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Isoform 1 of the cardiacNa+/Ca2+exchanger (NCX1) is an important regulator of cytosolicCa2+ concentration in contractionand relaxation. Studies with trout heart sarcolemmal vesicles haveshown NCX to have a high level of activity at 7°C, and this uniqueproperty is likely due to differences in protein structure. In thisstudy, we describe the cloning of an NCX (NCX-TR1) from a Lambda ZAPII cDNA library constructed from rainbow trout(Oncorhynchus mykiss) heart RNA. TheNCX-TR1 cDNA has an open reading frame that codes for a protein of 968 amino acids with a deduced molecular mass of 108 kDa. A hydropathy plotindicates the protein contains 12 hydrophobic segments (of which thefirst is predicted to be a cleaved leader peptide) and a largecytoplasmic loop. By analogy to NCX1, NCX-TR1 is predicted to have ninetransmembrane segments. The sequences demonstrated to be the exchangerinhibitory peptide site and the regulatoryCa2+ binding site in thecytoplasmic loop of mammalian NCX1 are almost completely conserved inNCX-TR1. NCX-TR1 cRNA was injected into Xenopus oocytes, and after 3-4days currents were measured by the giant excised patch technique.NCX-TR1 currents measured at ~23°C demonstratedNa+-dependent inactivation andCa2+-dependent activation in amanner qualitatively similar to that for NCX1 currents.


The primary objective of this study was to examine the functional role of the Na,K-ATPase alpha 1 isoform in the regulation of cardiac contractility. Previous studies using knock-out mice showed that the hearts of animals lacking one copy of the alpha 1 or alpha 2 isoform gene exhibit opposite phenotypes. Hearts from alpha 2(+/-) animals are hypercontractile, whereas those of the alpha 1(+/-) animals are hypocontractile. The cardiac phenotype of the alpha 1(+/-) animals was unexpected as other studies suggest that inhibition of either isoform increases contraction. To help resolve this difference, we have used genetically engineered knock-in mice expressing a ouabain-sensitive alpha 1 isoform and a ouabain-resistant alpha 2 isoform of the Na,K-ATPase, and we analyzed cardiac contractility following selective inhibition of the alpha1 isoform by ouabain. Administration of ouabain to these animals and to isolated heart preparations selectively inhibits only the activity of the alpha 1 isoform without affecting the activity of the alpha 2 isoform. Low concentrations of ouabain resulted in positive cardiac inotropy in both isolated hearts and intact animals expressing the modified alpha 1 and alpha 2 isoforms. Pretreatment with 10 microm KB-R7943, which inhibits the reverse mode of the Na/Ca exchanger, abolished the cardiotonic effects of ouabain in isolated wild type and knock-in hearts. Immunoprecipitation analysis demonstrated co-localization of the alpha1 isoform and the Na/Ca exchanger in cardiac sarcolemma. The alpha 1 isoform co-immunoprecipitated with the Na/Ca exchanger and vice versa. These results demonstrate that the alpha 1 isoform regulates cardiac contractility, and that both the alpha 1 and alpha 2 isoforms are functionally and physically coupled with the Na/Ca exchanger in heart.  相似文献   

Cardiomyocytes derived from mouse embryonic stem (mES) cells have been demonstrated to exhibit a time-dependent expression of ion channels and signal transduction pathways in electrophysiological studies. However, ion transporters, such as Na+/K+ ATPase (Na+ pump) or Na+/Ca2+ exchanger, which play crucial roles for cardiac function, have not been well studied in this system. In this study, we investigated the functional expression of Na+/K+ ATPase and Na+/Ca2+ exchanger in mES cells during in vitro differentiation into cardiomyocytes, as well as the functional coupling between the two transporters. By measuring [Na+]i and Na+ pump current (Ip), it was shown that an ouabain-high sensitive Na+/K+ ATPase was expressed functionally in undifferentiated mES cells and these activities increased during a time course of differentiation. Using RT-PCR, the expression of mRNA for alpha1-subunit and alpha3-subunit of the Na+/K+ ATPase could be detected in both undifferentiated mES cells and derived cardiomyocytes. In contrast alpha2-subunit mRNA could be detected only in derived cardiomyocytes but not in undifferentiated mES cells. mRNA for the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger 1 isoform (NCX1) could be detected in undifferentiated mES cells and its expression levels seemed to gradually increase throughout the differentiation accompanied by increasing its Ca2+ extrusion function. At the middle stages of differentiation (after 10-day induction), more than 75% derived cardiomyocytes exhibited [Ca2+]i oscillations by blocking of Na+/K+ ATPase, suggesting the functional coupling with Na+/Ca2+ exchanger. From these results and RT-PCR analysis, we conclude that alpha2-subunit Na+/K+ ATPase mainly contributes to establish the functional coupling with NCX1 at the middle stages of differentiation of cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

The functional consequences of overexpression of rat heart Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX1) were investigated in adult rat myocytes in primary culture. When maintained under continued electrical field stimulation conditions, cultured adult rat myocytes retained normal contractile function compared with freshly isolated myocytes for at least 48 h. Infection of myocytes by adenovirus expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) resulted in >95% infection as ascertained by GFP fluorescence, but contraction amplitude at 6-, 24-, and 48-h postinfection was not affected. When they were examined 48 h after infection, myocytes infected by adenovirus expressing both GFP and NCX1 had similar cell sizes but exhibited significantly altered contraction amplitudes and intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) transients, and lower resting and diastolic [Ca2+]i when compared with myocytes infected by the adenovirus expressing GFP alone. The effects of NCX1 overexpression on sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ content depended on extracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]o), with a decrease at low [Ca2+]o and an increase at high [Ca2+]o. The half-times for [Ca2+]i transient decline were similar, suggesting little to no changes in SR Ca2+-ATPase activity. Western blots demonstrated a significant (P < or = 0.02) threefold increase in NCX1 but no changes in SR Ca2+-ATPase and calsequestrin abundance in myocytes 48 h after infection by adenovirus expressing both GFP and NCX1 compared with those infected by adenovirus expressing GFP alone. We conclude that overexpression of NCX1 in adult rat myocytes incubated at high [Ca2+]o resulted in enhanced Ca2+ influx via reverse NCX1 function, as evidenced by greater SR Ca2+ content, larger twitch, and [Ca2+]i transient amplitudes. Forward NCX1 function was also increased, as indicated by lower resting and diastolic [Ca2+]i.  相似文献   

The sarcolemmal Na/Ca exchanger undergoesan inactivation process in which exchange activity decays over severalseconds following activation by the application of Na to theintracellular surface of the protein. Inactivation is eliminated by anincrease in membrane phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate(PIP2). Inactivation is also strongly affected by mutationsto a basic 20-amino acid segment of the exchanger known as theendogenous XIP region. The hypothesis that PIP2 directlyinteracts with the XIP region of the exchanger was tested. First, weinvestigated the ability of a peptide with the same sequence as the XIPregion to bind to immobilized phospholipid vesicles.125I-labeled XIP bound avidly to vesicles containing only alow concentration (<3%) of PIP2. The binding wasspecific, in that binding was not displaced by other basic peptides.The effects of altering the sequence of XIP peptides also indicatedbinding specificity. Second, we examined the functional response toPIP2 of exchangers with mutated XIP regions. Outward Na/Caexchange currents were measured using the giant excised patchtechnique. The mutated exchangers either had no inactivation oraccelerated inactivation. In both cases, the exchangers no longerresponded to PIP2 or to PIP2 antibodies. Overall, the data indicate that the affinity of the endogenous XIPregion for PIP2 is an important determinant of theinactivation process.


We tested here the hypothesis that the pharmacological modulation of the mitochondrial Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (mNCX) could be a new neuroprotective strategy to rescue stressed vulnerable neurons from death. We used rat hippocampal slices incubated with veratridine to cause neuronal death through a mechanism involving Na+ and Ca2+ overload. CGP37157 (CGP), an inhibitor of the mNCX, rescued veratridine vulnerable neurons from death, showing an EC50 of 5 μM. This neuroprotection was associated to mitigation of veratridine-elicited overproduction of free radicals and to inhibition of the p38 MAPK-linked apoptotic pathway. These results suggest that the mNCX could become a new target to develop compounds with potential therapeutic neuroprotective actions in neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Rapid and precise control of Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger (NCX1) activity is essential in the maintenance of beat-to-beat Ca(2+) homeostasis in cardiac myocytes. Here, we show that phospholemman (PLM), a 15-kDa integral sarcolemmal phosphoprotein, is a novel endogenous protein inhibitor of cardiac NCX1. Using a heterologous expression system that is devoid of both endogenous PLM and NCX1, we first demonstrated by confocal immunofluorescence studies that both exogenous PLM and NCX1 co-localized at the plasma membrane. Reciprocal co-immunoprecipitation studies revealed specific protein-protein interaction between PLM and NCX1. The functional consequences of direct association of PLM with NCX1 was the inhibition of NCX1 activity, as demonstrated by whole-cell patch clamp studies to measure NCX1 current density and radiotracer flux assays to assess Na(+)-dependent (45)Ca(2+) uptake. Inhibition of NCX1 by PLM was specific, because a single mutation of serine 68 to alanine in PLM resulted in a complete loss of inhibition of NCX1 current, although association of the PLM mutant with NCX1 was unaltered. In native adult cardiac myocytes, PLM co-immunoprecipitated with NCX1. We conclude that PLM, a member of the FXYD family of small ion transport regulators known to modulate Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase, also regulates Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchange in the heart.  相似文献   

The effect of insulin on intestinal Na(+)/K(+) ATPase is till now undetermined, and it is still unclear whether insulin exerts any modulatory effect on glucose absorption by targeting the ATPase. This work attempted to address this question and to unravel the signaling pathway involved using Caco-2 cells as a model. After an overnight starvation, cells were treated with insulin in presence and absence of specific inhibitors of some known mediators. The activity of the pump was assayed by measuring the ouabain-inhibitable inorganic phosphate (P(i)) released, whereas changes in its abundance were determined by western blot analysis. Insulin decreased the activity and abundance of the ATPase in a crude membrane homogenate. This effect disappeared completely upon inhibition of either phosphotidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K) or protein kinase C (PKC), but was partially abolished when p38MAPK or MEK/ERK were inhibited separately. Activation of PKC with phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) imitated the effect of insulin and was not affected by inhibition of PI3K. The data suggest that PI3K and PKC are along the same pathway that branches into two separate ones involving each either p38MAP kinase or MEK/ERK. This hypothesis was confirmed by the data obtained from the treatment of Caco-2 cells with PMA, when p38MAPK and MEK/ERK were inhibited simultaneously. Concomitant inhibition of p38MAPK and MEK/ERK abrogated fully the effect of insulin, indicating that no other pathways are present in addition to the ones proposed above.  相似文献   

Unique topology of the internal repeats in the cardiac Na+/Ca2+ exchanger   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hydropathy analysis predicts 11 transmembrane helices in the cardiac Na+/Ca2+ exchanger. Using cysteine susceptibility analysis and epitope tagging, we here studied the membrane topology of the exchanger, in particular of the highly conserved internal alpha-1 and alpha-2 repeats. Unexpectedly, we found that the connecting loop in the alpha-1 repeat forms a re-entrant membrane loop with both ends facing the extracellular side and one residue (Asn-125) being accessible from the inside and that the region containing the alpha-2 repeat is mostly accessible from the cytoplasm. Together with other data, we propose that the exchanger may consist of nine transmembrane helices.  相似文献   

Na/Ca exchange in the intact cardiac cell   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

A family of Ca(2+)-binding proteins (CaBPs) was shown to bind to the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (InsP(3)R) Ca(2+) release channel and gate it in the absence of InsP(3), establishing them as protein ligands (Yang, J., McBride, S., Mak, D.-O. D., Vardi, N., Palczewski, K., Haeseleer, F., and Foskett, J. K. (2002) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 99, 7711-7716). However, the neuronally restricted expression of CaBP and its inhibition of InsP(3)R-mediated Ca(2+) signaling when overexpressed (Kasri, N. N., Holmes, A. M., Bultynck, G., Parys, J. B., Bootman, M. D., Rietdorf, K., Missiaen, L., McDonald, F., De Smedt, H., Conway, S. J., Holmes, A. B., Berridge, M. J., and Roderick, H. L. (2004) EMBO J. 23, 312-321; Haynes, L. P., Tepikin, A. V., and Burgoyne, R. D. (2004) J. Biol. Chem. 279, 547-555) have raised questions regarding the functional implications of this regulation. We have discovered the Ca(2+)-binding protein CIB1 (calmyrin) as a ubiquitously expressed ligand of the InsP(3)R. CIB1 binds to all mammalian InsP(3)R isoforms in a Ca(2+)-sensitive manner dependent on its two functional EF-hands and activates InsP(3)R channel gating in the absence of InsP(3). In contrast, overexpression of CIB1 or CaBP1 attenuated InsP(3)R-dependent Ca(2+) signaling, and in vitro pre-exposure to CIB1 reduced the number of channels available for subsequent stimulation by InsP(3). These results establish CIB1 as a ubiquitously expressed activating and inhibiting protein ligand of the InsP(3)R.  相似文献   

Na,K-ATPase and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptor (IP3R) can form a signaling microdomain that in the presence of ouabain triggers highly regular calcium oscillations. Downstream effects include NF-kappaB activation. Here we report that ankyrin B (Ank-B), expressed in most mammalian cells, plays a pivotal role in the function of the Na,K-ATPase/IP3R signaling microdomain. In studies performed on a monkey kidney cell line, we show that Ank-B co-precipitates with both Na,K-ATPase and IP3R. We identify the N terminus tail of the Na,K-ATPase catalytic subunit and the N-terminal portion 1-604 of the IP3R as novel binding sites for Ank-B. Knockdown of Ank-B with small interfering RNA reduced the expression of Ank-B to 15-30%. This down-regulation of Ank-B attenuated the interaction between Na,K-ATPase and IP3R, reduced the number of cells responding to pm doses of ouabain with calcium oscillations, altered the calcium oscillatory pattern, and abolished the ouabain effect on NF-kappaB. In contrast, Ank-B down-regulation had no effect on the ion transporting function of Na,K-ATPase and no effect on the distribution and apparent mobility of Na,K-ATPase in the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to measure with microbeam PIXE elements such as Na, K, Mg, and Ca in cardiac tissue after various treatments in vivo, which affect the cardiomyocyte integrity. It was assumed that local deviations from normal electrolyte levels indicate the degree of cardiac damage. The first step in this feasibility study was comparison of severely damaged cardiac tissues with controls. Severe cardiac damage was introduced by the so-called Ca paradox. Experiments were performed with isolated rat hearts, perfused retrogradely with an oxygenated crystalloid buffer. Results indicated that severe cardiac damage was accompanied with almost complete disappearance of the normal intracellular electrolyte composition as a result of the loss of membrane integrity. Identifications of smaller and more locally present ischemic damages on basis of altered electrolyte levels appeared to be feasible. However, the prerequisite was that the mobility of electrolytes be kept under control during tissue sampling and sample preparation, when physiological mechanisms stop to maintain gradients.  相似文献   

The transport stoichiometry is an essential property of antiporter and symporter transport proteins. In this study, we determined the transport stoichiometry of the retinal cone potassium-dependent Na/Ca exchanger (NCKX) expressed in sodium-loaded cultured insect cells. The Na/Ca and Rb/Ca coupling ratios were obtained by direct measurements of the levels of (86)Rb and (45)Ca uptake and sodium release associated with reverse Na/Ca exchange. Rb/Ca coupling ratios of 0.98 [standard deviation (SD) of 0.12, 15 observations] and 0.92 (SD of 0.12, 13 observations) were obtained for the chicken and human retinal cone NCKX, respectively. Na/Ca coupling ratios of 4.11 (SD of 0.24, 10 observations) and 3.98 (SD of 0.34, 15 observations) were obtained for the chicken and human retinal cone NCKX, respectively, whereas a lower average coupling ratio of 3.11 (SD of 0.34, 10 observations) was obtained with cells expressing the bovine Na/Ca exchanger (NCX1). These results are consistent with a 4Na/1Ca + 1K stoichiometry for retinal cone NCKX. High Five cells expressing full-length dolphin rod NCKX, Caenorhabditis elegans NCKX, or bovine rod NCKX from which the two large hydrophilic loops were removed all showed a significant calcium-dependent (86)Rb uptake, whereas no calcium-dependent (86)Rb uptake was observed in cells expressing bovine NCX1. The calcium dependence of (45)Ca uptake yielded values between 1 and 2.5 microM for the external calcium dissociation constant of the different NCKX proteins studied here.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated a transmural gradient in Na/K pump current (I P) and [Na+] i , with the highest maximum I P and lowest [Na+] i in epicardium. The present study examines the relationship between the transmural gradient in I P and Na/Ca exchange (NCX). Myocytes were isolated from canine left ventricle. Whole-cell patch clamp was used to measure current generated by NCX (I NCX) and inward background calcium current (I ibCa), defined as inward current through Ca2+ channels less outward current through Ca2+-ATPase. When resting myocytes from endocardium (Endo), midmyocardium (Mid) or epicardium (Epi) were studied in the same conditions, I NCX was the same and I ibCa was zero. Moreover, Western blots were consistent with NCX protein being uniform across the wall. However, the gradient in [Na+] i , with I ibCa = 0, should create a gradient in [Ca2+] i . To test this hypothesis, we measured resting [Ca2+] i using two methods, based on either transport or the Ca2+-sensitive dye Fura2. Both methods demonstrated a significant transmural gradient in resting [Ca2+] i , with Endo > Mid > Epi. This gradient was eliminated by exposing Epi to sufficient ouabain to partially inhibit Na/K pumps, thus increasing [Na+] i to values similar to those in Endo. These data support the existence of a transmural gradient for Ca2+ removal by NCX. This gradient is not due to differences in expression of NCX; rather, it is generated by a transmural gradient in [Na+] i , which is due to a transmural gradient in plasma membrane expression of the Na/K pump.  相似文献   

The cardiac Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX1) is almost certainly the major Ca2+ extrusion mechanism in cardiac myocytes, although the driving force for Ca2+ extrusion is quite small. To explain multiple recent results, it is useful to think of the exchanger as a slow Ca2+ buffer that can reverse its function multiple times during the excitation-contraction cycle (ECC). An article by the group of John Reeves brings new insights to this function by analyzing the role of regulatory domains of NCX1 that mediate its activation by a rise of cytoplasmic Ca2+. It was demonstrated that the gating reactions are operative just in the physiological range of Ca2+ changes, a few fold above resting Ca2+ level, and that they prevent the exchanger from damping out the influence of mechanisms that transiently increase Ca2+ levels. Furthermore, exchangers with deleted regulatory domains are shown to reduce resting Ca2+ to lower levels than achieved by wild-type exchangers. A study by the group of Kenneth Philipson demonstrated that the NCX1 regulatory domain can bind and respond to Ca2+ changes on the time scale of the ECC in rat myocytes. At the same time, studies of transgenic mice and NCX1 knockout mice generated by the Philipson group revealed that large changes of NCX1 activity have rather modest effects on ECC. Simple simulations predict these results very well: murine cardiac ECC is very sensitive to small changes of the Na+ gradient, very sensitive to changes of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pump activity, and very insensitive to changes of NCX1 activity. It is speculated that the NCX1 gating reactions not only regulate coupled 3Na+:1Ca2+ exchange but also control the exchanger’s Na+ leak function that generates background Na+ influx and depolarizing current in cardiac myocytes. excitation-contraction cycle  相似文献   

Spliced isoforms of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger, NCLX, truncated at the alpha-repeat region have been identified. The activity and functional organization of such proteins are, however, poorly understood. In the present work, we have studied Na+/Ca2+ exchange mediated by single alpha-repeat constructs (alpha1 and alpha2) of NCLX. Sodium-dependent calcium transport was fluorescently detected in both the reversal and forward modes; calcium-dependent outward currents were also recorded using a whole cell patch configuration in HEK293 cells heterologously expressing either the alpha1 or alpha2 single-domain proteins. In contrast, calcium transport and reversal currents were not detected when cells were transfected with a vector or with an alpha2 mutant (alpha2-S273T). Thus, our data indicate that the single alpha-domain constructs mediate electrogenic Na+/Ca2+ exchange. The alpha1 domain, but not the alpha2, exhibited partial sensitivity to the NCX inhibitor, KB-R7943, while Li+-dependent Ca2+ efflux was detected in cells expressing either the alpha1 or alpha2 construct. The functional organization of the single alpha-domain constructs was assessed using a dominant-negative approach. Coexpression of the alpha1 or alpha2 constructs with the nonfunctional alpha2-S273T mutant had a synergistic inhibitory effect on Na+/Ca2+ transport. Dose-dependence analysis of the inhibition of alpha2 construct activity by the alpha2-S273T mutant indicated that the functional unit is either a dimer or a trimer. Immunoprecipitation analysis indicated that the alpha2 construct indeed interacts with the alpha2-S273T mutant. Taken together, our data indicate that although single alpha1 or alpha2 domain constructs are independently capable of Na+/Ca2+ exchange, oligomerization is required for their activity. Such organization may give rise to transport activity with distinct kinetic parameters and physiological roles.  相似文献   

The Na(+)/Ca(2+)-K(+) exchanger (NCKX) is a polytopic membrane protein that uses both the inward Na(+) gradient and the outward K(+) gradient to drive Ca(2+) extrusion across the plasma membrane. NCKX1 is found in retinal rod photoreceptors, while NCKX2 is found in retinal cone photoreceptors and is also widely expressed in the brain. Here, we have identified a single residue (out of >100 tested) for which substitution removed the K(+) dependence of NCKX-mediated Ca(2+) transport. Charge-removing replacement of Asp(575) by either asparagine or cysteine rendered the mutant NCKX2 proteins independent of K(+), whereas the charge-conservative substitution of Asp(575) to glutamate resulted in a nonfunctional mutant NCKX2 protein, accentuating the critical nature of this residue. Asp(575) is conserved in the NCKX1-5 genes, while an asparagine is found in this position in the three NCX genes, coding for the K(+)-independent Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger.  相似文献   

Rapeseed (Brassica napus) is a crop relatively tolerant to salt and sodium. Our objective was to study the interactions between Na, K and Ca and their relationship with its yield under the isolated effects of soil salinity or sodicity.Two experiments were carried out using pots filled with the Ah horizon of a Typic Natraquoll. There were three salinity levels (2.3 dS m-1; 6.0 dS m-1 and 10.0 dS m-1) and three sodicity levels, expressed as sodium adsorption ratios (SAR: 12; 27 and 44). The soil was kept near field capacity.As soil salinity increased, the K/Na and Ca/Na ratios in the tissues decreased markedly but yields and aerial biomass production were not affected. As soil SAR value increased, the K/Na and Ca/Na ratios in plants and K-Na and Ca-Na selectivities decreased. Plants could not maintain their Ca concentration in soil with a high SAR. The grain yield and biomass production diminished significantly in the highest SAR treatment. Our results are consistent with those showing detrimental osmotic effects of salts in Brassica napus. Conversely, under sodicity, the K/Na and Ca/Na ratios in plant tissues decreased considerably, in accordance with grain and biomass production. These results show that the effects of sodicity are different from those of salinity.  相似文献   

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