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The product of the CDC25 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in its capacity as an activator of the RAS/cyclic AMP pathway, is required for initiation of the cell cycle. In this report, we provide an identification of Cdc25p, the product of the CDC25 gene, and evidence that it promotes exchange of guanine nucleotides bound to Ras in vitro. Extracts of strains containing high levels of Cdc25p catalyze both removal of GDP from and the concurrent binding of GTP to Ras. This same activity is also obtained with an immunopurified Cdc25p-beta-galactosidase fusion protein, suggesting that Cdc25p participates directly in the exchange reaction. This biochemical activity is consistent with previous genetic analysis of CDC25 function.  相似文献   

Previously we found that negatively charged residues at positions 62, 63, and 69 of H-Ras are involved in binding to the CDC25 guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF). Using site-directed mutagenesis, we have changed conserved, positively charged residues of CDC25GEF to glutamic acid. We find the nonfunctional CDC25R1374E mutant and the nonfunctional H-RasE63K mutant cooperate in suppression of the loss of CDC25 function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Also, peptides corresponding to residues 1364 to 1383 of CDC25GEF inhibit interaction between GEFs and H-Ras. We propose that residues 1374 of CDC25GEF and 63 of H-Ras form an ion pair and that when this ion pair is reversed, functional interaction can still occur.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae the CDC25 protein is a positive regulator of RAS/cAMP pathway [1-4], enhancing the GDP-releasing rate of RAS2 protein [5]. In this work we have tried to detect a direct interaction between CDC25 and RAS2 gene products. The results indicate that both the whole RAS2 protein and a truncated version that lacks approximately 25 C-terminal residues interact specifically with the CDC25 protein. On the contrary, a derivative of RAS2 that lacks the 112 C-terminal residues as well as the p21TI-ras is not able to bind the CDC25 protein in our assay conditions. The 310 C-terminal aminoacids of CDC25 bind RAS2 while a C-terminus deletion within this aminoacid stretch abolishes the binding. The possible physiological significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

We have utilized Raman difference spectroscopy to investigate hydrogen bonding interactions of the guanine moiety in guanine nucleotides with the binding site of two G proteins, EF-Tu (elongation factor Tu from Escherichia coli) and the c-Harvey ras protein, p21 (the gene product of the human c-H-ras proto-oncogene). Raman spectra of proteins complexed with GDP (guanosine 5' diphosphate), IDP (inosine 5' diphosphate), 6-thio-GDP, and 6-18O-GDP were measured, and the various difference spectra were determined. These were compared to the difference spectra obtained in solution, revealing vibrational features of the nucleotide that are altered upon binding. Specifically, we observed significant frequency shifts in the vibrational modes associated with the 6-keto and 2-amino positions of the guanine group of GDP and IDP that result from hydrogen bonding interactions between these groups and the two proteins. These shifts are interpreted as being proportional to the local energy of interaction (delta H) between the two groups and protein residues at the nucleotide binding site. Consistent with the tight binding between the nucleotides and the two proteins, the shifts indicate that the enthalpic interactions are stronger between these two polar groups and protein than with water. In general, the spectral shifts provide a rationale for the stronger binding of GDP and IDP with p21 compared to EF-Tu. Despite the structural similarity of the binding sites of EF-Tu and p21, the strengths of the observed hydrogen bonds at the 6-keto and 2-amino positions vary substantially, by up to a factor of 2.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Guanine nucleotides bound to both the non-exchangeable sites (N sites) and exchangeable sites (E sites) of tubulin were completely released after 7 moles of SH groups per tubulin subunit (55,000 molecular weight) had reacted with PCMPS. The blockage of 2 moles of SH groups in the glycerol-reassembly buffer or 1 mole of SH groups in glycerol-free reassembly buffer resulted in complete loss of tubulin polymerizability. However, under both sets of experimental conditions, the amount of guanine nucleotides released from the E sites was less than 8% and the loss of total guanine nucleotides was only 5%. Addition of GSH did not induce reassociation of released guanine nucleotides, although it restored tubulin polymerizability. These results indicate that the loss of tubulin polymerizability on blockage of the SH groups was not due to dissociation of bound guanine nucleotides and that the binding sites of the nucleotides were independent of the SH groups in tubulin required for polymerization. Furthermore, blockage of SH groups did not change the ratio of GTP to GDP bound to tubulin.  相似文献   

A number of growth factors, including insulin and epidermal growth factor (EGF), induce accumulation of the GTP-bound form of p21ras. This accumulation could be caused either by an increase in guanine nucleotide exchange on p21ras or by a decrease in the GTPase activity of p21ras. To investigate whether insulin and EGF affect nucleotide exchange on p21ras, we measured binding of [alpha-32P]GTP to p21ras in cells permeabilized with streptolysin O. For this purpose, we used a cell line which expressed elevated levels of p21 H-ras and which was highly responsive to insulin and EGF. Stimulation with insulin or EGF resulted in an increase in the rate of nucleotide binding to p21ras. To determine whether this increased binding rate is due to the activation of a guanine nucleotide exchange factor, we made use of the inhibitory properties of a dominant negative mutant of p21ras, p21ras (Asn-17). Activation of p21ras by insulin and EGF in intact cells was abolished in cells infected with a recombinant vaccinia virus expressing p21ras (Asn-17). In addition, the enhanced nucleotide binding to p21ras in response to insulin and EGF in permeabilized cells was blocked upon expression of p21ras (Asn-17). From these data, we conclude that the activation of a guanine nucleotide exchange factor is involved in insulin- and EGF-induced activation of p21ras.  相似文献   

Activation of the neuronal Ras GDP/GTP exchange factor (GEF) CDC25Mm/GRF1 is known to be associated with phosphorylation of serine/threonine. To increase our knowledge of the mechanism involved, we have analyzed the ability of several serine/threonine kinases to phosphorylate CDC25Mm in vivo and in vitro. We could demonstrate the involvement of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) in the phosphorylation of CDC25Mm in fibroblasts overexpressing this RasGEF as well as in mouse brain synaptosomal membranes. In vitro, PKA was found to phosphorylate multiple sites on purified CDC25Mm, in contrast to protein kinase C, calmodulin kinase II, and casein kinase II, which were virtually inactive. Eight phosphorylated serines and one threonine were identified by mass spectrometry and Edman degradation. Most of them were clustered around the Ras exchanger motif/PEST motifs situated in the C-terminal moiety (residues 631-978) preceding the catalytic domain. Ser745 and Ser822 were the most heavily phosphorylated residues and the only ones coinciding with PKA consensus sequences. Substitutions S745D and S822D showed that the latter mutation strongly inhibited the exchange activity of CDC25Mm on Ha-Ras. The multiple PKA-dependent phosphorylation sites on CDC25Mm suggest a complex regulatory picture of this RasGEF. The results are discussed in the light of structural and/or functional similarities with other members of this RasGEF family.  相似文献   

Mg2+ interacts with the alpha subunits of guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory proteins (G proteins) in the presence of guanosine-5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate (GTP-gamma S) to form a highly fluorescent complex from which nucleotide dissociates very slowly. The apparent Kd for interaction of G alpha X GTP gamma S with Mg2+ is approximately 5 nM, similar to the Km for G protein GTPase activity X G beta gamma increases the rate of dissociation of GTP gamma S from G alpha X GTP gamma S or G alpha X GTP gamma S X Mg2+ at low concentrations of Mg2+. When the concentration of Mg2+ exceeds 1 mM, G beta gamma dissociates from G beta gamma X G alpha X GTP gamma S X Mg2+. Compared with the dramatic effect of Mg2+ on binding of GTP gamma S to G alpha, the metal has relatively little effect on the binding of GDP. However, G beta gamma increases the affinity of G alpha for GDP by more than 100-fold. High concentrations of Mg2+ promote the dissociation of GDP from G beta gamma X G alpha X GDP, apparently without causing subunit dissociation. The steady-state rate of GTP hydrolysis is strictly correlated with the rate of dissociation of GDP from G alpha under all conditions examined. Thus, there are at least two sites for interaction of Mg2+ with G protein-nucleotide complexes. Furthermore, binding of G beta gamma and GTP gamma S to G alpha is negatively cooperative, while the binding interaction between G beta gamma and GDP is strongly positive.  相似文献   

The members of the Ras-like superfamily of small GTP-binding proteins are molecular switches that are in general regulated in time and space by guanine nucleotide exchange factors and GTPase activating proteins. The Ras-like G-proteins Ras, Rap and Ral are regulated by a variety of guanine nucleotide exchange factors that are characterized by a CDC25 homology domain. Here we study the evolution of the Ras pathway by determining the evolutionary history of CDC25 homology domain coding sequences. We identified CDC25 homology domain coding sequences in animals, fungi and a wide range of protists, but not in plants. This suggests that the CDC25 homology domain originated in or before the last eukaryotic ancestor but was subsequently lost in plant. We provide evidence that at least seven different ancestral Ras guanine nucleotide exchange factors were present in the ancestor of fungi and animals. Differences between present day fungi and animals are the result of loss of ancestral Ras guanine nucleotide exchange factors early in fungal and animal evolution combined with lineage specific duplications and domain acquisitions. In addition, we identify Ral guanine exchange factors and Ral in early diverged fungi, dating the origin of Ral signaling back to before the divergence of animals and fungi. We conclude that the Ras signaling pathway evolved by gradual change as well as through differential sampling of the ancestral CDC25 homology domain repertoire by both fungi and animals. Finally, a comparison of the domain composition of the Ras guanine nucleotide exchange factors shows that domain addition and diversification occurred both prior to and after the fungal–animal split.  相似文献   

GDP-dissociation stimulators (GDSs) are the key element for the regeneration of the active state of ras proteins, but despite intensive investigations, little is so far known about their functional and structural properties, particularly in mammals. A growing number of genes from various organisms have been postulated to encode GDSs on the basis of sequence similarity with the Saccharomyces cerevisiae CDC25 gene, whose product acts as a GDS of RAS proteins. However, except for CDC25 and the related SDC25 C-domain, no biochemical evidence of ras GDS activity for these CDC25-like proteins has yet been available. We show that the product of a recently isolated mouse CDC25-like gene (CDC25Mm) can strongly enhance (more than 1000 times) the GDP release from both human c-Ha-ras p21 and yeast RAS2 in vitro. As a consequence, the CDC25Mm induces a rapid formation of the biologically active Ras.GTP complex. This GDS is much more active on the GDP than on the GTP complex and has a narrow substrate specificity, since it was found to be inactive on several ras-like proteins. The mouse GDS can efficiently substitute for yeast CDC25 in an in vitro adenylylcyclase assay on RAS2 cdc25 yeast membranes. Our results show that a cloned GDP to GTP exchange factor of mammalian ras belongs to the novel family of CDC25-like proteins.  相似文献   

The CDC25 gene product is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Ras proteins in yeast. Recently it has been suggested that the intracellular levels of guanine nucleotides may influence the exchange reaction. To test this hypothesis we measured the levels of nucleotides in yeast cells under different growth conditions and the relative amount of Ras2-GTP. The intracellular GTP/GDP ratio was found to be very sensitive to growth conditions: the ratio is high, close to that of ATP/ADP during exponential growth, but it decreases rapidly before the beginning of stationary phase, and it drops further under starvation conditions. The addition of glucose to glucose-starved cells causes a fast increase of the GTP/GDP ratio. The relative amount of Ras2-GTP changes in a parallel way suggesting that there is a correlation with the cytosolic GTP/GDP ratio. In addition 'in vitro' mixed-nucleotide exchange experiments done on purified Ras2 protein demonstrated that the GTP and GDP concentrations influence the extent of Ras2-GTP loading giving further support to their possible regulatory role.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the guanine nucleotides bound to mammalian ras and yeast RAS proteins overexpressed in [32P]orthophosphate-labeled cultures of exponentially growing Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. Whereas S. cerevisiae RAS1 and RAS2 proteins were immunoprecipitated bound entirely to GDP, mammalian Harvey ras was isolated with GTP and GDP bound in near-equimolar proportions. In a strain overexpressing a RAS2 variant where the RAS unique C-terminal domain was deleted, both GTP and GDP were detected in a ratio of 3:97. Increased amounts of GTP (16-75% of total guanine nucleotide) were observed bound to all ras proteins containing mutations that inhibit GTP hydrolytic activity. Increasing proportions of GTP bound to the various ras proteins correlated with increasing biological potency to bypass cdc25 lethality in yeast.  相似文献   

Ras-GRF1 is a brain-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for Ras, whose activity is regulated in response to Ca(2+) influx and G protein-coupled receptor signals. In addition, Ras-GRF1 acts as a GEF for Rac when tyrosine-phosphorylated following G protein-coupled receptor stimulation. However, the mechanisms underlying the regulation of Ras-GRF1 functions remain incompletely understood. We show here that activated ACK1, a nonreceptor tyrosine kinase that belongs to the focal adhesion kinase family, causes tyrosine phosphorylation of Ras-GRF1. On the other hand, kinase-deficient ACK1 exerted no effect. GEF activity of Ras-GRF1 toward Ha-Ras, as defined by in vitro GDP binding and release assays, was augmented after tyrosine phosphorylation by ACK1. In contrast, GEF activity toward Rac1 remained latent, implying that ACK1 does not represent a tyrosine kinase that acts downstream of G protein-coupled receptors. Consistent with enhanced Ras-GEF activity, accumulation of the GTP-bound form of Ras within the cell was shown through the use of Ras-binding domain pull-down assays. Furthermore, Ras-dependent activation of ERK2 by Ras-GRF1 was enhanced following co-expression of activated ACK1. These results implicate ACK1 as an upstream modulator of Ras-GRF1 and suggest a signaling cascade consisting of Cdc42, ACK1, Ras-GRF1, and Ras in neuronal cells.  相似文献   

The role of two residues within the catalytic domain of CDC25Mm, a mouse ras-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF), was investigated by site-directed mutagenesis. The function of the mutant proteins was tested in vivo in both a Saccharomyces cerevisiae cdc25 complementation assay and in a mammalian fos-luciferase assay, and in in vitro assays on human and yeast Ras proteins. Mutants CDC25 and CDC25 were shown to be (partly) inactive proteins, similar to their yeast homologs. Mutant CDC25 showed higher nucleotide exchange activity than the wild type protein on the basis of both in vitro and in vivo assays. Thus, alanine and valine substitutions at position 1122 within the GEF catalytic domain originate mutations with opposite biological properties, indicating an important role for position 1122 in GEF function.  相似文献   

It is not possible to select one competing substrate molecule over another one when the selection system is at equilibrium. Therefore, it is convenient to view all substrate selections as transport phenomena. The requirement for a displacement from equilibrium to effect a substrate selection can be met in different ways. One particularly convenient way is to drive a nonselected substrate, such as GTP in protein synthesis, far from equilibrium. This allows the flux of selected substrate to be relatively slow, but effectively irreversible. Accordingly, the conventional view that GTP hydrolysis drives protein synthesis is amended. It is suggested that the regeneration GTP from GDP is the driving force for protein synthesis. Several different selection mechanisms are described in the context fof systems driven by displacements from equilibrium of the nonselected substrate. These are then evaluated in light of recent experimental results. The data argue against the relevance of proofreading mechanisms for aminoacyl-tRNA selection by the messenger RNA-programmed ribosome. Similarly, recent data suggesting that the translation of messenger RNA is not dependent on the presence of elongation factors and guanine nucleotides are reevaluated.  相似文献   

We report that the adenylate cyclase system in human platelets is subject to multiple regulation by guanine nucleotides. Previously it has been reported that GTP is either required for or has little effect on the response of the enzyme to prostaglandin E1. We have found that when platelet lysates were prepared in the presence of 5 mM EDTA, GTP lowered the basal and prostaglandin E1-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity, but at a higher concentration of Mn2+, it caused an increase in enzyme activity exceeding that occurring in the presence of prostaglandin E1. In the presence of Mn2+, dGTP mimics the effect of GTP and is 50% as effective as GTP. Our data suggest that the inhibitory effect of GTP on prostaglandin E1-stimulated adenylate cyclase is mainly due to its direct effect on the enzyme itself, whereas the stimulatory effect of GTP on prostaglandin E1-stimulated adenylate cyclase is due to enhancement of the coupling between the prostaglandin E1 receptor and adenylate cyclase. These studies also indicate that the method of preparation of platelet lysates can profoundly alter the nature of guanine nucleotide regulation of adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

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