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Summary Twenty-nine cybrids possessing an Atropa belladonna nuclear genome and a Nicotiana tabacum plastome were selected from two independent protoplast fusion experiments. In contrast to the previously described reciprocal, green and fertile cybrids with a Nicotiana nuclear genome and an Atropa plastome (Kushnir et al. 1987), the plants obtained were totally chlorophyll-deficient. An Atropa nuclear genome and a Nicotiana plastome from these chlorophyll-deficient cybrids were combined with an Atropa or a Scopolia plastome and a Nicotiana nuclear genome, respectively, in control fusion experiments. All of these nuclear genome/plastome combinations gave rise to normal, green plants. Therefore, we conclude that an N. tabacum plastome is incompatible with an A. belladonna nuclear genome.  相似文献   

Three techniques were developed to improve the genetic manipulation of group B streptococci (GBS). We first optimized a protocol for transformation of GBS by electroporation, which provided transformation efficiencies of 10(5) CFU/microgram. Variables that influenced the transformation efficiency were the glycine content of the competent cell growth media, the electric field strength during electroporation, the electroporation buffer composition, the host origin of the transforming plasmid, and the concentration of selective antibiotic at the final plating. Our transformation protocol provides an efficiency sufficient for cloning from ligation reactions directly into GBS, obviating an intermediate host such as Escherichia coli. Second, temperature-sensitive plasmids of the pWV01 lineage were shown to transform GBS, and their temperature-sensitive replication was confirmed. Lastly, the temperature-sensitive pWV01 plasmid pTV1OK, which contains Tn917, was used as a transposon delivery vector for the construction of genomic Tn917 mutant libraries. We have shown, for the first time, that Tn917 transposes to the GBS chromosome and at a frequency of 10(-3)/CFU. Furthermore, representative clones from a Tn917 library contained single transposon insertions that were randomly located throughout the chromosome. These techniques should provide useful methods for cloning, mutagenesis, and characterization of genes from GBS.  相似文献   

T P M?kel?  J Partanen  M Schwab  K Alitalo 《Gene》1992,118(2):293-294
Plasmid pLTRpoly is an expression vector enabling high-level expression of introduced genes in a variety of cell types. A large multiple cloning site (MCS) and the availability of the full-length nucleotide sequence facilitate the generation of constructs using this vector. Here, constructs made with pLTRpoly have been tested in NIH3T3 mouse fibroblasts.  相似文献   

The authors found that, by continuously bubbling pure nitrogen within a dilute Hb solution, the latter releases its oxygen with an intensity which is quite proportional to the duration of bubbling. Such a procedure can be employed instead of the common tonometric technique, to measure functional properties of Hb. In fact, not only dissociation curves can be obtained, but also a correct evaluation of the affinity changes upon pH variations (Bohr effect). The results obtained by this technique are not far from those recently reported by using tonometry, although the method is less precise and still not suitable for routine purposes. Nevertheless, it can be substantially improved.  相似文献   

Injection of antigen into the rabbit eye leads to the development of an immunogenic uveitis and local immunologic memory, with extensive intraocular formation of immunoglobulins. During both primary and booster responses within the eye, only a small proportion of Ig-forming cells contain antibody specific for the inciting antigen. Preliminary evidence suggests that most of the antibody formed is specific for antigens within the prior extraocular experience of the host. It is postulated that the inflammatory reaction is accompanied by the local release of lymphokines capable of attracting a representative sample of B cells from the blood, and of nonspecifically activating them to booster antibody formation without specific antigenic drive.  相似文献   

During seed development, coordinated developmental programs lead to the formation of the embryo, endosperm and seed coat. The maternal effects of the genes affected in the fertilisation-independent seed class of mutants play an important role in seed development. The plant Polycomb proteins MEDEA and FERTILIZATION-INDEPENDENT ENDOSPERM physically interact and form a complex, in a manner similar to that of their counterparts in animals. Maternal-effect phenotypes can result from regulation by genomic imprinting, a phenomenon of critical importance for both sexual and apomictic seed development.  相似文献   

Quick and high-efficiency electroelution of nucleic acid fragments.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe a quick, simple, and inexpensive technique for the electroelution of nucleic acid fragments that provides a high yield of DNA by using common laboratory components. The quantity of buffer used for the recovery of nucleic acid fragments is relatively small, the quality of the DNA recovered is relatively high, and more than one electroelution can be carried out at the same time.  相似文献   

The matrilins form a family of non-collagenous adaptor proteins in the extracellular matrix. The extracellular ligand interactions of matrilins have been studied in some detail, while the potential interplay between matrilins and cells has been largely neglected. Except for matrilin-4, all matrilins mediate cell attachment, but only for matrilin-1 and -3 the binding is clearly dose dependent and seen already at moderate coating concentrations. Even so, much higher concentrations of matrilin-1 or -3 than of fibronectin are required for cell attachment to reach plateau values. Integrins contribute to the matrilin-mediated cell attachment, but the binding does not lead to formation of focal contacts and reorganisation of the actin cytoskeleton. Cells deficient in beta1 integrins are able to adhere, although weaker, and matrilins do not bind the soluble integrin alpha1beta1 and alpha2beta1 ectodomains. Cell surface proteoglycans may promote the attachment, as cells deficient in glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis adhere less well to matrilin-3. Even so, exogenous glycosaminoglycans are not able to compete for the attachment of HaCaT cells to matrilins.  相似文献   

Protoplasts from a nitrate reductase-deficient mutant of Nicotiana tabacum L. were fused with protoplasts from a stamen-less, cytoplasmically malesterile cultivar of tobacco containing the cytoplasm from N. suaveolens Lehm. Plants were regenerated from the fused protoplasts and characterized with respect to stamen development, chromosome number, and chloroplast composition. Of 29 regenerated plants, stamen production was restored in 26 plants and pollen production in 22. One plant was male sterile and two plants have never flowered. Analysis of the electrophoretic mobility of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPcase) showed that 19 of the plants contained RuBPcase of the N. suaveolens type, six plants contained enzyme of the N. tabacum type, and four plants contained both types. Analysis of resistance to tentoxin in seedlings from 20 of the plants demonstrated that 14 had N. suaveolens-type chloroplasts, three had N. tabacum type, and three contained both types. Many of the plants which produced stamens and pollen still contained chloroplasts of the N. suaveolens type. Thus, the trait of cytoplasmic male sterility in tobacco is not an expression of the type of chloroplast genetic material.  相似文献   

Cybrid, reconstituted and hybrid cells were formed by fusing cytoplasts with whole cells, cytoplasts with nucleoplasts, or whole cells with whole cells, respectively. The cells or cellular fragments were derived from murine melanomas expressing melanocytic functions and from tumorigenic or non-tumorigenic fibroblasts. The cybrids and reconstituted cells resembled the nuclear donor parent in the expression of melanocytic activity and tumorigenicity. The hybrid cells resembled the fibroblastic parent when comparable numbers of chromosomes were present from each parent. A ratio of 1.5:1 in favor of the melanoma genome resulted in hybrids of either phenotype. The expression and extinction of melanocytic functions and the expression and suppression of tumorigenicity were transmitted only through the nucleus. The stable expression of A-type viral particles, on the other hand, may have been inherited also by cytoplasmic transfer.  相似文献   

A laboratory scale bioreactor was constructed from glass and polycarbonate materials whereby a track-etch membrane (3 microns pore diameter) was integrated into its two-part bottom flange. The reactor performance was evaluated for continuous hybridoma suspension cultures under various conditions of cell retention. A total retention experiment demonstrated that this type of stirred tank reactor cannot be operated at near zero growth rate conditions. Instead, at steady viable cell concentrations of congruent to 3 x 10(6) cells per ml, specific growth and death rates were estimated at 0.60 +/- 0.06 d-1. Specific substrate (glucose, glutamine, O2, amino acids) consumption, by-product (ammonia, alanine, amino acids) and product (antibody) production rates as well as various apparent molar yield coefficients were obtained and are compared to metabolic quotients and yield coefficients previously calculated from standard continuous culture experiments, i.e., without cell retention, at specific growth rates of 0.63 and 1.24 d-1. Furthermore, steady-state data on viable cell and antibody concentrations, spec. mAb productivities, and space-time yields determined before and after a step change (2.5-fold increase) in dilution rate at identical specific growth rates mu are presented.  相似文献   

We have examined the restriction endonuclease cleavage patterns exhibited by the mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNA) of four chloramphenicol-resistant (CAPR) human x mouse hybrids and one CAPR cybrid derived from CAPR HeLa cells and CAPS mouse RAG cells. Restriction fragments of mtDNAs were separated by electrophoresis and transferred by the Southern technique to diazobenzyloxymethyl paper. The covalently bound DNA fragments were hybridized initially with 32P-labeled complementary RNA (cRNA) prepared from human mtDNA and, after removal of the human probe, hybridized with mouse [32P]cRNA prepared from mouse mtDNA. Three hybrids which preferentially segregated human chromosomes and the cybrid exhibited mtDNA fragments indistinguishable from mouse cells. One hybrid, ROH8A, which exhibited "reverse" chromosome segregation, contained only human mtDNA. The pattern of chromosome and mtDNA segregation observed in these hybrids and the cybrid support the hypothesis that a complete set of human chromosomes must be retained if a human-mouse hybrid is to retain human mitochondrial DNA.  相似文献   

Two human hypatitis viruses have been identified and characterized, but one or more additional agents exist. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a complex 42-nm predominantly double-stranded DNA virus with distinct surface and core antigens and an endogenous DNA polymerase. Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is a 27-nm RNA virus with enterovirus-like properties. Progressively more sensitive and specific immunologic assays have been applied to the study of viral hepatitis and are available for routine diagnostic purposes. As a result we recognize distinct serologic response patterns to infection, new antigenic markers, biochemical-biophysical characteristics of the viruses, and their epidemiologic features. Recombinant DNA technology has permitted the cloning of HBV genetic material and gene products in E. coli, but the virus has not been cultivated in vitro. In contrast, successful in vitro cultivation of HAV has finally been accomplished. Application of sensitive serologic tests for HAV and HBV has revealed that "non-A, non-B" agents account for a substantial proportion of transfusion-associated hepatitis as well as hepatitis occurring in the absence of percutaneous exposure. These agents have been transmitted to chimpanzees, and several putative virus antigen-antibody systems have been described; however, a specific association between these virus antigens and non-A, non-B hepatitis has not been established.  相似文献   

Analysis of biological selections for high-efficiency gene targeting.   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
A two-marker selection system that allows the efficient isolation of diploid gene knockouts by two sequential rounds of targeted homologous recombination has been developed. A systematic evaluation of the biological parameters that govern the selection process showed that a successful strategy must match the expression level of the target gene, the efficacy of the marker, and the selection stringency. An enrichment ratio of 5,000- to 10,000-fold, which resulted in a 30% targeting efficiency of the c-myc gene in a fibroblast cell line, has been achieved. Such efficiency brings the difficulty of gene targeting effectively down to the level of simple transfections, since only 10 to 20 drug-resistant clones need to be screened to recover several homologous hits. The general utility of the targeting strategy is of interest to investigators studying gene function in a large variety of mammalian tissue culture systems.  相似文献   

Several improvements to the existing phosphorothioate-based site-directed mutagenesis methodology are reported, and here it is demonstrated that the new procedure is able to produce large deletions, insertions and point mutations rapidly and with very high efficiency. The time required for the polymerization step has been reduced by using T7 DNA polymerase to extend the mutant oligonucleotide primer-template. The reaction produces good yields of double-stranded closed-circular DNA and some partially polymerized template. The reaction was treated with T5 D15 exonuclease to selectively destroy partially polymerized single-stranded phage DNA that may otherwise contribute to an increased background of wild-type transformants. The use of these enzymes greatly facilitates the implementation of the phosphorothioate-based site-directed mutagenesis method by requiring less template DNA and by allowing all the in vitro manipulations to be completed in a day. In its present form the method may easily be automated, enabling large systematic site-directed mutagenesis projects to be undertaken.  相似文献   

Coding junction formation in V(D)J recombination generates diversity in the antigen recognition structures of immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor molecules by combining processes of deletion of terminal coding sequences and addition of nucleotides prior to joining. We have examined the role of coding end DNA composition in junction formation with plasmid substrates containing defined homopolymers flanking the recombination signal sequence elements. We found that coding junctions formed efficiently with or without terminal DNA homology. The extent of junctional deletion was conserved independent of coding ends with increased, partial, or no DNA homology. Interestingly, G/C homopolymer coding ends showed reduced deletion regardless of DNA homology. Therefore, DNA homology cannot be the primary determinant that stabilizes coding end structures for processing and joining.  相似文献   

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