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The efficiency, safety, and effectiveness of strength training programs are paramount for sport conditioning. Therefore, identifying optimal doses of the training variables allows for maximal gains in muscular strength to be elicited per unit of time and also for the reduction in risk of overtraining and/or overuse injuries. A quantified dose-response relationship for the continuum of training intensities, frequencies, and volumes has been identified for recreationally trained populations but has yet to be identified for competitive athletes. The purpose of this analysis was to identify this relationship in collegiate, professional, and elite athletes. A meta-analysis of 37 studies with a total of 370 effect sizes was performed to identify the dose-response relationship among competitive athletes. Criteria for study inclusion were (a) participants must have been competitive athletes at the collegiate or professional level, (b) the study must have employed a strength training intervention, and (c) the study must have included necessary data to calculate effect sizes. Effect size data demonstrate that maximal strength gains are elicited among athletes who train at a mean training intensity of 85% of 1 repetition maximum (1RM), 2 days per week, and with a mean training volume of 8 sets per muscle group. The current data exhibit different dose-response trends than previous meta-analytical investigations with trained and untrained nonathletes. These results demonstrate explicit dose-response trends for maximal strength gains in athletes and may be directly used in strength and conditioning venues to optimize training efficiency and effectiveness.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of the sequence order of high-intensity endurance training and circuit training on changes in muscular strength and anaerobic power. Forty-eight physical education students (ages, 21.4 +/- 1.3 years) were assigned to 1 of 5 groups: no training controls (C, n = 9), endurance training (E, n = 10), circuit training (S, n = 9), endurance before circuit training in the same session, (E+S, n = 10), and circuit before endurance training in the same session (S+E, n = 10). Subjects performed 2 sessions per week for 12 weeks. Resistance-type circuit training targeted strength endurance (weeks 1-6) and explosive strength and power (weeks 7-12). Endurance training sessions included 5 repetitions run at the velocity associated with Vo2max (Vo2max) for a duration equal to 50% of the time to exhaustion at Vo2max; recovery was for an equal period at 60% Vo2max. Maximal strength in the half squat, strength endurance in the 1-leg half squat and hip extension, and explosive strength and power in a 5-jump test and countermovement jump were measured pre- and post-testing. No significant differences were shown following training between the S+E and E+S groups for all exercise tests. However, both S+E and E+S groups improved less than the S group in 1 repetition maximum (p < 0.01), right and left 1-leg half squat (p < 0.02), 5-jump test (p < 0.01), peak jumping force (p < 0.05), peak jumping power (p < 0.02), and peak jumping height (p < 0.05). The intrasession sequence did not influence the adaptive response of muscular strength and explosive strength and power. Circuit training alone induced strength and power improvements that were significantly greater than when resistance and endurance training were combined, irrespective of the intrasession sequencing.  相似文献   

The strength cycle ergometer has been proposed as a method of simultaneously increasing aerobic conditioning and muscular strength, because of its unique capacity of disengaging the pedal crank, thus allowing for concurrent single-leg cycling. The purpose of this study was to assess the aerobic and muscular strength effects of strength cycle training (SCT), comparing it to similar standard cycle training. A total of 28 recreationally-trained adult subjects (9 men, 19 women) were paired for VO2peak and randomly assigned to either SCT or Monark cycle training (MCT). Subjects trained 3 days per week following a progressive interval protocol for 9 weeks under supervised conditions. Training intervals (5 minutes' duration) consisted of 3 minutes of standard cycling at an intensity of 60-85% of maximum heart rate (HRmax), and 2 minutes of either the disengaged cycling mode (SCT) or standard cycling plus 30 W (MCT). Subjects began training for a total of 25 minutes per session, progressing to 45 minutes per session by study's end. Prior to and following training, subjects were measured for VO2peak; submaximal VO2, heart rate (HR), RPE, power output, and knee and ankle isokinetic strength. Training resulted in significant (p < or = 0.05) increases in VO2peak (14.5%) and submaximal power output (11%), and significant reductions in submaximal VO2, HR, and RPE in both groups. Significant increases in bilateral isokinetic knee extension (4-6%) and left ankle plantar flexion (10.5%) were noted following training in both groups. No group differences were detected in any variable. Although the strength cycle effectively increased aerobic function and resulted in modest selected increases in lower-extremity muscular strength, these changes were not different from those seen using a similar standard cycling protocol.  相似文献   

Muscular power is considered one of the main determinants of athletic performance that require the explosive production of force such as throwing and jumping. Various training methods have been suggested to improve muscular power and dynamic athletic performance. Although various acute training valuables (e.g., sets, repetitions, rest intervals) could be manipulated, the training loads used are some of the most important factors that determine the training stimuli and the consequent training adaptations. Many research results showed that the use of different training loads elicits the different training adaptations and further indicated the load- and velocity-specific adaptations in muscular-power development. Using the optimal loads at which mechanical power output occurs has been recommended, especially to enhance maximum muscular power. Additionally, introducing periodization and combined training approach into resistance-training programs may further facilitate muscular-power development and enhance a wide variety of athletic performances.  相似文献   

The aim of this systematic review was to explore the test-retest reliability of isometric mid-thigh pull maximum strength assessment. We searched through five databases to find studies that examined the test-retest reliability of peak force in the isometric mid-thigh pull exercise. From each included study, we extracted intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) and/or coefficient of variation (CV). The methodological quality of the included studies was evaluated using the COSMIN checklist. A total of 16 good-to-excellent quality studies were included in the review. When considering results from all included studies, ICCs ranged from 0.73 to 0.99 (median ICC = 0.96), where 78% of ICCs were ≥ 0.90, and 98% of ICCs were ≥ 0.75. The range of reported CVs was from 0.7% to 11.1% (median CV = 4.9%), where 58% of CVs were ≤ 5%. Reliability was also good-to-excellent for both relative and absolute peak force and for both bilateral and unilateral isometric mid-thigh pull tests. The majority of studies did not find significant differences between testing sessions. It can be concluded that the isometric mid-thigh pull maximum strength assessment has good-to-excellent test-retest reliability. The isometric mid-thigh pull maximum strength assessment can be used as a reliable test in sports practice and for research purposes.  相似文献   

Quantitative genetic studies (i.e., twin and adoption studies) suggest that genetic influences contribute substantially to the development of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Over the past 15 years, considerable efforts have been made to identify genes involved in the etiology of this disorder resulting in a large and often conflicting literature of candidate gene associations for ADHD. The first aim of the present study was to conduct a comprehensive meta-analytic review of this literature to determine which candidate genes show consistent evidence of association with childhood ADHD across studies. The second aim was to test for heterogeneity across studies in the effect sizes for each candidate gene as its presence might suggest moderating variables that could explain inconsistent results. Significant associations were identified for several candidate genes including DAT1, DRD4, DRD5, 5HTT, HTR1B, and SNAP25. Further, significant heterogeneity was observed for the associations between ADHD and DAT1, DRD4, DRD5, DBH, ADRA2A, 5HTT, TPH2, MAOA, and SNAP25, suggesting that future studies should explore potential moderators of these associations (e.g., ADHD subtype diagnoses, gender, exposure to environmental risk factors). We conclude with a discussion of these findings in relation to emerging themes relevant to future studies of the genetics of ADHD.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of various exercise sequences in the early weeks of a strength training program. Forty-two untrained men were randomly assigned to one of 4 training regimens, which were differentiated by the order in which the exercises were performed, and trained 3 days per week for 4 weeks. Three regimens were multiple-set protocols (alternating, blocked, and semiblocked), and the fourth was a single-set protocol. The exercises were arm curls, lateral raises, and triceps extensions. Results showed that the blocked group improved significantly more on the arm curl exercise than the single-set group. No other group comparisons were significant. This finding indicates that a blocked multiple-set regimen is superior to a single-set regimen for certain upper-body exercises in the early stages of strength training.  相似文献   

Many studies have assessed the impact of different pollutants on amphibians across a variety of experimental venues (laboratory, mesocosm, and enclosure conditions). Past reviews, using vote-counting methods, have described pollution as one of the major threats faced by amphibians. However, vote-counting methods lack strong statistical power, do not permit one to determine the magnitudes of effects, and do not compare responses among predefined groups. To address these challenges, we conducted a meta-analysis of experimental studies that measured the effects of different chemical pollutants (nitrogenous and phosphorous compounds, pesticides, road deicers, heavy metals, and other wastewater contaminants) at environmentally relevant concentrations on amphibian survival, mass, time to hatching, time to metamorphosis, and frequency of abnormalities. The overall effect size of pollutant exposure was a medium decrease in amphibian survival and mass and a large increase in abnormality frequency. This translates to a 14.3% decrease in survival, a 7.5% decrease in mass, and a 535% increase in abnormality frequency across all studies. In contrast, we found no overall effect of pollutants on time to hatching and time to metamorphosis. We also found that effect sizes differed among experimental venues and among types of pollutants, but we only detected weak differences among amphibian families. These results suggest that variation in sensitivity to contaminants is generally independent of phylogeny. Some publication bias (i.e., selective reporting) was detected, but only for mass and the interaction effect size among stressors. We conclude that the overall impact of pollution on amphibians is moderately to largely negative. This implies that pollutants at environmentally relevant concentrations pose an important threat to amphibians and may play a role in their present global decline.  相似文献   

A training program designed to increase strength and aerobic endurance in 1 season was tested on 16 professional soccer players from Spain with a mean age of 28 +/- 3.37 years. The schedule comprised 4 macrocycles of 12 weeks of aerobic endurance and strength training. As much for the strength training as for the aerobic endurance, the program used a sequence of general, special, and specific exercises. Assessments were made with routine tests (i.e., squat jumps [SJs], countermovement jumps [CMJs], and countermovement jumps with arm swing [CMJas]) at the end of each macrocycle, and the Probst test was used to assess aerobic endurance as a function of running speed and distance, at the start and end of the training schedule and at the start of the third macrocycle. Jumps were performed on an infrared platform fitted to the MuscleLab system. The Probst test showed differences between the first evaluation and the second and third evaluations: 3,550 +/- 411.59 m vs. 2,006 +/- 207.20 m (P < 0.01). For 2 of the 3 jumps analyzed, the results were better in the last 2 than in the first 2 evaluations (SJ, 43.13 +/- 3.77 vs. 39.47 +/- 3.4 [P < 0.05]; CMJ, 49.80 +/- 3.77 vs. 46.67 +/- 3.76 [P < 0.05]; CMJas, 56.24 +/- 5.2 vs. 52.98 +/- 4.54 [P > 0.05]). Improvement of aerobic endurance was produced on the first phase of the season as a consequence of the training. To increase strength, it is necessary to augment the number of training sessions of this type. It is convenient to separate aerobic endurance and strength training to create more ample blocks during the last 2 macrocycles.  相似文献   



Accurate parasitological diagnosis of malaria is essential for targeting treatment where more than one species coexist. In this study, three rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) (AccessBio CareStart (CSPfPan), CareStart PfPv (CSPfPv) and Standard Diagnostics Bioline (SDBPfPv)) were evaluated for their ability to detect natural Plasmodium vivax infections in a basic clinic setting. The potential for locally made evaporative cooling boxes (ECB) to protect the tests from heat damage in high summer temperatures was also investigated.


Venous blood was drawn from P. vivax positive patients in Jalalabad, Afghanistan and tested against a panel of six RDTs. The panel comprised two of each test type; one group was stored at room temperature and the other in an ECB. RDT results were evaluated against a consensus gold standard based on two double-read reference slides and PCR. The sensitivity, specificity and a measure of global performance for each test were determined and stratified by parasitaemia level and storage condition.


In total, 306 patients were recruited, of which 284 were positive for P. vivax, one for Plasmodium malariae and none for Plasmodium falciparum; 21 were negative. All three RDTs were specific for malaria. The sensitivity and global performance index for each test were as follows: CSPfPan [98.6%, 95.1%], CSPfPv [91.9%, 90.5%] and SDBPfPv [96.5%, 82.9%], respectively. CSPfPv was 16% less sensitive to a parasitaemia below 5,000/μL. Room temperature storage of SDBPfPv led to a high proportion of invalid results (17%), which reduced to 10% in the ECB. Throughout the testing period, the ECB maintained ~8°C reduction over ambient temperatures and never exceeded 30°C.


Of the three RDTs, the CSPfPan test was the most consistent and reliable, rendering it appropriate for this P. vivax predominant region. The CSPfPv test proved unsuitable owing to its reduced sensitivity at a parasitaemia below 5,000/μL (affecting 43% of study samples). Although the SDBPfPv device was more sensitive than the CSPfPv test, its invalid rate was unacceptably high. ECB storage reduced the proportion of invalid results for the SDBPfPv test, but surprisingly had no impact on RDT sensitivity at low parasitaemia.  相似文献   

Functional training is considered to be training that attempts to mimic the specific physiological demands of real-life activities. Most approaches to functional training, though, omit important factors that contribute to physiological and neuromotor adaptations. Cognitive factors related to sports influence physiological performance, and subsequently, physiological and neuromotor adaptations. We present a rationale and a theoretical framework by which to create effective functional training methods that incorporate cognitive factors. This framework draws upon recent developments and strong empirical evidence in the areas of dynamic systems theory, perceptual skills training, and motor learning/control. Emphasized within rigorous physical training are practice-related techniques and motor-learning strategies. In particular, mental effort, attention, and intention manipulated in a discovery-learning paradigm provide a framework for functional strength and power training. This framework is suggested to help maximize sport-specific physiological adaptations, and subsequently, sports performance.  相似文献   

Plant-based repellents have been used for generations in traditional practice as a personal protection measure against host-seeking mosquitoes. Knowledge on traditional repellent plants obtained through ethnobotanical studies is a valuable resource for the development of new natural products. Recently, commercial repellent products containing plant-based ingredients have gained increasing popularity among consumers, as these are commonly perceived as "safe" in comparison to long-established synthetic repellents although this is sometimes a misconception. To date insufficient studies have followed standard WHO Pesticide Evaluation Scheme guidelines for repellent testing. There is a need for further standardized studies in order to better evaluate repellent compounds and develop new products that offer high repellency as well as good consumer safety. This paper presents a summary of recent information on testing, efficacy and safety of plant-based repellents as well as promising new developments in the field.  相似文献   

An intervention in the clinical management of individuals with type 2 diabetes is strength and aerobic training. Limited research has been conducted that investigates the effect of a supervised strength and aerobic training program on muscular strength and aerobic capacity in people with type 2 diabetes. The purpose of this 1-group repeated-measures-designed study was to investigate the impact of a supervised strength and aerobic training program on muscular strength and aerobic capacity in subjects with type 2 diabetes. Thirteen subjects with type 2 diabetes completed the training program. Subjects met the American Diabetes Association diagnostic criteria for type 2 diabetes. For each subject, muscular strength (estimated 1 repetition maximum) and aerobic capacity (estimated maximal oxygen uptake) were measured before and after a supervised strength and aerobic training program as well as during a 6-week follow-up. Repeated-measures analysis of variance was used to compare muscular strength and aerobic capacity between pretesting, posttesting, and follow-up testing periods. Significant improvements in muscular strength (p < 0.01) and aerobic capacity (p < 0.01) were found during posttesting and follow-up testing, as compared to pretesting measures. Yet a significant loss in muscular strength (p < 0.01) and no significant change in aerobic capacity (p > 0.05) were found during follow-up testing, as compared to posttesting measures. This study indicates that a supervised strength and aerobic training program can significantly improve muscular strength and aerobic capacity in people with type 2 diabetes. Yet improvements in muscular strength due to training will not be maintained if individuals with type 2 diabetes do not adhere to a continuous training program. In addition, aerobic capacity can be improved with training, but aerobic capacity will not continue to improve if people with type 2 diabetes are not compliant with a continuous training program.  相似文献   

A sample of 20 older adults (76 +/- 6 years) participated in a two-session training intervention with the goal of eliciting rapid and functionally meaningful strength gains in the ankle plantarflexors. Tests were conducted on a Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule with two training sessions after tests one and two. During each test, subjects performed five maximal explosive force production contractions (MVCs) from which maximal voluntary torque (MVT) and peak rates of torque development (RTDs) were obtained. To augment the quick strength gains typically observed in response to serial strength measurements, these MVCs were supplemented with exercises consisting of high-velocity, low-force movements at the ankle joint. These exercises were chosen to elicit high rates of neural stimulation without high resistance. Maximal voluntary torque increased by 15% from 53.9 +/- 36 to 62.2 +/- 36.2 N x m (p = 0.02). There was a parallel trend toward increases in RTD based on RTD measures computed over various timescales (0.11 < p < 0.21). The nonsignificant increase in RTD was from 223.9 +/- 153.6 to 248.4 +/- 147.8 N x m x s(-1). This preliminary study has determined that rapid strength gains of functional magnitude are possible in the plantarflexors of the elderly. Subsequent work is necessary to test the translation of such gains to function in the frail elderly and to determine the specific contributions of the selected low-resistance exercises to overall gains.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine the effectiveness of a 24-week aquatic training (AT) program, which included both aerobic and resistance components, on muscle strength (isometric and dynamic), flexibility, and functional mobility in healthy women over 60 years of age. Twenty-two subjects were assigned randomly to either an AT (n = 12) or a control (C, n = 10) group. Volunteers participated in a supervised shallow-water exercise program for 60 minutes a day, 3 days a week; the exercise program consisted of a 10-minute warm-up and stretching, 25 minutes of endurance-type exercise (dancing) at 80% of heart rate (HR)(max), 20 minutes of upper- and lower-body resistance exercises with specialized water-resistance equipment, and a 5-minute cool down. Maximal isometric torque of knee extensors (KEXT) and knee flexors (KFLEX) were evaluated by a Cybex Norm dynamometer, grip strength (HGR) was evaluated using a Jamar hydraulic dynamometer, and dynamic strength was evaluated via the 3 repetition maximum (3RM) test for chest press, knee extension, lat pull down, and leg press. Jumping performance was evaluated using the squat jump (SJ), functional mobility with the timed up-and-go (TUG) test, and trunk flexion with the sit-and-reach test. Body composition was measured using the bioelectrical impedance method. The AT induced significant improvements in KEXT (10.5%) and KFLEX (13.4%) peak torque, HGR strength (13%), 3RM (25.7-29.4%), SJ (24.6%), sit-and-reach (11.6%), and TUG (19.8%) performance. The AT group demonstrated a significant increase in lean body mass (3.4%). No significant changes in these variables were observed in the C group. The results indicate that AT, with both aerobic and resistance components, is an alternative training method for improving neuromuscular and functional fitness performance in healthy elderly women.  相似文献   

The first training program for genetic counselors began in 1969. Since then a number of other programs have been developed and more than 650 individuals have graduated from these programs. This article reviews the development and current status of training opportunities for genetic counselors. Twelve programs that currently grant a master's-level degree in genetic counseling are reviewed. Other areas, such as certification and licensure, that reflect genetic counseling training or such issues of professional growth as continuing education and career advances are addressed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the extent of muscular activation during maximal voluntary knee extension contractions in old and young individuals and to examine the effects of resistance training on muscular activation in each group. The interpolated twitch technique was used to estimate muscular activation during two pre-training baseline tests, and after two and six weeks of resistance training. Throughout the study, the older group was 30% less strong than the young group (p=0.02). The training protocol was effective in both groups with overall isometric strength gains of 30 and 36% in the older (p=0.01) and young (p<0.01) groups, respectively. 10-RM training loads increased by 66% in the old group (p<0.01) and by 77% in the young group (p<0.01) throughout training. At the first baseline test, a 2% difference in muscular activation between groups (p=0.3) did not explain the large disparity in strength. Muscular activation increased by 2% in both groups throughout training (p<0.01). Despite considerably less muscular strength in the older group, muscular activation was greater than 95% of maximum and appears to be equal in both young and older individuals. Both groups demonstrated similar but small increases in muscular activation throughout training.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to assess: (i) the effects of 8-week training programs with constrained-path and unconstrained-path chest press machines on 1-RM; (ii) the different activity patterns of selected arm and shoulder girdle muscles during push movement performed on the different machines; (iii) the transfer of the training effects from one machine to the other. Twenty healthy, sedentary women (mean+/-SD age, 24.8+/-1.0yrs), randomized to either the FM or CM strength training protocols were evaluated before and after the strength training program. Muscular activity signals were recorded by surface electromyography (sEMG) from eight muscles while each subject performed the exercise on each machine. Muscle strength was defined by a 1 repetition maximum (1-RM) test for each subject on each machine. Both machines were effective in improving 1-RM, but the 1-RM increased more in the FM than the CM. Adaptive change in the sEMG was observed in all muscles after training on the FM machine, but not within the stabilizers when training on the CM machine. The results suggest that training in an unconstrained condition provides a more effective method for improving inter-muscular coordination via adaptation of the motor strategy aimed at optimising muscular efforts.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe evidence from published studies on the association between obesity and rheumatoid arthritis has been contradictory. To clarify the association between obesity and rheumatoid arthritis, we conducted a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis to assess the relationship between body mass index and rheumatoid arthritis risk.MethodsA systematic literature search of PubMed and Embase (up to 12 July 2014) was performed to identify all eligible published reports. The pooled relative risk results with corresponding 95% confidence intervals of rheumatoid arthritis development were estimated using a random-effects model.ResultsEleven eligible related citations fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were included in the study. Compared with individuals with a body mass index under 30, obese individuals showed an association with a significantly increased risk of rheumatoid arthritis (relative risk = 1.25, 95% confidence interval: 1.07 to 1.45, Pheterogeneity <0.01, I2 = 63%). Compared to normal weight subjects, the pooled relative risks for rheumatoid arthritis were 1.31 (1.12 to 1.53) and 1.15 (1.03 to 1.29) for the categories of obese and overweight, respectively. In the dose-response analysis, there was evidence of a nonlinear association (Pnonlinear = 0.005) and the estimated summary relative risk for a 5-unit increment was 1.03 (95% confidence interval: 1.01 to 1.05, Pheterogeneity = 0.001, I2 = 70.0%).ConclusionsAn increase in body mass index can contribute to a higher risk for rheumatoid arthritis development. However, the finding also highlights the need for research on the association between body mass index and rheumatoid arthritis risk with adjustment for more confounding factors.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13075-015-0601-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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