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Landfill disposal of a fertilizer manufacturing waste product was associated with a die-off of gulls in New Hanover County, North Carolina. An estimated 250 herring and ring-billed gulls were found dead at the site following the initial disposal of this material. Chemical analyses revealed that the fertilizer waste contained predominately calcium (12.0 to 22.2%) and nitrite (3.0 to 15.2%). Contents of the proventriculi and gizzards of dead gulls also contained calcium (3.0 to 10.9%) and nitrite (1,730 ppm). Fertilizer waste administered orally to 16-day-old domestic turkeys resulted in acute, progressive signs of depression, respiratory distress, pallor, convulsions and death. The mean percentage methemoglobin in blood from convulsing turkeys (90.6) was significantly increased from that of normal control turkeys (3.6). The ante-mortem signs and increased blood methemoglobin concentrations in the experimental turkeys support the conclusion that the toxic principle in the fertilizer waste was nitrite, and that nitrite poisoning was the cause of the die-off of gulls.  相似文献   

Male and female offspring can differ in their susceptibility to pre-natal (e.g. egg quality) and post-natal (e.g. sib–sib competition) conditions, and parents can therefore increase their individual fitness by adjusting these maternal effects according to offspring sex. In birds, egg mass and laying/hatching order are the main determinants of offspring viability, but these effects can act differently on each sex. In a previous study, relatively large last-laid (c-)eggs of yellow-legged gulls (Larus michahellis) were more likely to carry a female embryo. This suggests compensatory allocation of maternal resources to daughters from c-eggs, which suffer reduced viability. In the present study, we supplemented yellow-legged gulls with food during the laying period to experimentally test whether their nutritional conditions were responsible for the observed covariation between c-egg sex and mass. As predicted, food supplementation enhanced female c-eggs'' mass more than that of male c-eggs. Thus, this experiment indicates that mothers strategically allocated their resources to c-eggs, possibly in order to compensate for the larger susceptibility of daughters to hatching (and laying) order. The results also suggested that mothers decided on resource allocation depending on the sex of already ovulated c-eggs, rather than ovulating ova of either sex depending on food availability.  相似文献   

The study of avian plasma chemistry is providing useful reference values for the management of endangered and game species, supporting veterinarians in their diagnostics, and also bringing to light relevant physiological adaptations during periods of food-shortage. Age is an important source of variability for plasma chemistry. Here I report plasma chemistry of yellow-legged gulls Larus cachinnans from different ages, between post-independence and adulthood, a 5-year interval. Increase in plasma cholesterol concentration and decreases in uric acid, inorganic phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase values were seen. Body mass corrected by body size (i.e. body condition) increased with age, plasma cholesterol being positively correlated in females, but not in males. Moreover, cholesterol was also positively correlated to gonad size in both sexes. Long-term developmental changes in this species, such as gonad development and the acquisition of an optimal body mass for reproduction, could explain these findings. Finally, inorganic phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase, both traditionally related to osteogenesis, were not associated to deferred skull ossification, as originally was suggested in other species.  相似文献   

Head-bobbing walking (HBW) and non-bobbing walking (NBW) of black-headed gulls were compared from kinematic and behavioral/environmental viewpoints. The birds walked with a longer stride length and lower stride frequency during the HBW than during the NBW. With respect to these two parameters, the HBW of black-headed gulls was similar to that of other head-bobbers, and the NBW was similar to that of other non-bobbers. The stride length and the amplitude of head bobbing were correlated. These results suggest that the head-bobbing and gait parameters are related. From a behavioral viewpoint, HBW was observed during seeking-type foraging by wading, and NBW was observed during waiting-type foraging on a flat substrate. The type of foraging behavior and/or substrate condition probably determines whether the birds walk with or without head bobbing.  相似文献   

In common gull colonies on islands of the Vistula River, Poland, adoption of chicks is common. In 1997, we observed 81 chicks from 35 nests. Of these, 19 (23.4%) left their natal broods and were adopted by other pairs. Another 11 (31.4%) were driven from the foreign territory by the owners. Foreign chicks were adopted by 15 pairs (42.9%). Eleven pairs (31.4%) drove foreign chicks from the territory. To test if the frequent adoptions in these colonies could be explained by kin selection or the occurrence of kin groups, we calculated band-sharing coefficients and genetic relatedness (r) between interacting birds (neighbours and non-neighbours). Adults that adopted were most often neighbours of the biological parents of adopted chicks, whereas spatially segregated birds, nesting further away, usually drove off the chicks. Band-sharing coefficients between males, but not females, were higher with decreasing internest distances. The band-sharing coefficients for adopted chicks and foster parents were significantly higher than for adopted chicks and randomly selected, spatially segregated pairs from the same and another colony. Band-sharing coefficients of adopted chicks and adopting neighbours (males: r=0.20; females: r=0.16) also tended to be higher than those of rejected chicks and rejecting neighbours (both sexes: r=0.08). Our results suggest that kin groups of neighbours do occur in common gull colonies. Such social structure might lead to indirect inclusive fitness benefits of adopting pairs. Differences in genetic similarity between chicks and adopting or rejecting neighbours show that at least in common gulls we should consider kin altruism as a factor in adoptions. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Water influx rates (WIR) measured with tritiated water dilution were compared with direct measures of water and energy intake in glaucous gulls (Larus hyperboreus). Total body water (TBW) measured isotopically was also compared with TBW determined by body composition analysis (BCA) of the same birds. Seventeen wild gulls were captured and studied in outdoor enclosures at Ny-Alesund, Svalbard, in July 2002. Gulls were hand-fed known quantities of Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) or given water on the basis of one of four experimental treatments: (A) fasting, (B) fish only, (C) water only, or (D) fish and water. Water and energy content of Arctic cod was also determined. WIR of gulls (after subtracting metabolic water production) in treatments A, B, C, and D were 0, 101 +/- 5, 62 +/- 19, and 122 +/- 21 SD g d(-1), respectively. Measured water intake in each group was 0, 111 +/- 2, 64 +/- 3, and 134 +/- 15 SD g d(-1), respectively. On average, WIR underestimated measured water intake in each group. Errors were lowest but most variable for gulls fed water only (-2.2% +/- 32.8%) compared with gulls fed fish only (-9.0% +/- 5.4%) or fish and water (-9.0% +/- 7.0%). Compared with measured water intake, errors in WIR were relatively low overall (-6.9% +/- 17.4%) and comparable to previous validation studies. The difference in TBW determined by BCA versus isotopic dilution ranged between -1.02% and +8.59% of mass. On average, TBW measured isotopically (632 +/- 24 g kg(-1)) overestimated true body water by a factor of 1.033.  相似文献   

The effects of dehydration and hemorrhage on plasma ionic, osmotic, and antidiuretic hormone (arginine vasotocin) concentrations and of hemorrhage on salt gland secretion and glomerular filtration rate were evaluated in glaucous-winged gulls, Larus glaucescens. Dehydration for 24 h did not affect plasma ionic, osmotic or arginine vasotocin concentrations; 72 h dehydration significantly elevated plasma osmolality, plasma sodium and chloride concentrations, and plasma arginine vasotocin concentration, but did not affect plasma potassium concentration. Constant infusion of 0.8 mol·l-1 NaCl increased plasma arginine vasotocin concentration and produced salt gland secretion in seven gulls; four secreted well, while three secreted less well. Removal of 20% blood volume during saline infusion immediately reduced (P<0.001) salt gland secretion rate in all gulls. After bleeding, good secretors maintained glomerular filtration rate and urine flow rate; the poorer secretors increased glomerular filtration rate and became diuretic. Blood replacement returned salt gland secretion rate to the prebleeding level (P<0.05) without affecting salt gland secretions sodium concentration in gulls which secreted well, but did not restimulate salt gland secretion in gulls which secreted poorly. Reinfusion of blood had no effect on glomerular filtration rate. Bleeding and blood replacement did not affect plasma arginine vasotocin concentration.Abbreviations AVT arginine vasotocin - ECF extracellular fluid - ECFV extracellular fluid volume - EDTA ethylenediaminetetra-acetate - EWL evaporative water loss - GFR glomerular filtration rate - Hct hematocrit - LB large blood sample - [Na+]pl plasma sodium concentration - Osmpl plasma osmolality - PEG polyethylene glycol - RH relative humidity - RIA radioimmunoassay - SB small blood sample - SGS salt gland secretion - T a ambient temperature - TFA trifluoroacetic acid - UFR urine flow rate  相似文献   

A nematode species belonging to the genus Cosmocephalus was collected from the stomach of 2 common gulls, Larus canus. The common gulls were found dead on the seaside of Gangneung City, the Republic of Korea. The worms were identified and classified by light (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) on the basis of important taxonomic characters. The nematodes were characterized by a body length 9.1-9.3 mm (males) and 15.5-15.9 mm (females) and cordons recurrent in anterior direction and anastomosing laterally at about the level of anterior quarter of the buccal cavity. The salient bicuspid deirids were located on the posterior to the cordons. Lateral alae were well-developed, extending from the level just posterior of deirids to the level about middle of the body. LM and SEM observations identified the worms as C. obvelatus. This is the first reported case of C. obvelatus infection in common gulls in Korea.  相似文献   

In 2003 and 2005, mortality events were observed among hatch-year Olrog's gulls (Larus atlanticus) in a breeding colony in the Bahía Blanca estuary, Argentina. Freshly dead chicks were collected for parasitologic and parasite-associated pathologic studies. Profilicollis chasmagnathi was found at various intensities in all of the birds examined (n=28). On gross and histopathologic examinations, severe lesions ranging from intestinal obstruction to complete perforation were present in small and large intestines of the birds. Larval forms of P. chasmagnathi were being found in prey items of L. atlanticus in the study area, which suggests that diet may play a central role in the epidemiology of disease and mortality events in this species.  相似文献   

We studied mitochondrial genetic differentiation among nine taxa of large gulls of the Larus cachinnans-fuscus group, which form part of the circumpolar Herring Gull complex. Our primary interest was to see if there were unrecognized gene flow barriers, to what extent mitochondrial genetic population structure conformed to current taxonomic boundaries, and what it might reveal about possible differences in population history. Sequences (430 nucleotides) of the hypervariable control region I (HVR-I) were obtained from 580 individuals and proved highly informative within this recently diverged group of birds. Contrary to current classification, a basal split was revealed between an Atlantic-Mediterranean clade (atlantis, michahellis, armenicus) and a NW Palearctic-Central Asian clade (cachinnans, barabensis, mongolicus, fuscus-group). There was almost no mitochondrial gene flow between these two groups, although they are in geographical contact in two areas (eastern North Atlantic, Black Sea). Within each of the two major groups, there was strong phylogeographic structure with gene flow barriers between some neighbouring taxa (e.g. cachinanns vs. barabensis), but also a case of poor genetic differentiation between phenotypically distinct forms (barabensis vs. heuglini). At the subspecies level, current taxonomy corresponded well to molecular genetic structure: over 80% of the molecular genetic variance was partitioned among six (groups of) taxa. This is in sharp contrast to previous studies using allozymes and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers, which seemed to indicate extensive nuclear gene flow. Within-taxon haplotype phylogenies and mismatch distributions revealed contrasting demographic histories: cachinnans (Ponto-Caspian region) and atlantis (NE Atlantic) represent ancient lineages with large long-term population sizes, inland forms stem from very recent colonization events (barabensis, mongolicus) or passed through a population bottleneck (armenicus).  相似文献   

A survey of intestinal helminth communities of Audouin's gulls Larus audouinii, from their breeding colonies in Chafarinas Islands, western Mediterranean, Spain was conducted to determine the abundance and species diversity of intestinal parasites of these birds. The sample of 58 gulls harbored intestinal helminth infracommunities composed of species that are gull generalists, including the digeneans Cardiocephalus longicollis, Knipowitschiatrema nicolai, Condylocotyla pilodora, and Aporchis massiliensis, and the cestode Tetrabothrius cylindraceus. Two nematodes are waterfowl generalists (Cosmocephalus obvelatus and Paracuaria adunca), whereas the digenean Acanthotrema armata is an Audouin's gull specialist. The relative high values of species richness and diversity of the helminth infracommunities are comparable to those of other gulls (Larus philadelphia, Larus canus), probably reflecting the specialized, nonselective fish diet of L. audouinii.  相似文献   

Despite widespread industrial release of genotoxic contaminants, little is understood of their role in inducing germline mutations in natural populations. We used multilocus DNA fingerprinting to quantify germline minisatellite mutations in families of herring gulls (Larus argentatus) in three nesting categories: (a) near cities with large steel mills operating coking ovens; (b) near cities without steel mills; and (c) in rural locations removed from point sources of contamination. Gulls nesting near integrated steel mills showed significantly higher mutation rates than gulls from rural locations (Fisher's exact, P=0.0004); urban sites without steel mills fell midway between steel and rural sites (difference from rural; Fisher's exact, P=0.19). Distance of the nesting location of herring gulls from the steel industries' coking ovens was negatively correlated with minisatellite mutation rate demonstrating significant risk for induced germline mutations in cities with steel operations (Kendall Tau; tau=0.119; P<0.0001).  相似文献   

We compared the developmental patterns of mean heart rate in Larus crassirostris and L. schistisagus embryos and chicks with other avian species of different hatchling developmental modes. We proposed that, since mean heart rate is inversely related to fresh egg mass in all birds, larger species reached a higher fraction of their hatchling mean heart rate by the end of the early phase of incubation and that heart rate contributions to supplying the increasing metabolic demands during mid and late incubation phases were less important than in smaller avian species. Mean heart rate was essentially independent of age throughout the mid-incubation phase (33% of normalised incubation until pipping), but increased with time during early (L. schistisagus only investigated) and late-incubation phases in both species. The O2 pulse of L. schistisagus embryos and chicks increased linearly with yolk-free body mass (log-log) after the early-phase of incubation until shortly before pipping, but was independent of body mass in the periods before and after. We conclude that a high heart rate in this first period is probably more important for increasing the circulation of nutrients to the embryo at a stage when extra-embryonic circulation to the yolk sac is limited by the size of the growing area vaculosa. Furthermore, large increases in mean heart rate during the late-incubation phase are probably important for increasing the cardiac output to hatching levels with onset of endothermy. However, mean heart rate is stable over the mid-incubation while O2 pulse increases, suggesting that increases in stroke volume and other circulatory adjustments may be entirely responsible for the largest increases in O2 transport during incubation of large avian species. Accepted: 18 May 2000  相似文献   

From 2000 to 2004, over 10,000 seabirds, primarily Herring Gulls (Larus argentatus), died from an undetermined cause in the Blekinge archipelago in southeastern Sweden. In June 2004, 24 affected Herring Gulls were examined clinically, killed humanely, and 23 were examined by necropsy. Seven and 10 unaffected Herring Gulls collected from a local landfill site and from Iceland, respectively, served as controls. All affected birds showed similar neurologic signs, ranging from mild incoordination and weakness to severe flaccid paralysis of legs and wings, but generally were alert and responsive. All affected gulls were in normal nutritional condition, but were dehydrated and had empty stomachs. No gross or microscopic lesions, and no bacterial or viral pathogens were identified. Type C botulinum toxin was detected in the sera of 11 of 16 (69%) affected gulls by mouse inoculation. Type C botulism was the proximate cause of disease in 2004. Sera from 31% of birds tested from outbreaks in 2000 to 2003 also had detectable type C botulinum toxin by mouse inoculation. No large-scale botulism outbreak has been documented previously in this area. The source of toxin, initiating conditions, and thus, the ultimate cause of this outbreak are not known. This epidemic might signal environmental change in the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

Young rats of both sexes, weight 150-170 g, the first laboratory progeny of captured wild parent pairs, were used throughout this experiment. Rats in two experimental groups comprising a total of 34 animals were infected orally with type 2 poliovirus vaccine strain given in each group at doses of 500, 5000 or 50,000 TCD50. In the first experiment, the presence of poliovirus in rat excrements was detectable irregularly till day 13, in the second experiment till day 2 after infection. Small quantities of virus were also detectable from the colon and cecum wall, exceptionally from the mesenteric lymph node. The third experiment included 8 rats orally infected with 5,000 TCD50 of echovirus 30; at the lower dose of virus all excrement samples were culture-negative, at the higher dose the positive virus recovery was recorded in 3 animals one day after infection. Analogous experiments in the fifth group of rats orally infected with 5,000 TCD50 or 50,000 TCD50 of enterovirus 71 yielded much the same results; organs of further 6 animals infected intranasally with 5,000 TCD50 of this virus were culture-negative and no virus-related changes could be histologically demonstrated in these animals. The second part of this study included the experiments conducted on 17 young Larus gulls bred in the laboratory from eggs collected in a colony of free living birds. Groups of these gulls were orally infected with 500 or 5,000 TCD50 of one of the following viruses: type 1 poliovirus vaccine strain, type 3 poliovirus vaccine strain, echovirus 30, enterovirus 71 and coxsackievirus B4. All samples of gull excrements collected till day 7 or 20 postinfection were culture-negative. These results suggest that wild rats may play some role in the spread of human enteroviruses in the environment, but no such role could be demonstrated in the Larus gull.  相似文献   

Herring gulls Larus argentatus and lesser black-backed gulls Larus fuscus breeding at Walney Island, Cumbria, the largest breeding colony of the two species in the UK, have recently shown very different population trends. The former has declined sharply, whereas numbers of the latter have been maintained for several years. Here we compare aspects of the feeding and breeding ecology of the two species in order to examine whether or not this suggests explanations for their different population trends. Comparison of the ratio of the two species in flight lines leading to different feeding sites and their diet composition showed that the lesser black-backed gulls fed more at sea and the herring gulls fed more in the intertidal zone. Urban resources were used by both these species. These differences have been consistent over the last three decades. Susceptibility to death from botulism at the breeding colony was the same for the two species. The availability of the intertidal zone for foraging appears to have declined in recent years, and this may have had a more negative impact on the herring gull. However, the breeding success of the two species remains relatively high. This study suggests that differences in foraging behaviour and food availability during the breeding season are unlikely to be responsible for the marked differences in demographic trends in the two species. Changes in local food availability during the winter would be expected to have more effect on the resident herring gull. This work highlights the need for more detailed studies of the ecology of both species during the breeding season and in winter in regions showing differing patterns of population change.  相似文献   

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