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In the present study we examined the effect of seminal plasma (SP) on angiogenesis in the porcine oviduct. Gene expressions of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its two receptors (Flt-1: fms-like tyrosine kinase and Flk-1/KDR: fetal liver kinase-1/kinase insert domain-containing receptor) as well as fibroblast growth factors (FGF-1 and 2) and von Willenbrand factor (VWF) were determined in the oviduct of SP-treated and control (PBS-treated) gilts. Moreover, vascular density (VD) indicated by endothelial cell area immunolocalized by VWF staining, was assessed in the oviducts. Real-time PCR revealed significantly higher expression of FGF-2 and VWF on day 1 (p < 0.05) after SP administration in comparison to control animals. In contrast, Flt-1 mRNA level on day 1 was lower in SP-treated gilts compared to controls (p < 0.05). In the examined oviductal sections, VD did not differ between control and SP-treated animals. However, in SP-treated animals VD was higher on day 5 than on day 1 (p < 0.05) or 3 (p < 0.01). SP had no significant effect on VEGF, Flk-1/KDR and FGF-1 mRNA expression. In conclusion, our results suggest that SP affects the vascular network by changing the expression of factors contributing to angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Łukasz Rejt 《Biologia》2006,61(2):221-224
Hoarding by urban kestrels and its subsequent exploitation significantly increases the frequency and regularity of feeding during the early stage of the nestling period. Twelve kestrels’ nests situated in various part of the city were chosen to test whether hoarding could affect the chicks’ condition. Four nests (with 22 nestlings) were provided with food — one dead mouse per chick per day (F group) and 8 (43 nestlings) were used as a control group (NF). Nestlings were weighed daily, and the length of their tarsus was also measured when the oldest chick in the nest was 11 days old. 50% of the NF nests experienced a decrease in the number of nestlings but no nestlings were lost in any of the F nests. However, no significant differences were found between the groups either in body mass or tarsus length. A possible reason was the behaviour of the adults which could be interpreted as the regulation of the frequency of prey delivery depending on its presence or absence in the nest.  相似文献   

Tryptophan (Trp) is an essential amino acid which metabolises via the kynurenine pathway to generate a number of bioactive substances referred to as kynurenines. Among those are 3-hydroxykynurenine (3-HKyn) and quinolinic acid, which are neurotoxic, as well as kynurenic acid (Kyna) and xanthurenic acid (XA), which, similarly to nicotinamide (NAm), show neuroprotective and anti-depressive effects. Routine exercise is known to modulate Trp metabolism in skeletal muscle and is thus believed to reduce the risk of depressive states in humans and laboratory animals. Analogously, it was hypothesised that exercise can influence Trp metabolism in horses as well. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of two different types of exercise on Trp metabolism in horses of the same breed. A total of 32 purebred Arabian horses were involved in the study. The 22 three-year-old racehorses were subjected to short-time intense exercise. Ten other horses were made to perform endurance competitions at a distance of 80 km. Blood samples were collected at rest and following the end of the exercise period. Plasma concentrations of Trp, kynurenine (Kyn), Kyna, 3-HKyn, XA and NAm were determined using Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Ionisation-Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Short-time intense exercise led to an increase in plasma concentrations of Kyn, Kyna and XA. The endurance effort induced an increase in Kyna and a decrease in Trp and NAm levels. Both types of exercise, short-time intensive exercise and endurance exercise induced an increase in Trp metabolites, especially Kyna, and did not induce an increase in Trp level. Thus, from a pathophysiological perspective of the kynurenine pathway’s influence on mental state, both types of exercise induced beneficial effects in horses.  相似文献   

The platelet-activating factor (PAF) is an inflammatory mediator and it may exert some of its effects by reactive oxygen species (ROS). We investigated the effects of PAF and hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) on copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) levels in plasma and the intracellular antioxidant enzyme activities of rats. PAF administration caused a decrease in erythrocyte catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activities and in the plasma zinc level. Following PAF administration, exposure to HBO also caused a decrease in erythrocyte GPx activity. These results support the hypothesis that PAF may produce free oxygen radicals and HBO enhances this effect. The enzyme activities of the antioxidant defense system were found to be affected by these oxidative processes. This is likely to be the result of excessive production of ROS or overutilization and/or inhibition of the antioxidant enzymes.  相似文献   

Animal communication involves the transfer of information between a sender and one or more receivers. However, such interactions do not happen in a social vacuum; third parties are typically present, who can potentially eavesdrop upon or intervene in the interaction. The importance of such bystanders in shaping the outcome of communicative interactions has been widely studied in humans, but has only recently received attention in other animal species. Here, we studied bouts of infant crying among rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) in order to investigate how the presence of bystanders may affect the outcome of this signalling interaction between infants and mothers. It was hypothesized that, as crying is acoustically aversive, bystanders may be aggressive to the mother or the infant in order to bring the crying bout to a close. Consequently, it was predicted that mothers should acquiesce more often to crying if in the presence of potentially aggressive animals. In line with this prediction, it was found that mothers gave infants access to the nipple significantly more often when crying occurred in the presence of animals that posed a high risk of aggression towards them. Both mothers and infants tended to receive more aggression from bystanders during crying bouts than outside of this time, although such aggression was extremely rare and was received by less than half of the mothers and infants in the study. Mothers were also found to be significantly more aggressive to their infants while the latter were crying than outside of crying bouts. These results provide new insight into the complex dynamics of mother–offspring conflict, and indicate that bystanders may play an important role in shaping the outcome of signalling interactions between infants and their mothers.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to investigate the possible role of the intestinal anaerobic flora (especially bifidobacteria) in regulating bacterial translocation (BT) which can be defined as the passage of intestinal microbes through the mucosa to internal organs. Default in BT regulation concurs with pathogenesis of sepsis in various human conditions, such as acute pancreatitis, cirrhosis, necrotising enterocolitis or multiple organ failure. The intestinal flora was studied in human flora associated mice (HF mice) and BT was quantified in Peyer's patches (PP), blood, spleen, liver and lungs. HF mice displayed a heterogenic intestinal colonisation with bifidobacteria. High colonisation of both caecum and colon by bifidobacteria led to a poorer bacterial contamination of blood, liver and lungs. Moreover, ileal, caecal and colonic bifidobacterial counts negatively correlated with the bacterial dissemination (number of contaminated organs per mouse). In contrast, Bacteroides fragilis group counts positively correlated with bacteraemia, lungs contamination or bacterial dissemination. Additionally, clostridia localised in the colon affected bacterial uptake by PP and lungs contamination as indicated by positive correlations between bacterial populations in these respective locations. These results indicate that bifidobacteria, when established in high counts, reduced BT to liver, blood and lungs, whereas B. fragilis group favoured the bacterial passage. Clostridia established in the distal ileum also seemed to favour BT to lungs. The manipulation of the bacterial flora to optimise the regulatory effect on BT should therefore focus on the selective promotion of bifidobacteria and avoid an increase in potentially detrimental populations such as B. fragilis group and clostridia.  相似文献   

Harvest can affect vital rates such as reproduction and survival, but also genetic measures of individual and population health. Grey wolves (Canis lupus) live and breed in groups, and effective population size is a small fraction of total abundance. As a result, genetic diversity of wolves may be particularly sensitive to harvest. We evaluated how harvest affected genetic diversity and relatedness in wolves. We hypothesized that harvest would (a) reduce relatedness of individuals within groups in a subpopulation but increase relatedness of individuals between groups due to increased local immigration, (b) increase individual heterozygosity and average allelic richness across groups in subpopulations and (c) add new alleles to a subpopulation and decrease the number of private alleles in subpopulations due to an increase in breeding opportunities for unrelated individuals. We found harvest had no effect on observed heterozygosity of individuals or allelic richness at loci within subpopulations but was associated with a small, biologically insignificant effect on within‐group relatedness values in grey wolves. Harvest was, however, positively associated with increased relatedness of individuals between groups and a net gain (+16) of alleles into groups in subpopulations monitored since harvest began, although the number of private alleles in subpopulations overall declined. Harvest likely created opportunities for wolves to immigrate into nearby groups and breed, thereby making groups in subpopulations more related over time. Harvest appears to affect genetic diversity in wolves at the group and population levels, but its effects are less apparent at the individual level given the population sizes we studied.  相似文献   

During the breeding season, males often produce costly and extravagant displays or physical ornaments to attract females. Numerous studies have established that testosterone could directly influence the expression of certain sexual signals. However, few of these studies have focused on the indirect role that testosterone could play in modulating prey detection and visual performance to improve the foraging ability of males and hence their acquisition of nutritional resource. In the present study, we experimentally modified the testosterone levels of European tree frog males (Hyla arborea), staying in the natural range previously measured in the field, and we investigated the effect of testosterone on the foraging ability of individuals. Foraging capacities were measured on males placed in an arena with a virtual cricket moving on a computer screen. Our results demonstrated a significant effect of testosterone on the hunting behavior of H. arborea. We observed that testosterone reduced the orientation latency to virtual prey for supplemented males compared to controls. In addition, testosterone significantly increased the attack promptness of male frogs. Finally, our experiment did not demonstrate any impact of testosterone on male attack success.  相似文献   

Men and women read an erotic literary passage while being exposed to the odor of androstenol, rose water, or a control. Subjects then rated the intensity of eleven different emotions. Little evidence was found to support the hypothesis that androstenol affects emotional responsiveness in either men or women.  相似文献   

It has been stated repeatedly for the past 50 years that the steady-state force depression following shortening of an activated muscle depends on the speed of shortening. However, these statements were based on results from experiments in which muscles were shortened at different speeds but identical activation levels. Therefore, the force during shortening was changed in accordance with the force-velocity relationship of muscles: that is, increasing speeds of shortening were associated with decreasing forces, and vice versa. Consequently, it is not possible at present to distinguish whether force depression is caused by the changes in speed, as frequently stated, or the associated changes in force, or both. The purpose of this study was to test if force depression depends on the speed of shortening. We hypothesized that force depression was dependent on the force but not the speed of contraction. Our prediction is that the amount of force depression after shortening contractions at different speeds could be similar if the force during contraction was controlled at a similar level. Cat soleus muscles (n=7) were shortened by 9 or 12 mm at speeds of 3, 9, and 27 mm/s, first with a constant activation during shortening (30Hz), then with activation levels that were reduced (<30Hz) for the slow speeds (3 and 9 mm/s) to approximate the shortening forces of the fast speed contractions (27 mm/s). If done properly, force depression could be precisely matched at the three different speeds, indicating that force depression was related to the force during the shortening contraction but not to the speed. However, in order to match force depression, the forces during shortening had to be systematically greater for the slow compared to the fast speeds of shortening, suggesting that force depression also depends on the level of activation, as force depression at constant activation levels can only be matched if the force during shortening, evaluated by the mechanical work, is identical. Therefore, we conclude that force depression depends on the force and activation level during shortening, but does not depend on the speed of shortening as has been assumed for half a century. These results support, but do not prove, the current hypothesis that force depression is caused by a stress-related cross-bridge inhibition in the actin-myosin overlap zone that is newly formed during muscle shortening.  相似文献   

Apis mellifera foragers perform waggle dances to communicate the presence of highly desirable nectar sources to their forager-mates. Each waggle dance consists of several waggle-runs (straight movements of the dancer closely aligned on the comb surface) that carry spatial information that the dance followers can use to locate the food source being advertised. To address how this complex motor display responds to unpredictable fluctuations in its main triggering stimulus, i.e., sucrose stimulation, we analyzed the effects of an increase in reward on the direction of consecutive waggle-runs as well as other components of the waggle dance. Results show that a sudden increase in reward may increase the directional scatter among consecutive waggle-runs, especially those performed at the beginning of the dance. However, a simultaneous and rapid increase in the duration of the signal—together with a more regular alignment of the later waggle-runs within the signal— seems to compensate the initial increase in directional scatter so that the transfer of directional information remains effective. These results point out that the regulation of dance maneuvers depends on the dancers motivation to forage.  相似文献   

Isolated populations represent one of the main focuses in conservation biology. Long-term isolation often causes losses of genetic diversity and as a consequence might reduce individual fitness. Morphometric characters can be used as suitable markers to analyse ecological stress and individual fitness of local populations. Asymmetry in bilateral symmetry is used as a measure for developmental instability of populations and is often negatively correlated with population size and low genetic diversity. As a study system, we selected the endangered butterfly Parnassius apollo, which occurs in small and isolated remnant populations in Central Europe, but also in fairly large metapopulations in the Alps. We analysed wing morphometrics (shape and size characters) of 812 individuals representing (1) already extinct, (2) highly isolated and (3) still interconnected populations. Seventeen landmarks on veins were used to analyse morphological variances in the wing shape. Our data show significant deviations between landmarks on the left and right wing side within individuals and strong morphological variance among individuals. The highest morphological variability could be found for individuals in the Alps, however, the level of asymmetry was very similar for all populations analysed. The higher morphological variability found in the Alps can be interpreted as a consequence of the higher level of the genetic diversity detectable for this region. Analysis on morphological variance of P. apollo individuals of the Mosel valley using time series ranging from 1895 until today showed no significant rise in asymmetry and no decline of morphological variability over time, although, anthropogenic habitat destruction has caused severe bottlenecks in this population.  相似文献   

CK2 (Casein kinase II), a ubiquitous Ser/Thr kinase, affects multiple developmental and stress response pathways in Arabidopsis, including flowering time under both long- and short-day conditions through the photoperiod and autonomous pathways. CK2 phosphorylates central clock components, CCA1 and LHY, to modulate circadian clock that regulates flowering time through the photoperiod pathway. However, how CK2 regulates flowering time through the autonomous pathway is still unknown. Analyses of phosphorylation sites using several prediction softwares show that most of the autonomous pathway components have multiple CK2 phosphorylation sites. CK2 might phosphorylate any or all of these components to modulate their activity/stability resulting in altered expression of FLC that drives flowering time through the autonomous pathway.  相似文献   

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