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Eleven inbred strains of mice, and one outbred strain, were infected with Strongyloides ratti and larvae in the faeces were quantitated. Three strains, C57B1/6, CBA and BALB/c mice were susceptible to infection while other strains demonstrated negligible infections as assessed by this method. Larvae were first seen in the faeces on day 5, peak levels were reached on days 6 and 7, and excretion ceased 10 days after infection. Factors influencing intensity of larval excretion were examined in C57B1/6 mice. Young mice (1 month of age) were found to be more susceptible to infection than 2 and 6 month old animals. Male mice were much more susceptible to infection than female animals. There was a direct relationship between the number of S. ratti injected and the number of larvae excreted over the range 200–1600 larvae; subsequent increments in dose of injected larvae failed to increase the larval output. Infection by the percutaneous route resulted in a heavier infection than did subcutaneous injection. Previous exposure to S. ratti induced a profound resistance to reinfection. It is suggested that S. ratti infections of C57B1/6 and CBA mice provide a useful model for the investigation of factors influencing the host-parasite relationship in strongyloidiasis.  相似文献   

Susceptibility of different mouse strains to varying levels of Taenia taeniaeformis eggs has been studied. C3H are shown to be susceptible to any quantity of eggs. However C57 and NMRI are only susceptible to 1–2 eggs, while larvae from an infection of 30–50 eggs are precociously destroyed. Sometimes fertile larvae can also develop in resistant strains of mice infected with some hundred eggs. In C3H the challenge larvae are unable to survive even from an infection given 24–48 h post-first inoculum. The hypothesis is proposed that in resistant strains, infection with 30–50 eggs induces a more rapid immune response which becomes effective while the larva is still vulnerable; in massive infections, however, immune paralysis may occur. Although susceptible strains allow primary infections to develop, they show resistance to challenge infections because larvae are destroyed before they become insusceptible to host attack.  相似文献   

The present study analyzed whether nasal administration of viable and non-viable Lactobacillus casei CRL 431 to immunocompromised mice was capable of increasing resistance against Streptococcus pneumoniae. Weaned mice were malnourished after consuming a PFD for 21 days. Malnourished mice were fed a BCD for 7 days or BCD for 7 days with viable or non-viable L. casei nasal treatments on day 6 and day 7 (BCD+LcV and BCD+LcN, respectively). The MNC group received PFD whereas the WNC mice consumed BCD. MNC mice showed greater lung colonization, more severe lung injuries, impaired leukocyte recruitment and reduced antibodies and cytokine production when compared with WNC mice. Administration of L. casei increased the resistance of malnourished mice to the infection. Both BCD+LcV and BCD+LcN treatments prevented the dissemination of the pathogen to the blood and induced its lung clearance. BCD+LcV or BCD+LcN groups showed improved production of TNF-α and activity of phagocytes in the respiratory tract, an effect that was not observed in the BCD control group. In addition, IL-4 and IL-10 were significantly increased in BCD+LcV and BCD+LcN groups, which correlated with the increase in the levels of specific respiratory IgA. The nasal treatments with L. casei were also effective at stimulating the production of specific IgG at both the systemic and the respiratory levels. The comparative study between the viable and the non-viable bacteria demonstrated that viability would be an important factor to achieve maximum protective effects. However, the results from this study suggest that heat-killed lactic acid bacteria are also effective in the immunomodulation of the systemic and respiratory immune system.  相似文献   

We elucidated the contribution of Valpha14 NKT cells to Th1 response and host resistance against mycobacterial infection. In Valpha14 NKT cell-deficient mice, host defense and DTH response to Mycobacterium bovis BCG were not different from wild-type mice after pulmonary infection. There was no significant difference in the lung concentrations of IFN-gamma between the two strains of mice. In addition, host defense to systemic infection with M. tuberculosis was similar to that of M. bovis. Our results indicate that Valpha14 NKT cells play only a marginal role, if any, in the Th1 response and host resistance to mycobacterial infection.  相似文献   

Many animal species have been domesticated over the course of human history and became tame as a result of domestication. Tameness is a behavioral characteristic with 2 potential components: (1) reluctance to avoid humans and (2) motivation to approach humans. However, the specific behavioral characteristics selected during domestication processes remain to be clarified for many species. To quantify these 2 different components of tameness separately, we established 3 behavioral tests: the ‘active tame’, ‘passive tame’ and ‘stay‐on‐hand’ tests. We subjected genetically diverse mouse strains to these tests, including 10 wild strains (BFM/2Ms, PGN2/Ms, HMI/Ms, BLG2/Ms, NJL/Ms, KJR/Ms, SWN/Ms, CHD/Ms, MSM/Ms and CAST/Ei), a fancy strain (JF1/Ms) and 6 standard laboratory strains (C3H/HeNJcl, CBA/J, BALB/cAnNCrlCrlj, DBA/2JJcl, 129+Ter/SvJcl and C57BL/6JJcl). To analyze the effects of domestication, these 17 strains were divided into 2 groups: domesticated strains (fancy and laboratory strains) and wild strains. Significant differences between strains were observed in all traits, and the calculated estimates of broad‐sense heritability were 0.15–0.72. These results illustrate that tameness in mice is significantly influenced by genetic background. In addition, they clearly show the differences in the features of tameness in domesticated and wild strains. Most of the domesticated strains showed significantly greater reluctance to avoid humans than wild strains, whereas there was no significant difference in the level of motivation to approach humans between these 2 groups. These results might help to clarify the genetic basis of tameness in mice .  相似文献   

Strain variation in the level of resistance to malaria was investigated in inbred mice after infection with Plasmodium chabaudi. Following intraperitoneal infection with the typing dose of parasitized erythrocytes, mice of 11 inbred strains could be separated using survival time as the criterium into resistant and susceptible groups. Genetic analysis of F1 hybrid and backcross progeny derived from one of the most resistant (B10.A) and from the most susceptible (A/J) strains as parents suggested that host resistance in this strain combination was genetically controlled by a dominant, non-H-2-linked, autosomal gene or closely linked genes. Analysis of the mechanisms of resistance to P chabaudi showed (1) phenotypic expression of the resistance gene was apparent within 6 days of infection as a significant difference between resistant and susceptible mice in the level of parasitemia; (2) the level of host NK cell activity was not related to the level of host resistance to malaria; (3) compared with susceptible A/J mice, resistant B1O.A hosts had an augmented erythropoietic response during the course of malaria as well as during phenylhydrazine-induced anemia and (4) treatment with BCG or P acnes resulted in an equal degree of protection, measured by parasitemia and survival, in both resistant and susceptible mice.  相似文献   



Klebsiella pneumoniae (Kp) is a bacterium causing severe pneumonia in immunocompromised hosts and is often associated with sepsis. With the rise of antibiotic resistant bacteria, there is a need for new effective and affordable control methods; understanding the genetic architecture of susceptibility to Kp will help in their development. We performed the first quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping study of host susceptibility to Kp infection in immunocompetent Collaborative Cross mice (CC). We challenged 328 mice from 73 CC lines intraperitoneally with 104 colony forming units of Kp strain K2. Survival and body weight were monitored for 15 days post challenge. 48 of the CC lines were genotyped with 170,000 SNPs, with which we mapped QTLs.


CC lines differed significantly (P < 0.05) in mean survival time, between 1 to 15 days post infection, and broad sense heritability was 0.45. Distinct QTL were mapped at specific time points during the challenge. A QTL on chromosome 4 was found only on day 2 post infection, and QTL on chromosomes 8 and 18, only on day 8. By using the sequence variations of the eight inbred strain founders of the CC to refine QTL localization we identify several candidate genes.


Host susceptibility to Kp is a complex trait, controlled by multiple genetic factors that act sequentially during the course of infection.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-865) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Primary isolates of Trypanosoma congolense show a range of virulence in NMRI mice. Stabiliates derived from an isolate (Dinderesso/ 80/CRTA/3) which showed moderate virulence in most NMRI mice (moderate parasitemia and survival) were used in inbred mice. C57B1/6 were resistant with low parasitemia and survival. Parasitemias were higher in males than females. BALB/c were the most sensitive of the strains tested and died with fulminating parasitemia. Inheritance of resistance, defined as low parasitemia, was studied using these two strains. Male F1 showed high parasitemia; the backcrosses of F1 to the resistant parent had a ratio of one susceptible to one resistant product; the product of F1 to susceptible parent were all susceptible; and the F2 crosses showed a ratio of three susceptible to one resistant product. The results obtained with female F1, backcrosses, and F2 mice showed similar segregation to that found using males, but the range of parasitemia was always 1–2 log10 lower, except for the F1 backcrossed to BALB/c, where female and male parasitemia were undistinguishable. The segregation ratios were identical whether resistant females were crossed with sensitive males or vice-versa. The results obtained are compatible with resistance being a recessive trait controlled by a single autosomal gene (or gene cluster). In addition, sex-associated factors appear to confer higher resistance in females.  相似文献   

Susceptibilities of 5 different mice strains, including C3H/HeN, BALB/c, C57BL6, FvB and ICR, to Echinostoma hortense infection, was evaluated. The worm expulsion rate, worm size and egg production were observed from 1 to 8 weeks after infection with 30 metacercariae. C3H/HeN and ICR mice showed the highest worm maturation rates. The worm recovery rate and the number of eggs per gram (EPG) of feces was also higher in C3H/HeN and ICR mice than in BALB/c, C57BL6, and FvB mice. It is suggested that E. hortense is highly infectious to ICR and C3H/HeN mice, but not to the other strains of mice. Based on the results obtained, we believe that the susceptibility of different mouse strains to E. hortense infection is dependent on the genetic and immunologic background of mice.  相似文献   

结核病的高发已经给全球人类带来巨大的困扰。对结核病的预防和治疗越来越成为医疗工作者关注的问题,其中不同人群对结核杆菌的易感性引起了众多学者的关注。宿主基因的多态性可能影响宿主对结核杆菌的识别、吞噬及杀伤,进而影响结核病感染的发生和发展。认为此为结核病与宿主之间存在的重要内在联系。  相似文献   

The neurotransmitter serotonin is implicated in the regulation of various forms of behavior, including aggression, sexual behavior and stress response. The rate of brain serotonin synthesis is determined by the activity of neuronal‐specific enzyme tryptophan hydroxylase 2. The missense C1473G substitution in mouse tryptophan hydroxylase 2 gene has been shown to lower the enzyme activity and brain serotonin level. Here, the C1473G polymorphism was investigated in 84 common laboratory inbred strains, 39 inbred and semi‐inbred strains derived from wild ancestors (mostly from Eurasia) and in 75 wild mice trapped in different locations in Russia and Armenia. Among all the classical inbred strains studied, only substrains of BALB/c, A and DBA, as well as the IITES/Nga and NZW/NSlc strains were homozygous for the 1473G allele. In contrast to laboratory strains, the 1473G allele was not present in any of the samples from wild and wild‐derived mice, although the wild mice varied substantially in the C1477T neutral substitution closely linked to the C1473G polymorphism. According to these results, the frequency of the 1473G allele in natural populations does not exceed 0.5%, and the C1473G polymorphism is in fact a rare mutation that is possibly eliminated by the forces of natural selection.  相似文献   

The group A streptococci (GAS, Streptococcus pyogenes) are important human pathogens which can cause a variety of diseases, ranging from mild infections to very severe invasive diseases. In recent years, evidence has been accumulated that host genetic factors have a major influence on the outcome of streptococcal infections. Variability in the degree of susceptibility of different inbred mouse strains to infection with GAS has demonstrated that the host genetic background largely determines the susceptibility of mice to this pathogen. This information is particularly useful for studying the immune mechanisms underlying disease susceptibility in mice, and provides an entry point for the identification of host defence loci. This paper reviews the recent advances in the characterisation of pathogenic mechanisms associated with the development of GAS-induced septic shock in the mouse model and outlines the current knowledge regarding the genetic control of immune responses to Group A streptococcus in mice.  相似文献   

A number of processes are important in the development of substance dependence including initial sensitivity to the acute pharmacological effects of drugs/alcohol. The objectives of the present study were (1) to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with the initial sensitivity to the effects of morphine in the A/J, C57BL/6J and AXB/BXA recombinant inbred strains of mice; (2) to identify potential commonalities in the chromosomal regions associated with morphine, cocaine and ethanol sensitivity using multiple‐trait genetic analysis and (3) to determine whether there were interstrain differences in dopamine uptake and transporter binding. Initial sensitivity to morphine was determined by measuring locomotor activity in a computerized open‐field apparatus following acute morphine administration (0, 10, 20 and 40 mg/kg). Significant differences in morphine‐induced activation were observed across the panel of AXB/BXA mice. Genetic analysis found significant QTLs on chromosomes 5, 7, 11, 12, 15 and 17 close to loci previously mapped for cocaine‐related behaviours and to parameters of dopaminergic functioning (uptake and receptor binding). Comparisons of the A/J vs. C57BL/6J progenitors found no strain differences for total dopamine uptake (Vmax or Km) in freshly prepared striatal synaptosomes from naive animals, and no differences in the IC50 for the inhibition of dopamine uptake by cocaine. In addition, there were no differences in dopamine transporter density (Bmax or Kd) measured using 3H‐GBR 12935 binding in synaptosomal membranes or via quantitative autoradiography. Multiple‐trait analysis was conducted to examine the genetic interrelationships among morphine‐, cocaine‐ and ethanol‐induced activation in the AXB/BXA. Analysis yielded suggestive QTLs for the joint trait on chromosomes 5, 8, 13 and 15, as well as significant regions on chromosomes 11 (Pmv46, 11 cM, LOD = 7.39) and 12 (D12Mit110, 19 cM, LOD = 4.43) that may be common to all three drugs of abuse.  相似文献   

Deficits in social interaction are important early markers for autism and related neurodevelopmental disorders with strong genetic components. Standardized behavioral assays that measure the preference of mice for initiating social interactions with novel conspecifics would be of great value for mutant mouse models of autism. We developed a new procedure to assess sociability and the preference for social novelty in mice. To quantitate sociability, each mouse was scored on measures of exploration in a central habituated area, a side chamber containing an unfamiliar conspecific (stranger 1) in a wire cage, or an empty side chamber. In a secondary test, preference for social novelty was quantitated by presenting the test mouse with a choice between the first, now-familiar, conspecific (stranger 1) in one side chamber, and a second unfamiliar mouse (stranger 2) in the other side chamber. Parameters scored included time spent in each chamber and number of entries into the chambers. Five inbred strains of mice were tested, C57BL/6J, DBA/2J, FVB/NJ, A/J and B6129PF2/J hybrids. Four strains showed significant levels of sociability (spend- ing more time in the chamber containing stranger 1 than in the empty chamber) and a preference for social novelty (spending more time in the chamber containing stranger 2 than in the chamber containing the now-familiar stranger 1). These social preferences were observed in both male and female mice, and in juveniles and adults. The exception was A/J, a strain that demonstrated a preference for the central chamber. Results are discussed in terms of potential applications of the new methods, and the proper controls for the interpretation of social behavior data, including assays for health, relevant sensory abilities and motor functions. This new standardized procedure to quantitate sociability and preference for social novelty in mice provides a method to assess tendencies for social avoidance in mouse models of autism.  相似文献   

The rates of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD), serotype distribution and antimicrobial susceptibility prior to and after the introduction of the heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in Portuguese children were evaluated. The changes in incidence of IPD in children under 1 year old between the two periods of the study was not significant (P=0.53), despite the 21% decline. In children under 18 years old there was a 27.7% decrease in vaccine serotypes. All nonvaccine serotypes increased 71.4%. The decrease in vaccine serotypes was more impressive during the first year of life (-54.8%) than for children between 1 and 5 years of age (-19.1%). Among children under 1 year old, penicillin nonsusceptible isolates declined between the two periods of the study (47.2% vs. 25.0%) (P=0.03), as did those of cefotaxime and ceftriaxone nonsusceptible isolates. No changes were observed for isolates nonsusceptible to tetracycline and macrolides. The serotypes of these nonsusceptible isolates differed after the introduction of vaccine (P=0.01). Multiresistance increased 57.1% after the introduction of vaccine. Multiresistant isolates with vaccine serotype declined 42.9% (P<0.001), and nonvaccine serotypes appeared during the vaccination period (P<0.001). These findings suggest a replacement of vaccine serotypes by nonvaccine serotypes, mainly among nonsusceptible isolates.  相似文献   

Impairment of motor coordination, or ataxia, is a prominent effect of alcohol ingestion in humans. To date, many models have been created to examine this phenomenon in animals. Evidence suggests that the tasks thought to measure this behavior in mice actually measure different components of this complex trait. We have characterized the parallel rod floor apparatus to quantify ethanol-induced motor incoordination. Using genetically heterogeneous mice, we evaluated the influence of rod diameter and inter-rod distance on dose-related ethanol-induced motor incoordination to select parameters that optimized testing procedures. We then used the DBA/2J and C57BL/6J inbred strains of mice to examine the effect of 2 g/kg of ethanol, by serially testing mice on two floor types, separated by 1 week. Finally, we tested eight inbred strains of mice on four floor types to examine patterns of strain sensitivity to 2 g/kg of intraperitoneal ethanol and determined the test parameters that maximized strain effect size. Motor incoordination varied depending on the floor type and strain. When data from strain 129S1/SvlmJ were removed from the analyses because of their extreme behavior, the greatest strain effect size was observed on one floor type during the first 10 min of testing after 2 g/kg of intraperitoneal ethanol. These findings suggest that the parallel rod floor apparatus provides a useful means for examining ethanol-induced motor incoordination in mice but that specific testing procedures are important for optimizing detection of motor incoordination and genetic influences.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined the effect of soluble CD4 (sCD4) on host resistance and delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) response to Cryptococcus neoformans using a novel mutant mouse that exhibits a defect in the expression of membrane-bound CD4 but secretes high levels of sCD4 in the serum. In these mice, host resistance to this pathogen was impaired as indicated by an increased number of live pathogens in the lung. To elucidate the mechanism of immunodeficiency, three different sets of experiments were conducted. First, administration of anti-CD4 mAb restored the attenuated host defense. Second, in CD4 gene-disrupted (CD4KO) mice, host resistance was not attenuated compared to control mice. Third, implantation of sCD4 gene-transfected myeloma cells rendered the CD4KO mice susceptible to this infection, while similar treatment with mock-transfected cells did not show such an effect. These results indicated that immunodeficiency in the mutant mice was attributed to the circulating sCD4 rather than to the lack of CD4+ T cells. In addition, DTH response to C. neoformans evaluated by footpad swelling was reduced in the mutant mice compared to that in the control, and the reduced response was restored by the administration of anti-CD4 mAb. Finally, serum levels of IFN-gamma, IL-12 and IL-18 in the mutant mice were significantly reduced, while there was no difference in Th2 cytokines, such as IL-4 and IL-10. Considered collectively, our results demonstrated that sCD4 could directly prevent host resistance and DTH response to C. neoformans through interference with the production of Th1-type cytokines.  相似文献   

南京汉族群体肺癌易感性相关基因的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
梁戈玉  浦跃朴  尹立红 《遗传》2004,26(5):584-588
为了探讨南京汉族群体肺癌易感性相关基因,我们采用1:1病例对照研究方法,以PCR—RFLP技术检测了152对肺癌和健康对照的CYP1A1、CYP2E1、GSTM1、GSTT1、GSTP1、mEH和NQO1基因的基因型并分析其与肺癌的相关性。结果发现携带CYP1A1突变基因型(wt/mt和mt/mt)的个体明显增加患肺鳞癌的风险(OR=2.31,95%CI=1.23-4.36);GSTT1(-)基因型可使肺癌发生的风险增加2.06倍(95%CI=1.30-3.24);具有NQO1wt/mt与mt/mt基因型者发生肺癌的风险也有所增高(OR=1.66,95CI%=1.01-2.74); CYP1A1突变基因型与GSTT1缺失基因型、CYP1A1突变基因型与NQO1突变基因型对肺癌的发生存在协同作用,同时具有两种易感基因型的个体更容易发生肺癌。研究结果表明,CYP1A1、GSTT1、NQO1基因可能与南京汉族群体肺癌遗传易感性有关,基因型之间的联合检测更有助于高危人群的筛选。Abstract: To investigate the genes related to lung cancer susceptibility in Nanjing Han population, China, a 1:1 matched case-control study was performed in which 152 hospital controls were matched to the 152 original lung cancer cases. The polymorphisms of CYP1A1, CYP2E1, GSTM1, GSTT1, GSTP1, mEH and NQO1 genes were analyzed by PCR—RFLP assay. The results showed that the heterozygote and mutation homozygote genotypes of CYP1A1 were related to the risk of squamous cell carcinoma (OR=2.31, 95%CI=1.23-4.36). The risk of suffering from lung cancer was increased 2.06-fold in the individuals with GSTT1(-) genotype (95%CI= 1.30-3.24). The genotype of NQO1 wt/mt and mt/mt was found also to be associated with the risk of lung cancer (OR=1.66,95%CI=1.01-2.74). It was shown that there was no difference in the genotype distribution of CYP2E1, GSTM1, GSTP1 or mEH between cases and controls. Furthermore, stratified analysis suggested that the combination of genotypes of both CYP1A1 and GSTT1 enzymes had a synergistic action in risk of lung cancer (OR=3.41, 95%CI =1.77-6.55). Similarly, there was a cooperation between CYP1A1 mutation genotype and NQO1 mutation genotype (OR=2.45, 95%CI=1.13-5.31). This study suggested that CYP1A1, GSTT1 and gene NQO1 polymorphisms might be associated with the susceptibility to lung cancer in Nanjing Han population. Analysis of gene-gene interactions was helpful to identification of susceptible individuals and screening high-risk population to lung cancer.  相似文献   

The human immune system is a tightly regulated network that protects the host from disease. An important aspect of this is the balance between pro‐inflammatory Th17 cells and anti‐inflammatory T regulatory (Treg) cells in maintaining immune homeostasis. Foxp3+ Treg are critical for sustaining immune tolerance through IL‐10 and transforming growth factor‐β while related orphan receptor‐γt+ Th17 cells promote immunopathology and auto‐inflammatory diseases through the actions of IL‐17A, IL‐21 and IL‐22. Therefore, imbalance between Treg and Th17 cells can result in serious pathology in many organs and tissues. Recently, certain IL‐17‐producing cells have been found to be protective against infectious disease, particularly in relation to extracellular bacteria such Streptococcus pneumoniae; a number of other novel IL‐17‐secreting cell populations have also been reported to protect against a variety of other pathogens. In this mini‐review, the dual roles of Treg and Th17 cells are discussed in the context of autoimmunity and infections, highlighting recent advances in the field. Development of novel strategies specifically designed to target these critical immune response pathways will become increasingly important in maintenance of human health.  相似文献   

Female mice of 12 inbred strains were exposed to 20–25 cercariae of Schistosoma japonicum and infection status determined at day 40 by counting numbers of adult worms, eggs in faeces and eggs in a segment of liver. Most mouse strains appeared to be ‘permissive’ hosts although at least one strain (129/J) was shown to be relatively resistant in terms of day 40 adult worm numbers. In a radioisotopic lung assay for sensitivity to eggs, and developed as a rapid means of assessing granuloma formation, CBA/H mice were shown to differ from C57BL/6 mice in being non-responders. Histological examination of lungs of sensitized CBA/H and C57BL/6 mice injected intravenously with eggs established that granuloma formation was much more intense in C57BL/6 than CBA/H mice. Preliminary indications are that infected CBA/H mice are also low anti egg circumoval precipitin (COP) responders. Analysis of immune responses to isolated egg antigens in these two strains, and identification of the antigens of eggs to which such responses are directed in C57BL/6 mice, should provide insights into immunological disease processes (such as granulomatous inflammation) in this model system of japonicum schistosomiasis.  相似文献   

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