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Ventelä  Anne-Mari  Saarikari  Vesa  Vuorio  Kristiina 《Hydrobiologia》1997,363(1-3):229-240
The vertical distributions of bacteria, picoalgae,protozoan and metazoan zooplankton, and phytoplanktonin the highly eutrophic Lake Köyliönjärvi(SW Finland) were studied monthly during the period ofice-cover in January-April 1996. For comparison, wealso provide some data on the distributions of theplankton during the summer. The whole watercolumn remained oxic during the ice-covered period,although the near-bottom oxygen concentrations werealways very low. The heterotrophic nanoflagellateswere more abundant in winter than in summer, butciliates, picoalgae and bacteria were more numerous insummer. In general both zooplankton and phytoplanktonhad low biomass during the ice-covered period.However, the biomass of the diatom Aulacoseiraislandica ssp. islandica was high under the icein April. The calanoid copepod Eudiaptomusgraciloides was the dominant zooplankton species fromJanuary to March, but had almost disappeared by thebeginning of April and did not increase again until inJune. The dominant rotifer species in winterwere Keratella cochlearis, Filinia terminalis,and Filinia longiseta in the surface water andRotaria neptunia near the bottom.  相似文献   

Time—depth variations in inorganic carbon and nitrogenuptake by phytoplankton in Toolik Lake were examined over 36h using isotope tracer techniques. Rates of dissolved inorganiccarbon (DIC = CO2 + + ) and maximum uptake were phased with the did high light/low light regime characteristic of the briefarctic summer with the amplitude of oscillation greater forDIC than for . Ammonium uptake was continuous at uptake-saturating concentrations. No conclusive evidencewas found for a diel periodicity in nitrogenous nutrient levelsor uptake of and ambient concentrations. A pronounced light—temperature effecton dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN = + ) uptake was evident at depth when rates of uptake were maximum. Depth-integrated daily C/N uptake ratios(mol) estimated as the mean of four consecutive 6 h incubationsranged from 1.8–6.4 under conditions of substrate saturationand from 6.0–16.1 at ambient levels of DIN. The efficacyof 24 h incubations to estimate accurately day-rates of DICand substrate-saturated DIN uptake was assessed by comparingestimates obtained from 24 h exposures to those approximatedby summing results from serial short-term incubations. Experimentsof 24 h duration accurately predicted day-rates of maximum uptake but underestimated daily DIC uptake by 13 7% ( SD). Day-length incubations introduced serious errors in the estimation of day-rates of maximum uptake, effecting an underestimation of 29 5%( SD). 1Institute of Marine Science Contribution No. 538.  相似文献   

The dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) cycle in a softwater lake was studied using natural variations of the stable isotopes of carbon,12C and13C. During summer stratification there was a progressive decrease in epilimnion DIC concentration with a concomitant increase in 13CDIC), due to preferential uptake of12C by phytoplankton and a change in the dominant CO2 source from inflow andin situ oxidation to invasion from the atmosphere. There was an increase in hypolimnion DIC concentration throughout summer with a concomitant general decrease in 13CDIC from oxidation of the isotopically light particulate organic carbon that sank down through the thermocline from the epilimnion.Mass balance calculations of DI12C and DI13C in the epilimnion for the summer (June 23–September 25) yield a mean rate of net conversion of DIC to organic carbon (Corg) of 430 ± 150 moles d-1 (6.5 ± 1.8 m moles m-2 d-1. Net CO2 invasion from the atmosphere was 420 ± 120 moles d-1 (6.2 ± 1.8 m moles m-2 d-1) with an exchange coefficient of 0.6 ± 0.3m d-1. These results imply that at least for the summer months the phytoplankton obtained about 90% of their carbon from atmosphere CO2. About 50% of CO2 invasion and conversion to Corg for the summer occurred during a two week interval in mid-summer.DIC concentration increased in the hypolimnion at a rate of 350 ± 70 moles DIC d-1 during summer stratification. The amount of DIC added to the hypolimnion was equivalent to 75 ± 20% of net conversion of DIC to Corg in the euphotic zone over spring and summer implying rapid degradation of POC in the hypolimnion. The 13C of DIC added to the deep water (-22.) was too heavy to have been derived from oxidation of particulate organic carbon alone. About 20% of the added DIC must have diffused from hypolimnetic sediments where relatively heavy CO2 (-7) was produced by a combination of POC oxidation and as a by-product of methanogenesis.  相似文献   

1. Lake 302S in the Experimental Lakes Area of Canada was acidified from pH 6.7 (1981) to 5.1 (1986). The pH was further reduced to 4.5 in 1987 and held at that level until 1991. From 1992 to 1995, the pH was allowed to increase to a target value of 5.8.
2. The response of the phytoplankton community to decreasing pH from 6.0 to 5.1 was similar to that observed in another experimentally acidified lake (223) and in other atmospherically acidified lakes. Acidification affected species diversity of both the phytoplankton and epilithon. Phytoplankton diversity was positively correlated with pH. Epilithic algal diversity was more variable and did not correlate with pH.
3. Phytoplankton biomass was enhanced by acidification as the assemblage shifted from a dominance of chrysophytes to large dinoflagellates ( Gymnodinium sp. and Peridinium inconspicuum ). Epilithon biomass was unaffected, but dominance shifted from filamentous cyanophytes ( Lyngbya ) to acidophilic diatoms ( Tabellaria quadriseptata and Anomoeonis brachysira ).
4. The only taxon to be similarly affected in both the phytoplankton and epilithon was the cyanobacteria, being significantly reduced below pH 5.1. During early recovery (pH 5.5–5.8), cyanobacteria increased and species present prior to acidification recolonized both habitats.
5. In the early stages of recovery, planktonic and benthic assemblages remained more similar to acidified than natural assemblages, but more profound change began at pH > 5.5.  相似文献   

R. I. Jones 《Hydrobiologia》1988,161(1):75-87
The vertical distributions and migrations are described of the most abundant flagellated phytoplankton species from the summer community of a small forest lake in southern Finland. The lake showed a steep and stable thermal stratification with a shallow oxygenated epilimnion. Horizontal variation of phytoplankton distribution within the lake was tested on two scales and found to be statistically significant only in the case of Mallomonas reginae. The vertical distribution of flagellated phytoplankton was assessed by reference to the distribution of a non-motile, neutrally buoyant species Ankyra judayi. Statistically significant, active vertical positioning was demonstrated for all the flagellates examined with the exception of Spiniferomonas bourrellyi. Diel vertical migrations were apparent for all species showing active positioning and the pattern of an evening descent and a morning ascent was ubiquitous. The extent and timing of diel migrations varied between species. The most extensive migrations were by Cryptomonas marssonii which crossed a temperature gradient of 14 °C and penetrated far into the anoxic hypolimnion. Several categories of competitive advantage can be gained by species undertaking such diel vertical migrations.  相似文献   

1. Both the pelagic and benthic net dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) productions were measured in situ on four occasions from June to September 2004, in the unproductive Lake Diktar-Erik in subarctic Sweden. The stable isotopic signal ( δ 13C) of respired organic material was estimated from hypolimnion water data and data from a laboratory incubation using epilimnion water.
2. Both pelagic and benthic habitats were net heterotrophic during the study period, with a total net DIC production of 416 mg C m−2 day−1, of which the pelagic habitat contributed approximately 85%. The net DIC production decreased with depth both in the pelagic water and in the sediments, and most of the net DIC production occurred in the upper water column.
3. Temporal variations in both pelagic and benthic DIC production were small, although we observed a significant decrease in pelagic net DIC production after the autumn turnover. Water temperature was the single most important factor explaining temporal and vertical variations in pelagic DIC production. No single factor explained more than 10% of the benthic net DIC production, which probably was regulated by several interacting factors.
4. Pelagic DIC production, and thus most of the whole-lake net production of DIC, was mainly due to the respiration of allochthonous organic carbon. Stable isotope data inferred that nearly 100% of accumulated DIC in the hypolimnion water had an allochthonous carbon source. Similarly, in the laboratory incubation using epilimnion water, c. 85% of accumulated DIC was indicated to have an allochthonous organic carbon source.  相似文献   

1. Despite the recognition of its importance, benthic primary production is seldom reported, especially for large lakes. We measured in situ benthic net primary production by monitoring flux in dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) concentration in benthic incubation chambers, based on continuous measurements of CO2(aq) flux, alkalinity, and the temperature‐dependent dissociation constants of carbonic acid (K1 and K2). This methodology has the advantages of monitoring net primary production directly as change in carbon, maintaining continuous water recirculation, and having sufficient precision to detect change in DIC over short (i.e. 15 min) incubations, even in alkaline waters. 2. Benthic primary production on Cladophora‐dominated rocky substrata in western Lake Ontario was measured biweekly. Maximum biomass‐specific net photosynthetic rates were highest in the spring (2.39 mgC g Dry Mass?1 h?1), decreased to negative rates by early summer (?0.76 mgC g DM?1 h?1), and exhibited a regrowth in late summer (1.98 mgC g DM?1 h?1). 3. A Cladophora growth model (CGM), previously validated to predict Cladophora biomass accrual in Lake Ontario, successfully simulated the seasonality and magnitude of biomass‐specific primary production during the first cohort of Cladophora growth. Averaged over this growing season (May–Aug), mean areal net benthic production at the estimated depth of peak biomass (2 m) was 405 mg C m?2 d?1. 4. We measured planktonic primary production in proximity to the benthic study and constructed a depth‐resolved model of planktonic production. Using the CGM, benthic primary production was compared with planktonic primary production for the period May–Aug. Net benthic production from the shoreline to the 12 m contour (1–2 km offshore) equalled planktonic production. Closer to shore, benthic primary production exceeded planktonic primary production. Failure to account for benthic primary production, at least during abundant Cladophora growth, will lead to large underestimates in carbon and nutrient flows in the nearshore zone of this Great Lake.  相似文献   

In perennially ice-covered lakes of Taylor Valley, Antarctica, “legacy”, a carryover of past ecosystem events, has primarily been discussed in terms of nutrient and salinity concentrations and its effect on the current ecology of the lakes. In this study, we determine how residual pools of ancient carbon affect the modern carbon abundance and character in the water columns of Lakes Fryxell, Hoare, and Bonney. We measure the stable carbon isotopic compositions and concentrations of particulate organic carbon (POC) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in the water column of these lakes over four seasons (1999–2002). These data are presented and compared with all the previously published Taylor Valley lacustrine carbon stable isotopic data. Our results show that the carbon concentrations and isotopic compositions of the upper water columns of those lakes are controlled by modern processes, while the lower water columns are controlled to varying degrees by inherited carbon pools. The water column of the west lobe of Lake Bonney is dominated by exceptionally high concentrations of DIC (55,000–75,000 μmol l−1) reflecting the long period of ice-cover on this lake. The east lobe of Lake Bonney has highly enriched δ13CDIC values resulting from paleo-brine evaporation effects in its bottom waters, while its high DIC concentrations provide geochemical evidence that its middle depth waters are derived from West Lake Bonney during a hydrologically connected past. Although ancient carbon is present in both Lake Hoare and Lake Fryxell, the δ13CDIC values in bottom waters suggest dominance by modern primary productivity-related processes. Anaerobic methanogenesis and methanotrophy are also taking place in the lower water column of Lake Fryxell with enough methane, oxidized anaerobically, to contribute to the DIC pool. We also show how stream proximity and high flood years are only a minor influence on the carbon isotopic values of both POC and DIC. The Taylor Valley lake system is remarkably stable in both inter-lake and intra-lake carbon dynamics. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

Using time-course, natural-light incubations, we assessed the rate of carbon uptake at a range of light intensities, the effect of supplemental additions of nitrogen (as NH4+ or urea) on light and dark carbon uptake, and the rates of uptake of NH4+ and urea by phytoplankton from Vineyard Sound, Massachusetts from February through August 1982. During the winter, photoinhibition was severe, becoming manifested shortly after the start of an incubation, whereas during the summer, there was little to no evidence of photoinhibition during the first several hours after the start of an incubation. At light levels which were neither photoinhibiting nor light limiting, rates of carbon uptake normalized per liter were high and approximately equal during winter and summer (22–23 μg C·l?1 · h?1), and low during spring (<10 μgC·l?1· h?1). In contrast, on a chlorophyll a basis, rates of carbon fixation were as high during spring (15–20μg C·μg Chl a?1·h?1), when concentrations of chlorophyll a were at the yearly minimum (<0.5 μg · l?1) as during the summer, when chlorophyll a concentrations were substantially higher (0.8–1.3 μg · l?1). Highest rates of NH4+ and urea uptake were observed during summer, and at no time of the year was there evidence for severe nitrogen deficiency, although moderate nitrogen nutritional stress was apparent during the summer months.  相似文献   

Temporal variations in carbon isotope ratio of phytoplanktonand dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in Lake Suwa were reported.In summer, blooming of Microcystis spp. resulted in low concentrationsof DIC and high pH, and HCO3 was the prominent speciesof DIC. Chlorophyll-specific rates of photosynthesis were relativelyconstant irrespective of the algal biomass during summer. Carboxylationin photosynthesis of Microcystis spp. was mainly catalyzed byribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase). Carbon isotopediscrimination between 13C of phytoplankton and DIC was considerablysmall in early summer and appeared to be negatively correlatedto DIC concentration. We concluded that carbon fixation by phytoplanktonin Lake Suwa is controlled not by the switch of photosyntheticpathways, but by low DIC concentration and high pH, suggestingthat photosynthesis of Microcystis spp. in Lake Suwa is governedby uptake kinetics other than the carboxylation step.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. Unlike previously studied lakes with prolonged winter ice and snow cover, Lake Paajarvi, southern Finland, has a high humus content and consequently differs in both the quantity and quality of light penetration into its waters. Moreover, the range of temperature fluctuation and the degree of development of thermal stratification are greater in Paajarvi, and this increased environmental heterogeneity apparently stimulates diversity in the phytoplankton community, especially in the seasonal succession of species. Differences in the photosynthetic capacity of algae from different depths in the water column were not great. This is attributed to the extremely shallow euphotic zone, algae circulating freely through the steep light gradient and sedimenting rapidly once they pass through the thermocline into the hypolimnion. It is suggested that 'adaptation' of phytoplankton to the great seasonal changes in irradiance is achieved largely by successive growths of different species in the community, and that the adaptations and vertical migrations by individual algal species, which have been reported from polar and high alpine lakes, may be of secondary importance in Pääjärvi. The species successions in Pääjärvi produce changes in the pigment content of algae similar to those reported from polar and high alpine lakes, confirming that change in pigmentation is an important mechanism in light adaptation, whether at community or individual level. Algal pigment content was particularly high at the end of the long period of winter ice cover, indicating a degree of adaptation to the prolonged low-light conditions, which produced the extremely high photosynthetic capacities measured at this time. However, phytoplankton production at any irradiance was primarily determined by biomass.  相似文献   

It is widely believed that inorganic C does not limit the rate of short-term photosynthesis, the net productivity, or the maximum biomass, of marine phytoplankton. This lack of inorganic C restriction is less widely believed to hold for phytoplankton in many low alkalinity freshwaters or for seaweed in nutrient-enriched rock pools. These views are examined in the context of the physical chemistry of the inorganic C system in natural waters and of the ways in which various taxa of phytoplankton deal with inorganic C and discriminate between 12C and 13C. Using this information to interpret data obtained in the ocean or in freshwater suggests that short-term photosynthesis, production rate, and achieved biomass, of phytoplankton are rarely limited by inorganic C supply but, rather, that the widely suggested factors of limited light, nitrogen or phosphorus supply are the resource inputs which restrict productivity. Global change, by increasing atmospheric CO2 partial pressure and global mean temperatures, is likely to increase the mean CO2 concentration in the atmosphere, but the corresponding change in the oceans will be much less. There are, however, genotypic differences in the handling of inorganic C among the diversity of marine phytoplankton, and in impact on use of limiting nutrients, so increases in the mean CO2 and HCO3 - concentrations in surface ocean waters could cause changes in species composition. However, the rarity of inorganic C limitation of marine phytoplankton short-term photosynthesis, net productivity, or the maximum biomass, in today's ocean means that global change is unlikely to increase these three values in the ocean.  相似文献   

Stable carbon isotopes (13C) were determined for phytoplanktonand dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from Lake Apopka, a shallow,polymictic and hypereutrophic lake in Florida, USA. Bulk planktondominated by pico- and nanqanobacteria were enriched in 13(–13.1± 1.1%) as a result of assimilation of extremely 13C-richDIC (13C = 9.6 ± 3.0%). Diatoms (Aulacoseira spp.) hada 13C of –14.3 ± 0.6% that was slightly more negativethan that of small cyanobacteria. Meroplanktonic diatoms hada 13C (–13.6 ± 1.8%), similar to their planktoniccounterparts. The 13C of a colonial cyanobacterium (Microcystisincerta) was exceptionally heavy (–3.0 ± 1.0%)and attributed to localized carbon limitation. Seasonal variationin 13C of bulk plankton was small (4%) relative to reports forother lacustrine systems No difference in the 13C of bulk planktonhorn surface water between stratified and non-stratified periodswas found. No measurable changes in 13C of bulk plankton wereindicated in light and dark incubation experiments Frequentwind mixing of the water column, high DIC concentration, andconsistently high lake productivity were used to explain thetemporal and spatial isotope consistency of phytoplankton inthis lake.  相似文献   

Measurements of algal carbon metabolism in the light and the dark were conducted in (1) short-term (3-h) light and dark incubations, (2) a diel (24-h) experiment, and (3) a longer-term (4-d) carbon accumulation experiment to examine the relationship between photosynthetic rates, photosynthetic carbon metabolism in the light, and respiration and carbon metabolism in the ensuing dark period in natural assemblages of freshwater phytoplankton. High rates of photosynthesis and polysaccharide synthesis in the light were followed by high rates of respiration and polysaccharide utilization in the dark. Polysaccharide was the major respiratory substrate in the dark, and small molecular weight metabolites, lipids, and protein were less important sources of metabolic energy. The protein pool accumulated carbon during dark incubations, but more slowly than during active photosynthesis in the light. Because the intracellular macromolecular pools turn over at very different rates (polysaccharide > protein and lipid), patterns of short-term photosynthetic carbon metabolism are not necessarily indicative of the biochemical composition of the phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Abstract The quantitative approach used here is based on a model comprising a well-stirred medium, an unstirred layer, and a CO2 absorbing leaf. The unstirred layer is divided up by planes into a number of sub-layers. Within each plane the concentration of each solute is everywhere the same as is the electric potential. These variables constitute the basic data. Thus the planes were characterized by their pH value. An equation is derived which enables the calculation of the basic data of a plane from the known data of another plane. In this way it is possible to calculate the basic data for all planes. From these data the rate of assimilation, the thickness of the unstirred layer and its sub-layers, the fluxes across the sub-layers and the conversions among the carbon components can be estimated. The CO2 flux decreases, and the HCO?3 flux increases towards the leaf. There are negative fluxes of OH& and CO2–3. H+ fluxes are of minor importance and can be ignored if the pH of the medium is higher than 8.0, provided no non-inorganic C buffers with appropriate pKa are present. The significance of the carbon diffusion facilitating effect of an inorganic carbon system is expressed in various ways. The values obtained represent maxima, as the assumption is made that the equilibrium reactions are very fast. It is argued that even better effects are possible if the back-diffusion of CO2–3 could be prevented by lowering the pH of the unstirred layer.  相似文献   

Long-term sequences of total phytoplankton biomass are described and analysed in relation to environmental conditions and species composition. They are based on largely weekly sampling of mean concentrations of chlorophyll a ([Chl]) in the euphotic zones of four English lake basins over 26 years. More restricted sampling is used to illustrate the regulation of vertical distribution, and a comparison with several chemical indices of seston abundance.The seasonal variation of [Chl] is predominantly constructed from two peaks in spring and summer-autumn. These are separated by a universal and light-limited winter minimum that is accentuated in the deeper basins and a more variable early summer minimum to which diatom sedimentation, species replacement and grazing by Cladocera contribute. In some years or year-sequences additional peaks of varied origin may be interpolated (frequency modulation), especially in the shallower basins. Some variability of maxima with nutrient enrichment and particular species-crop failure or success (e.g. Ceratium spp.), and of minima with growth limitation, loss modes and species replacement, exists within and between basins (amplitude modulation).Depth-colonization is primarily controlled by restrictions on vertical mixing associated with the seasonal temperature/density stratification. Relative timings can be important for areal biomass development. Though [Chl] is mainly epilimnetic in summer, metalimnetic and hypolimnetic accumulations can also arise by growth in situ, flagellate migration, or sedimentation. Variations in the content of Chl below unit area, for entire lake column or euphotic zone, are less sensitive to trophic state than are mean euphotic concentrations because of compensating influences of morphometry and light penetration.Correspondences exist between temporal sequences of [Chl] and some chemical components of seston (C, N, reducing capacity), but ratios to P show much variation.Comparison is made with other observations of seasonal phytoplankton biomass, with reference to latitudinal influence and to proposed generalisations regarding seasonal pattern.  相似文献   

1. Lake phytoplankton community structure may be influenced by both internal factors (predation, competition, resource constraints) and external ones, such as dispersal of materials and cells between connected habitats. However, little is known about the importance of cell dispersal for phytoplankton community structure in lakes. 2. We investigated the abundance and dispersal of phytoplankton cells between connected rivers and lakes, and analysed whether similarities in phytoplankton community composition between rivers and lakes were primarily related to cell import rates or to characteristics of the local habitat. We focused on lakes along a gradient of theoretical water retention times (TWRT). Two data sets from Swedish lakes were used; a seasonal study of two connected boreal forest lakes, differing in TWRT, and a multi‐lake study of 13 lakes with a continuous range of TWRTs. 3. Phytoplankton cells were transported and dispersed in all investigated rivers. In the seasonal study, cell import rates and similarities in phytoplankton community composition between the lake and its inlet(s) were much higher in the lake with a shorter TWRT. Phytoplankton community structure in different habitats was associated with total organic carbon (TOC). This indicates that local habitat characteristics may be important in determining lake phytoplankton community composition, even in the presence of substantial cell import. 4. The multi‐lake study also showed a negative relationship between TWRT and similarities in phytoplankton community composition between inlets and lakes. Moreover, similarity in community structure was related to both cell import rates from inlet to lake and differences in habitat characteristics between inlet and lake. However, the variable most strongly correlated with community structure was TOC, indicating that species sorting rather than a mass effect was the most important mechanism underlying the correlation between community structure and retention time. 5. Overall, our data suggest that local habitat characteristics may play a key role in determining community similarity in this set of lakes covering a large range of habitat connectedness. Due to the strong co‐variations between cell dispersal and TOC, it was hard to unequivocally disentangle the different mechanisms; hence, there is a need for further studies of the role of dispersal for phytoplankton community structures.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton in the small central Finnish lake, Vasikkalampi, was studied over a two-year period by weekly sampling simultaneously with monitoring of physical and chemical properties of water, solar radiation energy and zooplankton. In the present paper, the fluctuations in phytoplankton diversity were studied in relation to environmental factors. The special aim for the study was to detect a relation between environmental disturbances and phytoplankton diversity.  相似文献   

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