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Light chain-associated amyloidosis is a fatal disease characterized by the aggregation and pathologic deposition of monoclonal light chain-related fragments as amyloid fibrils in organs or tissues throughout the body. Notably, it has been observed that proteins encoded by the lambda variable light chain (V(L)) gene segment 6a are invariably associated with amyloid deposition; however, the contribution of the gene to this phenomenon has not been established. In this regard, we have determined the thermodynamic stability and kinetics of in vitro fibrillogenesis of a recombinant (r) V(L) protein, designated 6aJL2, which contains the predicted sequences encoded by the 6a and JL2 germline genes. Additionally, we studied a 6a mutant (6aJL2-Arg25Gly), that is present in approximately 25% of all amyloid-associated lambda6 light chains. Remarkably, the wild-type 6aJL2 protein was more stable than were all known amyloidogenic kappa and lambda light chains for which stability parameters are available; more importantly, it was even more so (and less fibrillogenic) than the only clinically proven nonamyloidogenic lambda6 protein, Jto. Conversely, the mutated 6aJL2-R25G molecule was considerably less stable and more fibrillogenic than was the native 6aJL2. Our data indicate that the propensity of lambda6 light chains to form amyloid can not be attributed to thermodynamic instability of the germline-encoded Vlambda6 domain, but rather, is dependent on sequence alterations that render such proteins amyloidogenic.  相似文献   

A 22-residue synthetic peptide encompassing the calmodulin (CaM)-binding domain of skeletal muscle myosin light chain kinase was studied by two-dimensional NMR and CD spectroscopy. In water the peptide does not form any regular structure; however, addition of the helix-inducing solvent trifluoroethanol (TFE) causes it to form an alpha-helical structure. The proton NMR spectra of this peptide in 25% and 40% TFE were assigned by double quantum-filtered J-correlated spectroscopy, total correlation spectroscopy, and nuclear Overhauser effect correlated spectroscopy spectra. In addition, the alpha-carbon chemical shifts were obtained from (1H,13C)-heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence spectra. The presence of numerous dNN(i, i + 1), d alpha N(i, i + 3), and d alpha beta(i, i + 3) NOE crosspeaks indicates that an alpha-helix can be formed from residues 3 to 20; this is further supported by the CD data. Upfield alpha-proton and downfield alpha-carbon shifts in this region of the peptide provide further support for the formation of an alpha-helix. The helix induced by TFE appears to be similar to that formed upon binding of the peptide to CaM.  相似文献   

Optimization of biophysical properties is a critical success factor for the developability of monoclonal antibodies with potential therapeutic applications. The inter-domain disulfide bond between light chain (Lc) and heavy chain (Hc) in human IgG1 lends structural support for antibody scaffold stability, optimal antigen binding, and normal Fc function. Recently, human IgG1λ has been suggested to exhibit significantly greater susceptibility to reduction of the inter Lc-Hc disulfide bond relative to the same disulfide bond in human IgG1κ. To understand the molecular basis for this observed difference in stability, the sequence and structure of human IgG1λ and human IgG1κ were compared. Based on this Lc comparison, three single mutations were made in the λ Lc proximal to the cysteine residue, which forms a disulfide bond with the Hc. We determined that deletion of S214 (dS) improved resistance of the association between Lc and Hc to thermal stress. In addition, deletion of this terminal serine from the Lc of IgG1λ provided further benefit, including an increase in stability at elevated pH, increased yield from transient transfection, and improved in vitro antibody dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC). These observations support the conclusion that the presence of the terminal serine of the λ Lc creates a weaker inter-chain disulfide bond between the Lc and Hc, leading to slightly reduced stability and a potential compromise in IgG1λ function. Our data from a human IgG1λ provide a basis for further investigation of the effects of deleting terminal serine from λLc on the stability and function of other human IgG1λ antibodies.  相似文献   

Summary We have characterized the effects of serum andN-acetylglucosamine in a glucose-deprived condition on the glycosylation of antibody light chains, as well as the resulting biological properties of those antibodies. We have chosen for our investigation the human hybridoma lines producing monoclonal antibodies reactive to lung adenocarcinoma. Each antibody possess aN-glycosylated carbohydrate chain in the hypervariable region of the light chains. When the cell lines were grown in the absence of glucose, variant light chains with varying molecular masses were found to be secreted. Analysis of these light chains produced in a glucose-deprived condition revealed that the changed molecular-mass of the variant light chains is due to different glycosylation. Addition ofN-acetylglucosamine or fetal calf serum to the glucose-free medium led to the creation of other light chains that exhibit increased antigen binding activity.  相似文献   

Masumoto G  Ikegami T 《Bio Systems》2005,80(3):219-231
This paper presents a new game system formalism. The system describes both strategies and a game master (who computes scores in a given game system) in terms of λ-calculus. This formalism revisits the prisoner's dilemma game, to discuss how meta-strategies emerge in this classical game, even without repetition. We have also examined the evolution of meta-strategies in λ formalism.  相似文献   

The primary structures of light chains isolated from the human myocardium with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (IDC) were determined and compared with the sequence structures of myosin light chains obtained from control human heart myosin. Sequences were determined by chemical analysis and the identity of N-terminal residues established by mass spectrometry. The N-terminal residues in essential (ELC) and regulatory (RLC) light chains were blocked and were identified to be trimethyl alanine. The amino acid sequences of ELC and RLC from control human myosin revealed a high degree of homology with those purified from rat and chicken cardiac myosin. Comparison with a published partial chemical sequence of the human heart myosin light chains revealed significant variations. However, there was very good agreement with published sequences obtained by molecular biological techniques. Sequences of the light chains from cardiomyopathic myosin revealed no difference in the primary structures when compared with control human heart myosin light chains indicating IDC had no influence on, nor was caused by, altered myosin light chain gene expression.  相似文献   

AL amyloidosis is characterized by the pathologic deposition as fibrils of monoclonal light chains (i.e., Bence Jones proteins [BJPs]) in particular organs and tissues. This phenomenon has been attributed to the presence in amyloidogenic proteins of particular amino acids that cause these molecules to become unstable, as well as post-translational modifications and, in regard to the latter, we have investigated the effect of biotinylation of lysyl residues on cell binding. We utilized an experimental system designed to test if BJPs obtained from patients with AL amyloidosis or, as a control, multiple myeloma (MM), bound human fibroblasts and renal epithelial cells. As documented by fluorescence microscopy and ELISA, the amyloidogenic BJPs, as compared with MM components, bound preferentially and this reactivity increased significantly after chemical modification of their lysyl residues with sulfo-NHS-biotin. Further, based on tryptophan fluorescence and circular dichroism data, it was apparent that their conformation was altered, which we hypothesize exposed a binding site not accessible on the native protein. The results of our studies indicate that post-translational structural modifications of pathologic light chains can enhance their capacity for cellular interaction and thus may contribute to the pathogenesis of AL amyloidosis and multiple myeloma.  相似文献   

The kinetics of myosin regulatory light chain (MLC) phosphorylation by recombinant AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) were compared with commercial AMPK from rat liver and smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase (smMLCK). With identical amounts of activity units, initial rates of phosphorylation of MLC were at least 100-fold less with recombinant AMPK compared to smMLCK, whereas with rat liver AMPK significant phosphorylation was seen. In Madin-Darby Canine Kidney cells, AMPK activation led to an increase in MLC phosphorylation, which was decreased by a Rho kinase inhibitor without affecting AMPK activation. Therefore, MLC phosphorylation during energy deprivation does not result from direct phosphorylation by AMPK.

Structured summary

MINT-6800264: smMLCK (uniprotkb:P11799) phosphorylates (MI:0217) MLC (uniprotkb:P08590) by protein kinase assay (MI:0424)
MINT-6800252: AMPK (uniprotkb:Q13131) phosphorylates (MI:0217) ACC2 (uniprotkb:000763) by protein kinase assay (MI:0424)

Roadblock/LC7 is a member of a class of dynein light chains involved in regulating the function of the dynein complex. We have determined the three-dimensional structure of isoform 1 of the mouse Roadblock/LC7 cytoplasmic dynein light chain (robl1_mouse) by NMR spectroscopy. In contrast to a previously reported NMR structure of the human homolog with 96% sequence identity (PDB 1TGQ), which showed the protein as a monomer, our results indicate clearly that robl1 exists as a symmetric homodimer. The two beta3-strands pair with each other and form a continuous ten-stranded beta-sheet. The 25-residue alpha2-helix from one subunit packs antiparallel to that of the other subunit on the face of the beta-sheet. Zipper-like hydrophobic contacts between the two helices serve to stabilize the dimer. Through an NMR titration experiment, we localized the site on robl1_mouse that interacts with the 40 residue peptide spanning residues 243 through 282 of IC74-1_rat. These results provide physical evidence for a symmetrical interaction between dimeric robl1 and the two molecules of IC74-1 in the dynein complex.  相似文献   

Using a two-dimensional electrophoresis technique coupled with sensitive silver staining, we have investigated the chronology of appearance of the myosin light chain and tropomyosin isoforms during early stages of human quadriceps development. Our results show that slow myosin light chains and the slow tropomyosin isoform are not detected at 6 weeks of gestation. These isoforms transiently appear between 12.5 weeks and 15 weeks of gestation and then disappear. The slow myosin light chains are re-expressed at 31 weeks of gestation and the slow tropomyosin isoform later at 36 weeks of gestation, and normally remained expressed into the adulthood. Our study thus reveals a biphasic expression of the slow myosin light chains and the slow tropomyosin isoform in developing human quadriceps muscle.  相似文献   

本文基于结构光投影数字化传感系统构建东亚飞蝗Locusta migratoria manilensis表面的三维结构。首先得到其外形尺寸和肢体各部分拓扑结构,然后从被调制的条纹结构光中恢复出物体表面高度变化的相位信息,再通过相位和高度的对应关系重建出物体表面三维特征。此结果将为农药研制和施用设计提供科学依据,对促进蝗虫的防治以及虚拟昆虫研究起到积极作用。  相似文献   

We have determined the nucleotide sequence of an 841-bp fragment derived from a segment of the human genome previously cloned by Chumakov et al. [Gene 17 (1982) 19–26] and Zabarovsky et al. [Gene 23 (1983) 379–384] and containing regions homologous to the viral mos gene probe. This sequence displays homology with part of the coding region of the human and murine c-mos genes, contains several termination codons, and is interrupted by two Alu-family elements flanked by short direct repeats. Probably, the progenitor of the human c-mos gene was duplicated approximately at the time of mammalian divergence, was converted to a pseudogene, and acquired insertions of two Alu elements.  相似文献   

A systematic survey of seven parallel alpha/beta barrel protein domains, based on exhaustive structural comparisons, reveals that a sizable proportion of the alpha beta loops in these proteins--20 out of a total of 49--belong to either one of two loop types previously described by Thornton and co-workers. Six loops are of the alpha beta 1 type, with one residue between the alpha-helix and beta-strand, and 13 are of the alpha beta 3 type, with three residues between the helix and the strand. Protein fragments embedding the identified loops, and termed alpha beta connections since they contain parts of the flanking helix and strand, have been analyzed in detail revealing that each type of connection has a distinct set of conserved structural features. The orientation of the beta-strand relative to the helix and loop portions is different owing to a very localized difference in backbone conformation. In alpha beta 1 connections, the chain enters the beta-strand via a residue adopting an extended conformation, while in alpha beta 3 it does so via a residue in a near alpha-helical conformation. Other conserved structural features include distinct patterns of side chain orientation relative to the beta-sheet surface and of main chain H-bonds in the loop and the beta-strand moieties. Significant differences also occur in packing interactions of conserved hydrophobic residues situated in the last turn of the helix. Yet the alpha-helix surface of both types of connections adopts similar orientations relative to the barrel sheet surface. Our results suggest furthermore that conserved hydrophobic residues along the sequence of the connections, may be correlated more with specific patterns of interactions made with neighboring helices and sheet strands than with helix/strand packing within the connection itself. A number of intriguing observations are also made on the distribution of the identified alpha beta 1 and alpha beta 3 loops within the alpha/beta-barrel motifs. They often occur adjacent to each other; alpha beta 3 loops invariably involve even numbered beta-strands, while alpha beta 1 loops involve preferentially odd beta-strands; all the analyzed proteins contain at least one alpha beta 3 loop in the first half of the eightfold alpha/beta barrel. Possible origins of all these observations, and their relevance to the stability and folding of parallel alpha/beta barrel motifs are discussed.  相似文献   

The Deltex (DTX) family is involved in ubiquitination and acts as Notch signaling modifiers for controlling cell fate determination. DTX promotes the development of the ubiquitin chain via its RING finger (DTX_RING). In this study, the solution structure of DTX_RING was determined using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Moreover, by experiments with a metallochromic indicator, we spectrophotometrically estimated the stoichiometry of zinc ions and found that DTX_RING possesses zinc‐binding capabilities. The Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool database predicted the structure of DTX_RING as a typical RING finger. However, the actual DTX_RING structure adopts a novel RING fold with a unique topology distinct from other RING fingers. We unveiled the position and the range of the DTX_RING active site at the atomic level. Artificial RING fingers (ARFs) are made by grafting active sites of the RING fingers onto cross‐brace structure motifs. Therefore, the present structural analysis could be useful for designing a novel ARF.  相似文献   

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