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Genomic libraries from house flies enriched for (CA)15 and (CAG)10 repeats were constructed by using biotinylated probes. Twenty‐five loci were isolated and evaluated for polymorphisms in wild flies representing two geographically diverse populations. Fourteen of 19 dinucleotide loci, and one of six trinucleotide loci were polymorphic. One hundred and twenty‐seven alleles were detected, 39 of which were private. Average number of alleles per polymorphic locus was 8.4 ± 2.5 and average heterozygosity was 72 ± 4%. FST by the private allele method was 0.73. Three of 15 loci showed significant heterozygote deficiencies, attributed to null alleles. Five of 15 loci were amplified in the face fly, Musca autumnalis.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that house flies may be capable of specifically harbouring ingested Vibrio cholerae in their digestive tracts. Flies were continuously fed green fluorescent protein (GFP)‐labelled, non‐O1/non‐O139 environmental strains of V. cholerae. Bacterial burdens were quantitatively measured using plate counts and localization was directly observed using confocal microscopy. Vibrio cholerae were present in the fly alimentary canal after just 4 h, and reached a plateau of ~107 colony‐forming units (CFU)/fly after 5 days in those flies most tolerant of the pathogen. However, individual flies were resistant to the pathogen: one or more flies were found to carry < 180 V. cholerae CFU at each time‐point examined. In flies carrying V. cholerae, the pathogen was predominantly localized to the midgut rather than the rectal space or crop. The proportion of house flies carrying V. cholerae in the midgut was dose‐dependent: the continuous ingestion of a concentrated, freshly prepared dose of V. cholerae increased the likelihood that fluorescent cells would be observed. However, V. cholerae may be a transient inhabitant of the house fly. This work represents the first demonstration that V. cholerae can inhabit the house fly midgut, and provides a platform for future studies of host, pathogen and environmental mediators of the successful colonization of this disease vector.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural studies of the mouthparts of Musca domestica L. show that the fly's prestomal teeth are more damaging to host tissues than considered previously. When fed on tissue culture or pig cornea, SEM revealed that M. domestica were able to tear and suck up cells. This process occurs so rapidly, and so few cells are involved, that the damage is not perceptible to the naked eye. Except for the prestomal teeth, the mouthparts have few other structures which can inflict the damage observed.  相似文献   

The house fly, Musca domestica L., is a cosmopolitan species with a capacity to transmit human pathogens. Here, we report on the development of polymorphic microsatellite loci for house flies and present preliminary results from four house fly subpopulations from Manhattan, Kansas. Twenty‐four microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized using DNA enriched for repeat sequences. Forty individuals from four locations in Kansas were assayed to identify for polymorphic loci. Eight loci were polymorphic with the number of alleles ranging from three to six.  相似文献   

Entomopathogenic fungi, such as Beauveria bassiana, offer potential for use as biopesticides for control of house flies in poultry production facilities. This study evaluates persistence and efficacy of oil-formulated B. bassiana conidia against adult house flies on a range of structural substrates commonly found in poultry houses. Exposure of flies to fungal-treated surfaces produced high levels of infection leading up to 100% mortality in 6–10 days. However, the infectivity of the spray residues declined rapidly within 1 or 2 weeks following repeated fly exposures. Investigations showed that, in the absence of flies, conidia remained viable on test surfaces for up to 3 months regardless of substrate type, application method or fungal production batch. Rather, it was the presence of flies themselves that was responsible for reducing persistence. The exact mechanisms remain unclear but involve a combination of physical removal and chemical deactivation, with decay rates increasing at higher fly densities. While the rapid decay could pose a challenge for operational use, the results suggest it might be possible to tailor treatment frequencies to fly densities with, for example, weekly applications at high fly densities and longer intervals when populations decline. Further research is needed to determine persistence in semifield and field settings and to quantify the influence of fly densities under natural exposure conditions.  相似文献   

Chemical control of house flies in poultry production facilities is becoming increasingly difficult due to insecticide resistance and regulatory constraints. Biopesticides based on entomopathogenic fungi could provide an alternative approach. Here we evaluated population control potential of two fungal pathogens, Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae. Cohorts of adult flies were established in large plastic boxes in the laboratory and were exposed to residues of oil-formulated fungal conidia sprayed on strips of plastic sheeting attached to the box walls. Exposure to the biopesticide barrier treatments caused 100% mortality in adult populations within 8–16 days, depending on the fungal species. In contrast, control flies survived until 96–110 days. Additionally, fungal infections caused 13–20% reduction in egg viability and >70% reduction in fecundity of flies prior to death. The combined lethal and pre-lethal impacts resulted in 21- to 26-fold reduction in basic reproductive rate in the fungus-exposed populations relative to controls. Based on these promising proof-of-principle results, further research is currently under way to determine the feasibility of developing a biopesticide product for operational use.  相似文献   

The “fly factor” was first discovered >60 years ago and describes the phenomenon that food currently or previously fed on by flies attracts more foraging flies than the same type and amount of food kept inaccessible to flies. Since then, there has been little progress made to understanding this phenomenon. Our objectives were (i) to demonstrate the existence of the fly factor in house flies, Musca domestica and (ii) to study underlying mechanisms that may cause or contribute to the fly factor. In 2‐choice laboratory bioassays, we obtained unambiguous evidence for a fly factor phenomenon in house flies, in that we demonstrated that feeding flies are more attractive to foraging flies than are nonfeeding flies, and that fed‐on food is more attractive to foraging flies than is “clean” food. Of the potential mechanisms (fly excreta, metabolic output parameters [elevated temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide]), causing the fly factor, fly feces, and regurgitate do attract foraging flies but none of the metabolic output parameters of feeding flies does. Even though feeding flies produce significantly more CO2 than nonfeeding flies, elevated levels of CO2 have no behavior‐modifying effect on flies. Preferential attraction of house flies to fly feces and regurgitate indicates that the flies sense airborne semiochemicals emanating from these sources. Hypothesizing that these semiochemicals are microbe‐produced, future studies will aim at isolating and mass producing these microbes to accumulate semiochemicals for identification.  相似文献   

In this study, the knockdown and mortality effects of imidacloprid and methomyl were investigated. The residual surface applications were carried out to determine the knockdown effects (KDt50 and KDt95) and mortality (LD50 and LD95) induced by each insecticide. For mortality comparisons, the susceptible house fly (Musca domestica L., Diptera: Muscidae) of a WHO population and three natural field‐collected M. domestica populations from Turkey were used. In conclusion, it was found that the resistance to imidacloprid and methomyl was significantly higher in the field populations when compared to the susceptible population from WHO. The results showed that applicators and pest management decision‐makers should control and conduct an integrated pest management strategy by including biological agents to prevent the development of high levels of resistance in the field populations.  相似文献   

Vertical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to separate enzyme proteins at 73 putative loci in natural house fly populations sampled in central Iowa. Thirty-nine of the loci were polymorphic (53%). The mean effective number of alleles per polymorphic locus was 1.93 and 1.47 alleles among 68 scored loci. Observed and expected heterozygosities at 34 house fly loci were 0.1628 and 0.1834, respectively. No statistically significant differentiation was detected among nine central Iowa fly populations in 1989 or among nine Iowa and three Minnesota populations in 1990. Journal Paper No. J-14125 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames. Project No. 2949.  相似文献   

Adult house flies, Musca domestica L., of four ages, <1, 3, 7, and 14 day post-eclosion, were exposed to three strains of Beauveria bassiana (P89, L90 and 447). Flies were exposed to moistened filter paper treated with either a low (1.57×104 conidia/cm2) or high (1.57×105 conidia/cm2) concentration of each fungal strain for 6 h. Strain 447 was superior to the two house fly-derived B. bassiana strains in inducing host infection and mortality. Significant spikes in infection and mortality occurred as early as 5 days post-exposure with higher concentration exposures acting more quickly. Few differences were observed in either infection or mortality among the four fly age classes. On Day 10 post-exposure, 77% of the high-concentration, 447-exposed flies were infected, compared with only 24% of the flies from the P89 low-concentration exposure. Potential applications of these results in integrated house fly management programs are discussed.  相似文献   

House flies, Musca domestica L., were collected in copula over two summers from six dairies located in three climatically distinct regions in the U.S.A. southern California, Minnesota and Georgia. Ages of males and females from a total of 511 mating pairs were estimated using pterin analysis. Cuticular hydrocarbon profiles and gonotrophic ages of females also were evaluated. Mean age of mating males ranged from 54 to 102 degree‐days (DD) (4–10 days based on field air temperatures), depending on the farm. Very young males (< 10–20 DD) and old males (> 200 DD) were rare in mating pairs. Mean female age at mating ranged from 20 to 46 DD (2.5–4 days). All mating females had eggs in the early stages of vitellogenesis and 99.2% were nulliparous. However, some older and parous females were collected, demonstrating that re‐mating can occur in the field. Head width measurements of mating pairs suggested that assortative mating by size did not occur. The cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of females were determined, with emphasis on (Z)‐9‐tricosene (muscalure). Overall, only 55% of mating females had detectable amounts (> 4 ηg per fly) of (Z)‐9‐tricosene. Of the females that had detectable (Z)‐9‐tricosene, variation in amount per female was high in all fly populations, and thus was not statistically related to the size or age of the mating female. The proportion of mating females with detectable levels of (Z)‐9‐tricosene varied by geographic region. Seventy‐one, 63, and 27% of females from southern California, Minnesota and Georgia had detectable amounts of (Z)‐9‐tricosene. Principal components analysis of the eight most abundant hydrocarbons from mating females, by state, revealed state‐level distinctiveness of hydrocarbons in house fly populations, which may reflect genetic variation associated with environmental stresses in those geographical zones.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic variations in lactate dehydrogenase from adult whole body homogenates are described for three laboratory strains of house fly, Musca domestica. Several crosses between different electrophoretic forms provided evidence that the observed variations are due to segregation of alleles at two distinct loci (designated as A and B loci) and that the LDH isozymes of house flies are dimers formed by a random association of subunits controlled by the two loci.  相似文献   

A comparison of nine commercial baited fly traps on Florida dairy farms demonstrated that Terminator traps collected significantly more (13,323/trap) house flies (Musca domestica L.) than the others tested. Final Flight, Fly Magnet, and FliesBeGone traps collected intermediate numbers of flies (834‐2,166), and relatively few were caught with ISCA, Advantage, Fermone Big Boy, Squeeze & Snap, or OakStump traps (<300). Terminator traps collected about twice as many flies (799.8/trap) as FliesBeGone traps (343.8) when each trap was baited with its respective attractant, but when the attractants were switched between the two trap types, collections were significantly lower (77‐108) than was observed with traps baited with their respective attractant. Solutions of molasses were significantly more attractive to house flies than honey, maple syrup, or jaggery (date palm sugar). Field‐expedient traps constructed from discarded PET water bottles were much less effective than commercial traps, but painting the tops of such traps with black spray paint resulted in a six‐fold increase in trap capture.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Potentiation in joint action was demonstrated between solutions of L-leucine and sodium phosphate buffer (pH 6.3) as feeding stimulants for protein-deprived females of the house fly, Musca domestica L. Both components alone elicited feeding. In two-choice feeding tests, mixtures consisting of equi-stimulating concentrations of the two components were taken in greater quantities than either component alone at twice the concentration in the mixture.
The presence of 1×10-1 M phosphate buffer markedly lowered the threshold for detection of L-leucine. The presence of phosphate buffer strengthened the preferences shown by flies given choices of concentrations of L-leucine differing by a factor of 2 and enabled them to display preferences at lower concentrations.
The presence of 1×10-3 M L-leucine increased, somewhat, the ability of flies to detect low concentrations of phosphate buffer. Its presence had relatively little effect on the strength of preference shown between two-fold differences in concentration of phosphate buffer when the higher concentration was 6.3×10-3 M or less, but markedly strengthened the preferences when the higher concentration was 2.5×10-2M or greater. Leucine increased the optimal concentration of phosphate buffer by a factor of more than 2 and converted 2×10-1 M phosphate buffer from a mild feeding deterrent to a powerful feeding stimulant.  相似文献   

The causes of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) are poorly understood, yet it has been widely used as a measure of fitness. Many studies have demonstrated that individuals with low FA are preferred as mates, and it has been argued that this is because FA provides an indicator of genetic quality. However, the relative importance of genes versus environment in determining the level of FA shown by an organism is currently the subject of much controversy. As yet there is no clear consensus as to whether FA generally has a heritable component and if so how large this might be, or indeed if it is sensible to generalize at all. In Musca domestica flies with low wing length FA have beeen found to enjoy higher mating success. In order to interpret this finding we assess whether wing length FA in this species is heritable, and also how it is influenced by environmental stresses induced by temperature and crowding. We also examine whether offspring viability is related to parental FA. We found that wing length FA in M. domestica had no detectable heritable components, and parental FA did not influence offspring viability. FA was influenced by rearing temperature, with flies exhibiting highest FA at the lowest rearing temperature (15oC). Larval survival rate was greatest, and the resulting adults largest, at the intermediate rearing temperature (25oC) compared to higher or lower temperatures, suggesting that 25oC is close to the optimum for the development of M. domestica. Adult size appears to provide a better indicator of stress during development man does wing FA. These results are discussed in relation to the utility of FA as a tool for use in evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

Ovaries from house flies maintained on sucrose secrete large amounts of ecdysteroid when they are cultured with ovarian ecdysteroidogenic hormone, OEH. However, ovarian ecdysteroid secretion is reduced by incubation with both OEH and the ovarian ecdysteroidostatin (OES). A partially purified OES fraction from a semi-preparative reverse phase HPLC C18 column caused a 98% inhibition of ovarian ecdysteroid secretion in vitro at a concentration of 0.8 equivalents per μl. Ovaries can be activated to produce ecdysteroid in vivo by feeding diet containing protein to flies maintained on sucrose. Ecdysteroid secretion was inhibited when the in vivo stimulated ovaries were cultured with OES. This suggests that OES does not interfere with the OEH activation mechanism, but blocks ovarian ecdysteroid synthesis or release. Furthermore, OES inhibition is reversible and ecdysteroid secretion resumes when OES is removed. Musca OES could explain the decrease in ecdysteroid levels found in flies after mid-vitellogenesis. Both adult male and female abdomens contain OES, but OES was not transferred to females during mating. Evidence is presented that OES is not a trypsin modulating oostatic factor. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 38:166–176, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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