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Biologically active glycolipoprotein complex (G-90) isolated from whole earthworm tissue extract shows anticoagulative and fibrinolytic activities. We isolated two tyrosine like serine peptidases with molecular masses of 34 kDa (P I) and 23 kDa (P II), respectively. P I peptidase is autocatalytically degraded to P II. Both peptidases exhibit fibrinolytic and anticoagulative activities. The activity of P I is much higher. P I in concentration of 105 ng ml−1 of plasma shortened the physiological time of fibrin clot lysis by 54% and completely inhibited blood clotting at a concentration of 103 ng ml−1 of venous blood.  相似文献   

Antioxidants protect DNA, proteins and lipids in the body from damage. These types of damages are a major contributor to aging and to degenerative diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, immune-system decline, brain dysfunction and cataracts. The effect of glycolipoprotein extract of Eisenia foetida (G-90) as an antioxidant was investigated in cultured human fibroblasts and epithelial cells. After treatment of the cells with H2O2 for 4 h, G-90 completely allows the cells to recover and stimulated their growth. When the cells were incubated with G-90 48 h before the treatment with H2O2, the oxidative damage of the cells did not occur. Thus, G-90 had an apparent protective effect against the toxicity of H2O2 and stimulated the growth of the cells. Ascorbic acid, a known antioxidant, did not allow the growth of the cells to recover after damage nor did it protect them, unless it was added simultaneously with H2O2. The antioxidative activity of G-90, together with its antibacterial and mitogen activities, could be useful in the study of G-90 as a wound-healing agent.  相似文献   

Summary Methods for comparing results of cellular acid phosphatase activities obtained by quantitative cytospectrophotometry with those obtained by biochemical analysis are needed to express the cytospectrophotometric data in biochemical units. Since naturally occurring cells have differing amounts of acid phosphatase, enzyme activity was measured cytochemically and biochemically in polymorphonuclear leukocytes and peritoneal and alveolar macrophages from male rats to determine if these measurements permitted construction of a line correlating the two parameters. Cellular acid phosphatase activity, as measured cytospectrophotometrically and biochemically, increased proportionately with polymorphonuclear leukocytes having the lowest activities and alveolar macrophages the highest. These values when subjected to linear regression analysis fixed a line with a correlation coefficient of 0.95 demonstrating that cytochemical and biochemical activities of acid phosphatase activity can be correlated using naturally occurring cells.  相似文献   

Earthworm fibrinolytic enzyme component A (EFEa) from Eisenia fetida, a protein functioning not only as a direct fibrinolytic enzyme, but also as a plasminogen activator, has been crystallized in P212121 space group with 3 protein molecules per asymmetric unit. Four heavy atom derivatives were prepared using a mother liquor containing 1.4 mol · L-1 Li2SO4 and 0.1 mol · L-1 MOPS buffer (pH7.2) and used to solve the protein’s diffraction phase. The heavy atom binding sites in the derivative crystals were determined using difference Patterson and difference Fourier methods and were refined in combination to yield the initial protein’s structure phase at 0.25 nm resolution. The non-crystallographic symmetry relationship of the three independent protein molecules in the asymmetric unit was determined using the correlative heavy atom sites and used for the averaging of the initial electron density. As a result, the electron density was significantly improved, providing a solid foundation for subsequent structure determination.  相似文献   

Summary Allerations in the localization of acid phosphatase inSaccharomyces cerevisiae during glucose repression and during autolysis have been studied. Cell morphology becomes distinctly changed after only 2 h in the presence of high glucose concentration while after 3 h of glucose repression the majority of the mitochondirial structures resemble promitochondria. Yeast cells repressed for 6 h contain almost completely degraded mitochondrial structures and numerous lipid droplets in the central vacuole and cytoplasm. Destruction of mitochondria is accompanied by the accumulation of acid phosphatase in these organelles and in the cytoplasm whereas its activity in the central vacuole is lowered, most probably because of the leakage of the enzyme into the cytoplasm.No preferential breakdown of mitochondria is observed during autolysis. On the contrary, mitochondria are apparently the last to be degraded. Digestion of cytoplasmic regions and membranous elements occurs intravacuolarly after sequestration by protrusions of the central vacuole which are formed at the initial stages of autolysis. Acid phosphatase is not released from the central vacuole, suggesting indirectly that vacuole enzymes do not migrate into the cytoplasm during autolysis.  相似文献   

Summary A modified technique is described for the demonstration of acid phosphatase activity in the central nervous system by means of electron microscopy. Enzyme activity can be demonstrated in lysosomes, pigment bodies, and the Golgi zone of cortical neurons. Glial and endothelial cells also contain acid phosphatase active lysosomes. They are located in the pericarya, and in the processes of the glial cells, respectively.The authors express their sincere appreciation to FräuleinS. Luh and FräuleinW. Komp for their assistance and help.  相似文献   

For in vivo demonstration of acid phosphatase activity in the rhizosphere of soil-grown plants filter papers were treated with a mixture of 1-naphthyl phosphate as substrate and the diazonium salt Fast Red TR as an indicator. After enzymatic hydrolysis, 1-naphthol forms a red complex with Fast Red TR. This method was applied to 8-day old maize plants and 3-year old Norway spruce plants growing in rhizoboxes in soil under non-sterile conditions. The treated filter paper is placed at the surface of roots and soil and acid phosphatase activity is visualized as a red-coloured root print on the filter paper. The method can be used as a qualitative analysis of acid phosphatase in the rhizosphere. It also allows a rough estimate of phosphatase activity in different root zones.  相似文献   

Summary Acid phosphatase activity is prominent in osteoclasts (bone resorbing cells) and has been implicated in the process of bone resorption, although its precise role is not understood. To study the distribution and activity of this enzyme, a quantitative cytochemical method has been developed using undecalcified fresh frozen sections of foetal rat calvariae. Sections were allowed to react with 3mm naphthol ASBI phosphate at pH 5.0, and the reaction was stopped by rinsing in ice-cold tap water containing 50mm sodium fluoride. The reaction product was post-coupled to Fast Garnet at 4°C. The absorbance of areas of reaction product in the cytoplasm was measured using scanning and integrating microdensitometry. The initial velocity rate was maintained for up to 2 min at pH 5.0 with a substrate concentration of 3mm and a section thickness of 5 µm. Under these conditions reaction product was localized to osteoclasts and the surface of bone matrix beneath these cells. Activities in osteoblasts and chondrocytes were negligible. Osteoclastic acid phosphatase was almost totally inhibited by 10mm fluoride and reduced by 70% by 100mm tartrate.  相似文献   

The hydrolysis of disodium p-nitrophenyl phosphate at pH 9.0 by slices of formaldehydee-fixed rat renal cortex was investigated by colorimetric estimation of the nitrophenol liberated. It was found that three types of activity could be identified on the basis of their responses to inhibitors and cations: (a) alkaline phosphatase sensitive to inhibition by L-tetramisole; (b) potassium-dependent phosphatase, probably identifiable with the phosphatase component of sodium-potassium-dependent transport adenosine triphosphatase (?Na-K-ATPase); and (c) alkaline phosphatase insensitive to L-tetramisole. It was found that in the presence of strontium ions, as used in Na-K-ATPase cytochemistry, the activities of the second and third types of enzyme were approximately equal. The implications of these findings for the cytochemical demonstration of Na-K-ATPase are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution patterns of acid phosphatase hydrolytic activity were studied in human peripheral blood cells with enzymocytochemical techniques together with light and scanning electron microscopy in the secondary and backscattered electron imaging modes. The acid phosphatase reaction product was seen in three different patterns of distribution: focal, granular and diffuse. These patterns were correlated with similar findings obtained with light microscopy. Acid phosphatase distribution patterns seen with SEM in the BEI mode were also correlated with the surface morphology of peripheral blood cells seen in the SEI mode. Cells exhibiting the focal pattern were smooth-surfaced with few microvilli; cells showing a granular pattern presented microvilli and microridges; ruffles were characteristic of cells with a diffuse pattern of activity. No reaction product was seen in cells bearing microvilli or ridges. Our findings demonstrate the correlation between acid phosphatase activity patterns and surface features in different subpopulations of peripheral blood cells.  相似文献   

The distribution patterns of acid phosphatase hydrolytic activity were studied in human peripheral blood cells with enzymocytochemical techniques together with light and scanning electron microscopy in the secondary and backscattered electron imaging modes. The acid phosphatase reaction product was seen in three different patterns of distribution: focal, granular and diffuse. These patterns were correlated with similar findings obtained with light microscopy. Acid phosphatase distribution patterns seen with SEM in the BEI mode were also correlated with the surface morphology of peripheral blood cells seen in the SEI mode. Cells exhibiting the focal pattern were smooth-surfaced with few microvilli; cells showing a granular pattern presented microvilli and microridges; ruffles were characteristic of cells with a diffuse pattern of activity. No reaction product was seen in cells bearing microvilli or ridges. Our findings demonstrate the correlation between acid phosphatase activity patterns and surface features in different subpopulations of peripheral blood cells.  相似文献   

Summary As shown by electron microscopic histochemistry using a modified Gomori lead salt technique, acid phosphatase is present in large dense granules and the Golgi apparatus —but not the light granules—in both immature and mature heterophils in the chicken. The large dense granules appear to form by budding from the Golgi cisternae while the light granules appear to be unassociated with the Golgi apparatus. The findings indicate that the large, dense granules are the lysosomes of the heterophils in the chicken.  相似文献   

Summary Activity of acid phosphatase (ACP) was investigated cytochemically in the pineal organ of the rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri. Intense reaction product for ACP activity was observed (1) in lysosomes varying in size and shape and (2) in endoplasmic reticulum associated with the Golgi complex of (i) the pineal photoreceptor and supporting cells, (ii) vascular endothelial cells, and (iii) macrophages inhabiting pineal lumen, parenchymal epithelium and perivascular spaces. This localization of ACP is discussed with particular reference to the capacity for lysosomal digestion in a pineal organ combining photoreceptive and secretory functions, and lacking a blood-brain barrier, as holds true for the pineal of the rainbow trout. Taking advantage of its capacity for endocytotic uptake and lysosomal digestion, the pineal organ of the rainbow trout may serve as a barrier between the blood circulation and the cerebrospinal-fluid compartment. Furthermore, the macrophages may be considered as an essential component in pineal function of fish.Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.  相似文献   

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