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The purpose of this study was to assess test-retest reliability, discriminative and criterion-related validity of the modified Illinois change-of-direction (CoD) test with ball dribbling-speed (ICODT-BALL) in young soccer players of different biological maturity and playing levels. Sixty-five young male soccer players (11.4 ± 1.2 years) participated in this study. The participants were classified according to their biological maturity (pre- and circumpeak height velocity [PHV]) and playing-level (elite and amateur players). During the test-retest time period of two weeks, the following tests were performed during week one and as retest during week two: ICODT-BALL, ICODT, 4 × 9-m shuttle-run, countermovement-jump, triple-hop-test, maximum-voluntary isometric-contraction of back-extensors, Stork, Y-Balance, 10 and 30-m sprints. The ICODT-BALL showed excellent relative (r = 0.995, p < 0.001; ICC = 0.993) and absolute (SEM < 5%; SEM < SWCs(0.2, 0.6, 1.2)) reliability. The circum-PHV (22.8 ± 1.7-s) and elite (22.5 ± 0.9-s) players showed better ICODT-BALL performance than their pre-PHV (24.2 ± 2.5-s) and amateur (25.1 ± 2.8-s) counterparts (p = 0.028 and p < 0.001, respectively). The ICODT-BALL showed “very good” (AUC = 0.81) discriminant validity when comparing the elite and amateur players, and “moderate” (AUC = 0.67) discriminant validity when compared to pre-PHV and circum-PHV boys. ICODT-BALL demonstrated “large” positive associations with the ICODT (r = 0.65; 41.8% shared-variance) and sprint tests (r ≥ 0.52; 27.3 to 34.8% shared-variance). In addition, results showed “moderate” negative associations between ICODT-BALL and strength, and power measures, as well as a “small” negative relationship with balance tests. In conclusion, the ICODT-BALL is a valid and reliable test to evaluate the ability to quickly change directions while ball dribbling in young soccer players. Therefore, practitioners can use the ICODT-BALL as a tool for talent identification.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study was to assess the validity of the Conconi method of assessing anaerobic threshold (AT). Twenty-two competitive cyclists (11 men, 11 women) performed an incremental, maximal oxygen uptake (Vdot;o(2)max) test on an electrically braked cycle ergometer. AT was assessed by a nonlinear increase in the carbon dioxide to oxygen consumption ratio (V-slope method). AT was also measured by a computer-assessed break point in heart rate from linearity (Conconi method). Mean values for heart rate at AT were 157.3 and 163.3 b x min(-1) for the Conconi and V-slope methods, respectively. Although there was no significant difference (t = 1.07, p = 0.30) in the 2 methods, a rather low correlation coefficient (r = 0.458), high standard error of estimate (SEE = 10.7 b x min(-1)), and high total error (TE = 16.7 b x min(-1)) would preclude the use of the Conconi method as a practical tool for assessing AT.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of a repeated modified agility test (RMAT) to assess anaerobic power and explosiveness. Twenty-seven subjects (age: 20.2 ± 0.9 years, body mass: 66.1 ± 6.0 kg, height: 176 ± 6 cm, and body fat: 11.4 ± 2.6%) participated in this study. After familiarization, subjects completed the RMAT consisting of 10 × 20-m maximal running performances (moving in forward, lateral, and backward) with ~25-second recovery between each run. Ten subjects performed the RMAT twice separated by at least 48 hours to evaluate relative and absolute reliability and usefulness of the test. The criterion validity of the RMAT was determined by examining the relationship between RMAT indices and the Wingate anaerobic test (WAT) performances and both vertical and horizontal jumps. Reliability of the total time (TT) and peak time (PT) of the RMAT was very good, with intraclass correlation coefficient > 0.90 and SEM < 5% and low bias. The usefulness of TT and PT of the RMAT was rated as "good" and "OK," respectively. The TT of the RMAT had significant correlations with the WAT (peak power: r = -0.44; mean power: r = -0.72), vertical jumps (squat jump: r = -0.50; countermovement jump: r = -0.61; drop jump (DJ): r = -0.55; DJ with dominant leg: r = -0.72; DJ with nondominant leg: r = -0.53) and 5 jump test (r = -0.56). These findings suggest that the RMAT is a reliable and valid test for assessing anaerobic power and explosiveness in multisprint sport athletes. Consequently, the RMAT is an easily applied, inexpensive field test and can provide coaches and strength and conditioning professionals with relevant information concerning the choice and the efficacy of training programs.  相似文献   

Do terrestrial micro-organisms evolve morphologically? A recent concept suggests that morphological stasis over dozens of millions of years has persisted in microbial lineages. However, it is based on a weak fossil record. Indeed, it is already difficult to define a species with extant microbes, and this task is even harder when dealing with fossil micro-organisms. Based on research on fossils in amber, we highlighted the different problems that are raised when describing a new fossil species of micro-organisms and we discuss the concept of morphological stasis.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was first to examine the reliability of isometric squat (IS) and isometric forward hack squat (IFHS) tests to determine if repeated measures on the same subjects yielded reliable results. The second purpose was to examine the relation between isometric and dynamic measures of strength to assess validity. Fourteen male subjects performed maximal IS and IFHS tests on 2 occasions and 1 repetition maximum (1-RM) free-weight squat and forward hack squat (FHS) tests on 1 occasion. The 2 tests were found to be highly reliable (intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC](IS) = 0.97 and ICC(IFHS) = 1.00). There was a strong relation between average IS and 1-RM squat performance, and between IFHS and 1-RM FHS performance (r(squat) = 0.77, r(FHS) = 0.76; p < 0.01), but a weak relation between squat and FHS test performances (r < 0.55). There was also no difference between observed 1-RM values and those predicted by our regression equations. Errors in predicting 1-RM performance were in the order of 8.5% (standard error of the estimate [SEE] = 13.8 kg) and 7.3% (SEE = 19.4 kg) for IS and IFHS respectively. Correlations between isometric and 1-RM tests were not of sufficient size to indicate high validity of the isometric tests. Together the results suggest that IS and IFHS tests could detect small differences in multijoint isometric strength between subjects, or performance changes over time, and that the scores in the isometric tests are well related to 1-RM performance. However, there was a small error when predicting 1-RM performance from isometric performance, and these tests have not been shown to discriminate between small changes in dynamic strength. The weak relation between squat and FHS test performance can be attributed to differences in the movement patterns of the tests  相似文献   

The primary aim of this study was to determine reliability and factorial validity of squat (SJ) and countermovement jump (CMJ) tests. The secondary aim was to compare 3 popular methods for the estimation of vertical jumping height. Physical education students (n = 93) performed 7 explosive power tests: 5 different vertical jumps (Sargent jump, Abalakow's jump with arm swing and without arm swing, SJ, and CMJ) and 2 horizontal jumps (standing long jump and standing triple jump). The greatest reliability among all jumping tests (Cronbach's alpha = 0.97 and 0.98) had SJ and CMJ. The reliability alpha coefficients for other jumps were also high and varied between 0.93 and 0.96. Within-subject variation (CV) in jumping tests ranged between 2.4 and 4.6%, the values being lowest in both horizontal jumps and CMJ. Factor analysis resulted in the extraction of only 1 significant principal component, which explained 66.43% of the variance of all 7 jumping tests. Since all jumping tests had high correlation coefficients with the principal component (r = 0.76-0.87), it was interpreted as the explosive power factor. The CMJ test showed the highest relationship with the explosive power factor (r = 0.87), that is, the greatest factorial validity. Other jumping tests had lower but relatively homogeneous correlation with the explosive power factor extracted. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that CMJ and SJ, measured by means of contact mat and digital timer, are the most reliable and valid field tests for the estimation of explosive power of the lower limbs in physically active men.  相似文献   

The European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM) proposes to make the validation process more flexible, while maintaining its high standards. The various aspects of validation are broken down into independent modules, and the information necessary to complete each module is defined. The data required to assess test validity in an independent peer review, not the process, are thus emphasised. Once the information to satisfy all the modules is complete, the test can enter the peer-review process. In this way, the between-laboratory variability and predictive capacity of a test can be assessed independently. Thinking in terms of validity principles will broaden the applicability of the validation process to a variety of tests and procedures, including the generation of new tests, new technologies (for example, genomics, proteomics), computer-based models (for example, quantitative structure-activity relationship models), and expert systems. This proposal also aims to take into account existing information, defining this as retrospective validation, in contrast to a prospective validation study, which has been the predominant approach to date. This will permit the assessment of test validity by completing the missing information via the relevant validation procedure: prospective validation, retrospective validation, catch-up validation, or a combination of these procedures.  相似文献   



Wolfram syndrome (WFS) is a rare, neurodegenerative disease that typically presents with childhood onset insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, followed by optic atrophy, diabetes insipidus, deafness, and neurological and psychiatric dysfunction. There is no cure for the disease, but recent advances in research have improved understanding of the disease course. Measuring disease severity and progression with reliable and validated tools is a prerequisite for clinical trials of any new intervention for neurodegenerative conditions. To this end, we developed the Wolfram Unified Rating Scale (WURS) to measure the severity and individual variability of WFS symptoms. The aim of this study is to develop and test the reliability and validity of the Wolfram Unified Rating Scale (WURS).


A rating scale of disease severity in WFS was developed by modifying a standardized assessment for another neurodegenerative condition (Batten disease). WFS experts scored the representativeness of WURS items for the disease. The WURS was administered to 13 individuals with WFS (6-25 years of age). Motor, balance, mood and quality of life were also evaluated with standard instruments. Inter-rater reliability, internal consistency reliability, concurrent, predictive and content validity of the WURS were calculated.


The WURS had high inter-rater reliability (ICCs>.93), moderate to high internal consistency reliability (Cronbach’s α = 0.78-0.91) and demonstrated good concurrent and predictive validity. There were significant correlations between the WURS Physical Assessment and motor and balance tests (rs>.67, p<.03), between the WURS Behavioral Scale and reports of mood and behavior (rs>.76, p<.04) and between WURS Total scores and quality of life (rs=-.86, p=.001). The WURS demonstrated acceptable content validity (Scale-Content Validity Index=0.83).


These preliminary findings demonstrate that the WURS has acceptable reliability and validity and captures individual differences in disease severity in children and young adults with WFS.

The physical disector was proposed as an unbiased and efficient means to estimate neuron number; however, the validity and reliability of this method have been examined only infrequently. Estimates of neuron number in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) of bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) were compared to nucleolar counts based on 3-dimensional reconstructions. Accuracy of disector estimates were not affected by size of the animal. Similarly, disector estimates were not systematically altered when area measurements were limited to cellular regions of the DRG versus inclusion of the entire cross-sectional area. However, the recommended protocol for applying the disector resulted in sampling errors that introduced considerable variability in repeated estimates of neuron number from a single ganglion. In addition to this lack of reliability, disector estimates were consistently lower than those obtained by means of a nucleolar counting method that was calibrated against 3-dimensional reconstructions of neuronal profiles. The systematic error of the disector method was greater when ganglia were cut parallel to the long axis of the DR than when they were cut perpendicular to this axis. Increasing the sample size beyond what was recommended increased the reliability of estimates obtained with the disector; however, the bias associated with the plane of section was not reduced. These results emphasize the need for empirical validation of methods used to estimate neuron number in the tissue to which they are to be applied. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This study assessed the mechanical reliability and validity of the INRTEK iSAM 9000 isokinetic dynamometer, and compared the obtained torque values of the prototype device with those from a traditional device. Sixty volunteers (40 men and 20 women) were tested at 60 degrees per second for shoulder, knee, and trunk flexion, and extension on both the Cybex 6000 and a new isokinetic dynamometer (iSAM 9000). Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and standard errors of measurement (SEM) revealed a high level of reproducibility and precision in the device's torque measurements (ICC range = 0.94-0.98; SEM range = 5.2-29.7). Pearson r values revealed very high relationships between the two instruments (set 1: r = 0.84-0.93; set 2: r = 0.87-0.93; P < 0.05). Significantly higher peak torque for both sets of left and right knee flexion and extension, right shoulder extension and trunk extension was found for the iSAM 9000 compared to the Cybex 6000 (P < 0.05). The strong ICCs and small SEMs support the device's mechanical reliability and validity. The high correlation coefficients between the prototype dynamometer and the Cybex 6000 support the new device's validity in the measurement of isokinetic torque. The findings of this study will be used to refine the next generation of the INRTEK isokinetic device with respect to test protocols and the reliability of measuring human muscle performance.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine the reliability and validity of the bioelectrical impedance method (BIA) of measuring body composition and compare its accuracy with the results obtained by standard anthropometric methods BIA, skinfold fat, and hydrostatically measured percent fat (% fat) were obtained on 44 women and 24 men. Each subject was tested four times by two testers on two different days. Generalizability theory was used to estimate reliability and measurement error that considered both day-to-day and intertester error. The BIA, skinfold fat, and hydrostatic methods were all found to be reliable (Rxx = 0.957-0.987) with standard errors ranging from 0.9 to 1.5% fat. An additional 26 men (n = 50) and 38 women (n = 82) were tested once and combined with the data used for the reliability analysis to cross-validate BIA estimates of % fat with hydrostatically determined % fat. The cross-validation correlations for the BIA determinations of % fat ranged from 0.71 to 0.76, which were significantly lower than that obtained with the sum of seven (sigma 7) skinfolds equations (rxy = 0.92 for men and 0.88 for women). The correlations between the weight-to-height ratio body mass index (BMI) and hydrostatically determined % fat were 0.75 and 0.74 for men and women, respectively. The standard errors of estimate for the two BIA models ranged from 4.6 to 6.4% fat compared with 2.6 and 3.6% fat for the sigma 7 equations. The BIA method for measuring body composition was comparable to the BMI method, with height and weight accounting for most of the variance in the BIA equation.  相似文献   

A test of the validity of reactivation of bacteria   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

This study used an aggregate measure of robusticity (based on humeral areal and inertial cross-sectional components) to test the hypothesis that rowing on oceans led to more robust humeri than did rowing on rivers or not rowing at all. Results confirmed the hypothesis that male ocean-rowers had more robust humeri than did male river-rowers or nonrowers. However, although the females from the ocean-rowing populations did not row, they averaged more robust humeri than did females from the non-ocean-rowing populations. Males averaged greater robusticity than did females. The robusticity of ocean-rowing populations, therefore, does not seem to be due solely to bone remodeling resulting from strenuous rowing. Humeral robusticity is difficult to attribute to specific activities because, in humans, upper limbs are utilized for many activities. Some populations may have more robust humeri because certain environments require greater overall activity levels in order to survive.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the validity of the recently developed Basketball Exercise Simulation Test (BEST). Ten semiprofessional (age, 22.7 ± 6.1 years; height, 189.6 ± 9.5 cm; weight, 86.5 ± 18.7 kg; % body fat, 14.7 ± 3.5%) and 10 recreational (age, 26.6 ± 4.0 years; height, 185.9 ± 7.9 cm; weight, 92.6 ± 8.4 kg; % body fat, 23.8 ± 6.3%) male basketball players volunteered for the study. The participants completed a Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test (Yo-Yo IRT) and BEST trial midway through the playing season. Eight participants (semiprofessional, n = 4; recreational, n = 4) completed an additional Yo-Yo IRT and BEST trial at the end of the playing season. Performance measures from the BEST included sprint decrement (%), mean sprint and circuit time (seconds), and total distance covered (m). Construct validity was calculated using Student's unpaired t-tests to identify the differences in Yo-Yo IRT and BEST performances between playing levels. Longitudinal validity was determined based on the relationship between changes (%) in Yo-Yo IRT1 and BEST performances across the season. Semiprofessional players performed significantly (p < 0.01) better in the Yo-Yo IRT (1,283 ± 62 vs. 636 ± 297 m) and BEST (mean sprint time: 1.45 ± 0.01 vs. 1.65 ± 0.03 seconds; mean circuit time: 18.98 ± 1.79 vs. 22.72 ± 2.01 seconds; sprint decrement: 8.54 ± 0.15 vs. 15.38 ± 0.27%) compared with recreational players. For the group as a whole, a strong relationship was evident between the changes in BEST sprint decrement and changes in Yo-Yo IRT performance (R = -0.815, p = 0.014) across the season. In conclusion, the BEST displayed both discriminative and longitudinal validities and provides a novel match-specific fitness test for basketball players.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to determine the reliability and validity of bioelectrical impedance (BIA) and near-infrared interactance (NIR) for estimating body composition in female athletes. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry was used as the criterion measure for fat-free mass (FFM). Studies were performed in 132 athletes [age = 20.4 +/- 1.5 (SD) yr]. Intraclass reliabilities (repeat and single trial) were 0.987-0.997 for BIA (resistance and reactance) and 0.957-0.980 for NIR (optical densities). Validity of BIA and NIR was assessed by double cross-validation. Because correlations were high (r = 0.969-0.983) and prediction errors low, a single equation was developed by using all 132 subjects for both BIA and NIR. Also, an equation was developed for all subjects by using height and weight only. Results from dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry analysis showed FFM = 49.5 +/- 6.0 kg, which corresponded to %body fat (%BF) of 20.4 +/- 3.1%. BIA predicted FFM at 49.4 +/- 5.9 kg (r = 0.981, SEE = 1.1), and NIR prediction was 49. 5 +/- 5.8 kg (r = 0.975, SEE = 1.2). Height and weight alone predicted FFM at 49.4 +/- 5.7 kg (r = 0.961, SEE = 1.6). When converted to %BF, prediction errors were approximately 1.8% for BIA and NIR and 2.9% for height and weight. Results showed BIA and NIR to be extremely reliable and valid techniques for estimating body composition in college-age female athletes.  相似文献   

The Performance Index Evaluation (PIE) is a basketball-specific assessment of physical performance. The battery consists of items typically included in sport assessments, such as agility and power, but also addresses an often-overlooked performance component, namely, core strength. The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability (test-retest, interrater), validity (criterion-related, construct-related), and practice effect of the PIE among men's and women's college basketball players. Test-retest estimates were moderate for men (intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC] = 0.79) and poor for women (ICC = 0.35), but interrater reliability was high (ICC = 0.95). Criterion-related validity evidence (i.e., relationship between PIE and playing time) was weak, but construct-related evidence was acceptable (i.e., college players had higher scores than high school players). A practice effect was also demonstrated among men. In conclusion, reliability of the battery should be improved before its use is recommended among college basketball players. Additionally, the battery does not appear to be a predictor of performance but does appear to distinguish between skill levels.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the reliability and validity of 3 strength measures obtained from community-dwelling elderly individuals. The strength of 10 elders was tested initially and 6 and 12 weeks later using the MicroFET 2 hand-held dynamometer (knee extension strength), the Jamar dynamometer (grip strength), and the sit-to-stand (STS) test. Mobility was tested using the timed up-and-go (TUG) test and a timed walk test. Intraclass correlation coefficients, which were used to characterize the reliability of the strength tests, ranged from 0.807 to 0.981. Pearson correlations between the lower extremity strength measures and the TUG and gait speed ranged from 0.635 to -0.943. Our examination of the 3 measures for 12 weeks extends previous evidence of the stability of these strength measures and justifies the use of hand-held dynamometry and the STS test when investigating limitations in mobility.  相似文献   

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