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M Sistiaga-Poveda  B M Jugo 《Heredity》2014,112(6):571-578
The oncogenic exogenous Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (JSRV), responsible for ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma, has several endogenous counterparts termed enJSRVs. Although many of these elements have been inactivated over time by the accumulation of deleterious mutations or internal recombination leading to solo long terminal repeat (LTR) formation, several members of enJSRVs have been identified as nearly intact and probably represent recent integration events. To determine the level of enJSRV polymorphism in the sheep population and related species, we have undertaken a study by characterizing enJSRVs copies and independent integration sites in six domestic sheep and two wild species of the sheep lineage. enJSRVs copies were detected by amplifying the env-LTR region by PCR, and for the detection of the insertion sites, we used two approaches: (1) an in silico approach based on the recently published Sheep Reference Genome Assembly (OARv3.0) and (2) an experimental approach based on PCR suppression and inverse PCR techniques. In total, 103 enJSRV sequences were generated across 10 individuals and enJSRV integrations were found on 11 of the 28 sheep chromosomes. These findings suggest that there are still uncharacterized enJSRVs, and that some of the integration sites are variable among the different species, breeds of the same species, subspecies and geographic locations.  相似文献   

Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), chamois (Rupicapra rupricapra rupicapra), and domestic sheep in the Orobie Alps, Italy, were serologically tested for antibodies to selected pathogens that may be transmitted across species. Antibodies against Brucella spp. and bovine herpesvirus 1 (roe deer and chamois only) were not detected in any species. In roe deer, antibodies were detected against Toxoplasma gondii (13%) and Neospora caninum (3%). Chamois tested positive for antibodies to T. gondii (5%), N. caninum (21%), bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) (41%), bovine parainfluenza type-3 virus (17%), pestiviruses (18%), and Mycoplasma conjunctivae (17%). In the sheep, particularly high antibody prevalence rates were found for T. gondii (78%), Chlamydophila spp. (20%), pestiviruses (90%), BRSV (82%), and M. conjunctivae (81%).  相似文献   

The humoral immune response of three alpine chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra rupicapra), two alpine ibex (Capra ibex ibex) and three domestic sheep naturally affected with infectious keratoconjunctivitis (IKC), and four ibex and two sheep experimentally infected with Mycoplasma conjunctivae was analysed. In addition, the local immune response to M. conjunctivae was analysed using conjunctival washes from chamois and sheep. Immunoblot analysis of sera using whole cell antigens of M. conjunctivae revealed the major immunogenic proteins which had molecular masses of 175, 83, 68, 60, 50, 42, 36, and 33 kDa. Major antigens were found at 83, 68, 60, and 42 kDa in both sera and conjunctival washes from naturally infected animals of all three Caprinae species. In experimentally infected animals, antibodies to the 68 and 60 kDa antigens were dominant. Naturally infected animals showed much stronger immune reactions than those experimentally infected, and specific antibodies appeared 2 to 4 wk after experimental infection. To evaluate possible cross-reactions, whole cell antigen of M. conjunctivae was analysed by immunoblot against hyperimmune sera of closely related Mycoplasma spp. Antibodies to the 175, 73, 68, 60, and 33 kDa antigens appeared to be specific to M. conjunctivae. Cross-reactions mainly with 83, 50, and 42 kDa antigens were detected, in particular with M. ovipneumoniae and M. bovoculi hyperimmune sera, but also with antisera against M. capricolum capricolum and M. putrefaciens.  相似文献   

Interspecific interference among livestock, native and non-native large herbivores is a key management and conservation issue, and little is known about its dynamics and implications. We investigated whether native Alpine chamois (Rupicapra r. rupicapra) modify their spatial distribution when non-native mouflon Ovis orientalis musimon and livestock (domestic sheep Ovis aries, and domestic goats Capra hircus) inhabit the same areas in the Alpine meadows of Italian Eastern Alps. We walked 5 hiking trails (5.0 ± 0.1 km) at dawn, twice a month during summers 2007 and 2008. During these surveys, we located each group of free-ranging ungulates (chamois, mouflon, and livestock). We also estimated the quality of meadows, finding that forage availability increased linearly as the distance from rocks (i.e., chamois refuges) increased. We predicted that the linear distance between chamois groups and rocks would depend on the co-presence of livestock and mouflon groups. Our results showed that chamois were more likely to be observed in areas with low food availability, but safer (i.e., closer to the rocks), whenever the nearest livestock group was larger and closer, especially if the shepherd's dog was present. Avoidance of the best feeding patches by the wild species is presumably due to spatial interference (e.g. visual and acoustic disturbance) and/or predation risk perception caused by the presence of shepherd's dogs. Similarly, the larger was the nearest group of mouflon, the closer to rocks was located the chamois group. Interestingly, mouflon group vicinity induced chamois to move closer to rocks only if mouflon rams were within the group. This suggests that physical displacement of the smaller species (i.e. chamois) is likely to occur to avoid direct disturbance of larger mouflon rams. Our study clearly showed how a native herbivorous species adjusts its spatial distribution and decreases the likelihood of using areas with higher food availability when livestock and/or a non-native species co-occur.  相似文献   

亚高寒草甸不同生境植物群落物种多度分布格局的拟合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘梦雪  刘佳佳  杜晓光  郑小刚 《生态学报》2010,30(24):6935-6942
物种多度分布是群落生态学研究的核心内容。通过对青藏高原东部亚高寒草甸3种不同生境草本植物群落的抽样调查,结合16个物种多度分布模型的两种曲线拟合优度检验得出如下结果:多种不同模型可以拟合同一生境的物种多度分布。相比于其他可拟合模型,几何级数模型在3种生境中两种拟合优度检验方法下的平均拟合效果是最好的,拟合优度值均在最优拟合优度值10左右波动。次优模型鉴于不同生境不同的检验方法表现不一。除了几何级数模型外,Sugihara分数模型在最小二乘法的拟合方法下,也可以拟合3种生境的物种多度分布。研究结果表明,仅用拟合优度检验区分产生不同物种分布格局的模型和机制是不可靠的,需要做进一步的检验性实验研究。  相似文献   

Williams  Berwyn L.  Grayston  Susan J.  Reid  Eileen J. 《Plant and Soil》2000,225(1-2):175-185
The impact of urine on the microbial biomass, activity and community structure was compared in the soil beneath two pastures in the Scottish uplands; Fasset, a natural Agrostis capillaris–Festuca ovina–Galium saxatile grassland and Strathfinella, a semi-natural grassland, improved with fertiliser addition. Community level physiological profiles (CLPP) were used to characterise the microbial communities. The utilisation of sugars, oligosaccharides, alcohols, carboxylic acids, long chain aliphatic acids, acidic, basic and neutral amino acids, amide N, phenolic acids and long chain aliphatic acids was used to compare the soils and the impact of synthetic urine addition. In the untreated soils, the utilisation of all the substrates decreased from the first week in May through to October. Averaged over all times and urine treatment, the potential utilisation of all substrates except for phenolic acids, long chain aliphatic acids and carboxylic acids was greater in the improved and more intensively grazed Strathfinella site. When averaged over all sample times, urine increased the utilisation of sugars, oligosaccharides, basic amino acids and amide N and the increases were greater in the unimproved, less intensively grazed, Fasset soil than that at Strathfinella. The effect of urine tended to be greatest during the period between 2 and 5 weeks after urine addition when utilisation of alcohols, acidic and neutral amino acids was also increased. Microbial biomass C in the control soils was 155.9 and 112.7 g C m−2 at Fasset and Strathfinella, respectively. Values did not change significantly with time and were unchanged by the addition of urine. However, urine addition significantly increased basal respiration rates at Fasset and decreased them at Strathfinella. Urine also increased bacterial numbers in both soils, but had no consistent effect on fungi or yeasts. The significance of these findings for studies of soil microbial community structure and activity in grazed upland grasslands is discussed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The survival of enteric bacteria in 10 freshly collected sheep fecal samples on pastures was measured in each of four seasons. Ten freshly collected feces were placed on pasture, and concentrations of Escherichia coli, enterococci, and Campylobacter spp. were monitored until exhaustion of the fecal samples. In all four seasons, there was an increase in enterococcal concentrations by up to 3 orders of magnitude, with peak concentrations recorded between 11 and 28 days after deposition. E. coli concentrations increased in three out of four seasons by up to 1.5 orders of magnitude, with peak concentrations recorded between 8 and 14 days after deposition. The apparent growth of E. coli and enterococci was strongly influenced by the initial water content of the feces and the moisture gained during periods of rehydration following rainfalls. Conversely, the results suggested that dehydration promoted inactivation. Campylobacter spp. did not grow and were rapidly inactivated at a rate that tended to be faster at higher temperatures. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) of a selection of Campylobacter spp. suggested that these survival data are applicable to a range of Campylobacter spp., including the most frequently isolated PFGE genotype from sheep in New Zealand, and to genotypes previously observed to cause disease in humans. The results of this study are currently being incorporated into a fecal microbe reservoir model that is designed to assist water managers' abilities to estimate microbial loads on pastures grazed by sheep, including the influence of factors such as rainfall and temperature.  相似文献   

The Forth estuary is a major estuary on the east coast of Scotland; it receives effluent from domestic and industrial (petro-chemical and distilling) sources. Following a study on the distribution of the macrofauna of the intertidal areas in relation to pollution (McLusky et al., 1978), this paper is concerned with the distribution and abundance of aquatic oligochaetes and the small polychaeteManayunkia aestuarina in relation to estuarine salinity, organic enrichment, and industrial effluent. In the most polluted parts of the estuary oligochaetes are the sole inhabitants of the mudflats; in other less polluted flats they are very abundant. In the least polluted parts the numbers of oligochaetes diminish as the numbers and diversity of macrofauna increase. Estimates of the production of oligochaetes are given.  相似文献   

Species abundance patterns of plants in Swedish semi-natural pastures   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
This investigation is based on a species inventory m semi-natural pastures, remnants of an "old" traditional landscape, in Sweden The aim was to examine relationships between species richness and pasture area, neighbour pasture area, distance to nearest pasture, pasture heterogeneity and fertilization Species occurrences were also investigated individually for the same parameters Pasture area, neighbour pasture area and distance to nearest pasture were not found to influence species richness Habitat heterogeneity and indications that pastures had been influenced by fertilization were however associated with both species richness and species occurrences Heterogeneity had only positive effects whereas the effects of fertilization were only negative Species regional abundance pattern tended to be bimodal, as predicted by the core-satellite hypothesis No correlation between abundance and plant height, or seed size was found, as would have been expected if competitive dominance effects determined species regional abundance There was a close to significant tendency that pasture area was positively associated with occurrences of species with features favouring a high seed dispersal capacity We suggest that the previous history of pasture distribution and management may be of vital importance for present day species abundance pattern, even though this remains obscure in the recent landscape  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2008,78(2-3):93-112
In the light of recent findings in sheep nutrition and feeding behaviour, the diets of grazing dairy sheep should be based on forages encompassing a variety of complementary nutritional values and containing moderate levels of diverse plant secondary metabolites, until recently regarded as “anti-nutritional”. In lactating sheep, pastures of tannin-containing legumes like sulla (Hedysarum coronarium) and chicory (Cichorium intybus) can be integrated with annual grasses for establishing artificial pastures under rainfed conditions. Diets based on these forages, while ensuring high milking performance, can mitigate the unbalance of CP to energy ratio of grazing sheep. By grazing sulla and Italian ryegrass (50:50 by area) as spatially adjacent monocultures or in timely sequence (complementary grazing) sheep eat more and perform better than by grazing the ryegrass pasture only. Concentrate supplementation of lactating sheep should be preferably based on sources rich in digestible plant fiber (soyhulls or beet pulps), particularly from mid-lactation onwards and when supplementation levels are high. Milk urea concentration is confirmed as a useful monitoring tool to balance protein nutrition and curb the waste of N at animal and system level. Finally, challenging tasks for future research on dairy sheep grazing management and nutrition are on-farm application of recent technological advances, such as image-based estimation of pasture biomass and quality, evaluation of sheep dietary quality by faecal Near Infrared Reflectance Spectrometry, and establishment of remote control systems.  相似文献   

Waller P.J., Dobson R.J., Donald A.D. and Thomas R.J. 1981. Populations of strongyloid nematode infective stages in sheep pastures : comparison between direct pasture sampling and tracer lambs as estimators of larval abundance. International Journal for Parasitology11: 359–367. Over a 2-year period, numbers of infective larvae in samples of pasture herbage, and numbers of worms in previously worm-free “tracer” lambs allowed 4 weeks grazing, were compared as estimators of the abundance of infective larvae on pastures.Transformation of sample estimates of infective larval numbers per 100 g herbage dry matter (DM) and of worm numbers in tracer sheep, according to the expression y = log10 (x+25), was effective in stabilizing variances. Estimates of error variance for each technique did not differ significantly among the genera Haemonchus, Ostertagia or Trichostrongylus and the pooled estimate for the tracer sheep method was 4 times greater than that for pasture sampling. From these results, more tracer sheep than pasture samples would be required to achieve the same level of precision with the two techniques. Using conventional statistical methods, the effects of numbers of pasture samples or tracer sheep on the size of the difference between two means which can be detected as significant and on the width of the confidence interval about a single mean, are illustrated. These can be used as a guide in the choice of sample sizes. Error variances for Nematodirus spp. were significantly less than for the other genera by pasture sampling, and greater by the tracer sheep technique. Possible reasons for this are discussed, but it is concluded that pasture sampling is likely to be much the more precise method for estimating Nematodirus spp. infective larval availability.Changes with time in infective larval abundance, for Haemonchus, Trichostrongylus and Nematodirus spp. which were present in moderate to low numbers, followed similar trends by both techniques. However, for Ostertagia spp. larvae, which were much more abundant, peak levels were defined more sharply and occurred earlier by pasture sampling than by the tracer method. It is suggested that worm counts from tracer sheep, especially those grazing for 4 weeks rather than shorter periods, may systematically underestimate the infective larval population on pasture at high levels of abundance owing to density-dependent worm loss.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors that influence the distribution and abundance of predators, including sharks, is important for predicting the impacts of human changes to the environment. Such studies are particularly important in Florida Bay, USA where there are planned large-scale changes to patterns of freshwater input from the Everglades ecosystem. Studies of many marine predators suggest that links between predator and prey habitat use may vary with spatial scale, but there have been few studies of the role of prey distribution in shaping habitat use and abundance of sharks. We used longline catches of sharks and trawls for potential teleost prey to determine the influence of teleost abundance on shark abundance at the scale of regions and habitats in Florida Bay. We found that shark catch per unit effort (CPUE) was not linked to CPUE ofteleosts at the scale of sampling sites, but shark CPUE was positively correlated with the mean CPUE for teleosts within a region. Although there does not appear to be a strong match between the abundance of teleosts and sharks at small spatial scales, regional shark abundance is likely driven, at least partially, by the availability of prey. Management strategies that influence teleost abundance will have cascading effects to higher trophic levels in Florida Bay. Electronic Supplementary Material is available for this article at  相似文献   

Diptera that breed in undisturbed cattle droppings in pastures present great diversity and abundance, and several species are of veterinary importance and may cause economic losses. To survey the diversity, abundance and seasonality of Diptera associated to this microhabitat, 83 samples of 10 dung pats each were taken from April 1992 to April 1994 in the vicinity of S?o Carlos, State of S?o Paulo, Southeastern Brazil. A total of 46,135 Diptera belonging to 20 families and at least 51 species were found to breed in the pats. The most abundant and diverse families were Sepsidae, Muscidae, Sarcophagidae and Sphaeroceridae. In general, the abundance was higher from October to March, the warm and wet months. The importance of some Diptera, both as horn fly enemies and as cattle dung decaying agents, is discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of afforestation and reforestation of pastures on methane oxidation and the methanotrophic communities in soils from three different New Zealand sites. Methane oxidation was measured in soils from two pine (Pinus radiata) forests and one shrubland (mainly Kunzea ericoides var. ericoides) and three adjacent permanent pastures. The methane oxidation rate was consistently higher in the pine forest or shrubland soils than in the adjacent pasture soils. A combination of phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) and stable isotope probing (SIP) analyses of these soils revealed that different methanotrophic communities were active in soils under the different vegetations. The C18 PLFAs (signature of type II methanotrophs) predominated under pine and shrublands, and C16 PLFAs (type I methanotrophs) predominated under pastures. Analysis of the methanotrophs by molecular methods revealed further differences in methanotrophic community structure under the different vegetation types. Cloning and sequencing and terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of the particulate methane oxygenase gene (pmoA) from different samples confirmed the PLFA-SIP results that methanotrophic bacteria related to type II methanotrophs were dominant in pine forest and shrubland, and type I methanotrophs (related to Methylococcus capsulatus) were dominant in all pasture soils. We report that afforestation and reforestation of pastures caused changes in methane oxidation by altering the community structure of methanotrophic bacteria in these soils.  相似文献   

Foraging patterns of large herbivores may give important clues as to why their life history varies depending on population density. In this landscape-scale experiment, domestic sheep Ovis aries were kept at high (80 sheep km−2) and low (25 sheep km−2) population densities during summer in high mountain pastures in Hol, Norway. We predicted an increasing use of less preferred plant species or habitat types with increasing sheep population density. Foraging behaviour was investigated by direct observations of individually marked sheep on different spatial scales, and diet composition was also assessed with microhistological analysis of faecal samples from known individuals. We found that the effects of density on foraging behaviour depended on scale and were only detected at the scale of diet choice. Use of the common grass species Deschampsia flexuosa , which provided the bulk forage (10–65% of the diet), remained constant throughout the season at low densities, but increased significantly over time at high densities. On a coarser spatial scale, neither within vegetation type nor between vegetation types, selection was affected by density, but vegetation type selection differed depending on whether the sheep were grazing or resting. Our study provides evidence of density dependence in foraging behaviour, but only at the finest spatial scale (diet choice).  相似文献   

Abstract. Floristic data collected from permanent plots during 14 consecutive years are used to model the frequency of the 62 most abundant species in relation to post-ploughing succession, topography and rainfall in annual Mediterranean grasslands located in a Quercus rotundifolia dehesa. The interannual dynamics of species richness are also analysed. From 1980 to 1993, presence/absence data of grassland species were noted in five 20 cm X 20 cm permanent quadrats placed at random in 1980 in 14 permanent plots on a south-facing slope along the topographic gradient. Weekly autumn rainfall data over the 14 years were analysed using a profile attributes index and Hybrid Multidimensional Scaling to arrange the years according to their autumn rainfall pattern. Generalized Linear Models were used to fit the species richness and species frequency according to topographic position, age since the last ploughing episode, total rainfall in the growing season and autumn rainfall pattern using a forward stepwise procedure. The richness model includes all of these variables, and reveals a relatively high goodness-of-fit (71 %). The fact that the meteorological factors play a key role in modelling richness forces us to include them if we wish to use richness as an indicator of the degree of disturbance in these highly fluctuating annual pastures. Models of species dynamics show that although roughly 33 % of the species have a successional behaviour, the majority are more dependent on temporal heterogeneity associated with rainfall or spatial heterogeneity linked to the topographic gradient.  相似文献   

The highest specific activities and the most complex isoenzyme patterns were found in livers of these species, characteristic isoenzymes were observed also in the core of adrenal glands. In spite of a general resemblance the isoenzyme patterns of liver alcohol dehydrogenase are specific for the species tested; the activities in most organs (and blood sera) increase in the sequence cow, pig and sheep. The activities in foetal bovine organs are substantially lower than those in organs of adult cows, the most pronounced increase in activities during the intrauteral development was observed in liver.  相似文献   

Hypoxia in fetal sheep depresses respiratory activity. To determine if this effect is counterbalanced by hypercarbia we studied the effects of two levels of asphyxia produced by occlusions of the maternal uterine artery. Moderate asphyxia (PaO2 16.8 +/- 1.6 (SEM) PaCO2 48.9 +/- 1.0 torr) produced no changes in the percent time fetal breathing movements occupied each hour which ranged from 25.6 +/- 7.0 to 32.4 +/- 6.2%. However, a more marked asphyxia (PaO2 12.0 +/- 0.3, PaO2 57.0 +/- 1.6) resulted in a decrease in fetal respiratory activity to 8.7 +/- 3.7% during the first hour. This depression was sustained over the next 2 h but by the 5th hour breathing had returned to 26.2 +/- 7.3%. We concluded that hypercarbia can offset the respiratory inhibition of acute moderate hypoxia, but not that of a more marked lowering of PaO2 in fetal sheep. Severe asphyxia causes an initial inhibition of respiration which is followed by a return to normal respiratory activity.  相似文献   

We examined the distribution and abundance of the invasive Hieracium species (hawkweeds) in the dry grasslands of the Upper Waitaki Basin (Canterbury) and Otago, using measures of Hieracium species frequency and hawkweed cover from 301 vegetation plots. Average hawkweed cover was significantly less in Otago than Canterbury. Hawkweed cover was also lower on drier sites, with hawkweeds having less cover at lower elevation, on more xeric sites and, in Canterbury, on soils with a lower moisture holding capacity. Environmental variables (elevation, moisture index, soil class, and measures of rabbit activity and the amount of recent pasture development) explained 43% of the variation in hawkweed cover in Canterbury, but only 25% in Otago. Furthermore, having controlled for environmental differences among plots, hawkweed cover in Otago was significantly spatially autocorrelated such that plots on the same property had similar hawkweed cover, but tended to differ from plots on other properties. This pattern is consistent with the hypothesis that variation in property management influenced the degree of hawkweed infestation. However, the same pattern was not found in Canterbury. We propose a general model to explain the observed patterns. The probability that a site will be invaded by hawkweeds is a function of: (1) the suitability of the site for hawkweed establishment (a function of the environment and past management), and (2) the size of the hawkweed propagule rain. The probability of hawkweed invasion is high when one or both of these variables have high values. Following initial invasion, there will be more local propagules coming from newly established plants and hawkweed cover at a site will increase, eventually stabilising at a level predictable from the environmental conditions at the site. This model predicts that the sites most suited for hawkweed establishment would be invaded first and fill the quickest. These susceptible sites would then serve as foci, providing propagules for subsequent hawkweed spread into adjacent, less invasion prone areas. The model predicts that the initial increase in hawkweed cover at a site should be exponential, and that there should be a lag in hawkweed spread whereby less susceptible sites are invaded later or at a slower rate. Both predictions are supported by data from monitoring trials. The model can explain the lower abundance of hawkweeds, the less predictable distribution of hawkweeds in relation to environmental variables, and the significant spatial autocorrelation in hawkweed cover in Otago compared to Canterbury, if hawkweed invasion in Otago is less complete than in Canterbury.  相似文献   

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