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高黎贡山大塘白眉长臂猿春季栖息地利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年3月9日~4月6日,在高黎贡山自然保护区大塘片区调查白眉长臂猿生境利用行为.设置利用和可利用样地各30个.对定性因子的检验和Bonferroni置信区间分析表明,大塘片区白眉长臂猿偏爱在东坡 (阳坡) 和中下坡位活动.定量因子分析表明,利用和可利用样地中共有5个因子存在显著差异 (坡度、距水源距离、距道路距离、灌木平均高度和藤本密度).回归检验结果显示,坡度和藤本密度为影响大塘片区白眉长臂猿生境利用的主要因子.大塘片区白眉长臂猿对地理空间的选择反应了避风和趋向阳光的需求.在大塘,白眉长臂猿适宜栖息的植被有较高的均匀性.白眉长臂猿对高大乔木具有依赖性和选择偏好,对林下竹灌层的选择不高与植被分布均匀和人为干扰强度较小有关.藤本植物是白眉长臂猿在乔灌层之间活动的主要交通媒介和连接纽带.  相似文献   

高黎贡山赧亢白眉长臂猿春季栖息地利用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
2006年3月24日—5月6日,在高黎贡山赧亢片区共设置利用样地与可利用样地各30个,跟踪观察白眉长臂猿栖息地利用行为。定性因子分析表明,白眉长臂猿偏爱在东坡(Ei=0.344)活动,可能与其能提供避风的温暖微生境有关;偏爱栓皮栎(Ei=0.455)和拟樱叶柃(Ei=0.068)等乔木,可能是由于这些树种的树冠面积大,可为白眉长臂猿提供连续的移动路线和大的活动空间。定量因子分析表明,利用和可利用样地中共有12个因子(坡度,乔木和竹平均高度,乔木平均胸围,乔木和灌木盖度,乔木、竹和藤本密度,距水源、道路和草果地距离)存在显著差异,说明白眉长臂猿对栖境的空间结构具有高度的选择性。判别分析结果显示,坡度、乔木平均胸围、竹密度、距水源距离和乔木平均高度是判别利用和可利用样地的关键因子,即为影响其生境利用的主要因子,判别正确率为98.3%。作为树栖灵长类,具有一定基面积的连续乔木[高度(14.14±3.19)m,胸围(90.72±26.12)cm]树冠层是白眉长臂猿的适宜生境;较大的坡度(39.98±8.10°)减少了来自地面的干扰;而竹林是白眉长臂猿春季重要的取食地。  相似文献   

Hoolock gibbons (genus Hoolock) are a group of very endangered primate species that belong to the small ape family (family Hylobatidae). The entire population that is distributed in the northeast and southeast of Bangladesh is estimated to include only around 350 individuals. A conservation program is thus necessary as soon as possible. Genetic markers are significant tools for planning such programs. In this study, we examined chromosomal characteristics of two western hoolock gibbons that were captured in a Bangladesh forest. During chromosome analysis, we encountered two chromosome variations that were observed for the first time in the wild-born western hoolock gibbons (Hoolock hoolock). The first one was a nonhomologous centromere position in chromosome 8 that was observed in the two examined individuals. The alteration was identical in the two individuals, which were examined by G-band and DAPI-band analyses. Chromosome paint analyses revealed that the difference in the centromere position was due to a single small pericentric inversion. The second variation was a heterozygous elongation in chromosome 9. Analysis by sequential techniques of fluorescence in situ hybridization with 18S rDNA and silver nitrate staining revealed a single and an inverted tandem duplication, respectively, of the nucleolus organizer region in two individuals. These chromosome variations provide useful information for the next steps to consider the evolution and conservation of the hoolock gibbon.  相似文献   

2007年3月9日~4月7日调查了高黎贡山大塘片区白眉长臂猿的生境利用情况.对1雌1雄 (均为成体) 家群和1只雌性独猿跟踪观察.设置利用样地和对照样地各30个,测量了4个定性因子和19个定量因子.判别分析结果显示,在大塘影响白眉长臂猿春季生境利用的关键因子是藤本密度和坡度2个因子;影响赧亢与大塘白眉长臂猿的则是距空旷地距离、竹子平均高度和距水源距离等3个因子.据地形因子分析结果,大塘和赧亢的白眉长臂猿对避风和趋阳坡有共同需求.比较两地白眉长臂猿对与植被结构有关的8个生态因子的利用结果提示,赧亢适宜白眉长臂猿栖息的生境呈破碎化分布,而大塘的植被均匀性和完整性较高.两地白眉长臂猿对优势乔木的选择都具有相同的外貌形态特征,树形高大、树冠连续、郁闭度高的乔木可为它们提供更多的移动路线、更广的活动空间和更好的隐蔽条件.白眉长臂猿对两个分布区林下竹灌层选择差异的原因一方面是人为干扰强度不同所致,另一方面是对林下竹灌层的利用方式不同.藤本是白眉长臂猿在乔木层与竹灌层之间活动的主要交通媒介和连接纽带.人为干扰强度的不同亦是导致两地白眉长臂猿生境利用差异的重要原因之一.  相似文献   

Considering the high energetic costs of maintaining constant body temperature, mammals must adjust their thermoregulatory behaviors in response to cold temperatures. Although primate daytime thermoregulation is relatively well studied, there is limited research in relation to nighttime strategies. To investigate how Skywalker hoolock gibbons (Hoolock tianxing) cope with the low temperatures found in montane forests, we collected sleep‐related behavior data from one group (NA) and a single female (NB) at Nankang (characterized by extensive tsaoko plantations) between July 2010 and September 2011, and one group (BB) at Banchang (relatively well‐managed reserve forest) between May 2013 and May 2015 in Mt. Gaoligong, Yunnan, China. The annual mean temperature was 13.3°C at Nankang (October 2010 to September 2011) and 13.0°C at Banchang (June 2013 to May 2015) with temperatures dropping below ?2.0°C at both sites, making them the coldest known gibbon habitats. The lowest temperatures at both sites remained below 5.0°C from November to March, which we, therefore, defined as the “cold season”. The hoolock gibbons remained in their sleeping trees for longer periods during the cold season compared to the warm season. Sleeping trees found at lower elevations and closer to potential feeding trees were favored during cold seasons at both sites. In addition, the gibbons were more likely to huddle together during cold seasons. Our results suggest that cold temperatures have a significant effect on the sleeping behavior of the Skywalker hoolock gibbon, highlighting the adaptability of this threatened species in response to cold climates.  相似文献   

The use of home ranges and microhabitats by female black-faced impalas Aepyceros melampus petersi was investigated using radio-telemetry over a 4-month period that coincided with parturition at Ongava Game Reserve, north-west Namibia. The aim of the study was to test how ranging patterns and microhabitat use were affected by the presence of young. The mean minimum convex polygon (MCP) home range of the 11 tracked female black-faced impalas exceeded the largest of home ranges of impalas elsewhere by at least six times, and females used significantly larger total ranges (MCPs) after birth, although (50% kernel) core areas did not change significantly. Females were more likely to be solitary or alone with a lamb in the first week of their lambs' lives than in the periods after or before that time, and they both shifted their home ranges and changed their microhabitat use after parturition. Decisions on microhabitat and space use by female black-faced impalas appeared to be affected by parturition.  相似文献   

Most gibbons dwell in the tropical forests of Southeastern Asia, but eastern hoolock gibbons (Hoolock leuconedys) survive in high montane forest ranging from 1,600 to 2,700 m a.s.l. in Gaoligongshan (>24°30′N), Yunnan, China. To assess the behavioral adaptations of hoolock gibbons to the montane forest, we related temperature and food availability within the habitat to the seasonal behavioral patterns of a family group and a solitary female between August 2010 and September 2011 in Nankang, Gaoligongshan National Nature Reserve. The maximum temperature was 29.2 °C and the minimum temperature was ?0.3 °C during the period. The monthly mean temperature was <10 °C between December and February, making Nankang the coldest gibbon habitat reported so far. Nonfig fruit and fig availability declined to nearly zero in cold months. The family group increased resting and decreased travel and social behaviors when the monthly mean temperature was low. Compared with other gibbon populations, the hoolock gibbons spent proportionally less time feeding on figs and other fruit than other gibbon populations except Nomascus concolor and Symphalangus syndactylus. Only 36 species of plants provided nonfig fruit or figs, which is less than the number of fruit species consumed by any other gibbon population observed during a similar period of time (about 1 year). Hoolock gibbons shifted their diet to leaves and increased feeding time when fruit was not available. We conclude that diet flexibility and an energy-conserving strategy during the cold season when fruit is scarce have enabled the hoolock gibbons to survive in a northern montane forest.  相似文献   

Data are presented on group size, composition, and reproduction of several hoolock gibbon groups studied in different areas of Assam, India, between 1986 and 1988. Presence of fewer young than reported in earlier studies signals a grim future for these gibbons unless strict conservation measures are undertaken.  相似文献   

高黎贡山赧亢白眉长臂猿食性及日取食量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过确定白眉长臂猿的取食特征及日取食量,探讨不同个体间和春、秋季间日取食量是否存在差异,分析影响日取食量和取食特征的因素,为白眉长臂猿日能量需求及其营养容纳量研究奠定基础。2007—2008年春、秋季,在高黎贡山赧亢采用焦点动物取样法观察和记录数据。结果发现,白眉长臂猿取食36种食物的40个部位,其果实的食物单元、取食速度、单个鲜重值等取食特征不同于嫩叶。春、秋季白眉长臂猿每日取食果实量所占百分比最高、嫩叶所占百分比次之、茎和花所占百分比最低。春、秋季家群中雌猿的日取食量均高于雄猿。与家群的雌猿相比,独猿(♀)春季的日取食量稍高。在春季,独猿取食果实持续时间约为家群的2倍,而取食嫩叶的则与家群几乎相等。相同个体秋季的日取食量高于春季的,且春、秋季日取食各部位的量所占百分比也不同。分析结果表明,食性及日取食部位的量反映了白眉长臂猿选择食物的最基本策略。雌雄个体大小差异、能量消耗、食物特征、动物生理需求等因素影响白眉长臂猿的日取食量。白眉长臂猿取食持续时间与觅食树的食物资源量相关。  相似文献   

高黎贡山赧亢白眉长臂猿春季食物选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年3月9日—4月28日,在高黎贡山赧亢跟踪观察白眉长臂猿(Hoolock hoolock)的春季食性及取食行为,将其行为分为食果、食果汁和食叶。采用瞬时扫描法记录白眉长臂猿的取食行为,取食的种类、部位和地点等。在其活动区域内,以取食树为中心设置20m×20m的利用样方和以随机方式设置同样大小的可利用样方各19个。在样方内收集与取食树及食物资源相关的6个因子的数据。统计食物种类和资源量、选择指数、取食点的选择性等。结果表明,赧亢白眉长臂猿春季取食的食物共10种,其中果实类植物3种,果汁类植物1种,嫩叶类植物6种。10种食物中,白眉长臂猿对印度木荷(Schima khasiana)的果实和缅甸木莲(Maglietia haokeri)的嫩叶呈弱选择,对其他8种食物资源均呈强选择。Mann-WhitneyU-检验结果表明,利用样方和可利用样方间的食物资源量及食物种类数均差异极显著,以利用样方的资源量大,每一样方食物种类较多。果实是赧亢白眉长臂猿春季的主要食物资源,而嫩叶是补充。呈强选择的食物并不一定是取食频次高的食物;反之,取食频次高的食物也不一定呈强选择。白眉长臂猿常选择易处理的果实和粗灰分含量少的嫩叶,且果实是它摄取水分的主要来源。白眉长臂猿通常选择食物资源和种类相对集中的区域取食,这可以减少动物因寻找食物所耗费的能量,同时获得多种食物,满足其生理对营养的需求。  相似文献   

从2007年3月9日至4月14日,调查了高黎贡山赧亢的白眉长臂猿的食性和时间分配,旨在为该物种的栖息地保护和食物资源的管理提供指导.观察时,将白眉长臂猿的行为分为取食、移动、休息3种活动类型,利用瞬时扫描取样法取样记录,并记录取食种类及部位.白眉长臂猿春季取食植物种类共有10种,其中果实类植物3种,果汁类植物1种,嫩叶类植物6种.相对其它灵长类而言,其春季的食物多样性较低.白眉长臂猿移动、休息和取食的时间分配分别为33%、35%和32%,较叶猴属动物休息少,移动多.赧亢的白眉长臂猿1天中有3个觅食高峰期,9:00~10:00为第1个觅食高峰;11:00~13:00为第2个觅食高峰;16:00~17:00为第3个觅食高峰.而孟加拉国 Lawachara 的白眉长臂猿仅在早上有两次觅食高峰.这种差异可能是不同区域的白眉长臂猿对环境的适应结果.  相似文献   

Populations of Bachman's Sparrows (Peucaea aestivalis) have declined range‐wide since the late 1960s. Populations at the periphery of their range have exhibited some of the steepest declines, and these sparrows are now rare or extirpated over much of the northern extent of their historical range. To better understand the spatial ecology of Bachman's Sparrows in this region of decline, we examined microhabitat selection and determined the home range sizes of radio‐tagged male Bachman's Sparrows (= 37) in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina in 2014 and 2015. From April to July, we located males 1–2 times daily for 5–6 d per week. We measured vegetation structure in home ranges using 5‐m‐radius plots centered on a subset of 10 randomly selected telemetry locations as well as in available unused locations 50 m and in a random direction from each telemetry location. Mean size of home ranges (7.9 ha) was larger than estimates reported in most previous studies, with differences among studies possibly due, at least in part, to differences in the characteristics of habitats where studies were conducted. The home ranges of Bachman's Sparrows in our study had greater densities of woody and dead vegetation than unused areas. Although generally considered detrimental to the presence of Bachman's Sparrows, the presence of some woody vegetation in frequently burned (i.e., ≤ 3‐yr return interval) longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) communities like those in our study may be important in providing song perches for males and cover from attacking predators. Bachman's Sparrows in our study showed clear selection for several vegetation characteristics linked to frequent fire. Management strategies that approximate historical fire regimes in longleaf pine ecosystems should continue to be promoted as essential tools for the conservation of Bachman's Sparrows.  相似文献   

我们于2006年7月对分布于青藏高原东部若尔盖高寒湿地的7只高原林蛙(Rana kukunoris)进行了追踪研究。Monte-Carlo模拟表明:在研究期内高原林蛙的运动是随机的,还没有开始迁移。高原林蛙的平均运动距离为7.1m,雌雄运动距离没有差异。95%和50%Kernel家域分别为796.2m2±704.0m2和119.9m2±94.6m2,MCP家域为157.9m2±119.5m2。雌雄高原林蛙生境选择存在差异,雄性倾向于在洞穴较多的生境中运动和隐蔽,而雌性倾向于在草丛中运动和藏匿;早晨高原林蛙选择地面温度较高、相对湿度较大的微生境活动,雌雄活动点的空气温度、相对湿度和植被高度没有显著差异。追踪个体的微生境利用表明:高原林蛙和哺乳类洞穴具有很强的相关性。  相似文献   

云南高黎贡山自然保护区白眉长臂猿种群及数量现状初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
经2003~2006年访问和现场调查,表明白眉长臂猿在高黎贡山自然保护区约有15~20群,25~40只。它们主要分布在中山湿性常绿阔叶林。栖息环境的急剧恶化和人类猎捕是造成白眉长臂猿数量下降的两个主要原因。提出应加强白眉长臂猿的栖息地保护和消除生境隔离,加强公众保护宣传教育和加强白眉长臂猿的生态生物学等基础研究。  相似文献   

Habitat selection results from trade-offs between availability and use of resources under constraints of predation, competition, or other threats, which can vary spatially and temporally. For northern herbivores, winter food availability and quality can limit population size and may drive habitat preference. North American porcupines (Erethizon dorsatum) are widespread generalist herbivores that range from Mexico to the northern reaches of Alaska. During the long Alaskan winter, porcupines deal with high energetic demands resulting from low ambient temperatures while subsisting on low quality forage. We tracked free-ranging porcupines over 3 winters in southcentral Alaska to determine habitat selection and home range size in relation to diet. Porcupines maintained larger than expected home ranges, and selected for conifer-hardwood forests at the home range level. Individual variation among porcupines was too large to determine a pattern of microhabitat selection among trees. Regardless, direct observations revealed that porcupines used only white spruce and paper birch trees for foraging. White spruce may provide some nutritional and thermoregulatory advantage over paper birch; however, porcupines did feed on paper birch cambium, suggesting some nutritional requirement is met by eating paper birch. Porcupines most likely feed on paper birch cambium when detoxification pathways used to process plant toxins in white spruce needles are saturated. Maintaining mixed conifer-hardwood forests in southcentral Alaska would provide suitable winter habitat for porcupines and may alleviate damage to single species stands of conifers or hardwoods that are preferred by commercial forestry operations. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

<正>卫星追踪定位技术(Satellite tracking and positioning technology)对于野生动物监测和管理来说具有高效、便利、可靠等多方面的优点,基于卫星追踪定位可以获取大量的野生动物时空分布数据,用于目标物种的家域计算、生境选择和迁移模式研究等(Kranstauber et al., 2012; Byrne et al.,  相似文献   

A home range is a reservoir of resources which are distributed throughout its area and joined by pathways. These resources are used for different activities and at different times of day and while ‘space-time systems’ have been described for a few terrestrial mammals, no previous study has attempted a similar analysis for an arboreal mammal. Kloss gibbons were studied for two years on Siberut Island, Indonesia, and one group was habituated to an observer. The ranging patterns of this group are analysed in two, three and four dimensions with respect to the types of forest in which the animals lived. Finally, differences between the results of this and previous studies of Kloss gibbons are discussed and it is suggested that a home range can be more permanent than the animals within it.  相似文献   

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