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In mathematical modeling of multi-segmented articulating total-human-body, there is no doubt that the shoulder complex plays one of the most important roles. However, proper biomechanical passive resistive force data have been lacking in the literature. This paper presents determination of the three-dimensional passive resistive joint properties beyond the maximal voluntary shoulder complex sinus. A functional expansion with two spherical angular variables in the local joint axis system is proposed to fit the overall restoring force (moment) data. A constant restoring force (moment) contour map as well as a three-dimensional perspective view of the results are presented in a new coordinate system defined in this study. Finally, a statistical data base is established by utilizing the statistical analysis procedures discussed in Part I of this paper.  相似文献   

A dynamical finite-element model of the shoulder mechanism consisting of thorax, clavicula, scapula and humerus is outlined. The parameters needed for the model are obtained in a cadaver experiment consisting of both shoulders of seven cadavers. In this paper, in particular, the derivation of geometry parameters from the measurement data is described. The results for one cadaver are presented as a typical example. Morphological structures are modelled as geometrical forms. Parameters describing this form are estimated from 3-D position coordinates of a large number of datapoints on the morphological structure, using a least-squares criterion. Muscle and ligament attachments are represented as a plane or as a (curved) line. Muscle paths are determined by a geometrical form of the bony contour around which the muscle is wrapped. Muscle architecture is determined by the distribution of muscle bundles over the attachment area, mapping the distribution of the origin to the insertion. Joint rotation centers are derived from articular surfaces. Hence, muscle moment arms can be calculated. The result of this study is a set of parameters for each cadaver, describing very precisely the geometry of the shoulder mechanism. This set allows positioning of muscle force vectors a posteriori, and recalculation of position coordinates and moment arms for any position of the shoulder.  相似文献   

Tissue overloading is a major contributor to shoulder musculoskeletal injuries. Previous studies attempted to use regression-based methods to predict muscle activities from shoulder kinematics and shoulder kinetics. While a regression-based method can address co-contraction of the antagonist muscles as opposed to the optimization method, most of these regression models were based on limited shoulder postures. The purpose of this study was to develop a set of regression equations to predict the 10th percentile, the median, and the 90th percentile of normalized electromyography (nEMG) activities from shoulder postures and net shoulder moments. Forty participants generated various 3-D shoulder moments at 96 static postures. The nEMG of 16 shoulder muscles was measured and the 3-D net shoulder moment was calculated using a static biomechanical model. A stepwise regression was used to derive the regression equations. The results indicated the measured range of the 3-D shoulder moment in this study was similar to those observed during work requiring light physical capacity. The r2 of all the regression equations ranged between 0.228 and 0.818. For the median of the nEMG, the average r2 among all 16 muscles was 0.645, and the five muscles with the greatest r2 were the three deltoids, supraspinatus, and infraspinatus. The results can be used by practitioners to estimate the range of the shoulder muscle activities given a specific arm posture and net shoulder moment.  相似文献   

The biceps brachii is a bi-articular muscle affecting motion at the shoulder and elbow. While its' action at the elbow is well documented, its role in shoulder elevation is less clear. Therefore, the purpose of this project was to investigate the influence of shoulder and elbow joint angles on the shoulder elevation function of the biceps brachii. Twelve males and 18 females were tested on a Biodex dynamometer with the biceps brachii muscle selectively stimulated at a standardized level of voltage. The results indicated that both shoulder and elbow joint angles influence the shoulder joint elevation moment produced by the biceps brachii. Further analysis revealed that the elevation moment was greatest with the shoulder joint at 0 degrees and the elbow flexed 30 degrees or less. The greatest reduction in the elevation moment occurred between shoulder angles of 0 degrees and 30 degrees . The shoulder elevation moment was near zero when shoulder elevation reached or exceeded 60 degrees regardless of elbow angle. These results clarify the role of the biceps in shoulder elevation, as a dynamic stabilizer, and suggest that it is a decelerator of the arm during the throwing motion.  相似文献   

We present a volumetric and extensive finite element model of the shoulder usable in the context of inverse control, in which the scapula is left unconstrained on the ribcage. Such a model allows for exploring various shoulder movements, which are essential for making patient-specific decisions. The proposed model consists of 23 volumetric muscles parts modelled using the finite element method. The glenohumeral, acromioclavicular and sternoclavicular joints are modelled with soft ball-socket constraints. The musculoskeletal model can be controlled by a tracking-based algorithm, finding the excitations values in the muscles needed to follow some target points. The moment arms obtained during abduction and rotation are compared with the literature, which includes results from cadaveric data and a fine FE model of the rotator cuff and the deltoid. We simulated the paralysis of serratus anterior, a main reason of scapular winging, and compared it with its physiological counterpart. A deficiency in the range of motion as well as a reduction in upward rotation were observed, which both corroborate clinical observations. This is one of the most comprehensive model of the shoulder, which can be used to study complex pathologies of the shoulder and their impact on functional outcome such as range-of-motion.  相似文献   

Studies have shown an increased muscle activation at the opposite passive side during unilateral contractions. The purpose of the present study was to examine the influence of pain on muscle activation in the passive shoulder during unilateral shoulder abduction. Ten patients with unilateral rotator tendinosis of the shoulder and nine healthy controls performed unilateral maximal voluntary contractions (MVC) and sustained submaximal contractions with and without subacromial injections of local anaesthetics of the afflicted shoulder. Muscle activation was recorded by electromyography (EMG) from the trapezius, deltoid, infraspinatus and supraspinatus muscles in both shoulders. During MVCs, the EMG amplitude from muscles of the passive afflicted side was not different in patients and controls, and was not influenced by pain alterations. In contrast, the EMG amplitude from the muscles of the passive unafflicted side was lower in the patients and increased after pain reduction. During the sustained submaximal contraction the EMG amplitude increased gradually in the passive shoulder to 15-30% of the EMG amplitude observed during MVC. This response was not influenced by differences in pain. We conclude that muscle activation of the passive shoulder was closely related to the activation of the contracting muscles and thus related to central motor drive, and not directly influenced by changes in pain.  相似文献   

Understanding how individuals distribute mechanical demand imposed on their upper extremity during physically demanding activities provides meaningful insights to preserve function and mitigate detrimental mechanical loading of the shoulder. In this study, we hypothesized that parameterization of the shoulder net joint moment using four functional axes could characterize distribution tendencies about the shoulder during manual wheelchair propulsion and that regardless of demographics, a shoulder flexor dominant NJM distribution would be predominantly used by individuals with paraplegia (n = 130). Forces and kinematics of the upper extremity and trunk were quantified using motion capture and an instrumented wheel during steady state manual wheelchair propulsion at self-selected fast speeds on a stationary ergometer. The results indicate that parsing out the internal/external rotation component of the shoulder net joint moment about the upper arm and distributing the remainder across the three orthogonal axes of the torso was successful in identifying common shoulder net joint moment distribution techniques used across individuals with paraplegia during manual wheelchair propulsion. Distribution tendencies were predominantly flexor dominant across injury level, gender, time since injury, body mass index, and height demographics. The 4-axis parameterization of the shoulder NJM effectively differentiated moment distribution tendencies used by individuals during manual wheelchair propulsion using a functionally relevant representation of shoulder kinetics. Use of the four-axis parameterization of joint kinetics in future studies is expected to provide important insights that can advance knowledge, preserve function, and inform clinical decisions.  相似文献   

Accurate representation of musculoskeletal geometry is needed to characterise the function of shoulder muscles. Previous models of shoulder muscles have represented muscle geometry as a collection of line segments, making it difficult to account for the large attachment areas, muscle–muscle interactions and complex muscle fibre trajectories typical of shoulder muscles. To better represent shoulder muscle geometry, we developed 3D finite element models of the deltoid and rotator cuff muscles and used the models to examine muscle function. Muscle fibre paths within the muscles were approximated, and moment arms were calculated for two motions: thoracohumeral abduction and internal/external rotation. We found that muscle fibre moment arms varied substantially across each muscle. For example, supraspinatus is considered a weak external rotator, but the 3D model of supraspinatus showed that the anterior fibres provide substantial internal rotation while the posterior fibres act as external rotators. Including the effects of large attachment regions and 3D mechanical interactions of muscle fibres constrains muscle motion, generates more realistic muscle paths and allows deeper analysis of shoulder muscle function.  相似文献   

Seventeen hemiplegic patients with chronic shoulder subluxation secondary to a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) were divided into three groups, two of which were subjected to 6 weeks of therapeutic electrical stimulation (TES) for 15 minutes twice a day, in order to assess the effectiveness of the treatment in reducing subluxation, and in improving shoulder abduction function. The third group was used as a control (C group). After 6 weeks of electrical stimulation of the supraspinatus (S group) and deltoid (D group), a significant (p<0.05) reduction in subluxation was observed in both groups when compared to the C group. The maximal force of shoulder abduction showed a tendency to increase in the S group (p<0.10). A significant increase in maximal force was also observed in the D group. In most of the TES-treated muscles, the interference pattern of EMG at maximum voluntary contraction increased. The amplitude of the EMG activity of the stimulated muscle also increased. Thus, we concluded that electrical stimulation therapy of the supraspinatus and the deltoid muscle is an effective treatment modality for shoulder subluxation and shoulder abduction function in hemiplegic patients.  相似文献   

Muscle specific maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVIC) are commonly used to elicit reference amplitudes to normalize electromyographic signals (EMG). It has been questioned whether this is appropriate for normalizing EMG from dynamic contractions. This study compares EMG amplitude when shoulder muscle activity from dynamic contractions is normalized to isometric and isokinetic maximal excitation as well as a hybrid approach currently used in our laboratory. Anterior, middle and posterior deltoid, upper and lower trapezius, pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi and infraspinatus were monitored during (1) manually resisted MVICs, and (2) maximum voluntary dynamic concentric contractions (MVDC) on an isokinetic dynamometer. Dynamic contractions were performed (a) at 30°/s about the longitudinal, frontal and sagittal axes of the shoulder, and (b) during manual bi-rotation of a tilted wheel at 120°/s. EMG from the wheel task was normalized to the maximum excitation from (i) the muscle specific MVIC, (ii) from any MVIC (MVICALL), (iii) for any MVDC, (iv) from any exertion (maximum experimental excitation, MEE). Mean EMG from the wheel task was up to 45% greater when normalized to muscle specific isometric contractions (method i) than when normalized to MEE (method iv). Seventy-five percent of MEE’s occurred during MVDCs. This study presents an 20 useful and effective process for obtaining the greatest excitation from the shoulder muscles when normalizing dynamic efforts.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine how the intra-muscular segments of three shoulder muscles were coordinated to produce isometric force impulses around the shoulder joint and how muscle segment coordination was influenced by changes in movement direction, mechanical line of action and moment arm (ma). Twenty male subjects (mean age 22 years; range 18-30 years) with no known history of shoulder pathologies, volunteered to participate in this experiment. Utilising an electromyographic technique, the timing and intensity of contraction within 19 muscle segments of three superficial shoulder muscles (Pectoralis Major, Deltoid and Latissimus Dorsi) were studied and compared during the production of rapid (e.g. approximately 400ms time to peak) isometric force impulses in four different movement directions of the shoulder joint (flexion, extension, abduction and adduction). The results of this investigation have suggested that the timing and intensity of each muscle segment's activation was coordinated across muscles and influenced by the muscle segment's moment arm and its mechanical line of action in relation to the intended direction of shoulder movement (e.g. flexion, extension, abduction or adduction). There was also evidence that motor unit task groups were formed for individual motor tasks which comprise motor units from both adjacent and distant muscles. It was also confirmed that for any particular motor task, individual muscle segments can be functionally classified as prime mover, synergist or antagonist - classifications which are flexible from one movement to the next.  相似文献   

The golf swing is a complex full body movement during which the spine and shoulders are highly involved. In order to determine shoulder kinematics during this movement, multibody kinematics optimization (MKO) can be recommended to limit the effect of the soft tissue artifact and to avoid joint dislocations or bone penetration in reconstructed kinematics. Classically, in golf biomechanics research, the shoulder is represented by a 3 degrees-of-freedom model representing the glenohumeral joint. More complex and physiological models are already provided in the scientific literature. Particularly, the model used in this study was a full body model and also described motions of clavicles and scapulae. This study aimed at quantifying the effect of utilizing a more complex and physiological shoulder model when studying the golf swing. Results obtained on 20 golfers showed that a more complex and physiologically-accurate model can more efficiently track experimental markers, which resulted in differences in joint kinematics. Hence, the model with 3 degrees-of-freedom between the humerus and the thorax may be inadequate when combined with MKO and a more physiological model would be beneficial. Finally, results would also be improved through a subject-specific approach for the determination of the segment lengths.  相似文献   

To analyze differences between apes and monkeys and the affinities of man, we have studied the shoulder girdle of 327 specimens of anthropoid primates. The scapula, clavicle and humerus are viewed as an integrated functional complex on the basis of 18 measurements. Several varieties of multivariate analysis show that man is clearly closer to other hominoids than to the included monkey taxa (whether terrestrial or arboreal, Old World or New World). The marked shoulder differences between apes and monkeys and similarities between apes and man correlate with the muscular anatomy, which in hominoids allows the motions involved in their locomotion and feeding behavior. As the hominid-pongid correspondence in shoulder morphology is especially detailed regarding the functionally important joint surfaces, it is consistent with a fairly recent period of common ancestry and behavior. No hypothetical evolutionary pathway or ancestral form of the human shoulder need look far beyond the model afforded by extant pongids. In contrast with previous studies on the primate shoulder, these results agree with information accumulating from other systems—comparative anatomy, primate behavior, and molecular biology — in suggesting very close relationship between man and extant African pongids.  相似文献   

In joints with 3 degrees of freedom, such as the shoulder joint, the association of different movements results in changes in the behavior of the moment arm of the muscles. The capacity of torque production for the same movement can be changed when movements take place in a different plane. The objective of this study is to quantify differences between torque production and resultant force estimated during the shoulder external rotation in two movement planes: the transverse and sagittal planes (with 90 degrees of shoulder abduction). Eight individuals were evaluated using an isokinetic dynamometer and an eletrogoniometer for movements in the transverse plane and six individuals for movements in the sagittal plane. The results showed that the execution of the external rotation in the sagittal plane allowed greater torque magnitudes and resultant force compared with those in the transverse plane, probably owing to a prestretching of infraspinatus and teres minor.  相似文献   

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