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In hermaphroditic fishes, the initiation of sex reversal by male removal explains the replacement of lost males but does not explain how the number of males in a group may increase. Since numerous species apparently cannot produce primary males, a second means of initiating sex reversal must exist. In the present study we formulate a model which suggests the existence of an additional mechanism governing sex change: as soon as the ratio of adult females to males within a group exceeds a certain threshold value, a female changes sex even though no male has been removed. This process is inferred from comparison of data collected in the Red Sea and the western Indian Ocean with the model's predictions concerning size at sex reversal and the sex ratio of groups. The results suggest how several ecological factors may influence the occurrence rate of sex reversal and the development and growth of social groups.  相似文献   

Sex determination in mammals is based on a genetic cascade that controls the fate of the gonads. Gonads will then direct the establishment of phenotypic sex through the production of hormones. Different types of sex reversal are expected to occur if mutations disrupt one of the three steps of gonadal differentiation: formation of the gonadal primordia, sex determination, and testis or ovary development.  相似文献   

Mammalian sex chromosomes: Evolution of organization and function   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Comparisons of chromosome size, morphology and gene arrangements between mammals of different species permit us to deduce the genome characteristics of the common ancestor, and to chart the changes that have occurred during the divergence of the two lineages. The more distantly related are the species compared, the more remote the common ancestor whose characteristics can be deduced. This means that, providing there are sufficient similarities to warrant comparison, the more divergent the species compared, the more significant the contribution to our understanding of the organization of an ancestral mammalian genome and the process of mammalian genome evolution. One of the genetic surprises of the last decade was the discovery that, although gross karyotypes of distantly related orders of eutherian mammals (e.g. cat, cow, rabbit, man) have diverged extensively, gene mapping studies reveal the presence of large chromosome segments conserved across at least 60 million years (O'Brien et al. 1988). This finding makes it worthwhile to extend genetic comparisons to the two groups of mammals most distantly related to eutherian mammals--marsupials and monotremes. Here we will review comparisons of the sex chromosomes in these three major groups of extant mammals, and show how they have led us to a new view of the evolution of mammalian sex chromosome organization and function in sex determination and X chromosome inactivation.  相似文献   

Xp-duplications with and without sex reversal   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Duplications in Xp including the DSS (dosage sensitive sex reversal) region cause male to female sex reversal. We investigated two patients from families with Xp duplications. The first case was one of two sisters with karyotype 46,XY, der(22), t(X;22)(p11.3;p11)mat and unambiguous female genitalia. The living sister was developmentally retarded, and showed multiple dysmorphic features and an acrocallosal syndrome. The second case was a boy with a maternally inherited direct duplication of Xp21.3-pter with the breakpoint close to the DSS locus. He had multiple abnormalities and micropenis, but otherwise unambiguous male genitalia. We performed quantitative Southern blot analysis with probes from Xp22.13 to p21.2 to define the duplicated region. Clinical, cytogenetic, and molecular data from both patients were compared with those of previously reported related cases. A comparison of the extragenital symptoms revealed no differences between patients with or without sex reversal. In both cases, the symptoms were non-specific. Among 22 patients with a duplication in Xp, nine had unambiguous female genitalia and a well-documented duplication of the DSS region. Two patients with duplication of DSS showed ambiguous external genitalia. From these data, we conclude that induction of testicular tissue may start in these patients, but that the type of genitalia depends on the degree of subsequent degeneration by a gene in DSS.  相似文献   

The H-Y antigen and sex reversal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
E Simpson 《Cell》1986,44(6):813-814

The great diversity of sex determination mechanisms in animals and plants ranges from genetic sex determination (GSD, e.g. mammals, birds, and most dioecious plants) to environmental sex determination (ESD, e.g. many reptiles) and includes a mixture of both, for example when an individual’s genetically determined sex is environmentally reversed during ontogeny (ESR, environmental sex reversal, e.g. many fish and amphibia). ESD and ESR can lead to widely varying and unstable population sex ratios. Populations exposed to conditions such as endocrine‐active substances or temperature shifts may decline over time due to skewed sex ratios, a scenario that may become increasingly relevant with greater anthropogenic interference on watercourses. Continuous exposure of populations to factors causing ESR could lead to the extinction of genetic sex factors and may render a population dependent on the environmental factors that induce the sex change. However, ESR also presents opportunities for population management, especially if the Y or W chromosome is not, or not severely, degenerated. This seems to be the case in many amphibians and fish. Population growth or decline in such species can potentially be controlled through the introduction of so‐called Trojan sex genes carriers, individuals that possess sex chromosomes or genes opposite from what their phenotype predicts. Here, we review the conditions for ESR, its prevalence in natural populations, the resulting physiological and reproductive consequences, and how these may become instrumental for population management.  相似文献   

The germ cell lineage in the mouse is not predetermined but is established during gastrulation, in response to signalling molecules acting on a subset of epiblast cells that move through the primitive streak together with extra-embryonic mesoderm precursors. After migration to the site of the future gonads, germ cell sex determination is achieved, with germ cell phenotype in male and female embryos diverging. Evidence suggests that all germ cells spontaneously take the female pathway, entering prophase of the first meiotic division five or six days after the birth of the germ cell lineage, with the exception of those located in the embryonic testis, which exit the cell cycle in response to some inhibitory signal and remain in Go until after birth, when spermatogenesis begins. In culture, germ cells respond to certain growth factors by proliferating indefinitely. These immortalized embryonic germ (EG) cell lines are chromosomally stable and pluripotent, closely resembling the embryonic stem (ES) cell lines derived from blastocyst-stage embryos. Human EG and ES cell lines have recently been made, raising the hope that their differentiation could be directed to specific cell types, of value in the clinical treatment of degenerative diseases.  相似文献   

A gene named SRY, isolated last year from the sex-determining region of the human Y chromosome, satisfies many of the criteria expected of the testis-determining factor gene. Mutations in SRY have been found in XY females, strongly implicating SRY as the testis-determining gene.  相似文献   

Estrogens have a feminizing effect on gonadal differentiation in fish, amphibians, reptiles, and birds. However, the role of estrogen during gonadal differentiation in mammals is less clear. We investigated the effect of estrogen on gonadal differentiation of male tammar wallabies. Male pouch young were treated orally with estradiol benzoate or oil from the day of birth, before seminiferous cords develop, to Day 25 postpartum and were killed at Day 50 postpartum. In all estrogen-treated neonates, a decrease in gonadal volume, volume of the seminiferous cords, thickness of the tunica albuginea, and number of germ cells was found. The stage of treatment affected the magnitude of the response. Two of three male young born prematurely after 25 days of gestation and treated subsequently with estradiol had ovary-like gonads, with well-developed cortical and medullary regions and primordial follicle formation. Furthermore, at Day 50 postpartum, many (21%) of the germ cells in these sex-reversed ovaries were in the leptotene and zygotene stages of meiosis, similar to female germ cells at the same stage of development. In the other males born on Day 26 of gestation or later, estradiol treatment from the day of birth caused development of dysgenetic testes, with abnormal Sertoli cells, atrophy of the seminiferous tubules and tunica albuginea, and absence of meiotic germ cells. In this marsupial, therefore, estradiol can induce either partial or complete transformation of the male gonads into an ovary with meiotic germ cells. These results confirm that estrogen can inhibit early testicular development, and that testis determination occurs during a narrow window of time.  相似文献   

We observed the mating pattern and social behaviour of the pipefish Corythoichthys haematopterus in temperate waters of Japan during three successive breeding seasons. Males cared for a clutch in their brood pouch for 9-19 days until hatching and had several broods in the season with nonbrooding intervals of only 1 or 2 days. The population sex ratio was female biased and some females were always excluded from reproduction. Although males were sometimes courted by unmated females together with their regular partners, they always mated with the latter. The pair bond was maintained until the next season if both members survived. When males lost their partners, they remated with neighbouring unmated females within a few days. In contrast, widowed females remained unmated for a long time. Females had larger home ranges and were more active in courtship displays than males. This pipefish provides the first example of sex role reversal among monogamous syngnathid fish. We suggest that mate guarding by females is a primary proximate factor for maintenance of monogamy in this fish. Copyright 2001 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The SRY gene on the Y chromosome is the testis determining factor (TDF). It is therefore the initial male determining factor. However, phenotypic sex determination includes a cascade of genes located on autosomes as well as sex chromosomes. Aberrations of these genes may cause sexual maldevelopment or sex reversal. Abnormalities may include single gene mutations and gene loss or gain-changes may involve only sex organs or may be part of syndromes. These changes may also arise as chromosome abnormalities involving contiguous genes. Eight cases with chromosomal abnormalities involving different causative mechanisms are described herein. The most common cause is nondisjunction, including loss or gain of sex chromosomes. Less common causes are mispairing and crossing over in meiosis, chromosome breaks with repair, nonhomologous pairing due to low copy repeats and crossing over, and translocation (familial or de novo) with segregation. Cases include: [see: text].  相似文献   

Summary This study was conducted to define the range of phenotypic expression and mode of inheritance of XX sex reversal in the cocker spaniel dog. Breeding experiments produced F1, F1BC, and F2 generations in which 29 XX true hermaphrodites and 3 XX males were defined by chromosome constitution, serial histologic sections of the gonads, and examination of the internal and external genitalia. In XX true hermaphrodites, the most common combination of gonads was bilateral ovotestes, followed by ovotestis and ovary, then ovotestis and testis. The amount of testicular tissue in the two gonads was closely correlated within each true hermaphrodite. The distribution of testicular tissue within ovotestes of true hermaphrodites was consistent with the hypothesis that testicular differentiation is initiated in the center of the gonad and spreads outward. XX males had bilateral aspermatogenic testes and the internal ducts and external genitalia were more masculinized than in true hermaphrodites. Results of breeding experiments are consistent with autosomal recessive inheritance, the affected phenotype being expressed only in dogs with an XX chromosome constitution. The phenotypic expression and mode of inheritance of this disorder is compared to XX sex reversal in humans and other animals.  相似文献   

Summary Nine XX true hermaphrodites and two XX males were discovered in a family of American cocker spaniels. The true hermaphrodites were partially-masculinized females with ovotestes; the XX males had malformed male external genitalia and cryptorchid aspermatogenic testes. Wolffian and Mullerian duct derivatives were present in both true hermaphrodites and XX males. All four sires of sex-reversed dogs were normal XY males; five of the dams were anatomically normal females and one was an XX true hermaphrodite. A second true hermaphrodite reproduced as a female, producing anatomically normal offspring.All matings that produced sex-reversed offspring were consanguineous. Matings of the parents of sex-reversed cocker spaniels to normal beagles with no family history of intersexuality produced only normal offspring. Examination of G-banded karyotypes of the affected animals, their parents, and siblings, revealed no structural anomalies of the chromosomes that were consistently associated with sex-reversal.In assays for serologically-detectable H-Y antigen, the group of XX true hermaphrodites and the group of XX males had mean levels of the antigen not significantly different from that in normal male controls. Female parents of sex-reversed dogs and some of their female siblings were typed H-Y antigen positive, but the mean level of the antigen in this group was less than that of normal male controls.It is proposed that XX sex reversal in cocker spaniels is due to a mutant gene which when homozygous in females, results in a level of H-Y antigen similar to that found in normal males and the gonads develop as ovotestes or testes. When the gene is heterozygous in females, the level of serologically-detectable H-Y antigen is lowr than that found in normal males and the gonads develop as normal ovaries. The persistence of Mullerian structures in the presence of testicular tissue suggests that Mullerian inhibiting substance is deficient or ineffective in its action in this condition.Supported by NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship IF32 HL05515, University of Pennsylvania Genetics Center Grant, No. GM 20138, and NIH grants AI-19456, HD 17049, and HD 14357; and a grant from the Mrs. Cheever Porter Foundation.  相似文献   

Summary The genetic terminology of sex determination and sex differentiation is examined in relation to its underlying biological basis. On the assumption that the function of the testis is to produce hormones and spermatozoa, the hypothesis of a single Y-chromosomal testis-determining gene with a dominant effect is shown to run counter to the following observed facts: a lowering in testosterone levels and an increase in the incidence of undescended testes, in addition to sterility, in males with multiple X chromosomes; abnormalities of the testes in autosomal trisomies; phenotypic abnormalities of XX males apparently increasing with decreasing amounts of Y-chromosomal material; the occurrence of patients with gonadal dysgenesis and XY males with ambiguous genitalia in the same sibship; the occurrence of identical SRY mutations in patients with gonadal dysgenesis and fertile males in the same pedigree; and the development of XY female and hermaphrodite mice having the same genetic constitution. The role of X inactivation in the production of males, females and hermaphrodites in T(X;16)16H mice has previously been suggested but not unequivocally demonstrated; moreover, X inactivation cannot account for the observed bilateral asymmetry of gonadal differentiation in XY hermaphrodites in humans and mice. There is evidence for a delay in development of the supporting cells in XY mice with ovarian formation. Once testicular differentiation and male hormone secretion have begun, other Y-chromosomal genes are required to maintain spermatogenesis and to complete spermiogenesis, but these genes do not function effectively in the presence of more than one X chromosome. The impairment of spermatogenesis by many other chromosome abnormalities seems to be more severe than that of oogenesis. It is concluded that the notion of a single testis-determining gene being responsible for male sex differentiation lacks biological validity, and that the genotype of a functional, i.e. fertile, male differs from that of a functional female by the presence of multiple Y-chromosomal genes in association with but a single X chromosome. Male sex differentiation in XY individuals can be further impaired by a euploid, but inappropriate, genetic background. The genes involved in testis development may function as growth regulators in the tissues in which they are active.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation by protein kinases is the most widespread and well-studied signaling mechanism in eukaryotic cells. Phosphorylation can regulate almost every property of a protein and is involved in all fundamental cellular processes. Cataloging and understanding protein phosphorylation is no easy task: many kinases may be expressed in a cell, and one-third of all intracellular proteins may be phosphorylated, representing as many as 20,000 distinct phosphoprotein states. Defining the kinase complement of the human genome, the kinome, has provided an excellent starting point for understanding the scale of the problem. The kinome consists of 518 kinases, and every active protein kinase phosphorylates a distinct set of substrates in a regulated manner. Deciphering the complex network of phosphorylation-based signaling is necessary for a thorough and therapeutically applicable understanding of the functioning of a cell in physiological and pathological states. We review contemporary techniques for identifying physiological substrates of the protein kinases and studying phosphorylation in living cells.  相似文献   

Calcium signaling: deciphering the calcium-NFAT pathway   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rapid cellular calcium oscillations activate gene expression hours later. How this temporal response amplification is achieved has until now been largely a mystery. An elegant combination of experimental strategies and a model that encompasses non-linear inputs and outputs now sheds new light on this long-standing problem.  相似文献   

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