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Accumulation of assimilates in source leaves of magnesium‐deficient plants is a well‐known feature. We had wished to determine whether metabolite concentrations in sink leaves and roots are affected by magnesium nutrition. Eight‐week‐old spinach plants were supplied either with a complete nutrient solution (control plants) or with one lacking Mg (deficient plants) for 12 days. Shoot and root fresh weights and dry weights were lower in deficient than in control plants. Mg concentrations in deficient plants were 11% of controls in source leaves, 12% in sink leaves and 26% in roots, respectively. As compared with controls, increases were found in starch and amino acids in source leaves and in sucrose, hexoses, starch and amino acids in sink leaves, whereas they were only slightly enhanced in roots. In phloem sap of magnesium‐deficient and control plants no differences in sucrose and amino acid concentrations were found. To prove that sink leaves were the importing organs they were shaded, which did not alter the response to magnesium deficiency as compared with that without shading. Since in the shaded sink leaves the photosynthetic production of metabolites could be excluded, those carbohydrates and amino acids that accumulated in the sink leaves of the deficient plants must have been imported from the source leaves. It is concluded that in magnesium‐deficient spinach plants the growth of sink leaves and roots was not limited by carbohydrate or amino acid supply. It is proposed that the accumulation of assimilates in the source leaves of Mg‐deficient plants results from a lack of utilization of assimilates in the sink leaves.  相似文献   

Seedlings of barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Agneta) were grown hydroponically under continuous light, constant temperature and relative humidity. During the first two weeks, the relative growth rate (RGR) was kept at 25% by limiting only the supply of nitrogen. The cultures were then transferred to nitrogen-free media and the amounts of fructan, starch, sucrose, glucose and fructose in sink and source leaves were measured at 0, 12, 24, 48, 72, 120 and 156 h. The activities of two key enzymes in fructan metabolism, sucrose:sucrose fructosyltransferase (SST), fructan exohydrolase (FEH), as well as acid invertase were also measured in the two types of leaves.
The fructan and starch levels in both sink and source leaves increased during nitrogen deficiency. The highest increase in starch was 200% of the control while for fmctans a 700% increase was recorded. The activity of SST increased parallel to fructan accumulation in sink leaves. However the FEH activity was constant and not affected by nitrogen deficiency. The invertase activity both in sink and source leaves was reduced by nitrogen deficiency. More fructans as well as sucrose and fructose accumulated in source leaves compared to sink leaves both before and after nitrogen starvation. The results show that fructan is the major carbohydrate reserve accumulating under nitrogen deficiency both in sink and source leaves in barley plants. The induction of fructan accumulation in sink leaves caused by nitrogen deficiency is intimately connected with the regulation of SST  相似文献   

韩清泉  宋海凤  唐铎腾  张胜 《生态学杂志》2017,28(12):3833-3840
同为杨柳科的柳属和杨属植物对氮素缺乏的形态和生理响应不同.本文通过川滇柳和青杨远缘嫁接,研究不同嫁接组合幼苗在氮缺乏条件下的成活率、生长状况、生物量累积与分配、气体交换参数及非结构性碳水化合物的差异响应,分析杨柳科植物远缘嫁接的可行性及嫁接对植物抗缺氮能力的影响.结果表明:川滇柳和青杨远缘嫁接的亲和性较好,川滇柳/青杨(S/P)和青杨/川滇柳(P/S)嫁接组合的成活率分别为74%和96%;缺氮显著降低了所有嫁接组合幼苗的成活率,其中S/P幼苗的成活率降低最明显,仅为53.3%,而P/S幼苗的成活率为86.7%.无论对照还是缺氮条件下,青杨做接穗的嫁接组合(P/P和P/S)的株高、基茎、生物量积累、净光合速率均大于川滇柳做接穗的嫁接组合(S/S和S/P);缺氮显著减少了所有嫁接组合的生长、生物量及净光合速率.川滇柳做砧木的嫁接组合(S/S和P/S)的根冠比显著高于青杨做砧木的嫁接组合(S/P和P/P),表明川滇柳可将更多的光合产物分配到地下部分,而青杨则将更多的光合产物投入到地上部分.各嫁接组合根中非结构性碳水化合物受缺氮胁迫最明显,除S/P嫁接组合外,P/P、S/S和P/S根中的淀粉、果糖、蔗糖和可溶性总糖浓度均显著升高,且表现为P/P和P/S显著高于S/S和S/P.  相似文献   

铜胁迫对烟草幼苗氮代谢的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张艳英  周楠  刘鹏  徐根娣  陈文荣  蔡妙珍 《生态学报》2009,29(12):6779-6784
以耐铜的‘89112'与铜敏感的‘双-70'的两个烟草品种作为试验材料,在水培条件下研究了不同质量浓度的铜(0,0.5,1,5,10 mg · L~(-1))对烟草幼苗氮代谢的几个关键酶及相关物质含量的影响.结果表明:两个品种的烟草硝态氮(NO_3~- -N)含量均随着铜质量浓度的增加呈先增加后降低的趋势,品种89112硝态氮的含量明显比双-70的高,且铜处理时间越长对烟草硝态氮的同化抑制越大;GS、GOGAT的活性均随着铜质量浓度的增加,呈先上升后降低的趋势,且处理时间越长活性越低,品种89112的酶活性的要高于品种双-70的,表明89112对铜胁迫的耐性较强些;低质量浓度铜条件下谷丙转氨酶(GPT)活性与对照相比有所提高,但却降低了游离氨基酸含量,且在品种双-70的降低幅度更明显;同时铜处理也提高了烟草幼苗蛋白质含量.  相似文献   

This study aimed to understand the response of photosynthesis and growth to e-CO2 conditions (800 vs. 400 μmol mol−1) of rice genotypes differing in source–sink relationships. A proxy trait called local C source–sink ratio was defined as the ratio of flag leaf area to the number of spikelets on the corresponding panicle, and five genotypes differing in this ratio were grown in a controlled greenhouse. Differential CO2 resources were applied either during the 2 weeks following heading (EXP1) or during the whole growth cycle (EXP2). Under e-CO2, low source–sink ratio cultivars (LSS) had greater gains in photosynthesis, and they accumulated less nonstructural carbohydrate in the flag leaf than high source–sink ratio cultivars (HSS). In EXP2, grain yield and biomass gain was also greater in LSS probably caused by their strong sink. Photosynthetic capacity response to e-CO2 was negatively correlated across genotypes with local C source–sink ratio, a trait highly conserved across environments. HSS were sink-limited under e-CO2, probably associated with low triose phosphate utilization (TPU) capacity. We suggest that the local C source–sink ratio is a potential target for selecting more CO2-responsive cultivars, pending validation for a broader genotypic spectrum and for field conditions.  相似文献   

The influence of source and sink temperature on leaf net C exchange rate (NCER), export, and partitioning in the C3 monocotyledon Alstroemeria sp. cv. Jacqueline were examined. Leaf (i.e. source) temperature was varied between 12 and 35°C while source leaves were exposed to photorespiratory and nonphotorespiratory conditions during a 2-h steady-state 14CO2 labelling period. Between 12 and 20°C, at ambient CO2 and O2, leaf NCER and export were similar with maximum rates of 9.71 ± 0.51 and 3.06 ± 0.36 μmol C m-2 s-1, respectively. Both NCER and export decreased above 20°C. At 35°C NCER was 30% of the rate at 20°C, but export was totally inhibited. Between 12 and 35°C, at the end of the 2-h feeding period, 14C was partitioned in the leaf as ethanol insolubles (3–10%), H2O solubles (88–92%), and chloroform solubles (2–8%). However, above 25°C, less 14C was recovered in the starch fraction and more in the sugar fractions. At all temperatures, 86 to 94% of the labelled sugars was 14C-sucrose. In nonphotorespiratory conditions (i.e. 1 800 μI I-1 CO2 and 2% O2). NCER and export were higher than the rates obtained at ambient CO2 and O2 at each temperature. Carbon dioxide enrichment sustained high NCER and export rates even at 35°C, Although CO2 enrichment increased partitioning of 14C into starch, starch synthesis at 35°C was markedly reduced. Cooling the root-zone mass (i.e. a dominant sink) to 10°C, which simulated the commercial practice used to induce flowering, had no significant effect on source leaf NCER and export rates either during a 2-h steady-state labelling period or subsequently during a 21-h light-dark chase period. Furthermore, partitioning of 14C among leaf products at the end of the feed-chase period was not affected. Additional pulse and chase experiments using 11CO2 fed to source leaves of control and root-cooled plants showed that there was no difference in the direction of movement of 11C-assimilates towards the flower or the root zone as a consequence of root cooling. Together, the data indicate that changing source strength, by manipulating photosynthesis and photorespiration, by varying the leaf temperature had a more profound effect on leaf export than manipulating sink activity.  相似文献   

In citrus, the occurrence of a sink effect on photosynthesis (A) is controversial. Leaf carbohydrates and photosynthetic rates in field-grown trees of Satsuma mandarin ( Citrus unshiu [Mak.] Marc.) cv. Okitsu, were measured to elucidate whether or not the demand for photoassimilates regulates A. The data indicated that the source-sink imbalances induced by different treatments altered both soluble (sucrose, glucose and fructose) and insoluble carbohydrates in leaves, as well as photosynthetic rates. In general, girdling and defruiting increased starch and reduced photosynthesis, whereas source-limiting conditions imposed through partial defoliations had the opposite effect. These results are compatible with the assumption that a lack of sink activity leads to carbohydrate accumulation and feedback inhibition of A, and vice versa. Further evidence supporting a source-sink effect on A was provided by measurements of the dry matter:leaf area ratio, since defoliations, for example, increased this ratio. The in vivo sucrose supplementation to plants with different source:sink ratios (control, defoliated, girdled and defruited plants) increased carbohydrates and reduced photosynthesis. This suggests that sugars may have, per se, the potential to repress photosynthetic rates in intact plants with active sinks. Based on these results we propose that sugar accumulation in citrus leaves causes a feedback inhibition of A.  相似文献   

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) ears were removed to investigate long-term regulation of photosynthesis by sink demand at ambient CO2 and 22 °C. The CO2 level was also increased to 660 μmol mol?1 and temperature was lowered to 5 °C to examine short-term responses of photosynthesis to low sink demand. Sink removal inhibited photosynthesis and increased leaf levels of glucose, fructose and ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate (RuBP), and the glucose-6-phosphate (G6P)/fructose-6-phosphate (F6P) and RuBP/3-phosphoglycerate (PGA) ratios under growth conditions, but had no effect on the activity and activation state of ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase (Rubisco) either under growth or short-term conditions, suggesting an inhibition of photosynthesis by decreased in vivo catalysis of Rubisco. Photosynthesis increased similarly in eared and earless shoots after a rise in CO2 concentration, and the ratio of triose-phosphates (glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate, TP) to PGA was similar or higher for removed than intact ears, suggesting that feedback inhibition of photosynthesis was not caused by a limitation of ATP synthesis in chloroplasts. Under short-term conditions (660 μmol mol?1 CO2, 5 °C), TP and RuBP levels and the TP/PGA and TP/RuBP ratios were increased by sink removal, indicating an additional limitation of photosynthesis by the rate of RuBP regeneration.  相似文献   

陆地生态系统碳源与碳汇及其影响机制研究进展   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:25  
全球碳循环研究中发现,目前已知碳源与碳汇不能达到平衡。存在一个很大的碳失汇。大气、海洋和陆地生态系统是人工源CO2的3个可能的容纳汇,其中陆地生态系统最复杂、最具不确定性,因此陆地生态系统碳源与碳汇研究是全球碳循环研究的核心问题之一。大气成分监测、CO2通量测定、森林资源清查以及模型模拟等方面的研究都表明,CO2施肥效应、氮沉降增加、污染、全球气候变化以及土地利用变化,是影响陆地生态系统碳储量的主要生态机制,但不确定在过去的10~100年以及未来哪一种机制起最主要的作用。  相似文献   

A simple method of growing plants in agar was exploited to investigate the effect of long-term nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) deficiencies on respiratory metabolism and growth in shoots and roots of Nicotiana tabacum seedlings, and their interaction with exogenously supplied sucrose. Levels of hexose phosphates and 3-phosphoglyceric acid (3-PGA) were low in P-deficient shoots and roots and high in N-deficient shoots and roots. The ratio of hexose phosphates to 3-PGA and levels of fructose-2,6-bisphosphate were high in P-deficient plants and low in N-deficient plants. These data reflect differences in the way metabolism was perturbed, yet both deficiencies were associated with increased root growth relative to shoot growth, starch accumulation in the shoots, and soluble carbohydrate accumulation, especially hexoses, in the roots. Enzymes for sucrose degradation (sucrose synthase, acid and alkaline invertase) and glycolysis (phosphofructokinase, pyrophosphate-dependent phospho-fructokinase and pyruvate kinase) remained unaltered or declined in the shoots and roots. The accumulation of hexoses in roots of N- and P-deficient plants may result from maintenance of high invertase activities relative to sucrose synthase and glycolytic enzymes in the roots. The possibility that hexose accumulation may drive preferential root growth osmotically in N and P deficiencies is discussed. The addition of sucrose to roots to further investigate the interaction of carbohydrates with growth and allocation in low N and low P produced clear effects even though endogenous levels of soluble carbohydrate were already high in the nutrient-deficient plants. In complete nutrition, growth was stimulated, protein content particularly of the roots was increased and there was a preferential increase in activity of sucrose synthase in roots. At low P, enzyme activities in roots were increased, including sucrose synthase, and protein content increased, particularly in the roots, but there was no increase in growth. In N-deficient plants, exogenous sucrose led to decreased protein, Rubisco and chlorophyll content in shoots, in contrast to the other conditions, and a higher protein content and a general increase of catabolic enzyme activities and growth in the roots.  相似文献   

Artificial chalk grassland swards were exposed to either ambient air or air enriched to 600 μ mol mol–1 CO2, using free-air CO2 enrichment technology, and subjected to an 8 week simulated grazing regime. After 14 months of treatment, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco) activity ( V c,max) and electron transport mediated ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) regeneration capacity ( J max), estimated from leaf gas exchange, were significantly lower in fully expanded leaves of Anthyllis vulneraria L. (a legume) and Sanguisorba minor Scop. grown in elevated CO2. After a change in source:sink balance brought about by defoliation, photosynthetic capacity was fully restored in A. vulneraria and S. minor, but acclimation continued in the grass Bromopsis erecta (Hudson) Fourr. Changes in net photosynthesis ( P n) with growth at elevated CO2 ranged from a 1·6% reduction in precut leaves of A. vulneraria to a 47·1% stimulation in postcut leaves of S. minor . Stomatal acclimation was observed in leaves of A. vulneraria (reduced stomatal density) and B. erecta (reduced stomatal conductance). The results are discussed in terms of whole-plant resource-use optimization and chalk grassland community competitive interactions at elevated CO2.  相似文献   

放牧对新疆草地生态系统碳源/汇的影响模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩其飞  罗格平  李超凡  黄晓东 《生态学报》2017,37(13):4392-4399
<正>确评估新疆草地生态系统碳源/汇效应,对区域尺度碳循环研究具有重要意义。放牧是新疆草地生态系统中主要的人类活动,但放牧对草地碳平衡与碳动态的影响还具有很大的不确定性。利用生态系统放牧模型Biome-BGC grazing,通过情景模拟综合评价新疆草地生态系统碳源/汇的动态。结果表明:1)1979—2007年新疆草地生态系统的碳源总量为0.38Pg C,其中由放牧导致的碳释放为0.37Pg C;2)当平均放牧率小于0.24头标准羊/hm~2时,放牧能够促进草地碳固定。研究实现了BiomeBGC grazing模型在区域尺度的应用,研究结果将有助于理解气候变化及放牧对干旱区草地生态系统碳动态变化的驱动机理,对探明干旱区草原生态系统的源/汇特征具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Axillary buds and the apical portion of shoots of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr. cultivar Turchina] plants were trimmed to investigate long-term regulation of photosynthesis by sink demand at ambient CO2 and 22 °C. Also, in intact and trimmed shoots, the CO2 level was increased to 660 μmol mol?1 and temperature was lowered to 5°C to examine the superimposed short-term responses of photosynthesis to low sink demand. Under growth conditions, trimming the shoots increased leaf photosynthesis and the levels of sucrose, glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) and 3-phosphoglycerate (PGA), as well as the G6P/fructose-6-phosphate (F6P) and sucrose/starch ratios, while it decreased the level of starch and the triose-phosphate (glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate, TP)/PGA ratio. Photosynthesis enhancement was accompanied by increased chlorophyll contents and ribulose-l,5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase (Rubisco) activity. Sink removal consistently increased photosynthesis measured under a variety of conditions (growth CO2 or a short-term change to 660 μmol mol-1 CO2; growth temperature or a short-term change to 5 °C), except when low temperature was combined with ambient CO2; the increase in photosynthesis was higher under short-term elevated CO2 than at ambient CO2. In contrast with its effect at ambient CO2, shoot trimming increased the levels of TP and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) and the TP/PGA ratio under high-CO2 conditions.  相似文献   

Limitations in our understanding about the mechanisms that underlie source‐sink assimilate partitioning are increasingly becoming a major hurdle for crop yield enhancement via metabolic engineering. By means of a comprehensive approach, this work reports the functional characterization of a DnaJ chaperone related‐protein (named as SPA; sugar partition‐affecting) that is involved in assimilate partitioning in tomato plants. SPA protein was found to be targeted to the chloroplast thylakoid membranes. SPA‐RNAi tomato plants produced more and heavier fruits compared with controls, thus resulting in a considerable increment in harvest index. The transgenic plants also displayed increased pigment levels and reduced sucrose, glucose and fructose contents in leaves. Detailed metabolic and enzymatic activities analyses showed that sugar phosphate intermediates were increased while the activity of phosphoglucomutase, sugar kinases and invertases was reduced in the photosynthetic organs of the silenced plants. These changes would be anticipated to promote carbon export from foliar tissues. The combined results suggested that the tomato SPA protein plays an important role in plastid metabolism and mediates the source‐sink relationships by affecting the rate of carbon translocation to fruits.  相似文献   

The time course of the modifications induced by a mild water stress has been examined for photosynthesis and several traits of carbohydrate metabolism in adult leaves of two inbred maize lines of North American and European origins, respectively. An early response was a sharp increase of the acid soluble invertase activity in adult leaves, 3–4 d after initiation of water shortage. Accordingly, correlated accumulations of fructose, glucose and to a lesser extent sucrose were observed. In the most responsive genotype, invertase activity finally reached a value > 3 times larger than the control value. By contrast, sucrose phosphate synthase activity, measured either under saturating or limiting substrate conditions, was progressively reduced by 20–40% on the 5th day and by 50–80% on the 7th day, depending on the genotype. Leaf photosynthetic rate was affected at approximately the same time as carbohydrate metabolism and stomatal conductance. Leaf water status, as measured by relative water content, declined afterwards. For all the observed responses, the two genotypes behaved very differently.  相似文献   

Shoot-forming tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Wisconsin 38) callus produces less endogenous ethylene than non-shoot-forming tissue cultured in the light (16 h photoperiod) or the dark. In shoot-forming tissue more ethylene is produced early in culture (days 0–5) than later. Also dark-grown tissue produces much more ethylene than light-grown. On the basis of experiments in which (1) gaseous ethylene was added to or (2) CO2 removed from the flasks, (3) Ethrel (an ethylene releasing agent) and (4) 1-aminocyclopropane 1-carboxylic acid (an ethylene precursor) were added to the medium, it was determined that this gaseous phytohormone had two contrary effects on shoot initiation (shoot primordium formation). Early in culture (days 0–5) endogenous or exogenous ethylene inhibited organogenesis, but later (days 5–10) exogenous ethylene or increased endogenous ethylene production speeded up primordium formation.  相似文献   

Plant cell cultures have been used as expression hosts for recombinant proteins for over two decades. The quality of plant cell culture‐produced proteins such as full‐size monoclonal antibodies has been shown to be excellent in terms of protein folding and binding activity, but the productivity and yield fell short of what was achieved using mammalian cell culture, in which the key to gram‐per‐liter expression levels was strain selection and medium/process optimization. We carried out an extensive media analysis and optimization for the production of the full‐size human anti‐HIV antibody 2G12 in N. tabacum cv. BY‐2. Nitrogen source and availability was found to be one key factor for the volumetric productivity of plant cell cultures. Increased amounts of nitrate in the culture medium had a dramatic impact on protein yields, resulting in a 10–20‐fold increase in product accumulation through a combination of enhanced secretion and higher stability. The results were scalable from shake flasks to stirred‐tank bioreactors, where the maximum yield per cultivation volume was 8 mg L?1 over 7 days. During the stationary phase, antibody levels were 150‐fold higher in nitrogen‐enriched medium compared to standard medium. The enhanced medium appeared not to affect antibody quality and activity, as determined by Western blots, surface plasmon resonance binding assays and N‐glycan analysis. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;107: 278–289. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The growth rate of Lemna giba L. G3 was varied by limiting the supply of nitrogen (N) under otherwise constant condition. Two experimental approaches were used. 1) A series of suboptimally growing cultures were supplid daily with exponentially increasing doses on N. 2) Optimally growing cultures were transferred to a N-fre medium and cultivated in it for 10 days. Lveles of starch, sucrose, glucose, fructose, and systems. At RGR ranging from optimal to 50% of optimal caused decreased levels of soluble sugars, but increased lvels of starch.Starch accumulation showed a strong negative correlation with the CO2 assimilation rate, indicating increased triose phosphate/inorganic phosphate (TP/Pi) ratio in the chloroplast causing end product inhibition of photosyntheisis. The data indicat the quantitative rlationship betwen the photosynthetic activity and the carbon utilization rate influnces the activity of the sucrose synthesis pathway and thus the rate of the triose hosphate/Pi exchange at the chloroplast membrane, which in turn regulates the activity of starch synthesis and the Calvin cycle.  相似文献   

All five L‐amino acids tested (L‐serine, L‐lysine, L‐leucine, L‐cysteine and L‐arginine) were used by Chlamydomonas reinhardtii as sole nitrogen source. Among these, L‐Cys was special as it has not been reported before. While these amino acids could be used in the dark only in the presence of acetic acid, in conditions of light they could support the growth of C. reinhardtii without the supplementation of acetic acid. When cultured in the TAP‐N medium, the chlorophyll content was found to be lower in the dark, but higher in the light for the cells grown with L‐Arg than with other four amino acids. Exogenously supplied L‐Ser and L‐Lys did not accumulate in the cells, demonstrating that they were used by supplying ammonium to the cells from the activity of an extracellular deaminase. Further results showed that the induction of the extracellular deaminase activity required a period of nitrogen starvation, regardless of the medium containing acetic acid or not. Results also showed that the uptake of L‐Cys was similar to L‐Leu, most likely via passive diffusion. When L‐Cys and L‐Leu were supplied together to the nitrogen‐starved cells, the absorption of L‐Cys did not affect the uptake of L‐Leu.  相似文献   

The rate of photosynthesis and nitrate uptake are related to the iron concentration in the medium for the green alga Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turp.) Breb. Increased iron leads to changes in chlorophyll a concentration, carbon fixation rate per chlorophyll a and in vivo fluorescence characteristics. These parameters all indicate that the efficiency of photosynthesis is related to iron nutrition. Nitrate uptake rate is also a function of both Fe and light Iron-limited cultures had decreased nitrate uptake at low light whereas ammonium uptake was relatively constant. Iron-limited cultures fixed about twice as much carbon into protein relative to the total carbon fixed. Iron plays a crucial role in the bioenergetics of carbon and nitrogen metabolism and may be important in controlling patterns of productivity.  相似文献   

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