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Seasonal changes in the percentage of macropterous individuals in natural population of Microvelia douglasi in permanent habitats were investigated in Shimane, western part of Japan. Macropterous forms of 5th instar nymphs occurred most frequently from late June to early July. However, the seasonal appearance of macropterous adults differed between habitats and years. There were significant effects of density, temperature, photoperiod and food availability on the percentage of macropters under laboratory conditions. The percentage of macropterous forms generally increased with density, but the mode of the response was modified by temperature, photoperiod and food availability. When insects were reared under long day photperiod (16L8D) with abundant food (0.5–1.0 g/container/day), the percentage of macroptery varied most among the different density treatments at the intermediate temperature (24°C) and the difference was reduced at higher temperature (28° and 32°C). Effects of temperature were small under the short day photoperiod (12L12D). Under 12L12D photoperiod sensitivity of density responses were higher at 32°C and lower at 24°C than those under 15L8D photoperiod. When the insects were supplied with food every other day, the density response became obscure. Ecological significance of environmental responses in the wing morph determination was discussed in relation to the heterogeneous environment of water surface.  相似文献   

Application of the female dissection method proposed byHokyo andKiritani (1967) was attempted in both 1968 and 1969 to estimate the daily survival rate and the mean longevity for the adult population of the green rice leafhopper, Nephotettix cincticeps, in a paddy field. The estimated mean longevity for females was far shorter than the physiological longevity of this species, ranging from 4 to 7 days with some variation between different generations. This could explain the remarkable discontinuity among successive generations which proved to form an important feature of the pattern of seasonal population changes of this insect. Between the two years, the estimated survival rate (and hence the mean longevity also) was negatively correlated to the estimated population size of adults that emerged in either of the two successive generations. This apparent density dependence suggests the possibility that the adult survival, including the effect of dispersal, plays some critical role in bringing about the remarkable population stability from year to year shown by the field population of N. cincticeps.  相似文献   

A sight-count method for evaluation of predation by spiders on the green rice leafhopper, Nephotettix cincticeps was proposed and its applicability was tested under natural conditions. The number (n) of leafhoppers preyed on by spiders per rice hill per day was estimated by the formula: (1) where F is the frequency of predation observed per hill:P is given by dividing the time spent feeding on prey by 24 hours; and C refers to the total amount of feeding activity expressed in terms of the activity during the standard time interval. The total number (N) of prey attacked during the specified period can be given as follows: (2) With this method, the role of paddy-inhabiting spiders, Lycosa pseudoannulata, Oedothorax insecticeps, Tetragnatha spp, and Enoplognatha japonica, as predator of N. cincticeps was evaluated with reference to life tables of the prey. The advantages and limitation of the sight-count method were discussed as compared with other methods so far proposed.  相似文献   

The population growth of the green rice leafhopper, Nephotettix cincticeps, in the paddy field was analyzed based on the life table data accumulated for six years. The paddy field population, which stems from the invading adults of the first generation (G-I), repeats two complete generations, and the hatchlings of the fourth generation (G-IV) enter diapause and overwinter as the fourth instar nymphs in fallow paddy fields. It was clarified that the density dependent reduction in the mean longevity and oviposition rate of adult females in G-II and III played a primary role in stabilizing the annual population densities. The annual average of the mean longevity of G-II females (3.9 days) was much shorter than that of G-III ones (7.7 days) and thus the density dependent reduction in the mean longevity induced a more prompt regulatory effect on the oviposition of G-II females compared with G-III ones. As the result, two equilibrium densities of eggs were obtained, e.g., ca 100 and 700 eggs per hill in G-III and IV, respectively. Density dependent decrease in the proportion of mature females in the adult population was especially conspicuous in G-II, and this was closely associated with the density dependent reduction in the mean longevity and fecundity. Thus, the density dependent dispersal (emigration) of the adult females by flight in G-II and III was the most convincing factor in the process of population regulation. The density dependent dispersal of the adult females is effective in avoiding the deleterious effects of nymphal crowding in a breeding habitat unit (a paddy field), and may result in a more even distribution of the population over a continuous habitat units in a locality than otherwise.  相似文献   

The metabolic and water evaporation strategies in spiders may be part of a set of physiological adaptations to tolerate low or unpredictable food availability, buffering spiders against environmental fluctuations such as those of the high mountains of the central Andes.The aim of this study is to analyze experimentally the variations in metabolic rate and the rate of evaporative water with food and/or water restriction in a high mountain mygalomorph spider population (Paraphysa sp.).We found that the low metabolism of this spider was not affected by water restriction, but its metabolism was depressed after 3 weeks of food deprivation. The spider did not show seasonal metabolic changes but it presented seasonal changes in the rate of evaporative water loss at high temperatures.Females with egg sacs reduced their metabolic rate and evaporative water at high temperatures.These findings constitute a set of possible adaptations to a highly fluctuating Mediterranean environment, which is completely covered with snow for many months and then progresses rapidly to a very dry climate with high temperatures.  相似文献   

利用紫外分光光度法,对化学防治田(化防田)和生物防治田(生防田)中的拟环纹豹蛛Pardosa pseudoannulata体内乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)和羧酸酯酶(CarE)的分布及其活性进行了比较研究。结果表明,生防田拟环纹豹蛛身体各分部的AChE活性[包括头胸部1.251 nmol/(mg·min)、腹部0.467 nmol/(mg·min)和附肢0.760 nmol/(mg·min)]均高于化防田蜘蛛[包括头胸部0.895 nmol/(mg·min)、腹部0.445 nmol/(mg·min)和附肢0.724 nmol/(mg·min)],而生防田豹蛛的CarE活性[包括头胸部0.122 nmol/(mg·min)、腹部0.593 nmol/(mg·min)和附肢0.073 nmol/(mg·min)]均低于化防田蜘蛛[包括头胸部0.158 nmol/(mg·min)、腹部0.708 nmol/(mg·min)和附肢0.115 nmol/(mg·min)],说明化防田拟环纹豹蛛产生了一定程度的抗药性。拟环纹豹蛛体内的AChE主要集中在头胸部,CarE主要集中在腹部,这种分布特征是与其抗药性机制相适应的,并对其抗药性机制的形成做出了初步解释。这些结果也提示,拟环纹豹蛛对甲胺磷等农药的抗性不能在短期内形成,必须经历水稻→害虫→蜘蛛的较长的适应演化过程。  相似文献   

利用压电体声波阻抗分析法实时动态监测了拟环纹豹蛛Pardosa pseudoannulata中肠蛋白消化酶对酪蛋白的酶促水解过程及不同浓度梯度(0.008%、0.016%、0.024%和0.032%)的甲胺磷农药对酶活性的影响,并用紫外分光光度法进行了验证。结果表明,合适低剂量(0.008%)的甲胺磷农药可显著地增强拟环纹豹蛛蛋白消化酶的活性,较高剂量(0.032%)的农药却显著抑制蛋白消化酶的活性,且水解过程稳态频移值可准确地反映酶活性与农药浓度的关系。本工作为研究低剂量农药增强蜘蛛控虫力的机理及酶活性的快速检测提供了一种可行的新方法。  相似文献   

城市能源利用碳足迹分析——以厦门市为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林剑艺  孟凡鑫  崔胜辉  于洋  赵胜男 《生态学报》2012,32(12):3782-3794
城市能源利用碳足迹分析综合考虑直接与间接碳排放,对于深度分析碳排放的本质过程、制定科学全面的碳减排计划具有重要意义。以厦门市为研究案例,应用碳足迹的混合分析方法,对厦门市2009年能源利用碳足迹进行了分析,除了包括传统研究中的城市能源终端利用产生的直接碳排放,还计算了跨界交通和城市主要消耗物质的内含能引起的间接碳排放。研究结果表明:(1)城市边界内的工业、交通、商业等部门的能源消耗产生的直接碳排放(即层次1和层次2)只占到总碳足迹的64%,而一直被忽略的跨界交通和城市主要消耗物质的内含能引起的间接碳排放(层次3)占到36%;(2)在直接碳排放中,工业部门的碳排放贡献率最大,占到直接碳排放的55%,其中化工行业带来的碳排放占到工业部门的25%;(3)在间接碳排放中,跨界交通引起的碳排放占间接碳排放的27%,其中长途道路运输贡献率最大,占跨界交通碳排放的38%;主要材料内含能碳排放占间接碳排的73%,其中燃料的内含能碳排放占总内含能的份额最大,达51%。;(4)从人均碳足迹角度比较,厦门市人均碳足迹和丹佛市的人均直接碳排(层次1+层次2)分别为5.74 t CO2e/人、18.9 t CO2e/人,包含3个层次的人均碳足迹分别为9.01 tCO2e/人、25.3 t CO2e/人,其中跨界交通引起的碳排放均占总碳足迹的10%左右,主要材料的内含能引起的碳排放分别占到总碳足迹的26%、15%;通过国内外典型城市不同层次碳足迹比较可见厦门还是相对低碳的,但有个显著的特点是主要消耗物质的内含碳排放比例较高,这在一定程度上说明了发展中国家城市消耗更多的基础材料,进一步证明了传统核算中忽略的第3层次碳排放核算与管理的重要性。  相似文献   

We explored meal size and clutch (i.e., genetic) effects on the relative proportion of ingested energy that is absorbed by the gut (apparent digestive efficiency), becomes available for metabolism and growth (apparent assimilation efficiency), and is used for growth (production efficiency) for juvenile Burmese pythons (Python molurus). Sibling pythons were fed rodent meals equaling 15%, 25%, and 35% of their body mass and individuals from five different clutches were fed rodent meals equaling 25% of their body mass. For each of 11–12 consecutive feeding trials, python body mass was recorded and feces and urate of each snake was collected, dried, and weighed. Energy contents of meals (mice and rats), feces, urate, and pythons were determined using bomb calorimetry. For siblings fed three different meal sizes, growth rate increased with larger meals, but there was no significant variation among the meal sizes for any of the calculated energy efficiencies. Among the three meal sizes, apparent digestive efficiency, apparent assimilation efficiency, and production efficiency averaged 91.0%, 84.7%, and 40.7%, respectively. In contrast, each of these energy efficiencies varied significantly among the five different clutches. Among these clutches production efficiency was negatively correlated with standard metabolic rate (SMR). Clutches containing individuals with low SMR were therefore able to allocate more of ingested energy into growth.  相似文献   

Moorella thermoacetica is an anaerobic acetogen, a class of bacteria that is found in the soil, the animal gastrointestinal tract, and the rumen. This organism engages the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway of anaerobic CO(2) fixation for heterotrophic or autotrophic growth. This paper describes a novel enzyme, oxalate oxidoreductase (OOR), that enables M. thermoacetica to grow on oxalate, which is produced in soil and is a common component of kidney stones. Exposure to oxalate leads to the induction of three proteins that are subunits of OOR, which oxidizes oxalate coupled to the production of two electrons and CO(2) or bicarbonate. Like other members of the 2-oxoacid:ferredoxin oxidoreductase family, OOR contains thiamine pyrophosphate and three [Fe(4)S(4)] clusters. However, unlike previously characterized members of this family, OOR does not use coenzyme A as a substrate. Oxalate is oxidized with a k(cat) of 0.09 s(-1) and a K(m) of 58 μM at pH 8. OOR also oxidizes a few other 2-oxoacids (which do not induce OOR) also without any requirement for CoA. The enzyme transfers its reducing equivalents to a broad range of electron acceptors, including ferredoxin and the nickel-dependent carbon monoxide dehydrogenase. In conjunction with the well characterized Wood-Ljungdahl pathway, OOR should be sufficient for oxalate metabolism by M. thermoacetica, and it constitutes a novel pathway for oxalate metabolism.  相似文献   

尖峰岭热带森林土壤C储量和CO2排放量的初步研究   总被引:81,自引:1,他引:81       下载免费PDF全文
 本文根据定位观测数据和有关历史资料,研究了海南岛尖峰岭林区主要森林土壤的有机C储量、热带山地雨林和半落叶季雨林凋落物的C储量和林地CO2的排放量、以及“刀耕火种”和砍伐森林等人类活动对土壤C的影响,对于进一步认识热带林的生态功能,弄清我国温室气体的排放量,正确评价中国森林在全球生物圈C平衡中的作用,具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

林植华  樊晓丽  陆洪良  罗来高  计翔 《生态学报》2010,30(10):2541-2548
在许多蜥蜴种类中,尾自切是一种主要的逃避天敌捕食的防御性策略。虽然断尾使蜥蜴获得短期的生存利益,但同时也需为此承受多方面的代价。利用从丽水采集的117条蓝尾石龙子来评价该种动物断尾的能量和运动代价。81条(约69%)石龙子至少经历过1次尾自切。断尾个体中,原先断尾事件的发生频率在不同尾区间存在显著差别,但两性间无差别。将实验组17条具完整尾的石龙子依次切去3个尾段,然后测定断尾前后石龙子的运动表现以及每个尾段、身体各部分中的脂肪含量。另15条具完整尾的石龙子作为对照组,仅测量其运动表现。尾部的脂肪含量与尾基部宽呈正相关,说明具较粗尾部的石龙子一般具有相当较多的尾部储能。尾部脂肪含量随尾长呈非等比例分布,大部分脂肪集中于尾近基部端。断尾几乎不影响蓝尾石龙子的运动表现,仅当大部分尾部被切除时疾跑速有较小程度的降低。显示了蓝尾石龙子因遭遇天敌捕食攻击或其它因素作用而产生的部分断尾可能并不会导致严重的能量和运动代价。由于野外种群蓝尾石龙子个体的断尾情况主要发生在尾近基部或中部位置,因此可以认为自然条件下该种动物的尾自切通常会遭受明显的能量和运动代价。  相似文献   

Summary Nitrogen balance studies were made on rice (Oryza sativa) grown in flooded soil in pots. A low rate of fertilizer (5.64 mg N. kg−1 soil) did not depress the N gain, but a high rate (99.72 mg N. kg−1 soil) elminated the N gain. Soil N loss was negligible since15N applied as ammonium sulfate and thoroughly mixed with the soil was recovered from the soil-plant system after 3 crops. The observed N gain, therefore, was caused by N2-fixation, not by a reduction of soil N loss. Straw enhanced N gain at the rate of 2–4 mg per g straw. However, this gain was not observed when soil N availability was high. Dry fallow between rice crops decreased the N gain.  相似文献   

Wolbachia bacteria manipulate host reproduction by inducing cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) and sex ratio distortion. Wolbachia are transmitted from mother to offspring through the cytoplasm of the egg. Therefore, reproduction of Wolbachia is tightly coupled to reproduction of its host. Mathematical analysis predicts that in the course of evolution, traits that reduce the physiological costs of the infection will be selectively favored. For a Wolbachia-host system to evolve, traits under selection must have some genetic component and variation must be present in the population. We have previously established that highly inbred isofemale lines of the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae may differ regarding the effects of infection by Wolbachia, and that at least some of the traits affected had a genetic component. However, the effects measured could have been affected by the fact that the lines were severely inbred prior to the experiments. In this paper we attempt to distinguish between the effects of Wolbachia, isofemale line, and inbreeding. We show that Wolbachia did not affect longevity but infected females produced smaller clutch sizes, more daughter-biased sex ratios and had decreased F1 mortality; between-line variation was found for clutch size, F1 mortality and sex ratio; finally, inbreeding resulted in an overall reduction of clutch sizes, and a change in survival curves and mean longevity. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We compared the precision, bias and accuracy of two techniques that were recently proposed to estimate the contributions of cuticular and respiratory water loss to total water loss in insects. We performed measurements of VCO2 and VH2O in normoxia, hyperoxia and anoxia using flow through respirometry on single individuals of the highly variable cockroach Perisphaeria sp. to compare estimates of cuticular and respiratory water loss (CWL and RWL) obtained by the VH2O-VCO2 y-intercept method with those obtained by the hyperoxic switch method. Precision was determined by assessing the repeatability of values obtained whereas bias was assessed by comparing the methods' results to each other and to values for other species found in the literature. We found that CWL was highly repeatable by both methods (R0.88) and resulted in similar values to measures of CWL determined during the closed-phase of discontinuous gas exchange (DGE). Repeatability of RWL was much lower (R=0.40) and significant only in the case of the hyperoxic method. RWL derived from the hyperoxic method is higher (by 0.044 micromol min(-1)) than that obtained from the method traditionally used for measuring water loss during the closed-phase of DGE, suggesting that in the past RWL may have been underestimated. The very low cuticular permeability of this species (3.88 microg cm(-2) h(-1) Torr(-1)) is reasonable given the seasonally hot and dry habitat where it lives. We also tested the hygric hypothesis proposed to account for the evolution of discontinuous gas exchange cycles and found no effect of respiratory pattern on RWL, although the ratio of mean VH2O to VCO2 was higher for continuous patterns compared with discontinuous ones.  相似文献   

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