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Summary 1. Site directed mutagenesis was used to alter the structure ofTorpedo californica nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) and to identify amino acid residues which contribute to noncompetitive inhibition by quinacrine. Mutant receptors were expressed inXenopus laevis oocytes injected within vitro synthesized mRNA and the whole cell currents induced by acetylcholine (ACh) were recorded by two electrode voltage clamp.2. A series of mutations of a highly conserved Arg at position 209 of the subunit ofTorpedo californica nAChR revealed that positively charged amino acids are required for functional receptor expression. Mutation of Arg to Lys (R209K) or His (R209H) at position 209 shifted the EC50 for ACh slightly from 5µM to 12µM and increased the normalized maximal channel activity 8.5-and 3.2-fold, respectively.3. These mutations altered the sensitivity of nAChR to noncompetitive inhibition by quinacrine. The extent of inhibition of ion channel function by quinacrine was decreased as pH increased in both wild type and mutant nAChR suggesting that the doubly charged form of quinacrine was responsible for the inhibition.4. Further mutations at different positions of the subunit suggest the contribution of Pro and Tyr residues at positions 211 and 213 to quinacrine inhibition whereas mutationsI210A andL212A did not have any effects. None of these mutations changed the sensitivity of nAChR to inhibition by a different noncompetitive inhibitor, chlorpromazine.5. These findings support a hypothesis that the quinacrine binding site is located in the lumen of the ion channel. In addition, the quantitative effect of point mutations at alternate positions on the sensitivity of quinacrine inhibition suggests that the secondary structure at the beginning of M1 region might be sheet structure.  相似文献   

Peptide toxins selective for particular subunit interfaces of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor have proven invaluable in assigning candidate residues located in the two binding sites and for determining probable orientations of the bound peptide. We report here on a short alpha-neurotoxin from Naja mossambica mossambica (NmmI) that, similar to other alpha-neurotoxins, binds with high affinity to alphagamma and alphadelta subunit interfaces (KD approximately 100 pM) but binds with markedly reduced affinity to the alphaepsilon interface (KD approximately 100 nM). By constructing chimeras composed of portions of the gamma and epsilon subunits and coexpressing them with wild type alpha, beta, and delta subunits in HEK 293 cells, we identify a region of the subunit sequence responsible for the difference in affinity. Within this region, gammaPro-175 and gammaGlu-176 confer high affinity, whereas Thr and Ala, found at homologous positions in epsilon, confer low affinity. To identify an interaction between gammaGlu-176 and residues in NmmI, we have examined cationic residues in the central loop of the toxin and measured binding of mutant toxin-receptor combinations. The data show strong pairwise interactions or coupling between gammaGlu-176 and Lys-27 of NmmI and progressively weaker interactions with Arg-33 and Arg-36 in loop II of this three-loop toxin. Thus, loop II of NmmI, and in particular the face of this loop closest to loop III, appears to come into close apposition with Glu-176 of the gamma subunit surface of the binding site interface.  相似文献   

The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) is a pentameric transmembrane protein (alpha 2 beta gamma delta) that binds the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) and transduces this binding into the opening of a cation selective channel. The agonist, competitive antagonist, and snake toxin binding functions of the AChR are associated with the alpha subunit (Kao et al., 1984; Tzartos and Changeux, 1984; Wilson et al., 1985; Kao and Karlin, 1986; Pederson et al., 1986). We used site-directed mutagenesis and expression of AChR in Xenopus oocytes to identify amino acid residues critical for ligand binding and channel activation. Several mutations in the alpha subunit sequence were constructed based on information from sequence homology and from previous biochemical (Barkas et al., 1987; Dennis et al., 1988; Middleton and Cohen, 1990) and spectroscopic (Pearce and Hawrot, 1990; Pearce et al., 1990) studies. We have identified one mutation, Tyr190 to Phe (Y190F), that had a dramatic effect on ligand binding and channel activation. These mutant channels required more than 50-fold higher concentrations of ACh for channel activation than did wild type channels. This functional change is largely accounted for by a comparable shift in the agonist binding affinity, as assessed by the ability of ACh to compete with alpha-bungarotoxin binding. Other mutations at nearby conserved positions of the alpha subunit (H186F, P194S, Y198F) produce less dramatic changes in channel properties. Our results demonstrate that ligand binding and channel gating are separable properties of the receptor protein, and that Tyr190 appears to play a specific role in the receptor site for acetylcholine.  相似文献   

The effect of salt and pH titration on the selectivity of spin-labeled analogues of phosphatidic acid, phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylcholine, and stearic acid for the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAcChoR) reconstituted into dioleoylphosphatidylcholine was examined at 0 degrees C using electron spin resonance spectroscopy. The order of selectivity at pH 7.4 and 0 mM NaCl was phosphatidylserine > stearic acid > phosphatidic acid > phosphatidylcholine. The addition up to 2 M NaCl or titration of pH from 5.0 to > 9.0 did not alter the selectivity of the phospholipids for the nAcChoR. For stearic acid, conversely, titration of pH from 5.0 to 9.0 at 0 mM NaCl and titration of NaCl from 0 to 2 M at pH 9.0 both increased selectivity for the nAcChoR. It is concluded that electrostatic interactions do not account for the selectivity of the negatively charged phospholipids, phosphatidylserine, and phosphatidic acid for the nAcChoR. This is consistent with the known orientation of the transmembrane sequences M1 and M4, which predicts a balance in the number of negative and positive charges in the lipid-protein interface and suggests that the two positive charges on each M3 helix are not exposed to the lipid-protein interface.  相似文献   

Block, permeation, and agonist action of small organic amine compounds were studied in acetylcholine receptor (AChR) channels. Single channel conductances were calculated from fluctuation analysis at the frog neuromuscular junction and measured by patch clamp of cultured rat myotubes. The conductance was depressed by a few millimolar external dimethylammonium, arginine, dimethyldiethanolammonium, and Tris. Except with dimethylammonium, the block was intensified with hyperpolarization. A two-barrier Eyring model describes the slowed permeation and voltage dependence well for the three less permeant test cations. The cations were assumed to pause at a site halfway across the electric field of the channel while passing through it. For the voltage-independent action of highly permeant dimethylammonium, a more appropriate model might be a superficial binding site that did not prevent the flow of other ions, but depressed it. Solutions of several amine compounds were found to have agonist activity at millimolar concentrations, inducing brief openings of AChR channels on rat myotubes in the absence of ACh.  相似文献   

The structures of functional peptides corresponding to the predicted channel-lining M2 segment of the nicotinic acetylcholine (AChR) were determined using solution NMR experiments on micelle samples, and solid-state NMR experiments on bilayer samples. The AChR M2 peptide forms a straight transmembrane alpha-helix, with no kinks. M2 inserts in the lipid bilayer at an angle of 12 degrees relative to the bilayer normal, with a rotation about the helix long axis such that the polar residues face the N-terminus of the peptide, which is assigned to be intracellular. A molecular model of the AChR channel pore, constructed from the solid-state NMR 3-D structure of the AChR M2 helix in the membrane assuming a pentameric organization, results in a funnel-like architecture for the channel with the wide opening on the N-terminal intracellular side. A central narrow pore has a diameter ranging from about 3.0 A at its narrowest, to 8.6 A at its widest. Nonpolar residues are predominantly on the exterior of the bundle, while polar residues line the pore. This arrangement is in fair agreement with evidence collected from permeation, mutagenesis, affinity labeling and cysteine accessibility measurements. A pentameric M2 helical bundle may, therefore, represent the structural blueprint for the inner bundle that lines the channel of the nicotinic AChR.  相似文献   

The structures of functional peptides corresponding to the predicted channel-lining M2 segment of the nicotinic acetylcholine (AChR) were determined using solution NMR experiments on micelle samples, and solid-state NMR experiments on bilayer samples. The AChR M2 peptide forms a straight transmembrane α-helix, with no kinks. M2 inserts in the lipid bilayer at an angle of 12° relative to the bilayer normal, with a rotation about the helix long axis such that the polar residues face the N-terminus of the peptide, which is assigned to be intracellular. A molecular model of the AChR channel pore, constructed from the solid-state NMR 3-D structure of the AChR M2 helix in the membrane assuming a pentameric organization, results in a funnel-like architecture for the channel with the wide opening on the N-terminal intracellular side. A central narrow pore has a diameter ranging from about 3.0 Å at its narrowest, to 8.6 Å at its widest. Nonpolar residues are predominantly on the exterior of the bundle, while polar residues line the pore. This arrangement is in fair agreement with evidence collected from permeation, mutagenesis, affinity labeling and cysteine accessibility measurements. A pentameric M2 helical bundle may, therefore, represent the structural blueprint for the inner bundle that lines the channel of the nicotinic AChR.  相似文献   

Neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are pentamers composed of alpha and beta subunits. Different molecular compositions of these subunits constitute various receptor subtypes that are implicated in the pathophysiology and/or treatment of several disease states but are difficult to distinguish pharmacologically. Alpha-conotoxins are a group of small, structurally defined peptides that may be used to molecularly dissect the nAChR-binding site. Heteromeric nAChRs generally contain either a beta2 or beta4 subunit in addition to an alpha subunit at the ligand-binding interface. Alpha-conotoxin BuIA kinetically distinguishes between beta2- and beta4-containing nAChRs, with long off times for the latter. Mutational studies were used to assess the influence of residues that line the putative acetylcholine-binding pocket but differ between beta2 and beta4 subunits. Residues Thr/Lys59, Val/Ile111, and Phe/Gln119 of the respective beta2 and beta4 subunits are critical to off-rate differences. Among these residues, Thr59 of nAChR beta2 may interfere with effective access to the binding site, whereas Lys59 may facilitate this binding.  相似文献   

We used selective inhibitors of the asparagine-linked oligosaccharide processing pathway to study the effect of sugar trimming on the functional properties of the nicotinic acetylcholine (ACh) receptor expressed in clonal mammalian BC3H-1 cells. Inhibitors of initial steps of the processing pathway (1-deoxynojirimycin[DNJ] and castanospermine[CS]) reduced the density of ACh receptors on the cell surface (3- to 5-fold) but their responsiveness to ACh was more reduced (5- to 10-fold). These results suggest that the function of the ACh receptor was altered. When the ACh receptors were expressed in the presence of DNJ or CS, analysis of ACh-evoked single-channel currents (-100 mV and 11 degrees C) revealed an approximate threefold reduction in the opening rate (control: 600-650 s(-1)), treated: 130-250 s(-1)) and an approximate twofold reduction in the rate of agonist dissociation (control: 900-1,000 s(-1), treated: 400-500 s(-1)). In addition, the proportion of brief duration bursts (tau = 50-100 microseconds) was increased (1.5- to 2-fold) by treatments with DNJ or CS. In contrast, an inhibitor of a late processing step (swainsonine) did not produce such alterations. The single-channel conductance was not altered by any of the three inhibitors, and the slopes of log-log dose-response curves at low concentrations and desensitization did not appear to be affected. Each inhibitor altered the electrophoretic mobility of the ACh receptor subunits. We conclude that early sugar trimming can influence the kinetics of the nicotinic ACh receptor in BC3H-1 cells.  相似文献   

In the alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, we analyze the contribution of mutations E237A and V251T, together with the proline insertion P236', in the conversion of the charge selectivity from cationic to anionic. We show that the triple mutant exhibits spontaneous openings displaying anionic selectivity. Furthermore, at position 251, hydrophilic or even negatively charged residues are compatible with an anionic channel. In contrast, the additional proline yields an anionic channel only when inserted between positions 234 and 237; insertion before 234 yields a cationic channel and after 238 alters the receptor surface expression. The coiled 234-238 loop thus directly contributes to the charge selectivity filter of the alpha7 channel.  相似文献   

The presence and structure of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) in the thymus has been a subject of interest for many years because of its possible role in the pathogenesis of the autoimmune disease myasthenia gravis. Using the polymerase chain reaction with primers specific for the alpha-chain of nAChR (nAChR-alpha), an 880-bp homologous band was found after amplification of cDNA prepared from mouse thymus, thymic medullary and cortical epithelial cell lines, but not from thymocytes or kidney. Sequencing of the polymerase chain reaction product from the thymus and thymic medullary and cortical epithelial lines showed identity with skeletal muscle nAChR-alpha over the region examined. This region includes the domains of the molecule on which B cell and T cell autoantigenic targets have been described. No evidence was found in mouse tissue for the exon 3A, which has been described in human muscle and the human rhabdomyosarcoma cell line TE671. Our results provide evidence at the RNA level for the expression of the nAChR-alpha on stromal cells but not on thymocytes in normal murine thymus and are consistent with a role for intrathymic autoantigen expression in the pathogenesis of myasthenia gravis.  相似文献   

Yassin L  Samson AO  Halevi S  Eshel M  Treinin M 《Biochemistry》2002,41(41):12329-12335
The deg-3(u662) mutation is a degeneration-causing mutation in a Caenorhabditis elegans nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. In a large screen for mutations that suppress the deleterious effects of this mutation we identified 32 mutations in the deg-3 gene. Among these, 11 are missense mutations, affecting seven residues within the extracellular domain or the membrane-spanning domains. All of these mutations greatly reduce the degeneration-causing activity of deg-3(u662). All but one of these mutations cause defective localization of the DEG-3 protein, as seen in immunohistochemical analysis. Thus our screen identifies multiple residues within the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor needed for normal folding, assembly, or trafficking of this receptor. Interestingly, these mutations lead to distinct localization defects suggesting differences in their effect on DEG-3's maturation process. Specifically, mutations in the extracellular domain lead to a phenotype more severe than mutations in the membrane-spanning domains. Differences in the effects of the mutations are also predicted by homology-based modeling, showing that some mutations in the extracellular domain are likely to disrupt the native fold of the protein, while others are likely to disrupt trafficking.  相似文献   

We have studied the thermodynamic, surface, and structural properties of alphaM1 transmembrane sequence of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) by using Langmuir monolayer, FT-IR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulation techniques in membrane-mimicking environments. M1 spontaneously incorporates into a lipid-free air-water interface, showing a favourable adsorption free energy of -7.2 kcal/mol. A cross-sectional molecular area of 210 A(2)/molecule, a surface potential of 4.2 fV/molecule and a high stability of the film were deducted from pure M1 monolayers. FT-IR experiments and molecular dynamics simulations in membrane-mimicking environments (sodium-dodecyl-sulfate and CCl(4), respectively) indicate coexistence between helical and non-helical structures. Furthermore, mixed peptide-lipid monolayers and monolayer penetration experiments were performed in order to study the peptide-lipid interaction. Mixed with condensed lipids (dipalmitoyl-phosphocholine, and dipalmitoyl-phosphoglycerol), M1 shows immiscible/miscible behaviour at low/high peptide concentration, respectively. Conversely, a complete miscible peptide-lipid interface is observed with liquid-expanded lipids (palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphocholine, and palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphoglycerol). Peptide penetration experiments demonstrate that the M1 peptide preferentially interacts with zwitterionic phosphocholine interfaces.  相似文献   

Previous work suggests that noncompetitive inhibitor (NCI) ligands and channel permeant cations bind to sites within the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ion channel. We have used ethidium as a fluorescent probe of the NCI site to investigate interactions between NCI ligands and channel permeant cations. We found that ethidium can be completely displaced from the receptor by a variety of inorganic monovalent and divalent cations. The rank order of monovalent cation affinities was found to be Tl+ greater than Rb+ greater than or equal to K+ greater than Cs+ greater than Na+ greater than Li+. The monovalent cation Kd values vary markedly over a 40-fold range, from 3 to 121 mM. The Kd values and rank order correspond to values determined previously from electrophysiological data. Hill plots of the back titrations yield slopes of 1.0 for all monovalent cations, indicating a single class of independent sites, as shown previously for NCI ligands. Scatchard analysis of ethidium binding in the presence of Tl+ reveals a reduction in affinity and no changes in the maximal number of sites. In the presence of agonist the kinetics of ethidium dissociation induced by the addition of phencyclidine or cations alone or the simultaneous addition of both are nearly identical. The ethidium dissociation rate induced by either phencyclidine or cations is regulated by the occupation of the agonist sites in a similar manner. These results indicate that the effect of cations on NCI ligand binding occurs by mutually exclusive competition. We suggest that NCIs can regulate cation binding at a physiological cation recognition site that is likely part of the cation permeation path through the receptor channel.  相似文献   

Human nicotinic acetylcholine (ACh) receptor subtypes expressed in Xenopus oocytes were characterized in terms of their activation by the experimental agonist RJR-2403. Responses to RJR-2403 were compared with those evoked by ACh and nicotine. These agonists were also characterized in terms of whether application of the drugs had the effect of producing a residual inhibition that was manifest as a decrease in subsequent control responses to ACh measured 5 min after the washout of the drug. For the activation of alpha4beta2 receptors, RJR-2403 had an efficacy equivalent to that of ACh and was more potent than ACh. RJR-2403 was less efficacious than ACh for other human receptor subtypes, suggesting that it is a partial agonist for all these receptors. Nicotine activated peak currents in human alpha4beta2 and alpha3beta2 receptors that were 85 and 50% of the respective ACh maximum responses. Nicotine was an efficacious activator of human alpha7 receptors, with a potency similar to ACh, whereas RJR-2403 had very low potency and efficacy for these receptors. At concentrations of <1 mM, RJR-2403 did not produce any residual inhibition of subsequent ACh responses for any receptor subtype. In contrast, nicotine produced profound residual inhibition of human alpha4beta2, alpha3beta2, and alpha7 receptors with IC(50) values of 150, 200, and 150 microM, respectively. Co-expression of the human alpha5 subunit with alpha3 and beta2 subunits had the effect of producing protracted responses to ACh and increasing residual inhibition by ACh and nicotine but not RJR-2403. In conclusion, our results, presented in the context of the complex pharmacology of nicotine for both activating and inhibiting neuronal nicotinic receptor subtypes, suggest that RJR-2403 will be a potent and relatively selective activator of human alpha4beta2 receptors.  相似文献   

The selectivity of alkali metal cations (Na+ and K+) by a novel fluorescent chemosensor was investigated by quantum mechanics calculations. The binding energy calculations of the cationic complexes indicate that both of the aza-18-crown-6 rings bind Na+ more strongly than K+ and ring A favors both of Na+ and K+ comparing to ring B. The order of the stability implied by Gibbs free energy study agrees with that by binding energy calculation. Solvent effect was further investigated. Due to the large difference of solvation energies, the order of the stability of complexes changes in water.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1990,111(6):2601-2611
We have used fibroblast clones expressing muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha and gamma, and alpha and delta subunits to measure the kinetics of subunit assembly, and to study the properties of the partially assembled products that are formed. We demonstrate by coimmunoprecipitation that assembly intermediates in fibroblasts coexpressing alpha and delta subunits are formed in a time-dependent manner. The alpha and gamma- and the alpha and delta-producing transfected cells form complexes that, when labeled with 125I-alpha- bungarotoxin, migrate in sucrose gradients at 6.3S, a value consistent with a hetero-dimer structure. An additional peak at 8.5S is formed from the alpha and gamma subunits expressed in fibroblasts suggesting that gamma may have more than one binding site for alpha subunit. The stability and specificity of formation of these partially assembled complexes suggests that they are normal intermediates in the assembly of acetylcholine receptor. Comparison of the binding of 125I-alpha- bungarotoxin to intact and detergent-extracted fibroblasts indicate that essentially all of the binding sites are retained in an intracellular pool. The fibroblast delta subunit has the electrophoretic mobility in SDS-PAGE of a precursor that does not contain complex carbohydrates. In addition, alpha gamma and alpha delta complexes had lectin binding properties expected of subunits lacking complex oligosaccharides. Therefore, fibroblasts coexpressing alpha and gamma or alpha and delta subunits produce discrete assembly intermediates that are retained in an intracellular compartment and are not processed by Golgi enzymes.  相似文献   

The alpha-conotoxins, a class of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) antagonists, are emerging as important probes of the role played by different nAChR subtypes in cell function and communication. In this study, the native alpha-conotoxins PnIA and PnIB were found to cause concentration-dependent inhibition of the ACh-induced current in all rat parasympathetic neurons examined, with IC(50) values of 14 and 33 nM, and a maximal reduction in current amplitude of 87% and 71%, respectively. The modified alpha-conotoxin [N11S]PnIA reduced the ACh-induced current with an IC(50) value of 375 nM and a maximally effective concentration caused 91% block. [A10L]PnIA was the most potent inhibitor, reducing the ACh-induced current in approximately 80% of neurons, with an IC(50) value of 1.4 nM and 46% maximal block of the total current. The residual current was not inhibited further by alpha-bungarotoxin, but was further reduced by the alpha-conotoxins PnIA or PnIB, and by mecamylamine. (1)H NMR studies indicate that PnIA, PnIB, and the analogues, [A10L]PnIA and [N11S]PnIA, have identical backbone structures. We propose that positions 10 and 11 of PnIA and PnIB influence potency and determine selectivity among alpha7 and other nAChR subtypes, including alpha3beta2 and alpha3beta4. Four distinct components of the nicotinic ACh-induced current in mammalian parasympathetic neurons have been dissected with these conopeptides.  相似文献   

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