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Experiments with small plants of Populus tremula L. growing in solution culture indicate that polarly transported auxin is an important factor in the control of axillary bud growth. If the auxin supply from the growing apex is eliminated, the number of buds released is influenced by factors translocated in the transpiration stream from the roots. Suckers may be induced to develop from aspen roots, the age of which is six weeks or more. Removal of the growing apex and the axillary buds or stoppage of shoot growth by short day treatment were effective in inducing abundant suckering in small aspen plants. Some mature leaves had to be maintained, indicating the dependence of sucker formation on carbohydrate supply. These treatments are known to decrease auxin production in the shoots. Extraction and biological assay showed a decrease in the content of auxin in the roots as a consequence of removal of growing shoot parts. The results indicate that suckering in roots of intact aspen plants is prevented by auxin transported into the roots from growing shoot parts.  相似文献   

The muscular system in the posterior sucker of Branchiobdella pentodonta Whit. has circular, longitudinal and radial fibers. In the anterior sucker, which has circular and longitudinal fibers, the muscle system is scarce. Concentric fibers are found around the mouth. In both suckers the glandular elements form voluminous complexes secreting mucus for attachment to the substrate. Suckers show neuromuscular junctions and three distinct types of neuroglandular junctions: one with typical neurosecretory granules, one with larger neurosecretory granules produced by cells located at the origin of the segmental nerves, and one with presynaptic vesicles. The second type is peculiar to the posterior sucker. A comparison is made between suckers of Branchiobdella and those of leeches.  相似文献   

To understand the spatial structure of monospecific Tugai forests (Xinjiang Province, China) growing as gallery woods nourished by ground water, root suckering in Populus euphratica was studied by a combination of morphological and molecular analyses. Seedlings grow a deep tap root and keep this as adult trees, whereas root suckers never develop a tap root but utilize the horizontally stretching root of their parent trees. The resulting reverse “T” root architecture distinguishes reliably even adult root suckers from generatively grown trees. Due to assimilate input from the root sucker, the distal root (pointing away from the parent tree) becomes thicker soon than its proximal root, which allows determination of the direction of vegetative growth. One stand including 279 young trees germinated from seeds and 267 root suckers was mapped completely, and selected suckers were assigned to parent trees by genotyping with microsatellite DNA. Root suckers develop up to 40 m away from parent trees on horizontal “spacer” roots, usually originating not deeper than 20 cm below surface. Trees begin with root suckering between 10 and 15 years, shortly before reaching flowering age. Cutting experiments indicated reduced survival of young root suckers disconnected from the parent tree. Without a tap root and with a rooting point close to the surface, declining ground water levels should lower the fitness of root suckers even more than that of generatively grown trees.  相似文献   

Abstract. The objective of this study was to demonstrate the regeneration by root suckering of Populus tremuloides (quaking aspen) along a successional sere at Lake Duparquet in NW Québec with six sites of different ages - 46, 74, 120, 143, 167 and 230 yr since last fire. In 1990, in each of the sites, one 20 m x 20 m plot was cut. In each plot, 4-m2 plots were selected, both control and with litter removed. The number of suckers and their height were estimated for each plot in 1991, 1992 and 1993. Results showed that sucker production was not related to the number of P. tremuloides before the clearcut, but it was related to litter whereby increasing cover lowered the production. The number of suckers produced in the control plots did not show any significant difference along the successional sere for any of the three years. Scarified plots had more suckers than control plots, and this increase was more pronounced and significantly different for the younger stage. Regression analysis for the 1991 and 1992 data showed that sucker number in scarified plots decreased with increasing seral stage age. Mortality, after three growing seasons, was about 60% for all plots and was not affected by seral stage and treatment. We suggest that removal of litter in scarified plots exposed the roots to higher temperatures and caused wounds, both of which may have stimulated the production of suckers in young seral stages.  相似文献   

Abundances of white sucker, 100–500 mm FL, were not significantly different among the epilimnia, metalimnia and portions of the hypolimnia shallower than 20 m in each of two lakes. However, small suckers < 200 mm were captured most frequently in the epilimnion and no white suckers were captured in the deepest region, 20–38 m, of the two lakes. White suckers consumed prey from all three temperature zones in each lake. Prominent food items were Hyalella azteca and the chironomid larvae Heterotrissocladius, Djalmabatista and Procladius. Despite differences in relative densities of benthic invertebrates among thermal zones of the two lakes, suckers in neither lake foraged exclusively on prey of epilimnetic origin. Suckers captured in the metalimnia foraged on invertebrates that were common to all three thermal zones. And, only 0–4% of the suckers captured in the hypolimnia of the two lakes contained prey that were unique to the epilimnia. Suckers caught in the hypolimnia mainly consumed deep water invertebrates; 83% of the suckers foraged in the metalimnion and hypolimnion of Islets Lake and 45% foraged in the hypolimnion in Burnt Island Lake. Consequently there was little evidence of a massive inshore feeding migration followed by a post-feeding return to the hypolimnion. Northern pike and lake trout rarely fed on white suckers in these lakes and thus piscivory was an unlikely factor in the observed distribution of suckers.  相似文献   

Biomechanical properties of squid suckers were studied to provide inspiration for the development of sucker artefacts for a robotic octopus.Mechanical support of the rings found inside squid suckers was studied by bending tests.Tensile tests were carried out to study the maximum possible sucking force produced by squid suckers based on the strength of sucker stalks,normalized by the sucking areas.The squid suckers were also directly tested to obtain sucking forces by a special testing arrangement.Inspired by the squid suckers,three types of sucker artefacts were developed for the arm skin of an octopus inspired robot.The first sucker artefact made of knitted nylon sheet reinforced silicone rubber has the same shape as the squid suckers.Like real squid suckers,this type of artefact also has a stalk that is connected to the arm skin and a ring to give radial support.The second design is a straight cylindrical structure with uniform wall thickness made of silicone rubber.One end of the cylinder is directly connected to the arm skin and the other end is open.The final design of the sucker has a cylindrical base and a concave meniscus top.The meniscus was formed naturally using the surface tension of silicone gel,which leads to a higher level of the liquid around the edge of a container.The wall thickness decreases towards the tip of the sucker opening.Sucking forces of all three types of sucker artefacts were measured.Advantages and disadvantages of each sucker type were discussed.The final design of suckers has been implemented to the arm skin prototypes.  相似文献   

Population decline in the federally endangered June sucker (Chasmistes liorus), a lakesucker unique to Utah Lake, Utah, has been attributed in part to hybridization with the more widespread Utah sucker (Catostomus ardens). As a group, suckers in Utah Lake exhibit considerable external morphological variation. Meristic and morphological ambiguities, presumably the result of hybridization, create a continuum of intermediate forms between Chasmistes and Catostomus extremes and prevent definitive identification to species. Here we describe and evaluate the morphological and genetic variation in suckers in Utah Lake by comparing a morphological analysis with amplified fragment length polymorphism and microsatellite analyses. Suckers were morphologically differentiated using mouth characters associated with different feeding strategies: planktivory (June sucker) and benthivory (Utah sucker). Although we found no genetic evidence for a deep divergence between June and Utah morphs, significant, but slight population structuring accompanied the substantial morphological variation. Bayesian model‐based genetic clustering analyses detected two sucker populations in Utah Lake; however, these clusters were not strongly concordant with morphological groupings or between marker systems. The suckers in Utah Lake present an interesting dilemma regarding conservation: should one conserve (breed and stock) a subset of the morphotypic variation in the Utah Lake sucker complex, focusing on the endangered June sucker morphotype, or should one conserve both June sucker and Utah sucker morphotypes in this complex, possibly maximizing evolutionary potential? We explore this question in the context of current genetic and morphological variation in the Utah Lake sucker complex as well as historical information on this complex and other lakesuckers.  相似文献   

Synopsis The hypothesis that Sacramento suckers, Catostomus occidentalis, compete with rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, for space in streams was examined by measuring microhabitat utilization of both species in three California streams. Two streams were similar in most respects except one contained only trout and one contained trout and a large population of suckers. The third stream, formed by the union of the first two, contained trout and a small population of suckers. The species overlapped in five of the six microhabitat variables measured: maximum depth, mean water column velocity, focal point velocity, surface water velocity, and substrate type. However, the species had strong vertical segregation; there was little overlap between species in focal point depth. Mean focal point velocities were also significantly different. Suckers roamed over and generally remained in contact with the bottom while trout held position in the water column. Microhabitat utilization by trout in the stream without suckers was similar to in the stream with a higher sucker density. Differences in microhabitat utilization by trout between the third stream and the other two was attributed to the larger size of the third stream. Both sucker and trout showed a similar within-species segregation of size classes - fish under 50 mm in length sought shallow water. Size-specific trends indicated ontogenic shifts in resource utilization which reduced overlap within species. These results suggest that competition for space between trout and suckers was not a major factor regulating microhabitat utilization of trout, although the possibility that larger suckers may displace small trout needs further study.  相似文献   

Synopsis The capacity of the juvenile white sucker, Catostomus commersoni, to feed selectively on detritus was examined by analyzing gut contents of fish feeding in a northern Michigan pond and in laboratory aquaria. Suckers selected fine particle detritus. The median length of detritus particles consumed by pond suckers ranged from 26–38 m for all seasons sampled. Although suckers in the pond ingested invertebrates > 215 m they never ingested detritus particles > 215 m. Suckers fed pond detritus in laboratory aquaria selectively ingested the fine particle fraction (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, p < 0.0001). Suckers excluded particles > 220 m and ingested a median particle size of 54 m. Amorphous detritus particles comprised 100% of the detritus particles in 93% of the foreguts analyzed. Suckers fed fine particle (< 45 ) pond detritus in laboratory aquaria rejected the inorganic fraction and selectively ingested organicmaterial with the highest protein and energy content. Ash free dry mass (AFDM) as a percent of dry-mass was 2.6 times greater in the foregut contents than in the detritus (p < 0.001). The amino acid concentration and energy density of the ingested organic matter were 1.9 times higher (p < 0.044) and 1.3 times higher (p < 0.025) than the respective amino acid and energy content of the organic fraction of the detritus. These results indicate that suckers have the capacity to consume selectively fine particle detritus with the highest nutritional value.  相似文献   

The Octopodidae occur in virtually all benthic marine habitats; however, species in the family show little overt morphological differentiation. Subfamilies are currently defined by the presence or absence of an ink sac and the number of sucker rows (the presence of an ink sac and a single row of suckers are primitive characters) (Voss, 1988b); subfamily depth ranges arc cited in the diagnoses. Examination of external octopodid morphology through principal components analysis reveals that octopodid morphology correlates with geographic distribution. Low-latitude, shallow-water octopuses typically have narrower bodies and larger suckers on longer arms than do deep sea and high-latitude species. Sucker size inversely correlates with depth distribution, as studies of sucker functional morphology predict (Kier & Smith, 1990). The same characters contribute in a very similar manner to the discrimination of species when grouped by subfamily and when grouped by mean depth distribution. That depth distributions, which correlate with morphology and with the loss of the ink sac, contribute to the definition of these subfamilies, suggests that the subfamilies constitute phenetically similar rather than monophyletic groups. Cladistic analysis is required to reassess octopodid phylogeny.  相似文献   

Abstract Recruitment in many shrub and tree species in arid Australia is limited by domestic and feral animal grazing. The outbreak of Rabbit Calicivirus Disease (RCD or RHD) in late 1995 at Kinchega National Park (NP) in arid western NSW, Australia, coincided with intensified warren ripping and other rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) control efforts. We monitored changes in rabbit numbers in response to these factors using spotlight counts and dung‐pellet counts. Rabbit populations declined initially, and were low for the remainder of the study. To assess the impact of rabbit control on vegetation, we examined whether recruitment of seedlings or vegetative suckers was occurring at Kinchega NP, following the arrival of RCD; how long such recruits were likely to survive under current grazing pressures; and whether the magnitude of current seedling and vegetative sucker recruitment and survival is greater than available data prior to RCD and extensive warren control. We followed the survival of individual seedlings and newly emerged suckers of six shrub or tree species, most of which are considered to be at risk of local decline. Three levels of caging were used to exclude all mammalian grazers; all mammalian grazers except rabbits; and no mammalian grazers. Pooled cohorts of seedlings and suckers were analysed using failure‐time analyses. During the course of the study, suckering was observed in four species (Acacia carneorum, Alectryon oleifolius, Casuarina pauper and Santalum acuminatum), with seedlings observed in the other two species (Dodonaea viscosa and Acacia ligulata). Survival of suckers of some species was slightly greater than pre‐RCD estimates, but in general, a pattern of little or nil recruitment is likely in suckers exposed to rabbits or to all grazing mammals. Seedling survival was particularly low regardless of the level of exclusion, largely due to desiccation. Reduction of grazing impacts may only allow recruitment into populations of species reliant on seedlings under more favourable climatic circumstances than experienced in this study, while the probability of successful recruitment into populations of suckering species in western NSW continues to be low even at very low rabbit densities.  相似文献   

Some fishes use modified body structures – including pelvic fins – to produce suction to facilitate stability in turbulent environments. This study compares the morphology and osteology of the pelvic suckers of representative lumpfishes (Cyclopteridae), snailfishes (Liparidae) and gobies (Gobiidae). In all species studied the midline sucker (pelvic suctorial organ [PSO]) is formed from the pelvic girdle and fin rays I and 5 of the pelvic fins, comprised of similar osteological elements to those found in the pelvic girdle and pelvic fin rays although the morphology of the bony elements is species‐specific. Pelvic suctorial organs in those fishes that lack pelvic girdles are therefore homologous to pelvic girdles. The phenotypic diversity seen in so few species indicates that many sucker morphologies have arisen, origination depending on the concerted development of muscular, skeletal, nervous, and skin body tissues. The structure of the soft rays of the pelvic fins in the liparids and cyclopterids is unusual and indicative of unconventional developmental patterning of fin ray halves and of evolution in the underlying mechanisms responsible for the development of midline suckers.  相似文献   

以额济纳荒漠绿洲胡杨根蘖幼苗为研究对象,通过对绿洲内胡杨分布的3种主要生境内根蘖幼苗的调查,得出如下结论。近年来绿洲内胡杨种群的更新几乎完全依赖于无性繁殖更新,种子萌发产生的幼苗在调查地内没有发现。河岸沙丘地及胡杨林下地的根蘖幼苗中,3龄幼苗所占比重最大,龄级越小的根蘖苗在群落中的数量越少;在河水漫灌后的林间空地,2龄幼苗的数量最多。水漫灌后的林间空地中根蘖幼苗密度显著大于其余两生境内根蘖幼苗密度,同时该生境内每段胡杨根系萌生出的不定芽也大于另两生境。随着龄级增加,未枯枝根蘖幼苗的比率逐渐减小。根蘖幼苗的萌发点分布于土层30cm以内的根系上,分布深度大于30cm的根系不能萌发出根蘖幼苗。  相似文献   

芦芽山林线白杄生长季径向生长动态   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
高山林线作为树木分布的高度上限, 是全球范围最重要的植被过渡带之一, 其树木生长显著受到外界极端环境条件的影响。利用点状树木径向变化记录仪于2009年5-9月, 对山西省芦芽山林线组成树种白杄(Picea meyeri)生长季内树木径向生长进行了持续的动态监测。结果表明: 白杄茎干日变化主要受到树木蒸腾作用日变化的影响, 茎干呈现出白天脱水收缩与夜间吸水膨胀的循环变化; 生长季白杄径向生长可划分为3个不同的生长时段: 1)茎干水分恢复时段, 2)茎干快速生长时段, 3)茎干脱水收缩时段。在茎干水分恢复时段, 白杄茎干径向累积变化主要受到土壤含水量变化的影响。土壤温度是茎干快速生长时段影响茎干径向生长的主导环境因子, 同时它也影响着白杄茎干径向生长的开始。在茎干脱水收缩时段, 土壤温度、土壤含水量是影响茎干径向累积变化的主要环境因子。白杄径向生长最大速度出现在6月末, 其主要受到光周期(即白昼长短)影响, 是对林线处极端环境的一种适应。  相似文献   

The efficacy of predators of the banana weevil was investigated under laboratory and field cage conditions for the different breeding sites of the pest viz. the growing banana sucker and the spent pseudostem and residual rhizome of the sucker after the harvest of the bunch. The indigenous Dactylosternum abdominale (Hydrophilidae) reduced weevil multiplication in suckers by up to 50% and in residual stumps of harvested suckers by 39%. In spent pseudostems D. abdominale reduced the multiplication by 40–90% at different predator population densities while Thyreocephalus interocularis (Staphylinidae) reduced it by 42%. Other predators were unimportant.  相似文献   

This study used acoustic telemetry and a multistate Cormack–Jolly–Seber model to determine the seasonal movement patterns of blue sucker Cycleptus elongatus from 2015 to 2017. Several hypotheses were ranked using AICc, and it was determined that the movement patterns of blue suckers in a mainstem reach below a hydropower dam (i.e., tailwater) differed from those of blue suckers tagged in the major tributaries (perennial with stream order >3). This study estimated a low probability (≤0.13) blue suckers would leave the tailwater reach at any time during the study. Conversely, blue suckers tagged in the major tributaries had a high probability (≥0.88) of leaving after the spawning season (February–May). Blue suckers tagged in the major tributaries displayed a high probability (0.83) of returning to the tributaries in the spawning season of 2016 when discharges were high. Blue suckers also had a higher probability of fidelity to the tributary where they were tagged (0.65) rather than straying to different tributaries (0.18). The majority of tagged blue suckers that strayed selected the only undammed tributary in the study area. In 2017, spring discharges were low, and the probability of blue suckers returning to any major tributary was low (0.19), with little difference in the probability of displaying site fidelity (0.10) vs. straying (0.09).  相似文献   

The octopus sucker represents a fascinating natural system performing adhesion on different terrains and substrates. Octopuses use suckers to anchor the body to the substrate or to grasp, investigate and manipulate objects, just to mention a few of their functions. Our study focuses on the morphology and adhesion mechanism of suckers in Octopus vulgaris. We use three different techniques (MRI, ultrasonography, and histology) and a 3D reconstruction approach to contribute knowledge on both morphology and functionality of the sucker structure in O. vulgaris. The results of our investigation are two-fold. First, we observe some morphological differences with respect to the octopus species previously studied (i.e., Octopus joubini, Octopus maya, Octopus bimaculoides/bimaculatus and Eledone cirrosa). In particular, in O. vulgaris the acetabular chamber, that is a hollow spherical cavity in other octopuses, shows an ellipsoidal cavity which roof has an important protuberance with surface roughness. Second, based on our findings, we propose a hypothesis on the sucker adhesion mechanism in O. vulgaris. We hypothesize that the process of continuous adhesion is achieved by sealing the orifice between acetabulum and infundibulum portions via the acetabular protuberance. We suggest this to take place while the infundibular part achieves a completely flat shape; and, by sustaining adhesion through preservation of sucker configuration. In vivo ultrasonographic recordings support our proposed adhesion model by showing the sucker in action. Such an underlying physical mechanism offers innovative potential cues for developing bioinspired artificial adhesion systems. Furthermore, we think that it could possibly represent a useful approach in order to investigate any potential difference in the ecology and in the performance of adhesion by different species.  相似文献   

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