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hnRNP A1 associates with telomere ends and stimulates telomerase activity   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein enzyme complex that reverse-transcribes an integral RNA template to add short DNA repeats to the 3'-ends of telomeres. G-quadruplex structure in a DNA substrate can block its extension by telomerase. We have found that hnRNP A1--which was previously implicated in telomere length regulation--binds to both single-stranded and structured human telomeric repeats, and in the latter case, it disrupts their higher-order structure. Using an in vitro telomerase assay, we observed that depletion of hnRNP A/B proteins from 293 human embryonic kidney cell extracts dramatically reduced telomerase activity, which was fully recovered upon addition of purified recombinant hnRNP A1. This finding suggests that hnRNP A1 functions as an auxiliary, if not essential, factor of telomerase holoenzyme. We further show, using chromatin immunoprecipitation, that hnRNP A1 associates with human telomeres in vivo. We propose that hnRNP A1 stimulates telomere elongation through unwinding of a G-quadruplex or G-G hairpin structure formed at each translocation step.  相似文献   

Est1 is a component of yeast telomerase, and est1 mutants have senescence and telomere loss phenotypes. The exact function of Est1 is not known, and it is not homologous to components of other telomerases. We previously showed that Est1 protein coimmunoprecipitates with Tlc1 (the telomerase RNA) as well as with telomerase activity. Est1 has homology to Ebs1, an uncharacterized yeast open reading frame product, including homology to a putative RNA recognition motif (RRM) of Ebs1. Deletion of EBS1 results in short telomeres. We created point mutations in a putative RRM of Est1. One mutant was unable to complement either the senescence or the telomere loss phenotype of est1 mutants. Furthermore, the mutant protein no longer coprecipitated with the Tlc1 telomerase RNA. Mutants defective in the binding of Tlc1 RNA were nevertheless capable of binding single-stranded TG-rich DNA. Our data suggest that an important role of Est1 in the telomerase complex is to bind to the Tlc1 telomerase RNA via an RRM. Since Est1 can also bind telomeric DNA, Est1 may tether telomerase to the telomere.  相似文献   

The enzymatic ribonucleoprotein telomerase maintains telomeres in many eukaryotes, including humans, and plays a central role in aging and cancer. Saccharomyces cerevisiae telomerase RNA, TLC1, is a flexible scaffold that tethers telomerase holoenzyme protein subunits to the complex. Here we test the hypothesis that a lengthy conserved region of the Est1-binding TLC1 arm contributes more than simply Est1-binding function. We separated Est1 binding from potential other functions by tethering TLC1 to Est1 via a heterologous RNA-protein binding module. We find that Est1-tethering rescues in vivo function of telomerase RNA alleles missing nucleotides specifically required for Est1 binding, but not those missing the entire conserved region. Notably, however, telomerase function is restored for this condition by expressing the arm of TLC1 in trans. Mutational analysis shows that the Second Essential Est1-arm Domain (SEED) maps to an internal loop of the arm, which SHAPE chemical mapping and 3D modeling suggest could be regulated by conformational change. Finally, we find that the SEED has an essential, Est1-independent role in telomerase function after telomerase recruitment to the telomere. The SEED may be required for establishing telomere extendibility or promoting telomerase RNP holoenzyme activity.  相似文献   

An interference assay has been devised in Schizosaccharomyces pombe to rapidly identify and clone genes involved in chromosome segregation. Random S.pombe cDNAs were overexpressed from an inducible promoter in a strain carrying an additional, non-essential minichromosome. Overexpression of cDNAs derived from four genes, two known (nda3+and ubc4+, encoding beta-tubulin and a ubiquitin conjugating enzyme, respectively) and two unknown, named mlo2+ and mlo3+ (missegregation & lethal when over expressed) caused phenotypes consistent with a failure to segregate chromosomes. Full overexpression of all four cDNAs was lethal. Cells overexpressing nda3+ and ubc4+ cDNAs arrested with condensed unsegregated chromosomes and cells overexpressing mlo2+ displayed an asymmetric distribution of nuclear chromatin. Sublethal levels of overexpression of nda3+, ubc4+ and mlo2+ cDNAs caused elevated rates of minichromosome loss. A third cDNA mlo3+, displayed no increase in the frequency of minichromosome loss at sublethal levels of overexpression but full overexpression caused a complete failure to segregate chromosomes. Our results confirm the assumption that beta-tubulin overexpression is lethal in S.pombe, implicate ubc4+ in the control of metaphase-anaphase transition in fission yeast and finally identify two new genes, mlo2+and mlo3+, likely to play an important role for chromosome transmission fidelity in mitosis.  相似文献   

Analysis of chromatin-immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing (ChIP-seq) usually disregards sequence reads that do not map within binding positions (peaks). Using an unbiased approach, we analysed all reads, both that mapped and ones that were not included as part of peaks. ChIP-seq experiments were performed in human lung adenocarcinoma and fibrosarcoma cells for the metastasis suppressor non-metastatic 2 (NME2). Surprisingly, we identified sequence reads that uniquely represented human telomere ends in both cases. In vivo presence of NME2 at telomere ends was validated using independent methods and as further evidence we found intranuclear association of NME2 and the telomere repeat binding factor 2. Most remarkably, results demonstrate that NME2 associates with telomerase and reduces telomerase activity in vitro and in vivo, and sustained NME2 expression resulted in reduced telomere length in aggressive human cancer cells. Anti-metastatic function of NME2 has been demonstrated in human cancers, however, mechanisms are poorly understood. Together, findings reported here suggest a novel role for NME2 as a telomere binding protein that can alter telomerase function and telomere length. This presents an opportunity to investigate telomere-related interactions in metastasis suppression.  相似文献   

The Cdc7 protein kinase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a critical regulator of several aspects of DNA metabolism and cell cycle progression. We describe the isolation of a human gene encoding a Cdc7 homolog. The Cdc7Hs protein sequence is 27% identical to that of the yeast protein, includes features unique to yeast Cdc7, and contains all conserved catalytic residues of protein kinases. The human sequence also shows significant similarity to the cyclin-dependent kinases, in accordance with evidence that yeast Cdc7 is related to the cdks. CDC7Hs is expressed in many normal tissues, but overexpressed in certain tumor types and all transformed cell lines examined. In some of the tumors tested, CDC7Hs expression correlates with expression of a proliferation marker, the histone H3 gene. In other cases, no such correlation was observed. This suggests that CDC7Hs expression may be associated with hyperproliferation in some tumors and neoplastic transformation in others.  相似文献   

In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the telomerase enzyme is composed of a 1.3-kb TLC1 RNA that forms a complex with Est2 (the catalytic subunit) and two regulatory proteins, Est1 and Est3. Previous work has identified a conserved 5-nt bulge, present in a long helical arm of TLC1, which mediates binding of Est1 to TLC1. However, increased expression of Est1 can bypass the consequences of removal of this RNA bulge, indicating that there are additional binding site(s) for Est1 on TLC1. We report here that a conserved single-stranded internal loop immediately adjacent to the bulge is also required for the Est1-RNA interaction; furthermore, a TLC1 variant that lacks this internal loop but retains the bulge cannot be suppressed by Est1 overexpression, arguing that the internal loop may be a more critical element for Est1 binding. An additional structural feature consisting of a single-stranded region at the base of the helix containing the bulge and internal loop also contributes to recognition of TLC1 by Est1, potentially by providing flexibility to this helical arm. Association of Est1 with each of these TLC1 motifs was assessed using a highly sensitive biochemical assay that simultaneously monitors the relative levels of the Est1 and Est2 proteins in the telomerase complex. The identification of three elements of TLC1 that are required for Est1 association provides a detailed view of this particular protein-RNA interaction.  相似文献   

Hsu M  Yu EY  Singh SM  Lue NF 《Eukaryotic cell》2007,6(8):1330-1338
Telomerase is an RNA-protein complex responsible for extending one strand of the telomere terminal repeats. Analysis of the telomerase complex in budding yeasts has revealed the presence of one catalytic protein subunit (Est2p/TERT) and at least two noncatalytic components (Est1p and Est3p). The TERT subunit is essential for telomerase catalysis, while the functions of Est1p and Est3p have not been precisely elucidated. In an earlier study, we showed that telomerase derived from a Candida est1-null mutant is defective in primer utilization in vitro; it exhibits reduced initiation and processivity on primers that terminate in two regions of the telomere repeat. Here we show that telomerase derived from a Candida est3-null mutant has nearly identical defects in primer utilization and processivity. Further analysis revealed an unexpected mutual dependence of Est1p and Est3p in their assembly into the full telomerase complex, which accounts for the similarity between the mutant enzymes. We also developed an affinity isolation and an in vitro reconstitution protocol for the telomerase complex that will facilitate future mechanistic studies.  相似文献   

The yeast single-strand TG-repeat telomere binding protein Cdc13 and the telomerase accessory protein Est1 play essential roles in chromosome end replication. To determine whether a proposed Cdc13-Est1 interaction recruits telomerase (Est2), we used a simplified system in which telomere formation was monitored at an HO-induced DNA double-strand break (DSB). Tethering of either Cdc13 or Est1 adjacent to a DSB promoted telomere formation, and tethering of Est1, even in the absence of a DSB, resulted in the recruitment of Est2. Est1 association with a DSB containing an adjacent short TG-repeat sequence depended on the Cdc13-Est1 interaction affected by cdc13-2 and est1-60 mutations, whereas Cdc13 association did not. Similarly, Est2 binding to the DSB also required the Cdc13-Est1 interaction, but not synthesis of new TG repeats at the break site. These data demonstrate a critical role for Est1 in recruiting telomerase to its site of action, in cooperation with the telomere binding protein Cdc13.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the telomerase complex binds to chromosome ends and is activated in late S-phase through a process coupled to the progression of the replication fork. Here, we show that the single-stranded DNA-binding protein RPA (replication protein A) binds to the two daughter telomeres during telomere replication but only its binding to the leading-strand telomere depends on the Mre11/Rad50/Xrs2 (MRX) complex. We further demonstrate that RPA specifically co-precipitates with yKu, Cdc13 and telomerase. The interaction of RPA with telomerase appears to be mediated by both yKu and the telomerase subunit Est1. Moreover, a mutation in Rfa1 that affects both the interaction with yKu and telomerase reduces the dramatic increase in telomere length of a rif1Δ, rif2Δ double mutant. Finally, we show that the RPA/telomerase association and function are conserved in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Our results indicate that in both yeasts, RPA directly facilitates telomerase activity at chromosome ends.  相似文献   

cDNA encoding a human homolog of yeast ubiquitin 1.   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

The DNA repair enzyme telomerase maintains chromosome stability by ensuring that telomeres regenerate each time the cell divides, protecting chromosome ends. During onset of neuroectodermal differentiation in P19 embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells three independent techniques (Southern blotting, Q-FISH, and Q-PCR) revealed a catastrophic reduction in telomere length in nestin-expressing neuronal precursors even though telomerase activity remained high. Overexpressing telomerase protein (mTERT) prevented telomere collapse and the neuroepithelial precursors produced continued to divide, but deaggregated and died. Addition of FGF-2 prevented deaggregation, protected the precursors from the apoptotic event that normally accompanies onset of terminal neuronal differentiation, allowed them to evade senescence, and enabled completion of morphological differentiation. Similarly, primary embryonic stem (ES) cells overexpressing mTERT also initiated neuroectodermal differentiation efficiently, acquiring markers of neuronal precursors and mature neurons. ES precursors are normally cultured with FGF-2, and overexpression of mTERT alone was sufficient to allow them to evade senescence. However, when FGF-2 was removed in order for differentiation to be completed most neural precursors underwent apoptosis indicating that in ES cells mTERT is not sufficient allow terminal differentiation of ES neural precursors in vitro. The results demonstrate that telomerase can potentiate the transition between pluripotent stem cell and committed neuron in both EC and ES cells.  相似文献   

To isolate genes that negatively regulate cell growth, we constructed a galactose-inducible expression library with partially digested Saccharomyces cerevisiae genomic DNA fragments inserted downstream of the GAL10 promoter. In all, 240 000 yeast transformants were screened for lethality on galactose medium. From 17 such transformants identified, 16 nonoverlapping DNA sequences were obtained. Restriction mapping and determination of DNA sequences adjacent to the GAL10 promoter indicated that the inserts encoded part or all of the URA2, RBP1, TPK3, SAC7, BOI1, and BNI1 genes, and also open reading frames (ORFs) from chromosomes IV, V, IX, XI, and XIII. Some of the identified sequences lacked the amino-terminal sequences of the ORFs, suggesting that truncated forms of the proteins might be necessary for growth inhibition. The sequence of the pGA108 insert was highly homologous to the telomeric X-element and contained an ARS consensus sequence, suggesting a possible growth inhibitory effect of an RNA molecule. Overexpression of the BNI1ΔN and BOI1ΔN genes, which lacked amino-terminal sequences, was associated with phenotypes similar to those of mutants defective in bud formation. Overexpression of the GIN4 and GIN12 sequences induced elongated buds and a G2/M arrest-like phenotype, respectively. The phenotypes induced by the overexpression of our cloned sequences could result from either a dominant-positive or a dominant-negative effect and, unexpectedly, in one case from an effect of an RNA. Received: 3 June 1996 / Accepted: 1 October 1996  相似文献   

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