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The cytologic manifestations of pulmonary Hodgkin's disease in transthoracic fine needle aspirates from 13 patients with pulmonary radiologic abnormalities and a previous diagnosis of Hodgkin's disease are described. Classic Reed-Sternberg cells and lacunar cells were present in most cases. The so-called "mononuclear" Reed-Sternberg cells were identified in all cases. A cellular background consisting of variable numbers of histiocytes, eosinophilic and neutrophilic leukocytes and lymphocytes was frequently present. Such a background should stimulate a search for cells diagnostic of Hodgkin's disease. We conclude that the cytologic features of Hodgkin's disease are not only characteristic, but are also diagnostic, in patients with a prior history of Hodgkin's disease in whom pulmonary recurrence is suspected.  相似文献   

Thoracic splenosis. Diagnosis of a case by fine needle aspiration cytology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fine needle aspiration cytology was used to study chest wall nodules in a patient who presented with fever, cough, pleuritic chest pain and cytomegalovirus infection and who had a previous history of abdominal trauma. The finding of splenic red pulp and white pulp in the aspirate, combined with the results of a radionucleotide liver-spleen scan, led to a diagnosis of thoracic splenosis, a relatively rare condition. Splenosis is thought to result from transplantation of splenic tissue after trauma and may provide some added protection against certain infectious conditions, both of which were present in this case.  相似文献   

An unusual case of Hodgkin's disease (HD) in a 36-year-old woman that was diagnosed by fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy of a neck mass believed clinically to be diffuse goiter is reported. The aspirate was composed mainly of dispersed lymphocytes; admixed with these were occasional large mononuclear cells with round-to-oval nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Binucleated variants of the large cells were interpreted as Reed-Sternberg cells, suggesting the diagnosis of HD. Subsequent to the FNA biopsy, radiologic examinations demonstrated an enlarged mediastinum, and incisional biopsy of the neck mass confirmed the diagnosis of HD. This case emphasizes the value of FNA biopsy as a rapid and reliable procedure, even in the unusual but established clinical presentation of HD as a diffuse neck mass.  相似文献   

Jun SY  Jang J  Ahn SH  Park JM  Gong G 《Acta cytologica》2003,47(4):685-687
BACKGROUND: Paragonimiasis infestation is endemic mostly to Asia, Africa and South and Central America and commonly found in the lung. It is extremely rare in soft tissue. CASE: A case of paragonimiasis occurred in a 66-year-old woman who presented with a left, painful, 2-cm-diameter breast mass and had a history of eating uncooked freshwater crabs. On mammography, an ill-defined, round, isodense mass was detected without calcification. Hemorrhagic material was aspirated by fine needle aspiration (FNA) of the breast mass, which contained many parasitic eggs. They were about 90 microns long, ovoid, yellowish brown, transparent and thick shelled, with a flattened operculum at 1 end. The breast mass was completely excised. Many collapsed eggs of Paragonimus infiltrated the lobules and fibroadipose tissue, with accompanying abscess formation. To confirm the diagnosis, serologic testing for paragonimiasis was performed; it was positive for Paragonimus antibody. CONCLUSION: Paragonimiasis very rarely presents as a breast mass and can be diagnosed by FNA.  相似文献   

A retroperitoneal mass was subjected to fine needle aspiration biopsy for cytologic evaluation. The aspirate consisted of a monotonous population of undifferentiated tumor cells whose cytologic appearance was consistent with a small-cell (Ewing's) sarcoma. The differential diagnosis of extraskeletal Ewing's sarcoma from other small-cell neoplasms, such as lymphoma, neuroblastoma and other soft-tissue sarcoma, cannot be made solely on the basis of morphologic studies. As in this case, histochemical studies and consideration of the clinical features are needed to make the final diagnosis.  相似文献   

Fine needle aspiration of a cecal mass was performed on a patient with a cecal tumor and iron-deficiency anemia. Cytologic studies of the air-dried smears showed large cell lymphoma. The diagnosis of large cell lymphoma of the B-cell type was affirmed by immunocytochemical studies and at laparotomy and resection of the tumor. Even under unusual circumstances, the diagnosis of such a rare abdominal lesion as primary cecal lymphoma can be made with certainty by cytologic and immunologic studies of fine needle aspirates.  相似文献   

The fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytologic, immunocytochemical and ultrastructural findings of a primary multilobated T-cell lymphoma arising in the breast of a 61-year-old woman are described. Large pleomorphic multilobated malignant cells were primarily identified as lymphomatous in origin and phenotypically as T-cells by a selected panel of monoclonal antibodies applied to the original smears obtained by FNA biopsy. This appears to be the second report of a multilobated lymphoma arising in the breast and the first with a T-cell phenotype in this anatomic site.  相似文献   

A case of pelvic abscess caused by Actinomyces in a patient wearing an intrauterine contraceptive device is presented. The diagnosis was established preoperatively by transvaginal fine needle aspiration. The cytologic, surgical and histologic findings are discussed.  相似文献   

A case of cutaneous leishmaniasis diagnosed by means of fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology is presented. The pathognomonic cytopathologic picture consisted of lymphocytes, plasma cells and epithelioid granulomas intermingled with histiocytes. Numerous Leishmania organisms were observed within the histiocytes and extracellularly. This case emphasizes the utility of FNA cytology in diagnosing lesions of the skin.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Myiasis is the infestation of tissues and organs by dipteran larvae and is endemic in tropical areas. Diagnosis usually is made by demonstration of a larva or larvae in infected tissue, generally recognizable to the naked eye. In our case, diagnosis was based on fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). CASE: A 59-year-old female patient with a painful neck mass was examined at an otorhinolaryngologic department after symptoms for several weeks. The lesion was found to be an absceding lymphadenitis, based on clinical symptoms, palpation and imaging (ultrasound and computed tomography). The lesion did not improve with repeated courses of antibiotics, so surgery was performed. Pus cultures collected after incision were negative, leaving origin of the inflammation undetermined. Smears from FNA of the residual mass demonstrated a worm-like pathogen alien to most European pathologists' experience. The pathogen was identified as a dipteran larva, leading to accurate etiologic diagnosis of myiasis. More scrupulous examination of the patient's history revealed she had spent her vacation in Australia, where she probably acquired the infection. CONCLUSION: Our case demonstrates the growing importance of the pathology of infectious diseases. One reason for this may be the ever-increasing possibility, frequency and distance of travel.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition disease is a relatively rare disease with variable clinical presentations. CASE: A 73-year-old man presented with worsening lower back pain and fever. Fine needle aspiration biopsy of the lumbar vertebral bodies (L3-L4) revealed abundant neutrophils admixed with small, birefringent, rhomboid crystals in Diff-Quik-stained smears. These crystals were confirmed as calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate on cell block sections. A diagnosis of osteomyelitis and calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition disease was rendered. The patient was treated with antibiotics and responded well. CONCLUSION: Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition disease can be diagnosed by fine needle aspiration biopsy, and an accurate diagnosis can be greatly facilitated by cell block sections. However, such a diagnosis may be neglected if the specimen is not carefully inspected.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Myoepithelioma is a rare, benign tumor of the salivary gland, most commonly affecting the parotid gland. Although the cytologic features of myoepithelioma are documented in a few case reports, it has rarely been diagnosed preoperatively by fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology. CASE: A 33-year-old man presented with a left parotid swelling 2.5 cm in diameter and of about 5 years' duration. FNA smears showed bundles of spindle-shaped cells as well as plasmacytoid and stellate cells in sheets and dissociated forms. A few cells had nuclear grooves, and occasional cells showed intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions. In May-Grünwald-Giemsa-stained smears, most of the cells had reddish cytoplasm. Red to purple, myxoid matrix was present as a scanty fibrillar substance and as globules surrounded by tumor cells vaguely reminiscent of adenoid cystic carcinoma. A cytodiagnosis of myoepithelioma was given and corroborated by immunocytochemical staining, which revealed a positive reaction for vimentin, smooth muscle actin and S-100 protein. Epithelial membrane antigen yielded a negative reaction except for a few plasmacytoid cells with weakly positive staining. Histopathology of the resected tumor and immunohistochemical staining confirmed the cytodiagnosis of myoepithelioma. CONCLUSION: FNA cytologic features together with immunocytochemical studies on smears can offer a preoperative diagnosis of myoepithelioma.  相似文献   

Xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis is an uncommon benign thickening of the gallbladder wall characterized histopathologically by extensive histiocytic infiltration. A case is presented in which a 62-year-old woman with clinical cholecystitis was found at surgery to have a markedly thick-walled, adherent gallbladder, raising the differential diagnosis of an inflammatory versus an infiltrating neoplastic process. Intraoperative fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy revealed abundant foamy histiocytes ("xanthoma cells"), both dispersed and in clusters associated with capillaries suggestive of organization. Occasional multinucleated giant cells and columnar epithelial cells were also present. The differential diagnosis of histiocytic processes sampled by FNA biopsy is reviewed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTb) infection remains the cause of higher morbidity and mortality than any other infectious disease in the world. Intact cellular immunity is necessary to resist the disease, and therefore the AIDS epidemic has greatly contributed to the resurgence of MTb. Depending on the degree of immunosuppression, the presentation of MTb in patients with AIDS can be atypical and difficult to diagnose as compared to the classical presentation of MTb in the nonimmunocompromised population. CASE: A patient who was not known to be HIV positive had a clinical picture of extensive abdominal and pelvic lymphadenopathy without chest radiographic abnormalities. The diagnosis of MTb was made by fine needle aspiration (FNA) of a pelvic lymph node. CONCLUSION: Miliary tuberculosis associated with AIDS may have an unusual clinical presentation and unusual cytologic features on ENA.  相似文献   

Spermatic granulomas may present as tumorlike lesions adjacent to the testis or seminal vesicle and are often associated with infection, trauma or previous surgery. The fine needle aspiration biopsy cytologic findings in three cases of spermatic granuloma are reported. The predominant cytologic features were granulomatous inflammation (nontuberculous and non-foreign body) and spermatozoids (intrahistiocytic or as extracellular spermatic debris). Additional features included lymphoid cells and lymphocytic debris (nuclear tangles), rare plasma cells and eosinophils. Germ cells and acellular (caseous) necrosis were not identified. Well-preserved sheets of epididymal epithelium were occasionally noted. The clinical and cytologic differential diagnoses in such cases are discussed.  相似文献   

Burkitt-type lymphoma. Diagnosis by fine needle aspiration cytology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Forty cases of lymphoma were categorized as Burkitt-type lymphoma in a study of fine needle aspiration (FNA) smears. These constituted 14.3% of all cases of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosed between 1974 and 1982. The median age was 22 years in these cases, 81.8% of which had extranodal tumors. The majority of the cells in the smears (59.8% +/- 8.32%) were in the 11 micron to 15 micron size range and 60.3% +/- 10.3% had noncleaved nuclei. An average 71% of the cells contained cytoplasmic and/or nuclear vacuolizations. Nonneoplastic macrophages were present in the smears in 87.5% of the cases. A study of paraffin-embedded sections in 17 cases revealed the characteristic "starry-sky" appearance in 11; in 5 it was not clearly appreciated and in 1 the nonneoplastic macrophages were absent. FNA cytology was found to be quite reliable for arriving at a diagnosis of Burkitt-type lymphoma. More than 50% of the cases were managed without resort to subsequent surgical biopsy. Exploratory laparotomy was avoided in 69% of the cases having abdominal tumors.  相似文献   

We report a case of secretory carcinoma of the breast in a 63-year-old woman studied by fine needle aspiration (FNA). The cytologic features included solid nests, cohesive sheets and isolated tumor cells with intracytoplasmic vacuolization and signet-ring-like forms. Although secretory carcinoma is an unusual breast tumor, especially in adults, the cellular morphology was distinctive on FNA. This could permit the preoperative diagnosis of secretory carcinoma and the planning of optimal surgical therapy prior to an intervention.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Bile duct invasion is very rare in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). It usually presents difficult problems with the clinical differential diagnosis. Moreover, another difficulty might arise when an obstructive jaundice patient is found to have past history of 2 separate malignancies. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) becomes the method of choice for clarification of the bile duct tumor thrombus. CASE: A 72-year-old man presented with progressive obstructive jaundice for 1 month. Past history revealed the occurrence of 2 distinct malignancies during the previous 3 years; they had been resected successfully. Initial imaging studies, including abdominal sonography and computed tomography, were negative for the liver. However, FNA demonstrated clusters of pleomorphic and hyperchromatic cancer cells with an increased nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio proliferating in a vague trabecular pattern with some appearance of sinusoids. Multinucleated giant cells were seen. No bile duct epithelial cells were seen. The diagnosis of the third separate malignancy, moderately differentiated HCC, was made. CONCLUSION: To our knowledge, this is the first report of icteric-type HCC diagnosed by FNA although the primary lesion was undetectable on routine, noninvasive examinations. FNA cytology is an accurate and minimally invasive method for early confirmation of biliary HCC thrombi.  相似文献   

The cytologic features of 10 benign, 2 borderline and 5 malignant phyllodes tumors were studied, and an attempt was made to correlate the cytologic findings with corresponding histologic categories. Seventy-five percent of the benign and borderline tumors were interpreted as benign cystosarcoma phyllodes on fine needle aspiration cytology. Eighty percent of the malignant phyllodes tumors were identified as malignant lesions cytologically. The cytologic features assessed were the epithelial:stromal ratio and morphology of the stromal component, including the degree of atypia, mitotic activity, capillary vessels traversing the stromal fragments, presence of foamy macrophages, histiocytic giant cells and bipolar naked nuclei. A diagnosis of phyllodes tumor was suggested cytologically by the presence of both epithelial and stromal elements; the stroma was present as cellular "phyllodes fragments" and isolated mesenchymal cells. The parameters suggesting malignancy were extreme paucity or absence of epithelial elements and stromal cells in diffuse sheets and clusters less cohesive than normal, with marked stromal atypia and mitotic activity.  相似文献   

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