,但后2种方法所得DNA的ERIC-PCR结果能反映出更高的菌群多样性。结论试剂盒法和酶裂解法所提取的DNA质量好,适合用于肠道菌群的分子生态研究。  相似文献   

The differences on DNA yield and purity of three different DNA extraction protocols were compared with regard to the use for PCR and other molecular analyses. Total DNA was extracted from compost by the three protocols, and then was purified by spin-bind cartridges after being precipitated by PEG8000. The detection performed on a nucleic acid and protein analyzer showed that all three methods produced high DNA yields. The agarose gel electrophoresis showed that the fragments of crude and purified DNA had a length of about 23 kb. A eubacterial 16S rRNA gene-targeted primer pair was used for PCR amplification, and full length 16S rDNAs were amplified from all the purified DNA samples. After being digested by restriction endonucleases, the restriction map of amplified rDNA showed identical genetic diversity. The products of PCR using primer pair GC341F and 907R were also used for denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis. The results indicated that high-quality DNA was extracted from compost by the three protocols, and each of the protocols is adapted to extract microbial genome DNA from compost expediently and cheaply.  相似文献   

Here we describe a DNA extraction method that is based on a simple, rapid polyvinylpolypyrrolidone–calcium chloride precipitation to release microorganisms from the soil combined with lysozyme–proteinase–SDS lysis of the microbial community. The extracted DNA is of high quality and allows direct detection of specific genes by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) as well as cloning of indigenous microbial DNA. This method facilitates the extraction of 36 500-mg soil samples simultaneously in a 2-h period by one person. The procedure is safe, inexpensive, and does not require specialized equipment or generate hazardous wastes.  相似文献   

张萍  孙晓东  张薇  吕国忠 《菌物学报》2011,30(1):100-107
以苍耳柄锈菌三裂叶豚草专化型Puccinia xanthii f. sp. ambrosiae-trifidae为研究试材,比较研究了其冬孢子DNA提取的9种方法,其中CTAB-钢珠法、改良的微型电钻法以及EZ-Kit改良法获得的基因组DNA经检测质量较好。在此基础上,利用ITS-PCR和ISSR引物UBC#835将待用DNA进行PCR扩增检测。结果表明,上述3种方法提取的DNA适合于ISSR反应。研究结果为专性寄生锈菌分子遗传变异的研究提供了保障。  相似文献   

Aims: To determine the optimal DNA extraction method for the detection of Coxiella burnetii including the small‐cell variant (SCV) by real‐time PCR (qPCR) in clinical samples. Methods and Results: A duplex qPCR detecting two Coxiella burnetii gene targets (com1 and IS1111a genes) was developed. Each target in this PCR had a sensitivity of one copy number per reaction. DNA extraction methods were compared on spiked negative samples and included a silica column kit, a chloroform separation prior to a silica column method and a chloroform/phenol separation and DNA precipitation method. Conclusions: The silica column extraction method was more efficient at recovering C. burnetii DNA, from large‐cell and small‐cell variants, than a chloroform or chloroform/phenol method. The silica column method was useful on spiked human samples including serum, buffy coat and bone marrow samples. Significance and impact of study: This study demonstrated that a simple column kit method is efficient to use for the detection of C. burnetii in clinical samples including the SCV.  相似文献   

Optimising DNA extraction from clinical samples for Burkholderia pseudomallei Type III secretion system real-time PCR in suspected melioidosis patients confirmed that urine and sputum are useful diagnostic samples. Direct testing on blood remains problematic; testing DNA extracted from plasma was superior to DNA from whole blood or buffy coat.  相似文献   

几种提取枣和酸枣DNA用于RAPD分析的方法比较   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
利用不同的方法提取枣和酸枣的总DNA,并分析了不同样品状况、抗氧化剂和纯化过程等对所提DNA质量及其RAPD扩增效果的影响。实验显示:用改良CTAB法优于SDS法,可有效去除多糖。加入的抗氧化剂PVP、抗坏血酸、β-巯基乙醇等可有效阻止多酚类物质褐化,但不同抗氧化剂间效果差别不大。分别将样品干燥处理、固定处理、液氮处理、冷藏,与新鲜材料相比,用液氮处理并保存于-80℃的材料与新鲜材料所提DNA相当,而用其他方法DNA都有不同程度降解。不同材料提取结果比较显示:幼叶所提DNA产量和质量优于老叶,并且不需要较多的纯化过程。在有RNA和少量蛋白质时,对扩增结果影响不大。  相似文献   

Abstract We present a high-throughput cost-effective method to extract DNA suitable for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from insect tissue. The method uses standard 200 μL-deep 96-well plates in which samples are ground, digested and subsequently purified. The test extraction using four different insect species and controlling for potential contamination showed that the method yields good-quantity and quality DNA. PCR with mitochondrial and nuclear primers was reliable. The proposed extraction protocol combines the speed of commercial 96-well plate methods with the economies associated with readily available and cheap laboratory chemicals, consumables and equipment. Therefore, this method is particularly suitable for low-budget research projects and for laboratories with only basic equipment present.  相似文献   

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