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The mode of action of hepatic nerves on the metabolism of carbohydrates was studied in the rat liver perfused in situ. 1. Electrical stimulation of the nerve bundles around the hepatic artery and the portal vein resulted in an increase of glucose and lactate output, an enhancement of phosphorylase a activity and a decrease of portal flow. 2. Sodium nitroprusside prevented the hemodynamic changes after nerve stimulation without affecting the metabolic alterations. 3. Phentolamine or an extracellular calcium level below 300 mumol x 1(-1) abolished both hemodynamic and metabolic changes after nerve stimulation, while propranolol or atropine were without effect. 4. Norepinephrine infusion mimicked nerve stimulation only at the highly unphysiological concentration of 0.1 microM; it was not effective at a concentration of 0.01 microM, which might be reached in the sinusoidal blood due to an overflow from intrahepatic synapses. The present results suggest that, in rat liver, glycogen breakdown is regulated by alpha-sympathetic nerves directly rather than indirectly via hemodynamic changes or via norepinephrine overflow.  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation of the nerve bundles around the hepatic artery and the portal vein activates both the sympathetic and parasympathetic liver nerves; the sympathetic effects clearly predominate. Parasympathetic effects were therefore studied in the rat liver perfused in situ by perivascular nerve stimulation in the presence of both an alpha- and a beta-blocker. In the presence of the alpha-blocker phentolamine and the beta-blocker propranolol all sympathetic nerve effects were prevented; the remaining parasympathetic stimulation had no influence on the basal glucose and lactate metabolism nor on the hemodynamics. Insulin alone, with both alpha- and beta-blockade, provoked a small, parasympathetic nerve stimulation in the presence of insulin a more pronounced enhancement of glucose utilization. In the presence of an alpha- and beta-blocker perivascular nerve stimulation antagonized the glucagon stimulated glucose release, but did not affect lactate exchange. The nerve effect was abolished by the parasympathetic antagonist atropine. Acetylcholine or insulin, with both an alpha- and beta-blocker present, mimicked the effects of nerve stimulation antagonizing the glucagon-stimulated glucose release. Nerve stimulation in the presence of insulin was more effective than either stimulus alone. The present results show that in rat liver stimulation of the parasympathetic hepatic nerves has direct effects on glucose metabolism synergistic with insulin and antagonistic to glucagon.  相似文献   

Perivascular stimulation of the hepatic nerves in the in situ perfused rat liver with a constant frequency of 20 Hz over a constant period of 5 min had previously been shown to cause an increase of glucose output, a shift from lactate uptake to release, a reduction in perfusion flow (Hartmann et al. (1982) Eur. J. Biochem. 123, 521-526) and an overflow of noradrenaline into the hepatic vein (Beckh et al. (1982) FEBS Lett. 149, 261-265). In the present study the dependence of the metabolic and hemodynamic effects on the frequency between 1 and 30 Hz and duration of stimulation between 0.5 and 5 min was investigated. Over a constant stimulation period of 5 min the alteration in glucose exchange was maximal with a frequency of 10 Hz and half-maximal with 4 Hz. The corresponding values for the exchange of lactate were 5 Hz and 2 Hz, respectively, and for the perfusion flow 2.5 Hz and 1.5 Hz, respectively. An increase of noradrenaline overflow was not observed with the lower frequencies of 1 and 2.5 Hz; it was maximal at 10 Hz and half-maximal at 6.5 Hz. At a constant frequency of 20 Hz the increase in glucose release was maximal with a total stimulation period of 1 min and half-maximal with a period of 0.4 min. An essentially maximal alteration of lactate exchange and perfusion flow as well as of noradrenaline overflow was also effected by a stimulation period of 1 min.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Zonation of the actions of ethanol on gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis from lactate were investigated in the bivascularly perfused rat liver. Livers from fasted rats were perfused bivascularly in the antegrade and retrograde modes. Ethanol and lactate were infused into the hepatic artery (antegrade and retrograde) and portal vein. A previously described quantitative analysis that takes into account the microcirculatory characteristics of the rat liver was extended to the analysis of zone-specific effects of inhibitors. Confirming previous reports, gluconeogenesis and the corresponding oxygen uptake increment due to saturable lactate infusions were more pronounced in the periportal region. Arterially infused ethanol inhibited gluconeogenesis more strongly in the periportal region (inhibition constant = 3.99 ± 0.22 mM) when compared to downstream localized regions (inhibition constant = 8.64 ± 2.73 mM). The decrease in oxygen uptake caused by ethanol was also more pronounced in the periportal zone. Lactate decreased ketogenesis dependent on endogenous substrates in both regions, periportal and perivenous, but more strongly in the former. Ethanol further inhibited ketogenesis, but only in the periportal zone. Stimulation was found for the perivenous zone. The predominance of most ethanol effects in the periportal region of the liver is probably related to the fact that its transformation is also clearly predominant in this region, as demonstrated in a previous study. The differential effect on ketogenesis, on the other hand, suggest that the net effects of ethanol are the consequence of a summation of several partial effects with different intensities along the hepatic acini.  相似文献   

The acute effects of physiological levels of leptin (10 ng ml(-1)) and insulin (20 microU ml(-1)) on hepatic gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis were compared. Leptin or insulin alone decreased (p<0.05) the activation of hepatic glucose, L-lactate and urea production from L-alanine. However, the hepatic glucose production was not modified if leptin was combined with insulin. These results indicated that both, i.e. leptin and insulin, could promote a non-additive reduction in the rate of catabolism of L-alanine. However, in contrast with insulin (p<0.05), leptin did not inhibit the activation of hepatic glucose production from pyruvate or glycerol. On the other hand, activation of hepatic production of acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate from octanoate was not affected by leptin or insulin. Thus, our data demonstrate that the acute effect of leptin on hepatic metabolism was partially similar to insulin (activation of glucose production from L-alanine and activation of acetoacetate or beta-hydroxybutyrate production from octanoate) and partially different from insulin (activation of glucose production from pyruvate or glycerol).  相似文献   

Asialoglycophorin-containing liposomes and their contents (125I-labeled bovine serum albumin) were taken up by a perfused rat liver with subsequent digestion of their protein components. The uptake of these liposomes required Ca2+ as well as desialylation. The process was inhibited partially by asialofetuin and completely by further addition of asialoglycophorin to the perfusate.  相似文献   

In the perfused rat liver stimulation of the hepatic nerves around the portal vein and the hepatic artery was previously shown to increase glucose output, to shift lactate uptake to output, to decrease and re-distribute intrahepatic perfusion flow and to cause an overflow of noradrenaline into the hepatic vein. The metabolic effects could be caused directly via nerve hepatocyte contacts or indirectly by the hemodynamic changes and/or by noradrenaline overflow from the afferent vasculature into the sinusoids. Evidence against the indirect modes of nerve action is presented. Reduction of perfusion flow by lowering the perfusion pressure from 2 to 1 ml X min-1 X g-1--as after nerve stimulation--or to 0.35 ml X min-1 X g-1--far beyond the nerve stimulation-dependent effect--did not change glucose output and lowered lactate uptake only slightly. Only re-increase of flow to 2 ml X min-1 X g-1 enhanced glucose and lactate release transiently due to washout of glucose and lactate accumulated in parenchymal areas not perfused during low perfusion flow. In chemically sympathectomized livers nerve stimulation decreased perfusion flow almost normally but without changing the intrahepatic microcirculation; yet it enhanced glucose and lactate output only insignificantly and caused noradrenaline overflow of less than 10% of normal. Conversely, in the presence of nitroprussiate (III) nerve stimulation reduced overall flow only slightly without intrahepatic redistribution but still increased glucose and lactate output strongly and caused normal noradrenaline overflow.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The rate of change of the concentration of various metabolites in blood in vivo and of the metbolism of free fatty acids by the perfused liver in vitro was sutidied as a function of time after the induction of acute insulin deficiency in rats by administration of guinea pig anti-insulin serum; the rate of reversal of these changes afte treatment of the anti-insulinserum diabetic ratss with insulin was also investigated. The concentrations of blood glucose and ketonebodies, and plasma-free fatty acids increased rapidly after injection of anti-insuli serum, while plasma triglycerides increased more slowly. These alterations were restored rapidly toward normal after treatment of the diabetic animals with insulin...  相似文献   

Gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis of in situ rat perfused liver submitted to short-term insulin-induced hypoglycaemia (IIH) were investigated. For this purpose, 24-h fasted rats that received intraperitoneal (ip) regular insulin (1.0 U kg(-1)) or saline were compared. The studies were performed 30 min after insulin (IIH group) or saline (COG group) injection. For gluconeogenesis studies, livers from the IIH and COG groups were perfused with increasing concentrations (from basal blood concentrations until saturating concentration) of glycerol, L-lactate (Lac) or pyruvate (Pyr). Livers of the IIH group showed maintained efficiency to produce glucose from glycerol and higher efficiency to produce glucose from Lac and Pyr. In agreement with these results the oral administration of glycerol (100 mg kg(-1)), Lac (100 mg kg(-1)), Pyr (100 mg kg(-1)) or glycerol (100 mg kg(-1)) + Lac (100 mg kg(-1)) + Pyr (100 mg kg(-1)) promoted glycaemia recovery. It can be inferred that the increased portal availability of Lac, Pyr and glycerol could help glycaemia recovery by a mechanism mediated, partly at least, by a maintained (glycerol) or increased (Lac and Pyr) hepatic efficiency to produce glucose. Moreover, in spite of the fact that insulin inhibits ketogenesis, the capacity of the liver to produce ketone bodies from octanoate during IIH was maintained.  相似文献   

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