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Regrowth capacity and genetic stability of plants recovered following cryopreservation are associated with changes in DNA epigenetics, particularly in DNA methylation levels. In this study, global DNA methylation profiles associated with frequency of regrowth of peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) somatic embryos following cryopreservation using droplet-vitrification were investigated. Somatic embryo clusters (SEC) subjected to plant vitrification solution 3 (PVS3) for different durations (0, 60, 120, 180, and 240 min) were evaluated for regrowth capacity. The highest frequency of regrowth (52.4 %) was obtained when SEC were incubated in PVS3 for 120 min prior to droplet-vitrification cryopreservation. Global DNA methylation profiles were influenced by both cryoprotectants and droplet-vitrification cryopreservation. Incubation of SEC in PVS3 for limited durations not only reduced frequency of regrowth, but also increased DNA methylations levels when compared with proliferating SEC grown in a temporary immersion system. Although SEC subjected to cryopreservation exhibited the highest DNA methylation variation, 120 min SEC incubation in a PVS3 solution resulted in the recovery of initial global methylation profiles after 24 weeks of regrowth.  相似文献   

One species of hiphomycetos group, belonging to the genus Bipolaris Shoemaker that was identified like Bipolaris bicolor (Mitra) Shoemaker is recorded for the first time on pupunha palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) from Brazil. The comparison with other close species reported like pathogenic folial spot in genus Arecaceae is made. Its morphological and cultural characteristics are described.  相似文献   

A (GA)n microsatellite‐enriched library was constructed and a new set of 18 nuclear simple sequence repeat loci was isolated in Bactris gasipaes var. gasipaes. The loci were found to be highly variable in the target species and readily transferable to related Bactris species as well as to the Astrocaryum and Elaeis genera of the same Cocoeae tribe. These microsatellite resources are made available to study the genetic diversity and gene flow within the Bactris complex for a better understanding of the domestication process of the peach palm and for further Cocoeae genetics.  相似文献   

Pejibaye (Bactris gasipaes) was domesticated and widely used in the lowland humid neotropics during pre-Colombian times. Several research programs are underway to study and improve the species for use by farmers in ecologically suitable regions. Five breeding programs are outlined, each for a use to which the pejibaye may be put: (1) palmito (heart of palm), (2) whole fruit for human consumption, (3) flour and meal production, (4) oil production, and (5) animal ration from residues or purposefully bred varieties. Yield estimates and breeding problems are discussed. It is certain that the pejibaye can again become an important crop for the humid tropics.  相似文献   

Both embryogenic and non-embryogenic peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) cultures arise during somatic embryogenesis induction, and both tissue types are often observed growing side-by-side from the same explant. To better understand why this occurs, samples from each tissue type were analyzed for their endogenous concentrations of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), abscisic acid (ABA), polyamines, and amino acids with high-performance liquid chromatography and for total phenolics with spectrophotometry. Embryogenic cultures contained significantly higher concentrations of IAA, ABA, and total amino acids, whereas non-embryogenic tissue contained more total polyamines and phenolics. The greater IAA concentrations in embryogenic cultures supported the role of that hormone as a marker of embryogenic potential. Putrescine was especially prevalent in non-embryogenic cultures; however, the decreased putrescine/spermine + spermidine ratio in embryogenic cultures added support to the conclusions of previous studies in other species that this can serve as a marker of embryogenic competence. Though embryogenic cultures contained higher total amino acids, each culture type had different concentrations of specific amino acids.  相似文献   

Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) - Mambalgin-1 is a peptide that acts as a potent analgesic through inhibiting acid-sensing ion channels (ASIC) in nerve cells. Research has shown that...  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and kin relationships among wild and cultivated populations of the pejibaye palm (Bactris gasipaes, Palmae) using microsatellite markers. The genetic diversity of the peach palm (Pejibaye, Bactris gasipaes Kunth) was evaluated using four nuclear DNA microsatellites in an effort to elucidate the evolution and domestication of this crop. A total of 258 samples from seven wild populations and eleven races were analyzed. All loci were polymorphic and a total of 50 alleles were identified. Average genetic diversity (0.67) and genetic differentiation among populations (Fst=0.16) were high when all populations were considered. Genetic differentiation was lower when the populations were grouped according to their origin into Western and Eastern populations (Fst=0.13 for both). Gene flow was slightly higher among Western populations (Nm=1.71) than among Eastern populations (Nm=1.62). The Putumayo, Yurimaguas, Vaupés, Tucurrique and Guatuso races seem to have been subjected to intense human selection. Hybrid populations exist in Azuero, Tuira, Cauca, Vaupés, Puerto Ayacucho and Solim?es, probably resulting from exchange and introgressions among sympatric wild and cultivated populations. Genetic distance (Dm) was estimated to determine the degree of relationship among populations using the neighbor-joining method; the wild populations from Maracaibo were used as the outgroup. The populations were divided into three general groups: Maracaibo (B. caribaea, B. macana var veragua and B. macana var arapuey), Eastern Amazon (Tembe, Pará and Acre) and a third group with two subgroups, Western (Azuero, Chontilla, Tuira, Cauca, Tucurrique and Guatuso) and Upper Amazon (B. dahlgreniana, Puerto Ayacucho, Solim?es, Vaupés and Putumayo). The genetic relationships strongly support the hypothesis that peach palm was brought into cultivation independently in no less than three areas: the Western Andes (extending into lower Central America); Upper Amazon (extending into the Solim?es and its tributaries), and the Eastern Amazon (extending from Bolivia to the lower Amazon through the Madeira River).  相似文献   

Peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) is a multi-purpose palm tree native to tropical Latin America, which is predominantly cultivated by smallholders in agroforestry systems. The fruits are rich in starch and contribute importantly to food security and the cash income of farmers who cultivate them. Complex value chains have emerged that link producers to consumers, but irregular product quality and market chain inequalities undermine the economic well-being of producers and retailers. Peach palm is genetically diverse, but screening for traits of commercial and nutritional interest is required to enhance the use of its genetic resources. Alliances between public organizations and private enterprises are needed to realize the potential for processing novel products from peach palm, especially in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic sectors. The diverse challenges that emerge at different stages of production, processing and marketing require participatory research that directly involves stakeholders from the beginning.  相似文献   

Nutritive assessment of pejibaye (Bactris gasipaes) meals included proximal composition of the lipid and nitrogenous fractions. Caloric values obtained as true metabolizable energy (TME) indicate that the pejibaye has a higher content of energy than corn and that it is not necessary to separate the seeds from the fruits in animal feeds; the level of indispensable aminoacids is considerably low, especially methionine, which is lower than in corn; thin layer chromatography shows that most of the free fatty acids are present in a ratio of 2:1 in unsaturated to saturated acids. The predominant fatty acids in whole pejibaye meal are oleic and palmitic acids with adequate levels of linoleic acid. Saturated fatty acids are predominant in the seed, with a very high content of lauric and myristic acids.  相似文献   

Cultured cells and somatic embryos derived from the mesophyll tissue of asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) were cryopreserved by vitrification. The vitrification solution (PVS) contains (w/v) 22% glycerol, 15% ethylene glycol, 15% propylene glycol and 7% DMSO in Murashige-Skoog medium enriched with 0.5M sorbitol. After initial cryoprotection with sorbitol supplemented MS medium containing 12% ethylene glycol, cells or embryos were exposed stepwise to 85% PVS at 0°C. They were loaded into 0.5 ml transparent straws, and were then plunged directly into liquid nitrogen. After rapid warming, PVS was removed and diluted stepwise. The highest survivals of vitrified cells and embryos were about 65 and 50%, respectively. Surviving embryos developed into plantlets.Abbreviations DMSO dimetyl sulfoxide - PVS vitrification solution - LN liquid nitrogen - DSC differential scanning calorimeter - MS Murashige-Skoog salt medium - NAA naphthalene acetic acid - BA 6-benzyladenine  相似文献   

The objective was to develop a simpler, more reliable vitrification method for porcine embryos. Prepubertal donor gilts were induced to ovulate with eCG and hCG, and then inseminated artificially. Morulae and expanding blastocysts approximately 200 microm in diameter were collected 6 or 7d after hCG treatment. Embryos collected from donor gilts were maintained, so as to be individually recognizable, and handled in batches of four or five. The embryos together with a minimum volume (<2 microL) of vitrification solution were placed onto stainless steel metal meshes or plastic plates, and then plunged into liquid nitrogen-metal mesh vitrification (MMV) and plastic plate vitrification (PPV), respectively. The meshes or plates were stored in 1.8-mL cryotubes submerged in liquid nitrogen. Stored embryos were subsequently removed, cultured in medium for 24 h, and then assessed for viability. The survival rate (84.4%) of expanding blastocysts cooled by MMV was higher than that (53.1%) of embryos cooled by PPV (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in total cell number between MMV and PPV. The survival rate of morulae cooled by MMV was 55.0%. Transfer of 200 expanding blastocysts cooled by MMV to 10 synchronized recipient gilts resulted in 37 live piglets from 7 recipients. In conclusion, the MMV method was an effective vitrification procedure for cryopreservation of expanding porcine blastocysts. However, there was a batch effect on embryo survival after vitrification.  相似文献   

Three different methods of cryopreservation viz., conventional slow freezing, vitrification and open pulled straw vitrification were compared for their ability to support post thaw in vitro and in vivo development of rabbit embryos. Morula stage rabbit embryos were collected from super-ovulated donor does. They were randomly allocated to different freezing methods and stored up to 3 months in liquid nitrogen. After thawing and removal of cryoprotectants, embryos exhibiting intact zona pellucida and uniform blastomeres were considered suitable for in vitro culture and/or transfer. Three to five cryopreserved embryos placed in approximately 1 ml of culture medium (TCM 199 supplemented with foetal calf serum and antibiotics) were incubated for up to 72 h under humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2 in air at 39 degrees C. Development to hatched blastocyst stage was considered the initial indicator of success of cryopreservation of embryos. Of the embryos cryopreserved by programmed freezing, open pulled straw vitrification, vitrification-55 h pc and vitrification-72 h pc 55, 71, 17 and 48%, respectively, developed into hatched blastocysts. Similarly 19, 29, and 4% of embryos cryopreserved by programmed freezing, open pulled straw vitrification and vitrification -72 h pc developed into live offspring on transfer to recipient does. This is the first report on open pulled straw vitrification of rabbit embryos. Present results, suggest that (a) open pulled straw vitrification supports better in vitro survival of frozen thawed rabbit morulae; (b) both programmed freezing and OPS are similar but superior to vitirification in supporting in vivo survival of frozen thawed rabbit embryos.  相似文献   

Vitrification using open pulled straw (OPS) has provided encouraging results with embryos from other species. The aim of this study was to compare the survival of 6.5- and 6.75-day-old equine embryos after OPS vitrification and slow-cooling. Eighteen embryos were frozen using a slow-cooling method. Embryos were placed in modified PBS with increasing glycerol concentration (2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10% (v/v) 5 min each). Embryos were loaded into 0.25 ml straws then placed in a programmable freezer and subsequently plunged into liquid nitrogen. After thawing, cryoprotectant was removed by five steps with decreasing glycerol and sucrose concentrations. Twenty embryos were vitrified using the OPS method. Embryos were exposed to 7.5% dimethyl-sulfoxide (DMSO)+7.5% ethylene glycol (EG) for 3 min and in 18% DMSO+18% EG+0.4M sucrose for 1 min, loaded in OPS and plunged into liquid nitrogen. After warming, embryos were placed in decreasing sucrose concentrations. All embryos were cultured in synthetic oviduct fluid (SOF) medium for 3h and evaluated using 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining. The percentage of cells entering in S-phase (%SC) was evaluated by incorporation of BrdU. No significant differences were observed for mean diameter, morphological grade and percentage of degenerate embryos after 3h of culture for slow-cooling and OPS methods. The percentage of dead cells per embryo was similar for the two procedures (42+/-6 versus 46+/-9). The percentage of cells entering in S-phase did not differ significantly between the two procedures (27+/-5 versus 26+/-6). OPS vitrification may be as efficient as slow-cooling for the cryopreservation of equine embryos. However, these results should be confirmed by the transfer of OPS vitrified embryos to recipient mares.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for the growth and conversion of somatic embryos was developed with the aim of monitoring the large scale production of oil palm microplants. The predicted biomass of somatic embryos obtained and subcultured (B n ), together with the number of harvested shoots (Sh n ) – two key parameters for production forecasts – have been modeled for seven different shoot harvesting procedures. For the four different clonal lines studied, observed differences between experimental B n values at the end of each culture cycle and their theoretical counterpart generated by mathematical models were found to range between −30% to +14% at the end of the first 6-weeks culture cycle, then from −50% to +70% after the 6th subculturing operation (36 weeks). Concerning the predicted number of shoots harvested after conversion of somatic embryos (Sh n ), average variations between experimental and theoretical values ranged between −45% and +41%. Predicted values for biomass (B n ) between two culture cycles were found to vary slightly (+6% to +10%) indicating that the production of embryo biomass, as predicted by the model, was rather stable, for a given clonal line, from one 6-week cycle to another. The established model could thus be regarded as valid and the variations observed for B n and Sh n were found to be acceptable when compared to the those described by other models. Taken as a whole, predicted values for the two studied production parameters were in agreement with the corresponding experimental data (correlation=0.98).  相似文献   

Genetic controls for growth of embryogenic cultures, storage, maturation treatments, germination and cryopreservation in white spruce somatic embryogenesis (SE) were examined. These SE processes were under genetic control but less strongly so than the initiation phase. For all the SE characters examined, variance due to clones within families was significant and often the largest genetic component of variance. This was further partitioned using an additive-dominance-epistasis model. A relatively-large proportion of the total genetic variance was due to epistatic variance in the maturation and germination of somatic embryos. Embryogenic lines were cryopreserved easily without a distinct genetic influence being noticed.  相似文献   

The effect of the auxins dicamba (3,6-dichloro-2-methoxybenzoic acid) and picloram (4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid) on callus growth and embryogenesis in Phoenix dactylifera L. was investigated. Maximum callus fresh weight was obtained in nutrient medium enriched with 200 µm picloram. Somatic embryogenesis and subsequent plant regeneration was achieved following transfer of such calli to hormone-free medium. Germination of the somatic embryos was influenced by treatment with the chemical mutagen ethylmethanesulphonate (EMS). Uptake of the labelled mutagen ([14C]EMS) by the somatic embryos increased with increased incubation time. Presence of dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) as a carrier agent during mutagenic treatment was necessary for efficient mutagen uptake.  相似文献   

A three-day pretreatment of olive somatic embryos (SE) with 0.75 M sucrose, combined with cryoprotection (0.5 M DMSO, 1 M sucrose, 0.5 M glycerol and 0.009 M proline) and controlled rate cooling, supported regrowth (as 34.6% fresh weight gain) and resumption of embryo development after cryopreservation. Pretreatment with mannitol or sorbitol did not support regrowth. Profiles of sugars, proline, antioxidant enzymes, Reactive oxygen species (ROS), secondary oxidation products and ethylene were constructed for the most successful (0.75 M) pretreatment series. Sucrose was the optimal pretreatment for supporting recovery, it also elevated glutathione reductase (GR) activity compared to controls, whereas superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and guaiacol peroxidase activities remained relatively unchanged. Superoxide dismutase activity was higher in SE pretreated with sucrose, compared with those pretreated with polyols; H2O2 was enhanced in SE pretreated with sorbitol and sucrose compared to mannitol. The overall trend for ethylene and OH production revealed their levels were highest in SE pretreated with polyols albeit, for individual treatments this was not always the case. Generally, pretreatments did not significantly change embryo secondary oxidation profiles of ThioBarbituric Acid Reactive Substances (TBARS) and Schiff's bases. In combination these studies suggest oxidative processes may influence regrowth of cryopreserved olive SE and that optimal pretreatments could, in part, increase tolerance by an overall enhancement of endogenous antioxidants (particularly GR), proline and sugars.  相似文献   

An improved protocol for plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis was developed using mature macaw palm (Acrocomia aculeata) zygotic embryos as initial explant. For induction of the embryogenic callus (EC), two basic media (BM) were tested consisting of Murashige and Skoog and Eeuwens (Y3) salts with 30 g L?1 sucrose, 0.5 g L?1 glutamine and 2.5 g L?1 Phytagel. The 3,6-dichloro-2-methoxybenzoic acid (dicamba), 4-amino-3,5,6-trichloro-picolinic acid (picloram) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) auxins were added to the culture media at concentrations of 0, 1.5 or 3.0 mg L?1. After 240 days, the embryogenic calli were transferred to the respective BM media with auxin concentrations reduced to 0.5 or 1.0 mg L?1 in order to differentiate the somatic embryos (SEs). Plant regeneration was performed on the BM media without growth regulators. Embryogenic calli were observed after 180 days of culture and in all treatments with auxin. The Y3 medium showed the best EC formation results (60.8 %). These calli showed yellowish coloration, compact consistency and nodular aspect. After 60 days in differentiation medium, SEs were verified in different stages of development. Histological analysis showed that the SEs were formed from a nodular EC. The SEs generally presented unicellular origin with suspensor formation, and at the end of development, bipolar embryos were observed. The plant regeneration frequency reached levels up to 31.9 % when using induction medium consisting of Y3 associated to 1.5 mg L?1 of 2,4-D and the subsequent auxin reduction to 0.5 mg L?1 in the differentiation stage. Regenerated plants showed normal development, with root and aerial part growth.  相似文献   

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