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The effect of a daily administration of a dopamine agonist (cabergoline, 5 microg/kg) for 4 weeks, starting about 95 days after the end of estrus on follicular development and its relationship with LH and prolactin secretion has been investigated in two groups of anestrous bitches (Beagles and Greyhounds). Pro-estrus was detected in 80% (8/10) of beagles and 50% (3/6) of treated greyhounds. The mean inter-estrus interval of treated animals was 132+/-5.0 and 169+/-7.0 days for beagles and greyhounds, respectively, and in both this differed significantly from the cycle preceding treatment (192+/-9.0 and 198+/-12.0 days) and from that in untreated bitches (194+/-11.0 and 196+/-11.0 days for beagles and greyhounds, respectively (all comparisons at P<0.001). The interval from the beginning of treatment to pro-estrus in responding animals was 13.3+/-1.90 days in beagles and 20.3+/-1.70 days in greyhounds. Cabergoline increased (P<0.001) the length of pro-estrus (10.6+/-0.50 and 11.7+/-0.50 days) in the treated estrus cycle compared to the previous estrus cycle (8.4+/-0.30 and 8.8+/-0.40 days for in beagles and greyhound, respectively). Ovarian enlargement and follicle development was detected by ultrasound in 90% of treated beagles and in 83% of greyhound between the second and third weeks of treatment, but only 80% of beagles and 66% of treated greyhound displayed pro-estrus and estrus. In the treated bitches, mean plasma LH increased (P<0.001) before pro-estrus. There was high variability in mean plasma prolactin levels between animals. These data indicate that the administration of the dopamine agonist cabergoline to anestrous bitches increases mean LH plasma levels and induces follicular development shortly before pro-estrus but this activity is not always followed by pro-estrus and estrus. Finally, prolactin per se does not have a prominent role in the control of folliculogenesis in the bitch.  相似文献   

The effects of gonadectomy on the secretion of prolactin, LH, TSH, and thyroxine were investigated. Blood serum hormone concentrations were analysed before and at 20, 120, and 180 min after a single iv TRH injection in each of eight healthy intact and castrated male beagle dogs before (control) and after 4-week treatment with the dopamine-2 receptor agonist cabergoline. Under control conditions the mean prolactin, TSH, and thyroxine concentrations were similar in intact and gonadectomised dogs, and administration of TRH provoked a significant (p < 0.01) increase in concentrations of the three hormones. The overall inhibitory effect of cabergoline treatment on prolactin secretion was more pronounced in the castrated dogs compared with the intact group. Cabergoline significantly suppressed the TRH-induced prolactin increase in each group (p < 0.01). Corresponding TRH-stimulated TSH concentrations were not affected by cabergoline. In the gonadectomised dogs, thyroxine concentrations before and at 120 and 180 min after TRH injection were significantly lower than under control conditions. LH concentrations were always higher (p < 0.01) in gonadectomised dogs compared with the intact dogs, but appeared to be affected neither by TRH nor by cabergoline administration. It can thus be concluded from the results, that gonadectomy does not result in hyperprolactinaemia in male dogs, while LH concentrations are significantly increased due to missing androgen feedback. Thyroid function remains unaffected by gonadectomy. Testicular steroids appear to interact with central dopaminergic and probably other neuroendocrine mechanisms regulating the secretion of prolactin, TSH, and thyroxine. Thus, long-term dopamine-2 receptor agonistic treatment may lead to a hypothyroid condition in castrated male dogs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Nitric oxide (NO) has emerged as an important neurotransmitter involved in the control of the neuroendocrine function. NO acts at hypothalamic, pituitary, and gonadal levels. Previous data from our laboratory showed that blockade of NO generation, after systemic administration of a NO synthase inhibitor (Nomega-nitro-arginine methyl ester, NAME), increased the luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion in intact and ovariectomized females, whereas a blockade of spontaneous and steroid-induced LH and prolactin surges after NO synthase inhibition has been also described. METHODS AND RESULTS: Adult male rats were implanted with chronic intra-auricular cannulae and 5 days later sampled at 15-min intervals during 6 h (10.00-16.00 h). Administration of NAME (40 mg/kg at 08.00 and 13.00 h) stimulated significantly (p < or = 0.01) the LH secretion, increasing LH pulse amplitude (0.58 +/- 0.14 vs. 0.08 +/- 0.01 ng/ml in controls), mean LH levels (0.64 +/- 0.15 vs. 0.15 +/- 0.03 ng/ml in controls), and area under curve (239 +/- 56 vs. 57 +/- 13 in controls). This effect was blocked by coadministration of sodium nitroprusside (SNP), a NO donor (0.5 mg/kg). The action of NAME was observed 3 h after administration, in contrast to the earlier response detected in female rats, and it appeared selective for LH, as prolactin and growth hormone secretion remained unchanged. Further analysis was carried out to determine whether the effect of NAME on the LH secretion was indirect and mediated by changes in testosterone release. To this end, adult male rats were decapitated 2 h after administration of NAME (40 mg/kg), SNP (0.5 mg/kg), or L-nitro-arginine methyl ester (L-AME), a substrate for NOS (1 g/kg). The serum testosterone concentrations were unchanged after NAME administration, but inhibited by SNP and L-AME. Finally, the effect of NAME and SNP on in vitro testosterone secretion was analyzed. NAME (10 mM) did not affect basal testosterone production, but inhibited the human chorionic gonadotropin stimulated testosterone secretion. CONCLUSIONS: These data strongly suggest that the stimulatory effect of NAME on LH secretion is not due to an inhibition of testosterone release and is exerted at the hypothalamic-pituitary level.  相似文献   

Adult Soay rams were infused for 21 days with 50 micrograms buserelin/day, using s.c. implanted osmotic mini-pumps. The continuous treatment with this LHRH agonist induced a supraphysiological increase in the blood concentrations of LH (15-fold) and testosterone (5-fold) followed by a decrease below pre-treatment values after 10 days. The blood concentrations of FSH showed only a minimal initial increase but the subsequent decrease was dramatic, occurring within 1 day. By Day 10 of treatment, the blood concentrations of all 3 hormones were low or declining, LH pulses were absent in the serial profiles based on 20-min blood samples and the administration of LHRH antiserum failed to affect the secretion of LH or testosterone. By Day 21, the secretion of FSH, LH and testosterone was maximally suppressed. The i.v. injection of 400 ng LHRH was totally ineffective at stimulating an increase in the blood concentrations of LH while the i.v. injection of 50 micrograms ovine LH induced a normal increase in the concentrations of testosterone; this confirmed that the chronic treatment with the LHRH agonist had desensitized the pituitary gonadotrophs without markedly affecting the responsiveness of the testicular Leydig cells. The ratio of bioactive: radioimmunoactive LH did not change during the treatment. The long-term effect of the infusion was fully reversible as shown by the increase in the blood concentrations of FSH, LH and testosterone and the return of normal pulsatile fluctuations in LH and testosterone within 7 days of the end of treatment.  相似文献   

Chronic hyperglycemia inhibits the male gonadal axis. The present analyses test the hypothesis that acute glucose ingestion also suppresses LH and testosterone (T) secretion and blunts the LH-T dose-response function. The design comprised a prospectively randomized crossover comparison of LH and T secretion after glucose vs. water ingestion in a Clinical Translational Research Center. The participants were healthy men (n = 57) aged 19-78 yr with body mass index (BMI) of 20-39 kg/m(2). The main outcome measurements were deconvolution and LH-T dose-response analyses of 10-min data. LH-T responses were regressed on glucose, insulin, leptin, adiponectin, age, BMI, and CT-estimated abdominal visceral fat. During the first 120 min after glucose ingestion, for each unit decrease in LH concentrations, T concentrations decreased by 86 (27-144) ng/dl (r = 0.853, P < 0.001). Based upon deconvolution analysis, glucose compared with water ingestion reduced 1) basal (nonpulsatile; P < 0.001) and total (P < 0.001) T secretion without affecting pulsatile T output and 2) pulsatile (P = 0.043) but not basal LH secretion. By multivariate analysis, pulsatile LH secretion positively predicted basal T secretion after glucose ingestion (r = 0.374, P = 0.0042). In addition, the glucose-induced fall in pulsatile LH secretion was exacerbated by higher fasting insulin concentrations (P = 0.054) and attenuated by higher adiponectin levels (P = 0.0037). There were no detectable changes in the analytically estimated LH-T dose-response curves (P > 0.30). In conclusion, glucose ingestion suppresses pulsatile LH and basal T secretion acutely in healthy men. Suppression is influenced by age, glucose, adiponectin, and insulin concentrations.  相似文献   

J T Pan  M H Tai 《Life sciences》1992,51(11):839-845
The effects of ketanserin (Ket), a serotonin (5-HT2) receptor antagonist, on DOI- and mCPP-, two 5-HT agonists, and TRH-induced PRL secretion were studied. Adult female Sprague-Dawley rats ovariectomized for two weeks and treated with a long-acting estrogen, polyestradiol phosphate for one week were used. Drug administration and serial blood sampling were accomplished through indwelling intraatrial catheters which were implanted two days before the experiment. Both DOI (0.5 mg/kg BW) and mCPP (1 mg/kg BW) stimulated prolactin secretion within 10 min after iv injection and the effects were diminished by 30 min. In animals pretreated with Ket (5 mg/kg BW, sc), the effect of DOI was blocked, while that of mCPP was augmented. Co-administration of Ket (1 mg/kg BW, iv) with DOI or mCPP produced similar effect. Pretreatment with Ket, similar to sulpiride (Sulp), a dopamine antagonist, potentiated the TRH-induced prolactin secretion. Co-administration of Ket and Sulp further potentiated the TRH action. It is concluded that Ket not only acts as a 5-HT2 receptor antagonist that blocks the action of DOI, but may also act on dopamine receptor(s) with lower sensitivity to Sulp.  相似文献   

To assess the role of testosterone (T) in regulating the minute-to-minute release of pulsatile luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion in the adult male rat, we investigated the negative feedback of acute increases in plasma T concentrations on pulsatile LH secretion in acutely castrated male rats. At the time of castration, we implanted T-filled Silastic capsules, s.c., which maintained plasma T concentrations at approximately 1.8 ng/ml and suppressed LH pulses. On the next day, the capsules were removed; blood sampling (every 6 min) was started 8 h after implant removal, thereby allowing LH pulses to be reinitiated. Immediately following a control bleeding interval of 2 h, either T or vehicle alone was infused s.c., and blood sampling continued for another 4 h. In animals receiving vehicle alone, LH pulse frequency and mean LH levels increased over the 6 h bleeding period. The administration of 200 ng T/min caused a rapid rise in plasma T concentrations of about 4 ng/ml ("physiological") and prevented the increase in pulse frequency that occurred in the control group; it did not, however, reduce pulse frequency over the 4 h infusion period. When T was infused at the rate of 400 ng/ml, plasma T concentrations rose to approximately 18 ng/ml ("supraphysiological") and LH pulse frequency was significantly reduced, but not completely inhibited, during the last 2 h of the infusion. The pulse amplitude of luteinizing hormone did not change significantly in any of the groups.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Although evidence is accumulating that prenatal testosterone (T) compromises reproductive function in the female, the effects of excess T in utero on the postnatal development of male reproductive function has not been studied. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of prenatal T excess on age-related changes in pituitary and gonadal responsiveness to GnRH in the male sheep. We used the GnRH agonist, leuprolide (10 microg/kg), as a pharmacologic challenge at 5, 10, 20 and 30 weeks of age. These time points correspond to early and late juvenile periods and the prepubertal and postpubertal periods of sexual development, respectively. LH and T were measured in blood samples collected before and after GnRH agonist administration. The area under the response curve (AUC) of LH increased progressively in both controls and prenatal T-treated males from 5 to 20 weeks of age (P<0.01). The LH responses in prenatal T-treated males were lower at 20 and 30 weeks of age compared to controls (P<0.05). AUC-T increased progressively in control males from 5 through 30 weeks of age and prenatal T-treated males from 5 to 20 weeks of age. The T response in prenatal T-treated males was higher at 20 weeks compared to controls of same age but similar to controls and prenatal T-treated males at 30 weeks of age (P <0.05). Our findings suggest that prenatal T treatment advances the developmental trajectory of gonadal responsiveness to GnRH in male offspring.  相似文献   

Baseline concentrations of LH and testosterone (T) in blood, their pulses, and LH and T response to GnRH (5mug/kg) treatment were compared in 19 sexually sound male beagles and in 2 sexually dysfunctional dogs. The intact beagles were allocated to 4 groups according to age, which ranged from pubertal 7-mo-old animals to 11-yr-old adults. Baseline concentrations of LH and T were measured every 15 min for a period of 6 h and for a further 3 h following challenge with GnRH. Both LH and T were released in a pulsatile fashion with a wide range of pulse frequency and amplitude. The time intervals between the LH and T pulses ranged from 30 to 60 min, with no significant difference between groups. However, LH concentrations were significantly higher (P<0.01) and T values were markedly lower in the 7-mo-old pubertal dogs than in the other age groups. Following GnRH administration, LH peaked within 15 to 30 min in all the animals, with a significantly higher increase occurring in the pubertal group (P < 0.05). Peak T values occurred 15 to 105 min after the LH peaks, with no clear increases occurring in the pubertal dogs. In the 2 sexually dysfunctional animals, LH levels increased following GnRH treatment; however, T values remained extremely low both before and after treatment, indicating loss of Leydig cell function.  相似文献   

Beagle bitches were administered the dopamine D2 receptor agonist cabergoline in 3 groups of 5 animals each, starting on known days of the estrous cycle. Cabergoline treatment was started in either early anestrus (Days 93 to 108), mid-anestrus (Days 123 to 156), or late anestrus (Days 161 to 192) at doses of 5 ug/kg/d, per os, and was continued until the confirmation of induced proestrus or for 40 d. Reproductive parameters were compared with those in 5 control anestrous bitches (Days 90 to 150). In control bitches, the mean (+/- SEM) interval to the next proestrus (73+/-11 d) resulted in an interestrus interval (192+/-9 d) similar to that of the previous cycles (196+/-11 d). In 14 of the 15 cabergoline-treated bitches, the next proestrus occurred within 4 to 30 d, was premature in early and mid-anestrous bitches and developed with low variability within groups. The resulting intervals to proestrus in bitches treated with cabergoline in early anestrus (20+/-2 d), mid-anestrus (14+/-3 d) and late anestrus (6+/-1 d) resulted in interestrus intervals in those groups of 131+/-5, 166+/-7 and 196+/-2 d, respectively. In response to treatment, interestrus intervals were reduced (P<0.05) and more synchronous (P<0.05) in early and mid-anestrus bitches, and were more synchronous (P<0.05) in late-anestrous bitches compared with those of control bitches or those of the previous cycle. Periovulatory estradiol and progesterone profiles of induced cycles in treated bitches were similar to those of spontaneous cycles in control bitches. Four of 5 control bitches and 12 of the 14 responding cabergoline-treated bitches became pregnant and produced normal litters. Plasma prolactin concentrations at Days 2 and 5 of treatment (0.3+/-0.1 ng/mL) and at the onset of proestrus shortly before the end of treatment (0.4+/-0.1 ng/mL) were lower (P<0.05) than those present in anestrus prior to treatment (1.7+/-0.6 ng/mL) or in control bitches. Prolactin was also low at the onset of proestrus in control bitches (0.5+/-0.2 ng/mL). The results demonstrate that prolactin-lowering doses of the dopamine agonist cabergoline can terminate the normal obligate anestrus in dogs, and that the effect occurs more slowly in early anestrus than in mid or late anestrus.  相似文献   

Prolactin (PRL) and luteinizing hormone (LH) secretions are very closely-related. To further understand these mechanisms, the pulsatile secretion pattern of both hormones in experimentally-induced hyperprolactinemia has been studied in adult female rats. Hyperprolactinemia was induced by the transplanting of two pituitary glands. Nine days after the transplant operation, rats were bled (75 or 100 microliters/7 min for 3 h). Serum samples were analyzed for prolactin and LH values by RIA. Hyperprolactinemia modifies pulsatile PRL secretion by increasing the absolute amplitude and duration of the peaks together with a decrease in their frequency. Also, the mean values of the hormone during the whole studied period were increased. Hyperprolactinemia was followed by an increase in the mean values of LH and in the absolute amplitude of the peaks. All these results suggest that hyperprolactinemia induced by pituitary grafting in adult female rats, is followed by a significant change in prolactin and LH pulsatility, which may explain, to some extent, the effects of hyperprolactinemia on reproduction.  相似文献   

The role of the serotoninergic system in the control of LH, FSH and prolactin secretion was analyzed in control and neonatally estrogenized male rats. Animals injected s.c. with 500 micrograms of estradiol benzoate (EB) on day 1 of life, or their corresponding sham-treated controls, were divided on day 75 into the following groups: (1) orchidectomized; (2) injected intraventricularly with 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT); (3) orchidectomized and treated with 5,7-DHT, and (4) sham operated. 15 days later, the animals were decapitated and their FHS, LH and prolactin plasma values measured by specific RIA systems. After the treatment with 5,7-DHT, control animals showed a decline in basal prolactin levels but no modification in basal LH and FSH values. After castration, 5,7-DHT-treated animals showed a reduced LH increase and a more marked prolactin decrease. In neonatal estrogen-treated animals, the 5,7-DHT injection did not change FSH, LH or prolactin levels but did partially or completely abolish the post-castration rise in FSH and LH levels, respectively. These data seem to indicate that neonatal estrogenization induced a modification of the serotoninergic role in the control of LH, FSH and prolactin.  相似文献   

To identify possible age-dependent changes in the feedback relationship between the brain-pituitary and testes, we examined the minute-to-minute patterns of plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone (T) in intact, young male rats and compared these profiles to those of old animals. Young (3 mo; n = 11) and old (22 mo; n = 12) Sprague-Dawley rats were fitted with indwelling venous catheters and between 24 and 48 h later, were bled without anesthesia, by remote sampling, at 10-min intervals for 8 h. Blood samples of 400 microliter were withdrawn, and an equivalent volume of a blood replacement mixture was infused after each sample. Plasma LH and T levels in each sample were measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA). Plasma T levels in old animals failed to show the transient oscillations observed in young animals. Mean plasma T levels were 50% lower in old compared to young animals (P less than 0.001). Plasma patterns of LH in old animals, like their younger counterparts, showed statistically significant episodic increases, whose apparent pulse frequency was inappropriately low for their circulating T level (although not statistically different from the young group). Pulse amplitude in the old animals was 66% lower in the old compared to the young group (P less than 0.015). We conclude that age-associated alterations in brain mechanisms governing LH secretion underline these endocrine changes.  相似文献   

The hormonal response of the male rat to sexual activity was investigated in two studies. In the first, no evidence of a chronic elevation in plasma levels of testosterone (T), LH, or prolactin (PRL) was observed in sexually experienced rats compared to naive controls. Both groups showed an acute increase in plasma levels of all three hormones following mating, but the increases shown by the experienced group were more pronounced. In the second study, plasma levels of T, LH and PRL rose in sexually experienced male rats following exposure to a mating arena whether it contained an estrous female, an anestrous female, or no other animal. However, the increases were considerably larger in the group exposed to estrous females. It is suggested that plasma hormones rise in anticipation of mating, although not to the same extent as following mating, and that the anticipatory rise may function to initiate or facilitate mating behavior.  相似文献   

At monthly intervals during the year blood samples were collected every 20 min for 12 h from 4 entire and 2 prepubertally castrated adult fallow deer bucks. In the entire bucks there were seasonal changes in mean concentrations and pulse frequencies of plasma LH. Mean concentrations in late summer and autumn were 3-6 times higher than during other seasons. LH pulse frequency was low (0-1 pulses/12 h) during most of the year and increased only during the 2-month period (January and February) that marked the transition from the non-breeding season to the autumn rut. During this period there was a close temporal relationship between pulses of LH and testosterone. However, during the rutting period (March and April) episodic secretion of testosterone, manifest as surges in plasma concentrations of 4-6 h duration, was not associated with any detectable pulses in LH although mean plasma concentrations of LH remained elevated. During the rut, the surges of plasma testosterone occurred at similar times of the day. Plasma profiles in May indicated very low concentrations of LH and testosterone secretion in the immediate post-rut period. Castrated bucks exhibited highly seasonal patterns of LH secretion, with mean plasma LH concentrations and LH pulse frequency being lowest in November (early summer) and highest in February and March (late summer-early autumn). Mean concentrations and pulse frequency of LH in castrated bucks were higher than for entire bucks at all times of the year.  相似文献   

The effects of season and of oestradiol and progesterone on the tonic secretion of LH were studied in ovariectomized Merino and Suffolk ewes, two breeds which differ markedly in the seasonal pattern of their reproductive activity. In the absence of exogenous steroids, the frequency of LH pulses was lower and the amplitude of the pulses was higher in anoestrus than in the breeding season for Merino and Suffolk ewes 30 days after ovariectomy. In long-term (190 days) ovariectomized ewes, this seasonal change in LH secretion was observed in Suffolk ewes only. During seasonal anoestrus, treatment of ewes with subcutaneous oestradiol-17 beta implants (3, 6 or 12 mm in length) decreased the frequency of LH pulses in a dose-dependent manner, with Suffolk ewes being far more sensitive to the inhibitory effects of oestradiol than Merino ewes. The lowest dose of oestradiol (3 mm) had no effect on the secretion of LH in Merino ewes, but reduced secretion in Suffolk ewes. Treatment of ewes with the highest dose of oestradiol (12 mm) completely abolished LH pulses in Suffolk ewes, whereas infrequent pulses remained evident in Merino ewes. During the breeding season, oestradiol alone had no effect on the pulsatile release of LH in either breed, but in combination with progesterone there was a significant reduction in LH pulse frequency. Progesterone effectively decreased LH secretion in both breeds in both seasons. It was concluded that differences between breeds in the 'depth' of anoestrus could be related to differences in the sensitivity of the hypothalamus to both negative feedback by oestradiol and the direct effects of photoperiod.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to examine the effects of chronic administration of a long-acting dopamine agonist, Cabergoline, on LH and prolactin secretion during lactation in the sow. The effect of the administration of the opioid antagonist naloxone and the agonist morphine in Cabergoline treated animals was also evaluated. In Part I of the experiment, 16 sows were treated as either CONT sows (n=4; control, no treatment); CAB sows (n=4; treated with Cabergoline from days 10 to 26 of lactation); CAB+NAL sows (n=4; received Cabergoline treatment and naloxone challenges); CAB+MORP sows (n=4; treated with Cabergoline and morphine challenges). Plasma LH and prolactin concentrations were measured in blood samples taken from all sows during 6-h periods at days 12, 19 and 26 of lactation. To extend the results at the most critical response period at day 26, another 11 sows were allocated in Part II to either Control (n=3), Cabergoline (n=4) or Cabergoline and morphine (n=4) treatments as for Part I, but the effect of treatments were only confirmed in a single period of sampling at day 26 of lactation. Cabergoline treatment alone increased (P<0.001) mean plasma LH concentrations at day 26 but not at days 12 and 16 of lactation. In contrast, naloxone challenges given in the presence of Cabergoline treatment increased (P<0.05) mean LH at days 12 and 19 of lactation but not at day 26. Morphine challenges in the presence of Cabergoline treatment decreased (P<0.05) mean LH concentrations only at day 26 of lactation, but did not completely reverse the effect of Cabergoline. No treatment differences in plasma oestradiol-17β were detected at any time. Plasma prolactin decreased (P<0.001) in response to treatment with Cabergoline but there were no additional effects of naloxone or morphine. These data provide evidence for the existence of dopaminergic and opioidergic regulation of LH secretion in lactation in the sow and the relative influence of these systems changes as lactation progresses. Furthermore, the data suggest that the stimulatory effect of Cabergoline treatment on LH secretion in late lactation may be mediated by its effects on an inhibitory opioidergic mechanism. Finally, the data provide conclusive proof that prolactin does not directly influence LH secretion or estrogenic activity of the ovary during lactation in the sow.  相似文献   

Male Sprague-Dawley rats were actively immunised against testosterone-3-bovine serum albumin (T-3-BSA) and on appearance of detectable anti-testosterone antibodies, elevated serum testosterone and LH concentrations were observed. These concentrations reached values of >28 μg/100ml testosterone and 16 μg/100ml LH in some animals after 5 months of immunisation. The corresponding prolactin values did not appear to differ significantly from controls. The circulating bound testosterone fraction as determined by equilibrium dialysis, rose from 65.0 ± 2.75% before immunisation to 98.7 ± 0.75% in those animals possessing high titre antisera. This entailed a nett decrease in the concentration of unbound steroid from 144 ± 49 ng/100 ml to 78 ± 25 ng/100ml.  相似文献   

Seasonal levels of LH, FSH, Prolactin (PRL) and testosterone (T) were determined in blood plasma of penned male white-tailed deer, ranging in age from 2 to 10 yr. Peak levels of T (observed around the rutting season in November) gradually increased until the 7th yr and then they began to decline slowly; a sharp decrease was registered in the 10th yr. Peak levels of PRL (measured in June) steadily increased until the 6th yr and then dropped rapidly in the 8-9-yr-old group. Peak concentrations of FSH (observed during September-October) rose gradually until the 6th yr, decreased in 8-yr-olds and then increased again in the 9th and 10th yr of life. On the other hand LH maxima (occurring during July-September) were rising until the 4th yr and then remained steady until the 6th yr. LH peaks in the 8th and 9th yr were more than 50% higher than that of the 4-6th yr. These data indicate that increasing peak levels coincide with approaching "prime male age" around 5-7 yr. In senior bucks (9-10 yr) decreasing gonadal function may be the sign of diminished responsiveness to pituitary hormones since gonadotrophins are elevated to the "castrate-type" levels.  相似文献   

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